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School of Business
Department of Marketing
Spring 2022

Advanced Business Research

Type of work Literature Review/ Case Study

Title of work Healthy Lifestyles

Student ID/ Name(s) DE202065003/Mr.Arkar Htun

Lecturer Prof. Xiong Wei

Date 27/4/2022

Marks Obtained
1. Report any interesting (i.e., unexpected, humorous, or odd) differences between states.

No. of days Minimum Maximum Mean Standard

value value deviation
SMK 45 17 29 23.36 2.781
WEI 45 16 27 22.49 2.409
SED 45 45 73 57.87 6.497
ACT 45 18 52 29.91 7.061
ALC 45 6 27 14.29 4.450
DWI 45 1 6 2.71 1.218
SEA 45 5 60 28.80 12.756

Although many researchers conclude that the self-reported seat belt use is extremely higher
than the observed value of seat belt use, which is also difficult to quantify in actuality because
of the differing approaches for data collection.
The west coast of US has the similar lifestyle of SMK, WEI, SED and ACT. The states of US
with the lifestyle of ALC may cause more DWI. The lifestyle of SEA is concentrated on the
North part of the US.
In comparison for all the states using the mean, it can be clearly seen that most of the states
shared similar lifestyle because their data are all above the general mean. Some states have
similar life style based on WEI, SMK, SED and ACT such countries are Kentucky, Maine,
Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee,
West Virginia.
However, Other share similar lifestyle on ALC, DWI AND SEA. In the same vein, some state
can be seen to have a positive correlation, that is they have a positive relationship.

2. Devise a weighted index of all seven lifestyle variables. The weighted index is to serve as an
overall or composite measure of healthy lifestyles. Apply your weight to the states of Minnesota,
Florida, and California as an example of what your weighted index shows.
An index number in which the component items are weighted according to the data of weights
reflecting their relative health lifestyle. It is, however, usual to describe an index as “weighted”
only when weighting coefficients enter explicitly into its definition and calculation. Therefore,
using the weighted index to measure the characteristics and performance of living in a healthy
lifestyle, which is analyze below:
All three numbers are negative, and within the range of -1 and 0 which shows that the people
living in these three states live in a healthy lifestyle better than the average living conditions of
some states including the US based on the data.
If we are to compare between the three states Minnesota, Florida and California of there lifestyle
health conditions, we can conclude that California is the best because they live in the healthier
lifestyle based on the outcome of the weighted index.

3. Discuss any noteworthy limitations of the survey or data set

It is definite hard to name the factors especially based on the ones we use in this case; these may
not necessarily fit the meaning drive. When the initial factor measure is not satisfactory, there are
a couple of measures to rotate the axes because sometimes it very hard to tell the difference and
the researcher’s preference. When you choose a different measure the operations and ranking will
belikely different.

Therefore, naming of the factors can be difficult - multiple attributes can be highly correlated with
no apparent reason.

In factor analysis, each orientation is equally acceptable mathematically. But different factorial
theories proved to differ as much in terms of the orientations of factorial axes for a given solution
as in terms of anything else, so that model fitting did not prove to be useful in distinguishing
among theories.

Interpreting factor analysis is based on using a "heuristic", which is a solution that is convenient
even if not absolutely true. More than one interpretation can be made of the same data factored the
same way, and factor analysis cannot identify causality.

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