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University of the Punjab

Gujranwala Campus
Study/Excursion Tour
Consent form

Department: Business
Student Details
Roll Number: Shift:

Name: Section:

Class: Father's Name:

Semester: Student Cell no:

Student CNIC: Parent's Phone 1:

Parent's Phone 2:
Excursion Tour Details
Destination: Kaghan Valley Departure Date: 27/05/2022 9:00 P.M.

Days in Excursion: 4 Return Date: 31/05/2022

Nights in Excursion: 3 Arrival Back Date: 31/05/2022

Cost of Tour: 9500/-

Student's Signature:
Parental Consent

Your attention is drawn to the following important points:

1.Students are under the teacher’s/supervisor’s authority for the duration of the excursion. A student may be returned
home at the expense of the parent if the teacher/supervisor considers that circumstances require such action.
2.PUGC has a duty of care for students engaged in university related activities, including excursions and sporting events
under its direction or supervision. All reasonable steps will be taken to protect students against reasonably foreseeable
risks of injury or harm.
3.Financial responsibility for medical and other costs incurred in emergency situations or where a decision is taken to
return a student home, rests with the parent/guardian of the student.
4.Liability for loss, theft or damage to student property is the responsibility of the student.
5.Students are not permitted to transport other students in vehicles being provided.
6. The parent/guardian is responsible for informing the University of any change in consent to their child attending an

Permission is given for Excursion: (Yes/No):

Parent's Name Date:

Parent's Signature

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