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1.) Freud’s influence in developmental psychology is due to his influence that the
_________ _________ are decisive. Ans. early years
2.) Freud divided the mind into ________ structures. Ans. three
3.) Freud’s term for psychic energy was _________. Ans. libido
4.) The structure intent on securing pleasure is the __________. Ans. id
5.) The _________ acts as a conscience. Ans. superego
6.) In the developing personality, when pleasure is derived from such behaviors as sucking,
this is the _______ stage. Ans. oral
7.) Each of Erikson’s stages is highlighted by a _________ that must be resolved before
passage to the next stage. Ans. crisis
8.) At each stage the individual is pressured by _________ needs and the demands of
_______. Ans. internal, society
9.) In Erikson’s first stage, it is critical for infants to learn that their world is a _______ place.
Ans. predictable
10.) During Erikson’s fifth stage, which occurs during or after adolescence, it is frequently
necessary to resolve an _________. Ans. identity crisis
11.) Piaget’s major concern was with the development of ___________ __________.
Ans. cognitive structures
12.) Piaget believed that cognitive development occurred by passage through cognitive
__________. Ans. stages
13.) ____________ are mental, internalized actions. Ans. operations
14.) Vygotsky differed from Piaget in that he was more interested in the role that
_________ _________ played in cognitive development. Ans. social interactions
15.) Vygotsky also placed greater emphasis on __________ than did Piaget. Ans.
16.) Vygotsky believed in two processes that lead to cognitive development: elementary
and __________. Ans. psychological
17.) Skinner’s view of learning is referred to as _________ or _________ conditioning.
Ans. operant, instrumental
18.) This explanation of learning depends heavily on the role of the _________. Ans.
19.) When a response is __________, it is more likely to reoccur. Ans. reinforced
20.) Bandura’s social learning theory, also called observational learning, stresses the role
of __________ in learning. Ans. modeling
21.) Observation of models may ____________ or ___________ existing responses.
Ans. strengthen, weaken
22.) A major criticism of Freud and Piaget is that their theories are too ___________.
Ans. unidimensional
23.) Modern developmental theorists have turned their attention to their attention to the
_________ among multiple levels of development. Ans. interactions
24.) Lerner’s work is referred to as __________ _________. Ans. developmental
25.) A term used to describe the influence of environmental complexity on development is
____________. Ans. context
26.) Development is about change.
27.) Development is a lifelong process.
28.) Lifespan psychology assumes that development is multidimensional.
29.) Understanding childhood at any historical period depends on what adults think of
30.) A model that uses the interaction of biological, psychological, and social influences to
explain the development is the biopsychosocial.
31.) One of the first outstanding theorists to recognize the importance of the early years
was Freud.
32.) Lifespan psychologists cannot focus solely on age.
33.) When we refer to the values, beliefs, and characteristics of a people, we are referring
to culture.
34.) Adolescence begins in biology and culture.
35.) Descriptive studies generate considerable data.
36.) When an experimenter keeps all variables constant but one, that one is called
37.) An example of a cross-sectional study is comparing individuals of various ages at
the same time.
38.) The typical research article contains four sections. Which item is not included in a
research article? author biography
39.) Freud’s structure of the mind included ego.
40.) The id is the structure of the mind that is present at birth.
41.) Freud believed that development entailed moving through psychosexual stages.
Difficulty at any stage can cause a person to become fixated.
42.) According to Freud, sexual desire becomes dormant during the latency stage.
43.) Bronfenbrenner’s theory of development is called the bioecological model.
44.) One-year-old Jane has already learned that her mother will be there when Jane
needs her. This predictable world helps a child to develop trust.
45.) The psychosocial crisis of industry versus inferiority must be resolved during the
school years.
46.) Piaget’s theory of cognitive development focused on the formation and development
of cognitive structures.
47.) Piaget placed considerable emphasis on operations, which he viewed as
internalized actions.
48.) Although both Piaget and Vygotsky devoted their lives to studying cognitive
development, Vygotsky placed greater emphasis on social interactions.
49.) Skinner carefully analyzed the role of reinforcement in development and
distinguished it from reward
50.) In operant conditioning, the environment acts as the major source of reinforcement.
51.) The great value of observational learning is that a person need not overtly react to
learn new responses.
52.) Today’s developmental psychologists consider theories such as of Freud and Piaget
as too unidimensional.
53.) Lerner’s analysis of development depends on analyzing multiple levels of
54.) The resurgence of interest in biological explanations of development is due to recent
genetic research.
55.) More complex explanations of development depend on the idea of reciprocal

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