Library Management System

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Library Management System for Staford

Project-2 For CBAP

Submitted By
Anthony Steven Squires

Date Of Submission
Table Of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Business Analysis Core Concept Model (BACCM)

2.1 Need
2.2 Change
2.3 Solution
2.4 Context
2.5 Value
2.6 Stakeholders
3. Requirement Classification Schema (RCS)
3.1 Business Requirements
3.2 Stakeholder Requirements
3.3 Solutions Requirements
3.3.1 Functional Requirements
3.3.2 Non-Functional Requirements
3.4 Transition Requirements

4. Root Cause Analysis (Problem Finding using Fishbone Diagram)

5. As-in and Future Process Flowcharts

5.1. As-In Current Cafeteria System

5.2. Future Cafeteria Ordering System (Swimlane Diagram)
6. Activity Diagram/ Process Modelling
7. In Scope and Out of Scope Items in New Library System
8. Scope of New Library System
9. ER Diagram
10. List Of Features to be Developed
11. Wireframes
1. Introduction
Stanford University is a private research university in California. The university
was founded in 1885 and as of today, 83 Nobel laureates, 28 Turing Award
laureates, and 8 Fields Medalists have been affiliated with Stanford as students,
alumni, faculty, or staff.

For the benefits of the students Stanford started its own library in 1885. The library
at Stanford was housed in one large room capable of accommodating 100 readers.
As the university grew to enroll more than 20,000+ students in a given year the
library grew as well. Today the library boasts of having more than 4 million books
in it.

The paper based maintaining, organizing, and handling of countless books became
a nightmare. The university wanted a Library Management Software to automate
their library’s activities. Using the software one can find books with a click,
issue/reissue books quickly, and it will manage all the data efficiently using this
system. It also provides immediate and accurate information regarding any type of
book, magazine, or research paper, thereby saving a lot of time and efforts.

In-Order to build a Library Management System, we need know what are issues
with the present System and how can the new system in place change the entire
system for good and for easy process.
1. Business Analysis Core Concept Model (BACCM)
Picture above shows the Elements of Business Analysis Core Concept Model
2.1 Need:
The Current Library Management system (Manual) has many issues like
● Time spent on managing the library is Huge
● Keeping track of Books issued is very difficult
● Fine collection process, is very confusing and time taking.
● It is very difficult to manage 4 million Books with the Manual System.
● Students are restricted to return the book on in Library timings.
● No Staff need to maintain the present system is very high

2.2 Change:
The New Library system which entirely change the way the current system works.
It will be a user friendly and available to all the students. It can be accesses through
Laptops, Desktops and even their own Smart Phones for that matter. This System
will help the management and the students in saving their time and tracking the
progress of the books that are going to be issued and that are already issued. The
system will be a great help for the students to avoid any kind of fine and it will also
help the management to easily maintain fine collection process.

2.3 Solution:
The Solution to the present manual Library system is to develop an new Online
Library Management system which will help the staff to manage it with ease and
the student to have access to it 24/7 online.
2.4 Context:
Through this New System portal/App, students can access library and can
deposit/book/reissue/pay fines/use tracking facility/Alert option (to pick/ return).
This new system gives the management a new and faster way of handling
request/deadlines/ Fine Collection/Manage inventory/ Reduce Staff/ Reduce time

2.5 Value:

The value that the new system will bring is;

● Reduce overheads and increase productivity of library staff

● Cost reduction
● Up-to-date records of all books, research papers, magazines, and other
materials available in the library
● Improve student engagement in the library
● It will generate dynamic reports for better decision-making
2.6 Stakeholders:

Internal External

1. Developers 1. Supplier
2. Testers 2. End User (Students)
3. Project Manager 3. Customer (Sponsor)
4. Library InCharge 4. Library Staff
5. Operation Support team 5. Payroll Team
6. Business Analyst
3.Requirements Classification Schema (RCS)
Picture above shows the elements of Requirement Classification Schema.
3.1 Business Requirements:

The Stanford University Library needs a new system in place to avoid the
following problems that the current system has;

1. The new system can help the library staff member to operate and manage the
library with ease and stress free.
2. The new system needs to be users friendly and should be accessible to all the
students 24/7 online through website or App for both Android and IOS.
3. The system should help the library payroll team to handle the fine
collections easily and save a lot of time.
4. The New system should be able to provide options like
book/reissue/track/alert the students of their return period.
5. Using this system, the Cost of managing should be reduced drastically.
6. The system should provide various books (Magazines, Research papers,
journals, and newspapers etc...) option and how long can they issue and what
price they can purchase.

3.2 Stakeholders Requirements:

The stake holder requirements include;

1. The new system should include different categories like, Books, Magazines,
Research Papers, Journals, News Papers, how long they can be issued, what
is the price if someone wants to buy them.
2. The new system should make it easy for the library staff to monitor and
track the books that are currently available and those that needs to be
ordered. They should also find it easy to check the borrowed books/who
borrowed them/ how much time they still have/ who is in the queue to order
the book next. If the demand for the book is more, order more copies to
make it easy for the student to get access to the book.
3. The system should be able to handle information how much fine the late
deposits should pay and this information should be easily accessible to
library payroll team. The system should also provide an alert option so that
when it is time to return that book, it alerts the student two/one days before
to avoid any fines.
4. The system should be able to track non return/Books that are not used/lost
books to manage the cost. Rarely used books can be sent back and not
purchased in future to reduce cost. Keeping a track on the books will reduce
books being lost
5. A special archive should be mentioned in the system for the books that have
a lot of value and depending on their age as well. The system has to provide
an alternate option that is very strict/ and less access provided to the
students. As these kinds of books are expensive and cost the library al lot if
any one of them are missing/lost.
3.3 Solution Requirements:

3.3.1 Functional Requirements:

1. Every book should be (RFID)barcoded and scanned before issuing so

that the system can track who took it/ time/ reissue process/ return
date/ fines/ and can't take the book with scanning as it will Alert the
sensors (RFID) at the exit.
2. The system should be user friendly and should be accessible to all the
students and the library staff.
3. All students can check the availability of the book they need, if they
are not available, they can put in a request or wait in queue for the
book to be available.
4. The student has to agree all the condition before taking the book from
the library like, return on time/ pay fine if its late/ pay the amount if
the book is lost/ inform the library staff if there are any
damages/pages lost when receiving or return the book.
5. Students/Library staff should be able to easily search the books upon
6. The system should show what is easily/freely (Journals, E-books etc..)
available to the students online.
7. An RFID Drop box should be available for the student so that they
can drop off books anytime.
3.3.2 Non-Functional Requirements:

1. The System on website or App should be self-explanatory and should

be very easy to use.
2. Train all the Library Staff on the new system on how to track/ issue/
reissue/ return policy/ fine collection/ security protocol, manage
inventory, raise a ticket in case of system failure.
3. Should maintain the system capacity to ensure smooth flow.
4. Update software from time to time to avoid any slow running/ bugs
and hacks.
5. Should install/maintain all the security/firewall systems to avoid any
6. Maintain book tracking and fine collection systems to avoid any
confusion or loss of books.
3.4. Transition Requirements:

1. Making the website/App available for selected user/testers for testing and
making necessary improvements on feedback and easily available on both
Android and IOS software so that all the employees can download and use it
very easily.
2. Once the system passes all the tests, promote and encourage all the students
to use the new system. Spread the word on all the advantages of it and how
it can benefit them forward.
3. If there are any failure in the system, there need to be plan on whom to
contact, how to overcome it. Monitoring of the system process and keeping a
track on all the feedback that the student provided and resolving them at the
earliest, will help in continuous improvement of the system.
4.Root Cause Analysis (RCA):
The issues/Problem with the old system is presented by a fish bone diagram below
to deeply understand why we needed a new system in place.
Picture above shows the Root Cause in the Fish Bone Diagram
5. As-in and Future Process Flowcharts:
5.1 As-In Library System:

The present Library System is shown below with the help of a flow chart
diagram to understand the it well and see what are the problems that the students
and Library staff are facing. The Flow chart show all the required steps that needs
to be followed in the current library system.
Picture above shows the flowchart of Current Library system
5.2 Future Cafeteria Order System:

The Future Library System is shown below with the help of a Swimlane flow chart
diagram to understand it well and see how it changed the current system for better
Picture above shows the flowchart of Future Library system
6.Activity Diagram/Process Modelling (Swinlane Diagram)
Picture above shows the flowchart of Future Library system
7.In-Scope and Out Of Scope Items:
Picture above shows the In and Out Of Scope Items of the New Library system
8.Context Diagram:
The Scope of the New Library system is presented using a context Diagram. It help
us understand easily on what main pillars does the system relay on and what output
does it provide to support them.
Picture above shows the Contest Diagram of New Library system
9.ER Diagram:
Picture above shows the ER Diagram of New Library system
10.List of Features to be Developed:
1. The Library System Should Include different categories for all the material
available like books, magazines, research papers, journals, and newspapers,
2. Books should be arranged in Alphabetical Order
3. Different type of reading material should have different time period of
4. Each and every reaching material should be RFID Tagged
5. Students should have easy access to the portal and can reserve/reissue
request from it.
6. Return Date Alert should be sent to their personal emails and Smart phones
7. Pick up dates, return dates and Fines information should automatically sent
in their booking information.
8. Purchase of Magazines, News Papers etc..... should be done with the help of
library staff.
9. E-Books should be freely available to all the students.
10. RFID Sensors/machines should be installed ready at all exit doors
11. RIFD Droboxes should be installed and after dropping off the books,
students should receive an automatic email/message about book returned
12. Library Stuff should be able to trace/maintain/search Library
13. Payroll team should be able to easily maintain fines/purchase reports.
14. Staff should be able to easily trace all the Aged/less usage books.

Picture above shows the Login page of the New Library system
ure above shows the home page of the New Library system

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