Starter Cultures General Aspects

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Starter Cultures: General Aspects

I B Powell and M C Broome, Dairy Innovation Australia, Werribee, VIC, Australia

G K Y Limsowtin, Formerly Australian Starter Culture Research Centre, Werribee, VIC, Australia
ª 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction terms, coagulant) is used to induce curd formation.

During the vat stage of cheese manufacture, the decrease
Modern cheesemaking makes use of advanced engi- in pH directly affects the proteolytic activity of both
neering, biotechnology, and food science. Even so, coagulant and natural milk proteinase. At the point of
cheesemaking is fundamentally an ancient process and separation of curd from whey, the pH can influence the
many of the standard cheesemaking procedures are amount of coagulant retained in the curd. This retained
based on traditional practices. It was not until 1873 coagulant will continue to carry out proteolysis within the
that Lister isolated the first pure starter cultures and maturing cheese, releasing peptides and amino acids
thereby confirmed bacterial involvement in cheesemak- (which may impart brothy or bitter flavor defects or act
ing. The handling and manipulation of bacterial as precursors for more complex flavor development) and
cultures emerged as a technology by the 1890s, through causing a gradual breakdown of the curd structure and
Conn in the United States, Storch in Denmark, and softening of the cheese.
Weigmann in Germany. Advances in the selection, Different coagulants display different properties, with
propagation, and handling of starter cultures were some showing greater pH dependency than others. For
essential in enabling cheesemaking to become indus- example, the coagulant chymosin (either in traditional
trialized and continue to influence cheesemaking calf rennet or in a purified form) operates optimally at
practice today. Growing understanding of the biochem- low pH (e.g., pH 2–4) and retention within the curd is also
istry, physiology, and genetics of lactic acid bacteria has greater at lower pH. Cheese milk is typically set at a pH
allowed more targeted use of specific cultures and of 6.5–6.7 and the pH at which the whey is drained
promises even greater control over culture performance influences the amount of chymosin retained in the curd.
and cheese flavor. Consequently, cheeses with a high acid level, particularly
This article addresses general concepts surrounding those that are not highly cooked, may develop a bitter
the use of starter cultures. Further details can be found flavor due to specific peptides originating from caseins as
in articles addressing specific cheese types and specific a result of coagulant activity. Plasmin, an indigenous milk
starter species. proteinase with an alkaline optimum pH, also plays a role
in cheese ripening but has little activity in low-pH
Functions of Starter Cultures The rate of curd contraction and whey expulsion
(syneresis) is enhanced as the pH decreases, and this
Production of Lactic Acid directly affects the final cheese moisture content and
Cheese starter cultures are predominantly composed of subsequently cheese texture and the rates of the various
lactic acid bacteria (see Lactic Acid Bacteria: Taxonomy biochemical reactions involved in flavor compound for-
and Biodiversity), although other bacteria and yeasts mation. Cheese texture is also influenced by the level of
may also be involved. In cheese manufacture, the pri- pH-dependent dissolution of colloidal calcium phosphate
mary role of starter cultures is the production of lactic from the casein micelles, particularly if this occurs prior
acid from lactose at a predictable and controlled rate to whey removal. Generally, cheeses with low pH tend to
(see Cheese: Overview). It is the consequent decrease in be crumbly while those of a higher pH tend to be more
pH that then affects a number of aspects of the cheese elastic.
manufacturing process and ultimately cheese composi- It is important to note that these effects are not simply
tion and quality. related to the final pH of the cheese but depend on the pH
of the cheese at crucial points during manufacture, espe-
cially the pH at the point of curd/whey separation and
Effect of pH on Cheese Flavor and Texture
during syneresis. Predictable acid production by the star-
Acid alone can lead to coagulation of the milk caseins to ter culture throughout the process can be crucial to
form curd, but for most cheese types a preparation con- predictable control of cheese texture and flavor
taining a proteolytic enzyme (rennet or, in more general development.

Cheese | Starter Cultures: General Aspects 553

Production of Flavor and Aroma Compounds activity has been shown to inhibit lactate formation and
bacterial growth while there is an increase in the produc-
Flavor development in cheese is largely dependent on the
tion of the flavor compound diacetyl.
combined proteolytic activity of a number of proteolytic
agents, including natural milk proteinases, coagulants,
starter bacteria, adventitious non-starter bacteria, and Lactate Metabolism
adjunct organisms. Starter cultures possess an array of
Lactose is converted principally to L-lactate by starter
predominantly intracellular peptidases that degrade pep-
bacteria, but some starter bacteria and many adventitious
tides formed by proteolytic agents to amino acids, which
non-starter lactic acid bacteria present in cheese can
then act as precursors for a range of volatile flavor com-
produce D-lactate from pyruvate or racemize L-lactate
pounds (see Cheese: Biochemistry of Cheese Ripening;
to D-lactate. The calcium salt of the racemic DL-lactate
Starter Cultures: Specific Properties). When starter
is less soluble than calcium L-lactate and can precipitate
culture cells lyse in cheese, the intracellular peptidases
in cheese, causing white specks of calcium lactate. These
are also available to act upon peptides in the cheese
are undesirable in most cheese types. Control of the
matrix itself.
lactose and lactate content of cheese depends on predict-
Starter culture metabolism can also directly affect
able starter activity throughout cheesemaking.
cheese flavor development by forming various com-
L-Lactate can be oxidized to acetate, a contributor to
pounds from lactose and citrate. One of the key branch
cheese flavor, by non-starter lactic acid bacteria but this is
point metabolites in lactose metabolism is pyruvate, the
dependent on the availability of O2. Lactate oxidation
vast majority of which is converted under normal growth
also contributes to the reduction in redox potential,
conditions to lactic acid by the enzyme lactate dehydro-
which in turn affects the growth of potential pathogens
genase. However, when starter bacteria are fermenting
and possibly the rate of formation of various flavor
galactose or fermenting glucose or lactose at growth-
compounds via nonenzymic pathways. In Swiss-type
limiting rates, products other than lactic acid can be
cheeses, the propionibacteria metabolize lactate to
formed from pyruvate. A number of strains of starter
propionate and acetate, both flavor contributors, and
bacteria can also metabolize citrate, which is present at
CO2, which is responsible for eye development.
low concentrations in milk and cheese, to form pyruvate
and acetate. The pyruvate can then be converted to
various flavor compounds. For example, production of Redox Potential
diacetyl and CO2 is responsible for the characteristic
Little information is available on the effect of redox
aroma and eyes of Gouda cheese.
potential on the various chemical and enzymic reactions
within maturing cheese. However, in Cheddar cheese, the
Control of Adventitious Organisms Eh decreases during ripening (reported in one study to be
104 mV initially, decreasing to 217 mV after 5–6
The growth of many acid-sensitive pathogenic organisms months), and this appears to be necessary for the devel-
in cheese is inhibited to some extent by the reduced pH as opment of good flavor. The initial decrease in Eh has been
well as by the undissociated lactic acid molecules. attributed to starter bacteria as they remove oxygen dur-
However, as many pathogens can still grow at the pH of ing lactose metabolism, but once cell numbers become
cheese, pH acts as one part of a hurdle system that serves limiting, the Eh rises again before slowly returning to a
to inhibit the growth of pathogens, operating in cheese low Eh level, presumably due to the increasing numbers of
along with low temperature, low water activity, salt con- non-starter lactic acid bacteria.
centration, organic acids other than lactic (e.g., acetic
acid), and low oxygen availability. Both organic acids
and reduced oxygen tension are by-products of starter Starter Types
metabolism. Water activity is discussed below.
Starter cultures can be classified in several ways.
Historically, they have been described in terms of the
Water Activity
procedures used to prepare them, the form in which
Lactic acid production contributes to the depression of they are delivered to the vat, the products made using
water activity in cheese through the formation of solutes them, the flavors, aromas, or other product qualities gen-
either directly (e.g., lactic acid) or indirectly through the erated by them (i.e., the biochemical properties of the
increased dissolution of colloidal calcium phosphate with starter), the incubation and manufacturing temperatures
decreasing pH. The influence of lactic acid production on under which they are used, and, most recently, in terms of
the moisture content of cheese also significantly affects the species of microorganisms present or the number of
water activity. In Cheddar cheese, decreasing water strains used. These various overlapping classifications
554 Cheese | Starter Cultures: General Aspects

address different aspects of the traditional art and the different approaches: propagating carefully from pre-
modern science of cheese starters. served, tested archive stocks of good artisanal cultures
or the use of defined mixtures of purified, characterized
bacterial strains.
Defined and Undefined Cultures
Traditionally, artisan cheesemakers prepared starters
Mesophilic and Thermophilic Cultures
without any formal microbiological knowledge.
Although there are many variations (some purely regio- Traditional preparation of an undefined starter, using
nal, others depending on the cheese being made), there some of a successful product batch (or whey from it) as
are essentially two approaches. One approach relies on the starter source for the next batch, results in selective
incubating milk under selective incubation conditions enrichment of microorganisms that survive and multiply
(without the addition of any culture) to encourage the under cheesemaking conditions. Thus, traditional starters
dominance of temperature and acid-tolerant organisms for any particular cheese contain bacteria suited to the
already present in the milk. The other approach involves traditional manufacturing process (especially the manu-
using some of a successful product batch (or whey derived facturing temperature profile) for that cheese. This
from it, often after a selective incubation) as starter for the interrelation also applies in industrial-scale
next batch (see Table 1). cheesemaking.
Traditional starter preparation methods are still in use Mesophilic cheese cultures grow and produce lactic
for some European regional cheeses, and have been acid at a moderate temperature, whereas thermophilic
adapted to limited industrial scale. However, industrial- cultures function at higher temperatures. There is no
scale cheese production requires starters that give repro- universally recognized exact definition of these terms,
ducible performance and are free of undesirable but the cultures are easy to distinguish in practice.
organisms. These goals are difficult to achieve using tra- Mesophilic undefined cultures, dominated by strains of
ditional methods. Industrial starters are produced by two Lactococcus lactis, have a typical optimum growth

Table 1 Culture types and their preparation

Culture type Description Comments

‘Natural’ milk cultures Artisanal. Milk is incubated under conditions that Low cost. Undefined composition. Highly variable
favor the growth of naturally occurring composition and performance. Prone to
thermophilic lactic acid bacteria, and then used undesirable contamination; microbiologically
as starter hazardous
Back-slopped starter Artisanal. Use some of a previous product batch as Low cost. Undefined composition. Highly variable
starter composition and performance. Microbiologically
Whey cultures Artisanal. Starter is produced by incubating cheese Low cost. Undefined composition. Variable
whey under conditions that favor the growth of composition and performance. With careful
desirable (typically thermophilic) lactic acid handling and quality control testing, whey
bacteria cultures are used on an industrial scale for making
some traditional Italian and Swiss cheese types
Undefined mixed Cultures (typically descended from artisanal Undefined composition. Variable composition and
cultures cultures with desirable properties) are performance, but less variable than whey
(propagated in sequentially subcultured at the cheese factory cultures. With careful handling and some quality
cheese factory) control testing these are still in limited use, but
have largely been replaced by laboratory-
maintained cultures
Undefined mixed Cultures (typically descended from artisanal Undefined composition. Variability greatly reduced
cultures cultures with desirable properties) are preserved through maintenance of stable stocks (usually
(maintained in and propagated under controlled laboratory frozen) and production of each batch with
laboratory) conditions. Supplied to the cheese factory in minimal sequential subculturing. Used as bulk
frozen or freeze-dried form starter or direct vat inoculum
Defined-strain Laboratory-purified selected strains, free of Defined composition, usually of only a small
starters microbiological contaminants, are preserved and number of strains. This gives a high degree of
propagated under controlled laboratory control over starter performance parameters and
conditions, and then blended to give a mixed product properties, as long as strains are
culture with desired properties. Supplied to the carefully selected and managed. Novel blends
cheese factory in frozen or freeze-dried form with specific properties can be made. Used as
bulk starter or direct vat inoculum
Cheese | Starter Cultures: General Aspects 555

temperature of about 30  C and are capable of acid pro- Choosing Starter Cultures
duction (although not necessarily growth) at a cheese
A starter culture must satisfy three basic criteria for being
cook temperature of 38–40  C. Some strains (especially
used in industrial-scale cheese manufacture: reproducible
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris) are more temperature-sensitive
rate of acid production under cheesemaking conditions,
than others, and this has been exploited extensively when
predictable characteristics of the cheese produced, and
choosing strains for use in defined-strain cultures for mild
absence of pathogens or spoilage organisms. Artisanal
Cheddar manufacture.
starter preparations are inherently undefined and vari-
Cheeses manufactured using a high fermentation tem-
able, and pose greater microbiological risks than the use of
perature (such as Italian and Swiss cheese types with
well-tested cultures propagated by specialist laboratories
temperatures from about 37 to over 50  C) typically use
and culture suppliers. A general idealized scheme for
undefined mixed starter cultures dominated by thermo-
selection and management of starter cultures is presented
philic bacteria with optimum growth temperatures of
in Figure 1.
around 42  C, mainly Streptococcus thermophilus and various
Lactobacillus species. Other bacteria (e.g., Lc. lactis,
Enterococcus faecium) may also be present at lower numbers. Cheesemaking characteristics
Defined-strain starter cultures for making these cheeses Starter cultures are often chosen on a historical basis; that
usually contain Sc. thermophilus and Lactobacillus helveticus. is, they are chosen for use in a particular factory or for a
particular product application because they have been
used successfully previously. This is especially true of
undefined mixed cultures. Defined-strain cultures allow
Matching the Starter to the Product control over the composition and properties of the cul-
The primary function of all cheese starter cultures is ture. Examination of key properties of each strain
acidification (metabolism of lactose to lactic acid by lactic (e.g., genetic or biochemical features as well as growth
acid bacteria). However, other starter properties have and acid production characteristics) can lead to rational
important effects on the characteristics of the cheese. mixing of strains to form a culture with a desirable set of
For example, the dominant characteristics of Emmental properties. However, this requires a high level of specia-
depend on the production of gas and propionic acid by list laboratory testing backed by fundamental research to
strains of Propionibacterium. Gouda relies on gas and define the key properties. In the current state of the art,
diacetyl production by citrate-utilizing (Citþ) Leuconostoc strain selection is guided by a mix of laboratory testing
and Citþ Lc. lactis. The texture and stretch of Mozzarella and historical cheesemaking data. Strains are usually sub-
are affected by the level of proteolytic activity of starter jected to cheesemaking trials before committing to large-
strains. Proteolysis and amino acid metabolism are pre- scale production.
cursors of complex Cheddar flavor. For any cheese, the
starter (in combination with any added ‘adjunct’ second- Sensitivity to bacteriophages
ary cultures or adventitious non-starter bacteria) must Viruses that multiply by infecting bacteria are known as
have the correct microbiological components to bring bacteriophages (or phages) (see Bacteriophage:
about the biochemical conversions typical of that cheese. Technological Importance in the Diary Industry). The
Traditional cultures (including industrial undefined most sophisticated modern cheese factories use air filtra-
mixed starters derived from artisanal precursors) typically tion systems to exclude airborne phages and thorough
contain many strains of many microbial species, some- factory sanitation to inactivate phage particles that
times including yeasts and molds as well as bacteria. might be present within the factory. However, the milk
These all contribute biochemically to the complexity used in cheesemaking may contain phages (associated
(and to the variability) of the final product. Cheeses with their host bacteria) and these phages survive pas-
made using defined-strain starters containing only a few teurization. Phages can also enter the factory in lysogenic
strains of one or two key species (the dominant species of (carrying temperate phages) starter strains or in phage-
the traditional product) usually have a ‘cleaner’ flavor and contaminated starter cultures.
aroma, that is, they are less likely to suffer from flavor Infection, resulting in the death of infected bacterial
defects but may seem bland to some consumers. In cells, leads to a reduced rate of lactic acid production by
response to this issue, users of defined starter cultures the starter culture, which may necessitate an extended
are making increasing use of flavor-enhancing adjunct fermentation or make it difficult to achieve the desired
cultures. These cultures, which may themselves be pH and moisture levels in the cheese. Low levels of phage
defined or undefined, are added at low levels to the starter can often be tolerated without effect on cheese produc-
or separately to the milk in the vat, leading to enhanced tion, especially if good vat and pipeline cleaning systems
flavor development and increased control over the nature are operated between vat fills and whey from previous
of that flavor. vats is not permitted to contaminate a newly filled cheese
556 Cheese | Starter Cultures: General Aspects

Culture collection Culture collection

(pure strains) (mixed cultures)

Phage challenge Phage challenge

Species confirmation
Culture characterization
Strain identification
Performance testing
Performance testing
Flavor assessment
Flavor assessment
Phage-sensitivity testing
Phage-sensitivity testing

Design-defined mixed cultures Design culture rotations

and culture rotations if desired if desired

Trial cheesemaking

Production of bulk
starter inocula Production of
Bulk starter growth starter concentrate
in factory

Cheese production

Figure 1 A simplified scheme for selection and management of starter cultures. Dotted lines represent feedback (e.g., culture
performance information and whey samples for phage testing) from cheese factory to culture supplier.

vat. Most importantly, the starter inoculum into the vat Selection of phage-resistant variants
must be free of phage. A supplier of undefined mixed cultures might have many
When a starter culture containing a mixture of bacter- different cultures to choose from, each with different
ial strains (and/or a mixture of species) is used, it is performance, flavor, or phage-sensitivity characteristics.
unlikely that all strains will be infected by the phage Cultures with resistance to particular phages can be
present in the cheese factory environment. However, kill- selected (this is selection in the Darwinian sense) by
ing of one or more components of the culture will affect incubating a mixed culture in the presence of the phage.
acid production, and could also alter the metabolic bal- Only strains resistant to the phage will survive. Selection
ance of the culture, which might significantly alter the of phage-resistant strains also takes place within artisanal
flavor characteristics of the cheese. mixed cultures propagated within the cheese factory and
Using the same culture continuously provides ideal exposed to any phages that may be present. In both cases,
conditions for phage numbers to increase to a potentially the composition and characteristics of the derived culture
disruptive level. The most widely used strategy to pre- may be different from the original culture in ways that
vent this is culture rotation. A set of cultures is used in alter its suitability for cheesemaking.
which the cultures (i.e., the strains in the cultures) differ in With defined-strain mixed cultures, it is possible to
their phage sensitivity. These cultures are used in rotation identify which of the culture component strains is
(i.e., one after the other). Each culture is used for only a infected by phage. As part of the culture management
short time (depending on the effectiveness of factory strategy, this one strain can be replaced by another with
sanitation systems and the virulence of extant phages, similar cheesemaking properties but different phage sen-
this might be just a few cheese vats or it might be a sitivity (leaving the rest of the culture unchanged).
day’s production or more) so that phage levels remain Alternatively, a natural variant of that strain that is resis-
relatively low. Regular cleaning procedures will reduce tant to the phage can be selected. Variants must be
the phage numbers before the next use of each culture. checked to ensure that their cheesemaking properties
Before a culture is used in a factory, it should be tested are not impaired.
for sensitivity to phages that are already present in the Some starter strains carry naturally occurring genetic
factory environment and it should be ascertained whether factors (usually genes carried on plasmids) that diminish
strains in the culture are infected by phages that infect their sensitivity to phage infection by cleavage (restric-
any other strains that are likely to be used in that factory. tion) of phage DNA or by interfering with intracellular
Ideally, no two strains used should share any phage sen- phage replication. Strains with these genetic factors are
sitivity, but this is often difficult to achieve. now well known in the species Lc. lactis, but relatively
Cheese | Starter Cultures: General Aspects 557

little research has been done on phage resistance in other preparation of a culture concentrate (frozen or freeze-
starter species. In many examples, the genes can be trans- dried culture for direct inoculation of the cheese vat) by
ferred between strains by the natural mating process an external culture supplier.
known as conjugation so that starter strains with enhanced
(but not absolute) resistance to phage infection can be
Bulk Starter Cultures
The inoculum for bulk starter production can be pre-
Genetically modified starter strains pared in-house, but it is now much more common to use
Extensive research on the genetics of starter bacteria has an inoculum (in frozen or freeze-dried form) prepared
made it possible to use the techniques of in vitro genetic by an external specialist culture supplier. The size of the
manipulation to construct strains with particular charac- bulk starter growth vessel will depend on factory
teristics such as phage resistance or altered metabolic requirements, but 10 000 l vessels are not uncommon in
properties. These genetically modified organisms have large factories. Various growth media are used, including
been used extensively in laboratory research and have milk (full-fat or skimmed, fresh or reconstituted, with or
contributed to much of our understanding of the details without growth-enhancing supplements) and a range of
underlying starter characteristics. Whether and when whey-based media with supplements (e.g., yeast extract)
they will be used in industrial cheesemaking will depend and buffering agents. Media formulated to minimize
on their usefulness (they must satisfy a need) and cost- opportunities for phage infection during bulk starter
effectiveness (the research required to generate a strain growth are typically whey-based and have added phos-
can be very expensive) as much as on regulatory approval phate or citrate, which will sequester calcium (infection
and market acceptance (see Lactic Acid Bacteria: by most phages of lactic acid bacteria requires free
Genomics, Genetic Engineering). calcium ions). The growth medium is sterilized by heat
treatment, either in the vessel or through an external
ultra-high temperature (UHT) heat exchanger.
Starter Delivery Systems The lactic acid produced during growth of the bulk
starter culture lowers the pH of the medium and is a
The conditions under which starter cultures are pre- major factor in limiting the bacterial cell numbers
served, propagated, and distributed for industrial obtained. Greater cell numbers can be reached if the pH
cheesemaking are chosen to maximize consistency of is held higher during at least part of the culture growth.
starter composition and acid-producing activity, and to This can be achieved using ‘internal’ pH control (addition
minimize the opportunities for phage infection or other of buffering agents such as phosphate or carbonate to the
microbial contamination. Primary stocks of mixed cul- medium) or ‘external’ pH control (manual or automated
tures and single strains are typically stored deep-frozen addition of alkali such as sodium hydroxide, potassium
(expensive, but most strains survive well) or freeze-dried hydroxide, or ammonium hydroxide) to raise the pH of
(cheap long-term storage, although some strains do not the medium during growth.
survive the process well) on a laboratory scale. Reliable preparation of consistent bulk starter is
Propagation is standardized (each culture producer will beyond the technical and economic reach of many
have their own method, but consistency is important) and small-scale cheesemakers. Modern bulk starter growth
the number of subcultures is kept to a minimum. This is units are fully enclosed stainless steel vessels with thor-
particularly important for undefined cultures in which the ough cleaning-in-place systems, temperature control
relative cell numbers of different component strains (heating and cooling via a water jacket), pH control (pH
might change (some strains might even be lost) if condi- monitoring and alkali dosing systems), and an internal
tions are not controlled carefully. positive pressure of sterile (filtered and/or UV-treated)
The size of the starter culture inoculum required to air to exclude entry of airborne contaminants (bacteria
make cheese will depend on the manufacturing process and phages). To prevent entry of phages from the cheese
(i.e., the cheese type), on milk quality (i.e., milk composi- factory, starter growth should take place in a room with its
tion and inhibitory substances), and on the inherent acid- own treated air supply and isolated from the cheese vats
producing activity of the starter culture, but may be as and any whey handling systems.
high as 109–1010 cells for each liter of cheese milk. Growth temperature and optimum pH will depend on
Laboratory stock cultures are used as the initial inoculum the starter being used. Typically, after 16–20 h of growth,
for sequential growth of larger and larger cultures until a the culture is chilled using the cooling jacket or a heat
sufficient inoculum for cheese manufacture is obtained. exchanger. The culture will retain good activity for at
Two alternative systems are employed for delivering least 24–48 h at 4  C, as long as the pH is not too low
this inoculum to the vat: growth of a large volume of fresh (typically pH 5.0–5.2 for mesophilic cultures; thermo-
culture (bulk starter) in the cheese factory or prior philes will generally tolerate more acidic conditions).
558 Cheese | Starter Cultures: General Aspects

If desired, this holding time can be used to check the and activity. Because the number of strains that can be
activity and purity of the culture before use, or one bulk freeze-dried economically is restricted, it can become
starter batch can be used for cheese production on difficult to maintain a proper bacteriophage control
sequential days. The starter is delivered to the cheese rotation.
vats via calibrated dosing pumps or through a weight- All types of cheese can be made using bulk or DVI
based dosing system. starter cultures, but DVI starters can be relatively expen-
sive for the manufacture of cheeses that require rapid acid
production (e.g., Cheddar). This cost has been reduced in
Cultures for Direct Vat Inoculation
recent years by the use of blends of Lc. lactis and
Cultures for direct vat inoculation (DVI) are grown in Sc. thermophilus instead of pure Lc. lactis, but this is not
much the same way as bulk starter cultures, except that without impact on cheese flavor development. In general,
they are grown by a remote culture supplier (this guar- larger cheese factories are more likely to find a long-term
antees isolation from the cheese factory), concentrated cost advantage in bulk starters, but the relative costs of
(typically by centrifugation), and then frozen or freeze- bulk and DVI starters will differ depending on the scale of
dried for storage and transportation to the cheese factory. cheese production and the mix of cheese varieties being
The concentrated culture is added directly to the cheese produced.
vat or, in some applications, to a holding tank of chilled
medium for later dosing to the vats. See also: Bacteriophage: Technological Importance in
DVI is the obvious choice for factories that lack the the Diary Industry. Cheese: Biochemistry of Cheese
specialized facilities and trained personnel necessary for Ripening; Microbiology of Cheese; Overview; Starter
reliable in-house bulk starter preparation. The external Cultures: Specific Properties. Lactic Acid Bacteria:
supplier checks culture purity and activity before deliv- Genomics, Genetic Engineering; Lactobacillus spp.:
ery to the cheese factory. In some cases, the cultures as General Characteristics; Lactococcus lactis;
supplied are blended from separately grown components, Streptococcus thermophilus; Taxonomy and Biodiversity.
allowing defined combinations that are difficult to
achieve by growth as a mixed culture. Secondary
(adjunct) cultures, which are used to control or enhance
flavor, aroma, and eye formation in cheese, are ideally Further Reading
suited to be supplied in DVI form. Broome MC (2007) Starter culture development for improved cheese
flavour. In: Weimer BC (ed.) Improving the Flavour of Cheese,
Commercial frozen and freeze-dried cultures pp. 157–176. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing.
Cogan TM (1995) History and taxonomy of starter cultures.
Frozen DVI cultures have historically suffered from two In: Cogan TM and Accolas JP (eds.) Dairy Starter Cultures, pp. 1–23.
main drawbacks: bulkiness and a short shelf life. The New York: VCH Publishers.
advent of pelletized frozen cultures has improved the Cogan TM, Peitersen N, and Sellars RL (1991) Starter systems. Bulletin
of the International Dairy Federation 263: 16–23.
convenience of culture blending, transport, and use. International Organization for Standardization and International Dairy
Freeze-dried cultures are more expensive to produce Federation (2009) Fermented milk products – Bacterial starter
but are more compact and convenient to store. Shelf life at cultures – Standard of identity. Draft International Standard ISO/DIS
27205.2. Geneva: ISO.
ambient temperature is typically more than 6 months, but Limsowtin GKY, Powell IB, and Parente E (1995) Types of starters.
can be much longer if the cultures are stored refrigerated In: Cogan TM and Accolas JP (eds.) Dairy Starter Cultures,
or frozen. However, the bacterial physiology associated pp. 101–129. New York: VCH Publishers.
Parente E and Cogan TM (2004) Starter cultures: General aspects.
with freeze-drying is not well understood and the freeze- In: Fox PF, McSweeney PLH, Cogan TM, and Guinee TP (eds.)
drying process is not applicable with the same efficiency Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, Vol. 1: General
to all strains, even within the same species. For example, Aspects, 3rd edn., pp. 123–147. London: Elsevier Academic Press.
Powell IB (2007) Starter culture production and delivery for cheese
there are only a few strains of Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgar- flavour. In: Weimer BC (ed.) Improving the Flavour of Cheese,
icus that can be freeze-dried with high levels of survival pp. 300–325. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing.

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