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Vol. 71, No. 3, 163-167. 1991

Esterase Activity in Soy Sauce M o r o m i as a Factor

Hydrolyzing Flavor Esters
Research and Development Division, Kikkoman Corporation, Noda-shi, Chiba 278, Japan
Received 5 April 1990/Accepted4 November 1990

In order to elucidate the reason for the meager occurrence of volatile esters in soy sauce, the ester-decompos-
ing activities of microorganisms concerned in soy sauce fermentation were examined. Soy yeasts showed at
least 10 times higher esterase activity than the other yeasts used for fermented beverages. The yeast esterase was
not greatly affected by the pH or NaCI concentration. Soy koji cultured with Aspergillus sojae or A. oryzae
showed very high ester-splitting activity. By gel-filtration of koji esterase, the i-amylacetate (i-AmAc) decom-
posing fraction was obtained. This fraction showed a decrease of activity at lower pH or higher NaCI concen-
tration. Koji esterase decreased its activity in moromi but remained over the entire moromi period. Koji
esterase exhibited a higher activity than yeast esterase in fermenting moromi. These strong esterase activities
are thought to be one of the causes of the low concentration of ester flavor in soy sauce.

Volatile esters like i-amylacetate are distributed in (9)) were stock cultures in this laboratory. Brewer's yeast
various fermented beverages such as beer, sake or wine, (IFO 1167), distillery yeast (IFO 0216), and baker's yeast
and are known to contribute greatly to the production of (IFO 0555) were obtained from the Institute for Fermenta-
their aromas (1). In the brewing of beer (2) or sake tion, Osaka (IFO). YM medium [0.5% Polypepton, 0.3%
(Ishikawa et al.: Abstr. Annu. Meet. Agric. Chem. Soc., yeast extract, 0.3% malt extract and 1.0% glucose
Japan, p. 408, 1979, Ishikawa et al. Abstr. Annu. Meet. (pH 5.2)], YM medium supplemented with 10% NaC1, and
Soc. Ferment. Technol., Japan, p. 147, 1980) i-amyl- YPG medium (7) were used for salt-intolerant yeasts, salt-
acetate is mainly synthesized from acetyl-CoA and i- tolerant yeasts, and lactic acid bacteria, respectively. They
amylalcohol by alcohol-acetyltransferase (AATFase) in were cultured statically at 30°C in test tubes containing
yeasts. Soy sauce is also a complexly-fermented product, 5 ml of medium or flasks containing 100 ml medium.
in which, nearly 300 kinds of flavor components have so Koji and moromi (soy sauce mash) were prepared ac-
far been detected (3). In soy sauce, however, i-amylacetate cording to the method described by Sekine and Sigeta (10).
is usually not detected, or it is contained only at a very low E n z y m e assays Alcohol-acetyltransferase (AAT-
level, even though the precursor, i-amylalcohol, is present Fase) was assayed with permeabilized cells of the yeast
in a certain amount (4). The reason for the absence or the (11). The reaction mixture contained 1 ml of 2.4mM
very low concentration of i-amylacetate in soy sauce has not acetyl-CoA, 1 ml of 0.1% i-amylalcohoi and 1 ml of
been explained clearly. In sake or beer fermentation, the permeabilized cell suspension. All were dissolved or
esterase of the yeast is thought to be a factor in decompos- suspended in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.0). In a 5 ml
ing esters. Yanagiuchi et al. (5) measured the esterase activ- test tube with a screw cap, the reaction mixture was incu-
ities of the yeasts and koji used for sake production, and bated with gentle shaking for 60 min at 25°C. Then, synthe-
showed that the yeast esterase could decompose flavor sized i-amylacetate (i-AmAc) was extracted and measured
esters while koji esterase was inactive in the condition of gas-chromatographically as described below. Esterase ac-
sake fermentation. tivity was assayed by a modified method of Toshimitsu et
In this paper, investigations into the factors concerned al. (12) with p-nitrophenylacetate (p-NPA activity) or a-
in ester-formation and decomposition in soy sauce fermen- naphthylacetate (a-NA activity) as the substrates. Reac-
tation are described. The soy yeasts and koji culture were tion mixture containing 0.5 ml of sample solution or
found to have strong esterase activities, and this feature suspension, 3.5 ml of 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) and
could be responsible for the decomposition of the flavor- 0.5 ml of 1 mM substrate dissolved in 1/°o' methanol were
esters in the process of soy sauce brewing. incubated for 30 min at 30°C, then if needed, cells were
eliminated by centrifugation at 2,000 g for 5 min. In the
case of a-NA substrate, reaction mixtures were mixed with
0.5 ml of Fast Blue B reagent which consisted of 5 parts of
Organisms and culture conditions Aspergillus sojae 1°/oo Fast Blue B salt in 100mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.0)
2048 (6) and Aspergillus oryzae 1299 (koji mold), Pediococ- and 2 parts of 5°//00sodium dodecylsulfate, and centrifuged
cus halophilus 7117 (7) (lactic acid bacteria for soy sauce), at 2,000 g for 5 min if necessary. Liberated p-nitrophenol
Zygosaccharomyces rouxii NISL 3355 (8) (a salt-tolerant, and a-naphtol were measured with the absorption at
soy yeast), Candida versatilis NISL 3722 (8) (a salt- 400 nm and 600 nm, respectively. Esterase activity toward
tolerant, 4-ethyl guaiacol producing yeast), Pichia i-AmAc (i-AmAc activity) was assayed as follows. The re-
farinosa AHU 4134 (8) (a salt-tolerant, pellicle-producing action mixture containing 1 ml of 0.1% i-AmAc, i ml of
yeast), and wine yeasts (WE 432, ATCC 4098, IAM 4274 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.0), and 1 ml of sample solu-
tion or suspension was incubated for 60min at 30°C,
* Corresponding author. then liberated i-amylalcohol was analyzed gas-chromato-

graphically. Esterase activities toward higher-alcohol extraction in a test tube with a screw cap for 20 min at
esters other than i - A m A c were assayed in the same way. 30°C by the use of a continuous shaker (Thermomixer
The reverse reaction o f esterase was assayed in 100 ml o f TM 121). The methylacetate layer separated above the aque-
m o r o m i juice (MJ (13)) or p h o s p h a t e buffer ( 1 0 0 m M , ous solution by centrifugation at 1,500g for 10 min was
p H 5 . 0 ) containing 0.1% i-amylalcohol, 0.5°/00 acetate, collected. If necessary, the extracted solution was concen-
15%o NaC1 and yeast suspension (final concentration 107 trated into about 30 pl by the blowing o f N 2 before analy-
cells/ml). The reaction mixture was incubated for 24 h at sis by g a s - c h r o m a t o g r a p h y . Volatiles formed in the reverse
30°C, centrifuged at 1,500g for 10min to eliminate cells reaction o f esterase were extracted with fleon-I 1 for 20 h
and then the i - A m A c synthesized was measured. and then concentrated to 3 0 p l at 45°C according to the
The esterase activity in m o r o m i was assayed with i- method o f Rapp (16). The concentrated sample was ana-
A m A c as the substrate. The reaction mixture contained lyzed by gas-chromatography. Volatiles in m o r o m i were
20 g of m o r o m i and 50 pl o f i - A m A c . F o r an estimation o f directly extracted with methylacetate. Twenty g of a
exclusive yeast esterase of k o j i esterase, l07 cells/ml (final moromi-sample was mixed thoroughly with 10 ml of dis-
concentration) o f the yeast was added to a moromi-sample tilled water, 0.5 ml o f the internal standard and 5 ml o f
after heat-treatment at 100°C for 60 min. The mixture was methylacetate. The extraction mixture was stirred by a
incubated for 24 h at 30°C, mixed thoroughly with the voltex mixer at full speed for 30 s and let stand statically
internal standard, and liberated i-amylalcohol was meas- for 30s. This operation was repeated three times. The
ured. methylacetate layer was then separated by centrifugation
Protease was assayed by the azocasein method (14). at 3,000g for 10min.
Time course of esterase activity in m o r o m i Moromi Analysis by gas-chromatography Gas-chromatogra-
was sampled each month, filtered through filter paper, phy o f methylacetate-extracts was performed with a Shi-
then 0.1 ml o f i - A m A c was added to 3 ml o f the filtrate. madzu GC-14A g a s - c h r o m a t o g r a p h equipped with an F I D
Liberated i-amylalcohol was measured gas-chromato- and a silica capillary column (0.25 m m i.d. × 15 m length)
graphically. coated with PEG20M; the oven temperature was pro-
Extraction, precipitation and gel filtration of esterases g r a m m e d as follows: 50°C for 10rain, 50-220°C at
from k o j i One kg o f k o j i cultured with A . sojae 2048 4 ° C / r a i n and then 220°C for 7.5 min; inlet temperature,
was mixed with 1.5 / o f distilled water and held at r o o m 240°C; carrier gas, N2 (1 m l / m i n ) , split rate, I : 30. Gas-
temperature for 6 0 m i n . The mixture was filtered first c h r o m a t o g r a p h y o f the extracts was performed according
through cloth, then through a S t a n d a r d Super Cell bed, to the method o f A o k i et al. (8).
and Millipore filter (pore size 0 . 2 2 p m ) . To the filtrate, Other methods Cell numbers o f yeasts and bacteria
8 0 ~ saturated (NH4)2SO 4 was added. The precipitate was were determined by a haematometer.
collected by centrifugation at 12,000g for 15 min, then Protein concentration was determined by the method o f
solved in 50 ml of the buffer (pH 7.0, 50 m M sodium phos- Lowry (17) with bovine serum albumin as a standard.
phate). Gel filtration was p e r f o r m e d by H P L C equipped
with a TSKgel 3000SW column. The applied sample
volume was 13.5 ml. The flow rate was 9 m l / m i n . The elu-
tion buffer contained 50 mM sodium p h o s p h a t e (pH 7.0) Esterase activities of organisms occurring in m o r o m i
and 0.3 M NaCl. A f t e r 38.5 min from the start o f the elu- First, A A T F a s e activities o f a soy yeast, Z. rouxii
tion, 27 fractions were collected every 6 min. NISL3355, and o f a sake yeast, S. cerevisiae Kyokai-no. 7
Extraction of volatile materials Higher alcohols and were measured to estimate the ester synthesizing activity.
their ethyl esters were analyzed by a modified method o f Appreciable A A T F a s e activity was detected in S. cere-
Y o k o t s u k a el al. (15). To 3 ml of sample, 1 g o f NaC1 and visiae Kyokai-no. 7 as reported, but not in Z. rouxii
100pl o f the internal standard containing 1 m M o-xylenol NISL3355.
and 1 m M d i m e t h y l m a l o n a t e in 50%o ethanol, were added. To examine the possibility that esters formed by A A T -
It was extracted with 1 ml o f methylacetate by liquid-liquid Fase are decomposed by any esterases co-existing with

Activity (nmol/min/107cells)
o o.,os o.lo 0.,85 0.90
Soy Yeast NISL 3355
(Zggosaccharomgces rouxii)
Brewer's Yeast IF0 1167
Distillery Yeast IFO 0216

Sake Yeast Kyokai no. 7

Baker's Yeast IFO 0555
Wine Yeast IAM 4274

Wine Yeast ATCC 4098

Wine Yeast WE 432

FIG. 1. Esterase activities of several fermentation yeasts. All yeasts were incubated in 5 ml of YM medium (without NaCI) for 2 d. Yeasts
were collected and assayed as described in the text.

A A T F a s e , i - A m A c splitting activities of various yeasts TABLE 2. Decomposing activities of soy yeast and koji esterases
were measured. The activity in Z. rouxii N I S L 3355 was towards volatile esters
more than 10 times that f o r m e d in S. cerevisiae Kyokai-no. Relative activities (~)a
7 or in other yeasts for fermented beverages (Fig. 1). The Substrates
esterase activities o f several yeasts concerned in moromi Yeast Koji
(soy sauce mash) fermentation were also measured (Table i-Amylacetate 100 100
1). C. versatilis N I S L 3722 and P. farinosa A H U 4134 had i-Butylacetate 88 89
esterase activities as high as Z. rouxii N I S L 3355. The re- fl-Phenethylacetate 74 72
sult showed that these yeasts might decompose volatile Ethylcaproate ll7 8
esters in soy sauce fermentation. a The activity for i-amylacetate is shown as 1009/00.
Koji molds (A. sojae and A. oryzae) and lactic acid bac-
terium (P. halophilus) are also concerned in soy sauce
fermentation in a d d i t i o n to the yeasts. The esterase activ- in Table 2. The yeast esterase split i-butylacetate, ]L
ities o f koji, l m o n t h aged moromi (just before the addi- phenethylacetate and ethylcaproate as well as i-AmAc. Soy
tion o f yeast) and lactic acid bacteria (P. halophilus 7117) sauce moromi is fermented at a relatively low p H (about
are shown in Table 1. High esterase activities were found p H 5) and a high NaC1 concentration (about 17%), so the
in both the koji and moromi, but not in cells of P. effects o f these factors on the esterase were examined. The
halophilus. To m a k e moromi, koji is mixed with nearly yeast esterase activity was not so seriously affected by pH
twice its weight o f saline. Usually, about 1 month after the or NaC1 concentration (data not shown).
mixing, yeasts are added. At the m a x i m u m growth, the Gel filtration of kofi esterases It is generally known
moromi contains 107 cells/ml o f yeasts and 2 × 108 cells/ml that esterase activity is composed o f several enzymes. The
o f lactic acid bacteria. The activity in 1/3 g koji was higher extract o f koji was c h r o m a t o g r a p h i c a l l y fractionated to
than that o f 107 yeast cells, and even at the stage just be- separate the esterases involved and to determine the en-
fore the a d d i t i o n o f yeast the esterase activity in 1 g o f zyme responsible for the decomposition o f volatile esters.
moromi was higher than that o f 107 yeast cells. The activity Distilled water extract o f koji was precipitated by 80%
o f 2 × 108 cells o f P . halophilus was less than 1% of the ac- saturated (NH4)2SO4, followed by fractionation by gel
tivity o f 107 cells o f the yeast. These results indicated that filtration with TSKgel G3000SW. I - A m A c - , p - N P A - , tr-
both the yeasts and koji molds had high esterase activities, N A - activities and protease activity were measured on each
and these enzymes might decompose esters under the condi- fraction. The results are shown in Fig. 2-a, b. One i - A m A c
tions o f moromi fermentation. activity peak, one a - N A activity peak, two p - N P A peaks
The ester-synthesizing activities o f these esterases of the and two protease peaks are apparent. The two p - N P A
yeast and in moromijuice were also determined in the pres- peaks a p p e a r e d in the same fractions as the i - A m A c peak
ence o f excessive concentrations o f the substrates (0.5%0 and a - N A peak. Both the protease peaks were in fractions
acetate and 0 . 1 % i-amylalcohol) c o m p a r e d with those in different from those o f the esterase described above. It is
soy sauce. Esterase in the moromi juice is thought to be assumed that the esterase activity in koji was based on at
derived from koji, since the juice was prepared from least two enzymes which had different substrate-speci-
young-stage moromi before the addition o f yeast. Only a ficities.
negligible a m o u n t o f i - A m A c , 1.8 and 1.1 p p m for the We obtained a fraction that could decompose i-AmAc,
yeast suspension and the moromi juice respectively, was and examined the properties of the koji esterase with this
synthesized t h r o u g h the reverse reaction o f esterases. Thus fraction.
the equilibrium is thought to decline towards hydrolysis o f Properties of koji esterase The activities o f the i-
i - A m A c in the moromi conditions. A m A c - d e c o m p o s i n g fraction on several volatile esters are
Properties of yeast esterase Some properties o f the shown in Table 2. It split i-butylacetate and fl-phen-
yeast esterase were examined with intact yeast cells. As the ethylacetate as well as i-AmAc. The koji esterase also
yeast esterase was not secreted into the m e d i u m (data not split ethylcaproate but its activity was only 6°//oo o f the i-
shown), it is thought to act intracellularly in moromi. A m A c decomposition. The activities o f the a - N A - d e c o m -
Activities to decompose several volatile esters are shown posing fraction in the koji extract on these esters were less
than 5% o f each o f the i - A m A c - d e c o m p o s i n g fractions.
Hence, most o f the volatile esters were thought to be
TABLE 1. Esterase activities of microorganisms concerned in decomposed by the i - A m A c - d e c o m p o s i n g activity.
soy sauce fermentation The effects o f p H and NaC1 concentration on the
esterase were examined. Esterase activity was found to de-
Organisms Activity
crease with a decrease o f p H or increase of NaC1 concentra-
(nmol/min/107 cells) tion. The koji esterase showed the m a x i m u m activity at
Z. rouxii NISL 3355 2.3 p H 7-9 and the activity at p H 5 was about 109/o o f the max-
C. versatilis IFO 10038 2.0 imum. The activity at 17°//00 NaCl was about 1/3 of that
P. farinosa AHU 4134 3.6
Pedio. halophilus 7117 ~0.01
Activity (nmol/min/g kojl)
A. sojae 2048 (koji) 262.4 TABLE 3. Comparison of koji and soy yeast esterase under
Activity (nmol/min/ml moromi juice) moromi conditions (pH 5, NaCI 17%)
A. sojae 2048 (moroml) 6.1 Activity
A. oryzae 1299 (moromO 10.4 Origin (nmol/h/ml)
Koji was extracted by 10 times the amounts of water for 1 h. Koji (Moromi just before yeast addition) 20.5
Moromi was extracted just before the addition of yeast (aged for Yeast (Heated rnoromi+ 107 yeast cells) 9.6
1 month). Yeasts and bacteria were incubated in 100 ml of medium Control (Heated moromi only) 0.0
for 3d.

r~ (a) m I00~

20 e ~ 801~
r~ ~ 6o
o >,

>~ J
>' 40 \
> i0 ~ 20 "
.,-4 <
4J Z <

1 2 3 4 5 6
Time (month)
FIG. 3. Time course of the esterase activity in moromi through
0.4 300~e
Ob the highest at the start of the moromi period, after which it
O decreased gradually. However, even after 5 months of ag-
ing, the moromi was able to decompose 7 ppm of i-AmAc
200'~ within 24 h. This suggests that if some volatile esters are
produced at any stage of soy sauce fermentation, such
esters will finally be decomposed during the long aging
0.2 4J

period with the remaining esterase activity.

: ' I00
c~ o c
©©- .~ in order to clarify the reason for the unexpectedly small
© content of volatile esters in soy sauce, LAmAc-synthe-
5 i0 15 20 25 sizing and decomposing activities in soy sauce yeast, Z.
Fraction number rouxii, were measured. I-AmAc-synthesizing activity in Z.
FIG. 2. Gel filtration of the koji esterase on a TSKgel 3000SW
rouxii could not be detected, contrary to the result in S.
column by HPLC. Symbols: (a) e , i-AmAc activity; • ,p-NPA ac- cerevisiae. I-AmAc-decomposing activity in Z. rouxii was
tivity; A, a-NA activity. (b) [], protease activity; O, protein concen- more than 10times that in S. cerevisiae. Therefore, i-
tration. Koji cultured with A. sojae 2048. A m A c might be decomposed immediately, even if it is syn-
thesized. Whether i-amylacetate-synthesizing activity was
too weak to be detected, or the ester was once synthesized
without NaC1 (data not shown). but decomposed immediately, is u n k n o w n , and it would
C o m p a r i s o n of kofi a n d y e a s t esterases in moromi be difficult to determine.
simulated conditions Fermenting moromi contains The esterase activity originating from koji-mold was
both esterases originated from koji mold and yeast. To esti- higher than that due to Z. rouxii under the same condi-
mate the actual contributions of each esterase to the decom- tions as moromi, while the activity of the lactic acid bacte-
position of volatile esters in rnoromi, their i-AmAc activ- rium was negligible.
ities were measured separately in conditions simulated to In the case of sake manufacturing, it was reported (5)
those of fermenting mororni. Mororni just before the addi- that the effect of the koji esterase was very small and the
tion of yeast was used as a source of the koji esterase main i-AmAc-decomposing factor was the yeast esterase,
devoid of yeast esterase. The moromi was heated at 100°C although its activity was fairly weak compared with the
for 1 h to inactivate the esterases originating from the koji esterase in soy yeasts. The pH of sake moromi is around 4,
mold, and then 107 cells/ml of yeast cells cultured sepa- while that of soy sauce moromi is about 5. According to
rately were added. This was used as the sample for the the pH dependence curve of the soy sauce koji esterase, the
yeast esterase. The heat-treated moromi without the yeast activity partially remained at pH 5 but not at pH 4. Thus
addition was used as the control. The pH of all these sam- the difference in moromi pH between sake and soy sauce is
ples was adjusted to 5.0. thought to be one of the factors that affects the contribu-
The results are shown in Table 3. Both the yeast and the tion of koji esterases during their moromi fermentation.
koji-mold esterases decomposed i-AmAc, whereas the con- Soy sauce koji is well k n o w n for its strong proteases
trol did not. The koji-mold esterase was found to be more (18). The possibility that these proteases decompose the
active than the yeast one. Thus the esterase originating esters could be feasible. Gel filtration of the koji extract
from the koji-mold contributed much more than the yeast showed an i-AmAc decomposing peak, an a - N A decom-
esterase to the decomposition of volatile esters. posing peak and two protease peaks. The esterases and pro-
T i m e c o u r s e o f esterase activity in m o r o m i a g i n g teases were eluted separately from each other. Thus, these
Usually, soy sauce moromi is held for more than half a two proteases were thought not to be concerned in the
year for aging. The time course of esterase activity in esterase activity. However, as it is k n o w n that at least
moromi during aging is shown in Fig. 3. The activity was seven different proteases are present in soy koji (18), it can

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