Spsa Newsletter September

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California State University, Long Beach

SPSA Newsletter
Issue No. 1 | 09/01/2021

Meet your 2021 - 2022 SPSA Board! From left to right: (top row) Elaine Scenters-Zapico, Rachel Oh, Cassidy Newman; (middle row) Lara
Yedikian, Carmen Ramirez, Antoinette Gonzalez (lol); (bottom row) Brenda Avalos, Sean Manning.

with Teach For America (don't ask

Hello everyone! me about this). Now I'm back on
My name is Rachel Oh and I am the #westcoastbestcoast, doing
this year's SPSA Secretary. You'll my practicum at Rosemead High
be hearing from me every month School in El Monte Union High
or so, bringing you the latest School District, going to Salt &
news, tips, and happenings in the Straw weekly (my fave flavor is
CSULB School Psychology Chocolate Gooey Brownie),
program! A bit about me - I cheering for the Steelers (huge
graduated from UCLA in 2018 (go football gal), and going on hikes
Bruins, can I get an 8 clap?), then (just did the Car Wreck trail and it
moved back to Baltimore for two wrecked me). I'm honored to be
years to teach 6th grade math your secretary & can't wait to
and science (ask me about this!) meet you in person!
Meet your SPSA president!
Elaine Scenters-Zapico
Why do you want to be a school psychologist?

I want to be a School Psychologist because it is a

stable and rewarding career but isn’t monotonous! I
am interested and passionate about both education
and mental/behavioral health and wellness. Being able
to empower and advocate for students to get the
support they need all while having the ability to
support and interact with their ecosystem (teachers,
parents, support staff) is really worthwhile. I still have a
lot to learn and a long way to go but I am excited to be
a lifelong learner.

What was your favorite part of last school year?

My favorite part of last year was getting to know my

cohort. We were a little slow to open up since it was
fully virtual and it is a different vibe to have to
communicate with “strangers” solely through a screen.
However, once we opened up we really relied and
supported each other through everything - academic
and personal. I have made great friends and am
excited to have so many amazing colleagues out in the
field one day!

What are your favorite things to do outside of

Do you have any funny stories from virtual
Outside of school you can catch me watching reality learning last school year?
TV, baking things I find off Pinterest, and hanging out
at my local neighborhood park! One time during Dr. Shahroozi’s class I was SO sure I
turned off my camera and went to town eating all my
What self-care activities do you do in order to snacks in - what I thought was - peace for easily 10
prioritize your mental health? minutes. Then I looked up, saw that little green
camera light on, and caught myself looking like a deer
Something big that I preach is to not just “live for the caught in headlights in my Zoom box. Needless to say
weekend”. Every day is new and beautiful and if you I am EXTRA cautious with my camera off button during
only leave the weekend to enjoy life then it will be my snack time now.
really easy to experience burnout. When it is possible
during the week, I like to schedule a walk in-between
work and classes, pick out a fun non-educational Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses or
podcast to listen to, watch Bachelor in Paradise with a one horse-sized duck?
virtual watch crew, or bake something tasty!
I would 100% rather fight 100 duck-sized horses. I
believe in my kicking ability more than my punching
ability. Except they’d probably be so small and cute
that I wouldn’t have the heart to touch them and
would just go down without a fight.
Get to know your professors!
Professor Leonard Pictured: Professor Leonard hiking with one of her sisters
What is your favorite part about being a
this summer.

I love being able to work with future school

psychologist to build their knowledge of interventions
and how to use data to design effective supports for
students. It's always exciting to see you all working
with your clinic clients, see how you have an impact on
their learning (both academic and social/emotional),
and then hear you talk about how you want to carry
these practices into the field as a school psychologist.

What is your least favorite part about being a


This past year it's probably been the virtual learning,

there are some things that have been great, and I've
learned some practices that I want to continue to use
moving forward, but I've really missed getting to know
students and being in-person.

Why is the CSULB School Psychology program

the best?

I may be biased on this since I'm also an alumni of the

program....but I really feel like it's the relationships you
build while you're in the program. I remember feeling
so supported by my cohort, other students in the
Do you have any funny stories from virtual
cohort above mine, and the professors. Even after
learning/working last school year?
graduating I remember being so thankful to have such
a great community to lean on. I also think that the
Most of my virtual experience was working with adults,
amount of hand-on experiences that you get is
so I really didn't come across anything too crazy. At
something that really sets the CSULB program apart
the start of Covid, when I was working from home, I
from others. Between the clinic, grant opportunities,
had a neighbor who would climb out of a window and
and fieldwork experiences you have so many
sunbathe on his roof...only problem was his go to spot
opportunities to put what you're learning into
was right in my background. And unfortunately, I
practice. It's so valuable!
usually didn't notice it until someone else on the
Zoom pointed it out, so that got pretty embarrassing
What are your favorite things to do in your free
(especially when it happened in a meeting that I was
leading). Thankfully, it didn't take too long to get the
blurred background filters on Zoom and then I didn't
I love spending time with family and friends, traveling,
have to worry about it.
hiking, skiing, and reading books.

Would you rather be able to communicate with

What self-care activities do you do in order to
animals or be able to speak 10 different
prioritize your mental health?
I'm probably the most consistent about exercising and
I love traveling so I think I'd have to go with being able
prioritizing "down-time" even when things are
to speak 10 different languages, that would be
stressful and I have a lot of to do's. I'd like to be better
incredible! Although there are definitely times that I'd
about journaling, I notice a huge improvement in my
really love to know what's happening inside the head
mental health when I'm regularly doing some sort of
of animals.
Get to know your professors!
Dr. Knight-Teague Pictured: Dr. Knight-Teague and her family!

What is your favorite part about being a


My favorite part of being a professor is interacting

with students. I love conversations during class and it
is so nice that we are able to do this face to face this
year. Grad students are creative and it is fun to see
how you take new information from class, make it
your own, and apply it in new ways in the field. Larger
scale, I'm proud to be part of a profession that values
science, equitable practices, applied research, and
basic human rights.

What is your least favorite part about being a

Do you have any funny stories from virtual
learning last school year?
The things I dislike about being a professor are not
really related to role per se and are disliked in many
There isn’t really a single story from virtual learning
jobs- paperwork and so many emails.
that stands out as funny. Rather, just a series of
repeated, somewhat funny events. My “office” used to
Why is the CSULB School Psychology program
be the kids’ playroom before the pandemic and they
the best?
never really adjusted to a shared space (I didn’t
either). If you’ve taken classes with me you know that
We are the best because of our people: students and
my kids will frequently stop by both invited and
faculty. I am proud of our eco-behavioral focus and
uninvited. They also take their role as guinea pigs in
that we prepare practitioners who are ready to help
the clinic courses I teach very seriously.
students through systems change, consultation, and
appropriate instruction and intervention.
Would you rather have to write everything you
say out by hand or only be able to speak in
What are your favorite things to do in your free
I dislike writing by hand and therefore my handwriting
I don’t have free time! I’m only half kidding. I have two
is terrible. Speak in rhymes, 100%.
kids, who are six- and eight-years-old. We spend a lot
of time at dance and swim. Lately, I’ve been helping
them get back to a school routine during the
pandemic and this is no easy feat. When I actually
have free time that is my own, I don’t know what to do
with it. I love spending time in the desert, dive bars,
podcasts, and finding new coffee spots. Before kids, I
was an avid snowboarder…maybe I’ll get back that one

What self-care activities do you do in order to

prioritize your mental health?

I have to work really hard to prioritize self-care. As

mental health practitioners, we need to take our own
advice. It wasn’t until the last five years or so that I
realized how important this is and made time for
myself. My version of self-care is working out, watching
terrible reality TV, and getting a manicure.
Split the readings and share the notes. There is just too Make friends and rely on each other as a cohort! Start a
much to read and little time. Set up a google drive and group chat, plan group study days over zoom or in-
share your notes! person (safely, of course), and do something together
-Virginia Cornejo, 2nd year
not school related like Fantasy Football or Bachelor
Mondays. If this is difficult to do remotely then create a
I hope everyone knows that all the professors want you positive support system/environment at home. Practice
to succeed! You are never alone and can always reach self-care for sure and don’t be afraid to advocate for
out to a fellow school psychology student as most likely your well-being with your professors. If something is
someone else has experienced a stress you are feeling. I confusing or difficult then reach out to professors. They
promise it’s okay not to read every single article and are here to support you. Last, believe in yourself!! You
book , your mental health and well being is always so
can totally do this. Take it one day at a time and one
important so take time for yourself ❤
assignment/reading at a time. You wouldn’t be in the
-Maddy Braverman, 3rd year
program if they didn’t believe you could succeed!! Good
luck! (:
-Caitline Castillo, 3rd year
"May the odds be ever in your favor."
-Anonymous 2nd year


first years
Don’t worry if it doesn’t make sense! It will later on. Also, Give yourself grace as you adjust to being in grad school.
ask the question, even if you think it’s a dumb question Initially it was an overwhelming feeling trying to get
or it’s something you should already know. This is your comfortable with new professors, people, expectations,
journey and your learning. Some of us pick up on things etc. There is a learning curve and you have to give
later and that’s perfectly okay. yourself time to adjust - but you can do it! Everyone in
your cohort is going through the same thing, and they
-Anonymous 3rd year
are probably a bit nervous and uncomfortable as well!
Talk to people and find support within your cohort. This
is an excellent program and you are going to be trained
and prepared to go out into the field as confident,
My biggest advice is to uplift and cheer on with your competent school psychs in just 3 years! Good luck!! ¨̮
cohort because one day they will do the same for you
when you least expect it or really need it. -Jamie Osman, 3rd year
-Brenda Avalos, 2nd year
T-Shirt Designs
We are selling t-shirts to fundraise for SPSA,
but first we need a design. Please submit
your beautiful designs to
csulb.spsa@gmail.com by October 1st.

Coffee with School Psych Faculty

Join the School Psych faculty on Monday, September
13th from 3:30-5:00 pm in the outside area with
tables and umbrellas between the ED buildings.

Have anything you want to be included in the

next newsletter?
Submit here: https://forms.gle/T4dGjzGn8jNz6ZDN8

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