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Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy

Lesson Twenty-Five

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Lesson Twenty-Five

This lesson is all about graphology, the science of handwriting analysis. Graphology
goes back hundreds of years, and far from being some sort of fringe concept, or
party game, it is in reality undergirded by thousands of empirical studies. In Europe,
graphology has been mainstream for years, and is used in hiring, firing, and job
placement. In this lesson, Mike brings in the specific graphological applications to
hypnosis. This lesson will help you understand your subjects better, and even assist
you in choosing the correct induction to use. You won’t be a graphologist, but will
have some excellent tools that will tell you much about the people in your life, both
good and bad.

The Zones of Graphology

One of the basic tenets of graphology is that handwriting is divided into 3 zones;
upper, middle and lower. This comes from the work of psychoanalyst, Max Pulver.
The 3 zones correspond to the Ego, Id and Superego from Freud’s work.

‣ The upper zone corresponds to the Superego. Here we see the abstract
world of morals, various controls on the personality, aspirations, goals,
religious and spiritual beliefs.

‣ The middle zone indicates the Ego, or “I” of the personality. It shows
thinking processes, communication with others, and day to day life.

‣ The lower zone is the domain of the Id, and indicates everything below
conscious awareness. It is the world of unconscious urges for food, sex,
survival mechanisms, and other physical drives.

Ascenders are writing strokes that climb from the baseline (line of consciousness)
up into the abstract world of the upper zone. Letters such as the small letter H and
L climb up into the abstract, usually returning to the baseline.

Descenders are strokes that drop down below the baseline into the unconscious
and typically return to the line of consciousness. Strokes that drop down to the

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lower zone and stay there, are unfulfilled urges and blocked imagination and

Zone will tell you much about the subject. A glance at the page will usually show
you which zone is largest and therefore dominant.

‣ A large upper zone with long, large loops, indicates a person who is always
focusing on thoughts, concepts and ideas. If combined with a very small
middle zone, his daily relationships will suffer, and he will miss social cues
and make faux pas in his relationships.

‣ A dominant middle zone is often seen in the writing of teenage and girls. It
shows someone who has few if any plans for the future or interests in the
abstract. It’s all about the here and now; friendships, phone calls and
conversations. It’s a sign of immaturity.

‣ A huge lower zone shows someone with huge appetites. If the lower zones
are weird looking, you’re dealing with a weird person, because this is where
sexual urges are shown. Very long lower loops indicate extreme sex drives.

Remember: Weird lower loops = Weird person. It is beyond the scope of this lesson
to go into this in depth, but a few examples will suffice. Coils in lower loops are a
very bad sign. This is someone who will strike like a snake to get what they want.
Always be cautious with someone who’s lower zones are bizarre.

The left of the page is the past and the right is the future. This is easily
understandable, because in most languages, we begin on the left and move to the
right as we form sentences, leaving the past behind, and moving toward the future.
For the same reason, the past is also the top of the page, with the future at the
bottom. In broad terms, the left side of the page corresponds to mother and the
right side to father. Left is also self whereas right corresponds to others. These are
general principles that are best understood in the context of the entire personality.
In fact, no trait stands alone. Instead, every trait must be evaluated against all the
other traits that show in the sample of handwriting. (If you wish to get a really solid
grounding in scientific graphology, check our website for details on Mike’s weekend
trainings in Toronto.)

Note: The better the sample of handwriting, the more accurately you will be able to
read the personality. It doesn’t matter what they write, but it should come from
their own mind, not be copied. A paragraph or two is usually sufficient for our

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purposes. Ensure that the writing is on unlined paper, using the person’s favourite
pen or pencil, and make sure they sign and date it, because even the placement of
the signature in relation to the writing will tell you much:

‣ A signature placed to the left side of the page indicates someone who
clings to the past, usually out of fear and desire for safety.

‣ A signature at the right side indicates someone who wants to leave the
past behind and move toward the future with its new possibilities.

‣ A signature near the middle of the page shows a person who is balanced;
neither clinging to the past or rushing to escape it.

Here are a couple of handwriting myths that people know are true, but aren’t:

‣ Backhanded writing (leaning to the left) is because the person is left-

handed. This is false. Backhanded writing indicates personality problems, not

‣ Gender can be determined from handwriting, with men writing in a solid,

stable fashion, and women writing in a more flowery form. This too is
completely false. Gender cannot be determined from handwriting.

Size and Slant

These are global traits, and by that, we mean that they affect everything in the
personality. This aspect covers the whole range of size, from tiny handwriting, all
the way up to huge handwriting, and slant ranging from far left, to far right. Most
people have moderately large and balanced writing, somewhere between the two
extremes, and the writing usually slants slightly to the right.

Size shows the continuum running from awareness of surroundings (very large
writing) to concentration (tiny writing). Most handwriting will be medium-sized.

‣ The larger the handwriting, the more the person will be monitoring what’s
going on around them, including other people and their conversations. Really
large writing indicates an “in your face” kind of person. They’re very
interested in being noticed, and always aware of what others are doing. The
downside is, they can be distracted if they’re trying to work in a busy

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environment, because they’ll always be checking out what others are doing
and saying. Large handwriting is an indication of extroversion.

‣ The smaller the writing, the greater the ability to concentrate and tune out
the surroundings, especially if it’s neat and tidy too. Tiny writing can reveal an
introverted personality. The advantage with really small writing, is that the
subject can tune out distractions and concentrate, even in a setting with a lot
of other people.

The disadvantage is, the person might be preoccupied and inattentive to the needs
of others.

The slant of the writing tells us much about the person, and generally speaking, you
want it to be stable and consistent. Slant shows us how readily someone’s emotions
engage, and therefore is an accurate indicator of their friendliness to others. It’s
easiest to remember if you visualize it as the writer’s posture toward another

‣ Writing that leans to the right indicates someone leaning forward (toward
others) expressively and openly. The emotions kick in readily. We say that the
heart rules the head. If the writing shows a very pronounced rightward slant,
the person’s emotions will engage so readily that she will be impulsive.

‣ Writing that is vertical shows someone standing upright, perhaps with their
arms folded. This is someone who keeps their emotions back behind the
screen of their intellect, and can be cool-headed in an emergency. In this
case, the head rules the heart. Naturally, they’re a little more reserved than
the right slanted writer.

‣ Writing that is backhanded and leans to the left indicates someone who
holds their emotions back from others. The severe back-slant indicates
damaged goods. The writing tilts to the past and shows emotional problems
that need to be dealt with carefully and kindly.

Note: Beware of getting into a relationship, either business or personal, with

someone who has a highly unstable slant. Writing that goes back and forth,
especially within individual words, is what’s known as a “hell trait”. A person who
shows radically unstable slant will be friendly one day and completely withdrawn
the next, and you’ll feel like you’re dealing with different people from day to day.

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Loops in Handwriting

Loops contain ideas, or at least are indicative of imagination. Loops appear in upper
zones in small letters like L and H, as well as in lower zones of small letters with
descenders, such as G and Y. Writing that is full of large loops indicates a highly
imaginative person. On the other hand, writing of a factual person shows few if any

Huge loops in the lower zone are called “money bags”. They show a desire for more
things and cash. They will also have lots of friends and acquaintances.

Hypnotically, if someone has a lot of loops in their writing, you should utilize their
awesome imagination. They will typically be able to visualize easily and will respond
well to metaphors. A vertical writer who is very factual (no loops) is not the person
to hypnotize by having them imagine, or by appealing to stories and metaphors,
because their intellect will get in the way. You’ll be far better off using a catalepsy
style induction, as taught in this course.

A loop that begins on the baseline should return there. If your lower loops do not
return, we recommend you correct that. By bringing loops back to the surface of
conscious awareness, you’ll have much stronger creativity.

Loops that begin above the baseline, come down to the baseline, and then return
to the abstract upper zone are not grounded in reality. This is the mark of a worrier.
If your client shows these loops in their handwriting, you can be sure that he or she
is full of anxiety. As always, the bigger the loop, the stronger the trait, and in this
case, the worse the worry will be. This equips you to make hypnotic ego
strengthening suggestions, such as “So much of what you worry about...will
probably never happen…”

Thinking Styles

All of us have different thinking styles available to us. We might be highly analytical,
or perhaps investigative. We might depend upon intuition for answers, or doggedly
work through the information at hand. Fortunately, the handwriting will readily tell
you how your client thinks.

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One sort of thinking is cumulative thinking. This is someone who thinks logically,
sequentially, a bit slowly perhaps, but tends to arrive at the right conclusions. It’s
also known as building block thinking. This trait shows in small letter M and N and
sometimes H as well. This thinking style also shows building ability.

Investigative ability is the faculty for sourcing information. It appears as pointed

or slightly rounded humps in the writing, as the video shows. This trait enables a
person to search through what is known and research a subject thoroughly. If you
want something investigated, this is the person you hire.

Downward sharp pointed wedges that go all the way to the baseline without
indicate analytical ability. The sharper the v formations, the more powerful the
trait. This gives a client the power to sort through information and discard what
isn’t needed. The person without analytical ability will have difficulty prioritizing

It’s noteworthy that when you see this sort of hyper-analysis in the writing, go right
to catalepsy as your induction of choice, such as kinesthetic ambiguity, the little
shelf, etc. These are the people who think they can’t be hypnotized, since
someone’s attempted a progressive muscle relaxation induction on them, and
they’ve been busy analyzing it to death, rather than going into trance. This is one of
the most important pieces of information in
the lesson:

Get extremely analytical subjects out of their heads and focused on their physical bodies
to get them into trance!

When the wedges in the M and N formations close up and retrace on the way back
up from the baseline, you are seeing emotional repression. This indicates
someone who buries their emotions and lets them build up like a pressure cooker.
Eventually, when the constraints are removed (perhaps because of fatigue or
alcohol) the emotions explode and come bursting out. The longer the retracing, the
worse the repression.

When the retraced strokes are in the lower zone, the client is repressing physical
urges. Retraced lower zones are an indication of repressed sexuality and fear of
intimacy because something’s happened to them.

The writing never lies…

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A Word About Margins and Line Slope

We ask our subjects to write on unlined paper for several reasons. For example, if
the lines of writing slope gently upward, we are dealing with an optimist. Downward
sloping writing indicates an attitude of pessimism or even depression. It’s especially
bad if the lines start level and then fall further and further into a downward slope.
This is someone who is attempting to keep it together, but the depression takes
over. Pay particular attention to handwriting in which one line suddenly drops
sharply down, and then the writing resumes a level orientation. This is a strong
indicator of suicidal tendencies.

The margins also reveal much about a personality. Even left margins are someone
who holds to the line of society; what is right. Left margins that are very uneven
indicate someone who does what’s right - for himself.

Right hand margins should waver slightly. If the right hand margin is perfectly
aligned, it’s a very bad sign, because it’s difficult and time-consuming to keep
ending in the exact same spot. This is someone who’s tightly wound up and under
too much self-inflicted control.

Communication Styles

The small letters A and O tell us much about someone’s communication style.
These letters (as well as the round part of the G and Q) speak volumes about a
subjects openness to others.

Look for the presence or absence of loops in the circle part of the letter.

‣ An exit loop that begins after the circle is formed shows how secretive a
person is. The larger the loop, the greater the secrecy. A small loop indicates
someone who can keep a secret. Some people have exit loops that are huge,
taking up most of the letter. You can be sure that this person has a very
hidden part in their life. Clients with this trait can be difficult to help, because
they won’t face their own problems head-on.

‣ An entry loop that begins before the circle is formed indicates self-deceit.
Self-deceit is the ability to rationalize and make excuses; even to oneself. The

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larger the loop, the more the person will excuse their own behaviour or
ignore information that threatens what they believe to be true. They keep
information from themselves.

‣ When both entry and exit loops appear in the same circle letter, you are
seeing the trait of deceit. This is the ability to lie and deceive others to get
what they want.

‣ A looped letter with a break in it indicates talkativeness. This doesn’t

mean the person can’t stop talking, although that can sometimes be the
case. It means the person wants to communicate their real thoughts and
feelings, and will do so readily. Someone with huge breaks in their circle
letters will love to share their opinions with you.The interesting point here, is
what happens when you combine traits. When you add deceit to
talkativeness, you get someone who can’t stop lying. The more tangling
shown in the loop letters, the worse the sign in the personality.

Handwriting and Hypnosis

In the video, Mike shows how a small letter E indicates how open-minded your
client is. This gives you tremendous insights when working with someone, as it
shows you how open they will be to your suggestions.

If a small case letter E is of average width, it indicates somebody who is generally

willing to listen to other people. She will give them a chance to make their point,
and be open to what they say. This is a fair-minded person, as far as
communication goes.

On the other hand, a narrow and constricted small case E is a bad sign. This
indicates somebody who tunes other people out. They are so sure they’re correct
that instead of listening, they’re thinking about what they will say next. It can also
indicate racial or religious prejudice, and may make your job difficult if you’re
working with them therapeutically.

When we see a small case letter E that’s so wide that it’s almost circular, it’s the
mark of a gullible person, and often goes along with excessive imagination. Instead
of tuning you out, this person believes in everything! When you see this in your
client’s writing, it doesn’t matter what induction you use. Anything will work!

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So how do you use all this? If you’re planning on hypnotizing someone in a

therapeutic setting, have them email you a scan of their typical writing on unlined
paper, signed and dated, the day before the appointment. This will give you time to
check them out and determine what their issues are and whether or not they’re
likely to be problematic for you. If you see narrow Es, backhand slant, and deceit,
you’ll know you’re probably in for a rough ride.

We ask for the date in a graphological sample, so we can see how the subject
constructs numbers. Clear, unambiguous digits are an honesty indicator.
Embezzlers and people who bounce cheques tend to make illegible, or at least
difficult to read numbers. In that case, I’d get them to pay cash or PayPal!

The first thing to ask yourself when you first look at a subject’s writing sample is:
What jumps out at me?

‣ Tons of loops? The person’s imaginative and can probably visualize well.

‣ Vertical writing? She is a thinker first, and needs to be convinced.

‣ Far right slant? He’s very emotional, maybe even impulsive.

‣ Wide letter E’s? Gullible! Do anything and they’ll probably accept it.

‣ Self-deceit loops? You’re dealing with someone who has trouble facing
unpleasant reality in their own life.

‣ Scrawled numbers and deceit loops? They might rip you off!

‣ Are there no loops? Don’t use metaphors!

‣ Dominant middle zone? Life is relational, and all about the here and now
with no real plans.

‣ Tiny writing? Great ability to concentrate! Use it in your induction by giving

the person something to concentrate their attention on.

‣ If their baseline slopes upward, they are optimistic. Appeal to this

wonderful trait and make it work for you.

‣ Are the downstrokes retraced? They’re repressing thoughts and emotions.

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‣ Do they show evidence of depression in their downward sloped baselines?

This person will be a challenge if you don’t address this issue.

Remember: Whether you call it karma, the Tao, or providence, the way you treat
others will come back to you. Whether you’re doing therapy or stage shows, treat
your subjects with respect and kindness.

Graphotherapy Notes

When you change the writing, over time, you will change the personality. Here are
some important changes you can experience yourself and teach to your clients.
These traits work best when they’re practiced in a journal for about 5 or 10 minutes
per day.

‣ Low T-bars in the small letters equal low self-esteem. Teach them to raise
them higher, make them longer, and press harder when they make them.

‣ Tell your client to always underline their signature, with a single, left to
right underscore. Make sure it doesn't slice through the signature, and make
sure it is not done right to left. This will build in the trait of self-reliance; a
very good thing!

‣ Ensure that the lower loops of your client’s writing are large, complete, and
come back up to the baseline. Mike has found this to be an amazing tool for
liberating creativity by freeing up latent imagination.


Graphology works! The writing doesn’t lie…

Your homework is to memorize and learn the traits Mike has taught you here. Get a
few samples from friends and family and amaze yourself with how much you will
know about them. Warning! You might be surprised with what you find…

Do the graphotherapy on yourself! Underline your signature, raise your T-bars and
make your lower loops large, well-formed and bring them back up to the baseline.

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