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OLEH : ARIF RAHUTAMA & ERAWATI FITRIYANI ADJI @PAkamigas PEM Akamigas PEM Akamigas @akamigascepu


• The spontaneous potential (SP) log was one of the

earliest electric logs used in the petroleum industry,
and has continued to play a significant role in well log
• By far the largest number of wells today have this type
of log included in their log suites.
• Primarily the spontaneous potential log is used to
identify impermeable zones such as shale, and
permeable zones such as sand.
• the SP log has several other uses perhaps equally
The spontaneous potential (SP) log (Cont.)

• The spontaneous potential log is a record of direct

current (DC) voltage differences between the naturally
occurring potential of a moveable electrode in the well
bore, and the potential of a fixed electrode located at
the surface (Doll, 1948).

• It is measured in millivolts.
Principle of SP Log

• Electric currents arising primarily

from electrochemical factors
within the borehole create the SP
log response.
• These electrochemical factors are
brought about by differences in
salinities between mud filtrate
(Rmf) and formation water
resistivity (Rw) within permeable
• Because a conductive fluid is
needed in the borehole for the
SP log to operate, it cannot be
used in non-conductive (i.e. oil-
based) drilling muds.
Principle of SP Log

By suspending a single electrode in the

borehole and measuring the voltage
difference between the electrode and a
ground electrode (fish).
When two sodium chloride solutions of
differing concentration are brought into
contact, ions from the solution with a higher
concentration tend to migrate toward the
solution of lower concentration until
equilibrium occurs However, since Cl- ions
move faster than Na+ ions, a conventional
current flows from the less concentrated
solution to the more concentrated solution.
Figure 7. Figure 9.
Principle of
SP Log

Figure 8. Figure 10.

In terms of the solutions present in a formation, mud filtrate can be substituted for the less
concentrated solution and formation water for the more concentrated solution. The
potential is referred to as the liquid junction potential (Elj). The greater the contrast in
salinity between mud filtrate and formation water, the larger this potential.
Since Na+ ions effectively manage to penetrate through the shale from the saline formation
water to the less saline mud column, a potential is set up known as the membrane potential
(Em). The total potential, measurable in the borehole by an electrode, is also referred to as
the electrochemical component of the SP (Etotal = Elj + Em).
SP deflection

• Kurva SP konstan tapi menyimpang ke

level lain bila melewati batas dua
formasi yang berlainan.

• Dimuka batuan yang permeabel berisi

air, maka
• Bila Rmf > Rw SP menyimpang
kekiri (SP negatif).
• Bila Rmf < Rw SP menyimpang
kekanan (SP positif).

• Tidak ada penyimpangan SP dimuka

batuan yang non-permeabel atau
dimuka shale.
SP Deflection
Figure 1. Figure 2.
SP Deflection

Figure 4.
SP log characteristic

Base Base
Shale line Shale line
Shale Base
Point Straight
Shale Shale line

Non-porous zone
Sand Sand
Sand SSP
Line Line Sand
Sand Line

Shale Inflection
Shale Point
Rw < Rmf Rw > Rmf
Salinityformation < Salinitymud Salinityformation > Salinitymud
Functions of SP log

The SP log is recorded on the left hand track of the log in

track #1 and is used to:
(1) detect permeable beds,
(2) detect boundaries of permeable beds,
(3) determine formation water resistivity (Rw),
(4) determine the volume of shale in permeable beds.

An auxiliary use of the SP curve is in the detection of

hydrocarbons by the suppression of the SP response.
Functions of SP log

• Differentiates porous and permeable rocks

from clays and shales

• Gives a qualitative indication of bed


• Gives a qualitative indication of reservoir

quality (porosity & permeability)

• Aids in lithology identification

• Determines Rw (formation water resistivity)

Static spontaneous potential (SSP)

• The concept of static spontaneous

potential (SSP) is important
because SSP represents the
maximum SP that a thick, shale-
free, porous and permeable
formation can have for a given
ratio between Rmf /Rw .
• SSP is determined by formula or
chart and is a necessary element
for determining accurate values of
Rw and volume of shale.
Static spontaneous potential (SSP)
Penyajian kurva SP
• Kurva SP disajikan di track I dengan satuan millivolt.
• Tidak ada skala absolut, namun dipakai harga 10 mV per small division.
• Biasanya dipakai skala –80 sampai 20 mV
Shale Base Line

• The SP response of shales is

relatively constant and follows a
straight line called a shale
• SP curve deflections are
measured from this shale
• Permeable zones are indicated
where there is SP deflection from
the shale baseline.
Volume of Shale Calculation

• The SP log can be used to calculate the volume of shale

in a permeable zone by the following formula:
Vsh  1.0 

• The volume of shale in a sand can be used in the

evaluation of shaly sand reservoirs.
Vsh Calculation
Vsh = (SP - SPshale)/(SSP)
• SP = spontaneous potential reading in zone of interest
• SPshale = spontaneous potential reading in 100% clean zone
• SSP = max SP deflection from SPshale
• Vsh = shale volume from spontaneous potential (fractional)

Water Resistivity from the SP Log

SP = -K log (Rmfe/Rwe)
1. K = 60+0.122*Form.Temp
2. Rmfe/Rwe = 10^(-SSP/K)
3. IF RMF@ Form.Temp > 0.1 THEN RMFE = 0.85*RMF@ Form.Temp
4. IF RMF@ Form.Temp <= 0.1 THEN RMFE = (1.46*RMF@ Form.Temp-5) /
(337*RMF@ Form.Temp+77)
6. IF RWE > 0.12 THEN RW@ Form.Temp =-(0.58-10^(0.69*RWE-0.24))
7. IF RWE <= 0.12 THEN RW@ Form.Temp =(77*RWE+5)/(146 -337*RWE)
Review – SP Log

• The spontaneous potential log (SP) can be used to: (1)

detect permeable beds; (2) detect boundaries of
permeable beds; (3) determine formation water
resistivity (Rw); and (4) determine volume of shale (Vsh)
in a permeable bed.

• The variations in the SP are the result of an electric

potential that is present between the well bore and the
formation as a result of differences in salinities between
Rmf and Rw .
Review – SP Log (Cont.)
• The SP response in shales is relatively constant and its continuity of
amplitude is referred to as the shale baseline.

• In permeable beds the SP will do the following relative to the shale

(1) negative deflection to the left of the shale baseline where Rmf >
Rw ;
(2) positive deflection to the right of the shale baseline where Rmf <
Rw ;
(3) (3) no deflection where Rmf = Rw .

• The SP curve can be suppressed by thin beds, shaliness, and the

presence of gas.
• Resistivity is the opposition to flow of electrical current
offered by a material of unit length and unit cross
sectional area. It is a property of the material itself, not
of its shape or dimensions.
Unit length, L

Unit area, A

Current, I

Voltage, V
Resistivity Theory
Resistance increases with length, decreases as cross-sectional area increases

R = r.a/L (ohm-meters2/meter)

r = resistance
a = area
L = length
R = resistance
Log Resistivitas
Dasar-dasar tentang Resistivitas :
• Resistivitas mengukur sifat elektrik dari
• Resistivitas diukur sebagai R dalam ohm-m,
• Resistivitas adalah inverse konductivitas,

Log Resistivity mengukur kemampuan dari

batuan untuk mengalirkan arus listrik dan
diskalakan dalam satuan ohm-meters.

- Menentukan hidrokarbon dibandingkan
zona Water-bearing
- Menunjukkan zona Permeable,
- Menentukan hubungan porositas.
Current can only pass
through the water
in the formation, hence the
depend on :

• Resistivity of the
formation water

• Amount of water

• Pore structure
The saturation of a formation represents the amount of a given fluid
present in the pore space.
The porosity logs react to the pore space.
The resistivity logs react to the fluids in the pore space.
The combination of the two measurements gives the saturation.

S w = S w irr + S w "fr ee"

water S o = S oresidual + S o"fr ee"


Sw : Fraction of porosity (φ) which contain water

So : Saturation of oil, can be obtained from 1 – Sw
Matrix Swirr : Irreducible water, cannot removed without apllying
undue P & T
Soress : oil cannot moved without special technique
Philosophy of Measuring Formation Resistivity
Symbols Used in
Log Interpretation
Two Major Types of Resistivity Log
• Laterolog tools send a current from special electrodes on the
sondes logging tool, through the formation, to a return
electrode located either at surface or downhole. The
focusing electrode tools include the laterolog and spherically
focused devices (SFL).
Laterolog tools need a conductive path between the logging tool
and the formation. It used in saline borehole mud. Electrode
devices did not work in nonconductive muds.
• Induction tools generate current loops in the formation and
measure the strength of the electromagnetic signal created
by these current loops.
Induction tools do not require a conductive path in the borehole.
They work in oil-base muds and air-filled holes.
Resistivity Log Measurement
There are two main techniques for measuring resistivity:

Laterolog : Current is injected into the formation

Induction : Current loops are induced in the formation

Shallow Deep Induction

Lateralog Lateralog
Current Schematic of Resistivity tool types
Laterolog Logging Tools Induction Logging Tools
Resistivity Tool Design
Laterolog vs. Induction Current Path
Borehole Logging Tool

Zone Laterolog Response


Induction Response
Klasifikasi dan Aplikasi
• Table 4-1 adalah klasifikasi alat Resistivitas sampai tahun 1987
• Klasifikasi didasarkan pada radius of investigation :
• Deep : 3+ feet
• Medium : 1.5 - 3 feet
• Shallow : 1- 6 inches.
• Semua kurva deep,medium dan shallow direkam memakai electrodes atau
coils yang dipasang pada mandrel silindris, dan ditempatkan kurang lebih
secara centralized dalam lubang sumur.
• Alat-alat Microresistivitas memakai sensor yang dipasang pada tapak/pad
yang dipaksa menempel pada dinding lubang selama survey.
Lateralogs should be used when the following conditions exist:

• There is seawater or brine mud in the hole (salt mud)

• Formation resistivity (Rt) > 200 0hm-m
• The Rmf/Rw ratio < 2
• Large borehole >12 in deep invasion (>40in)
• Hole size is less than 16 in

The laterolog is superior to the induction log when Rt exceeds 200 ohmm, it
also gives a better estimate of Rt than the induction log when bed thickness
is less than 10 ft.

Induction logs are recommended for use when:

• The hole to be logged is filled with fresh water or oil-base mud or air
drilled borehole (fresh mud)
• The Rmf/Rw ratio is greater than 2
• The Rt is less than 200 ohmm
Resistivity Log Justification for an Accurate Log
The laterolog measurement is preferred
when Rmf/Rw falls to the left of the
vertical dashed line and to the left of the
solid line for the appropriate value of Rw.

The induction log is preferred above the

appropriate Rw line.

To the right of the dashed line and below Figure 1.

the appropriate Rw curve, either or both
logs may be required for an accurate
Resistivity Log on the
2nd track
Application Log Lateral
• Alat Laterolog direkayasa untuk mengukur resistivitas batuan yang
dibor dengan salty mud atau lumpur yang sangat conduktif serta
dipakai untuk mendeteksi zona - zona yang mengandung HC.Prinsip
Kerja Log Lateral.
• Sonde pada alat resistivity ini memiliki elektroda penyangga
(bucking electrode) untuk memfokuskan arus survey dan
memaksanya mengalir dalam arah yang tegak lurus terhadap sonde.
• Arus yang terfokuskan ini memungkinkan pengukuran dilakukan
pada batuan dengan arah yang lebih pasti.
• Ini merupakan perbaikan terhadap pengukuran yang memakai arus
yang tidak terfocus, yaitu alat ES (Electrical Survey) yang terdahulu,
dimana arus survey lebih suka mengalir dalam lumpur karena
resistivitas lumpur yang lebih rendah dari resistivitas batuan.
Dual Lateralog Measurement
LLD: deep measurement, currect returns to

LLS: shallow measurement, current returns

to the tool itself.

• Salt muds / high formation resistivities
• Focusing / vertical resolution

• Shallow invasion
• Groningen effect
• Thinly layered invaded formation
• Dependant on pad Rxo
Figure 3.
Resistivity : Lateralog Shallow (LLS)


280 Hz
Source A1
Bucking Current


Measure Current
Resistivity : LCM Module
Lateralog Deep (LLD) 35 Hz Current

Bucking Current

35 Hz
Aux Mon.
Loop A1*
Bucking Current

Loop M1

Measure Current
Resistivity Lateralog
Tool Schematic

Measurenment Range

Deep Resistivity, LLd : 0,2 to 40,000 ohm-m

Medium Resistivity, LLm : 0,2 to 40,000 ohm-m

The Dual Laterolog measures formation resistivity over a Measurement Precision

wide dynamic range. It provides accurate readings up to
40,000 ohm-m. The DLL is generally the resistivity tool of Deep Resistivity, LLd : ± 2 %
choice in wells drilled with salt mud's, Especially if Medium Resistivity, LLm : ± 2 %
formation resistivity are high.
Micro Spherically Focused Log (MSFL)
The MSFL is a pad-Type microresistivity device employing a concentric arrangement
of five electrodes to force the measurement current into a hemispherical pattern

MEASUREMENT RANGE : • Tool Length : 10,6 ft (3,23m)
MSFL Conductivity : 0 to 5,000 • Tool Weight : 200 lb (91 kg)
• Maximum Diameter : 4,0 (102
Caliper : 4 to 21 in (100 to 530 mm)
MSFL Conductivity : +/-2 mS/m
Caliper : +/-0,1 in (+/-2.5 mm)
Pressure: 20,000Psi (138,000
Temperature : 350 o F (177 o C)

The MSFL can be used in fresh or saline muds. The pad

mounted device incorporates a caliper measurement and the
tool is typically run in combination with another resistivity
device, most often the Dual Laterolog.
Depth of Investigation and Vertical Resolution
Environmental Effect
Groningen Effect

• Caused by highly resistive beds

overlying the formation that is
being measured.
• This forces the deep current into
the mud column.
• This is caused by the voltage
reference (cable-torpedo)
becoming non-zero.
• LLd reads too high
• More pronounced at low
Tool String Effect

• Laterolog tools have another problem in conductive beds

due to the frequency of the measurement. In long
combination tools, the LLD reads too high.
• The effect has been commonly seen in low resistivity
• The correction depends on the hole size, Dh, and the mud
resistivity, Rm.
• This correction has to be applied before any other borehole
• A new chart is needed for each tool combination.
TLC Effect

• In TLC operations Laterologs need a special stiff bridle

usually made of three sections of tool housing giving a
length of 30 feet compared to the normal 80 foot bridle.
• The total current returns to the pipe which acts as the
return electrode.
• The relative error is proportional to Ra (the apparent
• This can be up to 200% at low Rt/Rm contrasts and low Rm.
Borehole & Invasion Effects

Ra = Vm*Rm + Vxo*Rxo + Vt*Rt

Resistivities measured in series

Invasion Enhances Shoulder Effects
Resistivity : Lateralog invasion effects

RLL = Vm Rm + Vmc Rmc + Vxo Rxo + (1-Vm-Vmc-Vxo) Rt

Resistivity : Lateralog invasion effects
Ra = VRm(Rm) + VRmc(Rmc) + Vrxo(Rxo) + VRt(Rt)




Resistivity : Lateralog invasion effects

If Rmf < Rw then Rxo < LLS < LLD < Rt

If Rmf > Rw then Rxo > LLS > LLD > Rt

Using Rxo, LLS & LLD, Rt and Di can be computed

HRLA Solutions Hardware

Multiple depth of investigation

• Clear indication of invasion
• Improved vertical resolution
• No need for deep mode or
• No Groningen or drillpipe-
conveyed logging effects and
reduced shoulder-bed effect

Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 Mode 4 Mode 5

Hardware Features
• No surface current return
– No Groningen and/or TLC effect
– Reduced shoulder effect
Cartridge – No additional surface equipment

• No bridle
– More efficient operation
– Improved safety & reliability
– No stiff bridle for TLC operations

• Improved reliability
Sonde – Built to PEx shock standards
– Integrated knuckle allows operation through
severe doglegs
– No bridle or additional surface equipment
Integrated Knuckle-Joint
• Improved combinability
– Through-wired
– No special power requirement
Lower Electrode – Dual telemetry: CAN and FTB
– Combinations: PEx, ARI, HALS, AIT, FMI,
Prinsip Kerja

• Alat induction menentukan

resistivitas dengan cara
mengukur conduktivitas batuan.
Dalam kumparan transmitter
dialirkan arus bolak balik
berfrekwensi tinggi dengan
amplituda konstan yang akan
menimbulkan medan magnet
dalam batuan.
• Medan magnet ini menimbulkan
arus Eddy atau arus Foucault
yang dalam fig. 1 dinamakan
ground loop.
• Besar arus ini sebanding dengan
konduktivitas batuan
Resistivity : Induction
Simultaneous triple induction (STI)


• Electrode System : Integrated into mandrel
• Measurements Range : 0,2 to 2000 ohm-in
• Outputs : V0 and I0
• Accuracy : 5 % of reading
• Inputs : Cal, Zero, Return select
• Full Vertical Resolution : 25 in (64 cm)

Accurate resistivity measurement with high

vertical resolution is
vital for the determination of true formation
resistivity and flushed
zone resistivity, two essential parameters of
formation evaluation
Dual Induction Log Tool (DIL)
Resistivity : Induction Focusing
Resistivity : Induction Focusing

By combining deep low

resolution measurements with
shallow high vertical
resolution measurements we
can get deep measurements
with high vertical resolution.
Typical DIL Presentation
Presentation of AIT (Array Induction) Resistivity Logs

AIT Array Induction as tool solution for resistivity error reading caused by environmental effect
Depth of Investigation and Vertical Resolution
Penyajian Kurva Resistivitas

• The deep Induction log

disajikan dalam track 3-4
dengan skala logaritmik, berupa
dashe curve/garis putus- putus
dengan menemonic ILD.
• The medium induction log juga
dalam lajur 3-4 dengan skala
logaritmik, berupa dotted line
dengan mnemonic ILM.
• The shallow focussed log juga
dalam lajur 3-4, skala
logaritmik, berupa garis
kontinyu dengan mnemonic
SFLU (spherically focussed log).
• Scala logarithmic biasanya 4
cycles, dari 0.2 s/d 2000 dengan
unit [ohmm].
Logarithmic Resistivity Scale

0.2 2.0 20

1.0 10

Logarithmic Resistivity Scale commonly consist of 4 cycles with range scale about 0.2 - 2000
and unit [ohmm].
Log Resistivitas dapat digunakan untuk :
 membedakan lapisan reservoir dan non-reservoir;
 identifikasi jenis fluida (air formasi dan hidrokarbon) dan batas
kontak fluidanya;
 menghitung nilai resistivitas air formasi (Rw) & salinitas air formasi.

Terdapat dua macam pengukuran log resistivitas, yaitu Lateral Log;

meliputi Lateralog Deep (LLD), Lateralog Shallow (LLS), Micro
Spherically Focused Log (MSFL), dan Induction Log; yang meliputi
Inductionlog Deep (ILD), Inductionlog Shallow (ILS), Micro Spherically
Focused (MFS).

Berdasarkan pembagian zona di sekitar dinding lubang pemboran,

zona terinvasi dapat terindikasi dari rekaman log MSFL atau MFS.
Sedangkan untuk zona transisi dapat terindikasi dari rekaman log LLS
atau ILS. Untuk zona jauh dapat terbaca dari log LLD atau ILD.
Dalam teknik interpretasinya, analisa log
resistivitas, utamanya adalah untuk
mengetahui indikasi batuan yang porous
dan permeable yang mengandung fluida
hidrokarbon atau air. Nilai-nilai LLD/ILD,
LLS/ILS, dan MSFL umumnya ditampilkan
pada satu kolom grafik, dab berdasarkan
karakteristik grafiknya,:
a. indikasi hidrokarbon ditunjukkan oleh
perubahan nilai/defleksi grafik
LLD/ILD yang relatif berada di kanan
terhadap grafik LLS/ILS dan MSFL.
b. Sedangkan defleksi grafik LLD yang
relatif berada di kiri/ lebih negatif
terhadap LLS/ILM dan MSFL akan
mengindikasikan adanya kandungan
fluida air.
c. Namun apabila ketiga grafik tersebut
menunjukkan grafik yang saling
berhimpit tanpa adanya separasi yang
jelas maka dapat mengindikasikan
suatu zona yang impermeable atau
Logs Combination for HC identification
TERIMA KASIH @PAkamigas PEM Akamigas PEM Akamigas @akamigascepu

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