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Analysis of standard beam conditions by C

Jitendra M. Joshi#1, Aakash S. Pawar*2
Civil Engineering Department, R. C. Patel Institute of Technology, Shirpur, Maharashtra, India
Civil Engineering Department, R. C. Patel Institute of Technology, Shirpur, Maharashtra, India
In civil engineering works, the analysis of beam is major part of structural design of any structure. Up to present scenario the manual
method of analysis of the beam is commonly used. But by using of manual method various problems are faced by designer such as,
sometimes designer is not able to calculate the reversal load comes on the structure and ultimately on the beam. Due to the reversal
loads on structure, the analysis of beam becomes much difficult. And secondly sometimes the designer fails to take a certain load due
to manual error. Hence it is important to find solution on these problems. As per the study C programming can be a better solution to
avoid such problems. There are many programming languages in current situation. This paper emphasizes on the use of C language
for analysis of simply supported beam as well as cantilever beam. C programming can be efficiently use to solve the problems of
structural analysis. In this paper an attempt is made to present analysis of standard beam conditions using computer programming.
Computer is very useful tool in the engineering works but sometimes computer software has some limitations. The solution could be
an appropriate use of computer programming. Knowledge of programming allows to solve various civil engineering difficulties.
Keywords—Structural Design, C language, programming.

The C language is a mother of all computer languages C programming is useful in calculation of structures. It is used to do
work in an appropriate manner. Now a days having good knowledge of programming is always beneficial. Hence this project
includes that every civil engineer should basic knowledge of programming due which we can solve various civil engineering
problems, This paper firstly include basic introduction of C language, bending moment and shear force. Importance of C in civil
engineering, sign conventions and abbreviations, programs are also outlined. Types of beam include simply supported beam and
cantilever beam.


Computer Programming as a tool for the engineering problems analysis in this paper beam analysis program was developed
which automates the analysis of beam problems. The program provides properties that in the definition of loads, length and
supports. The program then calculates for shear and moment. This paper describes the use of programming in various structural
design problems. An interactive graphics oriented beam analysis program in this paper C program is presented which can
efficiently analyse a beam subjected loading. The results obtained in the form of output. To check reliability and accuracy of
results obtained using C program, the same data was analysed manually and the results obtained were compared with analyzed
results using programming. Both the results were found to be similar with zero percentage error. However, the analysis done
using the developed program was found to be speedier, easier and reduces errors than manual analysis.


Procedure to develop program will include following two sections –
Input data:-The first line of program is #include <stdio.h> which is called preprocessor directive. C preprocessor is a tool which
filters source code before it is compiled. Next will be main () which is starting point of C program. Then user has to enter value
of load as the first input of the program. It should be define with proper abbreviation which is explained above. Care has taken
that if user by mistake types abbreviation other than declared one, he / she will asked to continue the program or not. Then user
will asked to enter the value of span of beam which user will declared with defined abbreviation. The program will store the
data in the array form of data type.
Calculation of shear force and bending moment:- For calculating the Shear force, as explained in the aim of program, Method of
Superimposition is considered. So the program will calculate the Shear Force as well as Bending Moment at various sections
considering that at a time only one load is acting on the beam. For that single load program will calculate the Shear Force and
Bending Moment and likewise for other loads, if any. Then at last, it will adds up all the Shear Forces as well as Bending
Moments at the particular section and prints out. The calculated shear force and bending moment at various sections is prints
out in the output and simultaneously it is also stored in an array called result. The second column of which stores the shear force
and third one is stores the bending moment.

Volume 6, Issue 4, April 2019 807



Standard formulae for following standard beam conditions are as follows –
A. Simply supported beam
Support reactions and maximum bending moment for simply supported beam with point load at center.
Ra = w/2
Rb = w/2
Maximum BM = (w*l)/4
Support reactions and maximum bending moment for simply supported beam with UDL on whole span.
Ra = (w*l)/2
Rb = (w*l)/2
Maximum BM = (w*l*l)/8
Support reactions and maximum bending moment for simply supported beam with UDL on half span.
Ra = (3wl)/8
Rb = (w*l)/8
Maximum BM = (w*l*l)/16
Support reactions and maximum bending moment for simply supported beam with point load at anywhere on the span of beam.
Ra = (w*b)/l
Rb = (w*a)/l
Maximum BM = (w*a*b)/l
B. Cantilever beam
Support reactions and maximum bending moment for cantilever beam with point load at end.
Ra = w
Maximum BM = - (w*l)
Support reaction and maximum bending moment for cantilever beam with UDL on whole span.
Ra = w*l
Maximum BM = - (w*l*l)/2
Support reaction and maximum bending moment for cantilever beam with UDL on half span.
Ra = w*a
Maximum BM = - (w*a*a)/2
Support reaction and maximum bending moment for cantilever beam with point load at anywhere on the span of beam.
Ra = w
Maximum BM = - (w*a)
w = load in kN
l = length in meters
Ra = support reaction at point A
Rb = support reaction at point B
BM = Bending moment

A. Program for simply supported beam with point load at centre.
void main()
float w,l,a;
float Ra,Rb,BM;
printf("\n\n Support reactions and Maximum Bending moment for simply supported beam with point load at center \n\n");
printf("\n Enter the value of load in kN = ");
printf("\n Enter the value of span in m = ");

Volume 6, Issue 4, April 2019 808


printf("\n Enter the value of total span in m =");

printf("\n Support reaction at point A = %f kN",Ra);
printf("\n\n Support reaction at point B= %f kN",Rb);
BM= (w*l)/4;
printf("\n\n Maximum BM = %f kNm",BM);

C programming helps to reduce lengthy calculations of bending moment and support reaction. Values obtained very accurately
with minimum time by using C programming. The program run successfully with reasonable speed and reliability, thus
achieving the basic aim of carrying out this work. As engineer, our knowledge about programming will develop, which prove to
be value addition for us. Now a day world is getting faster day by day, to survive in competitive world programming skill is
very useful. With the help of basic knowledge of C language, new software can be invented by user. The programming
environment selected in the project work, is found quite user friendly due to manual errors are avoided. In project, as the beams
are analyzed by using of C programming we can also design a building or analyze that building up to G+1 or more floors also.
With the help of languages like C, C++, etc. we can developed a software also.

[1] Let us C (book) by Yashavant P Kanetkar – BPB Publication 13 edition.
[2] “Application of visual basic program to analysis and design of structural elements”, C. E. Osakwe, Z. A. Mustaphan and S. D. Garnvwa, Nigerian
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[3] “Computer programming as a tool for the engineering problems analysis”. Lubin university of technology Research report number 56-4
[4] “A Computer program to analyse beam-colums under movable loads” by Hudson Matlock and Thomas P. Taylor.
[5] An interactive Graphics Oriented Beam Analysis Program -” by Jack Zecher. Indiana university – Purdue university at Indianapolis “
[6] “ Structured Programming” - by Bhaskar Shrestha, National College of Computer Studies Tribhuvan University.

Volume 6, Issue 4, April 2019 809

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