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missing like 2 questions lmfao

1. What were most Arabic and Persian religions prior to Islam?

A: Polytheism

2. What best describes a shrine?

A: A place of worship

3. What best describes the Sunnah?

A: Refers to how Muhammad lived

4. Who raised Muhamed?

A: His grandfather and Uncle

5. What divide within Islam best identifies the two main groups of Muslims?
A: Sunni and Shia

6. What types of people did Muhammad first fight?

A: Pagans

7. Where do Muslims face while praying?

A: Mecca

8. What is the Arabic word for a market or a Bazar

A: Souk

9. How do the people of Arabia generate wealth?

A: Trade

10. What is the name of the great Islamic city in Spain?

A: Cordoba
11. What type of Islamic Empire is the Safavid?
A: Persian

12. How did Muhammad refer to Christians and Muslims?

A: The people of the book

14. What is the pilgrimage to Mecca called?

A: The Hajj

15. What Ottoman leader conquered the Byzantine city of Constantinople?

A: Mehmed II

18. What Architerural feature is common for many mosques?

A: Domes and minarets

19. What type of art is interwoven into Islamic architecture?

A: Calligraphy

20. What type of land is Arabia

A: A desert

21. What is the language of Islam?

A. Arabic

22. What did Mehmed II do to the Hagia Sophia Church?

A: He turned the Hagia Sophia into a Mosque

23. What math concept did Muslim Scholars create?

A: Algebra

24. Where was the first Islamic Mosque

A: Muhammad's house

25. What Arabic word means leader?

A: Caliph

26. What were two ways of early Arabic life?

A: Nomads and Townspeople

27. What best describes "there is no God, and Muhammad is his prophet.".....
A: The five pillars of Islam

29. How did people travel and trade throughout Arabia?

A: Caravans

30. What is the names of the Islamic holy book

A: The Qur'an

31. What type of Islamic empire is the Ottoman Empire?

A: Turkish

32. What type of dance established a personal relationship with God?

A: Sufism

33. What does the city of medina mean in Arabic?

A: The Prophet's city

34. Who were non-Muslims that were converted into Islamic Warriors?
A: Janissaries

35. What ancient civilization did Islamic scholars study?

A: The Greeks
36. What types of Islamic empire is the Mughal Empire?
A: Indian

37. What number system do we use today?

A: Arabic

38. What does the word "Islam" mean?

A: To submit to God

39. What activities helped spread Islamic empires? Select all that apply
A: Trade, War, Arts

40. What city was Muhammad Born?

A: Mecca

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