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C,HHHll\ l(\blri l ltHlkl,•1

T \t 1;<"'J1i, Jllr ~~ ~ 1\,1. .1~
Co py11ghl n.ego N:"\ 4:1 J\ ; ~.~M, ·~' "':, Pt . 1 ' f' \ l;\

L. I. Bhusan (Munger) (I 11u/1 :: l1 Vu/.':/111 rl

Please fill up the following lnformutlon s :

I Name ............................................. .... .. ··· ·······~· ·· ... . .... ...... ,....... ,...... ... ,, a,,,, •••••• J

I Education ............................. .. Occupation.... .... ........ ... ... .... .. ........ ................ .
Religion .................................. Caste ........... .. .. ... ... ...... I\ LJ ,)......... ... .... ........... .
Sex .......................................... Date ............ ............. ........ ................. ....... ...... ·

Some statements are writt en on nuxt p;i!Jt l. Sr11lH J pu1111li 1111 :,y :11i11111111
disagree with the idea (thought) of every statu1r1011 l. llriw l uvu1y ·1t;1l1 11 111 11 11
carefully and see that you agree or disagree will, It. I-or yrn Ir c:ut1v1 inli i r Ic1, liv11
answers are given besides every statement (5) Fully arJroo, ('1) Aoroo, (:l)
Uncertain, (2) Disagree, (1) Fully disagree. E11 clrclo ti HJ t; uil ;il 11111, ii i 1 I1 Ill
. . ,.the answer.which is most yoJJr opinion. Sur,posn t11nt oru, :111,t1 1I111,r11
is-"Leader should remain firm on hi s deci sion". II you l1llly u1 Jruu wi1l1 t11I :.1
statem~nt ;the encircle If orily agree then_encircio ®. Er1circli. 1 ( :) 1)11ly 0.
when you· are uncertain. If you disagree th an encir cle@ rind ii yr>11 f11II
disagree than encircle (D. There is no write or wror 1u in the=, ~;trJtomur11 1111; ir I
each statement carefully and answer according to your opi11io11. /\11uwuri111J ul
each statement in necessary. ·
, ~

Estd. 1971 1l" : (0562 ) 23611920

4/230, KACHERI GHAT, AGRA-282 004 (INDIA)
2 I Consumable Booklet of L. P. Scale
.. .. .. - -- • • • U R- 0 • • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • • • · • •••
--------- ----- ------- --- ------ -.....,-
~ - - - - - • - - -- - - · - - - - ·

Sr. Fully
STATEMENTS Fully Uncer- Dis-
No. Agree agree Disagree.,
Agree tain
1. A l eade r who lives cord ial ly w ith .
5 4 3 2 1
members is very influential.
2 . A good leader does not hesitate in
accepting his mistake in the presence
5 4 3 2 1
of members.
3. L ea der should always man age h is
group with the opinion of members . 5 4 3 2 1

4. Le ader is omnipotent..b e can pun ish

or reward anyone. 5 4 3 2 1

5. Wh ich way should be adopted t o

achieve the objects of the group , ·
leader should g_ecide this by taking the
opinion of members. 5 4 3 2 1

6. Skilful leader is he wiw deterrnl 118S all

th e policies himself. 5 4 3 2 1

7. A leader should always be attemptful

so that there is no tension among the
.. . .... . 4 .
mer;n bers. 5 3 2 1

.· -8. A g ~bd leader .decides the opli~ies of

11 group only by the opinion of members. 5 -4 3 2 1
9. A leade r should take iniciative at the
time of need instead of taking consent
:r from others. 5 4 3 2 1
10. A good leader is he who leads the
members on the policy and way which
i' n ts and no member objects to it.
he wa_ 5 4 3 2 1
Ii, ,
. I
11. A leader should be hard to his critics . 5 4 3 2 1
12. A lf ader should d oaccording to the
op1,nion of majority of m·e mbers. 5 4 3 2 1
·' I'
Consumable Booklet of L. P. Scale I 3

I tr:
··---------------~------- ------------------------------· ~

STATEMENTS Fully Uncer- Dis- Fully
j Agree
Agree tain agree Disagree
~ ~

g 13. A leader should give details of his

j works and report to the members from
s time to time. 5 4 3 2 1
I 14. A leader should keep the members
j divided in many groups. 5 4 3 2 1

I• i
15. A leader should not confess his
mistakes in the presence of members. 5 4 3 2

II !
16. A good leader plans the outlines of
future pro_gramme of the group
according to the opinion of members. 5 4 3 2 1
I 17. A good leader can not say that Qny of
I his order may be disobeyed. 5 4 3 ·2 1
l 18. Leadersh ip of a leader depends upon 2
the mutual agreement of the members. 5 4 3 1
19. Whatever leader say is the law for
members. 5 4 3 2 1
20. Division of a work into many small
gro~ps should be the ·leader
:_ac_c 9rding tq ~he opinion of the
members. 5 4 3 2 ·1
21. A leader should be careful that no
other member of the group tries to
become leader. 5 4 3 2 1
22. A leader should propose different
names in need of an expert so that
m~mbers may choose any of them. 5 4 3 2 1
23. A leader should honour the opinion of
his critics. 5 4 3 2 1
•'I I U, 111::11ilir1/ 1/n I lull/\f, lf uf I I '. .'J; :11 /,1
" • 111 ••- 11 ••!1111itt&t i ll• ••• ' fl! II"... .ft 1 M . . . . ... " ~ !I .f • , ' • •• • • " . . . ~ • • ., ,. ... "' .. . . ,, -


No. S fl\ fl] M HN I a h illy
lln our Dlti· I 1,lly
/\(J l'IHJ
/\lJ ftl tJ lt,tln 11 ureo OltHl[JrtH!
2/l . A l1 11 1tl111 nl1u11l<I tl11dd11 1H:(:lJ1'11i11(J ltJ
1111 1 ,ipl11lu11 nt 111 01111, m u 11)111 wlll1 :l1
11H11111 Jf ll'U lDIJ! ,ll 1n1' will tin ,1w1 WI<. /l ~I y
26. /\ lniu:lrn' lllH')llld 11111111111111 l1lu h1111hir i1 l1l11
IJ y I n Id 11 11r1< Iv 111 1tt q Jo I ii d Iuc () rd , 11 1ii
n11Jlu11I u11111lty nl t1u1111t1111l m1n, h ~I ~
26. A ltHHl (JI' wu rklnu ll(:t:nr dlrq1 lo 1111,
opi ni on of rn<1 1111Jt,r ~1 Iii n pl'()y ul
corruµtlon. !) ~,J 2
27. A I08der Sht")~Jld r,rovld o tl·)U (lot11ll :1 ol
futura proorcunmu:> o l tJ1 0 urllt 1p 10 i1II
tho rnernbor~. .,.) ,, '.-J 2
28. A len d er w~,o r,nros lon nt of lil( J ..
mornb ers is supprJsod oqu;1lly 10 lw ri
gouu tu1d succossl;ul loudttr. ,. '1 :1 2
29. A loncler should ke;iep confldontl ~l lrorn
'' 1

t11e rilt:Hnbers the plar,nlnu urrd pollcimJ

of work. I'
\) '1 :1 2
30. A 1.o~do.r shoulct work accor<Jlnn ,l l! I rl :J
vi ows, r,o sl1ould not ask froq uonc;y
. t11·u tJplr1lon of his ttssociatos. ~, :J 2 1

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