Lesson Plan For Beach Lexis and Spot The Differenc CLT Communicative Language Teaching Resources Flas - 81438

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Lesson Plan Cover Sheet

Name: Austin Weaver Level / Age: Pre-A1 / 7-9

Date: 06/05/15 Time: 11:00-12:00
Length of Lesson: 60 min Number of students: 7
Lesson Number: 4 Tutor: Victoria Kovalevska
Main Aims:
By the end of the lesson students will be able to use beach related lexis (the sea, shell, sandcastle,
etc) to describe a picture of the beach in order to spot the difference between their picture and
their partner’s picture.

Subsidiary Aims:
-Ss will recycle and use “There is/are” to describe their pictures of the beach.
-Ss will use colours and numbers to describe their picture of the beach.
-Ss will practice taking turns to describe their picture of the beach.
-Ss will be able to spell the TL.

Personal Aims:
- To conduct a well-paced lesson and avoid downtime by:
1. Closely monitoring Ss.
2. Preparing the next activity during the previous one.
3. Having Ss help me gather the materials after activities.
4. Giving tasks to Ss who finish early such as helping their partner, getting them to write the
answers on the board, self-correcting their mistakes, or giving them an extension task.

-ICQing essential details of activities, especially the ones not mentioned in the instructions or not
seen in a demo

Topic / Activities:
The beach / the sea
-recognize the correct picture
-listen and bring correct picture card to teacher
-chant and mime
-T mimes and learner says
-Learner says and T mimes
-Ss mime in pairs
-Miming hot seat game
-Ss put word cards on board next to picture
-Race to put word cards next to picture in 2 teams
-Telephone game – ss write word heard on board

Language Structures / Vocabulary:

Vocabulary: beach, the sea, shell, sandcastle, ice lolly, sun cream, bat, boat, crab, colours,

Language Structures:
-Review of “There is/are”

-2 sets of picture cards
-2 sets of word cards
-2 sets of spot-the-difference pictures
-bingo cards
-gap-fill and word scramble

-The Ss will be able to work in pairs to describe their picture.
-The Ss will be familiar with the structure “there is/are” and numbers and colours.

Lesson Plan Procedure

Stage Aims Interaction Procedure - What will the Procedure – What will the What could go Tutor’s Comments
Materials & teacher be doing / saying? students be saying? wrong? How will I
Time respond?

To get to know Lockstep T tells Ss to sit down and put Ss come in and sit down The Ss might not
the Ss and their bags and books under and put their bags under settle into their seats
develop Ss’ Soft Toy their chairs. their chairs. quickly. The T should
coordination encourage them to sit
3 min T passes the toy to a S and Ss catch the toy and say down and get ready
asks “what is your name?” their names and how old for class by counting
and “how old are you?” T they are and throw the down from 5.
repeats for all of the Ss. ball back to the teacher.
The Ss might not
catch the toy. If Ss
drop the toy or don’t
want to catch it, T can
hand them the toy.

To maintain a
classroom Lockstep Teacher says tigers and lions. Ss tell T what team they Ss might not
routine and And tells Ss if they are a tiger are on. remember their team
divide class into Whiteboard or a lion. T writes tigers and through the lesson. T
groups for lions on the whiteboard. T should regularly ask
games and 2 min asks Ss who they are. them.
points for the
To establish the Lockstep T asks Ss for the class rules: Ss raise their hands and Ss might start saying
rules and “What are the rules?” say a class rule if they are the rules without
remind the Ss Whiteboard / Teacher raises hand to called on: “It is good to raising their hands. T
of the rules and paper gold coins encourage Ss to do the same. make friends, it is good to raises hand to remind
to maintain the This is a routine with this speak English, it is good to Ss to do the same.
classroom 2 min class established by their raise your hand, it is good
routine. regular teacher. to say please and thank

To maintain a -After Ss have said the rules,

routine. the T puts a token gold coin
on the board next to each
group’s team name if a
person from each group said
a rule.

To present the Lockstep / T holds up picture cards of Ss look at cards and Ss may have trouble
meaning and Whole Class vocabulary (beach, shell, sea, repeat after the teacher. with pronunciation. T
pronunciation etc), says the word, and drills should listen to
of new lexis Picture cards it with the class. individual Ss and have
them drill more if
2 min necessary.

For Ss to study Lockstep T holds up picture cards one Ss say “yes” if T says the Some Ss might get
the TL by at a time and says vocabulary correct word and “no” if T distracted during this
practicing Picture cards word (sometimes correct and holds up wrong word. activity. T should call
recognising the sometimes not). on Ss who are not
images of new 2 min paying attention and
word keep a steady pace to
keep learners

To practice the 2 groups T places picture cards on Ss listen and chose the Ss not taking the card
TL receptively tables in front of the two card that they hear. One S to the T might get
by listening Picture cards groups. T says vocabulary brings the card to the T. distracted. T should
words one at a time and a S encourage all the Ss
4 min from each group brings the T to touch the card that
the card that they hear. they hear to help
their team members
The teacher records a point and reach a
for the fastest team. When consensus.
finished, T puts a gold coin
next to the winning team on
the whiteboard.

To practice the Lockstep / T tells all the Ss to stand up. Ss chant the vocabulary Ss might not want to
vocabulary Whole Class T shows pictures on IWB. T with the T while miming. mime if they are shy.
productively points at pictures and mimes T should be
through chant IWB and chants at the same time, motivating and
encouraging Ss to do the encouraging and
3 min same. make it fun for
everyone. Ss might
bump into each other.
T should make sure Ss
have space to mime.

To practice the Lockstep T says vocabulary and Ss Ss mime the vocabulary Ss might not
TL receptively mime. based on the mimes remember the mime
2 min
and internalise introduced during the and might need to be
the TL through chanting. reminded a little at
mime first.

To practice the Lockstep / pairs T mimes TL and Ss say it. T Ss raise their hand and say Ss might not be able
TL productively calls on Ss who have their what word the T is to this in pairs or
in a controlled IWB hand up to answer. miming. might not understand
way and what to do. If Ss are
internalise it 4 min T puts Ss into pairs and Ss practice miming in struggling a lot. T can
through mime numbers them. “Your turn. pairs. bring the classroom
Number 1, do (T makes crab back in and finish in
movement), number 2, say (T lockstep with all Ss
says crab). T points to IWB to saying the word the T
signal the next vocab word to mimes.
mime. T monitors and makes
sure Ss are on task. T
changes mimer and speaker
after a minute or two.

To practice the 2 groups T holds card over their head, Ss do mime on card and T Team members might
TL productively makes a shh sound and guesses what the card not all participate by
in a controlled Picture cards gesture, and says: “What is says. miming. T
way and it? T moves around to elicit encourages all Ss to
internalise it 4 min mimes from Ss and guesses mime to help their
through mime what the word is. team win.

T divides Ss into 2 teams. T Ss on each team mime

asks 1 S from each team to what they see on the
sit in front of the class. T picture card until the S
holds picture card over their form their team at the
front of the class says the
head. correct word.

The teacher records a point

for the fastest team. When
finished, T puts a gold coin
next to the winning team on
the whiteboard.

To present the Whole Class T holds up a word card and Ss raise their hands and Ss might jump from
written form of says it. T places word card on take turns putting the their seats to put the
the TL IWB IWB next to the image of that words cards on the IWB word card. T only
Word Cards word. T then holds up next to the picture of that calls on Ss who raise
2 min another card and says it and word. their hand and are
then gives it to a S to put on sitting down.
the board. T repeats with all
the words.

T asks Ss to help take word Ss help the T take word

cards down from IWB. cards down from the IWB.

T practice 2 groups T places words on 2 chairs in Ss take turns grabbing Ss might need help
recognising and IWB / Word front of the IWB. T says a word cards from the chair finding correct word
reading the Cards word, grabs word card from and putting them over the in the stack of words.
written form of chair and puts it on the picture of that word on Word cards might fall
the TL 4 min board. T divides class into 2 the IWB. off chair. If it is too
teams. T says a word and 1 S difficult or messy, T
from each team grabs the can leave only 4
word card and puts it on the words on the chair
board. and put down 1 more
card each round.
The teacher records a point
for the fastest team. When
finished, T puts a gold coin
next to the winning team on
the whiteboard.

T asks Ss to help take word Ss help T take down word

cards down from IWB. cards from IWB.

To practice the Individual T writes on board: Ss write in missing letters

spelling and “s_ndca_tle” and elicits of the TL on the Some Ss might finish
written form of Gap-fill missing letters from Ss. T worksheet. early. These Ss can
the TL worksheet / gives gap-fill to each Ss. T write the answers on
Correct the monitors and writes 1, 2, 3, the board. If they
mistake etc on sheet of Ss as they finish really early ,
worksheet finish. they could do one
more gap-fill with
5 min T asks Ss to come write the Ss go to IWB and write more words missing
Feedback answers on the board in that missing letters from the as a bonus challenge.
order. T points to each word gap-fill. Ss clap hands if T can check this at the
and asks Ss to clap if they they agree or stomp feet if end of feedback by
agree or stomp their feet if they disagree. Ss raise writing the gap-fill on
they disagree. T asks Ss hand and tell T how to the board and eliciting
“How do you spell...” and Ss spell words on the board. missing letters from
spell out the words on the Ss.

The teacher records a point

for the fastest team. When
finished, T puts a gold coin
next to the winning team on
the whiteboard
*Ss repeat above
*Repeat above procedure for procedure for next
word scramble worksheet. T worksheet.
models on board first with
“sandcastle” and elicits
correction from Ss.

To practice 2 groups of 3 T lines up 2 teams in front of Ss line up in front of IWB Ss might hear the
reading and and 4 IWB and white board. T: and whiteboard in their word from other Ss
writing the “read the word. Tell your teams. The last S reads a before it is time to
written form of IWB / friend.” T motions that you word and whispers it to write and try to write
the whole word whiteboard tell the person next to you. T the person next to them. the word earl. T
of the TL points to last Ss near board, They pass the word down should monitor and
5 min “write the word.” T models the line verbally and the S make sure each Ss
one example. T then shows near the board writes the says the word to the
the last S from each team a word down. Ss clap hands person next to them
word cards and repeats for if they agree or stomp feet before the last person
all vocabulary. if they disagree. writes it on the board.
If it gets too hard to
Feedback T gets Ss to clap if they agree manage, T can do
or stomp feet if they disagree activity with the
with answers at the end of whole class.
each round. The teacher
records a point for the fastest
team. When finished, T puts
a gold coin next to the
winning team on the
To practice Individual T shows bingo card on IWB. Ss raise hands and circle Ss might drop their
recognising T says “there are 2 red the words said on the papers. T monitors to
meaning and Bingo Cards crabs.” T nominates Ss to bingo card on the board. make sure all Ss are
form of TL and circle the correct Ss then play bingo on their circling words and
model language 4 min picture/word. Continue until own cards and listen to have their paper. Ss
for next activity Ss can see three circles in a the T and circle what is might not say bingo. T
row and say “bingo!” T gives said on their card. monitors and
bingo cards to each S and encourages them to
then reads out similar say it when they have
sentences. Continue until a bingo.
Ss has bingo. T monitors to
make sure Ss are circling the
correct pictures/words.
Feedback Ss say what is on the
T holds up winning card and
winning bingo card.
elicits from Ss, “There are 3
red crabs” and so on for each
picture / word.

T puts a gold coin next to the

team of the person who got

To produce the Pairs T shows picture of beach Ss raise hands and say Ss might make
TL in a free scene on IWB. T elicits what they see in the mistakes with “there
practice activity Spot the sentences from S about picture. is/are”. T can write it
difference picture: “There are 2 brown on board and correct
pictures boats.” The teacher records mistakes. Ss might
a point for team members also need help and
8 min
who answer. When finished, encouragement with
T puts a gold coin next to the using numbers and
winning team on the colours.
Ss work in pairs describing Ss might finish really
T shows 2 pictures on the their pictures and find the fast and early. T can
IWB and describes one: differences. prompt them to write
“There are 2 red crabs. How sentences about what
about you?” T elicits is in their picture.
difference in S’s picture. T
divides Ss into pairs and gives
them the info gap spot the
Feedback difference cards. T monitors. Ss tell the T the
differences in the pictures.
T puts up the 2 different pics
on IWB and elicits differences
from Ss.

To check HW, Individual (pairs T tells Ss to get out their HW Ss get out their HW and Ss might get restless
assign HW, and for checking) and sticker books. T checks their sticker books. Ss say while T is checking
give stickers to that Ss have done their HW which team won. HW. T can tell Ss to
Ss who have Workbook / and gives stickers to people check if they have the
done their HW stickers / Ss who have and circles the next same answers while
and won the sticker books pages for HW. T then asks Ss waiting for the T.
games for who won had the most
positive 4 min points today and gives that
reinforcement. team another sticker in their
sticker book.

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