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Demand generation brief

This demand generation brief template captures the core information necessary to answer critical Demand
Program business problems and deliver a comprehensive marketing solution rooted in an actionable
strategy, with targeted deliverables and tactics.

The brief is a collaborative process between IBM and Ogilvy teams, and should be filled in with
combined inputs from each team during a briefing session. Some inputs are more likely to be
attributable to IBM teams, some to Ogilvy teams. In order to thoroughly complete and agree on the
required information, an active partnership between key IBM and Ogilvy leads is crucial.

The time spent completing this document will allow IBM teams to clearly identify key challenges they are
facing and allow Ogilvy teams to deliver the most effective and efficient solutions. Through this
collaboration, the Demand Program campaigns will best fulfil their objectives.

Ogilvy teams will schedule briefing session time with you to participate in brainstorms and
strategic discussions to fill in the brief.


Ogilvy team: Account lead, Strategy Lead, Creative Lead

Session duration: 2 hours (face-to-face when possible)
Rounds of reviews: 2 – 3 max.

Before you get started …

 Refer to the master input brief for an overview of the long-term objectives.
 Read all the questions and gather material that could provide the most accurate answers.
 Try to identify what is at stake (why are we briefing the agency? What should our efforts be
aligned to…?) rather than focus on the expected output of the process (creative deliverables).
 The brief must be completed a minimum of 8-10 weeks prior to WW hand-off to country teams.

Demand generation brief

Program MidMarket
Description IBM Service Pack package Product and Service Innovation Due Date 15.05.2011
Program Profile

IBM: Final
Authors Geo reviewers
Ogilvy: approver(s)


What is the business problem we are o Is market share stabilized/shrinking?

trying to solve? o Do we need to establish a stronger sense of differentiation?
o Are we trying to launch a new product?
We offer updated IBM ServicePack package for current and potential customers

o Sell more
o Get new people to buy
o Get existing people to buy other variants of the same line
What is IBM’s marketing objective?
o Get existing people to trade up
o Get existing people to absorb price increase
o Keep existing customer buying

In which countries will the o List

communication by deployed? In Russia

What are the countries launch dates?


o What is the product?

IBM ServicePack is number of IBM provided services. It includes IBM
Base Warranty, IBM Warranty Service Upgrade, IBM Base Maintenance
Service, IBM Maintenance Service Upgrade.

What is IBM Products’ uniqueness in o What is the normal sales cycle for this product? About 1 -2
the market place? monthes
o What is the “neck snapping” moment for this product?
(Technology benefit; Business benefit)
IBM ServicePack is simple, fast and beneficial way to buy IBM service
support in addition to IBM hardware. IBM ServicePack is provided by IBM
business partners and can be ordered according to part number from
catalogue. IBM ServicePack is on-line accepted offer.

o What do our competitors say that makes them different from us?
Key competitive insights?
o Is there anything our competitors are doing in the market place
Please specify if different in specific
countries. that we think is particularly innovative or effective?
HP and Sun Systems technical support and maintenance packages.

Demand generation brief

o What non-brand barriers exist (e.g. lack of technology

understanding, buying-cycle issues) N/A
What are the barriers that prevent
o What brand-specific barriers exits? (e.g. Is IBM lacking brand
engagement with this product?
authority in the space, do we use different terminology, are
there negative connotations for IBM that must be overcome) N/A


o Audience: (e.g. LOB; IT Manager, C-Suite, General Public)

o Size: (e.g. Large Enterprise, SMB, General)
Who is our target audience (industries,
o Key industries: (e.g. Government, Finance, etc) not specified
roles, contact sizing…)?
o Relationship to IBM: (e.g. Current customer, white-space)
o Funnel Stage (awareness, consideration, loyalty)

o What existing research/knowledge is there on this target?

What is the typical behaviour of our o Who are the purchase influencers for our target?
target audience (online behaviour, use Current and potential customers CIO, IT-managers
of mobile, social media…)? o Are there technology barriers in some countries? Has there been
any country-specific research we can access?

o People and Process Management

What are the core customer needs (DP o Information and Analytics
framework) supported by this o Product and Service Innovation
communication? o Next Gen Datacenter/ Cloud
– o Sustainability
o Security and Resiliency


What is the key message/key concept o Old Blue Letter Box design of IBM ServicePack materials should
we want to communicate be renewed.

o What specific act will we ask people to do? (visit a website,

What is the call to action? download white paper…) To buy ServicePack.
o How we will confirm that they have completed this action?
Signed Service agreement

o Videos
o White papers
What offers can we leverage to drive
o Trials
action (whitepaper, free trial…)?
o Discounts
o Other – ServicePack package


Demand generation brief

o What is the best way to determine if we have achieved our

How will we measure success? goals? (Traffic, Downloads, Leads captured, search, conversion,
fans/followers, etc) Number of Signed Service agreement


How does this project fit within the o What are the Smarter Planet elements we should address?
Smart Planet agenda? ServicePack is not SP solution
o What, if any, elements must be highlighted separately from
If not, why? Smarter Planet?

SPAre there existing communications

on this topic that this project should
align to? (Advertising, digital efforts, N/A


Is this part of the retainer?

o If not, approx. budget? No
If not, approx. budget?

Search Status Quo (keywords currently

being purchased)

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