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= e s e rc i zi


Inserisci gli aggettivi mancanti.

Esem pio 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( New Yor k is an Am er i can c it y. )

M adr id is a Spanis h c it y . Par is is a Fr ench c it y. London is an Englis h c it y . Ber lin is a G erm an c it y . Rom e is an It alian c it y.


Inserisci i sostantivi mancanti.

Esem pio 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (W ashingt on is in Am er i ca. )

London is in England . Par is is in Fr ance . M adr id is in Spain . Ber lin is in G er m any . Rom e is in I t aly.


Inserisci i pronomi mancanti:

Esem pio 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

I he she we - they

( Debr a is an Am er ic an gir l, she liv es in Bos t on. )

Br igit t e is Fr ench, s he liv es in Par is . Jane is English, she liv es in London. Jack and Jane ar e Englis h, t hey ar e br ot her and s is t er. I am a clever st udent . M y br ot her is a c lev er s t udent . W e ar e clever st udent s . I am Eur opean and I lov e Eur ope. Pablo is Spanish and he liv es in Madr id.

Carmelo Mangano for private or academic use only.





= e s er c i zi


Sostituisci le parole in rosso con i seguenti pronomi: he - she - it - we - they

Esem pio
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

( Debr a is a c lev er gir l.

She is a c lev er gir l.)

Jane is an English gir l. She liv es in London. Joe is an Am er ican boy . He liv es in Bos t on. They ar e st udent s. The t eacher is Englis h. He is pat ient . I am Jack, Jane is my s is t er. W e liv e in London. He is a good boy , s he is a pr et t y gir l. They ar e br ot her and sist er. Jack and Jane live in London. It is a big c it y . London is in Eur ope, Par is is in Eur ope. They ar e Eur opean cit ies.


Metti larticolo indeterminativo

a boy a gir l an appl e a count r y an Engl i sh l esson a cit y a car a t eacher an or ange

o an

Carmelo Mangano for private or academic use only.



= esercizi



Inserisci gli aggettivi possessivi.

Esempio (I am Spanish, Spain is my country.)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 2.

I am Italian, Italy is my country. You are English, England is your country. He is French, France is his country. She is Russian, Russia is her country. Kosmo is a Persian cat, its fur is white. (fur = pelo) We are Italian, Italy is our country. You are German, Germany is your country. They are American, America is their country.

Inserisci gli aggettivi mancanti.

Esempio (New York is a big city.)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 3.

Margaret has blonde hair. Tom has brown eyes. Jack is a clever boy. Jane is a pretty girl. Men and women like different things. Tom likes red wine. Margaret has a green dress. Madrid is a big city. Rome is an old city. Jack and Jane are clever students. Tom has a red car.

Scrivi il plurale delle seguenti parole.

apple man tooth teeth child children woman women ball balls colour colours

apples men

eye eyes

foot feet

car cars

goose geese

taste tastes

mouse mice

boy boys




Exercises = Esercizi 4.

Inserisci gli aggettivi possessivi:



- her - its - their

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Tom Hudson is American, his first name is Tom, his surname is Hudson. Margaret Taylor is English, her first name is Margaret, her surname is Taylor. They are in Spain for their holiday. Tom lives in New York. New York is his city. Margaret lives in London. London is her city. Tom has black hair. His hair is black. Margaret has blonde hair. Her hair is blonde. He likes new things, she likes old things; they have different tastes, their tastes are different. Tom has a red car. His car is red. Margaret has a green dress. Her dress is green. Jack and Jane are brother and sister. He is her brother. She is his sister. They are English, England is their country. They speak English. English is their language. Margaret has a Persian cat, its name is Kosmo. Its fur is white and its eyes are green.

Carmelo Mangano for private or academic use only.



= es e r c iz i

Soluzione Esercizi
1. Rispondi alle seguenti domande.
- W hat is your f ir st nam e? - M y fi r st nam e i s Luca. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


W hat is your f ir st nam e? My f ir st nam e is G ianni / M ar ia W hat is your sur nam e? My sur nam e is Ross i / Bianc h i W hat is t he colour of y our hair ? The colour of m y hair is br own / blac k / r ed / blonde W hat is t he colour of y our ey es ? The colour of m y eyes is br own / blac k / blue W hich is your favour it e s por t ? My f avour it e sport is foot ball / t ennis / golf W hich is your favour it e c olour ? My f avour it e colour is r ed / gr een / blue W hich is your favour it e I talian c it y ? My f avour it e It alian c it y is Rom e, Flor enc e, Naples W ho is Tom Hudson? Tom Hudson is an Am er ic an t our is t in Spain. W ho is Mar gar et Tay lor ? M ar gar et Taylor is an Englis h t our is t. W ho is Pablo? Pablo is a Spanish y oung man.


Volgi le seguenti frasi al plurale.

This cat is black .


6 These cat s ar e blac k . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. This apple is good. These apples ar e good. That apple is not good. Those apples ar e not good. This child is pr et t y. That c hild is not pr ett y . These childr en ar e pr et t y. Thos e c hildr en ar e not pr et t y . This car is red. That car is blac k . These car s ar e r ed. Thos e c ar s ar e blac k . This cigar et t e is ver y str ong. These cigar et t es ar e ver y st r ong.


Volgi le seguenti frasi al singolare.

These gir ls ar e G erm an. Thi s gi rl is G erm an .

Esempio Esempio

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

These boys ar e clever . This boy is clever . Those boys ar e st upid. That boy is st upid. These m en ar e young and hands om e. This m an is young and hands om e. Those wom en ar e pr et t y and elegant . That wom an is pr et t y and elegant . These childr en have blonde hair and blue ey es . This child has blonde hair and blue ey es .



Rispondi alle seguenti domande con short answers.

Le f or me c ont r at t e s i us ano s ol a me n t e n el l e s ho rt a ns we r s n e g a ti v e . Esempio - Ar e you G erm an? - Ar e you I t alian? 1. - No , I m not . - Yes , I am . - No, I m not .

Ar e you Fr ench?

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

7 Ar e you a univer sit y s t udent ? - Yes , I am . / No, I m not . Is M ar gar et an Englis h gir l? - Yes , s he is . Is Tom a Fr ench t our is t ? - No, he is nt . Has Tom a black car ? - No, he has nt . Has M ar gar et blonde hair ? - Yes , s he has . Is English your f avour it e language ? - Yes , it is . / No, it is nt . Is Kosm o a Per sian c at ? - Yes , it is . Is Ber lin in Spain? - No, it is nt . Ar e Fr ance and It aly in Eur ope? - Yes , t hey ar e.

5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 6. 1.

Scrivi la forma contratta dei verbi in rosso.

I am ( I m) a st udent . I am ( I m) It alian. I am ( I m) not Englis h. You ar e ( Your e) a teac her . You ar e ( Your e) Englis h. You ar e not ( ar ent ) I t alian. Tom is Am er ican. He is not ( is nt ) Englis h. M ar gar et is English. She is not ( is nt ) Am er ic an. Tom and M ar gar et ar e only engaged, they ar e not ( ar ent ) m arr ied. Tom has a r ed car . He has not ( has nt ) a blac k c ar. M ar gar et has a gr een dr es s . She has not ( has nt ) a blac k dr ess. I have (I ' ve) a pr ett y s is t er. He has ( Hes) a clev er br ot her . W e have ( W eve) t wo Am er ic an fr iends .

Rendi queste frasi interrogative e negative.

Tom is an Am er ican t our is t . Is Tom an Am er ican tour is t ? Tom isnt an Am er ican tour is t . He has a red car . Has he a red car ? He hasnt a r ed car . ( has got) ( has he got ?) ( has nt got)



M ar gar et has a Per s ian c at. ( has got) Has M ar gar et a Per s ian c at ? ( Has M ar gar et got ?) M ar gar et hasnt a Per s ian c at. ( has nt got ) It s fur is whit e. Is it s fur whit e? It s fur isnt whit e.


8 5. Tom and M ar gar et ar e in Spain f or a holiday . Ar e Tom and M ar gar et ar e in Spain for a holiday ? Tom and M ar gar et ar ent in Spain f or a holiday .

C a r m e l o M a n g a n o h t t p : / / w w w . e n g l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s. c o m f o r p r i v a t e o r a c a d e m i c u s e o n l y.



= es er c iz i

1. 1. 2.

Rispondi alle seguent i dom ande.

W hat is Tom r eading in t he dialog ue of Unit 4 ? I n the dialogue of Unit 4 Tom is r eading a m agaz ine. I s t he m agazine int er es t ing or bor ing? Accor ding t o Tom it is int er es t ing, but ac c or ding t o M ar gar et it is bor ing.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Ar e t her e m any or f ew pic t ur es in it ? Ther e ar e a lot of (m any ) pic t ur es in it . Ar e t her e m any or f ew beaut if ul wom en in t he wor ld? Ther e ar e f ew beaut if ul wom en in t he wor ld. W ho is a beaut if ul wom an ac c or ding t o Tom ? Accor ding t o Tom , J ulia Rober t s is a beaut if ul wom an. W ho is a beaut if ul wom an ac c or ding t o y ou? I n my opinion is a beaut if ul wom an. Tom has a cousin, what is her nam e? Her nam e is M ar y. I s she pr et t y or plain? She is plain. But M ar gar et s ay s t hat s he is ugly . Have you a cousin? I s y our c ous in pr ett y , plain or ugly ? I have a cousin / I hav ent got a c ous in. She is pr ett y / plain /

9 beaut if ul / ugly. 10.

I s Tom handsom e or ugly ? Tom is handsom e.

2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Scr ivi i cont r ar i delle s eguent i par ole clever kind ugly pat ient young / / / / / st upid unkind handsom e / beaut if ul im pat ient old 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. poor bad old r ic h pr et t y / / / / r ic h good y oung poor / plain


Volgi le seguent i fr as i al pl ur al e. That old m an is ver y poor . Those ol d m en ar e ver y poor .


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Ther e is a phot o in t he m agaz ine. Ther e ar e phot os in t he m agaz ine. / m agaz ines It is a beaut if ul phot o. They ar e beaut if ul phot os . This ar t icle is int er est ing. These art icles ar e int er est ing. This is m y f avour it e m agaz ine. These ar e my f avour it e m agaz ines . That m an in t he car is m y f r iend. Those m en in t he car ar e m y fr iends . This gir l is his f iance. These gir ls ar e t heir f ianc es . That pr et t y wom an is Am er ic an. She liv es in Bos t on. Those pr ett y wom en ar e Am er ic an. They liv e in Bos t on. This child is I ndian. He liv es in Bom bay . These childr en ar e I ndian. They liv e in Bom bay .



= es er c iz i

10 4.

Volgi le seguenti frasi in forma interrogativa.

I t is t im e f or lunch. I s it t im e f or lunch?


1. 2.

Tom is wr it ing a lett er to his br ot her J am es . Is Tom wr it ing a lett er t o his br ot her J am es ? He is r eading an Am er ic an magaz ine. Is he r eading an Am er ic an m agaz ine?

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

The m agazine is int er es t ing. Is t he m agazine int er es t ing? Ther e ar e m any beaut if ul pic t ur es in it . Ar e ther e m any beaut if ul pic t ur es in it ? Ther e ar e ar t icles about polit ic s . Ar e ther e art icles about polit ic s ? Ther e ar e m any pr et t y wom en in t he wor ld. Ar e ther e m any pr et t y wom en in the wor ld? Beaut if ul wom en ar e r ar e. Ar e beaut if ul wom en r ar e? M ar gar et has (got ) a br ot her and a s is t er . Has M ar gar et ( got ) a br ot her and a s is t er ? She has ( got) a pr et t y gr een dr es s . Has she ( got ) a pr et t y gr een dr es s ? She has big blue eyes. Has she big blue eyes?


Riscrivi le frasi dellesercizio n. 4 in forma negativa.

Esem pio I t is t im e f or lunc h. I t i snt t im e f or lunc h.

1. 2.

Tom is wr it ing a lett er to his br ot her J am es . Tom isnt wr it ing a lett er t o his br ot her J am es . He is r eading an Am er ic an magaz ine.

11 He isnt r eading an Am er ic an m agaz ine. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The m agazine is int er es t ing. The m agazine isnt int er est ing. Ther e ar e m any beaut if ul pic t ur es in it . Ther e ar ent m any beaut if ul pic t ur es in it . Ther e ar e ar t icles about polit ic s . Ther e ar ent ar t icles about polit ic s . Ther e ar e m any pr et t y wom en in t he wor ld. Ther e ar ent m any pr ett y wom en in t he wor ld. Beaut if ul wom en ar e r ar e. Beaut if ul wom en ar ent r ar e. M ar gar et has (got ) a br ot her and a s is t er . M ar gar et hasnt ( got ) a br ot her and a s is t er . She has ( got) a pr et t y gr een dr es s . She hasnt ( got) a pr et t y gr een dr es s . She has big blue eyes. She hasnt big blue ey es . 6.

Scrivi la 3 persona singolare del Present Simple e del Present Continuous dei seguenti verbi.
Esem pio t o read He r eads . He is r eading . 6. t o r epeat he / s he r epeat s he / s he is r epeat ing 7. t o s m ok e he / s he sm ok es he / s he is sm ok ing 8. t o wor k he / s he wor k s he / s he is wor k ing 9. t o as k he / s he as k s he / s he is as k ing 10. t o ans wer he / s he ans wer s he / s he is ans wer ing


t o wr it e he / she wr it es he / she is wr it ing


t o speak he / she speaks he / she is speaking


t o say he / she says he / she is saying


t o list en he / she list ens he / she is list ening


t o exagger at e he / she exagger at es he / she is exagger at ing




Soluzione Esercizi


Sostituisci le parole in rosso con uno dei seguenti pronomi: him - her - them.
Tom loves Margaret. = Tom loves her.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Tom is in a restaurant. Margaret is with him . The waiter brings them their dinner. He brings him a steak with fried potatoes. And he brings her fish and cakes. Tom likes red wine, but, according to Margaret, wine is bad for him. Margaret likes to eat a lot of cakes, but according to him , too many sweet things are bad for her.





Riempi gli spazi vuoti con: me

Tom and Margaret are on the beach.





He says to her, Give me my magazine, please! - and she gives him his magazine. Margaret says to him, Tom! give me my sunglasses, please! - and he gives her her sunglasses. Jack and Jane are thirsty. They say to their mother, Mummy give us a glass of water, please! - and their mother gives them two glasses of water. The children say to her, Thank you mummy, and give her a kiss === sunglasses = occhiali da sole




Sostituisci le parole in rosso con un pronome (soggetto o complemento)

Tom loves Margaret. = He loves her.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 4.

She loves him. She is reading a book. She likes it. He is always reading magazines. He likes them. He is eating a banana. She is eating chocolates. They are brother and sister. Mrs Brown loves them very much.

Scrivi il plurale dei seguenti nomi:

church glass brush box match bus orange churches glasses brushes boxes matches buses oranges boy slipper dress man woman apple cake boys slippers dresses men women apples cakes child foot tooth servant beach mouse goose children feet teeth servants beaches mice geese

5. 1. 2. 3.

Traduci in inglese.
Dammi una banana, per favore. Give me a banana, please. Dagli un pasticcino, per favore. Give him a cake, please. Dalle una mela, per favore. 8. 7. 6. Questo libro per te. This book is for you. Vieni con me. Come with me. Va con lui.

14 Give her an apple, please. 4. 5. Dacci due arance, per favore. Give us two oranges, please. Da loro due birre, per favore. Give them two beers, please. Go with him.




Riempi gli spazi vuoti con: pronomi personali (soggetto o complemento) o aggettivi possessivi.
When he is hungry his mother gives him a sandwich.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

I am in a restaurant, the waiter brings me my lunch. He is in a restaurant too, the waiter brings him his lunch. She is in a restaurant, the waiter brings her her lunch. We are hungry, waiter bring us our lunch. The waiter brings them their lunch.

Completa queste frasi con: too - too much - The sun is too hot. Put on your hat. - No, it isnt, and its time for my swim.

too many

- No, not this morning. The sea is too cold for a swim. The cigarettes that Tom smokes are bad for him. They are too strong. He smokes too many cigarettes, and he drinks too much beer and too much coffee. He eats too much , and he drinks too much . It is very bad for his health. (salute)

Traduci in inglese.
Margaret ha freddo. = Margaret is cold.



Tom ha caldo.

Tom is hot.

15 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Margaret ha molto caldo anche. Egli ha fame. Ella ha molta fame pure. Egli ha sete, Ella ha molta sete pure. Fa freddo. Fa molto freddo. Fa caldo. Fa molto caldo. Margaret is very hot too. He is hungry. She is very hungry too. He is thirsty. She is very thirsty too. It is cold. It is very cold. It is hot. It is very hot.




Soluzione Esercizi
1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Rispondi alle seguenti domande.

Are Tom and Margaret going to the cinema or to the public garden? Is the public garden far or near? Are they going on foot or by car? When they go to the public garden, is it morning or evening? Are there many or few stars in the sky? Is Margaret looking at the stars or is she looking at the

- They are going to the public garden. - The public garden is near. - They are going on foot. - When they go to the public garden it is evening. - There are many stars in the sky. mosquitoes? - She is looking at the stars. 7.

Are they sitting on a bench or on the grass?

- They are sitting on a bench.

8. 9. 10. 11.

16 According to you, is Tom romantic or unromantic. Which of the two is right? Which of the two is wrong? Which of them is silly? He, she, or both?

- In my opinion Tom is unromantic (romantic). - He (she) is right. - He (she) is wrong. - He / she is silly. / They are both silly. 2. 1. 2.

Rendi le seguenti frasi negative.

Tom and Margaret can speak Chinese. Tom and Margaret cant speak Chinese. They can understand Spanish. They cant understand Spanish

3. 4. 5.

Tom can play the piano. Tom cant play the piano. Margaret can swim very well. Margaret cant swim very well. She can play football. She cant play football.

3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Rendi interrogative le frasi dellesercizio nr. 2.

Tom and Margaret can speak Chinese. Can Tom and Margaret speak Chinese? They can understand Spanish. Can they understand Spanish? Tom can play the piano. Can Tom play the piano? Margaret can swim very well. Can Margaret swim very well? She can play football. Can she play football?


Scrivi il plurale delle seguenti parole.

17 photo piano tornado hero photos pianos tornadoes tornados heroes potato buffalo potatoes buffaloes

C a r m e l o M a n g a n o h t t p : / / w w w . e n g l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s. c o m f o r p r i v a t e o r a c a d e m i c u s e o n l y.





Rispondi alle seguenti domande.

Rispondi sempre con una frase completa. Esempio

When Tom and Margaret go to the caf, is he hungry or thirsty? When they go to the caf, Tom is hungry and thirsty, too.

Attenzione! Le risposte possono essere differenti. 1. What is Margaret drinking, tea or beer? Margaret is drinking tea. Which is the English style - hot tea with cold milk, or hot tea with hot milk?


18 The English style is hot tea with cold milk. 3. Is the jukebox inside or outside the caf? The jukebox is inside the caf. 4. Are many of the songs English or Spanish? Many of the songs are English. 5. Is there classical or modern music in the jukebox? In the jukebox there is modern music. 6. What is the title of the song that Tom likes? The title of the song that Tom likes is, Rock and Roll under the Moon. 7. According to Margaret, has Tom good or horrible taste in music? According to Margaret Tom has horrible taste in music. According to you, is rock and roll good or bad for the digestion? According to you, are a lot of sweets good or bad for the figure? In my opinion a lot of (many) sweets are bad for the figure. 10. Who is your favourite Italian singer? My favourite Italian singer is ,,, . 11. Which is your favourite film actor? My favourite film actor is . === film actor film actress = attore cinematografico = attrice

8. 9.




Completa le frasi seguenti inserendo some o any.

Tom Marg. Tom

19 Any sugar in your tea, Margaret? No, thank you. There is enough. But some milk, please. Here is some milk. And now, please give me a cigarette. They are in your bag. Im sorry, but there arent any cigarettes in my bag. Are you sure? Yes, I am. Where is the waiter? He is there, in that corner. Waiter! Have you any cigarettes? American cigarettes? No, sir. Im sorry. We havent any American cigarettes. Then bring me some Spanish cigarettes. And some matches please. Im very sorry, sir. But we havent any Spanish cigarettes, and we havent any matches either. This is a No Smoking restaurant. I like this place, Tom. They havent any American cigarettes and any Spanish cigarettes either. But they have some really delicious cakes. You are silly! Ha ha ha

Marg. Tom Marg. Tom Marg. Tom Waiter Tom



Tom Marg.

Mr s . Br ow n J ac k Mr s . Br ow n

Jack, would you like some orange juice, dear? Yes, mummy. And some candies, too. All right, dear. Here is some orange juice - and some candies too. === bag Are you sure? not either orange juice candies = = = = = borsetta Sei sicura? nemmeno succo darancia caramelle (USA)





Scrivi i contrari delle seguenti espressioni.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. You are right. On the left. Sit down! Come here! This coffee is very sweet. I have many friends. Jack is a very disobedient boy. Jane has short hair. The park is near. You are wrong. On the right. Stand up! / Get up! Go there! This coffee is very bitter. I have few friends. Jack is a very obedient boy. Jane has long hair. The park is far. It is hot today. Tom has a very expensive car. Robert is a very rude husband.

10. It is cold today. 11. Tom has a very cheap car. 12. Robert is a polite husband.


Rispondi alle seguenti domande. Rispondi sempre con una frase completa di senso compiuto.



Why is Margaret happy? Margaret / she is happy because she is in Spain for a holiday, and because she is with Tom.

21 2. Why is Margaret interested in museums. interesting things in them. 3. Write five of the things that Margaret wants to buy. She wants to buy some flamenco dolls, a pair of shoes, a lipstick, a mantilla and some postcards. 4. 5. 6. 7. Is Tom walking slowly or quickly? He is walking slowly. How many pairs of shoes has Margaret got? She has got a dozen pairs of shoes. How many pairs of shoes have you got? I have got .... pairs of shoes Margaret buys dozens of postcards. Why? She buys dozens of postcards to send them to her friends and relatives. 8. 9. Are the postcards that Margaret buys black and white or coloured? The postcards that she buys are black and white and coloured. Can the shop assistant understand Margaret? and why? The shop assistant can understand Margaret because he can speak a little English. 10. 11. Where can Margaret buy stamps? She can buy stamps at the post office. Tom and Margaret are tired of different things. What things? Tom is tired of museums and picture galleries, and Margaret is tired of her bathing suits. (interessata) She is interested in museums because there are hundreds of

2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3.

Completa le frasi seguenti:

Margaret sings well. She is a good singer. I teach. I am a teacher. A person that smokes is a smoker. A person that swims well is a good swimmer. A person that writes books is a writer.

Scrivi i seguenti numeri in inglese:

22 0 zero 3 three 13 thirteen 30 thirty 15 fifteen 50 fifty 140 one hundred and forty 1,320 one thousand, three hundred and twenty

17 15,350 seventeen fifteen thousand, three hundred and fifty 70 seventy 234,450 two hundred and thirty-four thousand, four hundred and fifty 5,432,132 five million, four hundred and thirty-two thousand, one hundred and thirty-two 298,347,126,020 two hundred and ninety-eight billion, three hundred and forty-seven million, one hundred and twenty-six thousand, and twenty

14 fourteen

19 nineteen

40 forty

90 ninety



Forma il plurale dei seguenti nomi:

child children man men match matches potato potatoes mouse mice goose geese

23 woman women foot feet tooth teeth church churches glass glasses radio radios volcano volcanoes box boxes brush brushes bus busses cat cats day days city cities family families lady ladies


Scrivi gli avverbi corrispondenti.

Esempio: happy happily easy easily sweet sweetly slow slowly kind kindly quick quickly rude rudely noble nobly horrible horribly daily daily monthly monthly sad sadly polite politely different differently patient patiently nice nicely

6. 1.

Traduci in inglese le seguenti espressioni:

Dieci minuti dopo. Ten minutes later.


Ci sono migliaia di cose interessanti nei musei. There are thousands of interesting things in museums.

24 3. Margaret manda cartoline ai suoi genitori e ai suoi parenti. Margaret sends postcards to her parents and to her relatives. 4. Oggi - ieri - avantieri

Today - yesterday - the day before yesterday 5. Domani - dopodomani. Tomorrow - the day after tomorrow 6. Quando il tempo bello mi piace andare a fare una passeggiata. When the weather is fine I like to go for a walk. 7. Quanto costano queste scarpe nere? How much are these black shoes? 8. Quanti fratelli hai? How many brothers have you got? 9. Poltrona aria condizionata - costume da bagno

Arm-chair - air conditioning - bathing costume 10. A Tom piace guardare la TV. Tom likes to watch TV.

C a r m e l o M a n g a n o h t t p : / / w w w . e n g l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s. c o m f o r p r i v a t e o r a c a d e m i c u s e o n l y.

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