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Advanced Ceramics-

First Days Refresher Questions level 2 Name:

1. What do you do to the clay before putting clay on the wheel to throw? why?
You wedge the clay to make sure there are no air holes and that any clay that was added to a
piece of clay is fully mixed in and together.
2. How can you find out the thickness of the bottom of your thrown clay pot while still on the
You can take a needle tool and stick it through the bottom of the pot. You can tell the thickness
by how much it goes through the bottom.
3. What is centering, and why is it important before opening?
Centering is where the clay is in a roundish symmetrical shape on the wheel. Centering clay
allows you to make sure the piece that you are throwing stays symmetrical with walls that are
the same thickness, etc.
4. Where should your elbows go when centering clay?
They should be anchored to your side or legs allowing you to be more stable when manipulating
the clay.
5. Describe how you “pull up walls”. How do you use your fingers?
I have my thumb on the outside slowly pulling upward and pushing in or allowing the clay to
come out based on what shape I want the wall to be. While having a finger or two on the outside
supporting the inside of the clay.
6. Why do you need to keep your arms wet when throwing?
To allow the clay to be easily manipulated otherwise the clay has too much resistance to shape.
7. Why do you trim the base of a pot?
To make the pot more presentable and finished. It allows more artistic touch.
8. Why do you keep your thumbs down on the wire when cutting your pot away from a bat?
To keep the wire as flat on the bat as possible so the pot is not ripped in some way or uneven.
9. List the seven Principles of art I supply my 3d classes -and define one.
Balance, unity, variety, emphasis, movement, pattern, and proportion. Emphasis is where
something in a piece draws the attention of a viewer, creating something that is eye-catching or
distinct from the rest of a piece.
10. List the seven Elements of Art.
Space, color, shape, form, value, and line.
11. Find an online tutorial link on how to throw/ make a lidded container. Paste it here…
Making a Simple Lidded Pottery Container on the Wheel
12. Find a second online demonstration you find interesting on decorating or throwing a clay
project you find exciting. Paste the link here…
Throwing 4 different shaped clay pottery vases on the wheel demo how to
The first and the last one look super cool to try

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