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“Online System”
Bus Reservation
Bachelor of Computer Science
Mr. Nitin Bhikaji Pawar
Mr. Rohit Vijay Mandlik
Prof. V. R. Kumbhar M.C.A.
2021- 2022.


R. B. Madkholkar Mahavidyalaya Chandgad
(Affiliated to Shivaji University Kolhapur)
Education Year :- 2021-22
R. B. Madkholkar Mahavidyalaya Chandgad
(Affiliated to Shivaji University Kolhapur)


This is to certify that Mr. Nitin Bhikaji pawar and Mr. Rohit
Vijay Mandlik students of class B.Sc.-III computer science have
satisfactorily completed the project entitled, “Online Bus
Reservation System”. In B. Sc.-III computer science, during the
academic year 2021-2022 for the fulfillment of Bachelor’s Degree in
This project report represent there bonafied work.

PLACE : Chandgad

Mr. Ajrekar R. V. Dr. P. R. Patil

Examiner Head Principle

Khedut Shikshan Mandal

R B Madkholkar Mahavidyalaya, Chandgad

Guidance Certificate
This is to certify that the project entitled “Online Bus Reservation System
System” conducted by Mr.Nitin Bhikaji pavar & Mr. Rohit Vijay Mandlik
partial fulfillment of this work for award of Bachelor of Science (Computer
Science)submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur has been completed
under my supervision any guidance. 
To the best of my knowledge and brief the matter presented by them is
original in nature and not been copied from any source. Also, this report has
not been submittedearlier for any degree or diploma of Shivaji University or
any other University.

Place: -Chandgad.

Prof. R V Ajarekar


We are presenting this project report on “Online Bus Reservation System” as part of the
curriculum of Bachelor Science of in computer science with immense pleasure. We are wish to
thank all the people who gave us an unending support right from the idea was conceived. It gives
me great pleasure, on the completion of this project, to acknowledge and appreciate all those
who were there to help me.
We are express our sincere and profound thanks to all our teachers. We are wish to thank
Prof. V. R. Kumbhar Sir (Project guide) for his students-like enthusiasm and his guidance from
time to time. We are heartily thank Prof. R. V. Ajarekar sir (HOD) for all help and valuable time.
His valuable advice has helped us bring this work to completion. We also wish to thank Prof.
Sachin Gawade Sir beside; We are take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to the
Principal Mr. P. R. Patil (RBM College) for providing a good environment and facilities to
complete this project.
We would like to thank our college RBM College Chandgad for providing the resources
for project stage . We are also acknowledge the research work done by all researchers in yield.
And last but not least, all our friends, who have helped us directly or indirectly throughout the

Mr. Nitin Bhikaji pavar

Mr. Rohit Vijay Mandlik


We undersigned hereby declare that this report entitled "Online

Bus Reservation System” is original work prepared by us under
guidance of Prof. V. R. Kumbhar. The empirical findings in this report
are based on data collected by us. The matter presented in this report is
not copied from any source. We undersigned that any such copy is
liable for punishment in any way the university authorities deem to fit.
This work has not been submitted to the award of degree to
Shivaji University, Kolhapur or any other university. This work is
humbly submitted to Shivaji University for the award of the degree of
Bachelor of Science (computer Science).

Place: - Chandgad 

Mr: Nitin Bhikaji pawar

Mr: Rohit Vijay Mandlik

• Manual System
• Limitations of Manual System
• Proposed System
• Methodology- Classic Life Cycle
• Data Flow Diagram (DFD)
• Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
• Hardware & Software Requirements
• Front End (C#.NET)
• Controls of (ASP.NET)
• Back End (SQL Server 2012)
• Crystal Report
• Admin Module
• User Module

Online Bus Booking Systemis cloud based online software. This system would
help customers to book a seat for their journey, book bus. This system would also help
the owner to manage the coaches, employees, clients, services etc.
OnlineBus Reservation System will increase the booking process faster,
convenient, and comfortable. Customers can book their desired seats. They can check the
availability of posts on a specific date. The customer can check availability, book ticket,
or cancel ticket 24X7. The online system is available to use anytime.
User doesn't require to visit any office. They just need internet and device to use
our system. They can check route, price, class etc.
They can pay fare using a credit card, debit card, internet banking. Managing
buses, employees, and salary would be verycomfortable using this system.
This is a safe and secure way to expand the business. System decreases the human
efforts and increases customer satisfaction.
since the current reservation system is still conducted manually and separately at
each branch, contact must be made by each branch's frontofficer to the head office for
each customer's enquiry in order to get the latest update on schedule. seat availability and
other reservation-related information; as well as to avoid duplicate bookings or over-
capacity. There is also a physical limit to the reservation availability as each branch only
operates during certain hours and reservations can only be made on-the-spot. These
limitations are not the only issues the company is currently facing. Other factors that
create problems include human errors (e.g. miscalculations in ticket price, mistakes in
noting passenger data, etc.), the fluctuation of passengers during certain periods of time
that causes a bottleneck in the check-in process because of the inability of the frontofficer
to multitask and the lack of overview or report of the on-going business; making it
difficult for the company to judge past/current performance or plan future improvements.
Looking at these problems and limitations, it is clear that both the company and the
customers require an integrated reservation system that is more efficient in information
update and reservation handling and also easy to use. Electronic tickets or e-tickets, give
evidence that their holders. have permission to enter a place of entertainment, use a
means of transportation. or have access to some internet services. Bus Ticket Reservation
System enables the customer to buy bus ticket, make payment, and ask for information
online easily. Furthermore, staff can sell bus ticket using Bus Ticket Reservation System
after check bus ticket availability for the customer and print the bus ticket to the customer
that queue up in the counter. The method to solve this problem is to create an online
buying bus ticket system. Customer can buy the bus ticket over the Internet. 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week and the bus ticket can't be lost, stolen or left behind. In addition, the
online system lets the customers check the availability of the bus ticket before they buy
bus ticket Furthermore, customers no need to pay cash to buy bus ticket because they can
pay the bus ticket by using deposit slip number order by bank.


The existing Bus Booking System is not completely computerized. The customer has to
visit any booking branch if he wants to book a ticket. Bus scheduling, ticket booking, bill
generation and many other operations are done manually. This may lead to incorrect
entries and there is a lot of room for errors as the data is not completely synced. The
availability of seats is not centrally maintained and the travel operator is not fully aware
of the availability and occupancy of the seats in his buses. This is the major bottle neck.


The present system is manual so there are number of limitations. We can express this by
following factors.
• The project does not store transaction. So the buyer will not able to make any
reference to past transactions.
• Cash on delivery not present.


1.3.1 Objectives of the proposed system
• Lack of accuracy:
• While keeping the records manually, there is a chance of occurring more
and more mistakes. It means that there is lack of accuracy.
• More man power:
• To keep all records of “Online Bus Booking” gives (customers) calculate
their bills, the more no. of employees are needed. It just wastage of time
and money.
• Time consuming:
• Finding out details regarding any information is very difficult as the user
has to go through all the books manually.
• Those who are interested in inquiring about the Bus Type, its tickets Price,
available seats, facility of the bus etc. has to walk to the Booking office.
Which is very time consuming?
• Lack of security:
• All the document must have same security, which is lacking in manual
system. Anybody can achieve wanted papers and make changes to it is
easily. Since the data is not protected.
1.3.2 Goals of computerization

• Planned approached towards working

We cannot achieve success in any work without planning .Hence with the help of
computerization we can give planned approach towards working.
• Large data storage
We can store large amount of data. Each and every details of Employee working in
the organization can be stored. Once the data is Stored, we can retrieve the data
any number of times.
• Easy search
Searching any specific records becomes easier. Just enter the unique code and you
will get the corresponding information very faster. Hence no need to check the
resister even for verifying the product details.
• Accuracy in Process
Computer are very accurate than man. Computers calculate anything without any
mistakes. Hence we can reduce the mistakes that may be caused during manual
• Reliability:
The reliability of the proposed system will be high due to the above stated reasons.
The reason for the increased reliability of the system is that now there would be
proper storage of information.
• No Redundancy:
In the proposed system utmost care would be that no information is repeated
anywhere, in storage or otherwise. This would assure economic use of storage
space and consistency in the data stored.
• Easy and Fast Process:
One of the important features of the computer is its speed. It works very faster
than man. We can easily update, insert and delete data as it is faster we can get the
particular information within no time. It reduces the checking of register for
getting information manually.
• Reports:
Due to computerization getting reports is very easy and printouts of the reports can
be easily taken.

2.1 Methodology-Classic Life Cycle

To design a computerized web application we have followed the software

engineering approach. We have chosen life cycle approach for software development.
This phenomenon includes System design, System analysis & Testing this is followed by
again first phase i.e. repeating the cycle.

System design means understanding the old system completely and planning a
new system or to replace or complement the existing system. System analysis means
identification, understanding and critically examine the system and its parts (sub system)
for the purpose of achieving the goals set of the system as a whole, through
modifications, changed interrelationship of component, deleting, merging or separating
the components.

The methodology of system analysis involves,

1) Identification of system (setting system boundary)

2) Understanding the role and interrelationship of elements with other elements of the
same system.

Outcome of the system analysis job is a set of recommendations towards creating system,
which best meets, its objectives giving due records to cost effectiveness and risks.

• The Process Model Used For The System :-

The process model used for this system “Classic Life Cycle” as this is simple and
is best for small scale project.

The “Classic Life Cycle” is also called as system development life cycle
(SDLC).It is defined “The growth of an information system is through various
identifiable stages”. These stages are grouped together and referred as SDLC. The
structure of its stages which we used in our project is as follow:





2.3 Entity relationship diagram (ERD)

To run this software, you must have certain hardware & software installed on your
computer. The minimum system requirements include:
• Software Requirements:
• Server side:
• Web server - Internet Information Services 7.0 or later
• Windows OS -7 or later, Server 2008 or later
• .NET Framework 4.5
• MS SQL Server 2008 – Back end
• Crystal Reports – SAP Business Object XI
• Client side:
• HTML 5, CSS 3.0 and JavaScript Compatible browser

• Hardware Requirements:
• Server side
• Pentium IV or higher processor
• Minimum 1GB of RAM
• Minimum 5GB of Disk Space
• Client side
• Pentium III or higher processor computer/ Smart phone
• VGA or higher resolution screen supported by Microsoft windows.
• Mouse / Touch screen device
• A Dot matrix or inkjet printer for taking the printouts.
• History of C#:

Nowadays, C# is the most popular language in world. C# was developed by

Microsoft within its .NET framework initiative and later approved as a standard by
ECMA (ECMA-334) C# programming language is a general-purpose, OOPS
based programming language. C# development team was lead by "Anders
Hejlsberg" in 2002.C# programming language is one of the languages designed for
the (CLI) Common Language Infrastructure.

It is based on C++ and Java, but it has many additional extensions used to
perform component oriented programming approach. C# has evolved much since
their first release in the year 2002. It was introduced with .NET Framework
1.0 and the current version of C# is 4.5.
Microsoft’s aim is to facilitate the exchange of information and services
over the Web, and to enable developers to build highly portable applications.C#
simplifies programming through its use of Extensible Markup Language (XML)
and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) which allow access to a programming
object or method without requiring the programmer to write additional code for
each step.

Because programmers can build on existing code ,rather than repeatedly

duplicating it, C# is expected to make it faster and less expensive to get new
products and services to market.

• Features Of C#:

• Simple:
C# is a simple language in the sense that it provides structured approach (to break
the problem into parts), rich set of library functions, data types etc.
• Modern Programming Language:
C# programming is based upon the current trend and it is very powerful and
simple for building scalable, interoperable and robust applications.
• Object Oriented:
C# is object oriented programming language. OOPs makes development and
maintenance easier where as in Procedure-oriented programming language it is
not easy to manage if code grows as project size grow.
• Type Safe:
C# type safe code can only access the memory location that it has permission to
execute. Therefore it improves a security of the program.
• Interoperability:
Interoperability process enables the C# programs to do almost anything that a
native C++ application can do.
• Scalable and Updateable:
C# is automatic scalable and updateable programming language. For updating our
application we delete the old files and update them with new ones.
• Component Oriented:
C# is component oriented programming language. It is the predominant software
development methodology used to develop more robust and highly scalable
• Structured Programming Language:
C# is a structured programming language in the sense that we can break the
program into parts using functions. So, it is easy to understand and modify.
• Rich Library:
C# provides a lot of inbuilt functions that makes the development fast.
• Fast Speed:
The compilation and execution time of C# language is fast.

ADO.NET is a new data –handling model that makes it easy to handle data on the
internet. There are many new tools & a wizard for handling data in Vb.Net, including
tools to generate datasets from data connection wizard or the server explorer to drag &
drop whole tables from data sources, as well as creating data adapters, connection objects
& more. It support structured exception handling, using an enhanced version of the Try…
Catch…Finally syntax supported by other languages (such as c++ & java).

• Visual studio .NET IDE:

An IDE (Integrated development Environment) intend to be a single work environment.
It is more than an integrated editor, compiler & debugger. a common shell that hosts the
entire assortment of tools. The Visual Basic 2015 IDE is a robust working. Components
of IDE is shown in above figure that are:

• Toolbox:

It is a most commonly used tool window. It provides a listing of various user

interface components & other elements, which are provided to you to add into your
project. You can add any item from toolbox to your project by selecting & dragging
it on the form or by double clicking it.

2.Server explorer:

This tool provides a visual linking to main resources: Database, Servers. This
window provides you a listing of various database servers to which your
application is connected as well as it also provide a list of servers of which you are
using services
3.Properties window:

Properties window provides us a list of properties of current selected object. It also

provides us facility to set us edit properties.

4.Solution explorer:

The solution explorer window enables you to view the objects or items that are
included in your solution & grouped under layers such as projects, forms.

5.Class view:

Class view window displays all the classes that are used in our application. By
double clicking on any classes listed in class view we can directly go to its

• What is .NET Framework?

In .NET main things are changed, one of the changes is the development of new
foundation to all .NET development tools. This foundation is known as .NET
Framework. .NET Framework provides two things-the basic runtime environment
& set of foundation classes. It is layered architecture components of framework.
Architecture includes following components:

1] .NET Compatible Languages:

VB.NET, C#.NET, Jscript.NET, J#.NET etc. are languages compatible

to .NET Framework. Application templates which are included in layer 3 can be
developed using these languages.

2]Common Language Specification:

These are set of rules defined for all .NET compatible languages. If a
component uses only CLS features then the component is guarantee to be
accessible from any language that support CLS.

3]Common Type System:

CTS define how types are declared, used & managed in the runtime. It is
also an important part of the runtime’s support for cross language integration .It is
also called as superset of CLS.

4]Framework Class Library:

.NET supports some predefined classes; these are put under hierarchy called
as namespace. This is same as MFC. Whenever you start any .NET application
template 3 namespaces will be available by default are system, system. Data,

5]Application Templates:

The application templates are as follows:

• Console Application:

This is an application type where user interacts with console for submitting
I/P & reading O/P.

• Windows Form Application :

These are normal windows application uses the Form control as an interface.

• .NET Remoting:

This is the new technology added to.NET Design distributed Application

• ASP.NET Web form:

This is web tool available to design web application on .NET.

• XML Services:

This is another new technology available in .NET .These is used for

writing web services.


It is completely disconnected architecture of Client application with


6]Common Language Runtime:

It is heart of .NET framework. It actually takes care of entire
execution, memory management of .NET applications, irrespective of type of
application. Following are some benefits of CLR: -

I. Performance improvement

II. Cross integration

III. Garbage collection

IV. Ability to compile once & run on any CPU


Controls are graphical objects. Each control has their own attributes i.e.
Properties and methods. We can use these controls to use user inputs, display
output, to import other applications and to trigger event procedures. These controls
are described briefly below.

• Label

Labels are used to just label. Labels usually are used to display text that cannot be
edited by the user. Probably the most common use of labels is to identify help

• Textbox

• Every window user is familiar with text boxes. They are exactly what their name
implies: box-like controls in which you can enter text. Text boxes can be
multiline, have scroll bars, be read-only,& have many other attributes.

• Link Button

LinkButton control used to create a hyperlink-style button on a Web Forms.

The LinkButton control has the same appearance as a HyperLink control, but has

the same functionality as a Button control. 

• DropDownList
DropDownList control is similar to the differs in that it shows only the
selected item in a box, along with a drop-down button. When user click the
button ,a list of items is displayed.


In the business world, everything is about being “better, faster and cheaper” than the
competition — and SQL Server 2008 offers many new features to save energy, time and
money. From programming to administrative capabilities, this version of SQL Server tops
all others and it enhances many existing SQL Server 2008 features. SQL Server 2008 is
the most exciting release of SQL Server for years. With SQL Server currently on a 2-year
release cycle, each release is more of an evolutionary change from the previous release
than a revolutionary change. Therefore, Microsoft SQL Server 2008 is not a quantum
leap forward from SQL Server 2008 R2, but it does provide a number of interesting new
features and enhancements that further extend the performance, reliability, availability,
programmability, and ease of use of SQL Server
Here I’ll outline some significant new features in order of importance:-
• New storage features:
SQL Server 2008 provides a few new features related to data storage, primarily
intended to improve performance. SQL Server 2008 provides an enhancement to
FILESTREAM storage by allowing more than one filegroup to be used to store
FILESTREAM data. This can improve I/O performance and scalability for
FILESTREAM data by providing the ability to store the data on multiple drives.
• New Transact-SQL (T-SQL) constructs:

The new constructs provided in SQL Server 2008 include these are Sequence
objects, THROW statement, new conversion, logical, string, and date and time
functions, and ad hoc query paging.

• New scalability and performance features:

Indirect checkpoints, FORCESCAN table hint, number of table partitions increased

to 15,000.

• New security features:

SQL Server 2008 introduces Database Audit. Similar to SQL Server Audit, Database
Audit is based on the new Extended Events feature and enables you to audit
database-level events or groups of events. Database Audit, user-defined server roles,
contained databases.

• New availability features:

A number of high-availability enhancements known as Always on, which include

Always on Availability Groups and Always on Failover Cluster Instances.

• Statistical Semantic Search:

Statistical Semantic Search builds upon the existing full-text search feature in SQL
Server by querying the contextual meaning of terms within a document repository.

• Data Quality Services:

This new feature allows you to build a knowledge base of data rules and use those to
perform a variety of critical data quality tasks, including correction, enrichment,
standardization, and de-duplication of your data.

SQL stands for Structured Query Language. It is used to access the

information from RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) i.e. it is a
language that enables the user to create and operate on relational databases which
are set of related information stored in tables. What is query?

A query allows you to retrieve the data from tables of a database in a custom
format. Query is a question. The answer to the queries can help to manage the
organizations operational environment. With queries you can retrieve the data from
multiple tables stored in a specific order. With the help of queries it is also possible
to update data, delete records or append new records in a table. Features of SQL:

• SQL is used to create, maintain and fire query on relational database by using
the regular English words for its commands, which makes it easy to use.
• SQL is declarative i.e. you specify what kind of data you want, and then
RDBMS is responsible for figuring out thedata
• SQL is based on set theory, relational operators such as AND, OR, NOT are
used to perform operations on the data.
• SQL includes all arithmetic operations, predicates for comparison, string
matching, summary operations, group by and having clause etc.
• SQL provides a view of the specification of database operation that would
produce a desired table.
• SQL is generally used in multi-user system, where user will log in by using
Authentication ID’s. Actions in SQL environments are created to a specific
authorization ID, which usually corresponds to a user.


A report is nothing but the desired output of any software or project. It is an effective
way to present your data in a printed format and display the information in prescribed
format, because you have control over the size and appearance of everything on report.
You can display the sorted information in a report which is stored in database. You can
prepare the reports as you need based on the queries and cannot be used to edit the data.
You can use the reports to group data and show subtotals and grand totals.
Crystal report has many extensive capabilities and has been designed to
provide you with the most possible flexibility in designing report. Crystal report is
quick and easy to learn. It requires very little time before you will be designing
interesting and informative reports for your needs.

We are going to use a new version of crystal report named “Crystal Report –
SAP Bussiness Object XI”. This new version extends more facilities than last one.
This version very is impressive production for application, can create richly formatted
and powerfull reports and we can represent report through mobile also.

Table description
• Table:AdminM

• Table: CatMst

• Table: FeedbackMstr

4) Table: ItemMst

5)Table: OrderMst

6)Table: PaymentMst
7) Table: UserMst


User side
Home Page

Sign up


Admin Login

User Login

Member side
Home Page

My Account

My Payment

My Order
My Cart

Change Password

Order Checkout

Add categories

Add Quantity
Add Item
View Order

Payment Report


Feedback report

Change Password
Admin Module:

The project “Online Medicines store ” is developed by using front-end as

ASP.NET using C#.NET and back-end as MS-SQL Server 2008 to store the information
of their system.

When you run this system, first you will get Admin Login Page where you have to
enter the user Email-ID and password to login to the system. The purpose of Login Form
is to maintain the security. After the Login in Admin Login Page dashboard will open.

Admin Log In

Dashboard –

For the admin dashboard, you will be able to all the basic access in the whole system.
Such as summary of products, orders, and the categories.

Manages Products –

The admin has access to the books product management information system. He
can add product, view product and delete product..

Manages Categories -

The pages where the admin can add, edit, and delete categories information.
Manages Orders –

As the main functions of the admin, the admin can accept or reject the order from
the customers on a case basis and the list of customer orders are listed. The admin can
view orders and delete orders.

Manage User –

The admin can manage the user’s account. Admin can add user, view user, and block user
in the system.

Change Password

A click on this sub menu will load the form ‘Change Password’ where user can
change his password. There are three columns in the form. First user have to write old
password then write new password and to confirm user have to write new password
again. After filling the all fields on the form you will have to click on change button to
change the password. On click of Back button user will go back on login page again. And
on click of Clear button form will be reset.

Log Out

To log out from staff dashboard user have to click on ‘log out’ sub menu.

User Module:

The project “Online Medicines store ” is developed by using front-end as

ASP.NET using C#.NET and back-end as MS-SQL Server 2008 to store the information
of their system.

When you run this system, first you will get User Login Page where you have to
enter the user Email-ID and password to login to the system, the purpose of Login Form
is to maintain the security. After the Login in User Login Page, dashboard will open.

User Log In

A user must login with his user name and password to the system after registration.

User Registration

On log in page sign up link is there. A click on this link will load the form ‘User
Registration’ where User have to fill up their information. After successful insertion of
all fields on the form you will have to click on Add button to save the data. On the click
of Clear button will reset the form. And on click of Back button will go back on login

Update Profile
A click on this sub menu will load the form ‘Update Profile’ where user can update
their profile by fill up this form. After successful updating of all fields on the form you
will have to click on Update button to update the data. On click of Back button will go
back on login page again.
Change Password
A click on this sub menu will load the form ‘Change Password’ where user can
change his password. There are three columns in the form. First user have to write old
password then write new password and to confirm user have to write new password
again. After filling the all fields on the form you will have to click on change button to
change the password. On click of Back button user will go back on login page again. And
on click of Clear button form will be reset.

View Products –
User can view the list of products based on their names after successful login. A detailed
description of particular product name, product details, product image, price can be
viewed by users.
Search Products –
Users can search for particular products in the list by name and category.
My Order Page –
The pages that lists the customer’s orders.
Add to Cart –
The user can add the desired product into his cart by clicking add to cart option
on the product. He can view his cart by clicking the button. All products added by cart
can be viewed in the cart.
Payment –
This system has a payment method that uses a Credit Card or Debit Cart

Log Out
To log out from staff dashboard user have to click on ‘log out’ sub menu.
Staff Details
Student Details


1) To decrease manpower.

2) To make work easy and fast.

3) To keep records for longer duration and make them available whenever needed.

4) To simplify the complication in keeping records.

5) Instead of manual work if we computerize it, it saves lots of time


• This application software plays important role for Online Medicines store ping.
• It is not limited to any particular user.
• It maintains the all record of Selling and Buying.

After designing and implementation of this system we have come to the following
• Due to computerization we can easily update, delete, or insert the data and hence
retrieval of any record that is stored becomes easier.

• Due to computerization, a lot of time is saved because all the paper work can be done
on computer with greater accuracy.

• Changes can be made immediately and efficiently as we require.

• Print-outs of updated records can be taken.

• Due to computerization Admin can maintain the details of all Computer and User.
Hence there is no need to maintain number of registers.


The four levels that the analyst uses for the quality assurance are:

Quality assurance is review of the software product and relates documents for
completeness, correctness, reliability and maintainability. It includes assurance that the
system needs the specification and requirements for its indented use and performances.

System testing is expensive but critical process that can take as fifty percent
of the budget for program development. The common view of testing held by user that it
is performed to prove that there are no errors in program. However, as indicated alone
cannot prove that software is free and clear of errors.

Therefore the most useful and practical approach is with the understanding
that testing is a process of executing a program with the explicit intension of finding
errors, that is program fails. The tester, who may be analyst, programmer of specialists,
trained in software. Testing is actually trying to make program failsafe.

A successful test is that fined an error. Analyst knows that an effective program does not
guarantee the system reliability. Reliability is the design issue. Therefore reliability must
be designed into system.

Like testing, verification is also indented to find errors executing program in simulated
environment performs it. Validation prefers the process using software in live
environment in order to find errors. The feedback from validation phase generally
produces changes in software to deal with errors and failures and may still need changes.
Software certification is an endorsement of the correctness of the program an issue that is
rising in importance for information system application.

It is planned all above points will be considered for actual testing. It is hoped that using
all above techniques can minimize failures. All the successes of the project depend up to
the users, who are going to use the system. The higher-level staff is generally interested
in the operational level staff.

First all programmers were tested with dummy data at development center. Some
bugs and some procedures were required to be changed to help data entry-level
personnel. All the changes were carried out again system was tested with real data

1) User should have minimum knowledge about computer.

2) User should have Email-ID.

3) It requires Internet connectivity.


• ASP.NET 3.5(using 2010)


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