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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education — Region It TARLAC CITY SCHOOLS DIVISION “ B bs) Juan Luna St., Sto. Cristo, Tarlac City 2300 ine Email address: cov phWebsite: http:/idepedtarlaccity com Telephone Numbers: (045) 982-4514 / (045) 982-4439 DIVISION MEMORANDUM No._lt_,s 2020 Date January 17, 2020 To: OIC-ASDS Division Chiefs ‘School Heads of Public Elementary and Secondary Schools All Others Concemed From ‘The Office of the Schools Division Superintendent Subject: DIVISION SCHOOL-BASED MANAGEMENT (SBM) VALIDATION FOR THE 4 SCHOOL YEAR 2019-2020 Pursuant to Regional Memorandum No. 11, s. 2020 on School Based Management for Regional Field Technical Assistance Team (RFTAT) Validation, this Office will conduct Validation on School-Based Management(SBM) Level of Practices for both Elementary and Secondary Schools which garnered 2.30 and above numerical rating during the ‘SBM Self-Assessment SY 2019-2020 on January 28-31 and February 4-6, 2020. No. School Numerical Rating —_| Date 1_| San Rafael ES 2.84 I 2_| San Juan Bautista ES coal 284. 3_| Sto. Cristo IS 2.46 January 28, 2020 4 | San Sebastian ES (2.37 [5 | Batang-Batang IS Dsriiaae 6 | San Jose ES ag 7_| San Manuel ES January 29, 2020 8_| San Manuel HS 9 | Bantog ES ee 10 | Don Pepe Cojuangco ES [41 | CATHS- Main 12 | CATHS-Annex January 30, 2020 13 | Sta. Maria ES [44 TSto. Domingo ES 115 | Bacuit ES January 31, 2020 16 | Paraiso ES (17 [Tarlac West Central ES [18 | Dofia Arsenia ES February 4, 2020 (49 | Balanti €S 20 | San Pablo ES 21 | Balanti HS February 5, 2020 22 | San Isidro ES 2 gan ES = 24 | Balibago Primero 25 | San Carlos ES February 6, 2020 This SBM validation aims to: a. Validate the SBM-Self Assessment on SBM level of practice for SY 2018-2019. b. Strengthen the SBM practice through the centrality of the leamers and the involvement of the community in the delivery of basic education services. The validation will focus on D-O-D Analysis (Discussion, Observation and Document) of the Four (4) Principles of SBM namely: Leadership and Govemance (30%), Curriculum, and Instruction (30%), Accountability (25%) and Resource Management (15%) ‘The SBM Division Validation Committee Members are the following: Chairman: Leonida C. Garcia, Chief, SGOD Vice-Chairman: Robert E. Osongco, EdD, Chief, CID Member: Reynaldo L. Tagama, EPSvr, SGOD Member: Sunshine C. Castro, SEPS, SMME Member: Edna V. Domingo, EPS II, SMME Member: PSDS in charge of District . Attached as enclosure 1 is the SBM validation tool for reference and guidance. Immediate and wide dissemination of this Memorandum to all concerned is earnestly desired. ‘isslaeaen CUENCO, EdD, CESO VI Olc-Schoos Division ee % | RELEASE: |DEPED TARLAC - “are: JAN 23 20 gu Enclosure 1 Name of School: School-Based Management Validation Tool 2 Date: 3 ‘Means of Verifications (MOVs) The development plan guided by the school's vision, collaboratively by | mission and goal the stakeholders of | (VMG) is developed -|the — school and | through the community. leadership of the school and the participation of some invited community | stakeholders. | The development plan is evolved through the shared leadership of the school and the ‘community stakeholders The development plans enhanced with the community performing the leadership roles and the school providing technical support. * Annucl Procurement Plan * Annual Budget The development | The school leads the | The school and The ‘community SIP) Is | regular review and | community stakeholders lead | * Project Tegularly reviewed | improvement of the | stakeholders the regular review | Team/Monitoring by the — school | development plan. | working as _—_full| and improvement | Team ‘community to keep pariners, lead the | process; the school | * Reviewed/adjusted SIP up responsive and continual review | stokeholders + SMEPA docs levantto emerging _ and improvement of | facilitate the | * Documentation of the needs, challenges the development | process. SIP Review Process (Minutes ‘and opportunities plan. of the Meeting, ‘Attendance, Photos/videos) SBM - Page 10f 16, structure and work structure, and the roles and responsibilities of The school and ‘community collaboratively define the structure and the roles and Guided “by an agreed organizational structure, the community * School Facuily * School Goveming Council Structure * Parents-Teachers leadership and | stakeholders. responsbilies of | stokeholders lead in governance and stakeholders. defining the define the roles and organizational tesponsbililes of the siructute and the Government / Pupi | stakeholders. roles and | Goverment {Dea respons vetes | 52012) : feoraea ees * Organizational Charts oe * Constitution and By- Laws suppor. sued a Policy/Commitiee ‘A network has been | The nefwork acively [The neiwork allows | *SRC network facilitates communication between and among school and i - [4A leadership community leaders improved by the school community. | easy exchange and occess to information sources beyond the school community. * Communication Pian * Communication Fow * Communication System 1 one = Trsagonperinonhos wth and solving of BLGU and other Sects school-community Groups - MOA, MOU, etc. wide-learning (Minutes of the Meeting, problems. Photos} ‘inventory of Projects given by stakeholders. * sam-Page 2 of 16 5. A long term Program isin operation that addresses, the ‘raining and development needs of school and community leaders. ] Developing Leaders “undertake structures are in | training modes that place and analysis | are _convenie! of the competency | them (on-line, and development | program, School community leaders working individually o in groups, coach and mentor one another | to achieve their MG. *TRD System ‘Training and Development Pian for School and Community Leaders * Training Designs "Developmental Needs (PRE) “Terminal Reports Total Weighted Mean Validated by: Division SBM Validator ‘School SBM Leader SBM -Page of 16 Name of School: support mat ials for each type of leamer low performers, mentor —_ potential leaming. Teachers’ as welll as students’ Portfolio/Projects Indicators 1 a ‘Means of Verifications (MOVs) | Rating Recommendation 1. The cumiculum | All types of leamers | Programs are fully | The *Log Books provides fer the | of — the — school| implemented and | needs of all types of | *Action Researches | development needs are | closely monitored to | learners are being | ‘innovative Work of all types of ther | address met as shown by | plans leamers Inthe curves | performance continuous sintervenkoh school community discrepancies, improvement on | py, ograms appropriate benchmark best | leaming outcomes | 79" Programs with ils practices, coach Jand products of | (40M more meaningful to the leamers and moni ensure thal mainstreamed ond benchmarked by materials - Contextualized [Ms applicable to ife In | documented and | leaming more | other schools. There a the community Used fo develop | meaningful and] ismarkedinerease in | Kress, lasting _cumiculum. | pleasurable, number of projects Localization Produces desired || that uses the | M™B Dictionary} guidelines are | learing outcomes, | community as | - mprovised/Localized agreed to by school | and directly | leaming laboratory, | \Ms/ IMs/DLL community and | improves and the schoolas an teachers ‘are | community fe. | agent of change for property oriented. | ineffective is developed. leaders, reward high | performance: is | “Documentation —_of achievement, and | motivated by | Best Practices maintain intrinsic rather than | *SIM environment — that | extrinsic rewards. | *C! Projects makes learning | the schools’ | *Modules meaningful and | differentiated “institution snloyopie: fecpenty | PrEgamS for inclusive bral education Seek? Y | * Leamers' profile with BH theirleaming needs 2. The implemented The localized | Best practices in | * Localized | curriculum Is curriculum is | localizing the | Curiculum support localized fo make it implemented and | curiculum are SBM Paged of 16 ‘approaches are improvement of the replaced ‘and | community. innovative ones are developed. 3._A representative group of school and community stakeholders develop the methods and for A representative team of school and ‘community stakeholders assess content and are used as guide | develop materials. Learning materials ‘and approaches to reinforce strengths and address deficiencies are developed and . | tested for Materials ‘and approaches are being used in school, In the family ‘and in comm develop itilical, creative thinking and problem solving ‘community of leamers and are producing desired results *[inkages with "Quality Assured and accepted Localized Las *QA Team for Leaming Resource Materials Development systems are regularly and collaboratively community using appropriate tools to ensure the holistic leamers and the ‘community. development of | continuous leamers. improvement of the | | EESESESEESSESEES fool. ‘A school based monitoring and leaming system is generate feedback that used for making decisions that enhance the total development of leamers. A committee take: care of the The ~~ monitoring system is accepted ‘and regulary used for collective decision making. The monitoring tool has been improved "Supervisory Pian “Classroom Observation Tools/Checkiists * Feedback Monitoring Form | * PTA Conferences | “Attendance Sheets/ Minutes: of the | Meeting/Photos SSMEA "Guidance Forms "sud Page of 16 School assessment | ‘Teachers’ Test results are used to | * Teachers’ Port fe ‘Appropriate | The assessment tools | The assessment | assessment tools for | are reviewed by the | are reviewed by teaching ‘and | school and | school community | develop fearing | * Test Results & Te leaming ‘are | assessment results |and results are | programs that are | Analysis continuously are shored with | shared with | suited to | “Table of Specifications reviewed and | school's ‘community and | « test item Bank Improved, | and | stakehokiers | stakehoscers | Cstomized f0 E52 | rormative/ Summative Test | are contextualized results of which are Cope fae fo the leamer and used for local situation and collaborative ‘adopted from Partners the attainment of selevant Ife skills. eeeee reece eel eee eeeeeee eres eee ae i 6 Leaming | Stakeholders are | Stakeholders begin | Learning * Child Protection 1 -|managers and | aware of | child/ | to. practice child/ | environments Committee Organized | | tactitators leamer- centered, |leamer- centered | methods and | * School-Based Child | (leachers, rights- based, ana resources are | protection Policy administrators. and | inclusive _ principles ‘community driven, | sintake Sheets community of education. inclusive : members) nurture | Learning managers Implementation Report cum CFSS WINS PROGRAM *Co-curicular values and | and facilitators environments that | conduct activities are protective of all | cimed to increase children and | stakeholders earning managers demonstrate ‘owareness = and and facilitators | Activities Report (ex: behaviors consistent | commitment to ‘observe —_leamers' | Scouting, Religious to the organization's i fights from designing vision, mission and the curiculum to goals. structuring the whole teaming environment. 7. Methods and Practices, toolsand | There is continvou: | resources ore mater for | exchange of leamer and | developing _self- | developing —_self- | information, shoring | * Guidance Services community: friendly, | directed — leamers | directed leamers | of expertise and | * Computer/Science/TLE enjoyable, safe, | cre highly |are beginning to | materials among | | Gooratory Inclusive, accessible | observable in|emerge in the | the schools, home | «Soar meciules and aimed at | school, but notin the | homes and in the | and community for | 5 Ayers received by {developing selt| home “or inthe |community. The | the development of | AWE foestvon OY "SBM Pages of 16 thelr own learning. directed leamers. | community. Program is | self-directed head/school/non- Learners ‘re | Learning programs | collaboratively leamers. The | teaching equipped — with | are designed and |impiemented and | program is | « Leamers-initiated projects essential developed to| monitored by ‘| mainstreamed but | « Classroom Structuring knowledge, skill, | produce leamers | teaches. and _| continuously * Reading Centers jand values te | who are responsibie | parents to ensure [improved to make | « stacy assume and accountable | that it produces | relevant PS acineccarg Wace Fesponsibility and | fortherleaming, —_| desired leamers. emergent demands. oe accountability for Weighted Mean Welghted Percentage 30% Total Validated by: Division SBM Validator School SBM Leader * SBM Page 7 of 16 2 3 ‘Means of Verifications (MOVs) The stakeholders ore engaged in clarifying and defining their specific roles and responsibilities. ‘Shared Participatory ‘and processes are used in determining stakeholders managing and supporting education. in Structure School ns: Faculty nm "School Governing Council Structure (SGC) * Porents-Teachers Association (DO No. | 54, s. 2009, DO No. 67, 8. 2009 * Supreme Student SSG. SPG, FC, etc. SBM - Page # of 16 system Is owned by |arficuiates the the community and jaccountabilty Is continuously Jassessment enhanced to ensure framework with that management [asic components, structures and mechanisms are lengaged in the development and joperation of an stakeholders {continuously llaboratively review and lenhance laccountabilty mechanisms hhoots. and Iystemns’ processes, and dance, Photos. the — Enhancement Review of MBE System tProject implementation review Organized QMS lleam It Minutes of the QMS 2. Achievement of [Performance ® community: Appropriate Actions to goals is recognized | accountability s accepted based on practiced | performance ‘acollaboratively —_| school level. | accountabilty, developed initiatives. performance ‘accountability system & being incentive system system; gaps are practiced. “General PTA Assembly addressed Meetings through *Homeroom — PTA appropriate Meetings action. - Attendance, Photos, building program on Performance Accountability System SEE (SMEPA) 3. The accountability |ine School [Stokehodes are [School “coramunily PAccountabiliy ‘system’ processes, mechanisms and — tools (Uquidation Reports, lUpdated Transparency [Board, Procurement Report, s of the Meeting of and "SBM Page 9 oF 15 [4. Accountability assessment criteria and fools, feedback mechanisms, and Information collection and validation techniques and processes. are inclusive ond collaboratively developed = and agreed upon. The school, with he — participat s laccountabitty lassessment framework with Ibasic components, implementation \guidelines. [Stakeholders are lengaged in \development and loperation of an jappropriate jaccountabilty jassessment system, | [Stakeholders Icontinuously and \collaboratively review and lenhance laccountabitity lystems; processes, mechanisms and ltools. fion Survey. Checkkst . Survey Questionnaire, [Tracer Study Tool, School Report Cards IStakeholders Foru Report Card, St [School “Address A), Parents’ Conference, Schoo! Website, Home Visitation, [School Bulletin, Parenting ISeminar + Convenient & Purposive, Suggestion Box, Documentation, Conduct Techniques : FGD, ‘accountability assessment criteria | M&E Process — IMidyear/Annual Review, SMEPA. sad Page 10 oF 16 5. Parlicipat School inifiates_ Schoo! initiates. [School communily assessment [periodic lperiodic \developed | performance |performance |pertormance jperormance done regulary assessments with the assessments with the lassessment is. with the [participation of [participation of lpracticed and is the ‘community. Istokehoiders. Stakeholders. lbasis for improving [8 Governance (SBM Assessment results ing and Assessment) ‘and lessons jevaluation systems, |Schoo!'s PPAs: WSRP Brigada leamed serve as providing technical |Eskwela, WINS Program basis for feedback, jassistance, and technical assistance, lrecognking and recognition and fefining plans. pian adjustment. i |Program, PPP, etc. |Assessment Results based on IM & E Feedback Implmentation of "SBM -Page 11 of 16 | Total Weighted Mean Weighted Percentage 30% Validated by: Division SBM Validator School SBM Leader "SOM -Page 12 of 16 Name of School: Date: IV. MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES-Resources are collectively and judiciously mobilized and managed with transparency, effectiveness, and efficiency. Indicators 1 2 3 ‘Means of Verifications (MOVs) | Rating Recommendation 1 Regularly Stakeholders are | Resource lResource * Process — Regul Ieee ce aware that a inventory —_is_inventories are Resources Inventory of: | reguiar resource | characterzed by _ systematically - Human Resources une Inventory, | reauty developed cnet (Teachers. camming managers. | available and _ is | increase Istokeholders are leaning oe used as the basis for | participation of engaged ina Coe psig I mangers, leaming stakeholders, and Snel Resouces (FTAs facilitators, and communicated to MOOE, Canteen Fund, community the community as — |decisions on IGP, Clubs) + | stakeholders as the bass for — resource allocation _| ~ Technological Resources basis for | resource land moblization, - insiructional Materials fesource allocation allocation — and - Fumiture ‘and mobilization. mobilization. ~ Rooms - WaiSan School Site Titling - Instructional Tools & Equipment Resources | n & Mobilization EEE ile Plan (RAMP) as eee 2. A regular [stakeholders are | Stakeholders are | Stakeholders * Process: Regular dialogue for __ invited to | tegularly engaged | collaborate to Resource Planning planning and —paricipate in the | in the planning and | ensure timely and | and Programming Tesoutce development of an | resource need- based through Strategic Programming, that educational plan in | Programming, planning and Planning Is accessible and resource And in the resource * Output: inclusive, Iprogramming, and | implementation of | programming - Human Resource Dev't continuously in the education and support Plan (HRDP) engage implementa! plan continuous Financial Mat. Dev't Plan stakeholders and = the educational implementation (FMDP) support plan. ofthe education | - Technology Resource implementation of plan. Improvement Plan ( ie ai eee ~ Schoo! Physical De\ a “SEM Page 13 of 16 (SPDP} Stakeholders support judicious, appropriate, and Stakeholders are engaged and share expertise in Stakeholders sustain the implementation - Updated Transparency Board of all Finances moblized and effective use of |the collaborative | (MOOE, PTA, IGP, managed with —_| resources. resource Canteen Fund, Donations, transparency, monagement effectiveness, system, and efficiency. | constituent- | focused resource _| effective and efficient | management resource management : | system. system Besse a Regular | Stakeholders ore | Stakeholders Stakeholder are | SMEPA of the folowing: monitoring, invited to | collaboratively engages, held - Human Resource Dev't evaluation, and | parlicipate in the | parlicipate in the | accountable and | plan (HROP) reporting processes | development development and implement a - Financial Mgt. Dev't Plan of resource and 7 implementation collaboratively (FMDP} management are | implementation of |of — monitoring, | -Technology Resource collaboratively monitorin : ee ‘ond Improvement Plan ‘sevsioneal ii and and | reporting processes id corm [era ormsonce (ecm Gat | Seta oes ren the teaming ce | onagement. ~ Annual Procurement Plan managers, (APP) facilttators, and | management. = Inventory List of all ‘community resources stakeholders. 5. There isa |Anengagemeni | Stakeholders ‘An esiabished * Cash Disbursement system — that | procedure to support a system | system of (mooe) manages the | identify andutlize |of partnerships _/ partnership is. * Transparency Board network and =| partnerships with | for improving | managed and * Financial Reports (PTA, linkages which | stakeholdersfor_—_| resource sustained by the | iGp, Canteen, Schoo! stengthen and — improving resource | management. stakeholders for | Ciubs/oxganization) sustain partnerships | Management is continuous for improving evident. improvement "SBM - Page 14 oF 16 resource of resource: management. oe ___| management. Total Weighted Mean Weighted Percentage 30% . | Validated by: ‘Division SBM Validator SSM -Page 15 0f 16 acSiaes ‘School SBM Leader Name of Schook:. Date: eT ae Se eee IV, MANAGEMENT OF cere TN le 3 INSTRUCTION The i RESOURCES 7 ns ol Resources are collectively. ir and judiciously mobilized and managed with transparency. | SBM Level of effectiveness, and efficiency. Practice ‘SBM Level SY 2018-2019 SBM Level SY 2018-2019 ‘SBM Level SY 2018-2019 ‘SBM Level SY 2018-2019 | Conformed by: Date of Validation: _ School Head ' SEM - Page 16 of 16

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