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Journal of Computational Information Systems 7:4 (2011) 1190-1197 Available at http://www.Jofcis.


Research on the Insertion Loss of Sound Package under Structure-borne and Airborne Excitation in Mid-frequency Using Hybrid FE-SEA Method
Zhaogang LU, Zhiyong HAO, Xu ZHENG, Ji YANG
Department of Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 210027, China

A Hybrid FE-SEA model to predict the Insertion Loss (IL) performance of sound packages in mid-frequencies under both air-borne and structure-borne was presented. Validation experiment confirmed that the method was suitable for IL prediction. In the hybrid model, the panel was modeled using FE subsystem and the receiving rooms modeled using SEA subsystem. Based on the model, IL performance of two typical sound packages were explored under both airborne and structure-borne excitation. The key parameters for the sound packages were changed and the IL performance was researched. Keywords: Hybrid FE-SEA Method; Mid-frequency; Insertion Loss; Sound Package

1. Introduction Mid-frequency (200-600Hz) simulation in Noise, Vibration and Harshness (NVH) problems using CAE tools is a challenge during past years. Multiple areas (automotive, shipping and aerospace) are involved. In automobile engineering, many sound sources are both structure-borne (through engine and suspension mounts) and airborne (through dash-panel, floor and door). Finally, the structure displays both long and short wavelength behaviors. Widely used CAE methods in simulating and diagnosis the NVH problems include finite elements (FE) analysis [1] and statistical energy analysis (SEA). Completely FE model in mid-frequencies becomes prohibitively expensive in terms of computational cost with increasing frequency as more Degrees-of-Freedom (DOF) are required to correctly represent the dynamic response of the structure. Additionally, the dynamic response becomes sensitive to small perturbations in the model, thus defeating the purpose of a deterministic model method [2]. SEA is a statistical method widely used in automotive industry for air-borne problems at frequencies higher than 500Hz. The method is highly efficient for the design and optimization of sound packages facing the airborne sources, but it lacks accuracy when dealing with structure-borne sources. The hybrid FE-SEA method [3-6] is an analysis method that aims to merge finite elements (FE) analysis and statistical energy analysis (SEA). In this method, both FE and SEA components are rigorously coupled. Thus the method allows both structural and acoustic components

Corresponding author. Email address: (Zhiyong HAO)

1553-9105/ Copyright 2011 Binary Information Press April, 2011

Z. Lu et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 7:4 (2011) 1190-1197


including in the hybrid model. With the possibility of including acoustic SEA subsystems, the method can allow use of trim modeling approaches commonly applied in airborne SEA model of vehicles. Thus it can be used for the trim or sound package designing for the complex structure in mid-frequencies. Sound package components in vehicles play a vital role for the interior noise control. The characteristic of the sound packages are usually evaluated using standard test method for absorption and transmission loss (TL). From the transmission loss calculation, an insertion loss (IL) can be derived to characterize the acoustic properties of the sound packages. Broadly researches have been carried out in the airborne IL of sound package [7-9], but little information can be derived about the structure-borne IL in mid-frequencies. The meaning lies that when the structure-borne sound transmission is dominant, the sound package must be designed to control the sound in the mid-frequencies. Thus the IL characteristic of the sound under the structure and airborne in mid-frequencies is important. This paper is divided into three main sections. The first is the IL theory summary, followed by structure-borne and airborne IL prediction model in Hybrid FE-SEA method and validation experiment, the last is the sound package IL characteristic designing according the sensitive parameters changing of the sound packages. 2. IL Equations The IL is obtained by subtracting the TL of a bare flat plate from the TL of the same plate covered with trim component, can be defined as:
input input bare trim IL=10log radiated 10log radiated trim bare


where trim


is the power input of the trimmed panel, trim


the power radiated of trimmed panel,

radiated input power input of bare panel and bare the power radiated of bare panel. bare

3. Validation Test and Hybrid FE-SEA Model Setup The validation experiment of airborne TL was in standard methods shown as fig 1a. The validation experiment of structure-borne TL was especially designed, shown as fig 1b. The panel was located in the wall of the semi-anechoic room, and a shaker was applied at the panel corner. Avoiding the noise radiation of the shaker disturbing the result, it was surrounded by an enclosure. Acceleration and point sensors were applied at the excitation point to get the power input to the panel, and a sound density sensor was located in the semi-anechoic room to get the power radiation of the panel and sound package. Because the source room and receiving room were modal dense subsystems thus were classified as the SEA model, while the panel dynamic behavior was global response in the same frequency range and was classified as FE subsystem. In the Hybrid FE-SEA air-borne IL prediction model (fig. 2a), the steel panel was modeled using FE subsystem including 1617 shell elements, while the source and receiving rooms were modeled using SEA


Z. Lu et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 7:4 (2011) 1190-1197

subsystems. The source reverberant room was represented by the Diffuse Acoustic Field (DAF) load applied on the source side of the panel and the receiving semi-anechoic room was represented by the Semi-infinite Field (SIF). . In the Hybrid FE-SEA structure-borne IL prediction model (fig. 2b), the steel panel was modeled using FE subsystem including 1617 shell elements, while receiving rooms are modeled using SEA subsystems, and the mechanical excitation was represented by a point force applied on the source side of the panel. The panel was consisted of a rectangular (0.90.6 m2) 1mm thick steel plate and typical sound package was applied on the receiving side of the panel. Two typical sound packages were foam-backed and septum-backed. The sound packages structure is shown as fig. (3). The material characteristics of each layer are show as table. 1 Both the power input and power radiation of the bare panel and trimmed panel were measured and predicted, the IL results of the sound package were calculated using Eq. (1). The analysis frequency range was between 100-630Hz in 1/3 octave



Fig. 1 TL Experiment Setup for a) Airborne Excitation, b) Structure-borne Excitation



Fig. 2 Hybrid FE-SEA Mode for a) Airborne Excitation, b) Structure-borne Excitation

Z. Lu et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 7:4 (2011) 1190-1197


a) Foam-backed Carpet

b) Septum Backed Carpet

Fig.3 Structure of the Sound-package

Table 1 Characteristic of Fibrous, Foam and Septum Fibrous Thickness h(mm) Fluid phase density (kg m ) Fluid phase speed (m s ) Porosity Flow resistivity Tortuosity Viscous characteristic length (m) Thermal characteristic length (m) Mass density (kg m ) Youngs modulus (N m ) Passion ration
-2 -3 -1 -3

Foam 5 1.213 342.2 0.97 8.7e+004 2.52 3.7e-005 1.19e-004 0.055 1.43e+5 0.3

Septum 2

12.5 1.213 342.2 0.98 3.3e+004 1 5e-004 1e-004 60 1e+005 0.3


The TL experiment and prediction results (fig .4) are in good agreement. It can be concluded that 1) for airborne excitation, the Foam-Backed carpet have better IL performance than the case of Septum-Backed carpet in 100-315Hz, and is in worse performance than later in 315-630hz; 2) for structure-borne excitation, the Foam-Backed carpet have worse IL performance than the case of Septum-Backed carpet in 100250, but is in similar IL performance with later. The reason may be that the structural-borne excites the resonant wave motion, whereas the case of airborne it is the forced local motion on the panel. The Septum-Backed carpet is good for controlling the resonant motion and the Foam-Backe carpet is suitable for controlling the forced local behavior.

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15

Z. Lu et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 7:4 (2011) 1190-1197

FB-test SB-test FB-predicted SB-predicted
Insertion Loss (dB) 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 FB-predicted SB-test SB-predicted FB-test

Insetion Loss (dB)

100 125

160 200

250 315


500 630

Frequency (Hz)
a) Airborne Excitation

Frequency (Hz)

b) Mechanical Excitation

Fig. 4 Comparison of Airborne between Predicted and Experiment Results

Based on the above experiment research and hybrid model prediction, it can be concluded that the Hybrid FE-SEA model can precisely predict the IL performance of sound package under both airborne and mechanical excitation in mid-frequencies. Thus, the model can be used for the sound package design in the next section. 4. Sound Package Designing Based on the Hybrid FE-SEA Model Parameters affecting the sound packages performance include flow core thickness, resistivity ration, covering material and so on. In this section, the flow resistivity ration and core thickness would be changed to explore the variation of the IL performance of the sound packages. The steel panel was replaced by a typical heavy damping structure MPM panel to explore IL performance. 4.1. Core Thickness The thicknesses were changed form 5-30mm with constant step 5mm. IL performance of each sound package in every thickness step is shown as fig. 5.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2
25 21 Insertion Loss (dB) 17 13 9 5 1 -3 -7 -11 -15 frequency(Hz) 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630

Insertion Loss (dB)

100 125

160 200 250 315 400 frequency (Hz)


500 630


Fig. 5 Core Thicknesses Change, Comparison of Airborne and Structure-borne IL of a) Foam-Backed Carpet; b) Septum-Backed Carpet. : Air-borne IL; ---:Structure-borne IL; : 5mm, : 10mm, : 15mm, : 20mm; *: 25mm, : 30mm

Fig. 5a shows that for the overall trends, the IL performance of Foam-backed carpet under the

Z. Lu et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 7:4 (2011) 1190-1197


structure-borne excitation is better than the case of airborne excitation. And the IL performance for Foam-backed carpet enhances obviously between 100-250Hz under structure-borne excitation, but slightly effect on the performance under airborne excitation in the 100-200Hz. It is an inverse case between 250-630 Hz for the carpet under the different excitation. The IL performance enhances obviously under airborne excitation in the frequency while have little effect under structure-borne excitation. It also shows that the dips frequency positions wont move with increasing thicknesses. Fig. 5b shows that for the overall trends, the IL performance of Septum-backed carpet under structure-borne excitation is better than the case of airborne excitation between 100-200Hz. With increasing thicknesses, the IL performance changes little under structure-borne excitation. However, for the case of airborne excitation, the IL performance is affected obviously with increasing thickness. It shows that with the increasing thickness, the IL performance under airborne excitation will enhance greatly at the coincidence frequency, and the coincident frequency will move to lower frequency with increasing thickness. 4.2. Flow Resistivity Ration Flow resistivity ration refers to the material absorption coefficient. With the changing factor, the sound absorption in the core layer will be changed too, thus affecting the IL performance of the sound packages. The flow resistivity ration changed from 10000 N.s.m-4 to 60000 N.s.m-4 with constant step 10000. Fig. 6 shows that, the IL performance changed slightly both for the Foam-Backed carpet and Septum-Backed carpet under airborne and structure-borne excitation. With the increasing flow resistivity, the IL performance enhanced slightly for Foam-Backed carpet under structure-borne excitation and decreasing slightly at coincident frequency point under airborne excitation. For, Septum-Backed package, the flow resistivity have little effect on the structure-borne excitation case, and make the IL performance decreased slightly at the coincidence for the airborne case.
10 8 6 4 2 0 100 -2 -4 frequency (Hz) 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630

25 20 Insertion Loss (dB) 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 frequency (Hz) 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630

Insertion Loss (dB)



Fig. 6 Flow Resistivity Changes, Comparison of Airborne and Structure-borne IL of a) Foam-Backed Carpet; b) Septum-Backed Carpet. : 1e+4, : 2e+4, : 3e+4, : 4e+4; *: 5e+4, : 6e+4

4.3. Panel Damping Panel damping affects the modal characteristic of the panel, thus changing the IL performance in the mid-frequencies. In this section, the steel panel was replaced by a heavy damping MPM panel, and the material characteristic is shown as table. 2.


Z. Lu et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 7:4 (2011) 1190-1197

Table 2 Characteristic of the MPS Panel Layer1 Thickness h (mm) Youngs Modulus (N. m-2) Density (kg m-3) Poisson Damping 0.45 2.1e+11 7800 0.28 0.007
25 20 Insertion Loss (dB) 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 frequency (Hz) 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630

Core 0.1 1e+6 7000 0.49 0.3

Layer2 0.45 2.1e+11 7800 0.28 0.007

10 8 Insertion Loss (dB) 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 frequency (Hz) 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630



Fig. 7 Main Panel Characteristic Changes, Comparison of Airborne and Structure-borne IL of a) Foam-Backed Carpet; b) Septum-Backed Carpet.

Fig. 7 shows that for the case of Foam-Backed carpet, IL performance has no effect on sound transmission loss in mid-frequencies both under structure-borne and airborne excitation. However, surprised result is found for the case of Septum-Backed carpet. An obviously decrease of IL is presented at the coincidence frequency point, and the IL performance enhances with increasing frequency under airborne excitation. For the case of structure-borne excitation, the IL has the best performance at the 200Hz point, and then turns to zero with increasing frequency. 5. Conclusion A Hybrid FE-SEA model to predict the IL performance of sound packages in mid-frequencies under both air-borne and structure-borne was presented. Validation experiment confirmed that the method was suitable for IL prediction. In the hybrid model, the panel was modeled using FE subsystem and the receiving rooms modeled using SEA subsystem. The method has the advantage that single FEM method or SEA method lacks which is rapid calculation and precisely description of the detailed in structures. Based on the model, IL performance of two typical sound packages were explored under both airborne and structure-borne excitation. The key parameters for the sound packages were changed and the IL performance was researched. The results showed that: 1) both Foam-Backed and Septum-Backed carpets were in good IL performance under structural excitation between 100-250Hz, and the performance changed slightly with the increasing core thickness. For the case of airborne excitation, both carpets had little effect on the sound transmission loss in 100-250Hz, but the performance increased with the core thickness increasing. And the coincident frequency dips moved to lower frequency in the case of septum carpet; 2)

Z. Lu et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 7:4 (2011) 1190-1197


the flow resistivity ratio affected the IL performance not too obviously for both two carpets under both excitation; 3) the panel damping make the sound packages IL performance not too important for the case of foam carpet under both excitation. But for the case of septum carpet, a decrease presented at coincidence frequency point under airborne excitation and better performance at the same frequency point under structure-borne excitation. References
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