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LWT - Food Science and Technology 74 (2016) 242e250

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Optimizing the initial moromi fermentation conditions to improve the

quality of soy sauce
Nguyen Xuan Hoang a, Sophia Ferng a, Ching-Hua Ting b, Wei-Hua Huang a,
Robin Yih-Yuan Chiou a, Cheng-Kuang Hsu a, *
Department of Food Science, National Chiayi University, Chiayi City 60004, Taiwan, ROC
Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, National Chiayi University, Chiayi City 60004, Taiwan, ROC

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Soy sauce is a traditional condiment consumed by the people in China, Korea, Japan and Taiwan. The
Received 17 April 2016 annual production is about 5 million metric tons in China, accounting for over 50% of the world pro-
Received in revised form duction. The objective was to optimize the process parameters for preparation of initial moromi
9 July 2016
fermentation of soy sauce, which was considered as an enzymatic hydrolysis for the further fermentation
Accepted 21 July 2016
Available online 25 July 2016
stage. Temperature (35, 40 and 45  C), fermentation time (1, 3 and 5 days) and brine content (5 and 10%
w/w) were studied as independent variables. The responses evaluated for deciding the optimum con-
ditions were biochemical properties of total nitrogen, amino nitrogen, reducing sugar and total acid
Soy sauce
contents, as well as microbial properties of yeast and total bacterial counts. Experimental data were fitted
Optimization well into second-order polynomial models. The simultaneously optimal conditions were 40.7  C tem-
Fermentation perature, 4.6 days fermentation time and 10% w/w brine content. The optimized response values for total
nitrogen, amino nitrogen, reducing sugar and total acid contents and pH were 1.43, 0.65, 2.79, and 1.28%
and 5.48, respectively. These conditions could obtain total nitrogen (>1.4%) and amino nitrogen (>0.56%)
contents satisfying the requirement of first-grade soy sauce within 5 days fermentation.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction manufacturing. Such a long aging time could be explained by two

major reasons, which are fermentation temperature and salt
Of the many Oriental fermented products, soy sauce is the one concentration.
most widely consumed in Asiatic countries as a condiment and Fermentation temperature is an important factor in defining the
coloring agent in preparation of foods (Luh, 1995). In the aging period and qualities of soy sauce. However, in regular pro-
manufacturing process, soy sauce koji is traditionally prepared by a duction of soy sauce, the fermentation temperature is usually
mixture of steam-cooked soybean and roasted wheat with the koji dependent on the outdoors weather (Ko, Ahn, Van Den Berg, Lee, &
mold such as Aspergillus oryzae or A. sojae. After a couple of days of Hong, 2009; Wu, Kan, Siow, & Palniandy, 2010; Yokotsuka, 1986),
this so-called solid-state fermentation, the resultant koji is mixed thus fluctuated temperature occurs during fermentation period, is
with brine solution and the formed mash, called moromi, is fer- one of the attributions to prolongs the time required for the for-
mented to various periods of aging (Zhu & Tramper, 2013). During mations of taste and flavor components. In order to shorten the
the aging period, the proteins and polysaccharides of the starting fermentation time, as well as improve the qualities of soy sauce, the
materials are hydrolyzed by the fungal protease and amylase, and applications of various range of temperature have been investi-
the unique soy sauce flavor is artfully developed (Su, Wang, Kwok, gated. For example, Yong and Wood (1974) indicated that
& Lee, 2005). However, the fermentation time generally takes from fermentation time of soy sauce would reduce to only 3e4 months if
six months to one year (Huang & Teng, 2004; Lee, Rho, Kim, Lee, & the fermentation temperature was controlled at about 35e40  C. It
Lee, 2013; Zhu & Tramper, 2013), this is a drawback in soy sauce could be seen that the stability of warm temperature (28e37  C) is
suitable for the metabolism of microorganisms in moromi, espe-
cially lactic acid bacterial and yeast (Fukushima, 2004; Sugiyama,
* Corresponding author. Department of Food Science, National Chiayi University, 1984; Van Der Sluis, Tramper, & Wijffels, 2001; Wu et al., 2010;
No.300 Syuefu Rd., Chiayi City 60004, Taiwan, ROC.
Yokotsuka, 1986; Yong & Wood, 1974) and thus reduce the
E-mail address: (C.-K. Hsu).
0023-6438/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N.X. Hoang et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 74 (2016) 242e250 243

fermentation time. Therefore, practical experiences have shown compensating undesirable changes (biochemical and microbial
that warm temperature has been widely applied not only in the characteristics) caused by reducing the salt content in soy sauce
process of commercial soy sauce (Feng et al., 2015, 2014; Luh, 1995; fermentation.
Xu, 1990) but also in many researches (Feng et al., 2012; Song, So far, to the best of our knowledge, there are indeed no stan-
Jeong, & Baik, 2015; Van Der Sluis et al., 2001; Yan, Qian, Ji, Chen, dard applications of temperature and salt concentration used, so
& Han, 2013). On the other hand, it was proposed that for the that the sustainability of such above effects have still to be inves-
good qualities of soy sauce, the temperature was controlled at 15  C tigated. Our attempts are to shorten the fermentation period and
during the first month of fermentation and then gradually raised to reduce salt content used while retain the originally biochemical,
30  C on the remaining period either without or with the starter microbial, and sensory characteristics. In our previous study, we
(Chou & Ling, 1998; Huang & Teng, 2004; Iwasaki, Nakajima, & have evaluated a two-stages soy sauce fermentation process and
Sasahara, 1994; Luh, 1995; Wei et al., 2013; Yokotsuka, 1986). compared the results with traditional fermentation method.
Although fermentation at lower temperature gives better products Particularly, at the first stage, the koji was mixed with 5% brine
because the rate of enzyme inactivation was slow and the enzymes solution at 1:2 ratio (w/w) and incubated at 45  C, for 2 days. And
remain active longer (Huang & Teng, 2004; Yokotsuka, 1986), but then at the second stage, the fermentation temperature was
the long fermentation time required seems to be only suitable for controlled at 30  C either without or with the addition of Zygo-
special products able to achieve a premium price. saccharomyces rouxii, and the brine concentrations were increased
The special attentions have been devoted to the application of from 5% to 14%, 18%, and 22%. As a result, the preparation of
elevated temperature on soy sauce fermentation, which led to the enzymatic hydrolysis at the first stage was effective in producing
product development of low-salt solid-state fermentation soy high total nitrogen and amino nitrogen contents, however, the
sauce (LSFSS) employed pure cultures at relatively high tempera- drawbacks were due to low reducing sugar content. On the other
ture (40e55  C) and low brine concentration (13e15%) within very hand, the results of further fermentation (after rapid fermentation
short aging period (15e30 days) in China (Fukushima, 2004; Gao at the first stage) showed that these drawbacks need to be solved,
et al., 2010; Huang & Teng, 2004; Sun, Jiang, & Zhao, 2010; as the addition of Z. rouxii or reduction of brine concentration did
Yanfang & Wenyi, 2009). Related studies have included investi- not improve sensory properties effectively. Hence, being in prog-
gating biochemical changes in LSFSS (Yanfang, Lijuan, & Wenyi, ress, the aim of this study was to optimize the process conditions
2009), evaluating aroma differences between high-salt liquid- for enzymatic hydrolysis prepared at the first stage, based on three
state fermentation soy sauce (HLFSS, traditional soy sauce) and main factors, namely temperature, fermentation time and brine
LSFSS from China (Feng et al., 2014), while others focused on flavor content.
and taste compounds analysis in LSFSS (Yanfang & Wenyi, 2009).
According to their studies, the rapid fermentation (in LSFSS) at high 2. Materials and methods
temperature and low brine concentration was effective in produc-
ing biochemical indices in very short period, which could satisfy the 2.1. Raw materials and chemicals
national standards of China. Nevertheless, its flavor and taste
quality were generally lower than that of the traditional product- Soybean and wheat were purchased from a local farmer in
HLFSS (Feng et al., 2014; Yanfang & Wenyi, 2009; Yanfang et al., Chiayi City, Taiwan and immediately stored in a refrigerator at 4  C
2009). Salt plays an important ingredient for soy sauce fermenta- prior to use. The koji mold (Aspergillus oryzae) was purchased from
tion because it controls organoleptic (flavor and texture) and mi- a supplier (Chuan Feng Microbe Co., Taichung City, Taiwan). All of
crobial properties (Song et al., 2015), consequently, salt reduction the chemicals used in the analysis were of analytical grade.
employed can cause not only conservation problems but also
inferior qualities (Feng et al., 2014; Kremer, Mojet, & Shimojo, 2.2. Koji fermentation
2009). Su et al. (2005) also indicated that the combination of
high temperature (45  C) and low salt content (5%) was the best For koji production, raw soybeans were first washed and soaked
way to promote enzymes' action during moromi fermentation. in water for 24 h at 4  C and then steamed at 121  C for 25 min.
However, they only focused on the initial moromi fermentation Wheat were roasted for 45 min at 140  C, follow by cracking into 4
within couple days. or 5 pieces per kernel accompanied by smaller particles of wheat
Like the previous point, in soy sauce products, high salt con- flour. Roasted wheat and steamed soybeans were mixed at a ratio of
centration has saltiness and cause osmotically high pressure, which 1:2 (w/w). The mixture was then inoculated with 0.1% (w/w) of
permit the exclusive development of sensory properties and pres- A. oryzae (approximately 108 spores g1), and subsequently
ervation (Kremer et al., 2009; Song et al., 2015; Yokotsuka, 1986; dispersed onto the perforated stainless steel trays (68  44  3 cm).
Yong & Wood, 1974). Nevertheless, the disadvantages are because Each tray was loaded with the mixture to a ~3 cm thickness and
prolong fermentation time (Osaki, Okamoto, Akao, Nagata, & incubated at 30 ± 3  C. The preparation of koji was completed in
Takamatsu, 1985; Su et al., 2005; Van Der Sluis et al., 2001; Xu, ~60e72 h when the culture began turning greenish yellow in color.
1990) and increase the risk to human health such as hyperten-
sion, as well as to be directly related to the development of car- 2.3. Moromi fermentation
diovascular disease (Law, 1997; Weinsier, 1976). Therefore, the
reduction of salt content in soy sauce has been recent attempts. For Moromi fermentation was performed in individual cylindrical
instance, the utilization of osmotically equivalent substitutes mash tanks (20 L). In each tank sample, 3 kg of koji was mixed with
separately or in combination, namely sugars, polyols, and ethanol brine solution at 1:2 ratio (w/w) and then fermented at three
(Chiou, 1999; Chiou, Ferng, & Beuchat, 1999), finding out that different temperatures (35, 40 and 45  C) and two different brine
positive results of reduced salt content while still limit growth to contents (5 and 10% w/w) based on a 2 factor factorial design with a
undesirable types of microorganisms. However, these methods total of 6 different treatments. For each treatment, sampling was
might reduce the original biochemical indices and also inhibit the conducted at 1, 3 and 5 days. During the fermentation period, the
growth of some beneficial microorganisms, as a result in lower tanks were located in an oven (98  82  133 cm) to controlled
sensory properties compare to the traditional method. Especially, temperatures (±0.5  C). The mash was stirred for 3 min once every
by adding yeast starters, Song et al. (2015) had first successes in day.
244 N.X. Hoang et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 74 (2016) 242e250

2.4. Sampling and analytical methods levels).

Quality response functions:
At each sampling, about 300 ml of samples were collected after
being well stirred. The samples were filtered through a muslin cloth Y ¼ b0 þ b1 X1 þ b2 X2 þ b3 X3 þ b12 X1 X2 þ b13 X1 X3 þ b23 X2 X3
and then centrifuged at 5000g for 15 min. The supernatants, þ b11 X12 þ b22 X22
regarded as raw soy sauce, were kept at 4  C for further analysis.
Five ml of each sample was collected in sterilized tubes and then (1)
immediately analyzed for microbial properties. For each analysis,
where Y was response variable, YTN: total nitrogen, YAN: amino
three replicates tests were performed.
nitrogen, YRS: reducing sugar, YTA: total acid, YpH: pH, YYeast: yeast
Determination of pH: the pH values of the soy sauce samples
count and YTBa: total bacteria count; X1, X2 and X3 represented the
were measured with a PB-10 pH meter (Sartorius, Go € ttingen,
independent variables for temperature ( C), time (day) and brine
content (% w/w), respectively. b0: the intercept; b1e3 and b11e22
Determination of total nitrogen (TN): TN content was deter-
were the linear and quadratic regression coefficients, respectively;
mined according to the AOAC (2000) with a little modification.
b12, b13 and b23 were the interactive regression coefficients. Anal-
Three milliliters of the sample, 1 g of catalyst (K2SO4/
ysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to evaluate model adequacy and
CuSO4$5H2O ¼ 10:1), and 20 mL of concentrated H2SO4 were added
statistical significance. The adequacy of model was evaluated by the
into a digestion tube and then heated for 6 h at 450  C for digestion.
determination coefficient (R2) and model p-value. To indicate the
When the digestion was completed, 25 ml of diluted sample was
interactive effects of the independent variables on the responses, 3-
mixed with 25 mL of 30% NaOH and subjected to distillation. The
D response surface plots were drawn by using Design-Expert
distillate was absorbed with 25 mL of 0.1 N H2SO4. The TN was
software 10.0.1 (Stat-Ease, Minneapolis, MN, USA).
determined by back-titrating H2SO4 with 0.1 N NaOH.
A commercial optimization software, AMPL (The Scientific Press,
Determination of reducing sugar (RS): RS content in the sample
San Francisco, CA, USA), was used to search the optimum temper-
was determined by the 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) method
ature (X1), time (X2), and brine content (X3) to maximize YTN while
(Miller, 1959) with a little modification. DNS reagent, which con-
YAN, YRS, YTA and YpH were constrained within certain acceptable
tained (w/v) 1% DNS, 2% NaOH and 30% sodium potassium tartrate,
was prepared by dissolving each component in distilled water. One
milliliter of the sample diluents were mixed with 1 ml of DNS re-
agent and then kept in a boiling water bath for 5 min to colorize. 3. Results and discussion
After cooling with cold water, 5 ml of distilled water was added and
the OD540nm was measured by using distilled water as a blank 3.1. Fitting the model
control. The standard glucose solutions were used to make a cali-
brated curve for quantitative analysis. Table 1 shows experimental data of investigated responses (TN,
Determination of total acidity (TA): TA content as lactic acid was AN, RS, TA, pH, yeast and TBa) observed under different fermen-
determined by alkali titration. To determine total acidity as lactic tation conditions (temperature, time and brine content). The
acid, 25 ml of properly diluted sample was titrated with 0.01 N complete data were fitted to second-order polynomial models as
NaOH to pH 8.1. the quality response functions described in Eq. (1). The resulting
Determination of amino nitrogen (AN): Firstly, formol nitrogen model parameters are presented in Table 2. According to particu-
(FN) and ammonium nitrogen were determined according to CNS larly low p-values associated with F test for all models (p < 0.0001
(Chinese National Standard (CNS), 2002). To determine FN, diluted for TN, AN, RS and pH; p < 0.001 for TA and TBa; p < 0.05 for yeast
sample and formalin solution were adjusted to pH 8.1, then 20 ml of count) indicated that the models were highly significant. The ad-
formalin solution was mixed with 25 ml of diluted samples for equacy of fit of the models were confirmed by the high R2 for all
3 min, and titrated to pH 8.1 with 0.01 N NaOH. Then, amino ni- responses (R2  0.90), except of yeast (R2 ¼ 0.89). Moreover, the
trogen was determined by subtraction of ammonium nitrogen from relatively low CV (<10%) with exception of TA (13.2%) suggested
FN according to CNS (Chinese National Standard (CNS), 2002). sufficient repeatability of experimental results.
Determination of microbial changes: The 10-fold-concentrated
cells were serially diluted (100 to 106) in 0.85% sterile saline so- 3.2. Biochemical properties of raw soy sauce fermentation
lution, and 100 ml of properly diluted samples were spread on YM
agar and plate count agar plates (BD Difco, Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA), 3.2.1. TN and AN
then incubated for 1e2 days at 30  C for the counting of yeast and TN and AN are two of the most important quality indices of soy
total bacteria, respectively. The colonies formed (25e250) were sauce products, which contribute not only nutritional values but
calculated as log CFU per milliliter of soy sauce (Kang, Kim, Park, & also sensory characteristics (Fukushima, 2004; Gao et al., 2010;
Shibamoto, 2012). Huang & Teng, 2004; Kobayashi & Hayashi, 1998; Nakahara,
Yamaguchi, & Uchida, 2012; Su et al., 2005; Xu, 1990). The pres-
2.5. Experimental design and statistical analysis ence of TN and AN during the soy sauce fermentation could be
explained by the protease and peptidase activities, which hydro-
The independent variables applied in experimental design were lyzed the proteins of raw materials into small fragments of pep-
temperature (35, 40 and 45  C), time (1, 3 and 5 days) and brine tides, amino acids and ammonia. However, the activities of protease
content (5 and 10% w/w), corresponding to coded levels (1, 0 and and peptidase are generally low due to enzyme denaturation in
1), (1, 0 and 1) and (1 and 1), respectively. Response factors were high brine content. Besides, the metabolic activities of microor-
the main biochemical and microbial indices, namely total nitrogen ganisms, especially salt tolerant lactic acid bacteria and yeast, thus
(TN, g/100 ml), amino nitrogen (AN, g/100 ml), reducing sugar (RS, consequently exhibited low TN and AN contents, as well as prolong
g/100 ml) and total acid (TA, g/100 ml) contents, pH, yeast count the fermentation time required (Chen, Feng, Cui, Zhao, & Zhao,
(log CFU/ml) and total bacteria count (TBa, log CFU/ml). The 2015; Feng et al., 2012; Huang & Teng, 2004; Van Der Sluis et al.,
following second order quadratic equation was used to express the 2001; Wu et al., 2010). Recently, rapid fermentation at elevated
responses as a function of the independent variables (using coded temperature has been tried out with some promising results in
N.X. Hoang et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 74 (2016) 242e250 245

Table 1
The treatment combinations and their responses.

Run Independent variable Response

Temperature Time Brine content TN AN (g/100 ml) RS TA pH Yeast TBa

( C) (day) (%, w/w) (g/100 ml) (g/100 ml) (g/100 ml) (log CFU/ml) (log CFU/ml)

1 35 1 5 0.80 0.28 0.18 0.65 6.17 9.06 9.17

2 35 1 10 0.78 0.28 1.49 0.54 6.23 7.25 7.72
3 35 3 5 1.24 0.52 0.14 1.03 5.62 8.85 9.57
4 35 3 10 1.23 0.50 2.30 0.78 5.96 7.50 7.75
5 35 5 5 1.31 0.57 0.17 1.57 5.13 8.75 9.90
6 35 5 10 1.30 0.56 2.23 1.56 4.99 6.70 7.09
7 40 1 5 0.99 0.40 0.32 0.78 6.03 9.07 9.15
8 40 1 10 0.97 0.39 1.86 0.62 6.18 6.26 7.21
9 40 3 5 1.31 0.56 0.51 1.64 5.23 9.02 9.11
10 40 3 10 1.34 0.58 2.51 1.02 5.86 7.81 7.99
11 40 5 5 1.35 0.64 0.78 1.88 4.89 8.87 8.97
12 40 5 10 1.43 0.64 2.71 1.26 5.24 7.88 8.16
13 45 1 5 1.02 0.44 0.96 1.20 5.31 8.92 9.00
14 45 1 10 0.99 0.42 2.09 0.80 6.01 6.03 7.16
15 45 3 5 1.21 0.55 1.59 1.62 4.98 8.53 8.79
16 45 3 10 1.29 0.58 3.01 1.02 5.81 7.64 7.81
17 45 5 5 1.31 0.61 1.95 1.73 4.80 8.15 8.69
18 45 5 10 1.37 0.67 3.52 1.15 5.73 7.10 7.31

Table 2
Summary of regression analysis.

Regression coefficienta Response

TN AN RS TA pH Yeast TBa

b0 1.321* 0.574* 1.554* 1.229* 5.582* 8.408* 8.573*

b1 0.045* 0.047* 0.551* 0.116* 0.121* 0.146 0.203
b2 0.210* 0.124* 0.372* 0.380* 0.429* 0.071 0.059
b3 0.008 0.003 0.840* 0.186* 0.213* 0.836* 0.786*
Cross product
b12 0.044* 0.019* 0.211* 0.134* 0.186* 0.145 0.034
b13 0.012 0.007 0.118* 0.100* 0.185* 0.030 0.156
b23 0.017 0.007 0.131* 0.046 0.021 0.285 0.020
b11 0.077* 0.038* 0.186* 0.064 0.010 0.278 0.104
b22 0.135* 0.058* 0.156 0.040 0.015 0.386 0.208

Model p < 0.0001 p < 0.0001 p < 0.0001 p < 0.001 p < 0.0001 p < 0.05 p < 0.001
R2,b 0.98 0.99 0.99 0.93 0.95 0.89 0.90
CVc, % 2.89 3.77 9.10 13.22 2.83 5.78 4.56

*Significant at 0.05 level.

Coded values.
Coefficient of determination.
Coefficient of variance, %.

producing high TN and AN contents within short fermentation time quadratic terms of temperature and time exhibited negative effect
(around 2 weeks) (Feng et al., 2014; Gao et al., 2010; Sun et al., 2010; on TN, which means that TN increased with their increase, reached
Yanfang & Wenyi, 2009; Yanfang et al., 2009). Moreover, in the maximum and then started to decrease with continuous increase of
work of Fukushima (2004) that the antimicrobial effect of soy sauce temperature and time (Fig. 1). This phenomenon is not clearly
due to the high brine concentration could be created by combina- understood as the protease activity caused the present of TN might
tion of high TN content and lower corresponding brine concen- be affected by the interaction of many factors, for example tem-
tration. Because the contribution of increased nitrogen compounds perature, brine content, pH. Thus, this assumption still needs
(about the antimicrobial effect of soy sauce) to the decrease of further investigation. It is important to note that brine content has
water activity compensates for the increase of water activity which no influence on TN, and interaction term with another variables as
occurs as a result of the decrease of salt content. Therefore, the well (Table 2 and Fig. 1), which might be attributed to the narrow
production of high TN and AN contents at the first stage-rapid range of brine content from 5% to 10%. These results were fairly
fermentation, are promising targets, contributing the high con- agreed with the finding of Su et al. (2005) that only little difference
tent of substrates for further fermentation, as well as might was observed between TN contents of soy sauce fermentation
reducing salt content used, hence shortening the fermentation prepared from 5% to 10% brine contents at various ranges of tem-
period required. perature applied. This might be owing to the differences of soy
Table 2 shows that linear terms of temperature and time sauce preparation processes employed, Su et al. (2005) particularly
exhibited significant influence on TN which was positive in both used defatted soybean, ratio of defatted soybean to wheat was 1:1
cases. On the other hand, temperature-time interaction and both of w/w and ratio of koji to brine solution was 1:1.5 w/v.
246 N.X. Hoang et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 74 (2016) 242e250

Fig. 1. The response surface plots of total nitrogen contents of soy sauce influenced by the fermentation temperature, time and brine content using coded values.

Comparing to TN, same phenomenon was observed in AN compounds. Based on our previous study, the remarkable effective
(Table 2). In detail, linear terms of both temperature and time of high TN and AN contents were observed in very short time of
exhibited positive influence on AN, while brine content showed no rapid fermentation (fermentation condition: 45  C, 5% brine con-
effect. Negative effects of temperature-time interaction and tent and 2 days fermentation time), but the low RS content
quadratic terms of temperature and time were also obtained. (<1.00 g/100 ml) has demonstrated some disadvantages. Therefore,
Moreover, 3-D response surfaces had similar shape (response sur- it is ideal to find out the optimal conditions with having not only
face plot for AN not shown). These results could be explained by high TN and AN but also high RS content.
good correlation between TN and AN contents, which has signifi- The result shows all linear terms of temperature, time and salt
cant coefficient of correlation r ¼ 0.98 (Fig. 2). content had positive influence on RS (Table 2). Generally, the
increased RS content in soy sauce fermentation was attributed to
3.2.2. RS the action of fungal amylase hydrolyzed of starch in raw materials,
The biochemical and microbial changes during soy sauce and like protease and peptidase, the action of these enzymes was
fermentation are very complex, in which RS is a vital part in significantly inhibited in the high salt environment (Chen et al.,
providing carbon source for the formations of taste and flavor 2015; Fukushima, 2004; Huang & Teng, 2004; Luh, 1995; Su et al.,

Fig. 2. Correlations between independent variables and responses.

N.X. Hoang et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 74 (2016) 242e250 247

2005; Yanfang et al., 2009; Yokotsuka, 1986; Yong & Wood, 1974). components, such as alcohols, aldehydes and esters (Feng et al.,
For this reason, and comparing to the results from TN and AN, we 2014). We suggested that TA content in soy sauce product should
suggested that in the range investigated of brine content (5%e10%) not exceed 2.00 g/100 ml, and less than 1.4 g/100 ml based on some
and temperature (35  Ce45  C), the amylase are more sensitive to previously reported data (Cui et al., 2014; Feng et al., 2013; Gao
brine content as compare to the protease. Apart from the positive et al., 2010).
linear of temperature, its quadratic term also exhibited positive As seen from Table 1, basically, TA content increased with
effect on RS, meaning that RS increased with increased temperature fermentation time and fermentation temperature. According to
(Fig. 3). Furthermore, significant effects of all interactions between results from Table 2, all linear terms of variables had significant
there variables indicated that RS content would increase if two of influence on TA, which was positive for temperature and time. The
three variables both increased. It could be especially seen that the significant negative interaction of temperature-time showed that
amylase activity are generally inhibited by the present of salt, TA content started to decrease slightly at high temperature over
however, the results showed that lower RS content was observed at approximately 40  C (Fig. 4), which might be due to the inhibition
lower brine content, which might be caused by the rapid con- of bacterial metabolism (e.g. lactic acid bacteria and yeast) at high
sumption of glucose by bacterial metabolism. Even though at high temperature (Fukushima, 2004; Huang & Teng, 2004; Sugiyama,
temperature, as Yong and Wood (1974) reported that some lacto- 1984; Yokotsuka, 1986; Yong & Wood, 1974). Brine content
bacilli could grow in soy sauce medium at temperatures up to 47  C showed reverse effect on TA and the interaction of brine content
and high brine solution. It might be suggested that at the low range and temperature was also negative (Table 2). At low brine content
of brine content (less than 10%), salt plays a most important factor (around 5%), TA content increased with temperature, however, at
affects RS content. This could be partly seen from Fig. 1, where brine higher brine content (around 10%), TA increased with temperature
content could significantly explain 66% (0.812) total variance of RS, up to 40  C and then TA started to decrease as temperature was over
was much higher compared to another variables, namely 19% about 40  C.
(0.442) and 8.4% (0.292) for temperature and time, respectively.

3.2.4. pH
3.2.3. TA It is well known that pH plays a vital role on the progress of
TA is also one of the most important quality indicators of soy moromi fermentation. At first, lactic acid bacteria fermentation
sauce products. In general, under fermentation conditions used in took place and it resulted a decrease in the pH from 7.0 to below 5.0,
this study, TA content continuously increased during the soy sauce and then yeast fermentation accelerated the formation of alcohol
fermentation period, owing to the microbial fermentation of car- compounds. (Ko et al., 2009; Liu et al., 2015; Luh, 1995; Sugiyama,
bohydrates (Chou & Ling, 1998; Cui, Zheng, Wu, & Zhou, 2014; 1984; Van Der Sluis et al., 2001; Zhu & Tramper, 2013). These
Yanfang et al., 2009) and free amino acids as well (Feng et al., metabolism with biochemical reactions contribute to the unique
2014, 2015). Furthermore, the relative content of TA depends on characteristic of soy sauce product. Yokotsuka (1986) found that
soy sauce manufacturing process employed and its presence in rapid decrease of the pH value due to rapid lactic fermentation was
product has a major impact on customer acceptance. For example, undesirable, thus the method with low temperature (<15  C) in
the commercial soy sauce product of LSFSS in China, which have initial fermentation stage was applied, but the disadvantage was it
lower flavor and taste properties than those of the traditional required long fermentation time to product good quality soy sauce.
product-HLFSS (Feng et al., 2014; Fukushima, 1981; Sun et al., 2010; Additionally, in consideration of our previous study, pH has drop-
Yanfang & Wenyi, 2009; Yanfang et al., 2009), might be partly ped sharply to below 4.5 in only 2 days, adversely affected
explained by strong acerbity due to high TA content in LSFSS fer- fermentation progress and sensory properties as well. Therefore, in
mented at elevated temperature and low brine content. The the present study, it might be ideal that pH value of optimization
fermentation time is not enough for the formations of other flavor point is more than 5.00.

Fig. 3. The response surface plots of reducing sugar contents of soy sauce influenced by the fermentation temperature, time and brine content using coded values.
248 N.X. Hoang et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 74 (2016) 242e250

Fig. 4. The response surface plots of total acid contents of soy sauce influenced by the fermentation temperature, time and brine content using coded values.

All linear terms of variables exhibited significant influence on fermentation temperature and brine content (10%) might create
the pH, which was negative influence for the fermentation tem- significant stress on microbial metabolism, and thus resulted in the
perature and time but positive influence for the brine content the higher pH values. These results confirmed that TA content signifi-
interactive effect of temperature and time on the pH was positive cantly decreased as both of fermentation temperature and brine
(Table 2). So the pH decreased with fermentation temperature and content were at their high levels (45  C and 10% brine content), as
time from around 1 to 4 days; however, at about 5 days, the pH well as a good correlation between TA and pH (r ¼ 0.97 in Fig. 1).
slightly increased with temperature (Fig. 5). The interactive term of
fermentation temperature and the brine content exhibited positive 3.3. Microbial properties of raw soy sauce fermentation
effect on the pH, indicating that at lower brine content, the pH
decreased with temperature, oppositely, at higher brine content, The microbial metabolism plays a crucial role in the formations
pH increased slightly with temperature. In general, the decline of of taste and flavor compounds during the fermentation period of
the pH might be because the accumulation of free fatty acids, amino soy sauce. In which, yeast (e.g. Zygosaccharomyces rouxii, Candida
acids, and peptides containing carbonylic side chains as the results versatilis and Candida etchellsii) is predominance in the moromi
of hydrolysis of the raw materials, the autolysis of microbial cells, as fermentation (Fukushima, 2004; Huang & Teng, 2004; Luh, 1995;
well as the microbial fermentation of carbohydrates (Chou & Ling, Sugiyama, 1984; Yokotsuka, 1986; Yong & Wood, 1974). As shown
1998; Huang & Teng, 2004; Van Der Sluis et al., 2001; Yokotsuka, in Table 2, only the brine content showed significant influence on
1986; Yong & Wood, 1974). Thus, we suggested that at low brine the microbial growth, which the linear coefficient terms were
content (about 5%), there were significant microbial contamination, negative in both cases of the total yeast and TBa counts. This means
which accelerated the microbial fermentation of carbohydrates and that the increased brine content would cause the decrease of total
consequently lowering the pH. By contrast, the increase of the yeast and TBa counts, which was agreed with the common

Fig. 5. The response surface plots of pH of soy sauce influenced by the fermentation temperature, time and brine content using coded values.
N.X. Hoang et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 74 (2016) 242e250 249

Table 3
Optimization models including the objective function and constrain functions for searching the optimum fermentation condition of soy sauce.

Objective function

YTN 1.321 þ 0.045X1 þ 0.210X2 þ 0.008X3  0.044X1X2 þ 0.012X1X3 þ 0.017X2X3  0.077X21  0.135X22 To maximize

Constrain functions Constrain ranges

YAN 0.574 þ 0.047X1 þ 0.124X2 þ 0.003X3  0.019X1X2 þ 0.007X1X3 þ 0.007X2X3  0.038X21  0.058X22 0.60
YRS 1.554 þ 0.551X1 þ 0.372X þ 0.840X þ 0.211X1X2  0.118X1X3 þ 0.131X2X3 þ 0.186X21  0.156X22 2.50
YTA 1.229 þ 0.116X1 þ 0.380X2  0.186X3  0.134X1X2  0.100X1X3  0.046X2X3  0.064X21  0.04X22 1.40
YpH 5.582  0.121X1  0.429X2 þ 0.213X3 þ 0.186X1X2 þ 0.185X1X3 þ 0.021X2X3  0.01X21  0.015X22 5.00

Constrain of variables

X1, X2, X3 1 and 1

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Sugiyama, 1984). The results also confirmed that the low brine This research was partially supported by the Ministry of Science
content (about 5%) adversely affected on tested biochemical and Technology in Taiwan, R.O.C. (MOST 103-2221-E-415 -016 -)
changes, namely lower RS content and higher TA content due to the
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