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- A Cup of Eve -

The REAL DaVinc i C-O-D-E h

ÆtymoLogical Dictionary


ЯRÆligious C-O-D-E - - Of BabylΩ‫א‬

R e v e a l e d

- Collectors FIRST Ædition -


An Introduction in-too the Lyghte t’Seed and the pure Law

Encyclopedia - Dictionary - Pictionary - Thesaurus

byæ, dezert- wl PPP.

¶ THE “Original- ThOuGHt ” wythe-In‫א‬ Our M OD E r N t

English- Ðiction, STæmming Frome The Ancient- SYrow
CHirO- PHœNECIAN SAND- ScripT Hebrevv- AramaiCh
   the Æye ... it Row'ves !!!
the Original- Thought from Our Modern Back too Our Ancient- Diction

The Non–Spoken Word Publicationz
A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

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- T h e N o n – S p o k e n W o r d P u b l i c a t i o n z - www.TheREALPublicRadio.Net
A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

The Non–Spoken Word Publicationz

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- T h e N o n – S p o k e n W o r d P u b l i c a t i o n z - www.TheREALPublicRadio.Net
A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

Especially Dedicated To the Millions of the In-justly Im-Prisoned and Tortured Prisoners in America Today and All Around the World

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A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

The Non–Spoken Word Publicationz

The Light-House Church Radio Prison Ministry

c/o 121 Seaparc Circle Suite B
Kingsland Georgia 31548 USA

Quality, Truth, Peace and Love for ALL Mankind

Your Purchase of This Book Supports the PTRP LOST Writing & Translation Project
All Book Ordering Information is at The Back of This Book, page 209
All Interview Information About the Author is in the Front of This Book, page 16
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- T h e N o n – S p o k e n W o r d P u b l i c a t i o n z - www.TheREALPublicRadio.Net
A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

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A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

the Most Important Words In Your Universe

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A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

And You Will Know The Truth

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A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

- Æ-
A Thesaurus, A Dictionary
An Æncyclopedia World Americana
The Most Important Descriptive Terms
Our Æntire Modern World
the Truth is Stranger than Fiction

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A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

What Men have Con-Spired too Do... Haz Already Been Done !
- dezert-owl

In the Future, people will have too be Bi- Lingual

- Maximus c. 400 AD

the Wordz here- inn, wyll ‘Spark’ and then… Speak fore them Selvez
- dezert-owl

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- T h e N o n – S p o k e n W o r d P u b l i c a t i o n z - www.TheREALPublicRadio.Net
A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

Kipling Breathed ....

Æast is East and VVest is West, and Never the-Twain shalt meet.

NOW, in Our Modern- Time ... this is NO longer True !

You must See and Read It for Your- Self

Be-Hold means : You must see and read it for your- self !
- the Original-Thought

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- T h e N o n – S p o k e n W o r d P u b l i c a t i o n z - www.TheREALPublicRadio.Net
A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

The SECOND Ædition

Dictionary - Pictionary - Thesaurus - Encyclopedia

R e v e a l e d
Tell A Friend !

[ Soon Too Be Released In Spring 2012 ]

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- T h e N o n – S p o k e n W o r d P u b l i c a t i o n z - www.TheREALPublicRadio.Net
A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

A Dictionary of Lyghte t’Seed

A Theezar-ЯRoole t Original- Thought on he

the pure Diction wythinn the Aramaic or Archi 'maich


the Original-Thought a lso found inn Sacred Scripturez

Æxpressing the Æver- Lasting Covenant wythinn Man
In A-Chord with the Æastern Thought and Tongue Or Tone

- Un-Locking the pure t’Seeds on the Greight Mystery Of Lyfe -


paramount and common-law copy-right notice

on the year of our lord, two-thousand-ten,
from the-beginning ove our tyme, byæ,
- dezert-owl, ambassador-in-bondz -
alle naturallæ-Righte Rezerved ,
On The-sovereighn-Royalle-Domain Ove / of
Yahllt’shoolvah’t H’Moshællt’yanchi’t
commonly known az
Jesus, the-Christ
express notice

A Tranz - Literation, beye ....

..and He (the eye) breathed before them,
for this reason, every scribe who is Omni
verted into The- Kingdom of Heaven, will be
like a man ( A Blood of The-Æarth ) who is inn
charge of a Great- Estate, who brings out the things
that are like new, from those many things that are old.
MT. 13:52 PTRP the Rechord of Truth
Phayshe’Ool’t - Targum Means :
the Pure, the Clear, the Simple,
and the ...
'Original- Interpretation’ an d Meaning !

We Trans-Literate Thoughts and Pre- Cepts… NOT Words !

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A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

Four Dictionaries in One, A Thesaurus and An Encyclopedia

Law – Legal – Oc'cult – Esoterica – Spititual – Metaphysics – Symbolisim
Lyghte' t'Seed

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A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

Public Notice for Private and Paramount Copy Right
Collectors FIRST Edition

The REAL DaVINC I C-O-D-E- Dictionary h


Notice Concerning Obtaining This BOOK : Paramount and common-law copy-ryghte and sanctuary by Sovereighn't TITLE
Notice: Extending with all Forms and any form, by this, a common-air, organic-law shelter, in the year of
our Lord and Redeemer Yahll't-Shool'Vah't H'Moolshell't-Yann-chi't commonly known as, Jesus, The-Christ.
- Alle naturalle and Alle organic- righte here-inn Claimed and Rezerved –
No Part, nor shall't any part of this publication be reproduced, stored in any retrival system, nor
transmitted in any form, by any means, such as electronic, mechanical, photo-graphing, or photo copying,
recording, scanning, or in any other way, or for any reason, with-out first seeking specifically, the actual
written permission of the Author, or authors here-in.
This Work is private intellectual property by nature, and thus remains non-negotiable by nature,
between the author(s) and all patrons. This book and thesaurus dictionary is being made available, purely
for the purpose belonging solely within the intended free exchange of ideas, for the information contained,
and for furthering the enlightenment by education; yet, nothing contained here-in shall't ever be inferred,
by any form, as 'legal' advice, since every patron must be responsible for the in-gathering from all
resources of knowledge, while then, be responsible with the knowledge that is gained; nor shall't anything
contained here-in be deemed as subversive, nor speach of hate. Love is Truth, deep from the Trees Root.
– The Caveat –
While The Author, publisher, editor(s), and distributor(s), have used every best effort, with-inn
the arrangement and preperation of this work, yet we, make no representations, nor warranties, on the
information that has been gathered, drawn, borrowed, revealed, or inspired here-in, nor for that which
came, or comes from other resources; all with respect for the accuracy, or completeness with-in the
contents of this book and the fore-mentioned, specifically disclaims any warranties, none being implied,
nor any merchant ability, nor any qualified fitness for any particular use or operation. No liability, nor
warranty may be created, nor extended, by any trade, foreign trust, or patron, with-in the use of this book,
nor from any second party distributor, nor from any type of promotion, what-ever.
The Information and the effort contained here-in, may not be suitable for your own interest or
situtation, there-fore, it is highly recomended that you seek out the competent and professional advice,
from as many advocates as you can obtain, how-ever and when appropiate.
The Author, publisher, editor(s), and distributor(s), shall't not be responsible, nor liabel for any
loss, commercial, or other-wise, nor for any damages incurred, including, but not limited by, special,
incidental, consequential, nor for any other loss. This is the matter in whole, wether in part, in commerce.
Now for Then, dezert-owl .
The Author here-in Thanks You for Your Patronage and hopes that you do Enjoy this Very Important Work.
The Page Number 15 from 285 Pages
- T h e N o n – S p o k e n W o r d P u b l i c a t i o n z - www.TheREALPublicRadio.Net
A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

An A m e r i c a n Classic R a d i o I n t e r v i e w
Who... is ЯREALLY R-u-i-n-i-n-g- Our- World Any-Way ?
Do YOU Really Know ? You Might Be Surprised !
A formost Expert on Words Explains that The Control of Words
... is The Funda-Mental Control of Every-Thing Else !
Such As : Scriptures - Science - HISTORY - EDucation – Etc Etc
Learn About Our TRUE- Origin As You Have Never Heard It Before
Atlantis and the Great Flood are Hiding right Before Our Very Own Eyes
He who does not know the Heart of Words can not know the Heart of Man -Confucius

To Schedule An Inter- iew with dezertv

Call Eastern- Tyme
912-882-2142 or 304-629-7169
Please Forward To Any Radio Host Who May Be Interested
Thank You !
ABout the Author an Writer dezert-owl

A Special Guest for YOUR Own SPECIAL Show!

A Fore-Most Expert On The N.W.O. the ‘Olde-World Order’, on How The World
Has Really Been Operating from The Very Beginning Of Tyme As We Know It !
dezert-owl is A Former Political Activist but Today He is A Spiritual Pacifist
A Historian / Translator/ Collector of LOST Writings/ Symbolist/ Etymologist/ Dictionary
Writer / Mythologist / Writer / Poet / Guitarist Song-writer / Student of custom & law
Former Political Activist / A Servant of The Great-Breath / A Visionary / Author of
The Forbidden History Audio Series & The REAL DaVinci CODE Dictionary
Plus He Is Fore-Most An Expert On The REAL nterpretation Of
Movies I
and On the Original- Gospel Of Jesus, The Christ - A LOST Writing !
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- T h e N o n – S p o k e n W o r d P u b l i c a t i o n z - www.TheREALPublicRadio.Net
A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

Once we can begin to comprehend the true nature of things, then we can
begin to comprehend, that there is NOTHING really more to complain about
- dezert-owl
dezert Lives in Kingsland Georgia

If the diction is NOT correct, then what is being said, is NOT what is meant…
- Confucius
Now Pre-zen-Ting..., The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E- Are you still lving in Cyber-Space?
A place where nothing is real and everything is FICTIONAL ? Can you say... The MATRIX?
Is it possible that modern man has been completely and thoroughly brain-washed and is in reality
speaking with-in a SECRET CODE Of Diction ? Is it even possible that the very Words that we are
using Today, are actually the Secret Code Words from a very sinister & totally corrupt under-world, a
secret Oc’cult society who has been ruling our world from the very beginning of time ? Is it possible that,
the very Words that have been Engineered for us, when properly U.N.der-Stood, speak nothing more than
about our total slavery and complete demise ? Words such as: “Inter”national,” which means literally,
“Bury the nations of the Father,” referring specifically to Christianity. How about “Vaccine” which
means; “The cup of Burning Death?” Did you know that “PERSON” is NOT a “Man?” Did you know
that ‘Man’ means ‘a Criminal and a Sinner?’ Did you know that ‘Child’ means ‘Chilled’ and ‘Killed?’
Constitution is A Con! Contemplate…
Kipling Said : ‘East is East and West is West, and NEVER the Twain shall meet’, yet this is
NO LONGER TRUE, as it is, fore The First Time in MODERN History, dezert-owl brings the Ancient-
Original Æastern-Thought, the Chiro-Phoenician, together with our Modern Western-Thought, as
NEVER heard before ! He reveals the true “hidden” nature, as well as the Oc’cult intent with-in each of
the words that we use today. who-ever “Controls” the Diction, controls your Thinking ! dezert knows
exactly how and where they instituted All of this to. He claims that, “We are still in England, we are still
in Rome, we are still in Babylon, we are still in Ægypt, and don’t leave out Hindustan; all layered, one on
top of the other, as they are all, in FACT, one in the same, since the very people who “Rule” the world,
behind the scenes, The Unseen Hand, are in FACT, the very same families of the Black Nobility and the
Brahman Aryan Priest-Hoods that have been ruling the world... from the Very Beginning of Time!
Word = Burning- Sword of Fire !

The Truth ... it is Stranger than FICTION

Yet, it is ALL an Open- Secret… A 'Sea- Crate'
Just look Deep in-Side the Admiralty Seæ - dezert-owl
dezert had Two Civic Organizations, CNI - Council For The National Interest, and UTDC - United
Truckers Defending The Constitution. U.T.D.C. also stood for ‘Under Threat, Duress and
Coercion’ which is exactly where we are at today, along with the Flag-Ship Radio Program called,
ADF- America’s Driving Force.
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A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

May this Book Be Set Aside for The Future Generations to Read

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- T h e N o n – S p o k e n W o r d P u b l i c a t i o n z - www.TheREALPublicRadio.Net
A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

The REAL DaVinc i C-O-D-E h

The DaVine ЯRÆligious C-O-D-e- R e v e a l e d - - -

the Beginning ... ore the Ænd ?
Turn-back now, the pages of our-Tyme, because the Words of these Zages, are all too-be
found Hidden, wyth-inn the Higher and Deeper sub-Line.
Now, you must know where too go, be-fore you can get there though. Yet, it is not
with a compass, that you get there, no, not with a-square, not even with a map.
Or then is it
Perhaps Oopon ,
the Oopen Sea air ?
Do You not even care ?
And how could you dare, dig for that gold, if you did not know where?
So how do we get there from here?
Loo, it is The Truth, you would dig for that gold, if you knew, that it were here.
Alle wyth-in your patience, You can Alle possess the-Alle of The-Omni-Verses,
all with-inn that-One-Æternal-t’Song-chi ,
all with-inn , that One-Theme – Eye ,
all with-in that End-less-Voyage,
iye, inn that Never-ending-
theme, on the-Oopen

. .
. dezert-owl .
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- T h e N o n – S p o k e n W o r d P u b l i c a t i o n z - www.TheREALPublicRadio.Net
A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

All Roads lead too India ... not Rome.

You will See.

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- T h e N o n – S p o k e n W o r d P u b l i c a t i o n z - www.TheREALPublicRadio.Net
A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
  −−− 
... FollΩwing THE--LÖST-PHœNician--Traile ...
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A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

A Breath of Lyfe

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- T h e N o n – S p o k e n W o r d P u b l i c a t i o n z - www.TheREALPublicRadio.Net
A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

What Is Truth ?
YahShuvah’t replied, and Breathed, My Royal-House is Not from this World: if My
Royal-House were of this World, then would My servants Fight for me, and I should not have been
delivered then, to the-Yudeans, but now my Royal-House is No Longer from this World
Pilate breathed, YOU are a Royal-Ruler then? Yahshuvah’t replied, You spoke correctly, that I
am a Ruler : for this end I was born, and for this very end I came into the-world; and this is the-very-
purpose why I came; I came so that I would announce the-pure ‘Record’ for the-Truth; and
every-one who is for the-Truth, can hear my voice
Pilate again breathed too him, W
hat is ruth ? T
Yahshuvah’t replied, Truth, comes from the- Core of the- Lyghte’
Pilate then breathed, So, the Truth is not found upon the Æarth ?
Yahshuvah’t replied before Pilate, Follow, that the-Truth is found on the-earth, but, it is only
found among those, who when they are Ænlyghtened and Anointed with the-Power of Discernment and
of pure-gudgement, are then ‘Governed by the Truth’ for then, they will always
form what is called, the- Right gudgement
( j)
A Phaysheool’t-Targum Trans-Literation
the- Lost Words of Jesus / Yahshuvah’t

“ There is a primary-zen-sea, or higher-sense, for every-word, from which all others have proceeded; and
when-ever this can ever be discovered, then, this higher-sense, should then stand-first, with-in the-order ”
- Noah Webster 1828

“ If the-dichtome, the-diction, or the-dichshone, is not-correct, then what is being said, is not what is
meant; and if what is being said, is not, what is meant, then what most be done, will remain left, undone;
and if every-thing that is important, remains left undone, then all-truth, along with all-history, all-custom,
and all-true-science, will all-soon deteriorate; and then, the-all-pure-justice will also go astray, and the-
people will all, be standing around in a-helpless-state, in all-total-confusion. So, it is, for this very-
reason, alone then, that there must be no arbitrariness, nor any-vague-ness, in what-ever is being said.
This matters absolutely, in the-First-light-of-vision, ‘absolutely’, above every-thing else ”
- Confucius

“ in the years too come, the People of Conviction will need too become Bi-lingual ”
- Maximus Fifth Century Rome
“ The time has now come, that the-true-people of conviction, will need too be ‘Tri-Lingual,’ knowing
both, the common and the ‘legal’ diction, all in order, just to survive; but they will most especially need to
comprehend what is the ‘original-thought,’ in order to escape this world alive; they will have too learn
too see, and then read it, for them-self ”
- dezert-owl
‘ People perish for a lack of Key-Knowledge, and where there is no vision, the people perish into Oblivion‘ PTRP
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- T h e N o n – S p o k e n W o r d P u b l i c a t i o n z - www.TheREALPublicRadio.Net
A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

There is nothing capricious in nature,

there is nothing un-known, that can not be known,
nothing done in secret, that will not be revealed

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- T h e N o n – S p o k e n W o r d P u b l i c a t i o n z - www.TheREALPublicRadio.Net
A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

- I-N-T-R-O-D-U-C-T-I-O-N -
The MODERN Day Bible Translations

An Expose’ On The Problems In Modern Day Translations

Exerts From Robert Young, of Young’s Analytical Concordance To The Bible and YOUNG’S
Literal Translation of the HOLY BIBLE:
“The inspiration of the Bible extends only to the Original-Text, as it Came from the Pens
of the Original-Writers, therefore, not to any of the ‘Translations’ ever made by man, however aged,
venerable, or good ; and only, in so far as any of these adhere to the Original – neither adding to nor
omitting from it one particle – are they of any real value, to the extent that they vary from the original, the
doctrine of Verbal Inspiration is LOST, so far as that 'version' is concerned.”
“A strictly literal rendering may not be so pleasant to the ear, as one where the apparent
sense is chiefly aimed at, yet it is not euphony but truth that ought to be sought, and where in such a
version as the one commonly in use in this country, there are scarcely two consecutive verses where there
is some departure from the original, such as those indicated, and where these variations may be counted
by tens of thousands, as admitted on all hands, it is difficult to see how verbal inspiration can be of the
least practical use to those who depend upon that version alone.”
Paraphrasing Robert Young.... There is NO ‘Future’ tense in Hebrew, future tense is
Expressed as ‘Present’ Tense... It is Done !
Other Problems With The- Translations :
... “the Hebrew verb nathan (sometimes also a noun), which is rendered by the King James
Translators in Sixty-seven different ways”... -- Robert Young.
The above Final Quote by Young, expresses what CAN NOT BE, if one is guided towards the Truth in
the Scripture. It is IMPOSSIBLE for one Ænglish Word, to do the business for sixty-seven other Hebrew,
or Greek Words. This expresses nothing other than a FRAUD in our Modern Day Translations. Perhaps
this is the reason King James had his ‘Lamp Put Out,’ which is an idiom that means, having your Seed-
LINE Cut-Off; which is what happened when his son, King Charles had his head cut off. In other words,
the ‘evidence’ is, that King James was cursed ... and NOT 'Blessed' ... Evidently.
IN ESSENCE, the King James Bible is merely a theft of intellectual property, that was stolen
from William Tyndale. The KJV is in all actuality, ninety percent William Tyndale, and all the KJV
Translators had to do, was to REMOVE Anything, that had the potential to really set someone Free from
the Government. They didn’t want that.
The above statement is a FACT of history that anyone can research for themselves, as I am looking at my
COPY of Tyndale in front of me as I make this statement. Another fact is that, Tyndale’s Introduction is
the most Sophisticated Introduction in ALL of Modern Translation History. William Tyndale was in
Essence, an enlightened intellectual genius! The only thing that the KJV ‘controllers’ had to do was to
destroy the great work of Tyndale, cover it’s true origin and then take credit for what was merely the
Illusion of Religious Freedom . - dezert-owl See Appendix – A Page 196
... The Ænlightened only want The Truth, and deep from the Trees-Roote... It Is All An Open Secret !
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Truth Always

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The Original –Thought




A Theezar-Roole DICTIONARY


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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

...’ Now I have heard it declared by some, who say, that 'Unless I can find it written in the Original
Writings, I will not recognize it to be written within my own scriptures.' But then, once it has been plainly
revealed to them, that this is the way that it has been written; they then respond back with what is laying
there before them, within their own corrupted texts ‘
Letter of Ignatius to the Philadelphians c. 90 AD
Pictures Create Words, and Words Create Pictures !
Words are the DNA Of Lyfe ......
They are, the Burning t’Swords of Fire, and Gudgement, and Lyghte, and Truth, and Peace, and Love
Well Come too . . . the TRUE Science of K-n-o-w-i-n-g- - - ! - dezert-owl

The Original -Thought The Original -Thought The Æastern

REAL DaVinci CODE REAL DaVinci CODE Original -Thought
W e s t e r n V e r s i o n Æ a s t - W e s t V e r s i o n REAL DaVinci CODE
____________________ ____________________

A Theezar-Roole A Theezar-Roole

A Theezar-Roole

Notes On Dictionary
Dictionary Number One Dictionary Number Two
I Hear and I forget, I See and I Remember
The The - Confucius
Western Diction Æ a s t -West Dict shion All Letters are ‘Pictures’, they are all
Ancient Symbols, and they are all True
-Æ- Spiritual t’Seeds, that tell a Real Story,
-Æ- - The Æye GATE Æighte - as they carry within them a dual Theme
about The Great Mystery of Life. You
Æ/ æ a primary symbol of Creation Æ / æ Creation
a primary symbol of can now follow this pure trail, all the-
pronounced Eight and is in reference pronounced Eight and is in reference way back in time, back to it’s very root,
to the Number, it implies the Æye or the to the Number, it implies the Æye or the alle the way back as we venture on then
Æye of the Return. this is purely a Æye of the Return. this is purely a Latin in-too, that very Beginning of Tyme
Latin symbol equivalent to our mod E it symbol equivalent to our mod E it was - dezert-owl
was removed from our Modern Ænglish removed from our Modern Ænglish when A Sol-journer, literally A Starr- Traveler
when in use in the Late 1800’s in use in the Late 1800’s and A Bird Who Sees in The Night

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Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Secret - Warning Notice - Words
It Is All . . . An OPEN Secret The Truth is NOT for Every-One Words that Do NOT gyve Lyghte
- Ancient- Sage Take The Red PILL . . . Only Increase The Darkness
and You Don’t Come Back
Æ / æ 2 symbolically HAdam and Take The Blue PILL . . . What Is Implied, Is What It Should Breathe
Æve. ME sb. Law, MD.-AS. ǽw(ǽ), and You Remain Under the Spell On The Original- Thought ...
Law, Divine Law, the Mosaic Shelter, Kipling was Quoted as Breathing –
Marriage, lit the Mother and the Father - It is ALL in The Words
are One, Goth aiws, an Age, Eternity,
Æast is East and West is West, and
cp. OGH éwa, the Law of God, Eternity Never the Twain shall Meet !
Otfrid or the pure Shelter of God this quote is no longer a true statement,
Æ/æ 3 the pure Shelter the pure as bye the-DyVine Grace, from Our
law, the Lyghte Above from the very Great-Archigenatore, and the-Heavenly-
Father, Æast and West NOW come
Beginning from the Sun
together... right here, with-inn this rare
Æ/æ 4 in the Latin Diction, this is Historical work, that is correctly called
strictly the symbol E and is therefore The REAL Da-Vinci CODE,
the Fifth symbol in the Latin Alphabet and A- Phay’she’ool’t- Targum Trans-
See Æight, Æ-ues, AT, Eagle, Eat, Eche, Literation and Restoration Project
Eight, Et, Eu-bruche, Eye, GH, Lyghte, Sæ, – dezert-owl
Skeat 1888 ME Dict, Shealltar, Shelter, Shetar,
Star, TH ... And the Ænd of all our Æxploring
Anagram : EAT lit Æye the Alphabet will be, to arrive precisely at, that very
or the Æye of the Alphabet or Consume the same place, where we first started, and
All of Life i.e. Become One throo Knowing then to know that place....
for the very First Tyme !
Ædam and Æve the Woman who - T.S. Eliot
Came Out of the Side of her Counter
part See Æ Æ/ æ 2 symbolically HAdam and - Abbreviations -
Ængel See Angel, Malech, Malechim Æve. ME sb. Law, MD.-AS. ǽw(ǽ), Abrev – Abbreviation
Law, Divine Law, the Mosaic Shelter, Adj – Adjective
Æternal pure Breath See
ABrama- Marriage, lit the Mother and the Father Adv – Adverb
theme, Brama-theme, Breath, Fire, Holy-Spirit, are One, Goth aiws, an Age, Eternity, Af – Africa
Phyre, Spirit, Wind cp. OGH éwa, the Law of God, Eternity Aka – Also Known As
Ara – Aramaic
Otfrid or the pure Shelter of God
Ætherich pronounced Eth-er-ick AS – Anglo Saxon
of what we imply Æ / æ 3 the pure Shelter the pure-
is the more Proper Sense Blks / Black’s – Black’s Law Dictionary
when we say Spiritual or Spirituality Law, the Lyghte Above from the very Brit – British
See Ætherich Tradition, Breath, Beginning c / cir – Circa / Approximate
Cf – See Also
Ether, Etherich, Pure-Breath, Religion, Æ/æ 4 in the Latin Diction, this is
CFR – Code of Federal Regulations
Rool’arch, Rukha, Ruwach, Spiritual The strictly the symbol E and is there-fore CFR – Council on Foreign Relations
the Fifth symbol in the Latin Alphabet Chap – Chapter
-A- See Æight, Æ-ues, AT, Eagle, Eat, Eche,
Eight, Et, Eu-bruche, Eye, GH, Lyghte, Sæ, Skeat
Commer – Commercial
Const – Constitution
1888 ME Dict, Shealltar, Shelter, Shetar, Star, TH
A/ a a prime Symbol of Lyghte ,
Anagram : EAT lit Æye the Alphabet
Cor – Corinthians
Corr – Correctly
an Architects Compass, A Pyramid, or the Æye of the Alphabet or Consume the Corrup – Corruption
the Point of Creation, at the Base of All of Life i.e. Become One throo Knowing Cyb-Cde – Cyber Code
which, is the Square, commonly referred
too as the Four Corners of the Æarth, Æleph ‫א‬ the ultimate cyber code, the
Cyber-Cd. – Cyber Code
Dan – Daniel

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
etc First, the Middle and the Last symbols of Def(s) – Definition
2 it has a dual-nature as a Vowel The- Hebrew and The- Phœnecian Deut – Deuteronomy
and a Consonant, as seen in the Title of
Dict – Dictionary
Alphabets Doct – Doctrine
Aaron, the A in a word can be a it is a cyber code for the letter Z in Ecc – Ecclesiastes
Vowel or a Consonant, you simply Hebrew and N in Chiro Phœnecian. it Ed – Edition
have to try it both ways implies that, the Controllers of the World Eng – English
A Lyghte that Comes
3 lit the claim to be here from the Beginning, the Esp – Especially
Middle and the Ænd Etymol / Etym – Etymology / logical
Down a / the Small a is symbolic of Evol – Evolved
the Owl, the Eye that Sees in the Example Fed – Federal
Night Begin < – ‫ – א‬N – Z – > Ænd Fn – Foot Notes
See Æ, AT, Oomega, Vowel, Ω Fr / F – French
---- Middle --- Frm – From
Aaron See AA, Two Powers
the Ultimate Cyber Code ! G.Phil – Gospel of Philip

- AB -
Gal – Galatians
See Cyber-Code, A, L, N, T, R, W, Z gen – General
Anagram : Fell / PHELL lit the Creation Gen – Genesis
AB a prime root form meaning that Gen-Sense – General-Sense
of Hell with-inn the- Fall
which is First the A a symbol of the Ger – German
Father, gave His Power of Creation Ælovehe a correct root and orig th for Gk / Grk – Greek
to the Letter B a symbol of the Mother and the Father ‘God’ and is both Male and Goth – Gothic
Heb – Hebrew(s)
the Second in Creation. Note how the Female in the True aspect of nature
Hind – Hindu
B and the E look and sound the Same See Æloveheim, AB-EL, Abel, Bel, HmPrl – Hymn of the-Pearl
See Æ, AB-EL, A, B, E Elahe, Elovehe, Fay, PH, Pharaoh, Phay Icel – Icelandic
Impl /Imp – Implies / Implied / Implication
Abel / Habel Breath of Lyfe Æloveheim
lit the or Ælloveheim is the- Interp – Interpreted
upon the Invisible First Habitation feminine-aspect God and Elahe or
of Isa – Isaiah
of the Ælloveheim See Æloheim, Ælovehe’t and is the-One who Ishrael Jb – Job
Ælloveheim, Æssence, AB, AB-EL, Ba’al, Baal, served. she was their Mother-Goddess. Jer – Jeremiah
Babel, Ball, Bull, Bel, Bell, Bile, Breath-of-the- Word(Eng)< Logo(Grk)< Symbol(Literal)< Jn – Gospel of John
Spirit-wind, Breathes, Breath the-, By, Cain, El, Sun(Actual)< Lyghte(Reflective)< A-Royal- Jol – Joel
El-Lominated, El-Loominated, El-Luminated, Josh – Joshua
Ela’ments, Elahe, Elaments, Eloheim, Essence,
Flaming- t’Sword- that- Points- inn
KJV – King James Version
Habel, Hidden-Woman the, Mother-Æarth, Every- Direction orig-thought Expression
Lat – Latin
Moon, PH, Phyre, Spirit, Star, Start, t’Sun, t’Svn, the-pure-Aspect of our Greight-Father
Lit – Literally / Literal / Literation
T, TH, The, Wabbel, Wind of Lyghte is both Male and Female.
Lk – Gospel of Luke
Look up the word Androgynous LXX – The Septuagint Bible Translation
AB-EL lit THE FIRST EL or the Oc’cult, who took over all of the ME – Middle Ænglish
The FIRST Ælloveheim, The FIRST writings ‘reversed’ all of the-precepts Metaph / metphr – Metaphore
Ænlyghtened Man and The FIRST within our scriptures, and this is the- Mk – Gospel of Mark
Illuminated Star that gave it’s Lyfe reason for what seems so confusing, in MSS – Manuscripts
the aspect of terms, genders, etc Mt – Gospel of Matthew
Blood for the Creation for all of
Mankind, it is in direct reference to the- the Y = Lyghte and Takes the Place n – Noun
Moon. Abel became A Prime Symbol of the I - Blind-Eye and these NHL. – Nag Hammadi Library, the
Symbols are very important within the No – Number
fore the t’Eloheim
mythology of this Cosmological- O Fr – Old French
See Æloheim, Ælloveheim, Æssence, AB, Oc' / Oc’c – Oc’Cult
Abel, Ba’al, Baal, Babel, Ball, Bull, Bel, Bell, Theme OdSol – Odes Of Solomon
Bile, Breath of the Spirit Wind, Breathes, Breath See Elahe, Fay, I, PH, Pharaoh, Phay, Y
the, By, Cain, El, El-Lominated, El-Loominated, OE – Olde English
El-Luminated, Ela’ments, Elahe, Elaments, OHG – Olde High German
Eloheim, Essence, Habel, Hidden Woman the, Æmath means the Ænd of All OriGsp – Original Gospel / Aquarian
Mother Æarth, Moon, PH, Phyre, Spirit, Star, Counting wyth-inn the Messiah. we Orig th /tho/u – Original Thought
Start, t’Sun, t’Svn, T, TH, The, Wabbel, Wind are now in A-Day wyth-out Ænd. this OT – Old Testament

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
is a derivation and the meaning wyth-in the OMT – Other Modern Translations
ABraham / ABraheim
name or Tital Methuselah Pet – Peter
... Your Tital wyll become Braheim See ÆMethuselah’t, Counting, Math, Pg – Page
and it will become the pure Breath of Methuselah Prob – Probably
Many and it will be for their Support Pron / Prn – Pronounced
YaHVaHe’t Ænlightenment a correct root and orig th Ps – Psalms
for Joy See Joy, Lyghte Prvb – Proverbs
Abraham excellent
a corr on a most PTRP - PhaysheOol Targum Res Project
Tital or Name ABraheim wyth a Æxpress made Clear, Definite, Re – Regarding
Explicit, Plain, Direct, Unmistakable, Reg – Regular
Silent A it is pronounced Bra- Heem, Rep – Representing
Bra for the Breath and Support and and Wyth-out Question See Black’s,
Express, Press Si – Silent
Heim for the Breath of the Many Sic – In this Exact Style
See Ba, Bra, ABraheim, ABrahm, The Æye the corr root and orig thought Sp – Spelled
Braheim, Brahma, Brahman, Brahman’t, Stat – Statute
Brahma’theme, Breath for He See Breath, Eye, H, He, I, L, V, Y
Strongs – Strong's Concordance

Suff – Suffix
Absolute Right as regards Right to Symb – Symbolic of
interfere with contractual-obligations of Syn – Synonymous
- Phœnecian SLAVE Alphabet - Teut – Teutonic
another, absolute-right, which a free-
- Prime Symbol - Translation , the
man may exercise, with-out reference
too motive, is a natural right, incident - Allaphax / Alpha / Al-Phay - Tim – Timothy
for the-owner-ship in property, the-right - Literal - Th – Thought
growing out of, a contractual-relation, Alla-PH-Lex Tom – Thomas
and the-right to enter in or refuse too Ult – Ultimate
- AllaFlex / All-eFlax -
enter, the-contractual relations Vs / V – Verses
the Father’s First natural- law of Creation w/p – Words & Phrases
bye the Absolute-Right of a free- Flex everything in nature moves in time an space Web – Webster 1828
mæn, it is meant, those who are in their Prime Symbol : David’s Star W / Wi – With
primary and strictest sense, such as Wis – Wisdom of Solomon
would belong too their own-primary- Lyghte and Darkness Intersecting
Wkl – John of Wycliffe
being, merely in the-state-within, the Yinn and Yang / Yann Chi't 1 Sam – First Samuel
pure-nature, and which every-man is Secondary Symbols : Compass / Æye / Lyghte &c – And So On
entitled too enjoy, whether out of Projection / Pyramid / Square Base
society, or within it, the natural-right for
Prime Numbers : 0 / 1 / 1000
Truth You will Know the Truth
private-security, in private free- and the Truth will make You A Fugitive
judgement, and for private-property, do See Lex, PH, the Above Words
See Al, Flax, Flex, L, Lex, Lex-i-Con, - Author Unknown
not depend upon any-constitution for
their existence Lexicon, PH
they existed before the constitutions
were made, or, the government was Ætymologists Burning Æast Wind
organized. This is what is termed,
- Miniscule
Sovereign Alphabet - of
‘absolute-right’, that of a free-man,
which belongs with them - Alaphax / Aleph / Alpha - A Translator Shool-phar
independently, separate from all Prime Symbol : Owl / Ooll Ω
government, and which all the Alle Seeing Alle Knowing Æye
governments, which derive their power, Secondary Symbols : Falcon / Æagle / Vulture The Non Spoken Word Publications
from the consent of the governed, were / Serpen(t)
instituted too protect” You must see read it for your-selves,
Prime Numbers : 0 / 1 / 1000
See Constitutio, natural right, Sovereign, with your inner eye for vision, because
Words and Phrases, Vol. 1, 1968, West Pub Co the Great Lyghte of our natural and
ethical-obligations which brings health
Accusations - Hebrew Priest Hood Alphabet - and healing into a dead world has
The Accuser comes... Too Destroy - Aleph / Alephā - appeared before all men, and this pure-
way changes the outer obligations of

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
- Ancient Proverb Prime Symbol : N/Z rules and regulations into an inner-
surrender for Perfect-Truth and Peace,
Opposing Worlds within a Perfect-Man. It is good when
Acquaintance NHL CybCd Secondary Symbols : Fire and Ice / Water the-river runs wide and when the-river
Your Keys are, Knowledge and most and Air / Creation and Earth runs deep, because in this, is where we
likely More Prime Numbers : 0 / 1 / 1000 can find the-peace before our mortal-
You must decide, with-inn the Nag passing, as we greet the-Great Æternal-
Hammadi Library, where these
Words are going to be used, in the place
-α- sea. This is the place where one world
is gust as too worlds, and a place where
of the Cloud Word - Greek Supplanted Alphabet - too worlds are just as one world. Come
ACQUAINTANCE - Alpha - and listen too an Etymologists Burning-
Prime Symbol : OL East-wind, which is the-Star-Message of
See Nag Hammadi Library
A Translator-Shoolphar
Owl / Ooll
Act symbolically the Moon At the Secondary Symbols: Oil Anointing /Tao the end - dezert-owl
Center of Creation, the AT in it’s / Zen the Highest Point / O the Beginning Sol-journer / Star-Traveler
relationship wyth the- Moon, bye Prime Numbers : 0 / 1 / 1000 on the Highest Journey
implication When it All Began
See AC, AT, Attack, C, Cat, Creation, A / a a prime Symbol of Lyghte The Forbidden History
Moon, Tach, Tack, Tech, Tock An Architects Compass, A Pyramid, Hidden Beneath the Sands of Tyme
Anagram : Tack / Tach lit To Create the Point of Creation at the Base of Lies the Greatest of All Mysteries ...
Act of state the act of a sovereign for
Square, commonly referred too Its The Forbidden History :
which is the
as the Four Cornersof the Æarth, etc Unearth for yourselves
a sovereign, in fact Immune
2 it has a Dual nature as a Vowel The Secret Truths that lie there hidden
See Act of State Doctrine- Black’s 6th,
Third Party Intervenor and a Consonant as seen in the title of Just beneath the surface below our feet

Anagram : the state of Acting Aaron, the A in a word can be a Vowel, What is it that the Powers that be ...
ora Consonant, you simply have to try it Do NOT want you or I to Know ?
both ways Come and Journey wyth us
Adam and Eve As we Explore’ and dare to Know
... and Eve gave to Adam, and He then
A 3 lit the Lyghte that Comes Because it is ... All Right Here !
Discovered Pleasure Down - dezert-owl
- LXX a the small a of the Owl,
is symbolic
the Æye that Sees in the Night One of the greatest challenges that we
Adam I Am the Blood of the Earth
See Æ, AT, Oomega, Vowel, Ω have, when we are dealing with ancient
more corr-rendered is Hadam which is literature, is the- different use and
mis-claimed as to mean, Red-Æarth, A Day with-out Æend Æternity meanings, or implications of the-words
in each of the- respective ancient-
but in reality means, the-Blood of the- See Day with Out Ænd, Eternity, Svn tongues or diction. Simply put, diction
Æarth, in reference to the Fiery Red- can have force and power, or it can be
Magma that we were All Formed AA the Twins from the Beginning, totally dead. The-Ænglish diction, for
From, but HAdam is yet, an incomplete one is a Consonant, and One is a example is totally ‘dead.’ and it is dead,
noun, as the-spelling given to us in the- Vowel, one is Silent, while One- because it does not follow any of the-
Strong’s Concordance from the- Speaks, but can You tell which One ? natural-laws of diction. That is, none of
Hebrew, is incomplete, as his Full Tital the original, root and universal-laws that
the implication is that, you can find the
/ Title is really Dich’Hadome, and belong too basic-diction. There are a
hidden meaning in a Word, bye turning
Dich’Hatome, as the-‘D’ and the-‘T’ are number of them, but they never show it
on the-Sound of the A or bye turning it too us in school.
Twins and that is why they sound the-
same and imply the-same thing
Off See Aaron, ABaal, ÆBel, Abel, B, The most basic law in diction, is that,
Baal, Bel, Bell, LL, OO, W, V
symbolically which all implies the all Diction is supposed too sound as it

- AB -
Creative Force, Breath, Sound and appears. Since the-Ænglish diction is
Gudgement for ALL of Lyfe made up of many different tongue’s, and
it is also, a controlled, engineered, and
Adam 2 lit the-Beginning of AB a prime root form meaning that bastardized diction that is not simple,
Counting- Creation First, the A, a symbol of the
which is nor does it follow any of the required
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Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
See Æ, Ædam, ADD, Adome, Atom, Father who gave His Power of fundamental rules of diction. And this is
Atome, Chi-Vah, Dichtome, Dichdome, Eve, Creation to the Letter B a symbol of the- the-reason we constantly hear that
Hadam, Hadome, Magma, Moat, Revelation of English is one of the-hardest forms of
John in the-NHL, V, Woman the- Mother and the Second in Creation. communication there is too learn. The
Anagram : Madam that implies the- Note how the- B and the- E look and masculine and feminine characteristics
Woman of Creation Hiding wyth-inn the-man’t sound the-same See Æ, AB-EL, A, B, E have been taken out, some letters have
more than one sound, etc., we even
Adam Weishaupt First un-Official Abbreuvoir Fr to Dilute or have sounds in our words that no letter
President of The UNDER-Ground Water Down 2 when Masons fill can pronounce, as in the-word, de jure,
UNITED STATED PIRATE SHIP OF their Gaps with Mud from the French. But all diction,
STATE CORPORATION in a BOX See Abbreviation, College of Abbreviators universally has behind it, a thread that
they were just changing the name and holds it alle together within one Giant-
putting a new Face on their Abbreviation lit Shortened or Mystery and it is the-Mystery of Symbol
Corporation, the way that had been Reduced in Legenth also Abridged
doing business on planet earth for See Abbreuvoir, College of Abbreviators
In The Beginning Is The Symbol,
thousands of years now And The Symbol, It Is A Word,
See George Washington, Ma, Mary, Abyssina lit the Eye of the First Sin Alle Bye It-Self
May, May Day, Enlightened Illuminatti, Ones,
Mothers Lyghte, Root of the One, UNITED Every single letter in its reality is a
CORPORATIONS, Y, Yam Accusations word, because it is an ancient picture or
hiero-glif, Higher graphic that says
The pure of Heart do NOT Accuse
ADD lit Counting Onn the- Lyghte something unique. Then combining two
- Jesus, the- Christ of the letters or pictures, yon get a
the- A Lyghte-Creation
is the-symbol of
Aquarian / Original Gospel 27:22 combined or compounded thought, then
Coming-Down and the-Two D’s are
symbols of the-t’Svn and the-Moon’t, three letters. Then these compound
the-First- Two items that were counted Achnaton the Pharaoh Who groups of to or three letters were used as
a formula for the-proposed thought
inn Creation expressed as TooV’ELLs Admitted that there is Only One God behind words. Then you add and change
and is where we get the word Towel as all of the- different vowels in order too
it implies too E-LLs as a towel looks Actions obtain the-different meanings.
like a straight l when hanging down this is the-very-way that the-Ænglish
See Adam, Bar’Noon, Number Actions Speak Louder than Words diction has been manipulated by man,
Anagram : Day actually implying that
- Spiritual Maxim the-very men who control our diction as
there are Two Days in ONE ? the- one that is well as the-‘public-opinion.’ They
Limited or the- One that is wyth- out Ænd ? Adoni / ADoni pronounced wi a silent control and change the basic letter forms
a Dawn Æye it lit means the Æye of the when it suits them. Thus even
Adherent Conviction what is implied controlling our very own way of
Rising t’Sun at Dawn. so, in I Pet 3:6,
bye having Faith See Conviction, where it said that, even Sarah called her thinking. So how do we reveal the-
Faith, Fay, Lyghte, Sol, Viction, Victory of secret-meanings that, are captured
husband Eng Lord for ADoni, she was
behind the-words if we are never, ever
actually calling him My Sun-Rise, which
taught the-true-nature and rules of
Admiralty oc’cult cybr cde for means My Everything, since a Star has
diction? Or the- meaning behind the-
provided everything that we have ever
Add Mirror Connecting Past ( Ty = Symbol?
seen that is in Æxistence
Tie ) Miral = Mirror All See Avatar, Dawn, East India Company, El,
this introduction is only a small
See Chimera, High Water Marks Eye, Hindu, India, Indiana Jones, Nevada, Svn, attempt in opening up your mind, in
Yahvahe’t, YHVH seeing, that not only am I using the-
Adversary The lit cyber code is Anagram : India it is true that, the Sun truer-rules of diction here, but that, at
the-same time I am presenting the-
Add the Verses of Arrogance and rises over the East first, and it is interesting, to see
mysteries and even providing some
the reverse meaning of ADoni, because the East-
as you can see it, in these who are the answers right before your eyes, but even
India Company is ruling everything, through the-
Ones who are controlling our Diction Ancient Eloheim who are in secret, and have been now, you perhaps, can’t see, or
it is Not a noun, it is the orig intent ruling the world from the beginning of time . understand them.
Before the- Great Flood they lived in Ægypt and
for the Devil, which means an Enemy the-diction, in the-way that it is being
built the Great Pyramids
or the Enemy, the-ancient Cainaanites / presented here, is carrying an ancient
the Discovery of this reverse- meaning of
Phœnecians who are with us even to theme, and it is telling a story behind
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
this day, also known as Merchants ADoni, is all direct- confirmation, for the-Valid the-story. But it is up too you and
See Accuser, Add the-Verses of nature of this work and naturally they would want Devine, that is, the-‘Vines’ intervention;
Arrogance, Advertisement, Angel, Demon, to use the- reverse- meaning of such a powerful a little fasting, a little slowing down, a
Deviants of the-Village, Devil, HaShatan, word, it also makes sense, when you comprehend lot of prayer and a lot of purification,
Lucifer, Phœnecians, Unnatural-Conditions, that the correct- pronunciation for Abraham is
the-shaking off the-shadows of the-
Satan Vail the-
world of this death. You are supposed
Anagram : Iar- Served / the- Ire of too be the-master over the-diction, the-
Being Served or the- Irony of Being
Adonijah attempted to Steal the
diction is not supposed too be the-
Served as the-primary Business of the- Crown of Jerusalem from Solomon … master over you.
Adversary was SLAVERY and the- Total Now See Adnoi to just give you one more example of
Enslavement of Man- kind See 1st Kings 1:25, Adoni the-problem that we have in translation,
or transliteration and going from one
Africa lit Rich Creation Aeon NHL CybCd Your Keys are, tongue too another, let’s look at Ænglish
Anointed, Age, Component, Immortal
See Atlantis and compare it to Syriac-Aramaic, the-
AFar See Far, Fire, Shophar Age, Components in the Immortal Age, Root of the-Hebrew Diction *
Being, World, Wizdom-Sophia, Eternal _____________________________
Affidavit orig tho Aplha-David- Realm, Race - Of - Men, Universe,
Immortal- Race, Lyghte, A- Star, Star- * the- Aramaic Diction Presents an
Light, Planet Garden, Earth, Land, Imagery un-common too the-western
The Phoenician CODE Strikes Again
mind, but well known too the-minds of
See Affadavit, David, DVD Cities, Father, People, Mind, Death, the-East. Aramaic was the-lingua-
Time and most likely More franca, or the-common-diction for the-
Age lit Ag-Eye which means You must decide with-inn the Nag Persian Empire, which stretched from
the- Æye that Passes- Away. we are Hammadi Library, where these Words the-Mediterranean too the-Great Wall of
now in the- Third and the-Final Great- are going to be used, in the place of the China for more than a thousand years
Age, ushered in bye, Jesus, at the-Ænd Cloud Word AEON before and after the-birth of Yahshuah’t.
of the-World is, the-Golden-Age of See Nag Hammadi Library the Aramaic diction, is unlike most
Lyghte al1 other forms of diction on the-earth,
the-Destruction of our pure- Agenor Phone-Heb is the Phoenician partly because of its antiquity, and
Scriptures has all resulted in a total- King of Tyre/Tear in Khna or declares no exact place of beginning,
ignorance of our pure-Lyghte, as in the- Canaan nor does it appear too have ever gone
Times and Seasons. Ignorance means to through any evolutionary period, and

- AH -
this is due in part, too its purity of
ignore what should be most-obvious for
metaphor, and in its use of symbol in
nature. It is as if, it sprang into life fully-
See 3, A, A-Star, Ai, AR, Ararat, Heb. AHigh On High ME adv
matured and fully-grown Note: This is
9:26, I Pet. 1:5, 20, II Pet. 3:3, Jude 18 See Web 1828 because it was actually handed directly
Anagram : Ægg / Egg lit A New- too Hadam, Adam
t’Star that Appeared Aht adj Worthy , Valiant NED an Easterner speaking Aramaic could
See Auht talk 1,000 miles and communicate with
Agenda lit cybr cde Age End
everybody he met. Carried upon the
Ahte sb Possession S2 Ahute S imagery of Aramaic, the-Zoroastrian
Agent a true cyber-code lit the-
See Ate, Auhte, Æight religion grew up into its full flower. It is
Æntity who is Sent-Out through-out the diction of most all of the-Legates in
the-Ages, Expressive of those who Ai pron Eye , the-One that Moved- the-‘Christian’ tradition. It is diction of
have truly run the-world through-out all Away See Age, Baal, Eli, the-Blind- Yahshuah’t. Its phonics are also the-
time Eye, I diction of Mohammed and the Koran.
AGenT 2 lit the Generations that its symbols appear upon the bricks
have used the CODE. the Code is the Aksarben reverse cyber-code literally 1aying in Iraq in the plain near Babylon
AT the MERCHANT Code or the Chiro- Oc- Zar- Ben which means Born from the- which are thought too be the building
Phœnician Alphabet Voice of the- Zar implying the- Vatican blocks of the-Tower of Babel, and it is,
See Ag, Age, Agent, Augentore, AT, 2 a Muslim Chieftain who murdered of course, the-diction of the-famous
Batman, Dogs, En, Gen, Gent, Jesuits, Priests, thousands of Christians in Spain c 1000 Dead Sea Scrol1s.
Masons AD and Celebrated by the- Shriners who its imagery and capacity for
Anagram : Tango lit a private dance, put on the Fez Cap of Blood in communicating the- subtleties of
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
between just two Nebraska State every year spirituality after this record of use, and
Anagram : Tinge lit a small Red insect See Aksarben Day, Masonic Creation of endurance, cannot be disputed. How-
Red is the-primary color of these oc’cult rulers Anagram : Nebraska ever, its difficulty of comprehension for
western intelligence is extremely great.
Agreed cyber code orig thought is
Al Qaeda BBC's killer documentary Perhaps this difficulty underlies the fact
Moved Away from the Paper, thus it called "The Power of Nightmares". Top so poetically paraphrased by Kipling ...
means the opposite of what we think CIA officials openly admit, Al-Qaeda is East is East and West is West, and
See Ag, Ag Reed, Greed, Moved- a total and complete fabrication, never Never the twain shall meet
Away from the Paper The Yonan Codex Foundation I97l
having existed at any time. The Bush
To Be Continued ...

- AH -
administration needed a reason that
complied with the Laws so they could go
after "the bad guy of their choice" Gem’atria Noomerica System
AHigh On High ME adv namely laws that had been set in place to Do Your Own Math !
See Web 1828 protect us from mobs and "criminal
organizations" such as the Mafia. They System - A
AHmond Almond See H, L paid Jamal al Fadl, hundreds of
thousands of dollars to back the U.S. The- VOnes System
Air root AR Government's story of Al-Qaeda, a A=1
See Ar, Power "group" or criminal organization they B=2
could "legally" go after. This video C=3
All / Alle lit Ool, Ooll or Owl documentary is off the hook…
meaning See Everything with Lyghte A Just Do A Key Word Google Search
and O are Sisters as equal symbols and are E=5
therefore inter changeable Alaphax more complete root of Alpha F=6
See A, Alle, Dow, EL, L, LL, O, Ool, Tau See Aleph, Alpha, AT, Oomega, OO, G=7
T’Zool’Mega, U, Z, Ω H=8
Allocution Black’s Law I=9
Dictionary defs from Black’s FIRST, Alba lit To Make White
J = 10
SECOND and FIFTH EDITIONS See Albification, Father's Lyghte
K = 11
I give you the defs of ALLOCUTUS Aleph first letter of the Heb and the L = 12
from Black’s First Ed 1891 the- Aramaic Alphabets. aleph appears M = 13
Second Ed 1910 and the Def of feminine in nature, while alpha appears N = 14
Allocution from Black’s Special masculine See A. Alaphax, Alaphay,
Deluxe Fifth Ed 1979
O = 15
Aleph, Alpha, AT, Life, Oomega, OO,
you will see that these definitions T’Zool’Mega, U, Z, Ω
P = 16
have changed slightly, for what reason? Q = 17
to be in Control of Everything in
All In order to Gain R = 18
Society. But in both cases you can see S = 19
the-Power that this little def has over the All, You must First be willing to
T = 20
Court Proceedings loose, All of Your Lyfe in this World
BLACK’S LAW DICT - Ancient Sage
U = 21
1 EDITION 1891
V = 22
Allocutus in criminal procedure, Allah lit the God with-
W = 23
when a prisoner is convicted on a trial Out A Breath X = 24
for treason or felony, the court is bound 2 the God of HATE and Violence Y = 25
to demand of him what he has to say as Z = 26
See Albert Pike, Alovehe’t, Dhimmitude,
to why the court should not proceed to
judgment against him; this demand is
Islam, Masons, Mind Control, Muslim Belief, Mysteries of Our A, B, C’s
the Numerical
Nebraska, Talmud, Vatican
called the “allocutus,” and is entered on Example for the- Above # System
the record Archb. Crim. Pl. 173 Alle the corr root form for All consider that each number is Equal to a percentage
BLACK’S LAW DICT _____________________________
See All, EL, Everything, Fall, L, LL,
2nd EDITION 1910 Valley, Yellow
Allocution See Allocutus A Simple Truth To Make Life 100 %

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Allocutus / in criminal procedure, Allocution Al`lo*cu"tion (#) n. [L. H+A+R+D+W+O+R+K
when a prisoner is convicted on a trial Allocuto, Fr. Alloqui, To Speak Too, ad 8 + 1 + 18 + 4 + 23 + 15 + 18 + 11 = 98%
for treason or felony, the court is bound + loqui, To Speak: cf. Fr. Allocution] 1
to demand of him what he has to say as The act, or manner of speaking to or of K+N+O+W+L+E+D+G+E
to why the court should not proceed to addressing in words 2 an address, an 11 + 14 + 15 + 23 + 12 + 5 + 4 + 7 + 5 = 96%
judgment against him; this demand is hortatory or authoritative address as of a
called the “allocutus,” or “allocution,” pope to his clergy See Addison Displaying L+O+V+E
and is entered on the record. Archb. Crim. 1 result(s) from the- 1828 Edition : 12 + 15 + 22 + 5 = 54%
Pl. 173; State v. Ball, 27 Mo. 324 Allocution 2 n. [L. Allocuto, Fr.
BLACK’S LAW DICT Alloqui, To Speak. Cf. Fr. Allocution.] L+U+C+K
5th EDITION 1 the act or manner of speaking to or 12 + 21 + 3 + 11 = 47%
Allocution / aelekyuwshen Formality of addressing in words 2 an address; a Most people Value it
of court’s inquiry of prisoner as to formal address, as, of a General to his
whether he has any legal cause to show troops; a Roman term rarely used in So What Makes 100 % ???
why judgment should not be English See Act-of-state, Alle, Allo, Money ? ... NO !!!
pronounced against him on verdict of Web. Revised Unabridged Dictionary 1913 and
conviction. State v. Pruitt, Mo., 169 S.W.2d 1828 M+O+N+E+Y
399, 400 13 + 15 + 14 + 5 + 25 = 72 %
Alovehe more correctly Alovehe’t with a
Allocutus / aelekyuwdes See silent T is the-orig-root-form for our Leadership ? ... NO !!!
Allocution Greight-Father, but more-correctly rendered
Upon further investigation you see that it would be, Allovehe’t. there
in root-form L+E+A+D+E+R+S+H+I+P
originally this was used for treason, or are always two L’s it is just that one is 12 + 5 + 1 + 4 + 5 + 18 + 19 + 8 + 9 + 16
felony and that in the Fifth Edition, the Hidden. it is best expressed in the- Heb = 97 %
definition changed to not limit this to symbol Lamed See Al, Allovehe’t, Every Problem Has A Simple Solution ...,
treason or felony only, but to all Alovehe’t, El, Elahe, God, L, T, The, Ω
proceedings. Also, more importantly If We Could Just Change Our Attitude !
you can see that in the first two Alovehe’t / Allovehe’t with a Silent T is To Be At The TOP of 100 %
editions, the word “…the court is
the-orig-root-form for our Father- God, but We Need To Go Just A Bit Further ...
bound to demand of him what he has to
more-correctly rendered in root-form it would be,
say as to why the court should not It is ALL About ...
proceed to judgment against him;…” Allovehe’t. there are always Two L’s it
Don’t you find it interesting that the is just that one is Hidden. it is best A + T + T + I + T + U + D + E
expressed wyth-in the-Heb symbol 1 + 20 + 20 + 9 + 20 + 21 + 4 + 5 = 100 %
DICTIONARY drops the phrase, “…the- Lamed 2 the God of Peace and LOVE
See Al, Alla, Alovehe, El, Elahe, It is our very Attitude towards Lyfe and
Court is Bound to demand of him…” ?
God, L, T, THE, Ω our Work, that can Make our Lyfe ...
In reality even though the publisher
changed some of the definitions in 100 % Complete !
writing, the fact remains that most Alpha the first letter of the Heb and the
people are ignorant of the law and Aramaic Alphabets lit the First. Aleph
appears feminine in nature, while Alpha Change Your Attitude ...
ignorant of their position in relation to
appears masculine And Change YOUR Lyfe !!!
the courts and they are kept that way by
the attorneys See Æleph, Ælpha, Ælaphax, A, AB-EL,
Yet the MOST Important Element for us All is
See Al, All, Alle, Allo, Alt, Alter, Cut
Abel, Alaphat Alaphax, Aleph, AT, Life, OO,
Oomega, T’Zool’Mega, Tab, Tau, Tav, U, Z, Ω Love of God
Alter the Place of Sacrifice and Alpha 2 the First Letter of the Modern
Ænglish Alphabet See Ælpha, Alaphax, L+O+V+E+O+F+G+O+D
Too Change Aleph, AT, Elf, Elph, OO, Oomega, T’Zool’Mega, 12 + 15 + 22 + 5 + 15 + 6 + 7 + 15 + 4 =
See All, Alle, Alt, Alter, AT, Ater, Salt, U, Z, Ω 101 %
Shalt, Vault, Water, Wilter
Anagram : Riddle Alpha David Tie mod Affidavit It Simply ALL Adds Up ! So Go Figure
Special Thanks to Oracle for the Above Example
Alpha the first letter of the Heb and the Phoenician CODE Strikes Again _____________________________
Aramaic- Alphabets lit the First,
Aleph See Affadavit, David, DVD
appears feminine
appears masculine
in nature, while Alpha
Amenta lit the Higher Self with the
Gem’atria Noomerica System
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
See Æleph, Ælpha, Ælaphax, A, AB-EL, Hidden One 2 in the Mind 3 root Do Your Own Math !
Abel, Alaphat Alaphax, Aleph, AT, Life, OO, for the word Almond
Oomega, T’Zool’Mega, Tab, Tau, Tav, U, Z, Ω
See Aaron’s Rod, Almond, One the, Self
System - B
Alpha 2 the First Letter of the Anagram : Antenna The-VOnes/ tEnds/ OneDreds
Modern Ænglish Alphabet _____________________________
See Ælpha, Alaphax, Aleph, AT, Elf, An Eye
Elph, OO, Oomega, T’Zool’Mega, U, Z, Ω
mod Any See Æye, Any,
Breath, Breath of the many, By, Bye, E, Eye the,
The- Ones/ Tens/ Hundreds +
H, He, Him, I, Me, Mothers Eye, My-Eyes, Mye, A = 1 / 1000
Amazon lit the Mothers Zone One the, Y, Ye, Yoo, You B = 2 / 5000
See Adoni, Columbia, El, Elahe't
Soul NHL CybCd Your Keys are the
C = 3 / 10,000
Ambassador a foreign state with full Mind, Purpose and most likely More D=4
diplomatic immunity See Act of state, You must decide with-inn the Nag E=5
Black’s, Delegate, Legate F=6
Hammadi Library where these Words
Amen Ægyptian cyber-code should are going to be used, in the place of the G=7
be Yahmen or Yahl’moon’t Cloud Word SOUL H=8
See Almen't, Mint, Yahlmen, Yahl’moon, See Nag Hammadi Library, White Flower I=9
Yahl’moon’t, Yahmen J = 10
America is a British Colony. the Angel NHL CybCd Your Keys are, the K = 20
'United States' is a Corporation, not a Moon, any Celestial Body, Stars, L = 30
geographic land mass and it existed Celestial Bodies that Move such as M = 40
before the Revolutionary War plus the A Comet, Powers, A Message or A N = 50
British Troops did not leave until 1796 Messenger and most likely More
See Republica v. Sweers 1 Dallas 43,
O = 60
You must decide with-inn the Nag P = 70
Treaty of Commerce 8 Stat 116, Treaty of Peace
8 Stat 80, IRS Publication 6209, Articles of Hammadi Library where these Words Q = 80
Association October 20, 1774 See United are going to be used, in the place of the
R = 90
States Cloud Word ANGEL S = 100
American Flag is none other See Nag Hammadi Library
T = 200
than The Vatican Jesuit Owned, Dutch- Animal Farm Banned Book in England
Animal Farm is an allegorical novella by
U = 300
Royal, Merchant-Class Slave-Running,
British Masonic Rite Trading Corporation George Orwell published in England on 17 V = 400
Flag used to Wage War on Man-kind August 1945. According to Orwell, the book W = 500
reflects events leading up to and during the X = 600
through covert means of Deception. it
Stalin era before World War II. Orwell, a
is identical to The Flag flown in democratic socialist,[1] was a critic of Joseph Y = 700
Indonesian Singapore. 2 the stars in Stalin and hostile to Moscow-directed Z = 800
The Square actually stand for the States of Stalinism, especially after his experiences
the World, the red for the Blood of the with the NKVD, and what he saw of the _____________________________
Earth, the Blue for the Arian Pure Blood results of the influence of Communist policy
and the white for the white wash of ("ceaseless arrests, censored newspapers,
prowling hordes of armed police" – Gem’atria Noomerica System
purity, hence the name Washington. it "Communism is now a counter-revolutionary Do Your Own Math !
is all a religious, oc’cultic covert
force"),[2] during the Spanish Civil War. In a
letter to Yvonne Davet, Orwell described System - C
See British Flag, Heraldry, Masonic
Square, Pledge, Pledge of Allegiance, United
Animal Farm as his novel "contre Stalin".[3]
The- Sixes Added
Companies, Vatican Square The Original title was Animal Farm: A Fairy A= 6
Mimi Pictionary No 15 Story, but the subtitle was dropped by the B = 12
US publishers for its 1946 publication and
subsequently all but one of the translations C = 18
Amo the True Sounds of the Mother
during Orwell's lifetime omitted the addition. D = 24
Amo 2 Ammunition reversed is the
Other variations in the title include: A Satire
True Sound of the Oc’cult Mother and
E = 30
and A Contemporary Satire.[3] Orwell
in reverse that is War suggested for the French translation the title F = 36
Union des républiques socialistes animales, G = 42
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
See Ammunition, Columbia, Lucifer, recalling the French name of the Soviet H = 48
Om, Oma, Star, Toma, Thoma Union, Union des républiques socialistes
soviétiques, and which abbreviates URSA, I = 54
Anagram : Oma lit the- True-
J = 60
Mother which is the Latin for "bear", a symbol of
Russia.[3] K = 66
Time magazine chose the book as one of the
An hiero glyf lit the Lyghte of 100 best English-language novels (1923 to L = 72
Creation Come Down 2005);[4] it also places at number 31 on the M = 78
Modern Library List of Best 20th-Century N = 84
Anagram / Anna- Gram Novels. It won a Retrospective Hugo Award
in 1996 and is also included in the Great O = 90
the Hidden and Reflective Meaning of A Books of the Western World. P = 96
Flaming t’Sword or Word when read
Q = 102
Back-Words primarily, which often has The novel addresses not only the corruption
an opposite or relative meaning of the of the revolution by its leaders but also how R = 108
forward reading of the-Word, a trans- wickedness, indifference, ignorance, greed S = 114
positioning of the symbols is sometimes and myopia destroy any possibility of a T = 120
Utopia. While this novel portrays corrupt
required too reflect the exact form, leadership as the flaw in revolution (and not U = 126
since all of the Modern Terms have the act of revolution itself), it also shows V = 132
been corrupted / Core-Ruppted how potential ignorance and indifference to W = 138
See Anna, Anna-Grahm, Began, College problems within a revolution could allow
of Abbreviators, Gan, Letters, Magana, Symbols horrors to happen if a smooth transition to a X = 144
Anagram : Magana lit the-Center of people's government is not achieved Y = 150
the Beginning Moment Z = 156
Anagram : Magma lit the-Center of Anna Grahm or Anna Ghrahm
the Mixing the Hidden and the Reflective Meaning Mysteries of Our A, B, C’s
the Numerical
of a Word when read BACK Words,
Angel / Ængel the-Aramaic is corr which often has an opposite- meaning of
Example for the Above # System
consider that each number is Equal to a percentage
Malech which means in the-orig-thought A- the forward reading of the word, a trans- _____________________________
Royal Flaming t'SWord of Fire and positioning of the Symbols is sometimes
Gudgement, and Lyghte and Truth and required too reflect the exact form, since In the Above System, each Letter Adds 6
all of the Modern Terms have been More Numbers as the Alphabet Continues
Peace and Love too Progress
whenever the term Angel or Malech
is being used within the-Scriptures, it is See the Pattern Examples for the- Words ...
almost always within reference to the Examples Computer
pure followers of the sacred way on the C = 18
æarth. the exception to this would be in Alpha reversed Phall / Fall
O = 90
reference to a ‘sign’ within nature, such Aramaic reversed Chimæra M = 78
as a comet flying past, these also can be
Royal messengers
Baal reversed Lab P = 96
U = 126
the ‘con’-cept of Esoteric men with Christ reversed Strict (silent T) Strike T = 120
wings on their backs, came directly out Dad reversed Dead E = 30
of the conceptions and pictures that R = 108 It All Adds Up Too 666
were evolved, and painted on the-walls Live reversed Evil
within Babylon, along wyth their Lived reversed Devil this Number is merely the Number of A
predecessor civilizations that came Star, it is not evil by itself, it was merely
before them
Lord reversed Drill taken over by the oc’cult because of it’s
Love reversed Evolve many mystical aspects See Number 36
you can now see the-perfected Below under The Diction of Numbers
evolution of them, on the-walls of the- Loyola reversed Loyal ( silent ‘a’)
Vatican. In these so-called Angels, are Sand reversed Dense Perfection
their ancestors, who called themselves
the- t’Eloheim / the- Illuminati / the- Run reversed Near P = 96
E = 30
Watchers, etc., it is their ancient-family When reversed New R = 108
members with Halos around their Yellow reversed Valley W is a ‘V’ for F = 36
heads and ‘Wings’ on their backs Yellov E = 30
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
within the- ME Dictionary below the Law of Diction from Ancient Time, is C = 18
Angel / Angle (Code),’ it says, the- that you are too change the vowels to get the T = 120
English relative and the Hidden Meanings I = 54
O = 90
See Ængel, Ænglish, Amalek, Angle, Other Form Examples N = 84 It All Adds Up Too 666
Angler, English, False-Messenger, Hook, PRESBYTERIAN
When you rearrange the letters
Anagram : Legion the Legions are It ALL Adds Up ! So Go Figure . . .
the Angels See Hollywood or Holy Wood and please Let Me Know What You Get
ASTRONOMER - dezert-owl
Angels and Demons When you rearrange the letters See Bar’Noon, Gematria, Math, Number
the Movie with Tom Hanks that
Theme found in Dan DESPERATION
played up on The Secret
Brown's Book, The DaVinci CODE, When you rearrange the letters
as the Un-Seen Hand continued to A ROPE ENDS IT It Is All ... An OPEN- Secret
weave a series of additional - Ancient- Sage’atic- Truth
diversionary half Truths, all added to THE EYES
When you rearrange the letters
confuse the Mind on how The World is
Really Run
THEY SEE The Diction of Numbers
See DaVinci CODE, Gnostic GEORGE BUSH
When you rearrange the letters
Anna lit Immediately or Quickly, HE BUGS GORE the One Becomes the Too, the Too Becomes
the- Three / Tree, and the Tree, Becomes the
Anna-Gram symb of the
it is the Ultimate
THE MORSE CODE Ten- Thousand, which is the True- Gudgement
Beginning and the Ænd / the Ænd and When you rearrange the letters for the- Highest- Zen
the Beginning All being the Same or One HERE COME DOTS
- Philo, Ancient- Proverb
See A, Anagram, Anna-Grahm, Anon,
Annon, Hanna, N, OriGp.1.3 DORMITORY
Anagram : Anna When you rearrange the letters 0 Equivalent with Number One
AnnaGram a Word that can be read 1 the- Play of the One
Back-Words and in other ways by SLOT MACHINES
adjusting the letters that constiture When you rearrange the letters 2 You and the-DyVine Presence
itself. the law of changing Vowels also CASH LOST IN ME
comes into play here, as well as the A ANIMOSITY
3 Æverything Happens with Three
and the T may be silent See Anna When you rearrange the letters
IS NO AMITY 4 the Four Corners of the Æarth
Annex Officio Ex- Officio
immediate Claim of an Office bye virtue ELECTION RESULTS 5 the Power In Hand / the Builder
of a pure Obligation or the Immediate When you rearrange the letters
need for the Filling of an Empty seat
LIES - LET'S RECOUNT 6 it is the Number of Man and
See Act-of-state, Black’s, Delegate, Ex SNOOZE ALARMS
Creation of Ions
Officio, Legate, Pure-Obligation When you rearrange the letters
ALAS! NO MORE Z 'S 7 Perfection
A DECIMAL POINT 8 the Number of Return and the
Anagram : the Ten- Ions of the Air When you rearrange the letters Æighth Day with no Ænd
lit Grabbing Hold of the Air I'M A DOT IN PLACE
See Air, All Lyve, Anointed, 9 Destruction ref 9 and 11 for 911
Anointing, Gudgement of the Ten the-, Ion, Oil,
When you rearrange the letters
Olive, Y 10 Gudgement
Anointed you shalt not touch the ELEVEN PLUS TWO 11 A New Beginning
Lords Anointed See All Lyve, Anoint, When you rearrange the letters
Ion, Oil, Olive, Story of David and Saul, Y TWELVE PLUS ONE 12 the t’Star Message

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
MOTHER-IN-LAW 13 the Pull of the Moon’t
The Anointing Now, When you rearrange the letters
The Anointing, that you have received WOMAN HITLER 22 the Number of Perfection.
from him, Lyves and Breathes wyth-inn See Anagram, Letters, Pericopes, there are Twenty-Two Letters in the
you, so that, you do not need any one to Symbols, the Above Words, Vowels Aramaic / Hebrew Alphabets
plant this seed wythin you, to teach
you, because this pure-Eye of the Annoonacki those Who
lit Came 36 add- up every- number from One
anointing implants wythin you, the true from the t’Sunne / Sun / SVN through 36 including 36 and they all add
nature of all things, and is founded See Avatar, Nineveh, Sun up to 666. Example: 1 + 2 + 3+ 4 + 5 +
upon the truth, direct from the trees . . . etc all the way through and
root, and for this reason it is NOT a part Anoushka Shankar Number One including 36
of any lie, so even as this anointing
Musical Performer on The Sitar in the
leads and guides you, you will then
World See Her Music on YouTUBE
56 this is the Perfect Lunar Cycle. the
Lyve forever, within the One number of Aubrey Holes in the Aubrey
I Jn 2:27 PTRP Circle at Stone-Henge, which is 288 feet
See All Lyve, Anoint, Ion, Oil,
Apathy in total Diameter and the- Number of
Olive, Sinderesis, Y Resignation LEADS too Apathy, Restoration. The fifty-six Aubrey Holes
Apathy leads to Inertia, to Inerta leads to served as a computer, by using them to
Antioch symb cybr cde for Agnostic Indifference, then Indifference Paralyzes count the years, the Stone-Henge priests
as Jerusalem was that is the Haters of the Instinct for Self-Defence, that is, the could have kept accurate track of the
moon and so could have predicted
pure Knowledge very Instinct to Fight Back
danger periods for the most spectacular
- Oriana Fallaci
Any lit an Æye See Æye, eclipses of the moon and sun. In fact,
An-Eye, Breath, Breath of the many, By, Bye, E,
the Aubrey Circle could have been used
Eye the-, H, He, Him, I, Me, Mothers- Eye, My-
Apostille a Document that you Send to predict many celestial events. It is
Eyes, Mye, One the-, Y, Ye, Yoo, You to Your Secretary of State, as A said of the Stone-Henge priests, that he
Formality of Notice, Declaring Your who would track the moon would use a
Apostille a Document that you Send actual Standing on the land or on open 56-year cycle. It will be recalled that
to Your Secretary of State, as A waters the connotations of seven and eight, in
Formality of Notice, Declaring Your See Hague the, Post, Postal, Standing vs. Status connection with fifteen : 7 + 8 = 15,
introduce the perfect application of
actual Standing on the land or on open
Divine Grace issuing in Glory. That
waters and this is where we get the Ar lit Power root Air
being true, the same connotations, by
Word Postal S ee Air, Ararat, Ark, Armor, Art, Arthur, Power
multiplication in connection with fifty-
See Hague the, Out Post, Post, Postal, six : 7 X 8 = 56, would greatly intensify
Standing vs. Status Ar’Chi-maic or Ar’Chi't-maich the significance of both seven and eight.
Apostle commercial term that means lit The POWER of the t'SVN / Sun / In the Book of Revelation, the phrase, ‘I
the Packaged Goods that were Shipped Son in the Mother's Great Mysteries saw’, occurs 56 times.
Away and this is where we get the See Air, C, Chi, Ich, Ick, Kite, Ma
Word Postal See Apostle Ship, 66
the Number of the Æarth
Apostille, EL, Gates the, Legates, Out Post, Post, Aramaic the original and most pre- t his is why there is a petroleum
Postal, St, The Gates Dominant tongue from our ancient past, company called Phillips 66 because they
Anagram : EL Stopa lit the Stop of it was spoken from Africa all the way to get their product from the earth
the EL China. the various names of the many
different dialects that were in use: 153 this Number is found in the final
Apostleship corr Delegation Amharic Af., Chaldean or Babylonian,, chapter of John’s Gospel, in connection
See Apostille, Apostle, Gates the-, Syro/Chiro-Phonician, Eastern Aramaic with the-great-take of fish: “Shemon-
Legates, Post, Postal or Syriac (Syro), Eastern Aramaic in Chepha jumped into the-water and
Northern Iraq which is the most pure, etc swam to shore, while the others pulled-
2 lit the POWER of the Ancient Mother's up the-catch and drew the net to land,
Appearances For The Great
full of many fish, one-hundred and fifty-
Majority of Mankind, they are Secrets, with other implications as well
See Air, Archi-Maic, C, Chi, Ich, Ick, Kite, Ma three to be exact: and even though there
satisfied with all appearances, as though were so many, the net was not even
they were in fact the realities, and are broken.” Jn. 21:11. One-Hundred and
often more influenced by the things that Archon NHL CybCd Your Keys are,
fifty-three is, for this reason, is
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
seem to be, than by those things that the Power that Deceives, Power, speculated to be the-very-number of the
really are Earthly Powers, Rulers Earthly or very first-followers, who were called-
- Niccolo Machiavelli Other, Blind Powers or Rulers, the- out, chosen and elected
Moon’t, DeMon, Demon, Lucifer and at the-very-beginning of his walk and
Aquarian Gospel actually
most likely More ministerial-work, Yahshuah’t told two
The ORIGINAL Gospel of Jesus, The You must decide with-inn the Nag of his followers: “I will make you
CHRIST fishers of men.” This is a number that
Hammadi Library, where these Words has taxed the-ingenuity of some of the-
The Entire Life Story of Jesus The are going to be used, in the place of the best Bible students from earliest times,
Christ Cloud Word ARCHON for all the-possible mathematical
A Translation by LEVI H See Nag Hammadi Library combinations, demonstrate it too be a
DOWLING factor of utmost significance
the Introduction in the Front of the Arck Arch / Arch / Ark / Etc it is divided by seventeen and is the-
Book is a cover story and a diversion as lit the Power of the t’Sun sum of all numbers, up too and
to this documents true origin, which no See Eric, Erich, High Noon including seventeen. It is interesting,
doubt was in that Secret twenty Five that there are seventeen letters in the
Mile Long Book Shelving in the Argos the History of Greece oc’cult-motto, Novus Ordo Seclorum
Vatican and came out for some reason begins with the Founding of Argos, right (i.e., “a new order of th- ages.”) on the-
to be shared with the World. although after the Flood by Phoroneus or the Fire reverse-side of the United States Great
the Introduction by, supposedlyi Levi Seal and one-hundred and fifty-three is
Bringer, whose Worship is the Origin of
Sister, is interesting reading, and is also closely connected, ironically with
some truth, the introduction should be THE ETERNAL FLAME United States History
wholy discounted, as, the document is See Silent Brother Hood
the gematria of the-expression “Sons
of such a pure nature, that it most likely
was taken right out of the Aramaic and
Ark of the Covenant A Great Mystery of God,” is exactly 153; therefore, it
may be said that this is the-number of
most assuredly was in the Library in You Are the Ark of the Covenant the-sons-of-God, or correctly, the t’Seed
Chi'zarea / Cæsarea in Syria. THIS IS - dezert-owl of Lyghte
See Ar, Arch, Archi
318 Literally ‘to Save,’ the primary-
Jesus, The CHRIST The Armenia symb cybr cde for the Power implication comes from the period of
of the Moon’t Abraham when 318 of his tribe were
Redeemer of The Entire World
circumcised, and then these same went
and The Greatest Story Aryan Hindus, Hindu being a and saved Lot from slavery and
NEVER TOLD mis-Nomer or the East-Indoo Fallen
FREE PDF Down-Load at Watchers have always ruled Rome and 381 three-Words, Eight Letters, one
were responsible for the Visi-Goths who Meaning : I Love You
l_Gospel.Html Order from
invaded Rome and for the Ostragoths, as
800 843 5743 one Example, who were all from the 666 the-Heb/Aramaic Numerical value
DeVorss & Company Aryan Race. they also instituted Babylon STVR for Star (start) ref Rev 13:18
P O Box 550 Aryan 2 lit the Power from Afar 66 is the number of the Æarth
Marina del Rey California 90291 See Adoni, Assyrians, Book of I Enoch, East 6 is the number of man
USA India Trading Company, India, Nazi, SS Showing the- progression of Creation
See Aquarian Gospel 1919 Reprint at down-ward See New, Nova
Amazon Ashram A Village or the World
See Philocalia 888 the Greek Numerical Value of
Asheera Fertility Goddess of Jesus
Ar lit root Power or the Canaanites
the POWER of the AIR See Ash, Is, Ish 1000 Vonne Tao Zen
See Air, Ark, Arm, Art, Arthur, POW Ask Ask and You wyll Receive,
So that your Enlightenment can be made 111,111,111 x
Archi Genatore Our Great Complete. I have Breathed these things
111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321
Architect and Heavenly Father Who from all of the Symbols and Metaphors
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Rules from His Throne in the- t’Svn / nature Jn 16:24,25
found wyth-inn
Sun, the- Æarth being His Foot- Stool
See Abba, Architect of Power, Great Father See
- Jesus, the Christ
Natural- Reflections, Lamsa Aramaic and
Moffatt Translations 1777 Ædition
Area 51 the REAL Space Program wyth Emendations by, dezert-owl
See NASA, Nevada, Veda, Werner Von Braun Assyrians lit the Ass Aryans
the Lower Class Aryans who did A- Lesson for The-Youth
Arrogant the bidding of the Aryan Priest Hoods Pray to God / Call no one ill names
See Aryan, Celtic, Irish, Islam, Mercenary, See Celtic, Irish, Mercenary / Love God / Use no ill words / Fear
Muslim, Nazi God / Tell no lies / Serve God / Hate
Article III Court also AT Law cybr cde for Malta Lies / Take not God's Name in vain /
A Constitutional Court Speak the Truth always / Spend your
called the W and the M are Interchangeable
- Random House Webster’s Law Dictionary Time constructively / Do not Swear /
CODES Love your Schooling / Do not Steal /
See AT, Alaphabet the, Babking, Knights of Take Care of your Books / Never cheat
Asia symb cybr cde for Judah / Malta, Knights Templars, M, in your play / Strive to learn about
Yudah, the World, the East and the Maltese Cross, Vatican, W
everything / Play not with bad boys or
Sun Anagram : Malta girls / Do not act stupidly

Assaults What can be Worse - AT - The Great Symbols

than Calumny? For it seduces the ears
and perplexes the minds of those who CODE -
- The - THE Phœnecian SLAVE Alphabet -
listen to it, and it makes them brutal and - AT- Las(t) - ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO
always on a watch for evil or wrongs in PQRSTUWXYZ
others, like men engaged in hunting;
but those who are well balanced and See EL, Wo, Woman, Man
The- Miniscule Symbols
restrained by prudent reason, hate the AT the CODE of Creation and - Sovereign Alphabet -
man who utters calumnies and rumors, the Lyghte t’Seed for the DNA of
even more than him, against who they abcdefghijklmno
are Uttered - Philo, the True
Lyfe the First and the Last Symbols of pqrstuvwxyz
Philosophy the Original Alphabets, they are lit the

See Hear Say Breath of Continuance or the t’Seed of Vowels

Lyfe and Create the Mythologies of a e i o u y
Assembly NHL CybCd Your Keys All Ancient Cultures, it was and still is
are, the Creation and most likely More their Law See At Law Consonants
You must decide with-inn the Nag AT 2 Where Ever You Are for b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v
Hammadi Library, where these the CODE of Lyfe
Words are going to be used, in the place wxz
of the Cloud Word ASSEMBLY A T 3 It
See Nag Hammadi Library See Æleph, Ælpha, Ælaphax, Aleph,
Alpha, Alapha’t, Alaphat, Alaphax, Ararat, At
Double Symbols
Hand, At Law, AT-Words, Breath-of- ct ff fi fl ffi ffl sh si ssi sl ss st
Assyrians symb cybr cde for the
Continuance, Gesenius-Lexicon, Hand, It, Life,
People Before the Flood also after the OO, Oomega, Tab, Tau, Tav, U, Ω Italich Symbols
Great Flood, those used by the Aryan Anagram : Tan lit Darkened by the-
Lyghte of the-t’Sun. it implies Mystery Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh
/ Arian Priest-Hood 2 the Ass Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq
Arians used up by the Brahmin Aryan
AT ords W Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
the Mystery Godt- Dress
See Arians, Brahmin Aryan,
Italich Double Symbols
Celtic Connection
and a Mystery owel ÆT. there is a ct ff fi ffi fl ffl sh si ss ssi sl st
- AT - pattern that unfolds, with-in this line of
creation. AT & ET is found as a part Ab eb ib ob ub
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
- The component of Many Words, here is the ac ec ic oc uc
- AT- Las(t) - Æntrance ad ed id od ud
See the Pattern af ef if of uf
ag eg ig og ug
Example aj ej ij oj uj
AT CODE of Creation AAT
the Too Forces of Creation
and the t’Seed for the DNA of Life, the
ak ek ik ok uk
See Darkness, Lyghte
al el il ol ul
First and the Last symbols of the orig
Alphabets they are lit the Breath of
Attention am em im om um
Continuance or the t’Seed of Life and an en in on un
create the Mythologies of all Ancient
Bat - the Mother’s Dark Creation
ap ep ip op up
See Born, Begin
cultures, it was and still is their law ar er ir or ur
See At Law
Cat / Chat – the Mother’s Tongue of
as es is os us
AT 2 Where Ever You Are it is See De-moon-ich, Vatican
at et it ot ut
the Code of Lyfe av ev iv ov uv
Dat / Date / Data – the collected Record
AT 3 syn with It of Tyme, wyth-inn the Book of Life
ax ex ix ox ux
See Æleph, Ælpha, Ælaphax, See the Appointment az ez iz oz uz
Aleph, Alpha, Alapha’t, Alaphat, Alaphax,
Eat - the æye/ eye of consumption
Ararat, At Hand, At Law, AT Words, Breath of
Continuance, Gesenius Lexicon, Hand, It, Life, See Ælpha Beth, Alpha Beth, Breath Words of One Syllables
OO, Oomega, Tab, Tau, Tav, U, Ω Age all ape are babe beef best bold cat
Fat / Fate – the result of consumption cake crown cup deaf dead dry dull eat
Anagram : Tan lit Darkened bye the See F, Fa, Fay, Fe, P, PH, Pha, Phay
Lyghte of the t’Sun it implies Mystery ear eggs eyes face feet fish foul gate
Gat / Gate - at the Breath of Creation good grass great hand hat head heart ice
ink isle job kick kind kneel know lamb
At Hand or AT Hand See GATT
lame land long made mole moon mouth
which correctly means In Hand, Hat – the Breath of creation within your name night noise noon oak once one
but in the orig thought it is lit the Breath
head See Add, Had ounce pain pair pence pound quart
of Continuance is Wyth-inn Your Iat- a Vission for the Too SS’es, the queen quick quilt rain raise rose run
Greater and the Smaller saint sage salt said rake talk time throat
Hand vain vice vile view way wait waste
See Irate, Moses’ Serpent, SS
AT Hand 2 NOW Jat / Jet / Jot - write what you see
See Ad, An, And, AT,
See J, Quickly, Yood, Yoode, Yud
Breath of Continuance, Law, H, Hand, In Hand,
Star Kat - the broken Bridge Words of Two Syllables
See B Ridge, Cyber Code, H, K, Levi Ab-sent ab-hor a-pron au-thor Ba-bel
Atlantis Hiding right in front of you Lat / Lad - how we Climb in the-Maze
be-came be-guile bold-ly Ca-pon cel-
Ægypt the Egg and Crypt of all lar con-stant cup-board Dai-ly de-
See Ladder, Lattice, Maze pend di-vers du-ty Ea-gle ea-ger en-
Civilization. the Nile is the River that Mat / Math - add it all up on your close e-ven Fa-ther fa-mous fe-male
metaphorically Flowed out of Eden and
knees See Æmath, Methuselah fu-ture Ga-ther gar-den gra-vy glo-ry
parted into four heads, flowing down hei-nous hate-ful hu-mane hus-band In-
into the great valley where the Great Nat - that which came down from the- fant in-deed in-cence i-sland Ja-cob
Flood now sits wythin the middle of the t’Start and is unseen
jeal-ous jus-tice ju-lep La-bour la-den
land, now the Mediterranean Sea See Nation, Phœnecian/ Flow-Nations
la-dy la-zy Ma-ny ma-ry mo-tive mu-
SeeA Picture of the Great Flood on the Oat / Oath - the True, the Perfect and the sick
NEWS Tab at www.TheREALPublicRadio.Net ,
Complete- Creation wyth- inn the Breath
Atlas the Woman of Creation
and the eye of the return
Words of Six Syllables
See Return, Rue, Ruin, Rune, Truth
… Carrying a Great Weight on Her
Pat / Pit - Patterns of Deception
A-bo-mi-na-ti-on / Gra-ti-fi-ca-ti-on /
Shoulders Be-ne-fi-ci-al-ly / Hu-mi-li-a-ti-on /
See Fay, Fit, Phay, the-Hand of the-plow
See Lucifer, Mythology
Qat / What - the-Too women, one of Con-ti-nu-a-ti-on / I-ma-gi-na-ti-on /
Anagram : Salt
Lyfe and the one of Death
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
See Too-‘V’s De-ter-mi-na-ti-on / Pu-ri-fi-ca-ti-on /
Attendant this is the Guardian of Rat / Rit - the Deception
the Inheritance of any Birth E-di-fi-ca-ti-on / Mor-ti-fi-ca-ti-on /
See D, Ratification, Sell-Outs
See Blacks Fa-mi-li-a-ri-ty / Qua-li-fi-ca-ti-on
Sat - the Æye, He rested
Attorn [e-'tern] Anglo-French aturner See the t’Start and the Ænd _____________________________
to transfer (allegiance of a tenant to
another lord), from Olde French atorner Tat / That - the Breath of the Tree
to turn (to), arrange, from a- to + torner See the-Tree Our Very Sacred ...
to Turn: to agree to be the tenant of a Uat - a Poison Cup See U / u, UV, W
new landlord or owner of the same
property See Mer-Web Dict of Law
Vat - a pure cup See UV, V Custom an Usage d
1996 Wat / Watt / What – the Power of - Contributions Welcome -
Attorn 2 v.i. [L. ad and torno.] In the Deception See W
feudal law, to turn, or transfer homage
and service from one lord to another.
Xat - Destruction of the Truth Health Tips
See Q, T, X Burns Read It NOW Before You NEED It
This is the act of feudatories, vassels or
tenants, upon the alienation of the Yat / Yacht / Yahll’t - the-Truth that VERY Impressive! Why did we never hear of this
before??!! I've always just run it under the cold
estate. See AT, AT Words, Attorn, Bar, Goes- Round See Arc, Arch, Y water tap
Brit, Eye, Foreign, King, Noble, Nobility, Tare,
Tear, Tore, Torn, Title, Web 1828 Dict
Zat - for complete Vission at the-Ænd A Woman's Experience With Burns
See A, Mag, Oomega, T, Z, Ω Some time ago I was cooking some corn and
Attorney lit with an Æye for the- See Atlas, Las, Last, the-Above Words stuck my fork in the boiling water to see if the
_____________________________ corn was ready. I missed and my hand went into
King Brit, a form of a Title of the boiling water.... A friend of mine, who was a
Nobility, a foreign Agent, a Noble
See AT, AT-Words, Attorn, Bar, Brit, D,
AT Words Vietnam vet, came into the house, just as I was
screaming, and asked me if I had some plain old
flour. I pulled out a bag and he stuck my hand in
Eye, Foreign, King, Noble, Nobility, T, Title 2 Lyfe the CODE of Lyfe, the it. He told me to keep my hand in the flour for 10
DNA of Lyfe Mythos of Lyfe minutes which I did. He said that in Vietnam, there
Anagram : NORAD lit the Æye of and the
was a guy on fire and in their panic, they threw a
NORAD North American Aerospace Defense See the Pattern bag of flour all over him to put the fire out...Well,
Command it not only put the fire out, but he never even had a
Authority Permission Example blister !

See Black’s 6th Ararat is a code for They came inn-too the- ... Long story short, I put my hand in the bag of
Second Great- Age of Lyving Not Mt. Ararat flour for 10 mins pulled it out and did not even
Awakening it also implies that there were powers in operation have a red mark or a blister and absolutely NO
There is a Greater Awakening in At Hand is a code for Within Your Hand PAIN. Now, I keep a bag of flour in the fridge
and every time I burn myself. *Cold flour feels
giving, than there is in receiving
- Ancient Proverb
Atlas is a code for the- Supporter of Life even better than room temperature flour.
I use the flour and have never ONCE had I ever
Attack is a code for Nail your Life had even a red spot/burn mark, or a blister! I even
burnt my tongue once, put the flour on it for about
Ax Ancient Tool that
the Attention is a code for Get ready for some 10 minutes ... the pain was gone and no burn.
Conquered World, found within Words
The Try it and Experience A Miracle ! Keep a bag of
flour in your fridge and you will be happy you did!
the bundle of Black Ebony Rods known Attorn is a code for the tearing away of Life BTW DON’T run your burn area under cold
as the Fasscii or the Faces for the Chi or Attorney is a code for Torn from Your Eyes water first, just put it directly into the flour for 10
the t’Svn minutes
Bat is a code for What flies through the-
See Axe, Band, Berserker-Ax, Craft, Air and can strike you in the Head or the- It Really Works, I needed it One Day MySelf
Faces, Fasscii, Rods, Tax, Treason Mother’s Breath
Hat is a code for What is in your Mind or - dezert-owl
Axiom or Axioms
Under Your Hat is Knowledge
philosophy a self evident and necessary
truth, a proposition which it is Malta is an anagram and code for...
necessary to take for granted, a AT- LAW
Knowledge Inherent within all things
proposition whose truth is so evident NAFTA is a code for the- Creative CODE
. . . the Æntire World and the Universe
that no reasoning or demonstration can that has Come-Down
is A Library full of Books
make it plainer. for Example the Whole Salt(a) is an anagram and code for Atlas the-
- Chief Luther Standing Bear

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
is greater than a part Woman who Supports the- Æarth

That is a code for the- Breath of Lyfe
- The Whole Truth -
Yalta in the- Crimea on the Black Sea, and is a
All of Your Assumptions Have Been Wrong
code for the Creative- Light that goes round
- 13 - At the- close of WW II
You must remember, that wyth-inn
See the Above Words
- Lunar Cycle - __________________________ the ‘Intelligence- World’, every Truth
- Bith / BeTA / Bee - Aton Egypt for Sun God can be based upon a lie, while every lie
B = 13 = Ool can be based upon some- Truth
See Adam. Atom, Ten, Tenn
See Horizon, Svn / Sun & Moon't, Thirsten, If you try and separate the two, you will
Thirteen, Thirteen Lunar Months in a Year Augentore lit the Power with the only wind up confused and frustrated
B/ b a prim symbol for the Agent and the Power of the Ore
See Age, Agent, Bat, Batman, Batmoney, If you are an Out-sider, you will very
Mother or the Mother’s Breast, the slowly learn that there is no separation
Batrachia, Batta, Bhat, Ore, Power, Tare, Tear,
Æloveheim. it is also a CODE directly
Tore, Weapon between these two, since the lies and the
related to the V, PH and then the- F in Truth, are both, just two of the many
that order Authority NHL CybCd Your Keys are,
sides of the very same ever flipping coin
B/ b 2 capital B is Female and
the t’Sun symbolically of the Supreme
the Small b is Male
Architect and Father of Lyghte and If you are an Insider, you will slowly
Authority and Most likely More learn and then often painfully learn, that
B/b 3 symbolically You must decide with-inn the Nag sometimes.... the Coin it simply lands by
See Bee, Breast, Breath, East, F, H, P, mere chance. Yet, sometimes the way it
PH, Phallus, Q, Queen of Creation, V
Hammadi Library where these Words lands is totally rigged... by, you'll never
are going to be used, in the place of the know who and then sometimes, there is
Babylon symb cybr cde for Babylon- Cloud Word AUTHORITY not even a coin at all
Judah and Israel See Nag Hammadi Library
Power of Eve and at If you are lucky and work very hard
Avatar lit the
it, you will find at least, some part of
Bacon Darkness 2 the Gods Come Down the Truth, but, if you are really lucky,
Sir Francis Bacon's Book in the Form of Men Hindu mod and really work hard at this..., YOU
Nevv See Movie Symbolisim might....even.... Find The-Whole-Truth,
as some-body out-‘there’, really wants
ATLANTIS. Ayurveda Healing from India it is you to know it
A VVork vnfinished. the Most Advanced form of Healing
Now, if you are phænomenally lucky,
Sicence in The World
VVritten by the Right, Honorable, because you have worked your tail off,
FRANCIS Lord Verulam, Viscount St. Alban Azaz'EL then you might even go on to find the
the proverbial Skape Goat
Time for The Light of The Hidden Truth Entire REAL Truth. Yet, no ‘out-sider’,
See Chimaera, Jesus at the Cross/ Curse
See Egypt and in fact, very few ‘Insiders’ ever go

on and learn The Entire REAL Truth
Bank for Lat Bench - Former Intelligence Officer
the so called Judge is sitting on the - 13 -
Bench, which is also the Crown Bank
See BAR - Lunar Cycle - - A Police Report -
- Bith / BeTA / Bee -
BAR an abbrev for Baron and
B = 13 = Ool Beware
British Accredited Regency Of
See AT, At Law, AT Words, Attorney See Horizon, Svn / Sun & Moon't, Thirsten,

Anagram : Rob lit the Attorneys are

Thirteen, Thirteen Lunar Months in a Year Homeland Security Training
the Robber Barons B/ b a prim symbol for the
For ALL Local Law Enforcement
2 Bar lit Born of or Son of Mother the Mother’s Breast, the-
by An Insider ...
See Æloveheim. it is also a CODE directly
Ben, Rib
Anagram : Rib in Direct Reference related to the V, PH and then the F in NOTICE -
to the Sand Bar that order By James Wesley, Rawles
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
B / b 2 capital B is Female and on March 30, 2011 8:28 PM
Barnabas root-form bar’Nabba lit
small b is Male
the-Son of the-Father Come-Down. the- Law Enforcement . . .
priest-hoods added S’s to many of the- B / b 3 13 symbolically
ARE YOU Being Taught To HATE and
words in the-scriptures, ‘S’ being the- SeeBee, Breast, Breath, East, F, H, P, PH,
symbol of the-serpent, all in order too Phallus, Q, Queen of Creation, V Fear Christians As TERRORISTS ?
corrupt them, and then disguise their How America is being Destroyed from
true origin. that is the-purpose of B’rish’t- Millcha silent T in Milk the a
With-In Through Ignorance of Mind
Babylon See Abba, Bar, bar’Nabba, N is silent, mod Circumcision lit the Breath
of Purification and the Mothers Milk From : A Fellow Police Officer...
Baptize bap an oc’cult word for of Purification Sworn to Serve And PROTECT LIFE
a Phallus See Baptism, Breath, British, Are You... A REAL American?
Circumcision, Milk, Mill, Millcha Then PLEASE... Read On...
Baptize 2 a commer term for the
Ceremony performed on Merchant BA the Soul ARE YOU Now THE NEW and
Vessels which pass the Line for the See Abel, Abraham, Alchemy, THE REAL... TERRORIST ?
First Time See Bailey’s Dict, Ing, Baal, Bat, Love, Mixing, Star, Sun, Svn
Milch’a-Rite Anagram : AB that which is First / php?19684-Beware-of-Homeland-Security-
Phyirst or Fire Start Training-for-Local-Law-Enforcement-by-
Bar Fly Association The BAR An-
See American Bar Association FRAUD, Baal / Baall / Ball Insider&s=1f7b2356f5f10918e9005ae6a08e
Barron first A is silent the First Pagan / Fagan 55f5
Batman or Bætmen Deity that was Worshiped, it implies the
n. See the-
God that Consumes or the Consumer
First-Element of Bathorse 1 originally re_of_Homeland_security_tr.html
one who looked after the-baggage of See Abel, Alchemy, BA, Balah,
pack-animals 2 now generally an EL Balah, Hidden Woman, Love, Mixing I’ve been in Law Enforcement for the past
: Lab 18 years. I have attended a variety of training
officer’s servant See Abate, Agent, in the Lab, the Ball
over those years. During the 1990s, most
Augentore, Bat, Batmoney, Baton, Batrachia, is definitely suggestive of the Round Glass
training I attended was community-oriented,
Batta, Battle, Bhat Flasks, but it also has to do wyth the oc’cult
sponsored by local agencies or private
Alchemical mixing of chemicals and Earth
companies specializing in police training.
Batmoney n. the First Element Themes common to training of the past
is prob quite distinct from that in prec. Baal Shem Tav Heb for included topics such as Constitutional rights,
word & comes from Hindu bhat, the Master of the Good Name community partnerships, youth-oriented
advances made to ploughmen with-out a Kabbalahistic Rabbi programs and problem-oriented policing.
interest and bye extension, extra Baal - Shem - Tav During the past several years, I have
allowances made to officers on special Master - of The Good - Name witnessed a dramatic shift in the focus of law
grounds. the Anglo-Indian form is SON - of The Perfect - Title enforcement training. Law enforcement
batta. a Field allowance made to an courses have moved away from a local
officer on active service
See Baal, Kabbalah, Shem, Tav
community focus to a federally dominated
See Abate, Agent, Augentore, Bat, Bactarian lit orig tho Back Terrain model of complete social control. Most
Batman, Baton, Batrachia, Batta, Battle, Bhat for Camel See Camel, Cloud, Gimel training I have attended over the past two
years have been sponsored by Department of
Baton n. Fr. Baton or Stick or Staff’. Bactra symb cybr cde for the World Homeland Security (DHS), namely the
O.Fr. Baston, etym unknown 1 a Staff Transportation Security Administration
(TSA) and Federal Emergency Management
or office or ‘symbol’ of rank, e.g. a Balah Consumed Agency (FEMA).
Field-Marshal’s baton. 2 Short, thick See Abel, Alchemy, BA, EL-
staff, also called ‘truncheon, used by Balah, Hidden Woman, Love, Mixing No matter what topic the training session
the police for defense and attack. 3. a Anagram : Olive too Fill Up concerns, every DHS sponsored course I
slender staff used by the conductor of have attended over the past few years never
an orchestra for beating time. 4. in fails to branch off into warnings about
Balam Mayan Jaguar potential domestic terrorists in the
Heraldry, an ordinary, in the-form of a
bend (q.v.) with its ends cut off, and
pronounced Ball-La-Ma community. While this may sound like a
one fourth of the breadth See Baal, Leopard valid officer and community safety issue,
you may be disturbed to learn how our
See Abate, Agent, Augentore, Bat, Bank Account Federal government describes a typical

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Batman, Batmoney, Batrachia, Batta, Battle, Domestic- Terrorist.
Bhat, Button Opening A Bank Account
Battle lit the Bat of the EL or With-Out A S.S.N. These federal trainers describe the dangers of
“extremists” and “militia groups” roaming
Bat of the KNight or simply the Bat Just wanted to drop you a line to let the community and hiding in plain sight,
See Abate, Agent, Augentore, B, Bat, you know about a recent small Victory in ready to attack. Officers are instructed how
Batman, Batmoney, Baton, Batrachia, Batta, the No SSN Corner. to recognize these domestic terrorists by
Battle, Bhat, Button, EL, Tab, Tau, Tav, V I recently tried to Open a Bank their behavior, views and common
Anagram : EL Tab / EL Tav Account with my local bank , and when characteristics. State data bases are kept to
track suspected domestic terrorists and
lit the Ænd of the EL the End justifies the they asked for a SSN, I informed them officers are instructed on reporting
means that I didn't have one. They flatly procedures to state and federal agencies. The
refused and said that without a SSN that state I work in, like many others, have what
Bauer Family the Rothchild they absolutely could NOT open an is known as a “fusion center” that compiles a
or the Red-Shield Jewish Banking account of any kind. I then proceeded watch list of suspicious people.
Family that are the Protectors and the thus to convince them that they were in
the wrong: 1) I informed them that I had So how does a person qualify as a potential
Defenders of the Vatican Trust domestic terrorist? Based on the training I
See Bower, Red Shield, Rockefeller, terminated my SSN legally in have attended, here are characteristics that
Vatican accordance with 20 CFR 3 A7 404.1905 qualify:
Beast System All World and 2) I informed them that the bank
could not be held legally responsible by * Expressions of libertarian philosophies
Governments Institutions are the
anyone for failing to obtain a SSN from (statements, bumper stickers)
Beast System with ALL of their Marks me pursuant to 31 CFR 103.34(a)(1) and * Second Amendment-oriented views
and Trappings 3) I informed them that under the (NRA or gun club membership, holding a
CCW permit)
Internal Revenue Code Section 6041, * Survivalist literature (fictional books
Becoming that they were not even required to such as "Patriots" and "One Second After"
It is better to be and Not to Say, provide any taxpayer identification are mentioned by name)
numbers on the Form 1099 that they file * Self-sufficiency (stockpiling food,
than to Say and Not to be.
with the IRS at the end of the year, and ammo, hand tools, medical supplies)
- Ancient Sage * Fear of economic collapse (buying gold
4) I informed them that pursuant to 26
and barter items)
Beginning Wyth CFR 301.6109-1(c) that they were under
no legal obligation to obtain a SSN from
* Religious views concerning the book of
Revelation (apocalypse, anti-Christ)
the Gospel of Yahcanon me, and 5) I informed them that 42 USC * Expressed fears of Big Brother or big
408 makes it a FELONY to use threat, government
Chaphter 1 duress, or coercion to try to force a * Home-Schooling
1 At the-First-Instant of the-Darkness, person by fear or deceit to provide his * Declarations of Constitutional rights and
there appeared the- Greight-t’ Symbol- SSN in an unlawful manner. After a civil liberties
brief meeting with the banks controller * Belief in a New World Order conspiracy
Ov-Lyghte, being a roaring, Flaming-
T’Sword of Fire and Gudgement. Now, and legal counsel, I received a phone
A Recent Training Session I Attended,
this Royal- Flaming- t’Sword is with, call stating that I would be allowed to encouraged Law Enforcement Agencies to
Yahvehe’t, Ælovehe-God, and this- open a checking account. Please pass work with business owners to alert police
Royal-flaming-t’Sword is found within this information along to your readers, in when customers appear to be stockpiling
the-Æloveheim. hopes that it may help someone else who items. An example was given that a federal
may find themselves in this situation agent was monitoring customers at a well
2 This identical-Principle is from the- Craig Burkholder known hunting and fishing retail outlet and
very- beginning and is always found Harrisonburg VA noting who was purchasing certain items.
This is something to remember the next time
within the-Æloveheim. See Banking, Private Institution, Sovereignty you purchase a case of ammo at one of these
popular outdoor sports retail stores.
3 All things are then made by Her; and Baphomet Masonic Idol
without Her, there is nothing that is See Five Pointed Star, Goat, Pazuzu Methods of developing evidence of terrorist
made, that She did not make. activity from virtually any search have also
Bar lit Born of or Son of been discussed. Various common materials
4 In Her is found the-Duality and the- which may be associated with homemade
See Ben, Bhar, Rib explosives are listed, such as lengths of pipe,
Vyvification for Alle of Lyfe; and this
Vyvification fore Alle of Lyfe is the- Anagram : Rib in Direct Reference to gunpowder, matches, flammable liquids and
the Sand Bar fireworks. Officers are told when these items
First-Lyghte, that Shines for alle the-
are found, they can be listed as “bomb

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Blood of the-æarth. Bar’Noon mod cyb cde making materials”. The training even goes so
far as to instruct officers that the items are
Number bye implication Born of the cleverly disguised as legitimate, such as
5 And this Great-Lyghte and Royal-
Flaming- t’Sword- wythin- the-Return- Creative Lyghte that is Infinite gasoline stored near a lawn mower, pipes
of-the-Fire, Shines-Brightly wyth-inn, See Bar, Bar’Noon, Diction of Numbers, Noon, stored in a shop building or gunpowder
Noon-bar, Number, Number Words stored with reloading materials.
the-Outer-Darkness, pointing wyth-inn
every-direction; but still, those who live One course I attended used the example of a
within the-Outer-Darkness, can-not see, Barbary Pirate The Barbary person employed as a plumber being the
comprehended, endure, nor even pirates, also sometimes called Ottoman target of a search warrant. In this example,
receive this pure-Greight-Lyghte. corsairs, were Muslim pirates and the officers were told how to use his
PTRP privateers that operated from North employment as a plumber as further
Africa, from the time of the Crusades evidence of terrorism. The suspect’s
A Phayshe’ool’t -Targum Trans- employment would be described as an
until the early 19th century. Based in
Literation Tunis, Tripoli, Algiers, Salé and ports in elaborate scheme to justify possessing pipes
and chemicals so as to have bomb making
What Is Implied Is What It Should Breathe ! Morocco, they preyed on Christian and materials readily available. Based on this
See LOST Writings other non-Islamic shipping in the example, all plumbers are potential pipe
Behold a Shakespearean cyb cde cover western Mediterranean Sea. Their bomb makers. All gun dealers are plotting to
stronghold was along the stretch of provide arms to gangs or terrorists. All pest
for You Must See and Read It for
northern Africa known as the Barbary control companies are preparing mass
Your Self See and Read it For Your Self Coast (a medieval term for the Maghreb poisonings. By using this logic, simply
after its Berber inhabitants), but their having the ability to do something criminal
Belief Oh mortal predation was said to extend throughout automatically makes the person guilty of
plotting the crime. With all the various
Man, is there Any-Thing that you can the Mediterranean, south along West
methods of manufacturing meth-
Africa's Atlantic seaboard, and into the
NOT be Made to Believe - Adam amphetamine, it would also be easy to claim
North Atlantic as far north as Iceland. that a disassembled clandestine drug lab was
Weishaupt They often made raids, called Razzias, located during the search. In other words, it
Jesuit Founder of Vatican America on European coastal towns to capture is easy to frame anyone for possessing bomb
See Black Pope, Jesuit, Society of Christian slaves to sell at slave markets making materials (or other crimes) if the
Jesus, Vatican in places such as Algeria and Morocco. officer knows what items to list in the report
According to Robert Davis, from the and how to link these items to terrorism.
Believe To Follow Lat oc’cult-
mod 16th to 19th century, pirates captured 1
Another common tactic used in DHS
sense To Give Little Credit million to 1.25 million Europeans as sponsored training is the slander of certain
slaves. These slaves were captured
See Be Lie Eve, Fall of Wing, Follow ideologies by linking an erroneous
mainly from seaside villages in Italy, characteristic to a particular group. Here are
Beloved cyber code for My Only Spain and Portugal, and from farther some Examples :
places like France or England, the * These groups hold the anniversaries of
Loved t’Seed See Gal. 3:16, Mt. 3:17,
Netherlands, Ireland and even Iceland certain dates as significant such a Ruby
Only Loved Seed Ridge, Waco and Hitler’s birthday
and North America.
Bench See Bank the impact of these attacks was * They oppose abortion, support gun
devastating – France, England, and rights and are affiliated with the Ku Klux
Benjamin Franklin A Vatican Spain each lost thousands of ships, and Klan
* They are fearful of big government,
Agent, he was Holding the KEYS long stretches of coast in Spain and Italy espouse support for the Constitution and
and Flying the Kite / Chi- TA /AT were almost completely abandoned by want to kill police officers
their inhabitants. Pirate raids * These groups collect firearms,
... he was Flying the CODE ... discouraged settlement along the coast survivalist books and explosives
The AT the Phœnecian until the 19th century. * These extremists read books such as
MERCHANT Script the most famous corsairs pirates Patriots, One Second After and The
See Chi, K, French Line, Kite and Key, were the Ottoman Barbarossa meaning Anarchist Cookbook
"Redbeard" the- brothers — Hızır * They are religious zealots, reading the
TA, Mimi Pictionary No 25
Hayreddin and his older brother Oruç — book of Revelation, speak of the second
coming of Christ and plan mass murders to
Beyond See Meta who took control of Algiers in the early summon the end of the world
16th century and turned it into the centre * These people grow their own food, raise
Bible ult cyb code lit the of Mediterranean piracy and privateering livestock and plot attacks on commercial
for three centuries, as well as food production facilities
Bib of the EL establishing the Ottoman Empire's
2 the Two Powers or the Two Do you see how this tactic works? List
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Bulls it implies that a second power has taken presence in North Africa which lasted common Characteristics of the-
over our scriptures four centuries. Other famous Ottoman libertarian/conservative minded people, then
privateer-admirals included Turgut Reis throw in a slanderous accusation. If A and B
See Bi, Brahma, Bull, EL, Too-EL, Tool
apply, then you should automatically
Anagram : EL Bib Bib for Covering (known as Dragut in the West), Kurtoğlu
presume C applies as well. If they were
(known as Curtogoli in the West), disturbed by the incidents at Ruby Ridge and
Kemal Reis, Salih Reis and Koca Murat
Bible Translations Top 3 Reis
Waco, then obviously they must celebrate
Hitler’s birthday. Officers are being
in Priority Order ... In 1544, Khair ad Din captured the conditioned to assume criminal and
No 1 the Bible James Moffatt Translation island of Ischia, taking 4,000 prisoners, terroristic views when politically-incorrect
and enslaved some 9,000 inhabitants of views are observed. As simple-minded and
No 2 the- Peshitta George Lamas Trans Lipari, almost the entire population.[3] ridiculous as this line of thinking is, there are
No 3 Young’s Literal Translation of In 1551, Turgut Reis enslaved the entire some officers who unfortunately buy into
the- HOLY BIBLE population of the Maltese island Gozo, this.
Another training session I attended two years
See Bible, Targum, Trans-Literation between 5,000 and 6,000, sending them ago discussed the dangerous of people who
to Libya. In 1554, pirates sacked Vieste have strong views of the U.S. Constitution.
in southern Italy and took an estimated
The Bible The Bible 7,000 slaves.[4] In 1555, Turgut Reis
One trainer made the statement that “these
people actually believe the Second
is the Smallest Religious Book of any sacked Bastia, Corsica, taking 6000 Amendment gives them the personal right to
prisoners. In 1558, Barbary corsairs own a gun.” Of course, the trainer failed to
Great Religion ... the New Testament mention that our Founding Fathers, as well
captured the town of Ciutadella
is less in bulk, than any other sacred as recent Supreme Court rulings, verify this
(Minorca), destroyed it, slaughtered the
book in The- Entire World inhabitants and took 3,000 survivors to view as being completely accurate. The
- James Moffatt obvious attempt here was to suggest to
Istanbul as slaves.[5] In 1563, Turgut officers that the Second Amendment does
See Jesuits, LOST Books, Vatican Assassins Reis landed on the shores of the not apply to individual gun ownership and to
province of Granada, Spain, and be suspicious of anyone who holds such a
Bigot someone who is Prejudiced captured coastal settlements in the area, view. It was also stressed to be cautious of
such as Almuñécar, along with 4,000 anyone who quotes the Constitution and
or One that is wedded to an opinion in even worse, actually possesses a copy of this
prisoners. Barbary pirates often attacked
matters of religion, race, etc Black’s 6th radical document. Incredibly, in the United
the Balearic Islands, and in response
ed See Islam, Mind Control, Un Reasoned
many coastal watchtowers and fortified States of America today belief in our
churches were erected. The threat was so founding legal principles is now grounds for
Bigot n. One who is obstinately and severe that the island of Formentera
being labeled a domestic terrorism. Imagine
unreasonably wedded to a particular how they would respond to some of the
became uninhabited. known statements of Thomas Jefferson,
religious creed, opinion, practice, or
From 1609 to 1616, England lost 466 Patrick Henry or George Mason concerning
ritual. The word is sometimes used, in
merchant ships to Barbary pirates.[8] In the issue of individual liberty and limited
an enlarged sense, for one who is the 19th century, Barbary pirates would government. It is true that one man’s terrorist
illiberally attached to any opinion, or capture ships and enslave the crew. is another man’s freedom fighter.
system of ‘belief’, as a bigot to the
Latterly American ships were attacked.
Christian religion; a bigot to a certain There are several things that we, the
During this period, the pirates forged
form of government. Web 1828 patriotic, self-sufficient defenders of liberty
affiliations with Caribbean powers, can do to counter this effort. First, get
See Islam, Mind Control, Un Reasoned
paying a "license tax" in exchange for involved in local elections. Elect county
safe harbor of their vessels.[9] One sheriffs who will not fall for such
Bigot or Bigoted
a. Obstinately American slave reported that the propaganda nor go along with oppressive
and Blindly attached to some Creed, Algerians had enslaved 130 American federal agendas. Elect city council members
Opinion, Practice or Ritual, unreasonably seamen in the Mediterranean and who will not tolerate such behavior by their
devoted to a System or Party and Atlantic from 1785 to 1793. Isolated city police department. Elect state
cases of piracy occurred on the Rif coast representatives who will hold state agencies
Illiberal towards the Opinions of others accountable for participating in such tactics.
Web 1828 See Islam, Politics, Un Reasoned of Morocco even at the beginning of the
Bring these issues up during elections,
20th century, but the pirate communities demand a public statement on their position
Bigotry n. Obstinate or Blind which could only live by plunder on such propaganda and a promise to stand
vanished with the French conquest of against these efforts while in office.
attachment to a particular Creed or to
certain Tenets; unreasonable Zeal or
Algiers in 1830 See Celtic, Islam,
Nebraska, Mimi Pictionary No 15 & 16 Second, get to know your local law
warmth in favor of a certain Party, sect enforcement officers. It is much more
or opinion; Excessive Prejudice. Web difficult for DHS to brainwash officers
Barata Ruled the World against people they personally know. When
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
1828 See Islam, Mind Control, Un Reasoned See Aryan Brahmin Priests you are viewed as a neighbor, friend or
fellow Christian, these officers are far less
Baris Goddess of likely to submit your name to a terrorist
Birth Birth is symb cybr cde for
watch list or view you as a potential terrorist.
NOT A Medical Term but it is a the Air and t’Seed of the Moon’t We want local officers to be personally
COMMERCIAL Shipping Term that offended when they hear members of their
Batrachia n. pl. Latinized Coinage, community slandered in such ways.
implies lit when a Ship is Docked or
from the Gk. Batrakheios, ‘pertaining to
Birthed. Man is NOT Birthed, but a a frog,’ from Batrakhos, ‘frog,’ etym. Third, always be friendly and courteous
spirit that becomes Manifest in the- doubtful. a Amphibians generally, b when speaking to your local officers. Even if
that officer has fallen for this propaganda, be
Flesh or is Born specific., family of frogs and toads. a sure not to resemble the negative stereotypes
See B’Earth, Birth-Certificate, play on their story that we came from labeled to us. After the fifth, sixth or maybe
Extraction, Hostage, Informer, Manifest in the- the sea See Abate, Agent, Augentore, tenth time he deals with one of us, he or she
Flesh, Security, Slave- Trading, Surety, Wall Bat, Batman, Batmoney, Baton, Batta, Battle, Bhat may come to realize we are of no threat to
Street law enforcement or anyone for that matter.
Eventually, the officer may attend one of
Birth Certificate a Roman and a Battle The Battle these training sessions, hear the propaganda
COMMERCIAL Shipping Document is NOT for this World, the Battle is for and say to himself, “This isn’t true, I’ve dealt
that rides along with the Cargo from a the World that Comes with many people like this, they are God-
Ship 2 in Roman Civil Law, when a fearing, liberty loving Americans, they are
- dezert-owl not the enemy!”
Slave-Baby comes, in-too the-world,
the-bottom from its feet are inked, and Bauer Family the Rothchild
I hope you find this information useful.
Please remember that there are many people
then impressed, on the back of A Birth or the Red Shield Jewish Banking in law enforcement that have not, and will
Certificate, before its feet, ever-touch Family that are the Protectors and the never, fall for DHS propaganda. Some of the
the-ground. in this instance a most patriotic defenders of liberty and
Defenders of the Vatican Trust
Commercial Slave Document 3 same as believers in self-sufficiency can be found in
a Land Deed emanating from your See Red Shield, Rockefeller, Vatican law enforcement. Officers like me will
continue to do our part to fight tyranny from
Body See Bard, Birth, Dun and within while the general public can do its
Bradstreet, Hostage, Security, Slave Trading, Bees If the Bee Disappeared part by electing liberty-minded candidates to
Surety, Wall Street from off the Face of the Earth, then office and educating their friends and
Birth Certificate Man-kind would have little more than neighbors about issues important to all of us.
Four Years Left - Albert Einstein
Edward Mandell House James Wesley, Rawles . . .
See Alpha Bees
Banking Ambassador / Had this to say Is A REAL - American HERO who
in a private meeting with Woodrow
has NOT SOLD-OUT to Tyranny
Wilson THE UNITED STATES (sic) Be Hind Ultimate Cyber Code
Thank You James Wesley Rawles for
President c 1 9 1 3 - 1 9 2 1 : H Ind H is the Breath
Defending and Protecting the Lives of
‘Very soon, every American will be India All Americans and Christians Here-In!
required to register their biological behind it All is India
property (your children) with-in a national See Adoni, AnnaGram, Aryan, Indiana, Freedom
system designed to keep track of the Indianapolis 500, The 500 Year Phœnix,
people and that will operate under the The Brick Yard for Babylon, The Symbolisim, The Illusion of Freedom
ancient system of pledging. By such Indiana Jones Hindu Connection, The Illusion of Freedom will continue,
methodology, we can compel people to The Corner Grocery or Fillling Station, just as long as it is profitable to continue
Foreign Insergents, Mr Patel, the illusion. At any point, where the
submit to our agenda, which will effect
The Over Lay is in Washington D.C., illusion becomes too costly or expensive
our security (interest) as a chargeback for
The Swa Sticka in the Designs
our fiat paper currency. to maintain, they will simply take down
of all of the Buildings
Every American will be forced to all of the scenery, they will draw back
register (their children) or suffer by not
Anagram : Down the First Æye & Breath
all of the curtains, they will move out of
being able to work and earn a living. the way, all of the tables and chairs, and
They will be our chattel (cattle), and we
Benares for Thousands of Years, this then you will see nothing left in view,
will hold the security interest over them has been the Most Sacred City in All but a very dark and thick brick wall,
forever, by the full operation of the Law of India See Aquarian Original Gospel staring right back at you at the rear of
Merchant under the scheme of the stage and theater
Secured Transactions. Berserker Battle Axe - Frank Zappa
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
For now on, all Americans, by, we get the term going Bezerk
this is where
unknowingly or un-wittingly delivering
the Bills of Lading (the birth certificates) to
Berserkers or Berserks were Norse
Warriors who are reported in the Old
Against Un-American
us, will cause them to be rendered
bankrupt and insolvent, forever on to
Norse Literature to have fought in a Activities
nearly uncontrollable, trance-like fury, a
remain as economic slaves through characteristic which later gave rise to the For AllOfficials of Law
Taxation secured by their Pledges. English word berserk. Berserkers are
They will be stripped of all their rights And Defense
attested in numerous Old Norse sources.
(as debtors) and given a commercial
Most historians believe that berserkers What You Can NOW Do To Help
value designed to make us a profit, worked themselves into a rage before
while they will be none the wiser, for battle, but some think that they might We know that many of you today, are
not one man in a million could ever have consumed drugged foods.,, the really caught between a rock and a hard
figure our plans out, and, if by accident, Úlfhéðnar singular Úlfhéðinn, mentioned place, and that you would really like to
one or two should ever figure it out, we in the Vatnsdœla saga, Haraldskvæði do the right thing, to really defend your
have in our arsenal plausible and the Völsunga saga, were said to homeland, your Oath of Office and the
deniability. After all, this is the only Wear the Pelt of a Wolf when they Bill of Rights…, but you CAN’T,
logical way to fund government, by entered battle.[1] Úlfhéðnar are because your higher-ups must have and
floating liens and debt to the registrants sometimes described as Odin's special support an agenda that is NOT
in the form of Benefits, and privileges. warriors, with the pelt from a wolf and a American.
This will inevitably reap for us huge spear as distinguishing features
profits beyond our wildest expectations
and leave every American a contributor
See Fasces, Faschi / Faschii, Fascia, It is Fascist / Socialist / Communist /
Mini Pictionary No 1 Marxist / Fabian / Babylonian / Hindu /
to this fraud, which we will call ‘Social
Vatican Foreign Master, through the
Insurance’. (Socialist, Communism, Fabian,
Beth Bar’Oocheim or Blessing, Bankers of Olde Europe.
Without realizing it, every Being Born for Vision and of Breath It is the belief of many for now, that
American will insure us (pledge 2 the Mother of Creation 3 symb the you can serve both ends. We do want
allegiance) for any loss we may incur, Duality with-inn, the Sun, Æarth and you to keep your job, and to be there for
and in this manner, every American Moon, and of the Number 13 for the the defense of our nation, and it’s
will unknowingly be our servant, thirteen Lunar cycles 4 the first and the families. We all know how to be
however begrudgingly. The people will Oldest in the Line of Creation between ‘Politically Correct’… Right? So, do
become helpless and without any hope the Sun, Æarth and Moon is the Moon’t your job as you are told, but, when-ever
for their own redemption and we, we See Aleph, Bar-Oocheim, Blessing you come across someone who says,
will employ the High Office of the that they have natural, or some other
President of the United States of our
Anagram : Throb lit the Beginning
of Lyfe and the Center of Lyfe as in the Heart constitutionally supported unalienable
Dummy CORPORATION, to foment this Rights, simply be a True Blue American
plot, against America’
Bezerk See Berserker Battle Axe and Honor them, remembering your
See Bard, Birth, Commerce, Dun and own Oath of Office., and your duty
Bradstreet, Handbook on Roman Civil Law,
Hostage, Creature from Jekyll Island, Pledge of
Allegiance, Security, Slave Trading, Surety, Wall
- BH - towards the people of your country.

Street Bharata Hind the Whole World was And For Those
Who Are In The Military
Black Pope called Bharata We know that those, who are at the
See Jesuits, Mini Pictionary No 3 & 39 See AT, World Top of this pyramid in the black
government, are preparing to shoot and
Black Robes for Bharata Varsa corr for India destroy America in a gun round-up, and
the Priests of Baal See Adoni, AT, Eastern Star, India they have already tested our resolve at
See Darkness, Judges, Priest Hoods places like the burning of innocents at
Bhat lit the Mother’s Breath of Waco Texas, and many other incidents.
Black's Law Dictionary / black law Lyfe . here in reference too the oc’cult’s
Dictionary The-book-of-black-law, as Hindu Mother and Her Bat We know that most of you are
in Black-Magic. it is the- M.O. for See Abate, Adoni, Bat, Batman, Batmoney, Honorable, and would never Shoot your
own people, yet today, being ‘politically
the-Oc’cult to use code-identifierz on Baton, Batta, Battle, Hide, Hind, Hindu, India,
Lucifer, Pazuzu, Whore the correct’ means, that, when-ever you are
all the- Programs and things they do. asked questions on government surveys,

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Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
just as half of the Kasarian Jewish like the one from Twenty Nine Palms
Actors change their ‘NAMES’, so
Bible Identification or I.D California, that had the last question set
HENRY CAMPBELL BLACK would as to ask: “Are you willing to shoot
have been hand-picked for creating the the Sacred Scriptures for Your I.D Americans, should they refuse to give
BLACK- M.O. for the dictionary ‘AT’ up their guns”? You most likely would
black-law. it is also note worthy that [ Note: Write the following with-in the have to answer YES ; and it is because,
the unique spelling ‘CAMPBELL’ front of your “Bible” and use as your if you don’t give them the right answer,
means the-Contest of Lucifer’. need i “lawful” identification. Following the they have you pegged to be discharged
say MORE ? “maxim” that; “That which is first is from the military. So, you know what to
See AT, Bell, Camp, Burried Alive
superior.” Thus, the “defacto” state can’t do to be True Blue, what you need to
even speak against this, being a “late say, to continue to be in a position to be
Blasphemy orig thou comer.”] Begin as Follows: a True Defense for your own American
Blowing Smoke Nation.
See A-letters-patent, by Æxpress-
Blast, Fuming, Pheming In essence, know who it is, who is
certification and Special-visitation:
Blind Blindness or
On Æarth As It Is In Heaven:
asking these questions, understand what
Blind-Vail it is that they are looking for, and then
a corr-root and orig-thought for My Prayer, by The-æxpress pure-
respond in defense of your own Nation.
Evil See Sin, Vail declaration and Claim:
It’s the Art of War. You know, a very
Blind God so called Mother Notice that I am found, written with-in
covert and silent war has always been
Justice 2 Elahe, the Blind Goddess The Lambs Book-of-Life, according to
subversively waged, against all of the
the-custom and the-usage for my own
and Mother of Israel American Families.
pure christian-tradition; using what is
See Columbia, Elahe, Fay, Lucifer, Pha’t, Phay the-common and proper English- So realizes fully what is at stake, and
grammer. Word definitions are who the real enemy is, and then know
Blood a mod corr for t’Seed Lyghte, appended. how to act accordingly, and of course,
True Lyfe and for Fire / Phyre. Fire always remembering YOUR Oath of
also symbolizes the Spirit which is the - the æxpress-notice and command - Office.
Breath in the Blood Notice that I am ex-officio, and ann-ex- From, The Legions of Freedom
See Blood of the Earth, Blue, Breath, officio, an ambassador in jesus, the- Loving and very Loyal Americans, from
Fire, PH, Spirit, True Mother the, t’Seed Lyghte, christ, bye a pure-obligation: all of the Legates abroad who have fled
John Jane Doe, the Gulag that Comes, THANK YOU for
Blood Covenant(s) suae-pot-estate-æsse. doing the right thing, for caring and for
See Free Masons, Jesuite, Priests of Ball Serving with Honor!
My domain remains upon the earth. I
Body metaphorically Water and posess the domain, and maintain the Respectfully Submitted in Service As Well...
World 2 the Body is A Response dominion over all of my possessions, - dezert-owl
and real property, bye the authority that Memorial Day 1997, Monterey California
Mechanism See Blood, Breath, Water,
World is vested with-in me bye, jesus, the A FREE spirit of peace
christ, ex-officio, and ann ex-officio.
of the Ancient Watchers or Eloheim I am, a sovereighn-breath, a flesh-and-
blood, living-in-being soul, a seed of A FREE TOMORROW
The First Blood Oath Light, and I am of excellent up-right
The Book of First Enoch character, with out guilt, judged pure,
Chapter Six having been reborn and redeemed; no
The Old Testament Pseudepigraphia
longer a debtor nor a surety; a good and The
R H Charles 1913 or James H Charlesworth
lawful christian blood-of-the-earth-
See Aryan, Craft, First Enoch, Jesuits,
men't. Forbidden History
Kol Nidre Oath, Masonic Oath,
NWO / OWO, Priest Hood, I am a private-delegate and regent; an I was forced to defend a life; and in the end,
Treason, the Trees Sons emissiary anna-officio, before jesus, the- I was framed by the lawmen, who created the christ; an ambassador for his realm, strife - dezert-owl
Book is in reality Bool Chi with-in his domain, and shelter, the
promised-land, Eden; commonly known No greater love hath any man, than to lay
See Baal, Bull, Chi, L, OO, Ool, Owl
as the-Good-Earth. down his life, for another
- Jesus, The Christ
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Borders cyb cde orig th the Boards. in am a bond-slave before my sovereign-
the Dominion of the Kingdom of Heaven healer and pure-breather-of-light jesus, A Prisoner’s Pen
the-christ; for I was bought with the
Man Made National Borders are NOT
price that he paid in his own blood, bye
About Love, About War, About
Real See Nations Now, and Then, and Then
his perfect sacrifice; so that I am there-
fore, bound by pure-obligation, and I am About ..., Never More
Bottomless Pit the Æarth
there-fore, for-ever great-full, ever
the Æarth is a bottomless pit or seed and
it is the place where the Fallen Ones are
standing before my Royal-Monarch; my
pure-shælter; the one who has set me
- My Lisalore -
Bound See Nephilim, Pit, Seed, the Watchers free from all bondage and sin.
O, has anyone out there, seen my
Lisalore, who went sailing away past my
Borders lit Boards that is it is all It is also written, with-in the pure-shelter window, and drifting out that door?
An Illusion See Countries, Nations of the-law, that the-declaration, or ... And what was it that she said? Was she
merely a dream in my own head, or a
Boundaries The first page of three. vision of light, donned with her
Cleopatra hair as she spoke to me there
in the Dominion/Kingdom of Heaven, Testimony of two witnesses is true; I in that night? I question this moment,
man made National borders are NOT there-fore am one who bears witness for since, never before has there been a
real and do not exist my-self, and my sovereighn-breathing- moment quite like this one, to be locked
See Countries, Nations light, jesus, the-christ, bears witness for away with-in the deepest dungeons of
Box, Any-Thing In A- / Any-Thing me, by his very own sacred-Word and Hell, while falling headlong into that
the-action-of-presence, incarnate with-in deeper dungeon, into those innocent
me, before whom I ever stand, with-in chains of Love.
style-manual says that, any-thing in a-
his Royal-presence, bye whose virtue So, has anyone out there, seen my
box, or in brackets, or parenthesis is-
and power I lyve, breathe, and have my Lisalore, who went sailing away past my
NOT-There. is it possible that the being, does bear the-witness for me. window, and drifting out that door?
U.S. CORPORATION In-A-Box AT These are my words, the ever Burning And what was it that she said? That I
D.C., the FICTION is not really there Swords of Fire, by the-power that has would write to you soon, now in days
See Sic, U.S. Style Manuel been vested with-in me. gone by as they fly, with yet, not a
Bravo lit the Supporting - act-of-state certification and claim-
whisper, there’s not a beat from her
drum. Oh yeah, I have been
Judgement Every-thing that is plainly-declared, condemned, yet there is no greater
See G, V, Vo, W, Wo, Woman claimed, and stated here-in, is here-bye, torture, than to have been whipped and
now certified as true, correct, complete, flogged, by my Lisalore’s Love. For it
Bread and not miss-leading; I speak the-truth, would have been better, never to have
the-whole-truth, and nothing but the- met her, to have seen her only in my
Man does NOT Lyve by Bread alone, truth, properly sealed through-out all
but by every Word that proceeds from dreams, just a woman with no name, in
Æternity, for-ever and ever, all with-in these, my nights of endless pain; for
out of the Mouth of Allovehe’t - God A-Day-with-out-Ænd; through pure- there at least, I was sane. But now, I am
- Jesus, the- Christ obligation, bye this-voluntary-act, bye ten times more the condemned, for not
my own hand, on this (spell out the day knowing the reasons, why I don’t see
Bread syn orig-tho Breed and Breath #) day, on this (spell out the month #) you again.
See Baking Bread, Breath, Breed, month, in the year of our lord twenty- So, has anyone out there, seen my
Leaven, Lyghte, Mead, Sour Dough hundred-and-eleven; for the Kingdom of Lisalore, who went sailing away past my
Heaven, the Royalle Domaine on Æarth; window, and drifting out that door?
now and for-ever, for now and for then.
Breaking Bread And what was it that she said? We
Do this often and in Remembrance of spoke hardly a word, in the time that we
I do have the-honor of being a private-
spent, yet every line, with each word,
Me christian, a soul lyving-in-being and the-
every syllable I do recount. Her sweet
Yahl’Shoovah’t, the- Mosheyach first-witness, by all the-authority, and by
sounding voice that echoed past my
All the Royal Tital in, jesus, the christ. walls, it is that, that I now recall. Just
See Lk 22:19, 1 Cor 11:24-25
like that old merchant, who counts up
Breaking Bread is a sacred-Rite sign-manuel:
his coins, or polishes off his pearls, I
and a Sacrament that is be performed (john jane doe, the seal, mark, or signet, now recount, those sacred sounds of her
on a Weekly basis. it is the Feast that is with thumb print X here), voice...., and what was it that she said?
held wyth-in the Honor of Lyving act-of-state, suae-pot-estate-æsse. And can there be any other lady, more
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
wyth-inn the pure state, wyth-inn the beautiful than this, who reflects every
pure Body of the One Redeemer. sign-manuel: image, that is pressed way down, so
the-Bread is symbolic of his pure- (john jane doe, the seal, mark, or signet, deep, onto my very own heart, while
Body and there-fore must be un- with thumb-print X here), now, as seeing myself, having been
leavened, which means wyth-out any act-of-state, suae-pot-estate-æsse. completely emptied out, and yet now,
sour dough or leaven and it is all Witness. only to be filled, by the warmth of her
symbolic of the-Fact that you are now sign-manuel: mouth?
Lyving wyth-inn a pure-state that is (john jane doe, the seal, mark, or signet, So, has anyone out there, seen my
totally free from all sin and corruption with thumb-print X here), Lisalore, who went sailing away past my
or from having your eyes closed act-of-state, suae-pot-estate-æsse. window, and drifting out that door?
the-Feast is to be completed by Witness. And what was it that she said? Was she
drinking the-fermented grape-vine/wine a messenger come down, from that
Caveat 1 Cor 11:26-32 (Notary Public Seal) Heaven above, while pouring out her
Bread comes from the word Bead endless rain upon my head, while I’m
See Bead, Bed, Bread, Leaven, Sour the second page of three. now drenched by her Love? Since I was
Dough, Vine, Wine - Word-Definitions Appended - sitting there alone, just eating my bread,
I was doing my life-without-end, while
doing my time, without mercy, till dead.
Breath Can a mouth bring As Claimed by, john-jane :
So, I never thought of turning my head,
forth both A Corrupt Breath and and oh who could it possibly be? Yet,
the family of doe
a pure Breath ? she reached out for me there, I who am
[ Definitions Here For Above Words ] now counted as a flea, not regarded as a
The Breath a corr root & orig th man, but rather, one of the damned. I
for Lyfe, the Æssence, Wind, 'Spirit' the third page of three. was doing my time, I was doing just
_____________________________ fine, until that special moment, when I
a misnomer and is also expressed as The
saw her there. When then, she spoke
Breath with-inn the orig thought
See Definitions, dezert owl, Disclaimer, I.D. out to me there, reaching way out, with
See Æssence, Æternal pure Breath, her perfectly long and outstretched arm,
AB-EL, Abel, Bread, Breath of the Spirit-Wind with her outstretched fingers, and gentle
the, Breathe, Breathes, Breed, Essence, Fire, H, Birds They Don’t
white palm. With only three more feet
PH, Phyre, Spirit, TH, t’Seed Lyghte, Wind the Carry Any-Thing wyth them, only but in between us, I made up that difference
Breathe lit the Support of the Æye
A Song in kind, reaching way out towards her,
- dezert-owl by taking her hand, as she joyfully told
See Æssence, Æternal pure- Breath, Abel,
me her name, and that it was....Lisalore.
Breath of the-Spirit wind, Breathes, Breath the-,
Essence, Fire, H, PH, Phyre, Spirit, TH, The, Blind Blindness or Blind Vail is a
My Lisalore - Page Two
Wind correct-root and an orig.-thought for Evil Now, has anyone out there, seen my
Breed syn orig-tho Bread and Breath See Evil, Vail Lisalore, who went sailing away past my
See Bread, Breath Blood a corr root metaph and orig window, and drifting out that door? If
Britain is owned by the Vatican thought for Fire. Fire also symbolizes the you have, could you please tell her, that
See Treaty of 1213 spirit, which is the Breath I, I can sleep no longer, no, not in this
See Breath, Fire, PH, Spirit, Water dream of mine, no not anymore? And
British lit Covenant with the- First what was it that she said to me there,
Woman. she became A Whore Blood of the Æarth is a corr root and and what was it that she saw? I asked
See Babylon, Columbia, El, Elahe, Lucifer, an orig thou for Man / Mæn. this is the her, if she had heard about my plight,
Mary Magdalene correct root rendering and true meaning for but she responded that, no, she had not.
Hadam. Man or Men in Olde-Ænglish Yet I knew in my heart, that, soon
British Flag is none other than means Criminal and Sinner, and has an enough, upon mentioning my name too
the Prime sub-Corporation Flag of the- even more deviant meaning in the- others, she would know the true cause
UNITED Companies, the X and the- Talmud for my plight. And I didn’t have the
Cross + (curse) are the very symbols See Ædam, Adam, Had, Human Being, time, to tell her about, the true nature of
found at Vatican Square. so how is it Individual, Man, Person, Talmud this tale, since our time, it was all so
that a teeny weenie, tiny, little Island very short. If only I would have
Nation Could conquer the entire world Blowing Smoke mod muttered something like; I am innocent
? Blasphemy of anything wrong, while I was lost right

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
See British Flag, Heraldry, Masonic See Blast, Fuming, Pheming there, within this Lisalore. But I never
Square, Pledge, Pledge of Allegiance, United had the moment there, too say; that I am
Companies, Vatican Square Bond an innocent man, or that I have been
Anagram : Hash Tribe for the A Man’s Word must be His Bond “framed” by the darkest of men. Beings
Breath of the Ancient Tribe - Ancient Sage who are filled, with all ill and contempt,
for any justice, or Truth; who are now
Brother lit My Supporting Power See Book, Bool Chi
rich for my pain; they are in the blackest
or My Supporting Strength orig- Bool Chi mod Book oc’cult, while they continue to rob me,
thought the Power of Thunder that of my very own private good name. No,
See Baal, Bond, Bull, Chi, L, OO, Ool, Owl no I couldn’t tell her enough. I had not
the time too tell her, all about my Love
See Æ, Al, Alovehe’t, Bra, Bro, Fa, God, Brahma See Brahman
Ma, Mo, Mother, Mother-and-Father-are-One,
and devotion, for my own fellow man.
Om, Sis, SS, Sister, Ther, Thor About my view for the sacredness of
Brahman the Aryan Watchers
everything in life, for every creature, no
Anagram : Rath Orb lit My Brother the ancient Priest Hood, also known as
t’Sun wyth the- Strength of Fire
matter how great, or how small. Of my
Nephilim or the Tyrannical Giants who dedication towards good, for excellence,
Buck Act came down from the Air or the SVN/Sun and for my Great Father’s Love, as a
An obscure little law passed quietly many of today’s sacred ceremonies Purified Wood. Of my efforts in
in the 1940's known as the Buck Act is that take place on the Ganges River in working for the betterment of man, as I
the one major piece in the puzzle of India, Echo the ancient practices of the worked with my own two bare hands, in
understanding how the Federal Vedic Priests, known as the Brahmin, an honest labor, while even spending my
Government has seemingly usurped also Brahman; Brāhmana very last dime, each and every time. For
most all of the State's jurisdiction in the Buddha’s day only the Brahman my nation I stood, yeah, I stood for the
Mosiac Media or the Brahmin, could mediate between red, I stood for the tan, I stood for the
2nd Judicial District the ‘Gods’ and men, only ‘they’ could white, for the black, and the blue. I
c/o 366 N. Allen, #235F conduct the Holy rituals that were said to stood for the weak, for the poor, for the
Pasadena, California state preserve the very Universe itself. ignorant....., those slaves, and I stood
the Aryan Brahmin Priests stood at with the great, who I now ask, please....,
Voice mail 818-973-3142 for more info
“God Save.”
the very pinnacle or Top of a rigid Social
Bureaucrat an Official from a
n. Higher-Archi within the sacred System Yet I know, that she could still see
Bureaucracy 2 an Official who of CAST. Beneath them were the Red within me, with her deep perceptible
works by some fixed routine with-out Celtic Warriors, the cast to which the eye; it was my demeanor that she saw,
exercising intelligent judgement or reason Buddha belonged, below them were the she could obviously sense my True aura,
[1835-45 f. bureaucrate See Bureau -crat] - Yellow Farmers and at the bottom were as she opened up wide, the book of my
Bureaucratism n. 3 Bureaucratese n. a the Black Slaves, then still lower were heart, while she smiled there at what she
style in language, used esp by the Out-Casts saw.
Bureaucrats that is full of circumlocutions, So, has anyone out there, seen my
One who knows Brahman is a Brahmana
euphemisms, buzz words, abstractions, Lisalore, who went sailing away past my
See Adoni, Arian, Brahma, Brahmana,
etc 4 lit Bureau Crate in admiralty 5 Breath, Buddha, Disambiguation, Enlightened
window, never to be seen, or too be
Bureaucratic adj Characteristic of a Ones, Giants, Gods, Irish, Nephilim, Support, heard from again by me, no not
Bureaucrat 6 Bureaucratize to Vedas, Watchers Tyrannical Giants anymore? And what was it that she
A p p e n d i x № 14 said? As her memory still lingers deep,
Divide an administrative Agency 7 to
increase the number of government deep within my head. And what was it
agencies Brahmins Looking for Jesus that she said? Sure, I have heard of
Love at first sight. So could it have
See A, Gen, Sea, Fourteenth Amendment, Rat It must be said positively, that The been our late flowering age, and did we
Hindus only exist to support their reveal each other’s light? Now having
Burring Alive in English Law, the
Principle CAST, The Brahmins, who experienced all of those indignities of
ancient punishment for sodomites and have taken into their hands, the Temporal our time, one should indeed be tired of
those who contracted with Jews Power which once was posessed by the that old song and rhyme. Tired of all of
See Fleta, lib. 1, c. 27, § 3 Blacks 4th independent sovereigns of the the people those crooked games, that are too often
1951, Treason - Nicholas Notovitch played, all totally insane, over, and over,
See Servant Cast and over again. Like that old worn out
By / Bye By the Eye. 'we,' in the
needle, on that old worn out record, with
orig thought are regarded as Eyes. in the Bravo lit the

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
original thought,
if I wanted you to come Supporting Judgement its scratches, its skips, and its bumps;
and see some thing with me, I would See Bra Vo, G, V, Vo, W, Wo, Woman that are all so perfectly memorized
have said, My Eyes Come Here down deep within our minds. So
See Æye, Breath, Breath of the many, experience would then demand, and
By, He, E, Eye the, H, Him, I, Me, Mothers Eye,
Breath Can A Mouth bring then reach for a time, a time for the
My Eyes, Mye, One the, Ye, Yoo, You forth both A Corrupt- Breath . . . sweet sounds of True birds who could
and a pure- Breath ? rhyme. All in a sweet simple melody,
-C- The Breath a corr root and orig th for
all within a sublime fidelity, all with
meaning, with heart, and with chime.
- Chaph / Sea / Che / Key - Lyfe or the Æssence, Wind, Spirit and For experience, it is worth, at least, a
thousand years, of many men’s lives;
- the Crescent Moon - is also expressed as the Breath, with-inn the and in my lifetime, I have spent up all of
- the Crescen't Moon - Original Tthought my tears. Left with nothing further to
- the Crescen Moon't -
See Æssence, Æternal-pure-Breath, Abel, spend now, I am set Free; and my
Breath-of-the-Spirit-wind, Breathe, Breathes, Freedom, is having endured, every
- the Crossin Moon’t - Essence, Fire, H, PH, Phyre, Spirit, TH, The, Wind ounce of my pain, forgiving all, seeking
Correctly with the Silent T no one to blame, and with nothing left to
Breath of Continuance
See CH, GH
The the
fear. Yet, there is a pain, that I still now
Alphabet, based
symb expression fore the endure, for my just living, for the
C / c replaced the G as the Third up-on the orig th mod At Hand keeping of my pure, spiritual, and
symbol in the Original Alphabet. an
See Æleph, Ælpha, Ælaphax, Aleph, natural obligations; and for taking a
Oc’cult trick of the Priest Hoods too stand, on this, my very own earth. So,
Alpha, Alapha’t, Alaphat, Alaphax, AT, At Hand,
Deceive the Many 2 it is also a Symbol At Law, Breath-of-continuance, Hand, Life, OO, who would want to play this world’s
of the Crescent Moon Oomega, Tab, Tau, Tav, U, Ω kind of games anymore? All totally
See Crescent Moon, Moon, G, K insane, with those secret trap doors, and
Breath of the Spirit Wind is a corr all of its twisted corridors, through an
Caesar / Chi Zar Ara orig th lit root & orig th for Spirit endless haze of sweet injustices, in that
Sea-Zar or See Æssence, Æternal pure Breath, Abel, Breath endless drain, in endless days of a haze,
Zar Of the Entire Universe of the Spirit wind, Breathes, Breath the , Essence, where everyone else but “they” must
See Chi-Zar, Drug Zar, OriGsp 1.1 Fire, H, PH, Phyre, Spirit, TH, The, Wind pay. But now, she saw me to be true,
perhaps she had “been there” to, just
Cain Acquisition of Possessions Breathes a corr root and orig thou for like all of those countless others,
Says throughout all of those endless ages of
lit I have Ac’Quired a Star time.
Abel, C, CH, Chain, Chang, Chong, See Æssence, Æternal pure Breath, Abel, Yes, has anyone out there seen my
Ching, K, King Breath of the Spirit Wind , Breathe, Breath the,
Essence, Fire, H, PH, Phyre, Spirit, TH, The, Lisalore, who went sailing away past my
Anagram : Nich for Secret or window, who I now hear from no more?
Mystery And what was it that she said? Since
Budah A Reformed Celtic Warrior she is with me no more, I who am dead.
Cannabis cybr cod Canna’Bliss But now, Love at first sight, I now ask
lit the Mother’s Import with all of my right; could it have
Burning Flaming t’Sword , A- the-
Canaanites, Empire of the EL, Hashashin,
orig.thought for Word
possibly been, that there were really....,
Hemp, Marijuana, Phœnecians, Rope, Ships no…
See Burning-t’Sword-of-pure-Fire, Son/ Sun/
Mini Pictionary No 24 t’Svn, Word My Lisalore - Page Three
walls in between us, no chains that
CAPITAL LETTERS these Letters Burning t’Sword of pure Fire the, is could bind us, no darkness there, no
KILL YOU a correct root and original th for Word. shadows, just a sound of sweet music in
See Phoenician CODE there are also many other variable our ears, and a moment that captured us
both? And yet, who will tell her the
implications in the word, Word, including
truth about me, and could she have been
Caprice There is . . . Fire, pure Gudgement, Lyghte, Peace hurt by some “others” great lie about
Nothing capricious in nature, and the and DiVyne Love, & c me? I can stand upright before my own
implanting of a desire, indicates that it’s See Burning-Flaming-t’Sword, Son/ mirror, as I look deep within my own
gratification is with-inn the constitution Sun/ t’Svn, Word eyes, and I see a man. A man who has
of the creature who feels it ; there-fore been granted a sensible vision, one who
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
you never would have had the desire to Burry My Heart At Wounded Knee stands up-right, with a dignified, and
want to know or to obtain something, a Book Published in 1970 by Dee Brown honorable pride. Yeah, I would not ask
unless it was with-in you to achieve, Owl Books New York, an Original anyone to do for me, that which I, could
what it is, that you had Conceived Native American Saga of their Turtle not do for myself; but I am now
- Napoleon Hill captured and subdued by these thick
Island History and How The West was
LOST for All Time to The Vatican and the fortress walls, that barbed wire which is
Carthage symb cybr cde for Rome Free Masonic United States Government tied around my head, are like the thorns
serving it. A MUST READ for all on Christ instead; now a prisoner who
Castle lit the Cast of the EL Americans took the fall, as my Great-Father is my
See witness, before one and before all. So
Cast of the EL, Chi, Chi Star, See Hidden From History YOUTube,
EL, Eloheim, Enlightened Ones, Watchers Nothing New Under the Sun
could you please, please tell that
Anagram : EL Stack or The Stack Lisalore, that it is now I who has called
lit the Stacking of one Block upon the other
-C- out for her, being pressed to that door?
That it is now I who calls out for her,
Celtic Technology of from deep within my own sacred Hall.
lit the - Chaph / Sea / Che / Key -
Killing - the Crescent Moon - So tell me, did you see my Lisalore,
See Blood, Canaanites, Celtic Cross, Irish, who went sailing away past my window,
Kill, Kilts, Phœnecians, Red - the Crescen't Moon -
who now bleeds this chain of my heart,
- the Crescen Moon't -
Center of the Bible - the Crossin Moon’t -
who went drifting away, past my door?
And what was it that she said, as her
Q what is the Shortest Chapter in the memory still lingers deep, deep within
Bible? Correctly with the Silent T my head? “You are so deep...,” deep,
A Psalm 117 See CH, GH yes, that’s what she said. All with
--------------------- C/ c replaced the G as the Third feeling and with heart, with an inner eye
Q what is the Longest Chapter in the symbol in the Original Alphabet. an for perception, with a gentle caring in
Bible? Oc’cult trick of the Priest Hoods too her words and thoughts. With the
A Psalm 119 Deceive the Many 2 it is also a Symbol obvious thoughts of Love, in an attempt
--------------------- of the Crescent Moon to open up wide, my very own silent
Q what Chapter is in the Center of the door; a door that had now been shut for
See Crescent Moon, Moon, G, K
Bible? a long, long time, in a time that was
unlike ever before, and since it was,
A Psalm 118 Cadmus Heb & Phone East as
never before. Yeah, she unlocked my
--------------------- implied by Hermes door, obviously, yes, she was holding
FACT No 1 : there are 594 Chapters
that key. She was opening up wide, my
Before - Psalm 118 Caduceus the Medical Staff and very own sacred door, too that majestic,
--------------------- the Symbol of Cybele and endless beauty that now unfolds.
FACT No 2 : there are 594 Chapters See Symbol of Flight, Vimana Unfolding as it is, right before you and
After - Psalm 118 Appendix № 6 I. Yes, it is as deep as anyone can get,
deeper that anyone can see, or imagine,
FACT No 3 : Add These Numbers Up and Canna’Bliss mod code Cannabis but as deep as anyone should be willing
You Get ... 1188 lit the Mother’s Import to go. It is deeper than those ancient
--------------------- hidden land-marks, buried by those
See Canaanites, Empire of the EL, Hashashin,
Q what is the Central Verse in the Bible? Hemp, Marijuana, Phœnecians, Rope, Ships centuries untold. As deep as that old
A Psalm 118:8 Mini Pictionary No 24 Homeric bard, who has memorized, his
the Grk Gem’atria for this Number is very own immortal tune for the world at
Heavenly- Wisdome Carians symb cybr cde for Romans, large, and for all of those future
Mercenary Soldiers centuries of doom. It would last, all into
See Dead Body the day, and then into that night, deep,
Does this Verse do Anything deep into that darkness, of the smoke
Significant for Our Lyves about … Carrot Eye mod Charity and the dew, just as everyone else did
God’s Perfect Wyll ? an Eye for Seeing < too. Revealing thereby, those secret
__________________________ mysteries, locked up deep, within the
See Charity, DiVyne Love story that is all about life, that
the Next Tyme some one says, that
ultimately, everyone knew to be true.
they would like to find God or The Cast of the EL mod Castle

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Allovehe’t’s Perfect Wyll for their See Castle, Chi, Chi Star, EL, Eloheim, And it was for this reason then, that
Lyves and that they would like very Enlightened Ones, Watchers everyone wanted to drink from his
much to be at the Center of His Wyll ... elixir, from that bitter-deep, that
just send them to the Center of His Cause Fore fermented red, dark Trojan wine;
forgetting all of their senses, forgetting
Word: Psalm 118:8 Every Cause and Effect, there is an all of their reason, and their reasons, as
‘ It is Better to Trust in the Lord, than Equal and Opposite Reaction they all became even more intoxicated,
to put any confidence in man.’ - Law of nature as the time, it went on. Everyone
hoping that in the end, that they would
Certificate AKA WareHouse all soon forget, all of their endless pain,
Caveat for Warning
and their insanity that they lived, as they
A Paper Establishing an OwnerShip
See May Day May Day, SOS
lived and they died; and yes, they all
Claim ref Barron’s Dictionaryof Banking died. Oh yes, they laughed, and they
and Banking Terms Celtic Cross danced, so deep into that night, and it
See Birth Certificate See Celtic, Irish, Mimi Pictionary No 38 was all played out, just like his own
parabolic tune. Yet the people, they still
Certification the- Formal- Import The Center of Burning mod
don’t get it, and they didn’t realize, that
of A- Fact See Black’s, Certain, Medicine it was, and still is, all about them, and
Claim See Alter, Cine, Idem, Med, Medicine all about their ultimate doom. Since it

- CH -
was not only, for now and for then, but
- CH - it was and it is, for now and for ever, as
they each tipped their glasses over in the
- CHAPH - - CHAPH - end, as their wine, it poured, full out,
Actual and Original C -
- Actual and Original C -
- down on too the ground.
Cup / Cough / Choke / Chain Cup / Cough / Choke / Chain So now, in my turn I lift up my glass,
the Broken- Bridge - H the Broken- Bridge - H way up to the clouds, and for those great
- Key / Che / Chi - - Key / Che / Chi - immortal tunes, that were sung so loud.
As I now toast, too those proverbial
- CH - - CH - Emerald Isles, way out there, by those
K CHopped the CH K CHopped the CH cliffs and the dunes, in a deep, thick, and
mysterious thick fog, way out by that
CH syn G CH syn G cold and frigid deep, and all within a sea
See of glimmering doom. I toast too those
G, J See G, J
lonely years gone bye, as we cried, early
Changing Vowels
it's what you have left
in that morning deep when we died. I
after they have taken Everything from you
now toast to that elusive freedom, of
it is the Ultimate cyber CODE, the Term the- Original Ancient- Writings did Not which we have lost, that freedom of
was First Coined by Leslie Gelb, the have Vowels, the-vowels were inserted which, we never really had, no matter
President of The CFR, The Conucil as you read the-words to your self, thus the cost. I now toast too those, old worn
Foreign Relations, in His Opening the-law is, you can change the-vowels in out and forgotten pictures, of my own
a word to get the-other variable and mom and dad, a family of which, I never
Letter of their c 1992 Annual Report
really knew and never really had. I now
He COINED This Term by Saying We relative meanings of a Word
toast to that pure innocence, of which
are going to have Change and ever See the Pattern we all were denied, the innocent gate of
since then, each Newly Elected Example which, has now all been lost, as I see
Anybody uses this CODE WORD myself standing there, now at the cross.
from the- ancient- root ABL / ABLL I now toast to the Love, that is Love; a
CHANGE in his Inaugural Speach and
the A can be Pronounced and a love which was found, but where did it
then it was picked up by the
Commercials saying that We are going Silent Consonant go, for now it is lost? I now toast to the
to have Change..... yet, no one EVER Abal / aBaal / aBall that which is Round woman, and my own temporal ode,
the- Moon’t which now comes by way, of my own
heavens abode; and I toast to the one
See CFR, Out Come Based Education Abel / aBeel / aBell that which is Heard who has never found Love, as I toast to
Beetle, Serpen(t)’s Sound
that Sun, and the Moon up above. I now
Charity Carrot Eye Abil / aBial / aBill that which is Dark
lit A
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meaning an Eye for Seeing < Something that is passed in-to Law toast for those reasons, that we already
See Carrot Eye Abol / aBool / aBowl that which Holds know, for my love in a season, with that
the- Golden- Chalice Lisalore…
Charlemagne King of the Franks
My Lisalore - Page Four
AD 800, known as the Greatest King Abul/ aBull/ abDule that which is
Sacrificed Love. The Lisalore who I saw, that
of the Dark Ages in western Europe or Lisalore who I knew, deep down in my
Continually Remembered by the Bull Fights
so they say heart, that she could be there no more;
so as you can See AB-ove, every one of the-
no, not but by way of my own Heaven’s
Chattel we are regarded as variables has to with some Character
it turns out that Abel was the-very First
Door. That Lisalore who crossed her
Human Capital Energy Resources path on my floor, that Lisalore of now
Oc’cult Deity who was worshiped by man
See Executive Order 13037, Human and then, and then never more,
Resources, Humus, Matrix the Movie
from the ancient root
Has anyone out there seen my Lisalore?
which lit means the Breath of Places
Chess ori th lit Guess You can read all about her, through
ThroughOut Alle Tyme, we get : those pages of yore. She was stately,
See Guess, Queen, the Game the Elite Play on
You and Me Hall / Halle a place that is Narrow serene, and in an age gone by she could
have been queen; but now she is only
Chi lit the Chi Nites or Hell / Helle a place that is Terrible mine, stowed away in some dream. She
Knights who Rule the World with the Hill / Hille a place that is High went sailing away, she was lost on some
Force of the t’Svn See Black Hole, Holl (Hole) / Holle a place that is Deep ship, way out in a storm; in that deep
Cain, Camera, Cha, Che, Chi- Rest, Cho, Chu, Emerald Sea, never too return again in
Knights, Mimi Pictionary No 13 Hull (Hvll) / Hulle a place that is Hidden my vision, never to be seen, or too be
Anagram : Ich for Inc, Ink, and Hyll (Hyll) / Hyelle a place that is Far heard from again anymore. So, can
Darkness as in Thick someone please show me the way, way
so as you can see above, every one of back down too her deep, her dark and
Chi Rho corr Chi Row the-variables has to with some Place deep, her deep water door? And what
was it again that she said, as her
stands for the Synbol XP You will also note that Hell is found up-
on the- Æarth memory still lingers deep, deep in my
Chi = X = Power head. Yes, I could have loved you with
Rho = P = Oars from the- ancient- root LST a Love, with a love that is so much
It is the Symbol of A Religious Order more, than this world can give. I would
Last / Laste a state at the end have loved you as never before, just as
of Death and Slave Merchants Lest / Leste a state un-less men had never lived. It would bring a
See Chi, Labarum, Roman, Row, tear to your eye, for that intensive Love
Windows XP, X - Marks The Spot List / Liste a state recorded that we could string; with a singer, a
Mimi Pictionary No 4 Lost / Loste a state not found poet, and a writer, a best friend who is
Lust / Luste a state on fire only prudent, as I now sing. A receptor
for only good thoughts, who’s been
Lyst / Lyste a state permitted knock, knock, knocking, and walking
on, and on, and on, towards that
so as you can see above, every one of Heaven’s Door. A place where, all of
the variables has to with some State those crude animal factions, they are
See LL, Laws of Diction, Moon the-, never to be found, no not anymore; way
__________________________ Vowels, Two Legs Walking, the Above Words up in the clouds, and in a Love without
Child n. from Ancient Time,
Ænd, my own Lisalore. It would have
has been pronounced Killed and it means been better too go on without knowing
Che lit the Life Force or Key you, better then, to have never met you,
Cold, freezing and Dead See Cha, Chi, Chimera, Cho, Fire, Key better to have met you only in my
See Youth, Webster 1828 dreams, where it is there, that I could
Child 2 A Legal Term it is the Chewing the mod Interpretation endure, that I have been cheated once
Legal State of Being Dead. In Lat Legum or lit the Gum, Heb Targum more. Just like that Forbidden History,
Roman Time, a new born slave baby’s See Deeper Pantation, Gum, Interpretation, of which is all about man, of which he
feet, were imprinted on the back of a L egum, Pre, Targum no longer cares, of which he no longer
owns. Emptiness and blind ignorance,
Birth Certificate, before its feet ever Chi lit the- Fire / Phiyer that too, is just another total
touched the ground, and that’s when it
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
was ‘child’ / killed, dead upon its See Cha, Che, Chimera, Cho, Fire, Keys enslavement of man. Yes, it has
arrival into the world See Dead Chi Lishia See Cilicia happened again, just like it has
Hand Law happened, time and time before; the
A Slave was Legally ‘DEAD’; a enslavement of man, once again, just
Chi Night mod Knight
‘JOHN DOE’, in all Capitol Letters. like the enslavement of never before, the
commonly Canaanite the Silent K is a enslavement of man once again, by my
The Hand- Book on Roman Civil Law
See Mortmain. ‘Chilled’ child, killed CODE. with the silent T at the end, we own Lisalore.
have another CODE, being Neigh, for THE FORBIDDEN HISTORY
Which Today means those who have
the Chi are Near
been Killed Legally
See Chi, Knowledge dezert-owl, A Prizoner of a “Mixed War.”
Can the people really be…
Chattel Property ? The Chi Rest mod Christ an Moundsville, West Virginia, Military Regional
Jail and Mental-gulag, Hell-Date: April 19th , 2000
See Birth Certificate, Peonage oc’cult term that means the Strict Chi in The Year Of Our Lord,
Back-Words See Chi, Cipher, common natural-law copyright (c) by, dezert-owl
Chilled lit Killed cyb cde Code, Cyber Code, Jesus, Kite, Messiah, In The Immortal-age of Lyghte, in Yahshuah;
Mosheyach, Moshællot’yannchi’t, St, Vatican All Right Reserved, All Right Deserved
for Child See Child, Shield
Anagram : Strict for the western oc’cult
Babylonian Vatican My Lisalore, and The Woman – My
Chimatica without both of the __________________________
extreme opposing forces of the energies Fiery Magma, were written towards the
of nature, life would be impossible Child Protective Services NOT end of a twenty-six month long
odyssey, where I fell victim to an “MK
within this universe, and in fact,
nothing could exist in any form
C.P.S. Ultra” Mind Control government
conspiracy, that placed, and then
See Camera, Chi, Chi- Rest, Chimæra
- Warning - tortured me in jail, tried to declare me
Chinese orig Cinas pronounced insane, but instead “tried”, and then
Sin Ass Child Protective Services sentenced me to “Life Without Mercy”;
See Yellow People NEEDS [ To Kid- Nap ] the maximum penalty, for what is now,
Chosen the “record” for the longest case in West
Cho Zen
ori th lit Your Off Spring to FILL their Virginia’s history. But, in the end, my
Brought To The Highest Point
See Cho Zen
QUOTA Great Father of Light, and His son,
Jesus, The Christ, set me free.
Christ an oc’cult term that means Will YOU and Yours be Next?
the Chi Rest and is Strict back-Words Protect Your Family NOW & Be Informed
So you must always beware, of Free
(slave)Masons, and attorneys, since a
See Chi, Chi- Rest, Cipher,
day in Brooke County, is not just
Code, Cyber Code, Jesus, Messiah, Mosheyach, See Big Money, Head Hunters, Ritual Sacrafice
Moshællot’yannchi’t, St, Vatican __________________________ “another day”, when it is, that only Free
Masons (the secret hand-shake club)
Anagram : Strict , for the western oc’cult Chimæra Chi Mirror it
lit the
“agents” of the British Crown, think that
Babylonian Vatican is an Etruscan Bronze Sculpture ref to only Free Masons and attorneys should
in Revelations 13: 2-4, but it has NOT be sovereign and free, while everyone
Christian A Moshe'Yahcheim the Feet of a Bear, but the Feet of a else, should be a slave, of their secret
or a christian, is not the work of an idea, Dog, who are also the Lower Priests and little, tyrannical, little boys game, of
or the whim of some opinion, but rather, the Freemasons who do the bidding of
control, extortion, fraud, highway
it is a pure seed and the divine work of robbery, child kidnapping, rape,
their Master Owners 2 lit the Chi
the Greatest Intellect of Mind, wythin a murder, drug running, prostitution, the
Mirror, or the Chi Mæra is also spying on, and the selling out of their
complete surrender for all of the
Highest Thought; now all of the above Synonymous with Camera and by imp it is a neighbors, all under the guise of “Law”
becomes most especially true, once he Picture or a Reflection of Lyfe En-FORCE-ment, you name it. In their
has been judged, condemned, hated, See Appendix Large Photo No 1, Camera, secret oaths, they have already, in
and then persecuted, by all of the very Azaz-EL, Chi, Chi Rest, Chimatica advance, all agreed to tell lies against all
dark world of corrupt and sin-ful men Mimi Pictionary No 7 of the American people, as one of their
that He Serves - Letter of Ignatius Anagram : Aramaic the most Ancient pure and moral obligations, for their
form of Communication, the Olde Lang Zine or “secret” cause, a “Scottish Rite –
the Olde Language of Zion Wrongs.” From ancient time, “rite”
Christian orig Aramaic root is
means “oc’cult ritual”; and “craft”
Munda more corr Moonah’t as in

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Maanna’t Silent T and should be Cho Zen mod Chosen lit means: “TREASON.” The courts in
TransLiterated the Ænlightened Body of Brought To The Highest Point America are not yours any more, as they
the Chozen and the Ælect Ones Called
are now, foreign military tribunals, in
See Chosen court’s martial, by admiralty
Out See Christ, Church, Elect, Kirk,
Munda, Mundi, Chozen
jurisdiction, since Lincoln’s war, against
Cinas mod Chinese the Free and Independent Christian
Church comes from Scottish and is pronounced Sin- Ass states.
pron Kirk or Kirk-i (eye) and comes See Yellow People
from the Latin Circ, as in Circus and This World is only a shadow of
Circuit and it lit means the Round Cine lit Too Burn
the Real World - Crazy Horse
Woman or the Round Mother See Enoch, San, Sin, Sun
A nagram : E nich / Enoch / Eneck from the Book, Bury My Heart At
the original root form should be the
Ælected and Chozen Virgin Mother lit the Mysteries, Knowledge, Darkness, Voice
in that order
Wounded Knee
See Christian, Chozen, Circ, Elect, Kirk, Moon, __________________________
Munda, Mundi, Star Trek Movies, 2nd John 1 __________________________
Citizens Rule Book 64 Pocket Pages
Cinema cyb cde lit the Mothers with the Bill of Rights & Jury Hand Book
Burning or the Burning Mother
As well as the American Constitution & Quotes - Australia Beware -
Cine, Ma Order Booklet from
Anagram : Anemic Whitten Printers O Australia Great South Continent
Ph 602-258-6406
Cipher / The True Cipher 1001 South 5th Street Phoenix AZ 85004 Your Red Heart Burns on Fire
the True Cipher is the prime meaning Send Five Dollars Post Paid As you face your Test of Greatness
of the name Lucifer __________________________ In the Times we know so Dire
See AB-EL, ABel, Abel, Ba’al, Baal, City States the Division of Labour
Ball, Bel, Bell, Bile, Code, Columbia, El, Elahe, between the Vatican, Washington DC
Australian Sons and Daughters
Fay, F, Fe, Fee, God, Godt, Gut, Hidden Woman Before You NOW I Stand
and the City Of London is quite well- To WARN You of the Danger
the-, Iesous, Iesus, Isa, Ishtar, Isis, Jesus, L, Lo,
Loo, Loo Cipher, Lord, Lucifer, Pay, PH, Phay, established. The Vatican Over-sees the That threatens our Great Land
Saint Nick, Santa Claus, Statue of Liberty, religious cover-up for all the organised
Too/two Gods geo-financial crime and runs child- Our vast shores un-Defended
City of London Corporation prostitution rackets and rings, through its Lie prey to foreign Foe
this is a privately owned "Square mile" churches, schools, hospitals and While Government Disarms the people
666 acres, of ancient, non-accountable orphanages across the world.
We ALL Must Tell Them NO !
vested interests with its own private Washington DC has a military mandate
police force. It is not administratively, to foment continual war and artificial Our Bishops are ALL Silent
politically or constitutionally, part of shooting-conflicts to generate business On the issues of ethics grave
London U.K. The City of London has a opportunities for the Western cabal's O Lord where is their conscience
Lord Mayor. London U.K. has a mayor. international corporations. For the souls they're bound to save?
They are two different people "elected"
by two different legal entities The City of London Corporation is in Our Nation is plagued by
See City States, Vatican, Washington D.C charge of the hidden piggy banks. It rigs
the stock and commodities markets, TREASON
Civil Resister coordinates tax avoidance schemes for In places HIGH and Low
major corporations, creates money-out- Our Leaders wash hands like Pilate
Truth, Purity, Self-Control, of-nothing for the ancient "royal"
And condemn Our Land to Die
bloodline families, and protects the
Firmness, Fearlessness, Humility, interests of the London Crown Temple. Behold NOW Hawk & Keating
Unity, Peace, and Renunciation – See City of London, Vatican, Washington D.C
Those men of Judas Shame
All These are the Inherent Who do they think they're fooling
Colie Hind Black Goddess of War
Qualities and Death 2 the Goddess Who
All Aussies know their Game !
of A Civil- Resister Demanded Ritual Sacrifice We've Watched them Trip to Moscow

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A Phayshe’ool’t - TargumTranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
- GANDHI See Colic, Columbia, Pazuzu To get their ORDERS True
And come back to Control us
Claim a command for Ones Own Closing of the Eye(s) a corr root &
Sin Be sure, they will get their due
natural Right See Aim, CL, Certify, orig th for
natural Right See Æyes, Blind, Eye, Vail
Let's kid Our-Selves No Longer
Anagram : Milk Pure
for That She will be Alright Mate
But Wake Up to that Threat Now
Client lit Non Compus Mentis
Before it is Too LATE
or Not Mentally Competent lit The Call of Attraction
See Blacks Law Dict, Mental Hospitals for Let's Honor All of Our Warriors
Use, Examples Who DIED on Foreign Shore
Understanding in Bouviers below
Black the Mother Lacks To Save Our precious loved ones
Cloud Words Words or Cyber Note: the above is a metaphore for the Void of From this Awful Cannon's Roar
outer space and has no bearing on ‘black women’,
Codes, that are used too Cover Up we are dealing with 'Symbolisim' and Metaphore Let's Revive The ANZAC Sprit
Original Words in Nature As in Cries Now Long Past
See Cyber Code, Lucifer, the True Cipher Blue the True Mother And Throw Down now the Gauntlet
Clover cyb cde Cover Green the Chi Screen And SHOW THEM well Hold Fast
See Celtic Irish Pale So Aussies Make Your Plans Now
Club 33 a Private Club Red the Royal Breath of Lyghte To PROTECT Our Land and Folk
located in the very Heart of New Yellow the Gudgement of the t’Svn So Our Children will have Freedom
Orleans USA Square a section of And be Spared the Tyrant's Yoke
Yahl’love the DiVyne Love of Lyghte
Disneyland. officially maintained as a that Goes Round for Yellow orig thought So let's ALL Pledge our Courage
Secret' feature of the theme park, the See Anagrams, Bloove, Valley, Yahll’t
entrance of the club is located next to
As We DID in Days gone by
Yellov, the Above Colors
And TRUST in God- Almighty
the Blue Bayou Restaurant at '33 __________________________

Royal Street' with the Entrance Com root ofCalm, Come, Australia Will NOT Die !
recognizable by an Ornate Address Cosmic See Communications, Con
Anagram : Moch / Moloch / Molock - Ian Murphy c 1990
Plate with The Number 33 engraved on
-Ausie Freedom Scouts
it. A Club 33 Badge. there are various
origins that have been claimed for the COMMERCIAL Religious Australia's Bonified Militia
name Club 33 Terms Along with Brigadier, Serong
Club 33 stands for Walt Disney, a WW-II Veteran
33 Scottish Rite Freemason Angel actually the English
See Masonic, Walt Disney, 33 Degree Mason, Apostle actually the Packaged Goods __________________________

Mini Pictionary No 36 that were Shipped Away

CODE Faith actually the Fay
- Abbreviations -
lit means Secret the Goddess of
See AB-EL, ABel, Abel, Ba’al, Baal, Fortune
Ball, Bel, Bell, Bile, Cipher, Columbia, Cyber- Abrev – Abbreviation
Code, DaVinci, El, Elahe, F, Fay, Fe, Fee, Flea,
Religion actually Re-Legion Adj – Adjective
God, Godt, Gut, Hidden-Woman the-, Iesous, Worship actually War-Ship Adv – Adverb
Iesus, Isa, Ishtar, Isis, Jesus, L, Lock, Loo-Cipher, There Are More ... Aka – Also Known As
Lord, Lucifer, Moloch, Pay, Pazuzu, PH, See Oc'cult & Other Religious Terms Ara – Aramaic
Pharaoh, Phay, Santa Claus, Statue of Liberty, Black’s – Black’s Law Dictionary
Too/two Gods
Brit – British
Anagram : Edict for Dictate Commitment It is Truth c – Circa / Approximate
Coins that I Breathe before you, There is no Cf – See Also
one who has left house or brothers or CFR – Code of Federal Regulations
See Chiroh, Chirow, Flags, Star of David
sisters or fathers or mothers or wife or CFR – Council on Foreign Relations
Mini Pictionary No 35 children or lands for my sake and for the Chap – Chapter
College of Abbreviators Starr Message, Commer – Commercial

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A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum
Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
that will not inherit a hundred fold Const – Constitution
College of AB-Breviators here in this world, houses and brothers Cor – Corinthians
That is / ish Abbreviations and sisters and mothers and children and
lands, along with persecution and in the
Corr – Correctly
Corrup – Corruption
a University out-side the Walls of world to come, Lyfe inn A Day Wyth- Cyb-Cde – Cyber Code
The Vatican, where the Jesuit, Curia Out Ænd, Cyber-Cd. – Cyber Code
pron cure-ee-eye which implies they put and those who are the First will be as Dan – Daniel
the Last, and those who are Last will be Def(s) – Definition
the- Cure in Your Æye, have
as the First Deut – Deuteronomy
engineered all of the words of the World - Jesus, the- Christ Mt 26:13 Dict – Dictionary
and abbreviated them for the sake of
Doct – Doctrine
disguise, thus they destroyed all of our
Æastern connection to the Original Con Anagram : Noch Ecc – Ecclesiastes
Ed – Edition
thought by Abbreviating all of our See Darkness Eng – English
words and Destroying all of the Basic Esp – Especially
Root Forms
Connecting To Think or Etymol / Etym – Etymology / logical
even say, that the DiVynne Hand – the Evol – Evolved
See Abbreviate, Alexandrian
Library, Clones of the Age, Columns, Columns- Greighte Breath of Continuance is NOT Fed – Federal
Edge, Jesuits, Library of Caesaria, Secret involved wyth-inn the Affairs of mere Fn – Foot Notes
Archives of the -Vatican, Vatican common men, is just like saying, that the Fr / F – French
shining stars creating those pictures put Frm – From
Columbia the Hidden Woman way-up in the sky at night, were not put G.Phil – Gospel of Philip
Elahe, the Fay or Phay, etc 2 the there specifically for us to Read Gal – Galatians
- dezert-owl gen – General
First Eye of Moloch 3 the Two
Gen – Genesis
You Must See and Read it For Your-Self
Columns Symbolized in the Twin Gen-Sense – General-Sense
Towers as well, in an Oc’Cult Blood See Breath of Continuance
Ger – German
Ritual Sacrifice
See AB-EL, ABel, Abel, Aphrodite,
Ba’al, Baal, Ball, Bel, Bell, Bile, Cipher, Colie,
Con Words
Gk / Grk – Greek
Goth – Gothic
Heb – Hebrew(s)
What Part of Con Don’t You Comprehend?
Columns, Cyber-Code, El, Elahe, Fæ, Fabric, Hind – Hindu
Face, Fae, Fake, Fay, Fe, Fee, God, Godt, Gut, See the Pattern HmPrl – Hymn of the-Pearl
Hidden-Woman the-, Iesous, Iesus, Is, Isa, Ishtar,
Isis, Issa, Jesus, Lord, Lucifer, Moloch, Pay, Example Icel – Icelandic
Impl /Imp – Implies / Implied / Implication
Pazuzu, PH, Pharaoh, Phay, Q, Queen, Saint Concept is in reality Pre Cept Interp – Interpreted
‘Nick’, Santa Claus, Statue of Liberty
Anagram : Bi MOLOCH for Consonant is in reality Con Sonant lit Isa – Isaiah
the Con Sounds for the Ants Jb – Job
the First of the TWO Eyes of Moloch
Jer – Jeremiah
Constantinople is in reality the Place of
Jn – Gospel of John
Commerce Today there the Con Jol – Joel
are, as indeed there have always been, Continent is in reality the Con Tenant Josh – Joshua
insidious and enslaving forces at work Contract is in reality a Tract KJV – King James Version
in America. Today’s emerging tyranny Lat – Latin
emanates from a ‘New’ King, from a Control is in reality the Con Troll Lit – Literally / Literal / Literation
nonliving power center, composed at See Cept, Ceptore, Contract, Control, Lk – Gospel of Luke
it’s core of monolithic corporate Scepter, Tract, Troll LXX – Septuagint
entities, that are all encased and ME – Middle Ænglish
protected by endless layers of Consciousness Where Ever Metaph / metphr – Metaphore
governmental bureaucracies. you put Your Focus, that is what you Mk – Gospel of Mark
The primary strategy of the New become Conscious of
MSS – Manuscripts
King, is to convert all rights, all of Mt – Gospel of Matthew
- Ian Xel Lundgold
man’s energy, all of his goals... and at n – Noun
the last, every individual into a Constantine Constant
cybr cod for NHL. – Nag Hammadi Library, the
commodity. The New King exists No – Number
solely for commerce, it’s life-blood; it’s
Through-Out All Time - Ruler of OFr – Old French

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A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
green blood is money and it’s singular the Eastern Roman Empire c 310 AD, Oc' / Oc’c – Oc’Cult
mission is profit and control. Ruling out of Constantinople, when he OdSol – Odes Of Solomon
The New King’s means of control is had a so called vision of a Cross in the OE – Olde English
the media, who then sell us the false sky, yet the true symbol is known when OHG – Olde High German
notions of ‘Freedom’; but then, when you see his statue where he is holding a OriGsp – Original Gospel / Aquarian
we are in doubt... they reassure us that giant Sword, with a sign that reads, BY Orig th /tho/u – Original Thought
we are indeed free, as they program us OT – Old Testament
and our children to accept this notion, OMT – Other Modern Translations
Lions at his Feet, which are Symbolic of
that all of man’s function... all of man’s Pet – Peter
the Aryan Brahmin Priests who are in
desires and only purpose indeed... even Pg – Page
control of Constantine, at the Most Prob – Probably
immortality itself, can at the end, be
satisified and fulfilled, somewhere at Strategic Point and Crossroad between Pron / Prn – Pronounced
the market place of their very own the East and the West See The Movie Ps – Psalms
making. Constantine, Mini Pictionary No 42 Prvb – Proverbs
- Gerry Spence – From Freedom To Slavery PTRP - PhaysheOol Targum Res Project
Constantinople The Cross, Re – Regarding
Reg – Regular
Commerce the Oldest Law ... on which the Peace of the World has
Rep – Representing
the natural Exchange Between been Crucified - Arthur G Daniells Si – Silent
Men See Constantine, Constantine’s Sword Sic – In this Exact Style
Sp – Spelled
It Must be Based in Truth Constantinople with its tributary straits Stat – Statute
Next too the- natural, Spiritual, or is the most strategic site in the world. Strongs – Strong's Concordance
organic- Law, and pure-Shelter 2 it When Napoleon and the Czar Alexander Suff – Suffix
deals directly with the- Equitable- sat at Tilsit to Divide the World between Symb – Symbolic of
them, Alexander is said to have plead Syn – Synonymous
Exchange between men, which must be with Napoleon ‘Give or take what you Teut – Teutonic
based upon Truth and all other fairness will, but give us Constantinople, for it, Translation , the
3 when Perfecting Documents such as my people are prepared to make any Tim – Timothy
Notices and Affidavits, alpha-david-ties, sacrifice.’ Napoleon bent for a long, Th – Thought
it has been recommended that you start long time, way over the Map, and then Tom – Thomas
the- document dialog off, by beginning straightening up with sudden resolution Ult – Ultimate
with, this Affidavit or Declaration is in and replied ‘Constantinople? ... Never! Vs / V – Verses
Commerce. this establishes the- true That is the Central Hub for Ruling the- w/p – Words & Phrases
nature, wyth-inn the-interaction of the- World.’ Web – Webster 1828
Commercial (courts) Offices, and that Nothing has happened since, to discredit W / Wi – With
Full-Disclosure in All Matters is of this claim. Merchant and strategist Wis – Wisdom of Solomon
Great and Paramount- Import alike, still rank Constantinople as the Wkl – John of Wycliffe
Note: the 'Court Systems' of today are most valuable of all the territorial 1 Sam – First Samuel
ALL in Commerce possessions. It is now, as it was a &c – And So On
See Alpha-David-Tie, Contract, Masonic
century ago, as it has always been, the
dis-Order break and choke point between the East _____________________________
and the West, and is the Center of the
Worlds concern, as it was accounted the
Common law Chief Issue during World War I. This
was not the first war, nor the last war, to When Two Worlds
the common law, is the common right
- dezert-owl
be waged for it’s possession.
Dr H.H. Powers c 1917 the World War p 28
Collide -
See Cross- Road between the East and West, by dezert-owl
Common law in essence, it is like Tore Chi, Tour, Turkey Coming Soon
the common air that we Breathe and it
can not be altered. the precepts are, Do Constitutio (n) In the Civil law
no wrong to any-one, and the Keeping an Imperial Ordinance, a Decree or a FREE Eddie Ray Kahn
of your word. it can never die, and it is Constitution as distinguished from Lex ( An American Rights Litigator
always there, in esse, waiting for law ), Senatus- Consultum, and other A Guiding Light of God Ministry

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A Phayshe’ool’t - TargumTranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
someone to come along and pick it up. kinds of law and having its effect from the
2 it is not based up-on, nor supported
by any man-made written statute. it is
Sole Will of the Emperor. Dig 1, 4, 1,
Cooper’s notes Prisons
First, and there-for Superior of all Man- Constitutio Establishment of
made Statute 3 the Kings LAW, in
2 an
a Settlement. also used for Controversies
that, the King can Do NO wrong. under
his system, you needed his permission
Settled Parties with-out a Trial.
by the America's Brutal Prisons
Calvin. a sum PAID according to
to even sue him
Agreement. Du Cange
Everyone should be concerned about
See Æ, Commerce, Custom and Usage, "America's Brutal Prisons;" as from
Esse, natural law, rule of law, Shelter, Shetar,
In O Æ
lde nglish Law : behind "The Green Wall," comes out
an Ordinance or Statute. A- THE MOST POWERFUL EXPOSE
Provision of A Statute EVER by X-Prison Guard, D J Vodicka,
Common law Statement
IMPORTANT NOTE : HERE IS ... Your on the worst prison systems in the
the Affiant Proclaims the Truth, the world. They are NOT built nor intended
Whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth, Smoking Gun ... from Constitutio the- to rehabilitate, but instead, behind it all,
everything that the affiant claims, by the Symbol – N - is added to get lies one of the greatest "experiments" on
declaration, for the clarification here-in, Constitution. the- Letter N is a prime human psychology, behavior, slave
will be true, correct, complete, not- Oc’cult- Symbol that means ... labor, torture, and mind-control.
misleading and the-affiant, will claim the .
truth, when-ever called upon, to do so That which Came Down ! and is in
How can it be, that the people who are
See Mandate for the Truth fact the-symbol of the- Throne, their in control today, are actually more
most Royal-Symbol next to the-Letter L criminal and more sinister in their
The Common Way the natural See Con, Constitutio, Constitution, behavior, than the very people that they
Right for Free Passage wyth-inn the Constitutor, N, Ordain, Ordinance, Provision, are supposed to house and "protect"?
Statute May God Help, "our" helpless prisoners
common-way is non-alienable or un-
aleinable Right 2 an Ancient custom in America today, who are now reduced
and the First Right C
The orporate Concept to being captured "chattel" property and
legally DEAD, while approximately
See Claim of Right, Custom and Usage, But Theories often Determine seventy percent of those who are in
Passage, Passed Through Out the Ages, Right. Since I do not now know, where
Right of Way
prison today are actually INNOCENT of
the opinion in this case will take me in having committed any real crime!!!
Commoners it is the proper use for the Future, I prefer too reach its .
Heathen and Gentiles See Gentiles, destination by the much shorter route, in So now that the REAL Truth is
Heathen recognising that a Corporation, as such, "known," who will go after the REAL
never Transacts-Business, and is never criminals who are standing there holding
Communication found any-where, but does Transact- those precious keys over Life and
business, and is FOUND some-where, by Death?
Be Perfect in Your Communications
an-attribution too the-Corporation, in
- Primary Christian Maxim
what a-man does for it. No doubt, legal Thank You D. J. Vodicka, our Number
See Heb 13:16 reasoning must be on its guard, not too One Prison Guard in America Today,
Con what part of Con do you not over-simplify. Dangers also lurk in for being so brave and coming out,
UnderDerStand..., Stand Under ? over-Complicating while Breaking their C-O-D-E- of
- Davis v. Mills 194 U.S. 451, 457 silence; YOU are Truly An American
See Con, Constitutio, Constitution,
Hero! No American, nor anyone else
Corporate - Words
Anagram : Noch lit Darkness for that matter, deserves to be
T.o.r.t.u.r.e.d..., EVER
the Corporate Words are all Æxpressing
Conformity Be NOT the Original Ancient Thought
dezert-owl, Survivor of Torture
Conformed to this FALSE World, as See the Pattern
you must be Transformed into the We Are ALL Doing Time !
Royalle-Domain of the DiVynne
Example Free America Radio Network
Lyghte and the Image of Your Greight Bell Telephone Ma Baal Connected with ALL See Peonage, Prisons
Father Dairy Queen Logo is the all Seeing Æye To Be Continued ...
- Jesus, The Christ
General Electric for
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- T h e N o n – S p o k e n W o r d P u b l i c a t i o n z - www.TheREALPublicRadio.Net
A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum
Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
All Generations of Elohim Higher Dark Tricks
ConQuer the Cure with the Con See the current one dollar postage stamp of JOVE The Mini
HEB Food Stores
HEB lit means the-Eb
Consciousness Where Ever which is the-root-word for Herb and implies,

you put Your Focus, that is what you ‘the-Eb and the-Flow of nature, and also is
the abbrev for Hebrew
then become Conscious of
- Ian Xel Lundgold Esso Oil Co lit implies Esoteric which Pictures Related To Certain Definitions
implies the-Secret-on-the-Land of the- __________________________
Constitutio in the Civil Law ... Illuminated-Ones who Rule in Secret
an Imperial Ordinance, a Decree or a
Constitution as distinguished from Lex
Exxon Oil Co lit implies Exoteric
which implies the- Coming-Out inn-to the-
(law), Senatus- Consultum, and other
Open, when they created the Co. in late 1960’s
Fasces or Fascia or Faschi or Faschii
kinds of law and having its effect from
the Sole WILL of the Emperor Oreo Cookies Oreo lit means the-True-

See Dig 1, 4, 1, Cooper’s Ore of Lyghte . it has always been about the-
notes Ore

Constitutio 2 an Establishment Seagrams- 7 Seven Crown Whiskey is...

the 7 Grim Seas
of A Settlement. also used for
controversies settled by the parties with- Scotch- Tape the-Transparent-Tape lit
out a trial. Calvin. a sum PAID refers too the-Scottish- Rite Free- Masons
according to Agreement. Du Cange who are trans-parent and every-where

In Olde Ænglish Law ... Yale Lock Co lit refers too Yale
An Ordinance or Statute. A
University the-home of the ‘Scull-and-Bones
Secret-Society where the primary Con-Trollers of
Provision of A Statute America are indoctrinated Yale also has a
IMPORTANT NOTE : HERE IS ... Your woman’s open society called Keepers of the Keys
Smoking Gun ... from Constitutio the- See Corporation, SS, the Above Words
Symbol – N - is added to get
Constitution. the Letter N is a prime
Oc’cult Symbol that means ...
That which Came- Down ! and is in
fact the symbol of the- Throne, their
most Royal Symbol next to the Letter L
See Con, Constitutio, Constitution,
Constitutor, Lantern, N, Ordain, Ordinance,
Provision, Statute, U.S. Constitution

Constitution a cybr cod for the

Articles of Bankruptcy for a Cosmic Mæn and Woman
Corporation as found from in
Dictionaries that pre Date the 1700’s.
can any one say CON ? Esoterica Mind / Mend / Mound
See Bankruptcy, Con, Constitutio, Breath / the Bramatheme – the Ethereal
Constitutor, Corporate Concept, the Constitutions Support of the Many Breaths
from All History, U.S. Constitution
Flesh / Flash or the Spark of Lyghte
Contract means the Total Legal
Obligation, which resultz, from the The Head
parties' agreement, as affected, by this Mouth / the Mother’s Youth – Mother’s
acte, and any other applicable rules of Support
law. Compare "Agreement" UCC Art. 1
The Upper Body
Gen Provisions Part 2 2 cybr cde lit the

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- T h e N o n – S p o k e n W o r d P u b l i c a t i o n z - www.TheREALPublicRadio.Net
A Phayshe’ool’t - TargumTranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Contrail See compact, Fist / the First also Fast
Bond, Con, Common Bond

Conviction what is implied by having

Internal Organs
Faith See Adherent Conviction, Faith,
Lyghte, Sol, Viction, Victory of Lyghte
The Lower Body
to be Cpmpleted in the Very Near Future ...
Corporate Concept the See the Above Words
from Earliest Times, the-law has
enforced right(s), and exacted
liabilities by utilizing A Corporate
Cosmogony Worlds come from
World Seeds, this is The Master Key,
Concept – by recognising, the- genos or gonos, not theos
difference between, juristic-PERSONS, - Lloyd Grahm
and the- Flesh and Blood-Man. the-
Theories by which this mode of Legal Cosmogony Creation or the See Berserker Battle Axe, Going Berzerk
Operation has developed, has been Creative Process __________________________
justified, qualified and defined, are the- See Cosmos, Gonos
subject-matter of a very sizeable
library. the historic roots of a Create Lyghte Create the Rays of
particular society, economic preasures Lyghte a corr root and orig th for Pray West Point Controlling the Prime
and philosophic notions, have all had
their share in the-law’s response, too See Embrace-Fray, Lyghte, PH, Phray, Military Minds from the Vatican
Pray, Ray, Re
the ways of men, in carrying on their
own-affairs, through what is now the-
familiar-device of the-corporation. .law
has also responded too religious needs,
Crime ' Vices ' are NOT Crimes
- Lysander Spooner
in recognizing jurstic-persons, other
than men. Thus, in hindu-law, an idol See Mini Pictionary No 23
has standing in court, in order too
enforce its own right(s). See, e.g., Croton symb cybr cde for Elahe’t,
pramatha nath mullick y pradyumna Israel, some Great City
kumar mullick, 52 l. r. i. a. 245; 1925.
Attribution of legal-right, and fiduciary- See
duty, for a jurstic-person, other than a- Crown of Thorns Banking, Image Out-Side The Vatican,
Jesuit, Rothschild, West Publishing
man, is necessiarily a-metaphorical- At Certain Times Your Mental __________________________
process, and none the-worse for it. No anguish may seem too unbearable, but
doubt, “metaphors in law are too be
narrowly watched,” cardozo, j., in
you must hang- on, because what was
once a Crown of Thorns upon your head, -№3-
berkey v. third-avenue r. co., 244 nY.
84, 94. But all instruments of thought,
will soon turn into the sweetest red fruit
you ever did eat; just as you know the
The Vatican Flags
should be narrowly-watched as well, Sun rises each day in a Totally Reliable
lest they be abused, and fail in their
service, for the-sound-reason. .u.s. v. Way - dezert-owl
scophony-corp., october-trem, 1947
See Tital of Nobility Cry or the Cry mod Decree

Cure with the Con mod ConQuer

Personality Diagnostic Check List
World Health Current of the- Sea
for mod
The East India Trading Company

Organization ICD - 10 See Money morphed Itself into The UNITED

Manual Of Health Disorders DSM – IV Custom orig thought lit Costume i.e.

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Clothing or orig-thought Close-Thing, bye Former Vatican Front Office Now The U.S.
X The callous unconcern for the
feelings of others
impl Something Close to You 2 lit Vatican Square, CROSS & the X
the-Price that One Pays i.e. Tribute
X The incapacity to maintain
enduring relationships See Costume, Tribute, Clothing
X The reckless disregard for the
safety of others
X Deceitfulness: repeated lying
Custom a Usage nd

and conning of others for profit - Maxims -

X The Incapacity to experience ... from the Beginning of Tyme ...
X Failure to conform to social Peer in-too... the Key Hole of Time ! Zero + Point
norms with respect to lawful behaviors THE KEY HOLE
- Time and Place -
The Subject : 1 In those things, which, by common-

The Corporation - right, are conceded for all, the ‘custom’

of a particular district, or place, is not, to
be alleged. 11 Coke 85
The Diagnosis -
- On the Abuses -
The Personality Disorder for 2 The things that are done all contrary,
A Psychopath with the custom & usage of our
ancestors, neither please us, nor do they
appear right. Ancient Proverb
See Corporate Concept, Jesuits, United States
- Order and Truth -
Corinth symb cybr cde for a False 3 All order is based up-on real truth, so
the only way to get back, to true law,
Crown or a False Savior
and real order, is to return to the real-
truth. Chinese Proverb
Cosmic Creations we are Cosmic
Creations of the Eloveheim - Reason -
See Ælahe’t, Eloheim 4 Reason is the-formal cause of custom
Black’s, 992
Cosmos The Cosmos is a
- Regarding Privlidge -
Single, Lyving Entity that maintains 5 Custom is more powerful than grant.
and Orders Every Lyving Creature Black’s, 907
wyth-inn it - Plato Ground Zero or Zero Point
- Beyond... the common law - See Cross, Flags, Hearldry, Key Hole
Cosmos / Cushmosh / Cush-Moshæl 6 A custom, grounded upon a certain Zero Point
Cos is the root of the-word Custom and and reasonable cause, supersedes then
Mos is the-root for Moses or Moshælle even the common law. Broom, M.919
which lit means the-Covering and the-
Protection bye the Mother and Creator - Custom as Law -
of Ævery-thing 7 Custom is another law. 4 Coke, 21
See Ælahe’t, Aphrodite, Alle, Alle’t,
Breathing, Chemosh, Columbia, El, Elahe, - the Law -
Elahe’t, Eloheim, Elloveheim, Etymon, Gan, 8 Custom is observed for law. Co. Litt.
Gain, Ginnen, Is, Ish, Ishtar, Issa, Liberty, One- 113
Verse, Ore - Strict Adherance -
9 A custom must be strictly observed.
Craft ME means Treason Jenk. Cent. 83
See Masonic, Phœnician, Treason, Trees Sons - Penalities -

Creditor includes a General Creditor,

10 Custom can-not be drawn into
consequence. Black’s, 256
Get The Picture ?
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
a Secured Creditor, a Lien Creditor and
- the True nature of Custom -
any Representative of Creditors,
including an assignee for the benefit of 11 Custom is, the Fifth Element in the -№4-
creditors, a trustee in Bankruptcy, a Universe. Syrian Proverb Chi Rho corr Chi Row
receiver in equity and an executor or
administrator of an insolvent debtor's or - the Origins of Custom - Stands for the Synbol XP
Assignor's Estate. UCC Art. 1, Gen. 12 A custom of the Truest Antiquity is
Provisions Part-Two 2 a Man for whom to be retained. 4 Coke, 78
a Debt is Owing by Another Man, who
- the Due Respect -
is the Secured Party. one who has a 13 The custom, and the-manors of any
right for requiring the full-fillment in an place, is to be respected. 6 Coke, 67
obligation, bond, or contract; the-one
for whom the payment is due, and in -Respect in Prosecution & Conviction-
ordinary acceptation, has a refrence for 14 Custom can neither arise from, nor
the Financial or Business Trans- be taken away, by virtue of a wrong, or
actions an injury. Lofft, 340 It is the Symbol of A Religious Order
See Claim, Security Agreement. 3 the-
of Death and Slave Merchants
Ceditor is the Head, the sovereign - the Preservation of Custom -
See Chi, Roman, Row, Windows XP,
See Debtor, Grantor, Grantee 15 That which is NOT preserved, is
Destroyed. - dezert-owl
X - Marks The Spot
The Cross the Mo st Ancient
Symbol 1 the Cheltic / Celtic Cross, - On Strife -
the most ancient Navigation Tool 16 The one who first committed the
strife, is responsible for the strife.
accurate within four nautical miles or IHS
in view of the Horizon. made up of common law Maxim
Three Basic Components a the Cross See Custom, Usage, Tribute ISH Mystery Letters for The Woman
b the Circle and c the Plum Bob
2 the Sword the-most ancient weapon
the Proverbial Truths
of War and They NEVER Change !
3 the Cross T and the X symbols for __________________________
source for the word Curse and Cruse Cy for Cybil / Sibyl / Sybyl
See Celtic, Che, Curse See Chi, Cybele, Si
Cybele the Sumerian Ki
Currency the
cyb cide for the Earth Mother
Current of the Sea See Money See Alpha, Chi, Chinite, Cy, Cybil, Sibyl,
Sky Father, Sybyl, Zeus
Curse who-ever moves against this,
My Greight- Fathers work of Lyghte Cyber- Code lit the Secret Embers The Above Symbol & Image Represents
being commissioned here-in wyth his that are Born-bye the- All Seeing Chi the Moon/ Lucifer in an eclipse over the Sun
æmissary, then let him or her be 2 the Ancient- Tongue and Diction
Anathema Maranatha, and endure the-
See Babylon, Christ, Moon, Sun, Vatican
from the Secret- Oc’cult- World, that is
execration from Lyghte, as the-Eye He __________________________
bye the-Ancient Luciferians Priest-Hood
Breathes up-On the- waters and the- land
who yet worship Pazuzu / Phay-Zoo-
The Curse lit The Cross
‘Cursed is Any-one who is hung from A
zoo. etc
See AB-EL, ABel, Abel, Ba’al, Baal, Ball,
The Æastern
Original -Thought
Tree’ Bel, Bell, Bile, Cipher, Columbia, Cyber, El,
considering that Yahshuvah’t was Elahe, F, Fay, Fe, Fee, Free Masonry, God, Godt,
Gut, Hidden Woman the, Iesous, Iesus, Isa, Ishtar,
most likely nailed too a sacrificial-
Isis, Jesus, Lord, Lucifer, Oc’cult, Pay, Pazuzu,
Stake or a pole, rather than a literal PH, Pharaoh, Phay, Santa Claus, Statue of
Cross, it is clear that it was really called Liberty, the True Cypher
the Curse
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
See Cyrrhus symb cybr cde for the City
Celtic Chris, Cross, Cruse
of Lyghte , Olde Jerusalem -№6-
Cyber lit the Burning Eye of Fire
See Cyzicus
Ber, Bur, Chi, Cy, Sy
symb cybr cde for the
False Messiah or Mosheyach 2
Cyber Code lit the Eye of Fire the Moon’t See Clement Law of Sysygy
or the Secret Embers that are Born
bye the All Seeing Chi
2 the Ancient Tongue and Diction
from the Secret Oc’cult World, that is - Delta -
bye the Ancient Luciferians Priest Hood - Diyahll / Daleth / Dial / Death/ Di -
who yet worship Pazuzu / Phay-Zoo-
zoo. etc D/d Darkness ,
prime symbol for
See AB-EL, ABel, Abel, Ba’al, Baal, Ball, Death, Destruction, Disaster, Doom,
Bel, Bell, Bile, Cipher, Columbia, Cyber, El, etc See Dark, Day, Death, Door, T
Elahe, F, Fay, Fe, Fee, Free Masonry, God, Godt,
Gut, Hidden-Woman the-, Iesous, Iesus, Isa,
Ishtar, Isis, Jesus, Lord, Lucifer, Oc’cult, Pay, D- Ceptive lit D is Deceptive
Pazuzu, PH, Pharaoh, Phay, Santa Claus, Statue See Dam, Dark, Death, Doom, Door, T
of Liberty

Cyprus symb cybr cde for the Lyghte Day - This Day -
www. ASBEZ.Com
of the Truth Look Towards This Day for See News Paper Ad on Pages 210 - 214
-D- Today there is Lyfe and it is the very
Lyghte of Lyfe.

- Delta - In its brief but never ending course,

lie all the realities and all of the Truths,
Diyahll / Daleth / Dial / Death / Di
that are all found wyth-in, that are alle Chi'mæra
D/d prime symbol for Darkness , found hiding deep wyth-in our very own Revelations 13: 2-4
existence, the- Miraculous- Wonder of
Death, Destruction, Disaster, Growth, and the Development of Lyfe,
Doom, etc the Ænd-less Power of Lyghte and the
See Dark, Day, Death, Door, T very Lyghte Splendor with in alle of it’s
continual Action.
D- Ceptive lit D is Deceptive A Today well Lyved makes each and
every tomorrow, a vision for the greatest
D.U.M.B’S Deep Underground expectation and for this reason, every
Military Bases there are over 130 of yesterday as becoming the completed
them in the U.S alone Vision of Peace, of Love, and O True
Consciousness. The CHI- Mirror
DaVinci CODE lit
It is for this reason then, that you
the DiVine Code of Fire must look well toward This Day, for
See Chi, Cyber Code, DaVinci CODE Book your Spiritual Sun is now and forever at
perpetual High Noon, since it casts no
Damascus corr Damas long Shadow either behind it, nor before
See Demon, the Woman it, so you must look very well then,

Dau / Tau the Ænd of the

towards ... This Day
Beginning and the Beginning of the This anonymous poem was translated from an
Ænd ancient stone tablet written in Sanskrit. It was
discovered in a cave in Yemen in 1943 and dated
See Æleph, Ælpha, Ælaphax, Alpha,
at over 4,000 years old
Alaphax, Aleph, AT, D, Dav, Dov, Dow, En, See Appendix Large Photo No 1, Camera,
End, Enjoy, OO, Oomega, T’Zool’Mega, T, Tab, Chi, Chi Rest, Chimatica, Lucifer

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Tao, Tau, Tav, Toe, Too, U, Z, Ω See High- Noon
Dav lit the Ænd
of the Beginning
and the Beginning of the Ænd
DV erses T - Words Pazuzu or PhayZooZoo
See Æleph, Ælpha, Ælaphax, Alpha, the Mystery symbols and a Secret Code,
Alaphax, Aleph, AT, D, Dau, David, Dov, Dow, Each symbol sounding almost the same
DVD, En, End, Enjoy, Hindu, OO, Oomega, D & T are found inter-Changeably as a
Starr- of- David, T’Zool’Mega, T, Tab, Tao, Tau, part Component of many Words
Tav, Toe, Too, U, V, Video, Z, Ω
Anagram : Veda lit the-V, the-
The Mystery of De’Ception ..
prime- symbol for the- Mother of Lyfe See the Pattern
David abrv DVD lit Dayvid or Example
the Video of Lyfe Adam is also ATom, or Atom or the-
See Ænd, Beginning, D, Day, Video
AT-Om that you need to Add-Up
Anagram : Die- Fade lit that which
has a beginning has an Ænd
God is also Godt in Scandinavian
Seed is also Seat
Day lit Dial orig th Thank is also Dank Ger
DiYahll’t See the Above Words
See Dial, DiYahll’t, __________________________
Moon’t, t’Sun, Year, Yearall’t
Anagram : Yoda / Yud lit the-
The Da inci CODE Book
a Novel by US writer Dan Brown which
Lyghte Revealed
was First Published in 2003. It is about a
Death an E-Math and orig tho murder which is connected with a secret
code in the paintings of Leonardo Da
an End of the Mother’s Breath
Vinci, and the attempts of a university
See E-Math professor to solve the mystery. The book
Debtor A Debtor has became a best-seller across the world
No Right and is No Longer A Part Truth and Part Fiction, just the
Sovereign or the Head but in-stead is way the Oc'cult Work, mix up all of the
the Tail
See Creditor, Sovereign
information, make a great movie, and in
the end, No New Answers, unless you The LORD Of The Flys
are reading The REAL DaVinci C-O-D-E See Appendix Photo No 2, Fa, Fay, Pa, Zoo
Declaration for Sovereignty this Dictionary Thesaurus right here that is __________________________
needs too be made, in any-county- See Angels & Demons, Gnostic,
record, by an-affadavidt / alpha-david-
tæye forme Damas corr for
Leonardo DaVinci
Damascus -№9-
See Appostile See Demon, the Woman Masonic Compas, Square & G
Decree orig th The Cry The Dark Rift Once Upon a
See Constitutio Time 26,000 Years Ago, our Planet
Embarked on a very distructive Journey,
Definition Fr oc' cybr cde for
through the Central Gravitational Plane
the Phoenician of Our Galaxy... THE DARK RIFT
Definition 2 lit cybr cde for - As It Was In The Days Of Noah
Deaf- Initiation See Central Plane, Galactic Equaknox,
See Phone, Phonician CODE, Phonics Pole Shift, 5,500 Year Cycles,
Horizon Project YOUTube
Dem Anagram : Med
Day Vine orig tho for DiVinne
Demand Mandate
lit the See Divine, The Vine See Dogma, Geometry, Ic, Ich, Ink, Lucifer,
Ma, Mason, Morals, Mother’s Sons of Darkness,
this is also what Demons Do.. Nebraska, Pirates, Shon, Son, Vatican Dogs
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Demand Day with-out Ænd A- is a corr root and
Black’s, Command,
Communication, Demon, Enforcement, Force,
orig thought for Eternity
Lyfe See
For- Ever
Eternal- - № 10 -
Mandate, Moon Date Phoenician / Phœnecian / Phœnecean
Democracy Grk Demos Creatos
De mod OF
lit Demon Creation. the Free Masons De Facto which means
are the 'Defenders' of the International Concerning Fact
Communist Party Democracy all via
THE Great-Egyptian-HINDU-Greco- De Jure from Right, Legitimate,
Roman-Celtic-Vatican-Babylon-Muslim- Lawful, by Right and just Title. in this
Jewish- State - CON-Connection sense it is the contrary opposite from De
See Con, Cy, D, Demon, Demos, Facto which See. it may also be contrasted
Mock, Oc, Oc’Cult, Race with de-gratia, in which case it means
‘as a-matter-of-right’, as de-gratia
Demon lit the Moon’t by implication means ‘by grace or favor’. again, it may
the Dark Natures of the Moon’t be contrasted with de-æquitate; here-
the Ancients knew that everything on meaning ‘by-law’, as the latter means by
equity See Government. Black 4
the Æarth was moved bye the Dark
Force of the Moon’t De Jure 2 in Classical Latin de iure
is an Expression that means Concerning
Demon 2 in Ancient Tyme, when
Law as contrasted with de facto, which
someone was ILL, such as some-one
means Concerning Fact The Ancient
MARINER Merchants
with an Epileptic- Condition, it was
See De Facto
automatically presumed that they were Who Conquered The World
under some kind of Control and Spell Delos symb cybr cde for the Lyghte of See Flow-Nations, Fortune, Gain,
of the Moon, hence the oc’cult cyber the World and of the LOST Gan, Nation, Ocean, Pharaoh, Phlov-Netions,
code Demon... 'The- Moon't' Phœnecian Blind, Phone, Phonetics
See Accuser, Add-the-Verses of
Dem Anagram : Med ____________________

Arrogance, Adversary, Advertisement, Angel,

Demand, Deviants of the-Village, Devil,
HaShatan, Lucifer, Moon, Moon’th, Mound,
Demon ATheezar-Roole
The Greatest Demon of All is Self
Phœnecians, Unnatural-Conditions, Satan, Vail
the- - Ancient- Sage
Anagram : Modem for the Control
of Lyghte so now even your computer is Demon Creation mod Democracy ON
under the Control of a Demon

See Demo Creatos, Demonstration

Demonic lit the un-natural Demos Creatos Mod Democracy THE

Conditions in Man. this is how the lit Demon Creation. the Free-Masons

Ancients Described what they could are The- Defenders of the International
Not Explain Communist Democracy, all via the
See Odd Medical Conditions, Seed of Hindu-Roman-Vatican-Muslim-Jewish
the Moon
See Cy, Democracy, Demon, Mock, Oc,
Notes On Dictionary
Demonstrate orig thou As the
Oc’Cult, Race I Hear and I forget, I See and I Remember
Moon Goes Streight an Idiom
- Confucius
See Democracy, Demon, Unatural Conditions Demi Gods Lower Gods
See Demon Movement, Demon- Stration,
I Hope that you are EnJOY-ing the
Deputy Dogs a Term in reference to Demonstration
the Free Masons who wear the Badge Theezar-ЯRoole Dictionary
and to the Priest Hoods. Dogs because
the Masons and priests all 'Go Fetch'
Der - Words many of our - dezert- owl

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
and do the bidding of their owners and words come from the-German influence,
slave master guru and their God the but they do not express the-orig-thought - № 11 -
Pope until you see the-Trick. Der is similar to By JOVE
Note that, DOG is GOD back-words our word The and when it is all Jupiter Coming Out of The Clouds
See Chimaera, Dog Tags, GOD, Neck Tie correctly-applied the-orig-thought Appears
Anagram : Red / the- Red
Destruction Just look at Us, See the Pattern
Everything is dback-words, every-thing Example
is up-Side pdown, the Doctors Destroy
Health, the Lawyers Destroy Justice, Border is really the Boards
the Universities Destroy Key- Gender is really the Generations
Knowledge, the Governments Destroy by implication the Red Generations
Freedom, the Major Media Destroy Order is really der Ore or the Ore
Information and the Religions Destroy it has always been about the-ORE
True Spirituality by implication the Red Ore
- Michael Ellner Spider is really der Spy or the Spy
...andthe Police Destroy All Law in now cant you see that a Spider is truly A- Spy ?
along with the Judges from with in All by implication the Red Spy Female genitalia in the left Hand & Male Right
Nations Under is really the U.N See Apend No 3, Post Office, Rockefeller Center
- dezert-owl by implication the Communist Red

See Backwards, Back-Words, Batmen, Masons See Red, the Above Words
- № 12 -
Devil The Great Seal of International Banking
not a noun lit a cybr cde Destruction Do You Wish
The Vail orthe Covering, originally and to Save the- World frome all of the- World Domination and Zionisim
purely it means the Adversary, who has degredation and the destruction that it
always been some awful character or seems destined for? Well if you do,
Man then you must, quitely step away from
the Sadducees admitted that there all of those shallow mass movements,
were no 'Spirits' who flew through the- and then quitely begin to go to work up-
air, while it was the Pharisees who on your own self awareness
promoted this idea of Un-Seen Things, - Ancient- Sage
via their Oc’cultic Babylonian- Talmud See Self
the Devils that killed Jesus, were the Dhimmitude is the Muslim System
Pharisees, and the only demon ever be of Controlling non-Muslim populations
seen bye man, will be Man... The conquered through jihad. Specifically, it
Adversary! Remember, the Darkness is the TAXING of non-Muslims in
is a VOID there is nothing there exchange for tolerating their presence
NOTHING AND as a coercive means of converting
conquered remnants to Islam See Phony Dollar Bills
Devil 2 classically the Phœnicians and The Merchants U.S. Customs Flag
the- Ægyptians were the- Adversary
or the- Devils Dhimmitude Look on Page
See Accuser, Adversary, Add-Verses of 107 of the U.S. Health Care Bill. I
Arrogance, Angel, Dark-Natures, Demon,
looked this up on Google and yep, it
Deviants of the Village, HaShatan, Lucifer,
Unnatural conditions, Satan Vail the- exists. It is a REAL word.
Anagram : Lived for Life it is the Obama Care allows the establishment
devil to have lived up-on this Æarth of Dhimmitude and Sharia Muslim
dictates in the United States . Folks, this
Diction lit the Ions of Creation is exclusively an Islamic concept under
See Sharia Law. So exclusive they had to
Air, Ar, Dictionary, Ion, Targum Y
make up an English word to define the
Flag of the True Sovereign Power Brokers
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Dictionaire concept. Why would our Government
One who Writes A Dictionary start interjecting Sharia Law concepts - № 13 -
into new broad and sweeping legislation Castle in A Star Burst in Blue Heaven
defining Words
like health care that would control the
See Ar, Diction, Dictionary, Targum Y US population? ....Anyone?
Muslims are specifically exempted
Dictionary lit the Creative Air from the government mandate to
with-in the Eye of the Sun purchase insurance, and also from the
See Air, Ar, Diction, Y penalty tax for being uninsured. Islam
considers insurance to be "gambling",
Dignity "risk-taking", and "usury" and is thus
It does Not require Money banned. Muslims are specifically
to be neat, Clean and Dignified granted exemption based on this.
How convenient. So a Christian, will
have crippling IRS liens placed against
all of their assets, including real estate,
Disambiguation the process of cattle, and even accounts receivables,
resolving the conflicts that arise when a and will face hard prison time because A Symbol of The CHI
single term is ambiguous or when it they refuse to buy Insurance or pay the
refers to more than one topic penalty tax. Meanwhile, Louis A Cast of The EL & A CHI- Nite
See Brahman Farrakhan and all other US Muslims will
Disciple a corr for Disciplini- have no such penalty and will have
i = (eye) See Disciplini 100% of their health needs paid for by
the de facto government insurance.
Disclaimer Notice for Non-Muslims paying a tax to subsidize
Muslims. This is Sharia Law definition
The REAL DaVinci CODE of... Dhimmitude. This is not a Western
Dictionary Civilization concept.
Please Note, that all of the Views, the- Dhimmit has two purposes: To enrich
Definitions, opinions, etc are in no way Muslims AND to drive Conversions to
any form of legal advice, nor any other Islam. "Sure, I'll be a Muslim if it means
form of Advice, nor is it intended to free Health Insurance and no taxes.
offend any particular race, creed nor Dah! You can be sure that at the least,
religion, but instead, it is all merely all of the criminal elements will be
intended for the common interest and having a Real Conversion
for Informational Purposes Only, what - Anonymous
you do with this information is purely See Alla, God with-Out A Breath,
your own responsibility and a right to Islam, Mind-Control, Muslim Belief, Nebraska,
know. Do Tell A Friend. Thank You Vatican Creations
See Canaanites, Cast of the EL, Castle

Discovery You Can Know Diddache or Didda Che lit Maltese Double Cross & Phoenix
The Æntire Omniscient Universe and the Knowledge of the Two Ways
never leave Your Couch
See The Book in the Notes Column

- Ancient- Sage
See Discover- Eye, Discover Your Differences
Eye, Omniscient Honest differences are often
Divine more properly spelt DiVynne an a Sign of Progress
oc’cult-term that implies the-Vine
and there
are, as it implies in all actuality Two-
Vines that have Come Down from the- Disk lit the SON / Svn / Sun
Beginning of Tyme, and each are a See Baal, Ball, Bull, Desk, Moon
╬ See Cross Roads, Double Cross
Serpent wyth-inn the metaphore, but only
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
one is from the Lyghte and the Other one Disciplini ( i = eye ) it is a cor root and What They Didn't Want You To Know ...
is from the Darkness orig thought for Disciple See Disciple but We Tell Right Here !
See Heaven, HeVyne, D, D Words, Die,
Divide, Dyvine, Moses Staff eat the Two
Serpents of Pharaoh, Vine the- DiVine Love
Where there is DiVyne Love,
Di Vine Love there is Life;
Hatred only leads to Destruction
DiVynne-Love is the Strongest Force - GANDHI
the World possesses, and yet,
it is the humblest force imaginable
- GANDHI The Divine / The DiVynne Presence
you are always in the DiVynne Presence
Divine / DyVine Presence the See Heaven HeVine, Day Vine, Divine, Dyvine,
V, Y
you are Always in it
See Day Vine, Divine, Dyvine, DNA
Heaven, HeVyne, V, Y Words are the DNA of Lyfe
Divine Nature - dezert-owl - № 14 -
See Natural Law, Pure Shelter As Long As Ægypt Lives ...
DNA See And, Breath of Continuance PhoŇicia will Not Die !
Di Vynne Love The Anagram : And lit the Breath of
World is the Embodiment of Divine
Love. All of Created things are its own
Material Expression. If you can once Do One who Says,
rouse yourself to that Divine Love, you that they know, and then does not do,
will see everywhere in this Universe, admits that they do not Know
- Ancient- Sage
only the play of the One. Isolating
himself from the Divine Love, man
fumbles about blindly and misses The Dollmill-Yonnæye mod Dominion
Real and The True Import of All Doll-mill means That which Goes
Round and Gudgement and Yonnæye
Lyfe means to have a Vision that wyll allow
- Ananda Mayee Ma
You Too See from Afar
Dogma See Earth, Moon, Sun
See God, Morals and Dogma, Mother's Dogs,
The Pope
Domination Man will never
Anagram : Am God be free until the last king is strangled
See the Royal Symbol N
Dominion lit ori tho Dolmillyonnæye with the entrails of the very LAST Priest See Egypt, Phonician CODE
Doll-mill means that which goes Round - Denis Diderot 1713-1784
and Gudgement and Yonnæye means THE Door To Æternity
to have a vision that wyll allow you too - № 15 -
see from afar The Notice & Announcement of Flags
Dov / Dove lit the Ænd and the-
Beginning also the Beginning of the
Ænd See Æleph, Ælpha, Ælaphax,
Alpha, Alaphax, Aleph, AT, D, Dau, Dav, Dove,
Dove-Tail, Dow, En, End, Enjoy, OO, Oomega,
T’Zool’Mega, T, Tab, Tao, Tau, Tav, Toe, Too,
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N-D-N = A CODE for Indian
Dow lit the Ænd and the
The Dutch Royal - Jesuit Owned East India
Beginning also the Beginning of the Trading Company Flag aka United Kingdom
Ænd See Æleph, Ælpha, Ælaphax,
Alpha, Alaphax, Aleph, AT, D, Dau, Dav, Dov,
En, End, Enjoy, OO, Oomega, T’Zool’Mega, T,
Tab, Tao, Tau, Tav, Toe, Too, U, Z, Ω

Dreams If One Advances

confidently wythin the direction of his
own dreams, and endeavors to Lyve
that Lyfe of which he has imagined, he Notice the Swiss Flag in the Masonic Square
wyll ultimately meet with a success, Whatever is inside the Square... is Speaking

that is unexpected within the common See Heraldry, Hitler's Mustache, NDN
- Henry David Thoreau
- N-D-N Pirate Sea
East India Company Ensign with
- E-Fay / the Æye - The British Union Flag 1707 - 1800
Driving a COMMERCIAL Term See Eye, F, I, 3
See Moving Upon the common
E / e a symbol for the Eye, the
Way, Passenger, Ride, Riding, This State,
Traveling Salesman, Vehicle Sun, the Three Ages, the Number
Three 3 and More See

3, Æge,
Age, B, Eye, Sun
- Ear the- orig thought for Hear
- E-Fay / the Æye - See Hear, Ma-Ray, Mary, Ray, Virgin
See Eye, F, I, 3 Mother of Lyghte The Cross and The X are Found
Anagram Rae Out Side The Vatican in The Key Hole
E/ e Eye, the
a symbol for the : for Lyghte Æntrance
with the Oblisk in the Middle
Sun, the Three Ages, the Number
Three 3 and More
East India Company
See 3, Æge, The East India Trading Company
See Cross, D, N, Vatican, X
Age, B, Eye, Sun
Morphed Itself Into The United The WEST Indian Company
Earth orig th for Knowledge of the Companies At The Creation Of These " UNITED " States SLAVE Running
United States And Can Be Found American ILLUMINATTI FLAG
Breath of Support Everywhere In Titles such As United
See Ar, B, E, Ear, Th Nations, United Airlines, United Can
Co. Cent. America, United Artists, etc.
East Heb & Phone Cadmus as
implied by Hermes The Thirteen Stars Are Symbolic Of The
See Astir, Sun Thirteen Lunar Months Of Their
Goddess Columbia And Are Also
Eastern Star India Symbolic Of The Thirteen Royal
See Adoni, East India Trading Company, Bloodlines That Rule The World. The
Free Masonry, Rainbow Girls Fact That They Are In A Circle Implies The Horizontal Stripes Stand for Submission
Eclipse That They Are All United Together. See Barbary Pirate, F, Fag, Fire, Flag
Betsy Ross Didn't Make Flag
The Term American Is Derived From Rothschilds are Protectors of the Vatican Trust
The Tul-Tech God Quetzacotal
Which Means The Secret Feathered
Serpent See Mimi Pictionary No 15
See UNITED Companies
Eastern Star metaph for India
See Adoni, India, Rainbow Girls
The Vertical Stripes Stand for Sovereignty
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Eat - № 16 -
You will eat, NOT to satisfy your Barbarossa Hayreddin Pasha
palate, but Your Hunger. A self-
indulgent man lives to Eat; a self-
restrained man eats to Live

Ed lit to Put Out the Eye root of

Egg lit the Æye of the CHI End See Add, D, E, Edit, Editor,
See Chi, E, Egypt, G Educate, End, Et, Mr. Ed

Ego lit I Go or Æye- Go Earth River Jordan / Yor’dan

Following Your Own Lusts
that is and symb of the River of Life or the
Passions or Interests Gudgement of Life
See E, Eye See Dan, Gudgement, Yor’dan, Yore

Egypt lit the Egg

Creation 2 symb cybr cde for could be
and the Eye of ED - Words See Barbary Pirate, Islam, Slave Runner,Terrorist
See the Pattern
Jerusalem, Judah or Israel
See AT, Atlantis, Cradle of Civilization, Example
- № 17 -
3 Egypt NHL CybCd Your Keys are, Edessa / city of origin for Abraham
the Earth, Place of the Fall, Heathenism Edit
and False Traditions and most likely Education
See the Above Words
You must decide, with-inn the Nag __________________________
Hammadi Library, where these words

- EL -
are going to be used, in the place of the
Cloud Word EGYPT
See Nag Hammadi Library
- ÆLL- Loominated -

Ægypt EL lit the Eye of the EL and the

Ægypt is the Cradle-Land for Phœnician God-Dress or Goddess

symbolized in the Ægyptian- Obelisk
ALL of Civilization the World is a Lyving, Breathing,
- Jesus, the- Christ Spirit Being / Ben. this was fully
Aquarian / Original- Gospel comprehended bye alle of the-Ancient
Philosophers ann the-Alchemists, who
See Atlantis referred too their Spiritual Æssence and
Mother as the-Anima-Mundi, the-Soul or
Egyptians NHL CybCd Your Keys Mind of the World and She Who-
are, the People of the World and most t’Seed-plants or Teaches
likely More - the Sufi Journal
You must decide, with-inn the Nag See EL- Words, Eloheim, Eloveheim, God-
Hammadi Library, where these words Dress, L, Woman the-, World the- Her Vow of Simplicity
are going to be used, in the place of the Anagram : LE for THE or Breath. " I shall NOT accept more than
Note : the- Eloheim are the- Voice and the-Breath
Cloud Word EGYPTIANS of the- Æarth
I need, while others in the World
See Nag Hammadi Library
Anagram : Hell for the- place of the- have less than they need."
Blowing- Fire / Phyre "I Shall Stay A Wanderer"
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
EL prime-root of the-Phoenecian
Goddess See AB-EL, ABel, Abel, Ba’al, EL Balah God Consumed mod lit
- № 18 -
Baal, Ball, Bel, Bell, Bile, Cipher, Columbia, See Abel, Alchemy, BA, Balah, Hidden-
- dezert-owl -
Cyber Code, Elahe, F, Fe, Fee, Fay, God, Godt, Woman, Love, Mixing
Hidden-Woman the-, Iesous, Iesus, Isa, Ishtar,
Isis, Jesus, L-Words, Lord, Lucifer, Pay, Pazuzu,
PH, Pharaoh, Phay, Santa Claus, Statue of
EL - Words
Liberty the Mystery God-Dess and a Secret Vowel
Elect the NHL CybCd Your Keys are,
L the Oc’cult took a Vow to the

the Chosen, the Called-Out Ones, the Goddess and thus to her Symbol L is
Anointed Brotherhood of the Called- found as a part Component of many
Out and most likely More Words
You must decide, with-inn the Nag See the Pattern
Hammadi Library, where these Example
Words are going to be used, in the place Ample in reality is Amp EL
of the Cloud Word ELECT (THE) lit the- Power of the EL
See El, Election, Nag Hammadi Library
Babel in reality is Bab EL
Election NHL CybCd Your Keys are, lit the Beginning of the EL
the Election, the Elect and most likely Castle in reality is the Cast of the EL
More Gabriel in reality is Ghavræy EL
You must decide, with-inn the Nag lit the Return of the EL Thank You All For Your Tremendous Support
Hammadi Library, where these
Words are going to be used, in the place
Michael in reality is
lit the- One
Micah EL
Supreme of the- EL
- № 19 -
of the Cloud Word ELECTION (THE) Thank You The INFO Wizard
See El, Elect, Nag Hammadi Library
Raphael in reality is Rapha- EL
lit the- Creative Force of the- EL
Embassy your position in Christ Towel in reality is Tau- EL/ Tav- EL
or you are in embassy when you are lit the- Ænd of the- EL
standing in Christ or the Mosheyach
and you are lit an embassy Vowel in reality is Vow-(To the)EL
See Ambassador lit the- Vow of the- EL
Wabbel in reality is Wabb- EL
Emergency lit the Emerging Sea lit the- Distortion of the- EL
a cyber code Where Does He Come Up with All that Stuff ?
the Above Words
See Emergency War Powers 1933, __________________________
Emerging Sea, Liber Code, Public Policy
EL - Words - ЯReversed - № 20 -
Empire Their Fire cybr code for
lit www.HumanKindness .Org
the Emerald Fire / Phyire The Mystery of De’Ception
See Cain-annites, Canaanites, Em, See the Pattern
Empire of the EL, En, Flags, Green- Flags,
Green- Money, Green- Movements, Green- Example : Examp-EL
Money, Ire-Land, Irish, Phyire, the Red Apostle in reality is Post- EL
The Empire State Bible in reality is Bib- EL
lit the- Bib of the- Cover for the- EL !
New York City The NWO it also means, two- Powers and Two- Bulls
overt Headquaters Struggle in reality is Strugg- EL
See Private Law, United Nations
Style / Star- EL the- EL are the- ones who F-R-E-E B-O-O-K
set all of the Trends
End in the End Every-Thing P O Box 61619
Tit- EL the- Æye of the-
in reality is Durham NC 27715 USA
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Comes Together EL
Out the Eye
See Ænd, Ed, Put
See Laws of Diction, the Above Words - № 21 -
__________________________ Are You Going To Finish Strong?
Enforcement that which you are
FORCED to DO Against your very will Elahe Israel's MOther the-

See Nazi Police State M ythological - W oman of C reation

and the- Ancient-Tradition also the-

English Ænglish is Mother or Matter / Matrix / Fay

See Ælovehe, Æloveheim, AB-EL,
the Hardest Language on Earth to ABel, Abel, Aphrodite, Ba’al, Baal, Ball, Bel,
Learn Bell, Bile, Cipher, Columbia, Cyber-Code, El,
- Any- Foreigner Coming to America Eloheim, Elovehe, F, Fe, Fee, Fay, God, Godt,
Gut, Hidden-Woman the-, Iesous, Iesus, Is, Isa,
Enoch Ishtar, Isis, Issa, Jesus, Lord, Lucifer, Pay, Pazuzu,
PH, Pharaoh, Phay, Statue of Liberty
The Books of Enoch
First and Second Enoch Gains it's Elovehe Mythological Woman of
Authouity from the Book of Jude Creation and of Ancient Tradition and
where it is cited in Verses 14 & 15 : Legend
'You must see and read it for Your self, the See Ælovehe, Æloveheim, El, Elahe,
Healer abd pure Breather of Lyghte comes Fay, Mother, PH, Pharaoh, Phay
with Ten of Thousands of His Anointed pure
Ones, to execute pure Gudgement before
all, in order to convince all of the impure
regarding all of their impure deeds and
actions, and pertaining to all of the very No Arms, No Legs , No Worries, What ?
hard things that were breathed against Him
bye these impure who walk while having Nick Vujicic has no arms or legs
their eyes closed.' - PTRP but has come to terms with his lot in
See First Enoch 1:9, Old Testament life. In this video he delivers an
Pseudepigrapha in two volumes inspirational speech that these school
Esoteric a Higher Order,
kids will probably never forget.
Mysteries, Secrets or of the Invisible The Nick Vujicic Story
World See Esso, Exoteric, Exxon Eloveheim This Performance My name is Nick Vujicic and I give God
that The Woman has Accomplished will, the Glory for how He has used my
Eternal Lyfe lit the Eye Turning be written about as A Memorial for Her testimony to touch thousands of hearts
with Lyfe See A Day with Out
- Jesus, the- Christ Mt 26:13 around the world! I was born without
Æend, Day with Out End, Eternity, ET, One Day limbs and doctors have no medical
explanation for this birth "defect". As
Eternal Realms NHL cyb-code Em lit a contraction of Them. Note:
you can imagine, I was faced with many
Your Keys are the People of the Im also means the Many also means the challenges and obstacles.
World, the Anointed and most likely Æye(s) of the Mother
More. You must decide, with-inn See Cain-annites, Canaanites, Em, "Consider It PURE JOY, My Brothers,
Embassy, Empire, Ire-Land, Im, Impale, Irish, M, whenever you face trials of many kinds."
the Nag Hammadi Library, where these Man, Many, Matrix Movie, Mother, The-Red,
Words are going to be used, in the place Time To count our hurt, pain and struggle as
of the Clouded Word ETERNAL Anagram : Me for the Mothers Eye nothing but pure joy? As my parents
REALMS See Nag Hammadi Library were Christians, and my Dad even a
Pastor of our church, they knew that
Eternity in the orig th is Day Emerald Fire / Phiyer the Fire of
A verse very well. However, on the
the EL and the Empire of the EL mod
With Out Æend See A Day with out morning of the 4th of December 1982 in
Æend, Day With Out Æend Temple ... Temp- EL Melbourne ( Australia), the last two
See Anti-Em, Aunti-Em, Emerald,
Eternity 2 lit the Eye that Emerald-City, Empire, Empire of the-EL, Green-
words on the minds of my parents was
"Praise God!". Their firstborn son had
Turns and Ties See A Day With Out End, Fire, Green-Money, Sinagogue, Temple
Day With out End, ET, Eternal Lyfe, One Day
been born without limbs! There were no
warnings or time to prepare themselves
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The Emerging Sea Emergency mod for it. The doctors we shocked and had
Etherich pronounced eth-er-ick, is See Emergency War Powers 1933, no answers at all! There is still no
the more proper sense of what we imply when we Americans Declared The Enemy medical reason why this had happened
say Spiritual or Spirituality By The BANKERS and Nick now has a Brother and Sister
See Ætherich Tradition, Breath, Empire of the EL the Æarth lit
who were born just like any other baby.
Ether, Pure Breath, Religion, Rool’arch, Rukha,
Ruwach, Spiritual
the Green Æarth mod cybr cde Hemp
See Anti-Em, Aunti-Em, Emerald,
Ethics from the Ether or Highest Emerald-City, Emerald-Fire, Empire, Green-Fire,
Green-Money, Sinagogue, Temple
Point, what is preferred over the
oc’cult Masonic-word Morals, which EN / En lit the-Ænlyghtenmen’t
means they want MORE and they want
That Came- Down See Æ, Æend,
it ALL See Mason, Morass, Moral,
An, E, End, Endoctrinate, Enlightenment, Enter,
Morals and Dogma, Vatican Agenda
Entertain, Entire, Entity, Enjoy, Envelope, Eye,
Ing, Lens, M, N, On, Ten, Zen
Etymologia æ. fr Etymology
or an Account Of The Original and
Derivation of Words, it is also one of
En Words The whole church mourned over my
birth and my parents were absolutely
the four parts of Grammar Cic Lat See the Pattern devastated. Everyone asked, "if God is a
Notatio, Id 2 lit the Entity of the True
Mother Æarth
Example God of Love, then why would God let
something this bad happen to not just
See Ety, Entity, Etymology, En / End / Endove / Endov / Endow anyone, but dedicated Christians?" My
Etymon, Gia, Gy, Lo, Loo, Logia, Logic, Mon,
Moon Eden lit the Eye of Gudgement Dad thought I wouldn't survive for very
End long, but tests proved that I was a
Etymon i. n. the-Etymoon or healthy baby boy just with a few limbs
Original of a Word
Endoctrinate missing.
Etymon 2 lit Entity of the-Moon Endow "And we know that in all things God
works for the best for those who love
See Ety, Entity, Etymologia, Etymology, Engage Him." That verse spoke to my heart and
Logia, Logic, Mon, Moon, Organism
Enigma convicted me to the point where that I
Euphrates symb cybr cde for the Enlightenment / Enlyghtenment know that there is no such thing as luck,
chance or coincidence that these "bad"
Great Gudgement 2 anciently and Ensemble things happen in our life.
originally a Branch Off of the Nile
flowing down within the Mediterranean
Valley See Lies of History Enter
Eve lit I Am Alive more corr-
Æve, which is claimed as to
rendered is
mean, Wo-Man, but in reality means, Entire
the Gudgement of Man or the-Fall of Entity
Man-Kind, in reference our Fall from Enjoy
Lyghte inn-too Darkness. Æve is yet Envelope
an incomplete noun, as the spelling that
See Em, Gen, the Above Words I had complete peace knowing that God
is given to us with-in the Strong’s won't let anything happen to us in our
Concordance Translation from the Enemies life unless He has a good purpose for it
Hebrew is Incomplete, as her full title There are NO REAL Enemies, all. I completely gave my life to Christ
is really, Chi-Vah, where we get the there is only ONE at the age of fifteen after reading John 9.
play on Words for Eva. Chi-Vah - Point of View Jesus said that the reason the man was
born blind was "so that the works of
implies, the Regenerative Force for All
God may be revealed through Him." I
of Lyfe End of the Mother’s Breath Death truly believed that God would heal me
See Æ, Ædam, Adam, Chi-Vah, El, Fe,
an E-Math See E-Math so I could be a great testimony of His
Fay, Hadam, Hidden-Woman, PH, Phay, V
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Awesome Power. Later on I was given
Evangel lit Eve Angel or the
Energies Source Silence! the wisdom to understand that if we pray
Angel of the Evening Coeval with Æternity, Thou wert ere,
for something, if it's God's will, it'll
See Gospel, Malech happen in His time. If it's not God's will
Nature’s Self began too bee: ‘Twas for it to happen, then I know that He has
vOne vast nothing at all, and the alle something better.
Evil See No Evil, slept fast and deep wyth-inn Thee I now see that Glory revealed as He
Hear No Evil and Speak No Evil - Alexander Pope, On Silence is using me just the way I am and in
ways others can't be used.
... Against AnyOne
I am now twenty-three years old
- Ancient Chinese Proverb Energy the Invisible Force of
and have completed a Bachelor of
Lyghte Revealed See En, Y Commerce majoring in Financial
Evil Blind Vail.
lit the Planning and Accounting. I am also a
Blindness or The Eye of Darkness Energy motivational speaker and love to go out
and share my story and testimony
See Blind, Phœnecian- blind, Shovel, the-Blind-
Goddess, Velvet
Ænergy is ConsciousNess wherever opportunities become
- Joseph Campbell - the Power of the Myth available. I have developed talks to
relate to and encourage students through
Evil Speaking Have communion Ernst Zundel serving a five year topics that challenge today's teenagers. I
with few, be intimate with One, deal am also a speaker in the corporate
prison sentence in Germany for
justly with all, and Speak Evil of No sector.
expressing dissident and Illegal
One - Sage
Canadian Views on the Holocaust issue.

- EX -
He is the most Prominent “Prisoner of
Conscience” in the Western world today
See Leonars Peltier
Ex Officio Annex Officio
corr ES
S and SS - ords I W
an immediate Claim of an Office, by the Mystery of the GodDress and the
virtue of a pure Obligation or the Filling Mystery SS the Two SS’s are none other
of an empty Seat See Act of state, than Two Serpents of Ægypt and the- SS
Black’s, Delegate, Annex-Officio, Legate, Pure- of Nazi Germany. there is a pattern here
Obligation that unfolds, wyth-inn this Line of I have a passion for reaching out to
Creation youth and keep myself available for
Exploring ... and the Ænd whatever God wants me to do, and
See the Pattern
wherever He leads, I follow.
of All Our Exploring, will be to arrive
at exactly the very same place where
Bess I have many dreams and goals that I
we started, but then to know that place
have set to achieve in my life. I want to
... Bless become the best witness I can be of
.... for the Very First Tyme !
– T. S. Eliot
Confess God's Love and Hope , to become an
international inspirational speaker and
Dress be used as a vessel in both Christian and
Express Made Perfectly Clear, Duress non-Christian venues. I want to become
Definite, Explicit, Plain, Direct, Edessa financially independent by the age of 25,
Unmistakable, With-Out Question through real estate investments, to
See Æxpress, Black’s, Press
Esse / Issa modify a car for me to drive and to be
Extreme orig thou
Essential interviewed and share my story on the "
Oprah Winfrey Show "! Writing several
an Over Flowing Stream Fess best-selling books has been one of my
See Ex, Strream Goddess / Godt Dress dreams and I hope to finish writing my
The Eye See Æye the, Augen, E, Guess first by the end of the year. It will be
Ego, En, Entity, Go, I, Igo, L, Y
called "No Arms, No Legs, No
Less Worries!"
I believe that if you have the desire and
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Ezekiel Ez-Eck-Eye-El Modess lit for the Mothers Dress passion to do something, and if it's
Advanced Knowledge in the Eye God's will, you will achieve it in good
of See the Above Wordess
time. As humans, we continually put
the EL __________________________
limits on ourselves for no reason at all!

-F- Esse Lat infinity [a verbo, sum, es]

What's worse is putting limits on God
who can do all things. We put God in a
To Be, To the-Ænd or For-the-Ænd "box". The awesome thing about the
- PHay / Fake / Fade / Fay / Fate ¶ Esse pluchre, lepide, bene, To live Power of God, is that if we want to do
- well, to feast . Plautina sunt, nisi forte something for God, instead of focusing
ab edo. ¶ Esse in timore, Nep. It.
See PH on our capability, concentrate on our
Infinity [ab edo, es] To Eat. Exempla availability for we know that it is God
F/ f a late comer and a corruption for the passim See Esseda, Potestas, Potestate, through us and we can't do anything
PH and the-prime-symbol for the Mother- Sueo potestate esse without Him. Once we make ourselves
God-Dress. for Example, we have : available for God's work, guess whose
the Mythological-Goddess, the-Phay, Esseda Lat æ. fr a Chariot, Chaise, capabilities we rely on? God's!
who is also Columbia and is also the or a Waggon, Sen See Esse, Potestas,
Potestate, Sueo potestate esse
Fay, and a form of other words such as pay,
Pee, face, fabric , fake, she is also Et Lat. conj. cop. And, also, yet, even,
known as Santa Fe both, and afterwards, although. §
See B, F, Fay, Fe, God, PH, Phay, V Molem et montes, pro molem montis,
Virg See E, Ed, T
Face Lat Sol See Faschi
Ether the Highest Place
Faded Glory A Clothing Line
it is produced by Wal Mart and it
implies the JOKE that Americas Glory
has Now Faded See Wal Mart Cowards can never be Ethical
Fail orig th lit Fay ILL, the Fay
must be ill when things don’t work out
for the- Luciferians ???
Ethics lit of the Higher Mystery
See Ail, Fa, Fay, Fortune, Phay See Ethics Vs Morals

Faith is an oc’cult term and when you Evil There is

May the Lord Bless You
say I have Faith, you are really saying Nothing Evil by It-Self In Christ,
You have the Hidden Woman or the - All Things Are To Be Defined See Me on YouTUBE, Nick Vujicic
Oc’cult Fay with-inn You __________________________
Anagram : Thief Evil Spirits NHL CybCd Your Keys are,
Faith 2 what is actually implied when we Blind-People and most likely More
use this term is Conviction, but more
- № 22 -
You must decide with-inn the Nag
appropriately Adherent Conviction, yet, The Earth Has Tilted
the-use of the word ‘Con’ is also a
Hammadi Library where these Words
are going to be used, in the place of the
corruption. although,
not expressive-
enough, we can See the orig.root form Cloud Word EVIL SPIRITS
See Nag Hammadi Library
in the word ‘Viction,’ once we remove
the word ‘con.’ Viction lit means the Evolve lit the Æye of the Woman
Victory of Lyghte for All of Lyfe See Love, Mt. 26:13
Faith 3 now from the Heb we get Anagram : Eve’s Love
Emunahe which means To Do More
Than the-One who we are trying too
- EX -
See Adherent-Conviction, Con, -X- www.TheREALPublicRadio.Net/NEWS.html

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Conviction, Emunahe, F, Fay, Fe, PH, Phay,
Lyghte, Sol, Viction, Victory of Lyghte
Ex lit the Æye of Destruction Watch The HORIZON Project YouTUBE
See Ax, Axe, Exit, Text
Faschi / Faschii
as in
Fasces or Fascia
Faces impl the Many Faces
EX - Words Ex as in Ax
a cyber code and a root word for
The Traditional Roman Fasces
consisted of a Bundle of Birch or Black Destruction. it is an oc’cult term and
Ebony Rods, tied together ... and often Trick that actually Destroys the
including a bronze Axe or sometimes Original Root
Two, amongst the rods, with them ... See the Pattern
designed too resemble The-Fasces,
consists of Thirteen ebony rods bound Example of Original Thought
together symb of the Thirteen Ancient Before It's To Late as it was in the Days of Noah
Families that have been Organized Ex-Officio should be Annex- Officio
against the West from the Beginning
See All Roads Lead to Rome,
Example should be Ample
India, Mini Pictionary No 1 Exclaim should be Claim
Existence should be Ish- Stance
Fasting Actually . . . Exit should be ExAT
Slowing Exorcist is in reality Exhort the- Sister
The Tradition of pure- Abstinence Explain should be Plain or Make Plain
There is a Hidden Sweetness in the- Express should be Press See the Under Ground Bases
stomach's emptiness ... Expression should be Impression or_____________________________
We are lutes, no more, no less merely Pression A Sample of
If the- sound box is stuffed full of Extreme should be A Stream as in A
any- thing, no Æternal- music there The Phayshe’Ool’t - Targum
Great- River
If the- brain and the- belly are all
burning clean with fasting, every Text is in reality Ex as in Ax the T
Trans- iteration L
moment there is a new song that comes is silent in the orig thought, there fore and Restoration Project
the oc’cult-word is ‘Ex,’ implying that
out of the fire PTRP
all of our words have been manipulated,
The fog clears, and a new energy by dezert-owl
or CUT
makes you run up the steps that in front
Original -Thought
See the Above Words
of you
Be emptier still and cry like reed
__________________________ the
The Eye See Æye the, Augen, E,
instruments sacred cry
Emptier, write down its secret
Ego, Go, I, Igo, L, Y
Sacred- Scripture
revelations with the pen Eye of the CHI Egg
When you're continually full of food See
Chi, E, Egypt, G
Æast-West Version
and drink, there is an ugly metal
statue that now sits where your spirit Eyes Closed Having-Your Æyes The Letter or Epistle of
First Yahlcanon
should be Closed or the Closing of the Eye(s) is a
When you Slow, good habits begin Sin which
correct-root, and an orig-thought for
to gather before you, like friends who is also Blindness See Sin, Synagogue commonly known as
want to help
Slowing is Solomon's Royalle Ring
Don't give it to some illusion and
My Eyes When you See A Trail First John
lose your Power or A Foot Step that you do not know, What is Implied, is what it should Breathe!
But even if you have, even if you've follow it to the Very Point of Knowing
lost all pure- will and self- control - Ancient Proverb - Chapter 1 -
They will come back to you when 1 Our Very own Principle is from the-
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
you Slow again Beginning; the-One who we hear, who
Like soldiers re-appearing out on the
battle- ground, with the- pure- standards
-F- we see with our eye, the-One who we
look upon, the-One our hands do touch,
flying high above them - PHay / Fake / Fade / Fay / Fate - by the-virtue of the-burning-sword-of-
A Table descends down to your tent See PH fire, the-Word-of-Life;
The Supper of Yahshuvah’t' Table F/ f a late comer and a corrup for the 2 For this pure-Life, is now revealed, as
Expect to see it, when you Slow, this
table spread with other food, better than
PH and theprime symbol for the other we see and then clearly define it, while
Goddess. for example we have the we carry the-witness along with the-
the broth of cabbages and stew
Mythological Goddess, the Phay, who Record-of-Truth, from the-trees-root,
- Sage and reveal it before you, that true
is also Columbia and is also the Fay and a
Æternal-Life within A-day-with-out-
Father lit Phay-Thore meaning the form of other words such as , pay, face,
Æend, that is within the-Father-of-Light,
Power or the Breath wyth-inn Creation lit fabric and she is also known as Santa Fe and is now entrusted with us;
2 prime Symbol for Feather or Father
etymol Feather for the Breath on A-
for the- Breath of Creation 3 The- Principle of whom we see, hear,
See B, Breath, F, Fe, Fay, PH, Phay, V and know, we declare before you, so
See Æ, Al, Alovehe’t, Bra, Bro, that you may also, have a common-bond
Brother, Fa, Farther, God, Hat Thor, Hathor, Ma,
Mo, Mother, Mother and Father are One, Om,
Facebook with us: because in truth, our common-
Sis, Sky Father, SS, Sister, Ther, Thor SUNDAY NOVEMBER 13, 2011 bond is with the Father of Light, and
Facebook is a CIA Data-Bank within His pure-seed and Son, Jesus,
Anagram : Rath of / Ov, lit. ‘the-Fire of the-Messiah, the-pure.
the- t’Sun’, ‘the Breath of Rah' or ‘the Breath of Remember when Mark Zuckerberg
Lyghte’, as the- t’Sun, it is a symbol of our called his users ''dumb f****''?
by Sandeep Parwaga 4 We write this one-principle before
Greight Father of Lyghte
( you, so that your ænlightenment may be
Fay the Mythological Woman In my Feb. 16 article ''Facebook &
Google are CIA Fronts,'' I argued that
of Creation and of the Most Ancient Facebook and Google data mine
5 So this then is, the-Message that we
Oc’Cul’tech / tic-Tradition 2 Someone have received from Him, and we now
information about you. This is now declare before you, that, Ælovehe-God
endued with Super natural Powers public knowledge. is Light, the-Life-Principle, and in Him
Fay 3 Fairy c 1393 from O.Fr The Associated Press reported there is no void, nor darkness at all.
November 4 that the CIA has an entire
Fae from V.L. Fata, fem. sing of L. center dedicated to monitoring Facebook 6 If you claim that you have Oneness
fata (neut. pl.), lit the Fates. Adj also and Twitter. They also monitor TV with Him, and still, walk in that outer-
meaning "Homosexual" is attested from stations and print newspapers [2] and darkness, then you produce a lie, and do
1950s [3]. not live within that truth:
See Ælovehe, Æloveheim, AB-EL, ABel, "The Open Source Center," established
Abel, Aphrodite, Ba’al, Baal, Ball, Bel, Bell, in 2005 by the Office of the Director of 7 Now, if we walk within the-Light, just
Bile,, Cipher, Columbia, Cyber Code, El, Elahe, National Intelligence [4], has been as He is in the-Light, then we do have a
Elovehe, F, Fa, Fail, Faith, FaTAMa, Father,
operating since the 9/11 Commission's true common-bond, the-one with the-
Fate, Fay-Ill, Fe, Fee, Fire, Fortune, God, Godt,
Gut, Hidden Woman the-, Iesous, Iesus, Isa,
call for foreign counterintelligence. other, while the-pure-blood of Jesus,
Ishtar, Isis, Jesus, Lord, Lucifer, Mother Fay, Though the CIA claims it only monitors the-Messiah, His only pure-seed and
Pay, Pazuzu, PH, Pharaoh, Phay, Saint ‘Nick’, foreign activity, I am skeptical. Not only Son, maintains our pure-estate within
Santa Claus, Statue of Liberty, TA, /Two Gods been the CIA been using proxies, but has us; being thoroughly washed by the
Anagram : Yahl- Pha / Jaffa (Israel) devoted an entire center for that blood, from having our eye closed, in
Expressing that the Father is Behind the Fay or operation. the-Darkness of sin.
that the Father is Working behind the Mother Facebook A Privacy-Eroding Network,
Not Social Network 8 If we breathe, that, we were not borne
Federal Reserve Note NOT Money Remember when Mark Zuckerberg in darkness with our eyes-closed, then
called his users ''dumb f****''? [5] If that we merely deceive ourselves, and the-
a Promissory Note that never Pays
is not a clear sign of the disdain for the Truth can not be in us.
See Debt, Mind Control, Money, Note, Property
Facebook users, consider these new
disturbing facts. 9 Yet, if we are honest, and confess that
Fiction Nik Cubrilovic, an entrepreneur, hacker our eyes were always closed, He is
willing and justified then, to forgive us
and writer, revealed that Facebook
for having our eye closed, within the-
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
tracked and stored the Internet browsing darkness of the-closed-eye, and then, to
The Truth is Stranger. . . than of its 750 million users even after they purify us from all imperfection, within
FICTION had left the site. [7] the-divine-nature of the-pure-shelter and
This blog story gained mainstream law;
- dezert-owl attention and Facebook conceded it had
happened, but denied it was intentional 10 Now, if we continue to breath, that
Fire a corr root metaph and orig th for and used for tracking. we were not born with our eyes-closed,
In my last article, I mentioned that you within the outer-darkness of sin, then we
Blood and Fire, it also symbolizes
should avoid clicking on trivial buttons make Him a liar, and His pure-Word
the Spirit which is the Breath within the-burning-swords of fire and
on Facebook, for example the ''Likes'',
Fire 2 is symb of the Father along because I assumed there was something Light, within the-pure-judgement, is not
with the Spirit and the Breath shady about it. to be found within us.
See Blood, Breath, Faggots, Flag, PH, I discovered recently that when you
Phyire, Spirit, Water, Wind-of-Fire click on any Like button, you are - Chapter 2 -
opening yourself up to being tracked by 1 My precious little-ones, I write these
First orig thou lit Fire- Start Facebook. [8] precepts for you, so that your eyes are
the Principle part is in the Beginning When Zuckerberg announced the ''Like never closed by sin; but, if any one
See Numbers system'' during a conference (called F8) closes his eye and sins, we have an
in 2010 promoting it to make the web advocate with our-great-Father-of-Light,
Flags See Mimi Pictionary No 15 more ''social'' and ''smarter'', and Jesus, The-Messiah, who is perfect,
See Faggots, Fags, Fire, Flare, L, Waving reported '' What Zuckerberg didn't point within the-pure-shelter and the-divine-
out is that widespread use of the Like law of Light:
Flesh is etym Flash meaning button allows Facebook to track people
We are A-Product of Lyghte in the-orig- as they switch from to 2 And He is the-One, who obtained the-
thought See Flash, Spark, Spoke to, all of which are favor-for-all, by the- divine-grace,
sites that have said they will implement because our eyes were closed within
Flower the Flow of War
cybr cde lit the feature.'' [8] the-darkness’ of sin: yet, not for us only,
According to the article, ''Even if but for the entire world that is blind as
See Garden, Man
someone is not a Facebook user or is not well.
Fluoride lit Looking at the Floor logged in, Facebook's social plug-ins
this is why Florida sounds like Fluoride, collect the address of the Web page 3 And, this is the way, that we can
because it was/ is at the Bottom of the being visited and the Internet address of know, that we know him, if we maintain
Continent 2 a potent chemical-waste the visitor as soon as the page is loaded-- ourselves pure, by his complete, perfect,
bi-product of the-petro-chemical clicking on the Like button is not and pure-instruction.
industry, used to poison the-water required. If enough sites participate, that
supplies of the-Enemy Population in permits Facebook to assemble a vast 4 Anyone who declares, ‘I know him,’
order to numb their senses amount of data about Internet users' but then, does not maintain his pure-
See Con Words, Flu, Riding the Floor, browsing habits.'' [8] instruction, is then a part of the-great-
Story by Pat Shannon in Notes Section So for example, if you visit, lie, because the-truth, from the-trees-
''the Like system'' is able to track your root, is not to be found then, within
Folder orig tho The Fold move on that site simply because them. is part of that system. If you 5 Yet, anyone who keeps His burning-
Follow Fall Love
lit corr then go to you are still being sword-of-pure-Fire, within the-pure-
interp Too Fall in Love tracked by the Facebook plug-ins, so you Word, it is Truth, that in him, the-
See Alovehe’t, Dove, F, Fall, don't really need to be a user of divine-Love of Ælovehe-God, is
Fall- Love, Love, O, V, W Facebook. perfected, and it is by the-virtue of their
Anagram : Wolf Another interesting issue I have very own pure-action: and this is how
Anagram : Vollov V = Eve L = EL O = True discovered was the so called ''cloud we know that we are in his pure-body.
computing''. Cloud computing refers to ''
Anagram : Fall- Love reads the
the delivery of computing as a service 6 Anyone that breathes, that they live
same both ways, the V and the F are inter- rather than a product, whereby shared
within him, should be walking and then
resources, software, and information are working, even as he walked and worked.
provided to computers and other devices
Following orig th the Fall of Wing as a utility (like the electricity grid) over 7 My brothers, I am not writing any new
or Follow Wing or Follow the a network (typically the Internet).'' [9] instruction for you, but rather, the

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Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Breath In an article from the Wall Street original instruction, that you have
See Be-lie Eve, Believe, Journal, Bruce Schneier reports that received from the very beginning; and
Dove, Fall of Wing, Follow cloud computing ''Is one of the fastest this ancient precept is the-Burning-
growing IT market segments -- 69% of sword-of-fire within the-pure-Word,
For-Ever a- Day wyth-out Ænd lit Americans now use some sort of cloud which you have heard, from the-
See Day with-out Ænd A- computing services - '' [10] Facebook Beginning.
also uses this cloud computing system.
For-Bidden lit what used to be [11] 8 Again, this perfect instruction that I
Mr. Schneier links articles that outline write for you, this precept, it is true
Approved See B, For- Bidden
the fact that the cloud computing system within him, and must be found within
is anything but secure and private. you: because the outer-darkness is now
For-Give ori th Leave Off
According to Mr. Schneier, Google's passed way over the horizon, and the
Terms of Service ''explicitly disavow pure-Light, is what now shines, so clear.
Forgive Love Your any warranty or any liability for harm
Enemies, do good to those who hurt that might result from Google's 9 Anyone who breathes, that he is in the
you and Pray for those who Spitefully negligence, recklessness, malevolent pure-Light, and then hates his brother,
use you intent, or even purposeful disregard of remains within the-outer-darkness, right
- Jesus, the- Christ existing legal obligations to protect the up to this very moment.

See In Advance, Leave Off privacy and security of user data.'' [10] 10 Anyone who cares for his brother,
Facebook does exactly the same through lives within the-pure-Light of the-
Fortune the- Goddess of lit means its Statement of Principles and Statement sun/svn; so that there is no longer any
of Rights and Responsibilities. Apple
the-Fay- Tune all in reference to the- need for him to fall down, because he
has also launched the cloud computing can see where he is going.
Songs of the-Olde Ancient- Phœnecian system recently.
/ Canaanite-Mariners who were If you thought that was enough, check 11 Yet, anyone who hates his brother,
Singing their Row-Man Songs of this out. Facebook has started a system remains within the outer-darkness, and
False-Hopes and the- Dreams of Great- that can recognize faces so it makes it is walking within the-outer-darkness,
Wealth, that they alle Bought inn-too easier for ''friends'' to tag you. There is and for this reason, does not know
See Fay, Son-Chi, Song, Phay, not much to say about this, except that it where he is going, because that darkness
Phœnecian is a very creepy technology. This system is just like having your eye put out.
has gained funding from the government
Fox the Numeric Value is to track so called ''terrorists''. Now 12 I write to you at this moment, my
666 See FOX News, Gematria
Facebook does that for the government precious little-ones, because you have
as well. [12] been forgiven for having your eyes
CONCLUSION closed, while you were in sin, and it is
Foxe’s Book of Martyrs If we think about it, Facebook is nothing all for the-great-honor of his Royal-title.
on How the Roman Vatican State but a big Orwellian spy grid. All
Decimated, Tortured, and Burned at Facebook's offerings ultimately lead to 13 I write to you, fathers, because you
the Stake the Entire Worlds Population, being tracked. A few months ago I know the-One, who is from the very
decided to ''delete'' my Facebook Beginning. I write to you younger men,
and under the many Flags of 'Color"
account for good. Besides all the because you have already conquered
Authored by Robert Fox c 1560 A.D self; I write to you, my precious little-
Orwellian reasons I ''deleted'' my
See A Must Read also Burry My Heart at
account, I also considered Mark Dice's ones, because you have known our
Wounded Knee great-Father-of-Light.
Youtube clip ''Defriend Day''. [13]
Free Man OE fremman Wkl. v. I Dice aays that people's homes got
perform, do(er), bring-about; inf. robbed when they post a vacation status 14 I have previously written to you
fremmað, fremede, freme, fremedon. or kids got busted for underage drinking. fathers, because you have fully
M/r c.700 See Free Dome, Liberty [14] and [15] comprehended the-One, who is from
The Open Source Center director admits the-Beginning; I have written to you,
that overseas individuals are being young blood-of-the-Æarth, because you
Freedom That is Free monitored [3] which I suspect is only have that æternal-force and virtue,
Gudgement it is our One and Most half the truth. Let's not forget the working with you; because the-burning-
Precious Gift, that which the Heaven tremendous amount of lies that have sword-of-Fire, within the-Word of
come from the establishment in the past Ælovehe-God lives within you, and you
has bestowed up-on us All. With it, we
years regarding monitoring and privacy. have fully overcome self.
can-not compare the greatest treasures

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
or that which the earth itself contains or For example, it was well known that the 15 Do not love the-false-ways of this
the sea conceals, for Free- Gudgement, FISA law (Foreign Intelligence Service world, neither the things that come from
as for Honor, we can and we should, Act) not only spied on foreigners, but on the-world; if any one loves the-world,
truly Bind Our very Lives, for on the domestic citizens as well. [16] then, the-divine-Love of the-Father-of-
other hand, any Captivity or Control, If you have any concern for your Light, can-not be found within him;
would be of the greatest Darkness that privacy, I would recommend what I
could ever befall, Our very Earth and recommended before: 1) Try to keep a 16 Since, everything that is in the world,
Man low profile. 2) Don't reveal anything such as, the desires to satisfy the-flesh,
- Author Unknown personal or don't click on trivial buttons, and the desire to please the eye, along
for example the ''Likes'' 3) Use with self-pride, along with the-prestige
Freedom / free-dome OE alternatives to make contact if you can, for high-status and recognition in life, is
e.g. email or other messengers. 4) Get not near the Father, but is the-poison-
FrēodÕm freedome. m/r. 2 lit
rid off it for good produce of this very dark-world.
Free Gudgement, that which is inherent,
with-in each and every-man 17 And the-world passes away, with the
See Dome, Free Dome, Freen, Liberty, Facts I would rather passions that are in it: but he, the-eye,
Poison- Cup discover a single Fact, even a small one, that performs the- divine-will of
than debate all the great issues at length Ælovehe-God, lives for ever.
Freeman / A- Freeman’t with-out ever discovering anything at all
A-True Freeman, is one who is free - Galileo Galilei 18 My precious little-ones, the-end of
from having his Æyes closed or One the-world, within this final age-of-Light,
has come: and you have heard, that
who is free from Sin Fall Love mod Follow the orig false-messiahs, or mosheyachs, would
See Free, Man, Silent T
thought too Fall in Love come, and even now, there are many
See Alovehe’t, Dove, F, Fall, Love, O, V, W false-messiahs; and this is how we can
Fugitive You will know The know that it is the-great-Ææmath and
Truth and the Truth will make You A Fall of Wing mod Following the-end of the-world.
Fugitive See Be-lie Eve, Believe, Dove, Following
19 Now, these false-messiahs departed
- dezert-owl from us, yet they never really were a
Fallacy something that is False
part of us; because if they had really
See Fay, Fake, Myth, Phallus
been a part of us, then they certainly
would have remained with us: but this
-Chi- Mel - Falsehood The Superficiality occurred, so that, it could be revealed,
of this World, would cause someone to that they were not, really all a part of us.
- The Gate -
Believe Something that is Inherently
See Camel, Gate Keepers, J, Masons 20 Now, you have been Anointed, by
False, even if merely to trick the Mind
G / g corr the Third Symbol of the into Thinking, that there Actually is the-only-pure, great-Breath-of-Light,
ancient alphabet, it is a Prime Symbol of another Reality, other than the one that within the-wind-of-Fire, through-out-all-
time, by the-pure-One, so that, the-
Man and the Moon. hence, the term, Truly Is - dezert-owl pure-knowledge and true-nature of all
Man in the Moon See C, GH, J, things, is now clearly revealed before
Lord of the Rings, Masonic- Ring Fasces or Fascia or Faschi / Faschii you.
as in Faces impl the Many Faces
G syn with CH See CH, GH, H 21 I have not written to you, because
the Traditional Roman Fasces
you do not comprehend the-truth, from
Garden cybr cde for the Gudgement consisted of a Bundle of Birch or Black the trees-root, but, because you do know
and the Sound of War Ebony Rods, tied together ... and often
it, and you know it very well, so that, no
including a bronze Axe or sometimes
See Dan, Den,Din, Flower, Gar lie can have any part with the-truth,
Two, amongst the rods, with them ...
from the-trees-root.
Gate orig Ghate lit Consuming designed too resemble The-Fasces,
consists of Thirteen ebony rods bound 22 Who is a liar, but anyone who, denies
the- Breath is the-Way Back- Home
together symb of the Thirteen Ancient that, Jesus, is the-Messiah? He is a false-
See Breath, Eighte, Ghate, GH Families that have been Organized messiah, whoever denies that the-
against the West from the Beginning Father-of-Light is with His Son and His
GATT According to GATT
See All Roads Lead to Rome,India, purified-seed.
the General Agreement on Tariffs and Mini Pictionary No 1
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Trade, you MUST have a Social 23 Who-ever denies the-Son, similarly,
Security Number See Addemdum, Fascia or Faschi / Faschii or Fasces does not have the-Father: anyone who
House Report 103-826 See Fasces, Faschi / Faschii, claims the-Son, claims the-Father as
Mini Pictionary No 1 well.
Gem’Atria lit too Bud or Grow
What is Hidden See AT, Atrium, G, Fascist See Faschii, Fay, Hitler, Isims, Sc 24 For this reason, let this precept live
Gem, Germ within you, as you have heard this from
Father of the Æarth’s Creation the-very-Beginning; so, if everything
General lit cyb cde the Generators or See Al, Alle, Allovehe’t, Alovehe’t, General that you have received by the-ear, from
the Fathers of Æarth’s Creation. it the-Beginning, remain within you, then
sounds like the- military generals are a Favor For All the an orig th for you also, will continue with the-pure-
part of some Religious- Order and Rite Grace See Grace seed of the-Son, within the-great-Father-
See AL vs EL, Gen, Gen Words
Anagram La Range Fay Tune the mod the Goddess of
: for on the 25 And this is The-Promise that He has
Open range or Rangers Fortune See Fay, Son Chi, Song, proposed for us, and it is, His Æternal-
Phay, Phœnecian Breath, within a-Day-without-Ænd..
General Delivery or

the general post- office (Sic) Fiction 26 So, this is what I declare before you,
regarding those who intend to seduce
general- delivery to 'Transients' or The Truth is Stranger. . . than you.
Sojourners/ sol-journers/ Star-
Travelers has never been altered or
FICTION 27 Since, the-Anointing, that you have
- dezert-owl received from Him, lives and breathes
changed since Lincoln's War against
within you, so that, you do not need any
the free and independent, lawful
one to plant any seed within you, or to
christian states. Fil-Fa't or Swastika cybr cde lit teach you: because this very Anointing
In common-law, general delivery or the Fullness of the Fay implants within you, the true-nature of
to Call for your mail in the general See Star of David, Swastika all things, and is founded upon the-truth,
post is a vested right that can-not be Mini Pictionary No 34 from the-trees-root, and for this reason,
denied to any Christian as long as he or it is not a part of any lie; and even as
she is walking out-side of commercial
Fire Start mod First
this Anointing leads and guides you, you
free delivery. the Principle- part is in the- Beginning will then live forever, within Him.
You can-not be in common-law and See Numbers
then be following the COMMERCIAL 28 So now, my precious little-ones, live
Statute LAW at the same time. The Flash Flesh
is etymol meaning We perfectly within him; so that, when His
non-commercial side of the post- office are A- Product of Lyghte in the-orig- divine-Breath comes down, we may
still remains in esse as general delivery thought See Flesh, Leash, Shelf have a bold and true-confidence, not to
(sic) where one calls for his or her first
be ashamed before him, at his decent.
class matter (mail) rather than receiving For-Bidden lit What used to be
29 If you know, that he is perfect within
a free Benifit Service hand-out, in Approved mod Forbidden
the-pure-Shelter, within the-divine-law
accepting any COMMERCIAL Delivery at See B, Forbidden
of life, then you also know that, every
any 'Address' one who is perfected within the-pure-
See First Class Matter, Post, Private Foreign Instruments if you are Not a Shelter, within the-divine-law, is reborn
UNITED STATES 'CITIZEN' then any new, by the-virtue of His purified-seed.
G eneration - X Form of Papers that they the de facto try
to hand you, is a Foreign Instrument and
The LAST Generation it is as foreign as France or Mars. If
- Chapter 3 -
1 You must see and read it for your-self,
See X Marks The Spot you didn't Create it it is foreign what form of divine-Love the-Father-of-
See Birth Certificate, Drivers License, Etc Light has endowed us with, in that, we
George Washington the Military
should be called the-pure-seed-of-Light:
Dictator George Washington divided
up the States ‘Estates’ into Districts Forever So, I will Stand Here and this is the reason, that the-world can
not recognize, nor relate to us, because it
See Messages and Papers of the Forever, if Forever is what it Takes, did not recognize, nor relate to him.
Presidents Volume 1 page 99, Web. 1828 because You are My Forever, and

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2 ‘the People’ does NOT
Dict on Estate Forever always Waits - Bread 2 We are now the-Only-loved-seed, and
include you and me See Barron vs. the-seed-of-Light, while, it is not yet
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore 32 U.S. clear, what we are becoming: but we do
243 Forever oc'cult cyb cde for
know this, that, when he does unveil
See Adam Weishaupt, Illuminatti, King George For Eve's Power on Earth himself before us, we will have already
See Eve, R, V transformed our-selves, to be just like
Georgia Guide Stones him; and this is why, he will soon reveal
the Georgia Guide-Stones are a large Forgiveness Forgiveness his true nature before us.
granite monument in Elbert County,
Georgia, USA. A message comprising is the Greatest Virtue of ALL 3 So every-one that, has this anticipation
ten guides is inscribed on the structure - dezert-owl breathing within him, for this very
in eight modern languages, and a reason, then purifies himself, in the
shorter message is inscribed at the top same manor, as Jesus is pure.
Forms NHL CybCd Your Keys are,
of the structure in four ancient People, Followers and most likely 4 Anyone who closes their eye in wrong
languages' scripts: Babylonian,
Classical Greek, Sanskrit, and Egyptian
More action, goes against the-pure-shelter of
You must decide with-inn the Nag the-divine-law: since the-closing-of-the-
Hammadi Library where these Words eye in sin, is a violation of the-pure-
The NWO Plan for Global Genocide shelter, within the-divine-law;
are going to be used, in the place of the
A Message consisting of a set of ten
guidelines or principles is engraved on Cloud Word FORMS 5 And you know full well, that he came
the Georgia Guide-Stones in eight See Nag Hammadi Library here, and was revealed for us, so that he
different languages, one language on could open our inner-eye, revealing the
each face of the four large upright Free-Dom corr spell Free Dome lit dead-nature of our sin; because in him,
Grave-Stones. Moving clockwise Free Gudgement there is no closing of the-eye, in the-
around the structure from due north, See Dome, Freedom, Freen, Liberty, darkness of sin.
these languages are: English, Spanish, Poison Cup
Swahili, Hindu, Hebrew, Arabic, 6 Anyone who lives within him, does
not close his eyes to embrace the-dark-
Chinese, and Russian. FreeTopians We predict Future nature of sin: anyone who closes his eye
1 Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 Happiness for FreeTopians, if they can
in perpetual balance with nature. and commits a wrongful act, has not yet
2 Guide reproduction wisely — improving prevent the governments from wasting seen him, nor do they yet know him.
fitness and diversity. the labours of the people under the
3 Unite humanity with a living new pretense of Taking Care of them 7 My precious little-ones, do not let
language. - Mike Adams anyone deceive you: the-one who
4 Rule passion — faith — tradition — performs a perfect-work within the-pure
and all things with tempered reason.
5 Protect people and nations with fair
Freen OE Frēa Wkl ME Lord, God shelter of the-divine-law, is perfect-
within-the-law-of-the-pure-shelter, even
laws and just courts. 2 Frēo, adj free(-born), having Free-
as Jesus is perfect within the pure-
6 Let all nations rule internally resolving Reign, Noble, gplm. Frēora 3 shelter-of-Light.
external disputes in a world court.
7 Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
Frēod, F or f., Peace m/r c.700
8 Balance personal rights with social See Dome, Free RAIN, Freedom, Free Dome 8 The-eye, that closes itself in wrongful
duties. action, becomes one with the-adversary;
9 Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking since the-adversary has closed her eye in
harmony with the infinite.
Future Whoever Controls the the-darkness of death, from the-very-
10 Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave Past, Controls the Future, Who ever beginning; and this is the actual reason
room for nature — Leave room for nature Controls the Present, Controls the Past that the-seed-of-the-Son, the-seed-of-
See India, NWO Old World Order Plan, - George Orwell Light, is revealed upon the-earth, so that
Vatican the-Æye, could defy and then destroy

Anagram : Geo- Gia lit Mother the-walk and the-work of the-adversary.
Earth Georgia
9 Anyone who is born of the-Light, does
- Chi- Mel -
Glorified the root form is not close their inner-eye in wrongful
Stood up in the Lyghte See Glory - The Gate - action; since his pure-Seed lives within
See Camel, Gate Keepers, J, Masons him: so that he cannot close his eyes in
Glory a cyber-code lit a Radiant G / g corr the Third Symbol of
the-darkness of sin, since he, the-eye, is
reborn, and born-of-Light;
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Sun-Rise or more exactly a Radiant- the Ancient Alphabet, it is a Prime
Symbol of Man and the Moon hence the 10 And this is how, the-seed-of-Light
are distinguished from, the-seed-of-
See Glowing-Rays, Ray, Sun-rise, t’Svn term Man in the Moon
darkness: so that anyone, who does not
See C, GH, J, Lord of the Rings, Masonic- Ring
perform a perfect-walk and work on the-
God and Godt an anna-gram for
earth and is not perfect by the-law and
Dog in reverse, it is in reference to the G syn with CH the-pure-shelter, is not of the-Light,
Priest Hoods and the Free Masons and Example neither is the-eye, that does not love his
the-feet of the-Chimera Beast of Rev 13:2- brother;
4, it is a European-Latin Oc’cult term 2
Genghis Khan
in ME god was Spelt with-out a capital Changhis Khan 11 Since, this is the-true-message, that
letter and is synonymous with good See CH, Chain, Gang, GH, H you heard, right from the-very-
See ABel, Ælovehe, Æloveheim, Gar War beginning, that we should love one
Abel, Al, Alahe, Alovehe’t, Baal, Bel, Bell, another, with the-divine-Love.
Cipher, Columbia, Cyber-Code, Dock, El, Elahe,
See Ar, G, W
Elovehe’t, Eloheim, Eloveheim, F, Fay, Fe, Fee, Anagram : Rag as in Ragged 12 Not as Chain, being of the-fallen
God, Godt, Gut, Hidden-Woman the-, Iesous, dark-state, who murdered his brother;
Iesus, Isa, Ishtar, Isis, Jesus, Lord, Lucifer, Pay,
Pazuzu, PH, Pharaoh, Phay, Santa Claus, Statue
Garden And why did he murder him? Because
his own works were blind, being in
of Liberty We are The Garden
darkness, and his brother's were perfect
We are with-inn the Garden within the-pure-Light of the natural-law
Gods ... more than the One ? We are All Creators in the Garden and pure-shelter of Light before the-sun.
A clue revealed by an old Ægyptian
- dezert-owl
priest 13 So, do not be surprised when the
“Pharaoh Akhenaten (agnaton) said, world hates you my brothers;
that there was one God for Ægypt and GE for Power of the t’Sun
another god for the other people... See Eye, Gen, Generations, General Electric 14 Because, we know that we have
if the ‘idea’ of ‘God’ had any already passed from this state-of-death,
meaning at all, there could only be one Gen lit Applied , Against , Next in into a-life in a-Day-without-Ænd; and it
all powerful God; but if the people Order suff rep Fr Gène / Grk Genēs for is because we love each other perfectly,
started to question what they were Born that it is so; but the-eye, that does not
being told to believe since the world Note the reg Alphabet order E-F-G / E-PH-G love his brother perfectly, lives within
began, what else then, might they not E – PH – G the-outer-darkness-of-death.
begin to question? One God ? ... a t’SVN – Creation – Growth
ridiculous notion, far better that there 15 Anyone that, hates his brother, or his
See En, G, Gan, Gem, Genæ, Gena, neighbor, is the same as a murderer, and
should be as many gods as there are Gender, Gene, General, Generate, Generation,
men, if only to keep us priests better you know that, no murderer has æternal
Generator, Generic, Generous, Genesis, Genetics,
employed!” Geneva, Genie, Genitive, Genius, Genoa, Gent, non-ending-life, living within him.
Genus, Geon, Gien, Gin, Gone, Grove, Growth, N
THIS has been the Trick that has 16 Here is how we can comprehend the-
been played on all of the cultures, since Anagram : Neg for Negate
the Opposite of Gen
divine-Love; from the example that
the very beginning of time and even Jesus gave us, when he laid down his
includes the worshiping of our so-called own life for us: and this is what we are
See Brahman, Duality, One the-, Priest-Hoods Gen - Words to do as well; we must die for our
brothers and sisters, and so, give up our
A Primary Root lives in complete dedication for them.
Goddess is a cyber code for the
God-Dress See God-Dress, Magic-
See the Pattern 17 But anyone who is holding on to
Letters, Priest-Hoods, R Example useful earthly possessions, and then sees
that his neighbor is in need, and then
Godt Scandinavian for God, but lit Gender for Engender
closes his heart from before him; tell
Gut or the-Lower-god See Eloheim, Generations me, how can the-divine-Love of
God, Gut, Yahvahe’t Genesis Ælovehe-God, be alive within him?

Gospel a cyber-code that lit means the- Gentile 18 My precious little-ones, let us not
Royal-Star-Message that One must- See
the Above Words give lip-service to that divine-Love, it is
Wear or the-Royal-Star-Message that __________________________ not about the-tongue; but the-truth is
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
One must Put-On. this is in fact the- always found within the-proper-action.
very-ancient-Expression that they all GH this symbol combination is
19 And this is how we can know, that
were following, because they all under- found in the Book of Genesis as every we are alive, by the-truth, from the trees
stood, that the-objective was too Put- Fiftieth Word, repeated over and over as root, and this will give our heart the-
On the-Lyghte and Become as Little- a mantra, saying Return, Return, etc needed-assurance, as we stand before
Stars See GH Words Him;
the-Title that was used prior too the-
word Gospel was Evangel, but it was
too obvious as Star- Messenger
GH - Words Pronounced
20 Because, if our heart is condemning
us, well, Ælovehe-God is far more
See A, AT, Eve, G, Ghost, Malech, EIghT or EIGHT it is the most sensitive and greater than our heart, and
Minister, Mini- Star, Pel, Pelt, Star, T, Zar, Gen. of them all, as
Important Symbol combination
certainly knows all things.
22:17, 26:4, Ex. 32:13, Deut. 1:10, 28:62, Rev.
it represents the Number 8 , which is the 21 My Only-loved-seed, if our heart
2:28, 22:16
Number of Return and is the Day does not condemn us, we can then stand,
Government CybCd lit the that Jesus / Yahshuah’t Rose from the- with a-pure-confidence, toward our
Chi Over the Mind with a t’Sword Dead Ælovehe-God.
or the Chi Over the Mental with the See the Pattern 22 Therefore, whatever we ask, we can
Example Of GH- Words receive from Him, because we keep his
pure-instruction, and only do those very
Bought which is Boat See Fortune things, that are pleasing in his sight.
Grace is lit the G Race or the
Eight which is Æight 23 So in this, is His pure-instruction, in
Chi Race implying the Secret Elite
of the Chi’Nites who are running the
Fight which implies that You are in a great that, we should follow, and then
struggle for your own mortal Lyfe Too Return acknowledge the-Royal-title of His
World from the Beginning, but within Back- Home from where you came pure-Seed and Son, Jesus, the-Messiah,
its implied pre-cept it means Favor for All and then love each another, just as he
See Canines, Chi, Favor for All, G
Gate which is GHATE
gave us his pure-instruction, by
High which is the-Sun lit the-Æye of example.
Great- Father or Grand- Father the-Return
24 So, the-æye, that maintains his pure-
Call no One on Æarth Greighte-Father Mighty which is My-T or My t’Sword
instruction, lives within him, so that
or Grand Father, but He who is your Plough which is Looking for a Return Jesus can then be found in him; and
True-Father in Heaven
See Throne of the Sun, Mt 23:9
Reign which is Reighn there is a way, that we can know, that he
is living within us, and it is by, the-very
Sovereign which is Sovereighn pure-Breath and Wind-of-Fire and
Great Charter Lat for Magna Carta Straight which implies the-Return Home is Spirit, that the Æye, He gives us.
See Magna Carta found in being Stræight. notice that it
contains the-Number æight which is the - Chapter 4 -
Great Seal of International Banking number of Return 1 My Only-loved-seed, do not follow
World Domination and Zionisim Thigh which is the Æye of the Return every breath-of-spirit-wind, but test the
See Mimi Pictionary No 5 breath-of-spirit-winds, and see whether
Through which is the Breath that passes they are of the-Light: because many
Great Tribulation aka the Last through the Æye false speakers-of-truth, are now gone
See Eight, Gate, GH, Reign, Sovereign, out into the-world;
Days Through
this was the 550 year period, from when __________________________
2 This is how you can know the Breath-
Yishrael / Israel was banished too
of-Light: Every breath-of-spirit-wind
Babylon, till the time when the Christ Ghate mod Gate lit
that acknowledges that Jesus, the-
came to deliver them at the end of that Consuming the Breath is the Way Messiah came down, and was a flesh-
world/age. this is the reason that they Back- Home and-blood man, is of the-pure-Light:
took out so many of the lost writings,
See Breath, Eighte, Gate, GH
because they plainly declared these 3 And every breath-of-spirit-wind, that,
things to be true. We were clearly
Ghoul pron ‘gool’ a. Arab Ghūl does not admit that, Jesus, the-Messiah
warned that the oc’cultists would came down in the-flesh, and was a flesh-
attempt to change all the times and from a verbal root meaning Too Seize
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
seasons in order to confuse us and that 2 A blind, dark, creature, supposed too and-blood man, is not of the-Light:
they did See Lost Writings rob the graves; to prey on the bodies of because this is the-wind of the-false-
‘The Dead’ Oxford on Eng. Lang messiah, and you already knew that this
Greece symb cybr cde for the Grave See Goal, Gold would occur; for at this very moment,
Gia Fr Gy this ill breath-of-wind, is already
Groom See Gnome, Gnoome breathing and working within the-world.
Gimarea/ Gamera Heb Completion 4 You are of the-Light, my precious
Groups Any Group little-ones, and you have correctly
bigger than three people has been Glen Kealey See YOUTube
resisted them: because greater is the-
infiltrated - Retired Intelligence Officer Symbolisim and Root Words One that is within you, than anyone who
See Destruction, Mass Movements, Spys is in the-world.
Gnome or Gnoome pronounced
-H- Nome or Noome, but the- e at the end 5 They are of the-world: and this is why
is the- Symbol is for the- Eye, all of which they speak like they are of the-world,
means the- One who Sees, Knows and this is also why the-world gives them
- the Bridge and Home of Return - their ears, and hears them.
then Consumes, by implication, All of
- 8- The Many Colors of The Lyghte 6 We are of the-Light: so anyone who
- Secret Noon'bar Eight - Spectrum with-in Lyfe. The-Woman, knows the-Light gives an ear to what we
the Bridge and the Breath of the Return there-fore, being symbolic of all that is are saying; anyone who is not of the-
Lyfe See Groom, Web 1828
Broken Bridge H
the Light, does not hear us. So, this how we
can know the-Breath-of-Truth from the
- Key / Che / Chi - Gnostic NHL CybCd Your Keys are, Trees-root, and the-spirit-wind of error,
To Know and most likely More
Moon - > CH < - Æarth You must decide, with-inn the Nag
being false-hood, and disobedience.
See GH, K, Levi, Twin Towers
Hammadi Library, where these words 7 My Only-loved-seed, by the-divine-
H/ h lit the Breath is the root for are going to be used, in the place of the Love, let us love one another within the-
perfection-of-Light: for the-divine-Love
the Word THE and a correct root and orig Cloud Word GNOSTIC is from the-Light; so that, every one
expression for the Breath of God gen- Gnostic 2 lit means Knowledge who is perfected by this love, is raised
sense and a symbol for the Æarth no wonder they have demonized this from their death, by the-virtue of that
See Breath, Number of Return, word, since the Vatican is AgNostic, that Light, and perfectly knows the-Light.
Yahvehe’t, YHVH is Against Knowledge
8 Anyone that does not have this love
H/ h 2 symb it is The Bridge See Munda, Nag Hammadi Library, Vatican
perfected within them, does not know
, supported by the Two Pillars and is the the-Light; for Ælovehe-God is the-
God Your Keys are,
Mystery Number Eight and therefore, divine-Love-of-Light.
the- Eloheim, t’Sun(s), Planet(s),
the Number and the Bridge of the
Return, for the Breath to be received by
Moon(s), Anointed Men, the pure 9 Here is how, the-divine-Love of
man on the Æighth Day Virgins and most likely More Ælovehe-God is revealed for us, in that,
You must decide with-inn the Nag Ælovehe-God, sent his only engendered,
See Bridge, Eight
purified-seed and Son into this dark-
Hammadi Library where these Words
world, so that we could live through
Ha'Shashin regarded as One are going to be used, in the place of t he
him, who is, the-One-of-the-many.
of The Most Fearful of all Secret Cloud Word GOD
Societies, The Hashashin , The See Nag Hammadi Library 10 So here is the-divine-Love, not that
Assassins, seemed capable of we loved the-Light, but that He loved us
penetrating any security, of striking
God Dress is the-true-expression for first, and for this reason, sent his only
down any victim all while under the Goddess See Goddess, Magic-Letters, purified-seed and Son, becoming the-
Priest Hoods, R One, who obtained the-favor-for-all, by
direct influence of Smoking huge
the-divine-grace, because our eyes were
amounts of Hashish Gone Over The Horizon is a corr root closed, within the-outer-darkness of sin.
See Assassins, Cannabis, Hemp, Islam,
and orig thought for Past See Fasting, Past
Marijuana 11 My Only-loved-seed, if Ælovehe-
Harbinger in ref with John , the God, so loved us in this manor, and with
When plunder such commitment, then we should also
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Baptist lit The Hour Bringer or the becomes a way of life for a certain group love each other, along with the-same
One Who Brings in The Age 2 the
of men living together in society, they dedication and commitment.
create for themselves in the course of
One Who Brings in The Power time, a legal system that authorizes it 12 No one has viewed Ælovehe-God at
See Aquarian Original Gospel, Baptist, Lyghte and then a moral code that glorifies it any-time: the-only way that we can see
- Frederic Bastiat Ælovehe, is if we love one another with
He The Æye that
hiero glyph for
See Morals and Dogma, Talmud
the-divine-Love; then Ælovehe-God
can be You and I or the Sun does live within us, and His divine-Love
is then perfected within us.
See Æye, Breath, Breath of the Many, Grabbing Hold of the Air
By, Bye, E, Eye the, H, Him, I, Me, Mothers Eye, 13 This is how we can know, that we
My Eyes, Mye, One the, Ye, Yoo, You See Anoint, Anointed, Anointing
live within him, and he within us; it is
Hear lit The Ear Great or Grand Father call no one by, the-very pure-Breath and Wind of
on Earth, but He who is your Father in Fire and Spirit that the Æye, He gives
See Ear the, Ma Ray, Mary, Ray, us.
Virgin Mother of Lyghte Heaven See Mt. 23:9
14 We are the-true-Witnesses and
Anagram : Raah / Ray / Reah when Great Breath of the Wind and Fire declare before the-world, that the-Father
Mary received the word that she would have a mod the Holy Spirit sent His Son, His only pure-Seed, who
Son, the Ray of Lyghte was Breathed into her,
bye Hearing
See Breath, Holy Spirit is the-only true-redeemer of the-world,
by delivering him from this death:
Gudgement there is no J within the
Hear Say By some Lawyers, Alphabet, it is the Merchant Fisherman- 15 And anyone, who will make an open
the practice of giving Hear-say Hook to ‘Confuse’ our thinking and our confession that, Jesus is the Seed-of-
evidence has been Forbidden, on the Proper Diction. it is still pronounced Light, then, Ælovehe-God lives within
grounds that the-Truth is established him, because he is, in Ælovehe-God.
Judgement. the Gud is in direct
bye Eye- Sight, while False Hood is reference to Gad, one of the sons of 16 We know that perfectly, and follow
established merely by Words and the Jacob See G, Gad, J, Judgement, Gen. the-divine-Love, that Ælovehe-God has
Hearing of it - Philo 30:11, 49:19 directed toward us. Ælovehe-God is the-
See Assault Guess cyber code is Chess divine-Love; and whoever lives within
that divine-Love, lives within Ælovehe-
See CH, Chess, G, Queen, the Game
God, and Ælovehe-God, is within him.
Heaven the Even or the Evening the Elite Play on You and Me
lit the Eve that Came Down a cybr cde 2
17 Here is where our love is made
the Breath of the Vine perfect; in that, we can be bold within
See Eve, Even, HeVyne, N this age-of-the-pure-fire of judgment:
because as he is, so are we now, within
Hebrew / Hebrev lit the Eb and the this world.
Breath of the Woman’s Creation 2
the Hebrew Alphabet came into its 18 There is no fear in the-divine-Love;
creation and existance during the because this perfect-Love removes all
Babylonian Exile c 500 B.C., prior to fear: since fear brings torment. So, the-
eye that is in fear, is not made perfect,
that they only had the pure Aramaic Gulag The Gulag (Russian: ГУЛаг,
nor in the-divine-Love.
See Aramaic, Eb, H, V, W tr. GULag, IPA: [ɡʊˈlak] ( listen)) was
Anagram : Verb Eye and Breath or the government agency that 19 We are One-in-Love within Him,
the Verbs Eye and Breath of Creation administered the main[1] Soviet forced because He first loved us completely.
imp that the Root of All of our Diction Stems labor camp systems. While the camps
through the Hebrew Line of Israel, going back housed a wide range of convicts, from 20 If anyone breathes, ‘I love Ælovehe-
too the Aramaic. the Phœnecians stole it for God,’ but then hates his brother, he is a
petty criminals to political prisoners,
Commerce liar: because the-eye, that does not love
large numbers were convicted by
simplified procedures, such as NKVD his brother, who he can see, how in the-
Hebrew Gospel of Matthew world, can he love Ælovehe, who he can
troikas and other instruments of
First Discovered in an England extrajudicial punishment, and the Gulag not see?
Antique Shop, Hugh J. Schonfeld is recognized as a major instrument of
discovered the Missing Text of the 21 And this is the-pure instruction, that
political repression in the Soviet Union.
Hebrew Gospel of Matthew in what we have received from him; that the-eye
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A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
was known as the Du Tilet- Line. GULag is the acronym for Chief who claims to love Ælovehe, must
George Howard later published the Administration of Corrective Labor perfectly love his brother as well.
Camps and Colonies (Russian: Гла́вное
Shem Tab Collection being quietly
held by Jewish Israeli’s.
управле́ние исправи́тельно-трудовы́х - Chapter 5 -
лагере́й и коло́ний, tr. Glavnoye 1 Anyone can be reborn a-Seed-of-
upravlyeniye ispravityel'no-trudovih
Hebrew Script the Hebrew Square Light, who can see and then follow, that
lagyeryey i koloniy) of the NKVD. It Jesus, is the-Messiah: but anyone, who
Root Script came inn-too existence and was officially created on April 25, 1930
form during the exile of Israel into claims to be within the divine-Love with
and dissolved on January 13, 1960.[2] the-One, that engenders this new life,
Babylon. the exact story of when and Eventually, by metonymy, the usage of
how this happened is all found in the- loves the-one who is also engendered by
"the Gulag" began generally denoting him.
Apocrypha, (which was removed from the the entire penal labor system in the
KJV in c 1660) in 2nd Esdras (Ezra) 14:42 USSR See Police State 2 This how we can know, that we love
where it reads : More-Over, the- Most-
Anagram : Gulag Ælovehe-God, when we perfectly-love
High gave understanding to the five the-pure-seed of Ælovehe-God, and
implying No Way Out
men and bye turns, they wrote what was keep His pure-instruction.
dictated, using characters that they did
not know. NRSV the- K.J.V. totally GURU The Guru is the 3 So, this then is the-divine-Love of
destroys this sense not making any Conscience wyth-inn You ... the ONE Ælovehe-God, in that, we always
reference to these New Letters, the maintain his pure-instruction: and his
that Guides YOU, The ONE that
Catholic Douay-Rheims STOPS at the pure-instruction is not hard to follow;
end of the 13th chapter and the LXX Ænlyghtens You, there is A Guru in
removed the entire Book of 2nd Esdras. Every Body - Ancient SAGE 4 Since, anyone who is reborn, a-pure-
Here-in lies A Smoking Gun of very seed of the-Son-of-Light, has conquered
Great- Import for all of Man-kind, that Gyve oc'c cyb cde ME Too Bind self: and this is the-power-of-Light, that
was changed and or ripped-out by the or Restrain with Fetters
has conquered self, it is truly by our
priest-hoods, in order to deny us the adherent-conviction, which is the-
See Benefits, Give
Truth about our own ancient History
and Legacy.
It is well known that the first half of -H- 5 Who is the-eye, that has conquered
self, but the-eye who follows, that Jesus
the book of Daniel was written in the - the Bridge and Home of Return - is the-pure-Seed-of-Light come down
pure Aramaic and then half way
through it changes into the New - 8- from the-sun?
Hebrew Script, with-out any - Secret
Noon'bar Eight - 6 This is the-Æye, that came by the-way
explanation at all.
the Bridge and the Breath of the Return of water and flesh, the-fire and the-
You Now have the explanation. breath, Jesus, the-Messiah; not by the-
The other part of this story is, that Broken Bridge H
the water only, but by the-water and the-
even though Ezra received this pure - Key / Che / Chi - fire; because, it is the-Breath that bears
script to maintain a cultural identity for record, since the-Breath, it breathes the-
a people who were banished from their Moon - > CH < - Æarth truth, from the-trees root.
own homeland, no sooner did they take See GH, K, Levi, Twin Towers
it back too Jerusalem with them, it 7 Now, we make our declaration, by the-
became corrupted by the other priests H/ h lit the Breath is the root for the pure-Breath, as the-pure-Breath sparks
who also brought back with them the word THE and a correct root and orig with the-Truth from the-Trees root:
Hindu originated Babylonian Talmud. expression for the Breath of God gen
See 8 And there are three that bear record in
Babylonian Talmud, Language, sense and a symbol for the Æarth
Priest Hoods, Symbols, Targum the-earth, the-Father’s Breath, and the-
See Breath, Number of Return, Yahvehe’t,
Mother-Æloveheim, and the-flesh-and-
blood-Son: and all these three agree and
Hegelian Dia-Lectic H/ h 2 symbolically it is the Bridge, are One.
Two Pillars and is the
Hegelian Dialectic supported by the
Mystery Number Æight and there-fore 9 If we are willing to receive the mere
witness of men, then, just think about
The the Number and the Bridge of the Return how much greater the-witness of YHVH
for the Breath to be received by man on
Hegelian - Dialectic - Principle is: for this is the-pure-witness

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- T h e N o n – S p o k e n W o r d P u b l i c a t i o n z - www.TheREALPublicRadio.Net
A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
the Æighth Day, the Day with No Ænd established, by Ælovehe-God, regarding
Problem – Reaction – Solution what He does and declares in regard
See Bridge, Eight, Levi
Thesis – AntiThesis – with His only Son.
Synthesis HAARP High Frequency
10 The-eye that follows the-only-Son-
__________________________ Active Auroral Research Program is of-Light, obtains the-confirmation for
an ionospheric research program jointly
The Master- lave Dialectic Ger : funded by the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy,
the University of Alaska, and the Defense
himself: but the-eye that does not follow
the-Light, has made him a liar; because
The Lord-Ship Bondage Dialectic Advanced Research Projects Agency his eye, does not follow the-pure-
the Revolutionaries within (DARPA).[1] Record-of-Truth, that Ælovehe-God
governments have waged covert war on Built by BAE Advanced Technologies gave about His Son.
the people by creating economic chaos (BAEAT), its purpose is to analyze the
ionosphere and investigate the potential for 11 And this is the-pure-Record-of-Truth
as in Shortages in food, fuel, developing ionospheric enhancement that, Ælovehe-God has offered us
confiscatory taxation, a crisis in technology for radio communications and eternal-life in A-Day-without-Ænd, and
education, the-continual- threat of war surveillance purposes.[2] The HAARP this life is only found within his
and other diversions to condition the program operates a major Arctic facility, purified-t’Seed.
people for the New World / Olde- known as the HAARP Research Station, on
World ancient oc’cult disorder of an Air Force–owned site near Gakona, 12 The-eye that is truly within the-Son,
control. Alaska. obtains-life; but the-eye, that is not in
The most prominent instrument at the
the Technique is as old as is politics the-Son-of-Light, does not have life.
HAARP Station is the Ionospheric Research
itself. It is the Hegelian Principle, Instrument (IRI), a high-power radio
credited to G.W.F. Hegel, of bringing frequency transmitter facility operating in the
13 I write these precepts for you, so that
about ‘CHANGE’ in a three step process: high frequency (HF) band. The IRI is used to you can follow, the-only, Royal-tital,
that is found within the-tSeed-of-the-
Thesis – Antithesis – Synthesis temporarily excite a limited area of the
ionosphere. Other instruments, such as a Son; so that you can know, that you do
Sin-Thesis VHF and a UHF radar, a fluxgate have eternal-life within A-Day-without-
magnetometer, a digisonde, and an induction Ænd, and so that, you can properly
First Step : Thesis, is to Generate magnetometer, are used to study the physical
a Problem Using their Secret- Societies follow, the-true-perfection that is only
processes that occur in the excited region. found within, the-Royal-tital, that is
Second Step : Anti-Thesis, is to found within the-pure-tSeed-of-the-Son:
Create an opposition to that problem, Work on the HAARP Station began in 1993.
The current working IRI was completed in
such as with : fear, panic, hysteria, etc 2007, and its prime contractor was BAE
14 And this is the-true-confidence that
the- Media is included in on the- Game we have within him, knowing, that if we
Systems Advanced Technologies.[1] As of
Third Step : Synthesis, is to offer 2008, HAARP had incurred around $250 are to ask for anything, that is in accord
up the ‘Solution’ to that very ‘Problem’ million in tax-funded construction and with his will, the-Æye, He will then,
created in Step One... a very ‘CHANGE’ operating costs give us His Æar and hear us:
that would have been impossible in any See Angel's Don't Play This Harp by
Dr Nick Begich, Mind Control, 15 Therefore, if we know that, the-Æye,
way to impose on the people without
Communications He will give us His Æar and hear us, we
the proper psychological conditioning
achieved in stages One and Two.
Hail ME lit All Rise also know that, when we ask for the
proper things, that we have those very
Applying the Hegelian Principle and
irresistible Financial Influence, with
Hashatan is not a noun, it is the Heb./ petitions that we desired of Him:
concealed mattoids, seek to dismantle Ara for a-satan, which means an accuser.
this is what ‘people’ do all the-time to 16 But, if anyone sees his brother close
social and political structures, by which his æye, in an action that does not
free men govern themselves, witness each other, becoming ‘a satan’
See Accuser, Adversary, Add the Verses of
immediately bring spiritual-death, he
the ancient landmarks that have been must give him proper-notice privately,
erected at the great cost of blood and Arrogance, Angel, Demon, Deviants of the-
Village, HaShatan, Lucifer, Phœnecians, and then, he will save the-life of the-one
possessions. Unnatural Conditions, Satan Vail the- who had their eye-closed, in an event
Their Prime Objective is to infiltrate that does not immediately bring
and permanently emasculate any potential
Anagram : the Nations for the
Phœnecians, these were the- ones who were spiritual-death. There is a closing-of-
sovereign state, and merge all nations the-eye, that is truly worthy of the-
continually accusing and persecuting Ishrael
under universal government, centralize abandonment-of-death: but I do not
all economic structures and powers, claim, that you need to pray about this.
Heads NHL CybCd Your Keys are, the
being in full control of all the worlds
Intellectual Lyghtes of Man 17 All imperfection, found within the-
people and resources, it is nothing other
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- T h e N o n – S p o k e n W o r d P u b l i c a t i o n z - www.TheREALPublicRadio.Net
A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum
Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
than perfected Modern Day Slavery. Immortal wyth-inn the Breath and divine-law-of-the-pure-Shelter-of-Light,
See Council on Foreign Relations, Euro- most likely More when having the-eye-closed, is truly
Peons, Peonage, Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars from the-darkness-of-sin: while, there is
You must decide with-inn the Nag
a closing-of-the-eye, that does not
Hello oc'cult cyber code lit for Hammadi Library where these Words immediately bring death.
are going to be used, in the place of the
The Earth Is Hell
Cloud Word HEADS 18 We know that everyone who is
Hemp cybr cod lit The Empire See Nag Hammadi Library reborn a-t’seed-of-Light, does-not close
his eyes in sin; because the-eye that is
lit The Empire of The EL Ængendered by the-Light, maintains and
See Canaanites, Cannabis, Empire of the EL, Heart The Heart is masters the-present-moment, so that the
Known by Ones Own Actions, or by
Hashashin, Marijuana, Phœnecians, Rope, Ships flesh does not have power over him.
Mini Pictionary No 24 Ones Own in-Action
19 We know that we are of the-Light,
- Spiritual Maxim
Heraldry lit the Woman's Ancient and the-entire-world lives within the-
Light 2 the ancient Art of Reading outer-darkness where there is only
Signs, Symbols, Colors, Numbers, Etc Heart of Sky Mayan for the t’Sun weeping and the-clenching of the-teeth.

The Hidden Woman See ABel, Heaven NHL CybCd Your Keys are, 20 We know that the-pure-t’Seed-of-
Abel, Baal, Bel, Bell, Christ, Cipher, Columbia, the t’Sun, the Earth, the Mind, the the-Sun has come, and has given us a
Cyber Code, El, Elahe, F, Fay, Fe, Fee, God, perfect-knowing in wisdom, so that we
Sky and most likely More can know the-One, who is true, because
Godt, Gut, Iesous, Iesus, Isa, Ishtar, Isis, Jesus,
Lord, Lucifer, Pay, Pazuzu, PH, Pharaoh, Phay, You must decide with-inn the Nag we are in the-One that is true, as we are
Santa Claus, Statue of Liberty Hammadi Library where these Words in his purified-t’Seed and Son, Jesus,
are going to be used in the place of the the-Messiah. This is the-Only-True
High Noon lit the Eye of Cloud Word HEAVEN Ælovehe, with the-Æternal-Life, in A-
Return by the Knowledge of the Two See Nag Hammadi Library Day-without-Ænd.
Ways 2 in the metaphorical Truth We
21 My precious little ones, absolutely
Are Always At High Noon 3 the Heaven and HELL keep yourselves from all of the Icons of
pure Shelter See Bar Noon, Born of ... Heaven, Æarth and Hell are not Idols and Images. Yahlmon.
Noon, N, Nine, No, Nome, Noon, Nova, Noon
Bar, Number, Pure Shelter the, Shelter above, around, nor below, but wythinn,
which in the True Lyghte of Knowledge, The Letter or Epistle of First John
Anagram : Noon __________________________
becomes reduced to a common factor,
Root : HGH NN
since Ællovehe’t- God is Æverything That which is first, will be
High Water Marks the UNITED - Jesus, the- Christ
Aquarian Gospel 22:24 as that which is last,
STATES GOV had the Coast Guard
declare the High Water Mark to be the and that which is last, will
Highest Point of each State, bringing Hebrew/ Hebrev means To Go Back, be as that which is first !
the Flood of Admiralty Military
to go back and Cross that Ancient River - Æsoteric Maxim
Contract Slavery Peonage Rule Law of Tyme too the Root Meaning and
Commerce See Admiralty Original- Thoughts of Words of the-
Symbols of Lyfe. ‘In the Beginning IS
Him cybr cde that lit means the Great Symbol, Logo, the- Burning - № 23 -
the Breath of the Many, yet just as the Sword of Fire and Word…’, the pure The Worlds Worst Prison State
Oc’cult love to ‘Reverse’ Everything, it Image of the Sun/ T’SVN, NOT simply a
there-fore often means the One or the word, Words/ t’Swords are made up of
One of the Many Symbols. the Symbols of the AlphaBet
See Æye, Breath, Breath of the many,
are in essence the- Seeds of Lyghte
By, Bye, E, Eye the, H, He, I, Me, Mothers Eye, See Sword, Symbol, Word
My Eyes, Mye, One the, Ye, Yoo, You
Hellas symb cybr cde for the Grave
History See A p p e n d i x № 4
Hellespont symb cybr cde for the

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- T h e N o n – S p o k e n W o r d P u b l i c a t i o n z - www.TheREALPublicRadio.Net
A Phayshe’ool’t - TargumTranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
History is Propaganda about the Past. enter of the Earth Anciently Jerusalem
Most Historians in academia don't tell
the Truth, simply because they would Hemp
be discredited and then fired if they did
- Author Unknown Hemp can Save the Entire Planet
- Jack Herer
Hitler / Adolf Hitler the Emperor Wears No Cloths
a senior member of the royal bloodline Mimi Pictionary No 24
families, a cousin to Queen Elizabeth See Canabis, Empire of the EL,
and the Rothschilds, had some very Hashashin, Hemp
interesting information about Adolf HeVyne Breath of the Vyne lit
Hitler. He says that, “Hitler was a
the Father’s Breath of Lyghte that Came Twelve Articles
Rockefeller Man,” and ads that Hitler on The
lived in Argentina until 1967 and that
Down on the Vine. the Vine is through
he actually visited Hitler at his house Abraham 2 Heaven or the Vine Organic Natural Right of Man
by dezert-owl
there. Abraham, Brahm, Eve, Even, He,
He further claims that the German Heaven, HeVine, N
Chancellor Angela Merkel is Hitler’s The Table Of Contents
daughter. Hitler himself was a son of Highest Point the mod Tital / Title.
King George the V, according to King Yahshuah’t / Jesus never had a Name, The Pre-amble
Edward the 7th’s daughter. If true, this what he possesses is a Royal-Tital The Divine Universal Decree,
would mean secret rule of Germany by See Highest Point, Name, Names, Royal Tital, with-in the Political Right
the British/German Royal Family Tital, Titalle, Title
through-out the 20th and into the 21st On natural Reason and the most
Centuries. If you look at photographs of Hinduism is based upon the pure
Ancient Authority
Kaiser Wilhelm, King George the 5th Vedic Knowledge, which is all related
and Hitler, you will notice an uncanny to our spiritual identity. Such an
A Matter of State a politica question
resemblance. Why do you think they had identity is beyond any temporary names
to come up with a burned up corpse for his as ‘Christian’, Buddhist, Jew, Muslim, The organic natural law :
body after the war ? or even Hindu 2 a Temporary Our common natural Heritage
See Stephen Knapp - Proof of Vedic
Culture’s Global Existence, Hindu The Twelve Articles on The
Organic Natural Right of Man
Historical Evidence Article One
See NASA, Nazi, SS, Swastika
Gaps... Un-Explained Gaps in Æarth's The natural Right for Life, Freedom and
Great History Emerge; the more one the Pursuit for Happiness
Holy a cybr cde for the Only pure dives into our unknown History, the
Great Breath of Lyghte through-out more conflicts you'll continue to find.
Article Two
A Free Shelter from All Injury
All Time These gaps take place not only within
See Fire, Only pure Great Breath of Light ancient societies, but in ancient Article Three
Through Out All Time, Pure Technologies as well. The Shelter for Freedom from Trespass
It is commonly preceived that man
Holy Spirit an occ cybr cde for gradually moves or evolves, through
Article Four
The natural Right for Contract or No
‘putting the Spear to the Breath.’ each generation, increasingly becoming
more advanced and knowledgeable as Contract
See Breath, Fay, Fire, Great Breath
of the Wind and Fire, Holy, Phyre, pure-Great- Time, it progresses, and as a result of Article Five
Breath of the-Wind and Fire, Spirit, Sprite, Wind this, Modern Man in Todays Society is The Eternal Breath, Found with-in the
widely believed to be at the Pinnacle of Man, the Blood of the Earth
Home Owner A Tennant Earthly Accomplishment, this may have
See The Contract, Esoteric, Property, Real been true in regard recent History, but as Article Six
we progress farther into our past, into a The Shelter in the True Cover and the
Human Being A- Monster, A- darkened realm in which our perceived pure Coverture for the Woman

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- T h e N o n – S p o k e n W o r d P u b l i c a t i o n z - www.TheREALPublicRadio.Net
A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum
Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Creature of the Earth or Dirt, A knowledge begins to dwindle and spew,
Article Seven
Mixed Breed, A Mongreloid, A as an entirely different picture emerges. The Ancient Right, for the Free Passage,
Bastard. Millincovs Law Dict c 1960 says A New Picture Emerges Indeed ! Movement, and the Usage all with-inn
See Monster - Brent Miller Sr the common Way
See Man, Person, Blood of the Æarth Article Eight
the Cyber Code See Horizon Project on YOUTube The Freedom for the True Speech, the
the Pole Shift is REAL
Free Press, Copy-right and the natural
-I- His Story mod History right for the patent claim of property

-A Moon't - Article Nine

- the Blind Æye - History The History The Ancient Established Right, in the
- the Blind God-dress - Of The World is A History of the Custom and Usage
GODDESS Privlidged Few - Henry Miller Article Ten
On False Government Charges and
See J, V, Y
False Arrest
Holy NHL CybCd Your Keys are,
I / i the Moon
prim symbol for
the Pure and most likely More Article Eleven
and a symb for the Æye and the Sun and
You must decide with-inn the Nag On False Charges by Man and on False
Moon, which are regarded as the Too/
Hammadi Library where these Words Witneses
Two Great- Pillars that Support All are going to be used, in the place of the Article Twelve
Lyfe on Æarth See Cloud Word HOLY On False Arrest and Habeas Corpus
See Nag Hammadi Library
Y 2 prime symbol for the Sun takes
the place of the I the Blind Eye and
The Great Light found with-inn
these symbols are very important Honor Killing Hundreds of The Truth from The Trees Root
within this cosmological theme on Lyfe Women are Killed or Injured in 'Honor
See Blind God, Cosmology Attacks' in Pakistan and else where every The helter
Year - Paul Anderson BBC
oticeS N
Icon lit Eye Con or A Con
The Aszylum Body of Christ
for the Æye See Con, Constitution, En House of Death from Ancient Time
The Superior Court
-P-r-i-s-o-n- See Prison Our one supreme court
To Forget How to Dig the Earth House of The Book from Ancient Time Pre Ambell
and how to Tend the Soil School, a Temple or Any Place of The meaning with inn these words are
is to Forget Our very own Selves Worship where there were Books that the spirit that is too be found withe-inn,
- GANDHI People could Hear the laweye, that is the pure shelter of
See School, Tree of Knowledge Lyghte, that is Truth from the Trees
Identity Movement the Cyber Code Root Eye, alle through the chi-force,
See Aryanisim, Feds, Seed Line Claim with-inn our greight breath of the wind

Idiot Mid English dic Any One -I- and phiyer of which there in no no end

Moon't - The law of nations originates with-in

Who Does NOT Work for the -A
the-law, and the-dictates, from the- all in
Government - the Blind Æye -
nature, and is based upon, the- most-
See Skeat ME Dict 1888 - the Blind God-dress -
certain, divine- decrees, which have
GODDESS separated the- nations, and the- men.
Ignorance Show Me A S ee J, V, Y *First- Right.
People that ever accomplished I / i prim symbol for the Moon It is clear, that no free government, nor
anything through Ignorance, other than and a symb for the Æye and the Sun and the-fruit-of-freedom, can be prezerved
their own Enslavement - Moon, which are regarded as the Too/
for any-people, but by a-firm adherence,
for the-pure-justice, for all of virtue, and
dezert-owl Two Great- Pillars that Support All by the constant maintenance, with-inn
The Page Number 98 from 285 Pages
-The Non–Spoken Word Publicationz - www.TheREALPublicRadio.Net
A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Lyfe on Æarth. the Æarth is also the-fundamental-principles, withe-in
Ignorance means to Ignore what associated in this Symbol See Y the-real-law, and the-order; that is found
should be most Obvious for every-one Y 2 primary symbol for the Sun takes
with-in, the-pure-shealltarr / shelter is
See Ig the place of the I the Blind Eye and these law.
All order is based upon the real truth,
Illuminati A CODE Word
symbols are very important within this so, the-only-way back too the-true-sense
Cosmological Theme on Lyfe of law, and the-order, is too re-pent, that
for Enlightened Ones
See Eye, J, Y is too re-breathe, and then re-turn-back
the Day that They were Re-
Founded Officially in America and Ideas Our ideas too your primary-root, with-in the-truth.
For this reason then, the-first-thing we
Founding America at the same time and our ideals, are too often formed by must do, if we hope too survive, is too
others, when rather, we should go
Officially on May Day 1776 learn, and then fully-under-stand, with
inward and then meditate upon the all, in
by it’s Founder and the latest President order to confirm, that which really is the-inner-standing, the-true-nature, to be
of the Ancient Line of the-Oc’Cultic found with-in the-law, with-in the-pure-
- dezert-owl
Aristocratic Black Families Johann shealltarr, the-pure-law.
Adam Weishaupt It has been duely-ordained, with-in all
they were just changing the name and Ignorance To Ignore the Obvious of nature, by our-nature’s organic-
putting a new Face on their natural-law, our Virgin-Mother-of-
Light, with-in our Great-Father, The-
Corporation, the way that had been Ignorance The Time will Breath-of-Lyghte, all with-in a-pure-
doing business on planet earth for Come, when our posterity will wonder at
thousands of years now voice, and by our realms organic, oral,
our Ignorance of Things So Plain and ancient-written-law, that men are
See Adam Weishaupt, Ma, Mary,
May, May Day, Enlightened Ones, Mothers - Seneca free-thinking, by their own-nature’s-
Lyghte, Root of the One, Y, Yam ‘god’, by our-nature’s own-great-light,
IHS with purpose, and inn our-great-father,
IMF the IMF International Monetary YHVH, Yahll’vool’he’t, the-one-who-
ISH Mystery Letters for The Woman comes-with the-sun-rise; and by our-
Fund is an Agency of the U.N. The Above Symbols & Image Represent
See Black's 6th Ed. pg 816, Case Law,
puritan-fathers, such as, John-Locke,
the Moon/ Lucifer in an eclipse over the Sun and Thomas-Paine, who were in-spired,
Hindu, IRS, U.N.
See Babylon, Christ, Moon, Sun, Vatican seeking spiritual-freedom, who were
Mimi Pictionary No 5 also called, the-separatists. Who, due
Imprisonment No One too their own private-obligations, their-
Escapes when Freedom fails, the Best Illuminaten Ger Illuminati customs, and the-usages, are by this
men rot in filthy jails, and those who virtue, the-inherent-seed-of-‘Bhram, or
cried ‘Appease – Appease’ are hanged Illuminati Type Illuminati Abraham, through, The-
by those they tried to serve and to BackWords into a Search Engine or Mosheall’yanchi, The-Messiah, and his
please just Click the Link Below... with a .com true-teaching, in the-pure seed-planting/
- Unknown at the end teaching. Here, it has been, so, for-ever
like this : and just ordained, and sealed, by our-true-
In Ward the Inner World see what you get... founding-fathers, from upon this, the-
See Mull, Mulner organic-american-soil – the-asylum-
Anagram : Itani Mulli / Italian Mulli body on the-land, with-in the-body, in
Indigenous cybr cde lit for the
or the Center of Italy that is the Vatican the-christ. There-for, no man can
abolish that which has been divinely-
People with-Out a God ordained, nor that which is just, nor
Illusions A Woman was
what is a-common-natural-right, from
Info Wars Military CODE p ainting a p icture of all the things that the-very-begining, nor what has been
WORD for A Diversionary Public she saw in nature, when a sage walked perpetually established, established
up too her, then he simply asked her, with-in the-pure-law-shealltarr, enacted
Disinformation Campaign Why are YOU creating illusions of An for-ever, through-out all-history, as the-
See Judas Goats, Sell Outs Illusion - Ancient Sage pure-shelter, but it is actually, the-pure-
shealltarr, and what is now, declared too
Individual a Citizen of the
be: our universal and organic-natural-
UNITED STATES or an Alien 2 a In corr Inn law-shelter, alle with-inn, the pure non-
Legal SLAVE (sic) or a Peon Inn in this broken form IN has a alienable-natural-right.
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
See Negative inflection, as in :
Peonage, Sovereign
Symbol of the Incarcerate
The Divine
Male Sexual Organ Indecent Universal Decree
See Ding, English, Inglish, Ling, Ping, Indoctrinate
Sex, Saxon Inoculate All with-in The Political Right.
Iniquity is corr In-Equity Inplode / Implode On natural Reason and
See Closing of the Eyes, Sin Insane The most ancient Authority.
Inter There are only too instruments that
Interpretation orig-thought lit the- are needed, for confirming, or for the-
Deeper- Pantation 2 orig-tho
exspunging of any-matter, or thing, and
Chewing See Im, Innebar
__________________________ they are, the-sound, natural-reason,
See Breath, Deeper Pantation, Gum, that is found with-in, the-most-ancient-
Legum, Pantation, Pre, Targum Inanna as she was called by pure-light, and found with-in, the-most-
the Akkadians, was also called Ishtar, ancient-authority. Such as, that, which
Ion lit denoting State, Condition, Ashratu or Astartu, also Sumerian- is found, with-in the-sacred-scriptures,
Action 2 a Particle of Matter, moving Inanna, Hebrew-Ashtoreth, Akkadian- that is always found with-in, .YHVH.,
in an electrical field, either in a gas or a Ishtar, Syrian-Atargatis, Hittite- The-Great-Breath-on-the-wind-and-
liquid, carrying an electrical charge Ashertu, Etruscan-Uniastre, Ugartic- the-fire, with-in our-own true-organic-
See En, I, N, Ohm, On Ashtart, Egyptian-Isis nature.
All political-direction is inherent, and
Ireland the Celtic and more
India corr Bharata Varsa remains solely, with-in the-people, by
See Canaanites, Celtic, Irish, Ish, the-natural-right. It is documented by
Kill, Kilt, Phœnecians, Scottie, Scotland, Spotted the Real Title for India the-decrees that are found, with-in all of
with Blood, Vikings, Woman the See Adoni, Eastern Star the-pure-nature, through nature’s-‘god’,

Irish lit the Eye of the Red or

Innebar Ger for Spiritual that is, our-great-heavenly-father,
YHVH, Yahll’vool’he’t, through his
or Inne Bar
the Center of the Fire pure-seed, Jesus, The-Christ, and then
See Bar Inne, Barren, Bharata re-affirmed, with-in the-endless
Irish 2 lit the Fire of the Woman
writings, that are penned by our ancient-
and the Leopard King or the Leprechaun Intelligence Officer
founding-fathers. There-for, no other
or the Leprer- Chong 2 the pure Line Any Group Bigger than Three People political-power can lawfully, nor peace-
of the Ancient Canaanite Race. They has already been Infiltrated fully exist, unless it be derived, from
were the Puppet Kings of the Great - Anonymous above; and through a-mutual-consent
Arian Priest hood or the Watchers who from we, the-sovereign, and the-natural-
Ruled the World, which included the native-americans; born here, as the-
Ion lit denoting state, Condition,
breathing, blood-of-the-earth, which in
Phonicians Action 2 a particle of matter, moving it-self, would be an impossability. For
See Canaanites, Celtic, Ireland, Ish, in an electrical field, either in a gas or a
Kill, Kilt, Persians, Phœnecians, Scottie,
what our Æternal-Great-Father, YHVH,
liquid, carrying an electrical charge Yahll’voolhe’t, has lawfully-
Scotland, Spotted with Blood, Vikings, Woman
the See En, I, N, On eshtablished, in the-pure-shelter, no man
Anagram : Sheri / Cherry for the can deny.
Red Race
Islam Because of its religious history It would be an un-natural-thing, for
and its strategic location, the Holy City the-sovereign too give, non-limited-
IRS the IRS is NOT a U.S. was considered a priceless treasure. A power too his servant, called: a
Government Agency, it is an agency of scheme had to be developed to make government. And yet, even as we were
Jerusalem a roman Catholic city. forwarned, by our healing, and re-
the IMF - International Monetary Fund
The great untapped source of man deeming-light, YHVH, Jesus, the-christ,
See Diversified Metal Products v I.R.S
power that could do this job was the and by our founding-fathers; so has
et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I.,
children of Ishmael. The poor Arabs fell history wonce-again re-peated it-self
Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-
victim to one of the most clever schemes toward the injury of many; all by a de
1148 pg. 5967 Reorganization Plan No
ever devised by the powers of facto forighn-power run-wild, all in this
26 Public Law 102-391
darkness.... great-land, what we call, america-the-
See Case Law, Hindu, IMF
The- Vatican desperately wanted pure, our aszylum-wrealm, for the-
Anagram : Sire the Birth and Death to Jerusalem because of its religious
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
all Nations significance, but was blocked by the common-weal. Even now, in this very-
Jews. Another problem was the true unique, and ominous period of tyime, in
IRS 1040 Form is for Tribute Christians in North Africa preaching the forighn-occupation, in this, twenty-
Paid to Britain See IRS Publication gospel. Roman Catholicism was second-day, in the-ninth-month,
6209 growing in power and would not tolerate nineteen-hundred-ninety-eight, in the-
any opposition. Somehow the Vatican year’alle, in our-healer, and the-
Islam had to create a weapon to eliminate both Redeemer, Yahl’shoolvah’t, The-
This is by far the best explanation of the the Jews and the true Christian believers Mosheall’yanchi, in this two-hundred-
Muslim terrorist situation I have ever who refused to accept Roman twenty-second-year, in the-divinely-
read. The author of this email is said to Catholicism. Looking to North Africa, ordained, and the declared, in-de-penn-
be Dr. Emanuel Tanya, a well-known they saw the multitudes of Arabs as a dance, with-in the-america, in the-
and well-respected psychiatrist. His source of manpower to do their dirty common-era, in the-immortal-age-of-
references to past history are accurate work.... light, and scribed, by the-hand of one,
and clear. Not long, easy to understand, The Vatican wanted too Create a who this day remains a political-
and well worth the read. messiah for the Arabs, someone they prisoner, and who is denied, every basic
A German's View on Islam could raise up as a great leader, a man decency, along with the-common
A man, whose family was German with charisma who they could train, and natural-right, that our american-nation
Aristocracy prior to World War II, eventually unite all the non-Catholic once stood for, supposedly, but yet, still
owned a number of large industries and Arabs behind him... creating a mighty doez. All by the-hand of,
estates. When asked how many German army that would ultimately capture Yahll’shoollvah’t, with-in dezert-owl,
people were true Nazis, the answer he Jerusalem for the pope. -- Jack Chick, his instrument, a-diplomatic-ambasador,
gave can guide our attitude toward The Prophet, Alberto part 6, Chick in annex-officiool, the-naturall-office,
fanaticism. 'Very few people were true Publications, pp. 5, 18. for the-tradition-ally peace-full-men, in-
Nazis,' he said, 'but many enjoyed the Here we see that the Catholic Church dol-mill-yoneye, in-dominion; a-
return of German pride, and many more desperately wanted control of Jerusalem naturall-american, with-in a-sovereign-
were too busy to care. I was one of because of its location and its great state, the-separate, the-pure, from the-
those who just thought the Nazis were a religious significance. They wanted to root-begin-ning. .the-praise be for
bunch of fools. So, the majority just sat use the Arabs to grind the Jews and meye-light, ,’, , Yahll’vool’he’t, my
back and let it all happen. Then, before Christians into the dust so they could heavenly-father, for his ever-burn-ning-
we knew it, they owned us, and we had take over Jerusalem. The Vatican also tree-of-lyife, in the-Chivah, the-natural-
lost control, and the end of the world invented a ‘messiah’ figure from among æden, on the-earth-starr, the-shitarr, the-
had come. My family lost everything. I the Arabs around whom the Arab world shelter, the-sheall-tarre, the-shællter; all-
ended up in a concentration camp and would unite. forms in all-things. All with-in this one-
the Allies destroyed my factories.' A wealthy Arabian lady, who was a great-cloud-of-mystery.
We are told again and again by faithful follower of the pope, played a
'experts' and 'talking heads' that Islam is tremendous part in this drama. She was a A Matter Of State
the religion of peace and that the vast widow named Khadijah.... Her job was It is still clear, and no man can de-neye,
majority of Muslims just want to live in to find a brilliant young man who could that our- sovereign- authoriy –teye, Our
peace. Although this unqualified be used by the Vatican to create a new authority, who is from above the all and
assertion may be true, it is entirely religion and become the messiah for the hideing from deep-with-in, the-architect,
irrelevant. It is meaningless fluff, meant children of Ishmael the-architect of our-universe, in the-one-
to make us feel better, and meant to See Alla, Dhimmitude, God theeme, our-heavenly-father, YHVH,
somehow diminish the specter of With Out A Breath, Mind Control, Muslim Belief, that is, Yahll’voolhe’t, our redeemer, by
fanatics rampaging across the globe in Nebraska, Vatican Creations enactment said: let-there-be-light !!!
the name of Islam. Article by Bill Hughes So, in-deed, there is light, and with this,
The fact is that the fanatics rule came forth our- common-natural-law,
Author of The Secret Terrorists
Islam at this moment in history. It is the with-in the-shelter: and with it, comes a-
fanatics who march. It is the fanatics And The- Enemy UnMasked non-writ-tenn-bond with the-man, that
who wage any one of 50 shooting wars Send $12 and Receive both Books from says, we are all equality, that is, equally,
worldwide. It is the fanatics who TRUTH TRIUMPHANT sub-gect with-in it, and never sep-parate
systematically slaughter Christian or P. O. Box 1497 from it, whether we deny it, or not; for it
tribal groups throughout Africa and are is the-natural, the-sinderesis, or, the-
EUSTIS Florida 32727 USA
gradually taking over the entire __________________________ shindereshish, being our organic, that
continent in an Islamic wave. It is the is, organic, the-common-natural-law,
fanatics who bomb, behead, murder, or t’Itoo pron Eye-Too mod within-in the-pure-nature, with-in, and

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
honor-kill. It is the fanatics who take Titus lit the- Æye is Inn- Too by the-pure-shelter, below the-sun, and
over mosque after mosque. It is the See Moon, Oo, S, Svn, T, Titus, U, +, 2 the-cosmic-sky above, upon this, the-
fanatics who zealously spread the æarth-star sun.
stoning and hanging of rape victims and the Cyber Code
The Organic natural Shelter :
homosexuals. It is the fanatics who
teach their young to kill and to become Our common natural Heritage.
suicide bombers. The common natural-right, is such, as
The hard, quantifiable fact is that - the Hook -
the peaceful Muslim majority, the See G appertain with-in man, in-herent with-in
his own-natural-being, or, plainly-ash-
'silent majority,' is cowed and J/ j symbolically it is the Hook as well sured, by the-natural-law, being dish-
extraneous. as a cyber code and a late comer interpolation, it
tinguished from such, as are created by
Communist Russia was comprised took the- place of the Y and also the I man, under the-color-of-law, as in the-
of Russians who just wanted to live in See G, I phoney “Bill-of-Rights”, which conveyz
peace, yet the Russian Communists
were responsible for the murder of J/ j 2 a cybr cde taking the place of Y no-right, as it is not a-law. .a- “bill” is
only that, which can be legislated,
about 20 million people. The peaceful and of the I from the Olde Ænglish
legislated in-too a-law. .so, a-“bill” is
majority were irrelevant. China's huge Alphabet See Y, Yah, J, Jah not a-law that is in-effect, as it is not a-
population was peaceful as well, but law. So, let’z call the-‘bill-of-rights’,
Chinese Communists managed to kill a Jehovah for JOVE and Jupiter
then, what it really is: it is really, the-
staggering 70 million people. this is where we get the-expression ... fraud. You see, it was simply a-man’s
The average Japanese individual By Jove pretence, too give us some-thing, that
prior to World War II was not a See Jove, Jupiter, YHVH, Yahvahe’t we already had, and have, from our law-
warmongering sadist. Yet, Japan giver, from with-in, and from above,
murdered and slaughtered its way Jehovah's Witnesseswhen 'Witness' from the-center-of-the-sun, which is the-
across South East Asia in an orgy of
does NOT mean Witness First-great-symbol for the-truth, all from
killing that included the systematic the-very begining.
murder of 12 million Chinese civilians -
- most killed by sword, shovel, and Jesuits This Irritable Tribe Yet, we do hold these truths, as being,
bayonet. of Priests, have subverted the pure ethics self-evident; that all men are naturally-
And who can forget Rwanda , of primitive Christianity to serve their created, with the-all-equal-right, all
which collapsed into butchery. Could it own selfish Interests. The Jesuits have with-in our-common-natural-law, with-
not be said that the majority of Perverted Christianity into an ENGINE in the-shelter, and in spite of any-status,
Rwandans were 'peace loving'? for En-Slaving Man-kind, while a mere or pedigree of any-kind. Yet, some-men
History lessons are often incredibly Con-Trivance to the Wealth of a people do wish too live-apart, and it is their
simple and blunt, yet for all our powers while Empowering Them-Selves own free-dolome, freæ-dom, and right
of reason, we often miss the most basic too do so. It is also true, that we are
-Thomas Jefferson
and uncomplicated of points: each endowed, by our, designer-and-
See Society of Jesus maker, with a-clear, and certain, non-
#1 -- Peace-loving Muslims have
been made irrelevant by their silence.
Jesuit Oath alienable natural-right, and that among
these, are the-natural-right for life,
#2 -- Peace-loving Muslims will
become our enemy if they don't speak
EXTREME OATH AND freedom, that is, all free-judgement, and
the-non-attached pursuit for happiness,
up, because like my
fromGermany , they will awaken one
INDUCTION through the-enlightenment: being the-
fulfilment for life.
day and find that the fanatics own them, of the So, it is clearly, and commonly, the-
and the end of their world will have pure-understanding, too be understood
#3 -- Peace-loving Germans,
- SOCIETY OF JESUS - by all; just as history has taught us well,
that, corrupt, merchant-men, can-not
Japanese, Chinese, Russians, When a Jesuit of the minor rank is to be legislate ruless, nor codess, nor
Rwandans, Serbs, Afghans, Iraqis, elevated to command, he is conducted legislated-acts, for the-sovereign, and
Palestinians, Somalis, Nigerians, into the Chapel of the Convent of the the-free-men, unless it be, by each of
Algerians, and many others have died Order, where there are only three others their own, separate, and own, pure-
because the peaceful majority did not present, the principal or Superior consent. On the-general-principles, of
speak up until it was too late. As for us standing in front of the altar. On either the-natural-law, and the-sound-reason,
who watch it all unfold, we must pay side stands a monk, one of whom holds our-own-healing-guide is too be found

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
attention to the only group that counts-- a banner of yellow and white, which are with-in each, and every-one of us,
the fanatics who threaten our way of the Papal colours, and the other a black respecting the-follow-wing: our-pure-
life. banner with a dagger and Red Cross organic-law, with-in the-body-asylum,
#4 -- Lastly, anyone who doubts that above a Skull and Crossbones, with the the-pure-body-called-out, all with-in,
the issue is serious and just deletes this word INRI, and below them the words Jesus, The-Christ, Yahll’shoolvah’t,
email without sending it on, is IUSTUM NECAR REGES IMPIUS. The-Moshæll’yanchi, the-pure-shelter,
contributing to the passiveness that The meaning of which is: It is just to on the-land, as it is called: america-the-
allows the problems to expand. So, exterminate or annihilate impious or natural, the-non-political; the-non-
extend yourself a bit and send this on heretical Kings, Governments, or Rulers. political, being, the-only-cure.
and on and on! Let us hope that Upon the floor is a Red Cross at which
thousands, world-wide, read this and the postulant or candidate kneels. The - dezert-owl 2001
think about it, and send it on - before Superior hands him a small black

The Right in Man.

it's too late. crucifix, which he takes in his left hand
and presses to his heart, and the Superior
at the same time presents to him a
Israel Yish’rael was and is A
dagger, which he grasps by the blade The Blood Fire of
Symbol of the Fall of the Micro’cosm and holds the point against his heart, the
- Original- Thought Superior still holding it by the hilt, and The Æarth Star.
thus addresses the postulant: (The
It syn with AT Superior speaks:) My son, heretofore We brought not the common law
you have been taught to act the frame England, but the common
See AT dissembler: among Roman Catholics to
Italian symb cybr cde for the Latin be a Roman Catholic, and to be a spy
natural right for alle of man.
even among your own brethren; to Thomas- Jefferson.
Italy symb cybr cde for Yudah believe no man, to trust no man. Among
the Cyber Code the Reformers, to be a Reformer; among
the Huguenots, to be a Huguenot; among
The Organic and natural
-J- the Calvinists, to be a Calvinist; among
other Protestants, generally to be a
lawe æye Shelter.
All held in common,
- the Hook - Protestant; and obtaining their
confidence, to seek even to preach from bye the non-a'leinable right.
See G
their pulpits, and to denounce with all - from alle tyme in memeoial and forever -
J/ j symbolically it is the Hook as well the vehemence in your nature our Holy __________________________
as a cybr cde and a late comer interpolation, it
Religion and the Pope; and even to
took the place of the Y and also the I descend so low as to become a Jew All frome the Great Breath of
See G, I among Jews, that you might be enabled the Wind and Phiyer, blended
J / j 2 a cybr cde taking the place of Y to gather together all information for the
with-inn the followwing, are the
and of the I from the Olde Ænglish
benefit of your Order as a faithful soldier
of the Pope. You have been taught to Words frome alle the others,
Alphabet See Y, Yah, J, Jah plant insidiously the seeds of jealousy found with-inn the current sea
and hatred between communities, and found wyth-in the past tens.
Jerusalem See Yer’Rool’Shalom provinces, states that were at peace, and
to incite them to deeds of blood, __________________________
Jesuits or the Society of Jesus the involving them in war with each other,
most Powerful Secretive Military on
Earth under the Vatican and Hindustan
and to create revolutions and civil wars
in countries that were independent and
The Declaration,
See Militia dei, Society of Jesus, Vatican prosperous, cultivating the arts and the The Clarification and The Proclaimation,
sciences and enjoying the blessings of A non-negotiable constructive Notice,
Jesus lit Iesus for the Healing peace; to take sides with the combatants An affadavit for the truth:
Zeus for the Hidden Woman or the and to act secretly with your brother
My alpha-david’teye.
Hidden Mother Whore as characterized Jesuit, who might be engaged on the
in Jezebel See Iesous, School, Tree of other side, but openly opposed to that The Trees Root.
Knowledge, Yahll’t-Shoolvah’t, Yah’shuah’t, with which you might be connected, The Claim.
Zeus The Æye.
only that the Church might be the gainer
in the end, in the conditions fixed in the *

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Jock treaties for peace and that the end
. æ.
See Diversion, Jockey, Joke,
Sports justifies the means. You have been
taught your duty as a spy, to gather all
John of Wycliffe / Wycliffee
He gave us the First English Bible
statistics, facts and information in your
power from every source; to ingratiate The Writ.
for the common man, his accepted yourself into the confidence of the
Final version in 1382 in league with co
Translator John Purvey
family circle of Protestants and heretics
of every class and character, as well as
Article One.
See Bible Translations, Wycliffe that of the merchant, the banker, the The pure Organic Shelter and
lawyer, among the schools and
Joke corr Yoke the orig thought universities, in parliaments and The Æstablished Evidence
from a spiritual stand-point, the- legislatures, and the judiciaries and for The Truth in Full Affect.
implication here, is that one who is councils of state, and to be all things to __________________________
sacrificed and lyving on a Higher all men, for the Pope's sake, whose
Level, is not involved in telling jokes servants we are unto death. You have The right for Life, Free-dome
like the people of the world, as a little received all your instructions heretofore
Leaven or improper sour-dough, as a novice, a neophyte, and have served and the pursuit for Happiness.
leavens or ruins the- Whole loaf as co-adjurer, confessor and priest, but
See CH, J, K, Leaven, Sour- dough, Y, Yoke you have not yet been invested with all
that is necessary to command in the
The Pre ambell.
Joker lit the- Yokes Cure Army of Loyola in the service of the Free-dolome, that is free-dome, is an
See Curds, Yoke Pope. You must serve the proper time as in-estimable thing and that which is
the instrument and executioner as above any price. the natural freedom, is
Jordan / Yor’dan symb of the River directed by your superiors; for none can the-power in-acting, as one thinks fit,
of Life 2 Earth River 3 the command here who has not consecrated with-out any restraint, nor control by
Gudgement of Lyfe his labours with the blood of the heretic; another, unless it be, by the-true-
for "without the shedding of blood no
See Dan, Earth River, Gudgement, Yor’dan, shealltar, found with-in all-nature: or
Yore man can be saved". Therefore, to fit lost with-in the-violation, of some-one
yourself for your work and make your elses, common-natural-right, all with-in
Joshua / Joshuah See Yahshuah't own salvation sure, you will, in addition the-common-shelter.
to your former oath of obedience to your
Joy corr Yoy became a cyber- code order and allegiance to the Pope, repeat Marque : You shallt-not do on-too
after me: Do a Google Search for Oath others, as you would not have others
for Ænlightenment do, on-too you. Truely, no greater love
See Ænlightenment See Black Pope
has any-man, than that he should lay-
Jihad Islams War on Man-Kind down his life for an-other. All with the-
Judgement correctly Gudgement See Free Masonry, Islam, Muslim, Nebraska deep-esh’t re-spect, for our-common-
Vatican Hindu War on Man Kind natural-law, for the-shelter, for each,
Judge orig th Yud Chi or and for every-man. So, what-ever you
Yood Chi See E, Eye, G, Chi, Y vs J Jordan Ger for Earth would have men do for you, you should
See Earth, Yor’dan do the-same for them; and this is the-
Judges there have NOT been any whole-true-law, the-complete, and the-
judges in America since 1789. There Jordan Maxwell pure-shelter.
have just been administrators. Judges One of the very First to EXPOSE the NWO
do not enforce Statutes, Codes and www.Jordan Maxwell.Com
The Prime Enactment
Rules, only Executive Administrators Search Videos on YouTUBE With Out Ænd :
enforce Statutes, Codes and Rules
Thus, the-great-breath-of-the-wind-
FRC v. GE 281 US 464 Keller v. PE Jove short for Jupiter and-the-fire, our great-spiryte-father,
261 US 428 1 Stat. 138-178, Trial by Jury
Mimi Pictionary No 11 YHVH, Yahll’voolhe’t, the-one-who-
comes-with-the-sun-rise, said: ‘let-
Judicial Courts there are NO Judicial Jurisdiction of Purity this is there-be-light’; so, there is-light, and
Courts in America and have not been
the True Sovereighnty all upon the-common-grounde, all with-
since 1789, Judges do not enforce in the-common-air; all with-in, the-
Statutes, Codes and Rules, only The
Executive Administrators can Enforce the Cyber Code organic-natural-law, all with-in, the-
shelter, alle by, Yahll’shoollvah’t, The-
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Statutes, Codes and Rules Moshæll’Yanchi, commonly-known as,
See FRC v. GE 281 US 464
Keller v. PE 261 US 428, 1 Stat 138-178, Trial by
-K- Jesus, The-Christ. All as-claimed, by,
the-sovereign, here-in, from the-trees-
Jury the Broken Bridge H root, from the-very-begining.
- Key / Che / Chi - .Yahl’moon’t.
Jupiter for JOVE and Grk __________________________
Jehovah - CH -
See Jehovah, Jove, YHVH, Yahvahe’t K Replaced the CH
See CH, Chi, H
. æ.
Justice is the concept of moral
rightness based on ethics, rationality,
K / k symbolically it is the Broken The Writ.
Bridge, preventing a way back Home as
Article Two.
law, natural law, religion, fairness, or
well as, a cyber code, and a pure corruption, by
equity See Ballance, Equity
the Priest-hood, it is the Root-Form of
the Cyber Code CH The pure Organic Shelter and

-K- K/ k
2 a cyber code taking the place of
The Æstablished Evidence
for The Truth in Full Affect.
the Broken Bridge H
K’in Mayan for t’Sun __________________________
- Key / Che / Chi -
See Cross, Maltese Cross, Sun
- CH - A pure Shelter from All Injury
K Replaced the CH Kabbalah or Chav-Baalah
See CH, Chi, H lit the t'Seed of Light
one of the most widely Praticed
The Pre ambell.
K/k symbolically it is the Broken
Bridge preventing a Way Back Home, as forms of Mysticisim in the World Trespass by any-man, or man’s
well as a cyber-code and a pure- See Baal, Israel, Jewish History, government-servant, upon a-sovereign,
corruption bye the-priest-hoods it is the- World Banking and Oc'cultisim, is treason-in-tress-pass, and a-natural-
Masonry's Controlers,Talmud acte of ag-greshion, aggression, in a
root form of CH See CH, H
mixed-war. Now, a-dispensation, it is a-
Ken corrupt root for Chen wound, because it wounds the-common-
Key / Che The Gudgement Aramaic for Lawfulness natural-right. Yet, all true-law favors
has come for you scribes and jurists, you See CH, Chen, Chi, K the-common-right. The-natural-right is
have stolen away the Keys that unlock such, as appertains for the-man; it is in-
the Doors of Key Knowledge, yet you Keypha / Chephay Aramaic form of herent with-in his nature, or plainly
do not enter in, nor do you allow Peter lit the Key and Cup of the ashored by the-natural-law, being
anyone else who would care to go, to dissinguished from such, as are
enter in Fay correctly Chaph as in Cup and fabricated by man’s own designs.
Christ Cough, words that use this form
- Jesus, the Marque : Man may not tress-pass,
I Endow You wyth the- Keys / the Che
See CHAPHA, Che Phay, Chephay,
Fay, Kepha, Peter, Phallus, Vatican upon another man’s natural-right, an-
from the Royalle-Domain wyth-inn the- obligation, a-custom, or the-usage, in
pure Lyghte of the t’Sonne Mt 16:19 any-thing esoteric, or physical; either
- Jesus, the Christ
Khazars directly, nor in-directly, not-even under
The Key Che or Chi Knowledge of
or The Kingdom of The Khazars the-color-of-law, so as too cauze him,
the First t’Ælloveheim is what "A THOUSAND YEARS before the an-injury. Also, too witness a-violation,
Yah’Shuvah’t / Jesus gave back to his establishment of the Modern State of committed on some-one, and then, too
disciplini(eye), since the priest hoods Israel, there existed a Jewish Kingdom re-main-silent, is considered too be in-
had stolen it. So he gave it back to in the Æastern fringes of Europe, astride mutual-consent, with the-oppressor.
them, but within the first 300 years of the Don and Volga Rivers..." So begins a This is all, with the-deepest re-spect, for
Christianity, these Keys were Stolen, all thesis by Jewish author Kevin Alan our- common- natural- law, for the-
over again, by Rome Brook. The kingdom of which he speaks shelter, for each, and for every-man.
Now, by the pure Grace ( favor for all ) of appears at First Consideration to be
comprised of nearly as much incoherent
The Prime Enactment
Our beneficent Heavenly-Father, these
pure Keys, that Che-Force, is now
disinformation, and misinformation, With Out Ænd :
"Falic"information, and, curiously, NO-
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
being provided again for you, so that information as there is actual provable Thus, the-great-breath-of-the-wind-
you, at any tyme right here, may unlock historical fact. Yet upon closer scrutiny and-the-fire, our-great-spirit-father,
all of these Sacred t’Seeds of Lyghte, this kingdom, known as Khazaria, or the YHVH, Yahll’voolhe’t, the-one-who-
all on your very own. It is a rude Kingdom of the Khazars, is clearly comes-with-the-sun-rise, said: ‘let-
awakening to know that you have been revealed in a vast body of historical there-be-light’; so, there is light, and all
lied to All of Your Lyfe evidence, much of which has come to upon the-common- grounde, all with-in
light only in the last three to five the- common- air; all with- inn, the-
- dezert-owl decades. organic- natural- law, all with- inn, the-
This mysterious kingdom, which has shelter, all by, Yahll’shoollvah’t, The-
King Arthurs Round Table sculpted our modern world to an Moshæll’Yanchi, commonly-known as,
lit metph for the t'Svn or the t'Sun astounding (and alarming) degree, once Jesus, The-Christ. All as-claimed, by,
occupied an immense land area of over a the-sovereign, here-in, from the-trees-
Kingdom lit Cains Gudgement million square miles extending from root, from the-very-begining.
western Hungary/Austria eastward to the .Yahl’moon’t.
See Cain, Chain, Dome, King
Aural Sea, north to the Upper Volga, and

. æ.
its southern region extending to the
Kingdom of God is a cyber-code for
Caucasus Mountains between the Black
Royal House of Lyghte or the Royal and Caspian seas. It was at that time
House of the t'Svn
See Cain, Chain, Dome, King, Kingdom-
literally the largest country on earth. It
has only been in the last several decades, The Writ.
Article Three.
of Heaven, Royal-House of Lyghte, Royal- however, that greater documented
House-of the t’Svn/ Sun/ Son evidence from ancient manuscripts has
come to light and revealed the
The pure Organic Shelter and
Kingdom of Heaven astonishing historical truth of this

Through much Trial and Tribulation

ancient kingdom and its connection to
the origins of modern-day Israel.
The Æstablished Evidence
we must enter the Kingdom of the Though little known to the West, and, for The Truth in Full Affect.
Mind for that matter, to even those currently __________________________
- Jesus, the Christ occupying its ancestral land, the Khazar
kingdom has been responsible for The Shelter for Free-Dolome
substantially shaping the history and
Kingdom of Heaven is a cyber code political landscape of Europe and
or Freedom from Tress-pass.
Royal House of Lyghte
for the or the specifically Western Asia, but also to a
Royal House of the t’Svn remarkable degree the entirety of human The Pre ambell.
See Cain, Chain, Dome, King, Kingdom events on this planet.
of God, Royal House of Lyghte, Royal House of Arthur Koestler, author of The Everyone is the regulator and disposer
the t’Svn / Sun / Son Thirteenth Tribe, easily the most for his own property, in his own
expansive single work on the subject, dominion. All natural in-herent right, in
Kite See Chi, Knights Knowledge, TA states, "The story of the Khazar Empire, the dominion, is transferred with-out-
as it slowly emerges from the past, title, or delivery, but by pre-scription,
Knight Chi Night
cybr cde for begins to look like the most cruel hoax too-wit, by the-long, and the-quiet-
commonly Canaanite the Silent K is which history has ever perpetrated." 1 possession, with-in the-asylum-realm,
This is the story of a kingdom of with-in the-kingdom-of-heaven, the-
a CODE. with the silent T at the end,
belligerent, warlike Caucasian nomads, royal-house-with-in-the-sun, on the-
we have another CODE, being Neigh,
having no linked ancestry with anything great-æarth-star, and on the-land: on
for the Chi are Near
Israelite this side of Noah, yet adopting the-natural-america-north: the-non-
See Chi, Knights Templars, Knowledge Talmudic Judaism and becoming the political, the-non-political-exiles.
dominant -- and virtually only -- current
Know Lat Noste force in twenty-first century
Marque : A-man, most not trespass,
See Nose, Noste, Nova international Jewry. upon another-man’s property, his
During the course of this work salient property, or dominion; either directly,
nor in-directly, not even under the-
Knowing One who Admits facts and issues will be presented
color-of-law; so as too cause him an in-
that they Know and then does Not do, without a too-extensive reliance on
tedious historical documentation. jury. Too register your father’z property
admits in reality, that they do Not in your dominion, with the-government,
However, considering the delicacy of the
know is too register it with your-servant, who
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A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
- Ancient- Proverb subject -- especially in this modern age can lay no-claim, nor any-control,
where any divergence from certain especially since, it has no-being, no llife,
Knowledge is a cyber code for
agendas for "political correctness" can and since we are the-holders of our-
result in epithets of racism or anti- own-tital, main-taining our own true-
Know the Edge or Know the Ledge Semitism -- and for the obvious sake of course, all from with-in our-own-nature.
but with the silent K in front of it, it is accuracy, reasonably comprehensive Too protect some-one elses property,
implying KEY- NowLedge. it must be documentation is necessary. from a-loss, de-ception, fraud, theft, or
Key for those who live on the Ædge In this it will be shown that the cry of any-de-struction, is of the-greatest-
with their Ledgers See Babylon, K,
"anti-Semitism" hurled against those virtue. All with the-deepest-respectt for
Key, Peter who do oppose the international actions our own-common-natural-law, for each,
Anagram : Jedi- Loan Expressing
of ones calling themselves Jews, would and for every-man.
be much like an immigrated Scotsman to
the- Loan of Knowledge to the- Ancient- Priest-
Hoods America deciding to live on an Apache The Prime Enactment
Indian reservation, coming to dominate With Out Ænd :
its politics and economics, and then
Knowledge Specialized claiming that anyone disagreeing with
Thus, the-great-breath-of-the-wind-
and-the-fire, our-great-spirit-father,
Knowledge is that which is required to his political and social agenda is racist YHVH, Yahll’voolhe’t, the-one-who-
perform a certain complicated task, and and anti-Apache in their beliefs. comes-with-the-sun-rise, said: ‘let-
it also requires specialized knowledge What under different circumstances there-be-light’; so, there is-light, and
wyth-in the pure in-sight, all in order to could prove to be a dry treatise on all upon the-common-grounde, all with-
follow that pure path, be it even Alone Eastern European Jewish history is, if in the-common-air; all with-in, the-
Eternity does NOT happen by accident, closely examined, actually a narrative of organic-natural-law, all with-in, the-
it comes from Definiteness of Purpose events that have laid a sequential shelter, all by, Yahll’shoollvah’t, The-
- dezert-owl
pathway to, and beyond, the destruction Moshæll’yanchi, commonly-known as,
of the New York World Trade Center on Jesus, The-Christ. All as-claimed, by,
September 11, 2001. This historical time the-sovereign, here-in, from the-trees-
Ku Klux Klan or the KKK line has been fixed in its present course,
Formerly instutited by Albert Pike, root, from the-very-begining.
which, by all appearances and in a most
the All Time Grand Master of Intl Free .Yahl’moon’t.
unexpected manner, is culminating in __________________________
Masonry, all in order to create a second the fulfillment of the Biblical prophecies

. æ.
Civil War, it was ultimately used to of Armageddon. But then, it has always
terrorize the African Americans in been so with prophecy. The most
America in order to keep them mentally consistent aspect in the nature of
depressed and impoverished, thus
instituting non-ending Hate or Bigotry
prophetic fulfillment is that it is
consistently surprising. God has
The Writ.
and Class Warfare. all of the people
behind those Hoods & White Robes are
invariably worked to complete His
desires, prophetically, in ways that have Article Four.
the Controlling Establishment not been understood until revealed in The pure Organic Shelter and
See Albert Pike, Free Masonry, retrospect -- in the light of their actual
Neo Nazi Movement happening The Æstablished Evidence

for The Truth in Full Affect.
Arthur Koestler's
Book / The Thirteenth Tribe, Caesar, Cæser,
- Khizar, KAizar, Sea Zar __________________________

See MAP - A p p e n d i x № 5 -
- EL - The natural right for Contract
King James Bible or No Contract.
- the Obelisk - The
See King James Bible has Over 20,000
The Pre ambell.
Illuminated, Illuminatti,
Leo, Leopard, Lyghte
Grammatical ERRORS
L / l symbol of Creation and
... with-in its Pages The Begining, and the cause, for every
Lyghte Through Out All Tyme. also - Harvey Martin - the Meta Mind Portal contract, most be considered. A-man’s-
a symbol of the Ægyptian Obelisk which
See Noah Webster - The Webster Bible, power too contract, is non-limited; the-
is the Male Phallic Erection and is an place of the-contract governs the-acte;
James Moffatt – The Bible
Ægyptian Hieroglyph for A Walking- the-stipulations of the-parties, constitute

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Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Leg See EL, LL Knights Templars the-law of the- contract; the- contract
the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and makes the- law. Now, the- truth fears
Langr’age cybr code for Language of the Temple of Solomon Latin: nothing, but the-consealmeant.
pron lan.gar.age Pauperes commilitones Christi Marque : A-man’s-word, must be
Templique Solomonici, commonly his-bond, or else, he is-not a-man too be
def a Bunch of Garbage such as led,
known as the Knights Templars 2 a dealt- with. Now, only pure-men, that is
rope, etc, placed in a canister and shot Secret Society with an inner circle,
out of a cannon by surprise attack, pure-men, are the-true sovereign, and
whose intent was to grab all of the the- free-men. Every- man, has an-
when you got close enough to another wealth, knowledge, lost writings and the
ship, the rope would get caught up in inherent-right, for- contract, with whom-
estates for the Vatican so-ever he may please. But no- man,
the sails and other rigging, so the sails
See Banking, Malta, Scottish Rite, Switzterland can be forced inn- too a- contract, by
couldn’t be lowered and a lot of people
would get hurt, therefore that ship deceptive-acts, nor against his will. All
would be dead n the water Know cybr cde for Key Knowledge with the-deep-esh’t-respectt, for our
calm-moon, our-commoon-natural-law,
THIS IS the very word that we were
for the-shelter, for each, and for every-
given in the form of ‘Language’, Knowing I don’t admit that man.
meaning we were fed a bunch of I know any-thing, I only admit, that I
‘garb’age’ that meant we couldn’t go
Want Too Know - SOCRATES The Prime Enactment
anywhere, not ever being taught the
truth about anything, by the controlling With Out Ænd :
institutions Know The Ledge Knowledge Thus, the-great-breath-of-the-wind-
You put ‘Garbage’ in your ‘Garage’ and-the-fire, our-great-spirit-father,
and each year you ‘Graduated’ from YHVH, Yahll’voolhe’t, the-one-who-
school after they feed you a little more
Knowledge With-out comes-with-the-sun-rise, said: ‘let-
‘Garbage. note that the word ever Walking Out-Side of My Door, I there-be-light’; so, there is-light, and
Graduated has the G sound in the can know the æntire Universe in Fact all upon the-common-grounde, all with-
middle of it, but the G is missing ... - Lao Tze in the-common-air; all with-in, the-
Class Dis-Missed organic-natural-law, all with-in, the-
shelter, all by, Yahll’shoollvah’t, The-
See Ag, Dich-Shone, Diction, G, Garage, Knowledge of the Breath of Support Moshæll’Yanchi, commonly-known as,
Graduate, Land, Language, Langue d’Oc, Langue
d’Oil, Lend
mod Earth Jesus, The-Christ. All as-claimed, by,
See Ar, B, E, Ear, Th the-sovereign, here-in, from the-trees-
root, from the-very-begining.
Language In the Years to Come,
the People of Conviction will need too Knowledge __________________________
become Bi-lingual Knowledge is the Elixir that brings You
- Maximus Fifth Century Rome
See Dich-Shone, Diction, Langrage
Up to Another World - dezert-owl
. æ.
Laodicea symb cybr cde for the
Kol Nidre The Writ.
The Oath That Nullifies
Latin’s of Deception
The Truth and nothing but the Truth ? Article Five.
Last Days or the Great In America’s court system we rely on The pure Organic Shelter and
Tribulation the assumption, that all parties under
this was the 550 year period, from oath are telling the truth. Without the The tablished Æs
idence Ev
when Yishrael / Israel was banished too truth, justice would be impossible to for The ruth in ull ffect.
Babylon, till the time when the Christ obtain. Imagine that someone taking an
came to deliver them at the end of that oath to, “tell the truth, the whole truth,
world/age. this is the reason that they and nothing but the truth, so help me
The Eternal Breath found with
took out so many of the lost writings, God.” had previously taken another oath
because they plainly declared these nullifying all of his oaths. Bizarre in Man, The Blood of The Earth.
things to be true. We were clearly concept? Read on. Should you ever be
warned that the oc’cultists would involved in a court action, to “insure”
attempt to change all the times and justice, there may be some additional
he T Pre ambell.
seasons in order to confuse us and that questions you might want to add to your
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A Phayshe’ool’t - TargumTranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
they did discovery, or disposition for the judge, “Hear, oh Israel, for the-healer, our-
See Lost Writings attorney, parties to the action, or the great-light, ,’, , YHVH, is the-one-great-
members of your potential jury. This light, and you will love the-healer, your
Law reversed is Wal , that article is not intended to be prejudicial to Yahll’voolhe’t, and your-light, with all
which keeps people out and that which either the Masons or the Jewish people, of your-body, with all of your-heart, and
keeps people in. the orig word for law, the vast majority of whom are God- with all of your-mind, the-iner-æye.
fearing people. It is merely a comment And then, you must loove your
is Shelter, it is that which ‘protects’
on those of any race or religion who neighbor, just as you love your-self.”
you, a root-form is, Shell, that which
could be duped into taking such a Marque : The-truth, is the-mother
you can-not break into See
High- Noon, Moses, Moshællo’t, Mother’s- pure
ridiculous, un-American and dangerous for all justice, and no positive-law, nor
Shelter, Pre-ist, Pure-Shelter, Shælter, Shelter, oath. The following is based upon rule, can be legislated, nor enn- acted,
t’Svn information from: Robert Walker, P.O. respecting the- establised- spirituality,
Box 301, East Berlin, Pennsylvania, an that is found with- inn the- man; nor
authority on the subject, who has used
Law Some people learn this information to obtain the resignation
respecting any-religion; nor pro-hibiting
about the Law at the worst possible by any-forem, the-free exercise there-in.
of seven judges and public officials, who All with the-deep-esh’t-respectt, for our-
moment, and it is at that time, when
they are in the most need of it due to did NOT want this made a matter of ' common-natural-law, for the-shelter, for
some un-foreseen or external challenge, Public Record.' each, and for every-man.
and that is not just bad, it is most often According to the American The Prime Enactment
fatal Heritage Dictionary of the American
- J R Williamson Language, “the Kol Nidre, is the With Out Ænd :
opening prayer recited on the eve of Thus, the-great-breath-of-the-wind-
the Law of Nations it originates Yom Kippur, containing a declaration and-the-fire, our-great-spirit-father,
of annulment for all personal vows and YHVH, Yahll’voolhe’t, the-one-who-
wyth-in the Law and the Dictates that
oaths.” It is based on the following comes-with-the-sun-rise, said: ‘let-
are found wyth-inn nature, and is based declaration from the Talmud (The most there-be-light’; so, there is-light, and
upon the most certain, Divine decrees, wicked document on the face of the all upon the-common-grounde, all with-
which have separated the nations and entire earth.): in the-common-air; all with-in, the-
Men. First Right organic-natural-law, all with-in, the-
See Custom and Usage,
“He who wishes that his vows and oaths shelter, all by, Yahll’shoollvah’t, The-
International Law, Laws of Nature, Natural Law shall have no value, shall stand up at the Moshæll’Yanchi, commonly-known as,
beginning of the year and say: ‘all vows Jesus, The-Christ. All as-claimed, by,
which I shall make during the year shall the-sovereign, here-in, from the-trees-
Law of Nations be of No Value.” root, from the-very-begining.
That which naturalle Reason .Yahl’moon’t.
has established among all men is The prayer of “KOL NIDRE” is __________________________
called, the natural- law for men, or found in Vol. 8 pg. 539 of the
the law of nations Jewish Encyclopedia. It states:
. æ.
- common law Maxim “All vows, obligations, oaths, anthems,
See Custom and Usage whether called konan, konas, or by any The Writ.
other name, by which we may be bound,
Law of Nature / the law from
the law of nature
from this day of atonement, unto the
next...we do repent. May they be
Article Six.
is, that which our ‘God’- common, or deemed absolved, forgiven, annulled, The pure Organic Shelter and
and void, thus made of no effect. They
the-Solvereign't of The- Universæ has
prescribed for all men; not by any-
shall not bind us nor have any power The Æstablished Evidence
over us. The vows shall not be reckoned
formal-promulgation, but by the- for The Truth in Full Affect.
internal-dich-tate found with-in Reason vows; the obligations shall not be
obligatory, nor the oaths be Oaths.”
alone. it is discovered by, a just pre-
consideration, in the-agreeableness or This same prayer may also be found The pure Shelter in The Cover,
dis-agreeableness in man’s actionz almost word for word in the volume of, That is The Cover-ture or
towardz the-nature in any-man; and it “Revised Festival Prayers,” published
comprehends all the-duties we owe, in 1919 by the Hebrew Publishing
The True Covering
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
either for our-supreem-being, for our- Company, New York for The Women.
selves or for our neighbors; as in a See Jesuit Oath, Masonic Oath
Revrence for the- One True- God, self-
defence, in-temprance, honor for our
parents, benevolence for all, with a-
strict ad-herence for our-engagements,
- L- The Pre ambell.
Every-right is claimed, and
gratitude, and the-like See Erskine’s - EL - established, that is, establised, by the-
pr. in l. of scot. b.1, t.1, s.1., Alyl. Pand. acte-yoo-all, actuall-notice, or it is
Tit. 2, p.5; Cicer. de leg. lib. 1. Bouvier’s,
1st ed. 1800’s
- the Obelisk - constituted by pure-necessity, or it is
See Illuminated, Illuminatti,
eshtablised by the-custom, or by the-
See Law of Nations, Solvereign't, Sovereign Leo, Leopard, Lyghte long non-ending use, and it is also
created in us, by the-proo-vi-dential-
the pure Law in the L / l a cyber code and a symbol of
decree, with-in the-calm-mandate, that
pure Lawe or Shelter, you can do Creation and Falling Lyghte, through is, the-command, that has been-given for
any-thing that you want to do, just as out Alle Time. also a symbol of the- us, that says; “take dominion, over all
long as you do Not hurt any-one Ægyptian-Obelisk which is the- male of the-earth.” Now, a-dispensation, is
physicalley, damage any-one-elses phallic-ærection and is an Ægyptian a-wound, because, it wounds the-
property, nor break your word, bond or colmmon-natural-right. The-natural-
Hieroglyph for, a walking Leg. EL
agreement right, is that, which has the-same-force
therefore, is also the name of their
See Sinderesis, Natural Law, Law of among all-men. So, the-law, that is, the-
Mother-Goddess, the one who they took sheall-tarre, favors the-common-pure-
Nations, Law of Nature, Lewe, Moses, Mosheal,
a Vow too natural-right.
Shealter, Shetar
hence the Word/ Vord Vowel actually
means Vow- EL or a Vow Too the EL.
Marque : The-spiritual-woman, must
Law The Most Important therefore all of the Vowels are symbols
not be mall-esh-ted, molested, nor
touched, by any, in, or out, from man’s
Law too Study is Trust Law, and it of Lyghte Creation and are used to govern-ment. Nor can she be sooed-
hasn’t changed in centuries, the Second Open Up the Hidden Meaning of the directly, sued, by any-man. If any-man,
in order would be Contract Law Words by inter-Changing them or government, has a-complaint, ag-
- Harmon Taylor - Legal Reality See El, L-Words, Light, Lyghte, Vowel, Wove gainst a-spiritual-woman, who is in the-
coven-nant-body, of, Yahll’shoollvah’t,
Lease orig th Leash
See Mortgage
L - Words the Mystery Symbol
or, Jesus, they must then, go directly,
too the-head of her doloome-house-
L you can find the True oc’cult meaning hold, with any- complaint. Now, any-
Leaven correctly Sour Dough of a word, bye either adding or removing complaint, will be answered for the-
a little sour dough makes the entire the Symbol L woman, by the-male, the-head of the-
lump go bad said house-hold. The-spiritual-women
See Bread, Breaking Bread, Sour Dough See the Pattern are all with-in the-natural-true-cover, a-
Example natural-coverture, which is with-in the-
Lectic as in Lecture shelter, the-shelter, by the-man, and the-
See Analytic, Dialectic, Eclectic
A Cock is in reality A- Clock it is the- heavenly father, in Jesus, The-Christ;
job of the-Rooster too wake you up, just as a
the-ancient protection, for the-safety of
Legal orig th lit The Eagle Clock all-women, who are pure-bounde, then
Vs. Illegal which is A Sick- Eagle Austria is in also Australia dedicated, and pre-dich-tated, by, and in,
See Lawful, Symbol of Governments Back is in also Black that which is behind us our great-heavenly-father. Any-violator
of this ancient, and protected-right, is a-
Legates root form of Delegates. Cannabis is in reality subject for suit, in-law, that will be non-
Apostle is a commercial term that lit means
Canna’Bliss going back to Canaan and the negotiable. All with the-deepest respect
ancient Phoenecian Merchants as Hemp has been for our-common-natural-law, for each,
the Packaged Goods that were Shipped
the Number One Produce from Ancient Tyme and every-man.
Away. it is where we get the word
Postal See Apostille, Apostles, Postal Coke is in reality Cloke / Cloak. perhaps The Prime Enactment
this is the-Reason it is Harmful to Drink it ?
Legion the- Legions are the- Cut is in reality Cult With Out Ænd :
Angels 2 there are 666 Soldiers in a Fag Thus, the-great-breath-of-the-wind-
for Faggots is in reality Flag for
and-the-fire, our-great-spirit-father,
Roman- Legion 3 cyber-code for Leg- Flame and Flaggots
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Iron See Ænglish, Rome, Vatican Fame is in reality Flame YHVH, Yahll’voolhe’t, the-one-who-
Anagram : Angel the- Angels who comes-with-the-sun-rise, said: ‘let-
have every one on the- Hook, that is the- Angle,
Far and Fair is in reality Flair as in there-be-light’; so, there is-light, and
are working for the- Vatican, and the- Hindu Seen from A-Far all upon the-common-grounde, all with-
See City of Angels, Hindu, Los Angeles, Fee is in reality Flea by implication that in the-common-air; all with-in, the-
Mason, Vatican
which is Small organic-natural-law, all with-in, the-
shelter, all by, Yahll’shoollvah’t, The-
Letters Patent an instrument issued bye Four is in reality Floor for the 4 corners Moshæll’Yanchi, commonly-known as,
a Certain- Government for the- In God We Trust is in reality Jesus, The-Christ. All as-claimed, by,
Patentee, confirming, or granting, a InGold We Trust the-sovereign, here-in, from the-trees-
Right for the-Exclusive- Possession, and root, from the-very-begining.
Rooster is in reality Roolster or Rule- Star .Yahl’moon’t.
Absolute-Enjoyment of a certain
Domain See Dominion Save is really Slave __________________________

. æ.
the- Rams- Horn Shophar is in reality
Liability a cybr code for the Shool’Phar or Shool’Phlair
Ability to Lie Sugar is really Shool- Gar and means lit
See Cyber-Code, Oc’cult the- Knowledge of War. Shool means
The Writ.
The Lieber CODE Knowledge and is where we get the-word
School. it is also the-Primary-Tital of our Article Seven.
General Orders No. 100 Redeemer Joshuah or corr Yahll’Shoolvah’t
The pure Organic Shelter and
silent T
INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE Wake is relative with Walk The Æstablished Evidence
GOVERNMENT OF ARMIES OF Words is in reality are A World
for The Truth in Full Affect.
THE UNITED STATES See the Above Words __________________________
Prepared by, Francis Lieber, and Land One does NOT The Ancient Right for Free Pass
promulgated as General Orders No Sell the Land that the people walk Age, Movement and the Usage,
100 by President Lincoln, 24 April upon - Crazy Horse All with in The Collumn Way
1863 or The common way.
Instructions for the Government of Langr’Age cybr cde for
Armies of the United States in the Language
Field, prepared by Francis Lieber, The Pre ambell.
LL.D., Originally Issued as General
pron Lan-Gar-Age
Orders No. 100, Adjutant General's def a Bunch of Garbage such as led, The-colmoon-natural-right in-man, is
Office, 1863, Washington 1898: rope, etc, placed in a canister and shot not derrived from his servant, man’s-
Government Printing Office … out of a cannon by surprise attack, when government; either, municipal, county,
This is when We went Under you got close enough to another ship, the state, national, federal, nor even from
rope would get caught up in the sails and any-constitution. Certainly, not from
Martial Law RULE of which we other rigging, so the sails couldn’t be any-man. They exist in-herently, with-
NEVER LEFT lowered and a lot of people would get in each, and every-man, by the-
See Google Search to Read the 100 Articles, hurt, therefore that ship would be dead n endowment from our-creator, creator,
Martial Law Rule, War and the water and are merely re-declared, from time,
EMERGENCY Powers Act THIS IS the very Word that we were too time, in the-various other-writingz,
Liberty lit the Libation from the given in the form of ‘Language’, and re-stricted only in the-extent, that
Poison Tree 2 your Tie to the Earth meaning we were fed a bunch of they have been voluntarily-surrendered,
3 that which some-one gives you ‘garb’age’ that meant we couldn’t go by some coined-citizen-‘ship’, in, and
See Freedom anywhere, not ever being taught the truth by some de facto in- the- acte- only,
about anything, by the controlling foreign- agency- government. The-
institutions sovereign’s natural- right is not derived
Life LIFE it is Sacred,
You put ‘Garbage’ in your ‘Garage’ from the-government, a-servant at best,
that is to say, it is The Supreme Value, and each year you ‘Graduated’ from and man’s creation; because the-
to which all other Values are therefore school after they feed you a little more government’z limited-authority, if any,

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Subordinate - Albert Einstein ‘Garbage. note that the word Graduated comes from the-sovereign-blood in-
has the G sound in the middle of it, but herently. The-various other documentz,
but state-again, that, the-common-
Life / Lyfe everything to do wyth Lyfe, the G is missing ... Class Dis-Missed natural-right is already exzisting, and
Comes Across the Lip and is the orig
See Ag, Dich-Shone, Diction, G, Garage,
Graduate, Land, Language, Langue d’Oc, Langue when any-legislative-acte of
thought See Fay, L, Lift, Lyghte, Lip encroachment, comes, from any de
d’Oil, Lend
facto, worlde-federation-nation-state:
Life For this reason I am Langue d’Oc and Langue d’Oil county-franchised-municipality, or
prn ( lāg-dôk´) and ( lāg -dô-êy´) lit agent, and in-vadez the-original, the-
Breathing Before You : Not to take
over concern about your Lyfe..., as far Lang of the Dock and Lang of the Eye organic, and the-paramount-right, it is
the-duty of the-nation, that is the-realm,
as what you will eat, or for what you the Above implying Anointed Eyes
These are just some of the names of that is the-sovereign-people, with-in,
will drink, their own judicial-district-of-the-tenns,
the medieval forms of ‘Provencal’ and of
Not even for your body, as far as what with the-pub-lick-rechord, with-in their
modern French, respectively, oc and oil
you will put on. own, one-supreme-court, the-
being the- most convenient method of
Is not your Lyfe of far greater import distinction. Because of the- dialectal superior-court, with-in the-whrit, the-
than food it-self ? differences in the- great territory over writ, with-in our-universe, and so make
Is not your body of far greater import which Provencal was spoken, another the-‘declaration’, the-‘clairificat-shone’,
than clothing alone ? composite literary form of diction, also the-‘clear-eye-in-the-light’, and then
- Jesus, the Christ called : Langue d’Or affored the-necessary-relief. A-license
lit the Language of the Oar (and Ore), grew by its origin, is that, which is applied too
See Pre-Occupations any-foreign-core-‘pour-ration’,
up, understood probably in all parts of
Light corr Lyghte southern France. corporation, who may be in-league with
See L, Life, Lyghte This Literary- Tongue was soft, fluid the-enemy, during a-state-of-war, in a
and harmonious, eminently suited to the “lie” sense, or, in an-acte, of possible-
Lo orig tho lit It is True Through lyric poetry of the TROUBADOURS, wyth collusion.
Out All Tyme See Logo, Loo, Look the frequency of its Vowels and Marque : No positive, that is,
assonances assisted the- development of written-negative-law, or rules, can be
Logo(s) orig tho lit A True Star the- complicated verse patterns of enacted ag-gainst any-ancient-custom,
a symbol (the-added ‘S’ became a troubadour songs. or usages, respecting the-fundamental,
priest-hood corruption for the- primary- At the First, the comparative lack of and the-common-natural-right, for a-
word; the-primary-symbol from the- political bonds between the north and man too freely-pass, travel, convey, or
beginning has always been the- Sun, the- south of France, helped to keep move-about non-hindered, in, or on the-
metaphorically regarded as, A Royal- Independent, that Provencal-Culture, but common-way; with-in reference with,
Flaming t’Sword (word) of Fire, and because of the hegemony of Paris, the and in-relation-with, the-main-high-
Judgement, and Lyghte, and Peace, and center of Langue d’Oil, modern French ways, the-by-ways, or the-other-roads,
Love, etc See Æloveheim, Age, is dominant, except in the rural districts or the-back-roads; paved, or non-paved,
Royal Flaming t’Sword, Sword, t’Sword, Word and the Provencal- literary groups of upon this, the-native-american-ground.
southern France. Whether on the-land, or crossing any-
Loo Protection, Shelter, Truth, etc The Province of Languedoc varied in water, and in any-method of con-
root word extent, corresponding very roughly to veyance, of his own-choosing; as in a-
See Lo, Lock, Loo- Cipher, Looch, Look, Roman Gallia Narbonensis and later carriage, an-auto, or a-horse, etc;
Lucifer, Lieutenant Septimania. The country was long whether ancient, natural, or modern. All
Anagram : Ool / Ooll / Owl dominated by the Count of Toulouse, but with the-deepest-respect for our-
after the crusade of 1229 against the- common-natural-law, for each, and for
Lord lit the Woman Who Brings Albigenses, passed into the hands of the every-man. So, where is, it in one-man,
You Your Bread also a cybr cde for the French King, the- process finally being falsely-appointed, too tell another-man
True Red Ore and the Anna Gram in completed when Toulouse went to the be-low-the-sun, whether, or not, he can,
Crown in c. 1271, and the- Province of or which way, he should go? For our-
Reverse is the Word, Drill. Not to Languedoc was regularly constituted. heavenly-father, ,’, , Yahll’voolhe’t, in
forget, that it also refers to Baal as well The general extent was from the this our-dominion, tolde us: “go in-too
in the Old Testament Pyrenees and the Mediterranean to the all the-world, and in-too each, and
See AB-EL, ABel, Abel, Ba’al, Baal, sources of the Loire, from Foix and every-city”. So there-for, we go; even
Ball, Bel, Bell, Bile, Drill, Lo, Ore, Red Gascony to the Rhone. It is traversed by as we are tolde, even as we are in-
Lord 2 in the New Testament the Cévennes. At the Revolution, the structed, com-manded, bound, purely-
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Greek, when in reference to Jesus or province was divided into eight separate ob-leg-gated, and lita-gated.
departments. And the- Canal du Midi is
Yahshuah’t, LORD is Curios, which
sometimes known as the Canal du (of the) The Prime Enactment
means to Heal. naturally, when people
were running up to him to be Healed,
Languedoc, but the term Languedoc has With Out Ænd :
today passed into disuse. Thus, the-great-breath-of-the-wind-
they would be calling him Healer not See Aramaic, Diction, Eye Eye, Gall, and-the-fire, our-great-spirit-father,
'Lord' Heal me but Healer, Heal me. Langr’age, Language, Langue d’Ore, Lexicon, YHVH, Yahll’voolhe’t, the-one-who-
Now, with-inn the original thought it Norman Franks, Freemen, Oc’cult, Olde Lang
comes-with-the-sun-rise, said: ‘let-
would more correctly be My Healer Zine, Phœnecian, Roman Freeman
there-be-light’; so, there is-light, and
and pure Breath of Lyghte all upon the-common-grounde, all with-
Latin cybr cde for The TIN
See Breath, Healer, Lyghte in the-common-air; all with-in, the-
lit La Tin. it has always been about the
organic-natural-law, all with-in, the-
LÖST Writings Tin... and the ORE
See Ore, Rome, Roman, Tin
shelter, all by, Yahll’shoollvah’t, The-
Moshæll’Yanchi, commonly-known as,
udio C.D's Jesus, The-Christ. All as-claimed, by,
Go To Law the First Thing we must do, the-sovereign, here-in, from the-trees-
root, from the-very-begining.
if we hope to Survive, is to Learn and
LÖST Writings then comprehend the true nature of law
- dezert-owl

Sample . æ.
the Ten Triads Of Paul, the Legate
Lawe ME for mod Law
See Law, Shealter, Shelter The Writ.
Article Æight.
1 there are three-types from the-
blood- of the-Æarth : Laws of Diction The Laws of
the-man of Alovehe’t, who gyves Diction have all been Destroyed within
back that which is perfect fore that The pure Organic Shelter and
our Modern ENGINEERED New World
which is corrupt
the Æarth blood of men who renders Diction, and there aren’t any True laws The Æstablished Evidence
of diction today, there are Now Only
excellence for excellence, and for The Truth in Full Affect.
corruption fore corruption Pretend Laws __________________________
and the- adversary, who gyves back - dezert-owl
corruption for that which is perfect The Freedom for True Speach,
2 there are three kind of men who
are the-pure- delight of Alovehe’t :
Laws of Diction A Free Press, all Copy Right
and The natural Right for
the-meek or humble - Sounds -
The patent Property Claim.
the-lover of peace
and the- lover of mercy
A’s T’s turn their sounds in and

3 there are three marks of the-pure-

off to get their Hidden Meanings
One A is a Consonant and
The Pre ambell.
t’seed of Alovehe’t : one A is a Vowel It is a-law in nature, that, in-ore-dera,
those who are of a gentle-
in order, for a-man, too ob-tain the-chi-
disposition Symbols Letters
or are only supposed know-lledge, and too in-core-pour-ate,
those who are of a pure- conscience
and those who are patient while
to have One- Sound that is, in-corporate that know-lledge,
in-too his own-being, each-man most, be
suffering frome the-wrongs and
injuries by others Symbols or Letters that Sound the- able too ob-tain, and secure it easily, for
Same are Related or sisters him-self. All recordz are the-vestigez,
4 there are three primary-duties that of all-antiquity, and the-truth. Now the-
truth fears no-thing, but a-con-seal-
are mandated bye Alovehe’t : T Silent
pure-equity fore every-One
DiVynne- love Noshitar- Associate Marque : No positive writ-tenne-
and complete- humility the Law or Knowledge of Association law, a-negative-acte by man, can be

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
5 in these three places will be found inDiction, that which is Near or Similar, enacted, respecting the-freedom with-in
the-most of Alovehe’t : Above or Below, as in a Dictionary is speech, the-freedom for the-press, nor
where He is mostly sought- out probably related. in other words, when for the-natural-pure-origin, a-heritage,
where He is mostly loved looking at a word in a dictionary, it is and an-ap-plication, in one’z own-copy-
and where there is the- least of Self always important to look at the other right – separate from all, or any-man-
words that are above and then below the made government-support. As, no
6 there are three things that follow word that you are looking at and they positive-‘negative’-law, can be enacted
the-pure-conviction wyth-in Alovehe’t : will very often shed light on the word respecting the-pub-lising in-general, nor
a conscience that is at peace that you are trying to know for the-free-man, too gather, and
One- ness with the- DiVynne See Association, Laws of Diction, Shitar aszemble too-gether peace-fully, for
and all that is necessary for life any-reason. All with the-deepest-
there is More, too be Continued ... respect for our common-natural-law,
7 there are three ways a christian and for each, and for every-man. This
See Jurisdiction, the Above Words
punishes an enemy : fundamental-principle, would not only
bye forgiving him be true in time of peace, but also in a-
bye not divulging his wickedness Learning All Learning time-of-war. All of this being-basic,
bye doing him all the good that is is a Dead Language and a dead Sound, natural, and e-zenntial, for a-free-realm,
wyth- inn his power our-asylum-realm, with-in the-peace.
fore any One who gets it Second Hand
- Ohiyesa All common-law copy-right, are
8 the- three primary considerations
naturally per-petual for every-author,
for a christian : with its natural-protection passed-on, for
perchance he should displease Leash mod Lease each, suc-sessive-heir, through their
Alovehe’t See Mortgage lineage. It is called: an-eshtate, an-
perchance he should be a stumbling- estate-in-trust, and in the-dominion, the-
block too another fellow blood- of the- Leave Off mod Forgive or doll-millyon-neye, with-in, Jesus-christ.
Æarth Fore Give See
The Prime Enactment
perchance his perfect-Love fore alle
should wax cold Legates Delegates
a root form of
With Out Ænd :
9 the- three luxuries frome a Apostle is a commercial term that lit means Thus, the-great-breath-of-the-wind-
christian feast : the Packaged Goods that were Shipped and-the-fire, our-great-spirit-father,
what God has prepared Away and it is where we get the word YHVH, Yahll’voolhe’t, the-one-who-
what can be law-fully obtained with Postal See Apostille, Apostles, Gates comes-with-the-sun-rise, said: ‘let-
equity for all the, Postal there-be-light’; so, there is-light, and
what love for all may venture to use all upon the-common-grounde, all with-
Leonard Peltier the longest running in the-common-air; all with-in, the-
10 these three type of people have political prisoner in Modern History organic-natural-law, all with-in, the-
the-natural-claim and the- privilege as See Ernst Zundel shelter, all by, Yahll’shoollvah’t, The-
a brother and a sister : Moshæll’Yanchi, commonly-known as,
the- window Jesus, The-Christ. All as-claimed, by,
the- orphan Letters With Just the-sovereign, here-in, from the-trees-
and the- stranger the Correct Manipulation of Letters root, from the-very-begining.
PTRP .Yahl’moon’t.
A- Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Trans- Literation alone, it is all that was ever Needed too
See Aquarian Original Gospel, Beginning Control All of Man's Thinking
With, Nag Hammadi Library, Old Testament
Pseudepigrapha, Philocalia
- dezert-owl . æ.
Love Lex Lat & Heb/ Ara for Law The Writ.
See Law, Lightning, Shelter, Z
Love is an on going Act of
Conscious the EL
Anagram : Xel / Zel lit the Power of Article Nine.
- dezert-owl Lex Non Scripta Lat for
The pure Organic Shelter and
Law NOT Written The Æstablished Evidence
Love lit the True Lyfe or
for The Truth in Full Affect.
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
the True Eve Through Out Alle Tyme __________________________

Love 2
God is Love comes from
The Ancient Established Right,
Alovehe’t is Love LexEyeCon See I
in Custom and Usage.
See Ællovehe’t, Eloveheim, Evolve, True-
Life the-, PH, V Book of Hebrew Interpretation
Anagram : Evolve Lex = Law / i = Eye / con = Con The Pre ambell.
Law of The Con
Love Love NOT the World It is a-maxim-in-law, that there can be
neither the things that are in the World, or The Law of The C
on no- crime, with- out a-criminal- in- tent;
if anyone love the world, then the the- Implication is, that this is the-Tongue that is, with-out the-in-tent, too in- vade
the- being, or the-property, of an- other.
DiVyne Love of the Father is NOT with- or Diction that the- Phœnicians used to
But no- one ever practices a- vice, with
in Him - Jesus, the Christ Conquer the World with eg the Ancient any- such criminal-in-tent. Since, he
Phoenecian/ Hebrew/ Aramaic- Alphabet practicez his vyice, for his very-own
Loyola slient ‘A’ cyb cde for Loyal I was surprised to find that, instead of happiness solely, or due too an-ancient-
for those who go to Loyola University referring to Israel, this book kept custom, or another vested ancient-right,
See Jesuits Anagram : Loyal referring too the- Great- Phœnician and not from any malice towards others.
all of the-herbz of the-field, they were
Lucifer Loo-Cipher a code that Merchant in regard to the Diction all given for the-whole-benefit, and for
actually means The True Cipher and is See Con, CODE, Nich, the-com-plete-use, by the-blood-mean’t-
Langr’age, Language, Langue d’Oc, Langue-
implying that, She is the one, who has from-the-æarth, commonly-called, man;
Dock, Langue d’Oil, Langue d’Ore, , Lex Luther
instituted all of the CODES, in all of our in Superman, Olde Lang Zine
but anciently, the-seed-from-the-moon’t.
Diction by All of Her Minions Marque : We can do no-thing ag-

Lucifer 2 lit the

See Lo, Loo
Light of Fire
Liberty cybr cde ety noshetarr asoc
gainst the-truth; and no positive-law,
nor rule, rule, can be legislated, nor
Lib v.t. [d. lubben.] to Castrate or to enacted, by any-man, for the-control of
See AB-EL, ABel, Abel, Ba’al, Baal, Ball,
Bel, Bell, Bile, Cipher, Code, Columbia, Cyber- cut-off. chapman c. 1700’s 2 Libation n. another-man, respecting the-an-cient,
Code, Devil, Elahe, F, Fay, Fe, Fee, God, [ l. libatio, from libo, To Pour Out.] the-ancient, and the-established, the-
Hidden-Woman the-, Iesous, Iesus, Isa, Ishtar, webster 1828 3 Libbard, Leopard establised use of ex-ternal-sub-stancez;
Isis, Jesus, Lord, Pazuzu, PH, Phay, Santa Claus, (Spotted). spenser/milton c.1700’s 4 that man will, from time-too-time, and
Satan, Statue of Liberty, The TRUE Cypher for his own-reasonz, will take-internally,
Libbards-Bane, n. a Poisonous Plant
for his own-private-use: or for his own-
Lyghte as it is spelled here, with its (Poison). johnson c. 1700’s 5 Libel n. spirituality, for his own-pleasure, or his
correct symbols in place, is the-correct Stripping, Separating. a Defamatory- own enn-joy-ment; for an-ex-peri-ment,
and true-form for light See L, Light, San/ Writing. a word-form used in admiralty or for the-health, or for what-ever de-
Sin/ Sol/ Son/ Sun/ Svn, Y law. webster 1828 6 Liberal, a. With- zired, private-self-use, or need; and that

out Restraint open-ended. that which is would also in-clude, for the-taking of
one’s own-life. All with the-deepest
Permited primary root Li or Ly as in respect, for our common-natural-law,
Lie See Bane, Liable, Liability, Free Dome, for each, and for every-man. So, the-
- Free Gudgement, Freedom con-trole, or the control, on any-
substance, is too control the-free-man,
- dMb - Lies A Lie will Quickly which is totally contrary with-in all of
nature, and re-pugnant, with-in the-
Race around the World while the Truth,
- dVb - it is Quietly Seated putting on its Shoes
common-natural-law, the-shelter; since
we were freely-given all-things from
- Author Unknown above.
Death --- Birth
the Two Supports for the Mother The The Prime Enactment
- t'Sun - Æarth - Moon - Lies Of History With Out Ænd :
Mountain __________________________ Thus, the-great-breath-of-the-wind-
Moment and-the-fire, our-great-spirit-father,
Minute YHVH, Yahll’voolhe’t, the-one-who-
The Ark of Noah found on Mt Ararat

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Mine actually . . . comes-with-the-sun-rise, said: ‘let-
Me there-be-light’; so, there is-light, and
Lyfe Betsey Ross Made the- American Flag all upon the-common-grounde, all with-
First Sea of the- Rose is a cyber code in the-common-air; all with-in, the-
Midian organic-natural-law, all with-in, the-
the FLAG is . . .
- Cosmic Ocean - shelter, all by, Yahll’shoollvah’t, The-
- Center of the Universe - Biblos means Bible Bible is a cyber code Moshæll’Yanchi, commonly-known as,
See Oc'cult, Sun & Moon, The Two Pillars for . . . Jesus, The-Christ. All as-claimed, by,
the-sovereign, here-in, from the-trees-
M / m prime symb for Moon ,
root, from the-very-begining.
Mountain, Mother, Make. N is the Columbus one of the Greatest Frauds .Yahl’moon’t.
Division of M and W is a cyber code of ever Perpetrated on America __________________________

. æ.
M flipped up-side down. Example, This Is A Work in Progress ...
Malta for the- Island of the- Knights there is More, too be Continued ...
Templars read back-words is AT Law See
the Above Words
M/ m 2 reversed is W / w split is The
Two V’s LIFE is
M / m 3 M is in the MIDDLE of Sacred, that is to say, it is the Supreme Article Tæn.
EVERYTHING Value to which ALL Other Values are The pure Organic Shelter and
See M, N, The Movie League of Subordinate - Albert Einstein
Extraordinary Gentlemen, W The Æstablished Evidence
Macedonians symb cybr cde for
Lip a corr-root and orig thought for for The Truth in Full Affect.
t’Seed of Lyghte or a People of Light Life __________________________
See Life, Liph, Liphe

Man / Men is a cyber code that literally Anagram : Pill

On False Government Charges
means Criminal and Sinner, in Olde-
LL symbolically there are Two- L’s and False Arrest.
Ænglish and it has even worse implications
wyth-inn nature, and they are both The natural right for a trial by one’s
that are found within the- Jewish competing with each other See El, L own jural society with-inn his own
Talmud’s. the orig thought for what we realm and NOT by some Forighn
think of when we say Man, or Men Lo orig-tho lit it is True Through government, a British Banking Agent
should be Blood of the Earth Out All Tyme See Logo, Loo, Look Franchise and the right of the juries,
See Adam, Blood of the Earth, juries to gudge of the pure justice of
Hadam, Red Æarth, Red Magma Loo Protection, Shelter, Truth, the law with-inn, our one supreem
etc root word court, the superior court with-inn the
Mandate orig th Moon Date See Lock, Loo-Cipher, Looch, Look, district for The Ten.
See Demand, Moon Date Lucifer, Lieutenant
Marijuana See Canaanites, Anagram : Ool / Ooll / Owl The Pre ambell.
Cannabis, Empire of the EL, Hashashin, New
Hempshire, Phœnecians, Rope, Ships Mini
Pictionary No 24 Love There is no For more than—that is, ever-since
the-magna-carta, that is, the-great-
Greater Love that anyone can have than charter, in 1215, there has been no-
Martial Law Rule / Martial Rule to lay down their own Lyfe for Another clearer-prin-ciple of englis, or american-
- Jesus, the- Christ
lit Unanounsed martial law.
in July common-law, than that, in criminal-
1971 the- UNITED States POSTAL casez, where, it is not only the-right, and
Lycian Myra symb cybr cde for the the-duty of the-juriez, too gudge, what
SERVICE became A Branch of the
Light of the Bitter Moon’t are the-factz, what is the-true-law, and
Military. in America, all Police, what was the-pure-intent, of the-
Sheriffs dept’s, etc. are under the Lyghte as it is spelled here with its correct accused; but that it is also their right,
jurisdiction of the military, under an symbols in place, is the correct and true form for their primary, and their para-mount-
Un-Anounced STATE of Light See L, Light, Y duty, in gudgeing the-very-justice-of-
'EMERGENCY'... the Emerging the-law it-self, and too holde all-
Lyghte of Creation Come Down negative-lawss, or ruless, non-valid, that
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SEA mod An See A are, in their-opinion, non-juste, or op-
See pressive, and holde all-accused-parties

Sun Tsu, Nom de Guarre
guilt-less, in violating, or re-sisting, the-
Mary lit the Mother’s Virgin ex-ecution of, any-such-law.
Unless such be the-right, and the-
See Mary Magdalene IVI -
- duty of the-jurorz, it is plain, that, in-
stead of juriez being the--“palleadium-
Anagram : Eye of the Ram
- dMb -
for-freedom” – a-barrier ag-gainst all-
tyrany, and the-op-pression of the-
Mary Magdalene lit the Mother’s government– they are in-reality, mere
Virgin Lyghte at the Center of
- dVb - toolz, in its handz, for carrying in-too
an-ex-ecution, any-in-justice, and any-
Magdalene is more appropriately Mag Death --- Birth op-press-shion, oppression, it may de-
Dala See Magdala, Mary the Two Supports for the Mother zire too have ex-ecuted.
Now, for their right, for gudging
Mason Mother's Son or as
- t'Sun - Æarth - Moon - the-law, and that justice with-in the-law,
they say it the Widow’s Son’s. they
Mountain if any, juriez would be no protection for
call them-selves the Widows Sons
Moment an-accused-man, even as in matterz-of-
Minute facte; for, if the-governmentcan dich-
because they Killed the Father of tate for a-jury, any-law what-ever, in a-
Christianity, the Widow is Lucifer 2 criminal-case, it can certainly dich-tate
You never know who is a Mason Me
for them, the-lawz-of-evidence. That is,
See Masonic, Mimi Pictionary No 9 Lyfe
it can dich-tate what evidence is add-
Midian miss-able, and what, in-add-miss-able,
Masons The Stone - Cosmic Ocean - and also, what force, or weight is too be
that The- Masons have Rejected, has - Center of the Universe - given, too the-evidence add-mitted. So,
See Oc'cult, Sun & Moon, The Two Pillars if the-government, can thus dich-tate for
become the Cap- Stone
a-jury, the-lawss(loss)-of-evidence, it
- Jesus, the Christ/ m M prime symb for Moon ,
can not only make it necessary for them
Mountain, Mother, Make. N is the too con-vict, on a-partial ex-hibition of
Masonic a cybr cde lit the Mothers Division of M and W is a cyber code of the-evidence, right-fully per-taining too
Sons of Darkness M flipped up-side down. Example, the-case, but it can even re-quire them,
Albert Pike in his book Morals and too con-vict, on any-evidence what-
Dogma declared that they are intent on
Malta for the Island of the Knights ever, that it so pleasez too offer-them.
Destroying all of Christanity and that Templars read back-words is AT Law Then, while the-accused, is being held
they would use the Islam to do it M/ m 2 reversed is W / w split is non-lawfully, in some-pre-zone, a-
See Communist- Front, Dogma, Ic, Two V’s prison, as already being-guilty of some-
Ich, Ink, Lucifer, Ma, Mason, Morals, Mother’s crime, yet, with-out any-trial-gudge-
Sons of Darkness, Nebraska, Pirates, Shon, Son,
M/ m 3 M is in the MIDDLE of meant; the-governmenthas been known,
Vatican Dogs, Mimi Pictionary No 9 EVERYTHING too place other charged, or con-victed-
See M, N, The Movie League of criminalz, as their especial-agentz, too
Extraordinary Gentlemen, W
Mass Incarceration Their Answer spy on the-accused, while offering
to the HIGH Un-Employment ? or
Ma prime root for Mother these-criminal-spiez, favors, bonusez,
See Magma, Master, Mo, Mother Star in-centivez, privilegez, reduced-sen-
Another way to Float the Economy ? tennsez, and even re-lease, all contrary
Smoke and Mirrors... Payday Every Machiavellian Manipulation with their own criminal-con-victionz.
Friday... Wew, 'Business' Must Be from a Like or Benefiting So, what prisoner with offerz such as
Good! The SLAVE TRADE along Machiavelli these, would not be willing too fa-
with the greatest show on earth, D.C. b Being or acting in accordance wyth bricate, and then, put in-too the-mouth
See Do Not Accept Offer, Prison, The- Diabolical- Principles for the- of any-accused, the-wordz he never-
Void Judgement Governments, analyzed in Machiavelli’s said? .rather than justice, this is the-
Treaties, The Prince c 1513, in which prime-evil; the-great-mystery, and the-
Mass Movements Do You wish political expediency is placed above great-vail. So too-dayl, they offer us,
right, laws of nature, truth or ethics, their private-law! It is the-britis-bankerz
too save The World, from alle of the-
characterized by unscrupulous cunning private-pirate-rule, all-oover again.
Degradation and the Destruction, that it
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
seems Destined for? Well, if you do, deception or dishonesty. That the-right, and the-dutie of the-
then you must, step away from all of a follower in these corrupt principles, jurorz, must necess-airily be, such, as
those Shallow Mass Movements and analyzed or described in The Prince, are here-in claimed for them, it is
then, quietly begin to go to work upon elaborately cunning or deceitful. evident, when it is con-sidered, what
your own Self -Awareness named after Niccolo dei Machiavelli the-trial-by-the-jury is, and what is its
- Ancient Proverb 1469-1527 an Italian statesman who ob-gect. .“the-trial-by-the-jury” then, is
advises the use in any means how-ever the-“trial-by-the-realm” – that is, by the-
See Groups, Masons, Mass, Self, Spys, Vatican
unscrupulous, that would strengthen a free-man, as dis-tinguised from, a-trial-
nation or governmental authority by- the-government.
Material NHL CybCd Your Keys are, It was anciently- called, “trial per
See Free Masons, Rome, Treason,
the Dead, Death and most likely Trees Sons, Talmud, Vatican pais” – that is, “a-trial-by-the-realm”.
More, perhaps Matter So now, in every-criminal-trial, the-jury
You must decide with-inn the Nag Maeander symb cybr cde for the Sea should be told, that the-accused “has, for
Hammadi Library where these Words in the Middle of the Land trial, put him-self upon the-realm; of
are going to be used, in the place of the See Mediterranean Sea which realm, you the-jury are.” Yet, too-
dayl, the-jury is stacked, and the-jury-
Cloud Word MATERIAL Mag lit the Center of the for-man, is often the-agent of the-
See Matter, Nag Hammadi Library Mother’s Fire government, too force, and then sway
Math syn with Myth, Meth, Moth, See Ma, Magic, Magi, Targum the-opinionz, of the-others. This is now,
Magdala Elevated Center of usually the-case, with few, if any-
Month See E-Math exceptionz. Now, all of the- attorney’z,
Idolatry See Mary Magdalene with all of the-judgez, are all the-actors,
Maxim an Establised Principle wearing a-mask. So, in this-venue, any-
or Pro-Position. A Principle in Law, Magi lit the Center of the thing you say, “can and will be used,
universally-admitted, as being a- Mother’s Eye that is, ‘twisted’ ag-gainst-you.” Even
Correct Statement for the-law or as See Ma, Magic, Mag, Targum now, many of today’z anti-law, anti-
agree-able with natural-reason. Coke truth-“officiallss”, take an-annual, or
Defines a-Maxim, in being, a Magic Letters L – N – T – R one-time-oath, in their very-own-secret-
Conclusion by-Reason,’ and says ‘a these symbols are for Seeing into and-dark-occult-society, that says; “a-
lie, is no-longer a-lie, and any-oath, is
Maxime is a-proposittion too-be for all Words and Together, when you add the-
not-an-oath.” So that, no-matter-what,
men Confessed and Granted with-out
Proof, Argument or Discourse
Vowels they Spell : you must all protect the-secret-“brother-
L–N–T–R hood”! Hood’z-in-the-dark. And so,
See Black 2 1910 they are all telling-liez, and yes, they all
LANTERN do know it. So then, how can you ever-
May lit the- Mothers- Lyghte
See Illuminati, Ma, Mary, May- LANTERN de-fend your-self, ag-gainst some-thing
so blain-tently-evil, and conspireing like
Day, Mothers Lyghte, Root of the- One, Y, Yam for Seeing in the- Darkness of this World that? That, is, the- slave-freemasonry.
Anagram : Yam lit the Root of
the- One the Original- Thought is ... Now, the-object, of this, trial-“by-
the-realm”, or, by the-free-man, in pre-
May Day Illuminati CODE Word the Land Turns ference, too a-trial by the-government, is
looks like somebody knew the-Æarth too guarde, ag-gainst every-speciez of
the Day that they were Founded
isn’t flat, which was especially true for op-poression, by the-government. So, in
Officially in America, and Founding all of the-Ænlyghtened- Onez order too efect this end, it is in-dis-penn-
America, Officially on May Day 1776 See L, N, R, T sable, that is, in-dispensible, that the-
by it’s Founder and the latest President __________________________ free-man, or, “the-“realm” at-llarge,
of the Ancient Line of the-Oc’Cultic gudge of, and de-termine their own-free-
Aristocratic Black Families Johann Magma lit the Center of the Mother dolme, ag-gainst the-op-pressive-
Adam Weishaupt See Center, Gama, Ma, Mag, Mag’Dala, government; in-steade of the-
2 CODE Word for when they are in Gen 2:6 government’ss gudging of, and de-
trouble MAY DAY… MAY DAY termining its own-power-eses, over the-
SeeAdam Weishaupt, Illuminati,
Magna Carta Lat for the free-man. How is it possible, that the-
Ma, Mary, May, Mothers Lyghte, Root of the Great Charter Originally Issued in juriez, can do any-thing too protect the-
One, Y, Yam freedom of the-free-man, ag-gainst the-
the Year 1215 and reissued later in the
government; if they are not alleowed too
13th Century in Modified Versions,
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Medes symb cybr cde for those within which included the most direct determine, what thoze freedomz are?
challenges to the Monarch's Authority to Any-government, that is its own gudge
the Middle Age of Tyme
Date. The Charter First Passed of, and de-termine, author-atively for the-
free-man, what are its own-powerz, over the-
into Law in 1225. the 1297 Version,
Media It is NOT what the with the Long Title originally in Latin,
free-man, is an-absolute-governmentof
course. It has all the-powerz that it choozez
Media are saying, but what the Media The Great Charter of The Liberties of too ex-ercise. There is no other – or at least,
are NOT Saying, that you want to Hear England and of the Liberties of the
no more accurate de-finition of despotism
than this.
- dezert-owl
Forest, still Remains On The Statute On the- other- hand, any-free-man,
Books of England and Wales that gudgez of, and deter-minez
Medical Staff the Caduceus and authoritatively for the-government, what
the Symbol of Cybele Mahatma lit Great Soul are their own freedome’z, ag-gainst the-
See Gandhi government, of course, retain all
freedomz they wyis too enn-joy. Now,
Malech lit the-Mother’s-Tongue or this is the-pure-freedom, and this is, the-
Voice, where-as the-pure Ancient and free-gudg-men’t; and this corresh-pondz
orig-expression would be the-Royal- with all the-high-esh’t notionz, of free-
doll’oome, that is, freen-dom.
Flaming- t’Sworeds- (words) of Fire and
In sea-curing, securing, this right,
Gudgement, and Lyghte, and Truth, and
for the-sovereign-free-man, in gudging
See Peace, and Love
Vimana of their own-freedomz, ag-gainst the-
Malech 2 supplemented and removed
Medicine cyber code lit the Center of
from our ‘Sacred-scriptures’ bye the-
government, the-jurors are taken, or
must be, too make them law-full-jurorz,
Burning See Alter, Cine, Idem, Med oc’cultists, and there-bye replaced with from the-body of the-free-men, by lot,
Anagram : En Ich Idem Entities the- code-t’sword, ‘Angel’. or by some pro-sess, that pre-culdez,
Dark Likeness lit an Alteration You, are in reality, the-‘Angel’, or any-pre-vious-know-lledge, choice, or
Mediterranean Sea or
the-‘Malechim’, or ‘the-Royal-Flaming-
t’Swored- of- Phyre / Fire and pure-
sel-ection of them, on the-part, with-in
Medi- Terrain- ean Sea lit Gudgement’, if you are now, ‘Speaking- This is done, too pre-vent the-
the Sea in the Middle of the Land the-Truth from the Treez-Roote’ and an government’s con-stituting a-jury, of its
is the Great Flood of Noah Agent of the-Very-pure-Lyghte own- partisanz of friendz; in other-
See All the Signs and See Ængel, Amalek, Angel, Angle, Angler, wordz, too pre-vent the-government’ss-
Hook , Legion, Lick, Messenger, Vatican packing a- jury, with a-view too main-
Landmarks, Great Flood, Strait of Gibraltar
Anagram : Claim and Calm also tain, its own-statu-tory-lawss, ruless,
Melchisedec properly Peace. the- Anna-Gram expresses the-Trooe- secret-codezss, regulationss, and a-
nature of a Malechim comp-lis, its own-private-secret-
Malech-Ish-Edich Edict known as
agendasses. That-vile-serpent that
the Prince of Peace, who Lived in Malech-Ish Edich or Edict
treadssssss on us, and trespassess.
Jerusalem and was Shem the Son of known as Melchisedec the Prince of If the-governmentmay deside, who
Noah See Book of Jasher, Malech, may, and may-not be the-jurorz, it will
Melich Peace, who Lived in Jerusalem and was
Shem the Son of Noah See Book of of course, then, select only its partisanz,
Jasher, Malech, Melich the-party-sonz, and thoze friendly too its
Mental Hospital if you measurez. It may not-only pre-scribe
Sign In against your wishes, you just Maltese Cross symb of the t’Sun Chi, who may, and may-not, be eligible, too
gave them Permission the DRUG you or be drawn as jurorz; but it may also
the Four Points, the Four Directions.
do Anything Else that they want to do to question, each-party drawn as a-juror, as
K’in is Mayan for Sun too his sentimentz in-re-guard too the-
you See Authority, Signature
See Cross particular-law in-volved, with-in each-
Mercenary One who Master the Present Moment
lit trial, be-for allowing him too be brought
Fights for Wealth in-too the-panel; and ex-clude him, if he
You only have the Present Moment be found non-favorable, for the-main-
Mer-Cen-Ar-Y Analyzed Ω tenance, in such man-made law-rule.
The Etymology .“there has not been, a-true trial-by-
Matrix .n [ 1 Mātriks, 2 Méitriks ]. jury, that is, a-trial by the-realm, a-jury
Mer = Myrrh – for Bitterness of one’z own-peerz, ever-since the-
Lat. Mātrix, Womb from Mātr-, stem
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Cen = Cin / Sin – lit To Burn of Māter, Mother See Mater 1 a. ratification of the-constitution, of the
Ar = Air – lit the Power of the Air Womb b. plase in which any-thing is UNITED STATES”.
formed or developed. 2 earthly Lysander Spooner c 1870.
Y = Eye – the ALL Seeing Æye substance, rock &c in which minerals, Marque : It is the-common-natural-
See Arrogant , Aryan, Black Water, Celtic, gems &c are embedded. 3 mould in right, for every-natural-american in the-
Irish, Islam, Muslim, Nazi which stamp, type, &c is cast. Wyld sovereign-state, too be tried by a-
1938 See Matter, Mother lawfully-in-stituted-body of his own-
peerz; and this must be, be-fore, ever
being-punised, by any-in-car-seration.
Mercenary Wars a New Game to Matrix So it is required, that his trial be held, in
Indoctrinate Our Youth
See YouTUBE Promo The Matrix is REAL a-reason-able-time, is para-mount.
Now, no freeman, nor sovereign, can
lawfully be arrested, nor im-prisoned,
Merchant lit the Bitter Chant
nor de-prived of his possessionz, nor
also cybr cde for the March of the AntsMatter NHL CybCd Your Keys are, any of his freedom, nor denied any of
M E R C H A N T S Death, the Body, Nature and most his pure-obligations, customs, nor
Start Un-Loading the Ship SLAVES likely More, perhaps Matter usages, nor out-lawed, nor ex-iled, nor
See East India Trading Company, Scull You must decide with-inn the Nag in any-manner-in-jured, nor can the-
governmentlawfully-pro-seed, send-for,
& Bones, War Is Good Business Hammadi Library where these Words pass-upon, or ag-gainst-him with-force,
are going to be used, in the place of the nor con-demn him, unless it be, by the-
Merchant CODE Cloud Word MATTER gudg-men’t of his own-peerz, the-free-
See The Front of this Book Pg 21 See Material, Nag Hammadi Library man, who in-stitute the-realm, in the-
See also All Capital Letters, College solvereighnt’z own, county-venue, and
of Abbreviators, Phoenician CODE,
War and Slavery are Good Business Matter All Matter gudicial-district-of-the-tenne, in our-
one-supreme-court, the-superior-court,
Originates and Exists, Only by Virtue by the-law-on-the-land – with-in our-
Messiah a corr root and orig th for of A Force which brings the Particle of
common-natural-law, the-shelter, in-
Christ and impliesthose who are an Atom to Vibration and Holds this
christ, The-Moshæll’Yanchi, our-great-
purified by Fire, anointed, and more. most minute Solar System of the Atom
more correctly, it would be, Moshæll’t-
together. We must assume, that behind
Nothing non-just, ‘just’, is too be
this Force, the Existence of a Conscious
Yannchi’t See Christ, Moses, and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the
pre-zoomed in the-lawe, unless it be in-
Mosheyach, Moshællot’yannchi’t favor for-life, freedom, and ino-sence,
MATRIX of All Matter
Anagram : High Shem bye
- Max Planck
are all-things, too-be pre-zoomed. So,
implication of the Higher Order of Lyfe a-pre-sumption in-favor of the-ino-
sense, will-stande, on-till the-contrary
Metaphor that which You Become Mayan lit the Mothers Lyghte be proved. And this, final, is res
See Lyghte, Meta Beyond See May, Yan judicata, non-prosh-decision, for the-
sentence in the- law, given by the-
Anagram : A Rough Atom
Mead ME Lyghte and Bread superior- court- with- in- the- higher-
justice, as a-rezult of the-pro-seedings,
Militia archaic for Army See Bread, Lyghte
in-stituted there-in, for a-redres, in any-
See Free Masons, Jesuits, Militia dei,
Militant, Vatican
Meaning If it does not say The- inherent- power, and the-
Mind and piritS The Battle what is meant, then it does not mean dominion, remains with-in the-free-man,
what it Says - dezert-owl and remainsalways in esse, in the-esh-
for the Mind and Spirit of we the
eye, in-the-force, in-force, and waiting
people rages on, just like A Blazing too-be picked-op, as it was, and is given
Pyre : The weapons that we face, and
are up against are dis-information, Medi-Terrain-ean Sea from the-great-abba-father, above, and
not-wyith-in the-fiction called: man’s
media propaganda, the Control of our
own direction and our diction,
or Mediterranean Sea lit the government. All with the-deepest-
Sea in the Middle of the Land is the
respect, for our-common-natural-law,
censorship, secret alliances all with-in for each, and for every-man.
dark covenant societies. For this Great Flood of Noah
reason, the world as we all know it, will See All the Signs and Landmarks, The Prime Enactment
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A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
soon come to an end, all wyth-in a total Great- Flood, Strait of Gibraltar
ignorance and an obscure thick Cloud of
With Out Ænd :
Thus, the-great-breath-of-the-wind-
Darkness. Media The and-the-fire, our-great-spirit-father,
So never stop asking those
important questions, but then, do keep Political State could NOT Exist, if it YHVH, Yahll’voolhe’t, the-one-who-
comes-with-the-sun-rise, said: ‘let-
questioning every answer. Do your own were not for the prop of the Media
there-be-light’; so, there is-light, and
research, become One wyth-in your- - dezert-owl all upon the-common-grounde, all with-
self, but then, draw upon your own
in the-common-air; all with-in, the-
conclusions. since tomorrow, it never Messiah is a corr-root and orig-th for organic-natural-law, all with-in, the-
comes, we only have Today... be in the
NOW. It is True, we must all learn the Christ and implies those who are purified shelter, all by, Yahll’shoollvah’t, The-
by Fire, by virtue of being anointed, and Moshæll’Yanchi, commonly-known as,
proper way to live, and then make peace
much more. More correctly, it would Jesus, The-Christ. All as-claimed, by,
wyth-inn Our-selves, wyth-inn the Here the-sovereign, here-in, from the-trees-
and NOW be, Mosheyach, with the-primitive-Root
being, Moshæll’t-yannchi’t See Christ, root, from the-very-begining.
- dezert-owl Moses, Mosheyach, Moshællot’yannchi’t .Yahl’moon’t.
See Sun Tzu - the Art of War __________________________
Meta Be-Yond Beyond
. æ.
Grk or
Mind Control The
See Meta-Mind, Metis, Metaphore
Dictionary defines the word Mind as the Anagram : Atom / Team
place where thinking occurs. the word
Control means to regulate, direct or The Writ.
Metaphor Every-
Article Eleven.
exercise authority over. the term
‘Mind Control’ then refers to a broad- thing that is Transitory is of
spectrum of psychological- techniques, Metaphorical Reference
both internal and external, ranging from The pure Organic Shelter and
- Joseph Campbell
simple control of information to
trauma-based mind control, designed to
The Æstablished Evidence
regulate, direct or exercise authority Metaphor that which You Become for The Truth in Full Affect.
over the mind and thus over thinking, or That which You Are __________________________
feeling and willing. See Lyghte, Meta
There are two kinds of Mind Anagram : A Rough Atom On The False Charges by Man
Control: See Adam and The False Witnesses.
Negative and Positive Mind Control It's better that a guilty man go free,
Negative Mind Control subverts an Microcosm vs Macrocosm before an innocent man be punised.
individual's, a group's or a population's That which is Least, is as that which
is Greatest, and that which is greatest, is
The Pre ambell.
ability to regulate, direct or exercise
autonomous authority over their own as that which is least
thinking, behavior, feelings and - Original- Thought
emotions with-out their conscious Certainly, it is better that a-guilty man
awareness and therefore without their
consent. the Objective of Mind Control
Middle Ænglish go free, before we start punising ino-
sent-men. This, is the-foundation in
protect-shone, and in due-pro-sess. The-
is to build a conditioned response in the
subconscious of the targeted individual, Scriptures Sample communist-social-list, and fascist-
formss of governmentex-cepted of
group or population. one can also
unknowingly program one's own mind philemon course, and because they ex-press, ex-
with negative programming by repeated - M.E. TEXT - actly the-forme of government, that is
negative thoughts, feelings and 1 poul, the boundun of crist jhesu, found with-in, the-foreign-corporation,
emotions that build a conditioned and timothe, brother, to filemon, called, the-UNITED STATES, in-this-
response whereby one responds to the bilouyd, and oure helpere, and to appia, style, a-secret-phoenecian-merchant-
newness of the present moment 2 most dere sister, and to archip, oure cyber-code, a-pirate-ship-of-state, for
experience with thinking, feelings and euene kni3t, and to the chirche that is in blood-merchant-die-zing; where you
emotions rooted in the past as memories thin hous, are, alwayz-guilty on-till proo-vin in-
that interfere with, obstruct and prevent ocent, with no-right, as this is, the-
3 grace be to 3ou, and pees of god
the full and genuine experience of the nature-of-the-war. So, when you are de-
oure fader, and of the lord jhesu crist.
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- T h e N o n – S p o k e n W o r d P u b l i c a t i o n z - www.TheREALPublicRadio.Net
A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum
Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
present moment, 4 I do thankingis to my god, euere nied, every basic-right, and normal-
So-called positive thinking and the more makinge mynde of thee in my decency, with no access too the-out-
application of the principles of mental preieris, side-world, how then, could you ever,
programming and conditioning for 5 heringe thi charite and feith, that save your-self from that?
positive change also fall into the thou hast in the lord jhesu, and to alle So, the- found- day- shone, or the-
category of negative mind control hooli men, foundation, found in a- good-
because even though directed towards 6 that the comynyng of thi feith be government, is in the-protect-shone, in
apparent positive change, they are not maad opyn, in knowing of al good thing the-honest-pro-sess, and in the-basic-
in alignment with the highest and true in crist jhesu. natural-right. Truelly, it is better, that
meaning of positive mind control meant 7 and Y hadde greet ioye and tenn-suspected-guilty-men go free,
for the highest good of all. coumfort in thi charite, for the entrailis before one-possible, ino-sent-man, is
Positive Mind- Control is the action of hooli men restiden bi thee, brother. ever con-demned. Certainly in this, no
of intentional, conscious control of all one is hurt. Civilisation has alwayz enn-
8 for which thing Y hauynge myche
thoughts, feelings and emotions to dured the-basic-criminalz, and through
trist in crist jhesu, to comaunde to thee
maintain a pure, thought-free state of the-natural-law-pro-sess, the-law-
that that perteyneth to profit;
mind that is experienced as Pure Being. shelter, from upon-high, a-criminal is
9 but Y biseche more for charite, even-truely, that is, even-tually caught.
Realizing and abiding in this pure state sithen thou art siche as the elde poul, and
is the goal of all bonafide spiritual So, the-emphasis must alwayz be
now the boundun of jhesu crist. towardz the-protect-shone of the-ino-
practice. this is the holy, natural and
10 Y biseche thee for my sone sent.
original state of Pure Awareness
onesyme, whom Y in boondis bigat, .’iy call the- sun, and the- moon,
underlying Pure Consciousness, the-
substance of all things. this state is 11 which sumtyme was vnprofitable anno- hygh- noon, too bear witness ag-
without the- blemish, obstruction and to thee, but now profitable bothe to thee gainst you this-day, that iy have sete be-
limitation of repetitive patterns of and to me; whom Y sente a3en to thee. fore you, the-life, and the-death, the-
thoughts, feelings and emotions that 12 and resseyue thou hym as myn blessingz, and the-cursingz; there-for,
comprise one's mental programming entrailis; chooze the-life, so that, both you, and
and conditioning and subsequently 13 whom Y wolde withholde with your de-send-entz may-live’.
create one's experiences and me, that he schulde serue for thee to me .jezebel- lucifer has taken hold, by
circumstances. to be free, one must in boondis of the gospel; her own false-leaderz, cauzing them too
erase and clean ALL conditioning and 14 but with out thi counseil Y wolde rise-op ag-gainst us; but do not-seek too
programming, ALL patterns of not do ony thing, that thi good schulde leave, your native-land, because your
repetitive thoughts, feelings and not be as of nede, but wilful. own healing-ardor, will for-give many
emotions to zero. how to do this is the 15 for perauenture therfor he offensez. Babylon, and egypt are pass-
sum and substance of the spiritual departide fro thee for a tyme, that thou sing through our valley-of-weeping, and
practice that is the foundation of all schuldist resseyue hym with outen ende; has made this, her dwelling place; yet,
religions. 16 now not as a seruaunt, but for a our own shelter-giver, will spread a-
Steven Jacobson seruaunt a most dere brother, most to blanket over the-pure, in his blessingz,
Producer and the Author of me; and how myche more to thee, bothe with-in the-bar-oo-cheim, with-in the-
in fleisch and in the lord? endowment, and the-enn-light-enn-
the ‘Mind Control In America’ Audio Series
17 therfor if thou hast me a felowe, mean’t.
... and ‘Wake
Up America’ resseyue hym as me; for if he hath ony Marque : A-single-witness can not
thing anoied thee, rise-up ag-gainst a-man for any-
Exposing the Deception of Modern 18 ethir owith, arette thou this thing criminal-offence, nor for any-suspected-
Money to me. crime, in what-ever-offense, or acte, that
See MK Ultra, Operation Paper Clip, Project 19 Y poul wroot with myn hoond, Y he may have supposedly-committed; but
Monarch, Psycho Politics, Subliminal schal 3elde; that Y seie not to thee, that on the-claim of two-witnessez, or on
Miniscule Letters or Symbols as in also thou owist to me thi silf. the-claim of three-witnesses, shallt a-
20 so, brothir, Y schal vse thee in charge be esh-tablised. It is not too say,
: a b c d etc all Small Letters are that the-realm should-not take-notice,
Sovereign or Superior, following the the lord; fille thou myn entrails in crist.
21 Y tristnynge of thin obedience from a-single-witness, or hear it. Yet,
maxim of ‘That which is least, is as the-truth is the-mother for all-justice;
that which is greatest, and that which is wroot to thee, witynge that thou schalt
do ouer that that Y seie. and doubt, is the-father for all-freedom,
greatest, is as that which is least’ alwayz in the-favor for, the-de-fendant.
See 22 also make thou redi to me an hous
Capital Letters, Diction, Language If one falsely-accusez another of a-
to dwelle in; for Y hope that bi youre
crime, then, the-punisment due for that-
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- T h e N o n – S p o k e n W o r d P u b l i c a t i o n z - www.TheREALPublicRadio.Net
A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
preyeris Y schal be 3ouun to you. crime, should then, be in-flicted upon
Miracle the Best Way 23 epafras, prisoner with me in crist the-per-jured-in-former. All with the-
too create a miracle in your own Lyfe, jhesu, deepest-respect for our-common-
is too Create A Miracle in someone 24 greetith thee wel, and mark, natural-law, for each, and for every-
else’s aristark, demas, lucas, myn helperis. man.
- dezert-owl 25 the grace of oure lord jhesu crist
be with youre spirit. amen.
The Prime Enactment
Mixed War a Mixed War With Out Ænd :
is carried on between a Political-
Translation Originally Hand Drafted Thus, the-great-breath-of-the-wind-
by John of Wycliffee Oxford England and-the-fire, our-great-spirit-father,
STATE on the One-Side, and the YHVH, Yahll’voolhe’t, the-one-who-
c 1382
private-society on the Other-Side w/p NOTE that there are NO Capital Letters comes-with-the-sun-rise, said: ‘let-
See Capital there-be-light’; so, there is-light, and
in Middle- English and Note thet the- Y
M-K Ultra stands forthe Ultimate takes the place of the I all upon the-common-grounde, all with-
in the-common-air; all with-in, the-
Mind Control formerly Operation See Olde English, 3
organic-natural-law, all with-in, the-
Paper Clip that came over from Nazi shelter, all by, Yahll’shoollvah’t, The-
Germany after WW II, it then headed by Milch’a- Rite Milch’a is pronounced Moshæll’Yanchi, commonly-known as,
Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia Milk which means to Make White Jesus, The-Christ. All as-claimed, by,
See Operation Paper Clip, Presidential Sex the-sovereign, here-in, from the-trees-
See Baptize, in The-REL DaVinci root, from the-very-begining.
Slave Cathy O'Brien, Project Monarch, CODE and The-Original-thought Dictionary A
Trance Formation in America .Yahl’moon’t.
Mo Mother
prime root for Militia dei the Army of God and who __________________________

2 an Anna Gram for

Ancient Sound is Om
the Most were the Predecessors of the Society of
See Amo, Jesus or the Jesuits . æ.
M, Ma, Magma, Moon, Mother, Om, Oma, The See Jesuits, Society of Jesus
Most Ancient Sound The
Anagram : Om the- symb nature The
of Om is that the- Breath of the Father is
Behind the- Mother Mistranslation of Scripture Article Twelve.
A Phayshe’Ool’t - Targum The pure Organic Shelter and
Money When I went to Trans- Literation The Æstablished Evidence
Washington I went into your Great
and Restoration Project
Money House and I had some strong for The Truth in Full Affect.
young men with me as well, but none of PTRP __________________________
us took by force any of the Money out Genesis 2:6 Should Read ...
of that house.
then a Powerful Volcano Æxploded Habeas Corpus on False Arrest.
At the same time, when your Great The natural right for all government
from out of the-Æarth covering the-
Father’s people come into my domain, redress, in the for the habeas corpus.
entire surface area,
they go right into the money house and
then, take out all of the money that they So what happened Next ... ?
can carry by the force of arms 7 so the-Æloveheim, of YaHVaHe’t, The Pre ambell.
- Long Mandan took the-fiery Blood-clot from the-Æarth
and formed Hadam, then YaHVaHe’t An ag-gress-seive government, that
Money orig th lit Moon Eye (not Æloheim) Breathed inn-too his putz it-self in-too a-state-of-war, with-in
Nostrils the Breath of Continuance wanton-actz, ag-gainst the-free-man,
this is in refrence too Round Coin
PTRP the-sovereign-natural-state, and all con-
See Currency, Current Sea, Labor
Note : this is the very reason Adam is trary, with-in the-natural-law, all con-
Anagram : Yen Om lit the Sound trary with-in the-shelter, and all wyithe-
of Money called ‘RED-ÆARTH’, not formed from
in, the-color-of-law, non-justly in-
the-‘Dirt’ of the-Æarth, but formed from
The M onopoly Game the-Hot-purified-Blood wyth alle of the-
minerals, proteins and salts from the-
vading man’s sovereign-natural-right;
can never, by any-such non-just bee-
How It Can Be Played nourishing- Breast of our Mother-
havyior, come in-too, any-law-full-right,
over the-sub-dued, the-con-quered, or
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- T h e N o n – S p o k e n W o r d P u b l i c a t i o n z - www.TheREALPublicRadio.Net
A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum
Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Ælahe’t, that is absolutely essential for the-van-quised.
Your Get Out of Jail Card LyPHe / Lyfe on this planet Marque : The-common-natural-right
Free- Man Note : 2 the-traditional first-native for a-speedy re-dress, in any- grievance,
Americans in their own ancient- ag-gainst the-man-made government, is
the Offer and the Acceptance mythology call the-First- Man ‘Blood- funda-men’tall for any, and for all of
Honor vs. Dishonor Clot- Boy’ need I say more ? the-free-men. upon one’s writ-tenn
I walked out the Door with... Tip : take a close look at the-Word Magma redress, in any-form, by any-party, it is
you can also find an account of this the-governmentz duty as servant, that is,
the Order of the Court
story within the-Nag Hammadi Library in, and for the-free-man, in acting-
Remember, when you go into court,
in another Revelation by John promptly, in such-cause, and in genuine-
YOU are the 'Offence' making you the See Rev 20:15, 21:8
fa-vor of, and in the-be-heste for, the-
Head and the Creditor... “plaintiff”, so-called. Then a-failure for
They, a Corporate (court)
Revelation 21:8 Should Read ... action in the-redress in such cause, in a-
... and their portion will be, to be maximum of ten-dayz, is too be deemed
Adminstration are the 'Defense'
thrown BACK inn-too the-fiery-lake that in the-law, an automatic-esh-top-poll,
maiking them the Tail and the Debtor mixes wyth sole-fire / sulfur (brim-stone) estoppel, in the-favor for the-plaintiff,
and they are hoping that you are going
note : 3 the-first death is the- ag-gainst any-criminal-government. It
to fumble the Ball is the-fiduciary-duty, for all
separation from Alovehe’t our Greight-
Scenario... You Go Before the Father of Lyghte and the-Second-Death government-servantz, by the-virtue of
Judge: is when YOUR body is returned BACK their office, too main-taine, the-deepest-
Judge, So and So, Let the Record inn-too the-Æarth the Greight Mystery
respect, for our- common-natural-law-
Show, right, for each, and for every-man.
See Mysteries within the Scriptures,
that I have already 'Accepted
Everything for Value' in this Matter,
Sulfur, Gen 2:6 The Prime Enactment
there-fore I would like to have a
Mistranslation of Scripture With Out Ænd :
'Personal Recognizance Bond' as well Thus, the-great-breath-of-the-wind-
as I would like to have the Public
Filing Fee Waved, ALL OF THIS, in
Continued and-the-fire, our-great-spirit-father,
A Phayshe’ool’t- Targum YHVH, Yahll’voolhe’t, the-one-who-
Exchange for My Own 'Private comes-with-the-sun-rise, said: ‘let-
Exemption' (Your 'Unlimited Credit' per Trans- Literation there-be-light’; so, there is-light, and
H.J.R 192 from 1933)
and Restoration Project all upon the-common-grounde, all with-
PTRP in the-common-air; all with-in, the-
At this point You Own the CASE :
organic-natural-law, all with-in, the-
I am not here to dispute the 'Material Gospel of Yahlcanon shelter, all by, Yahll’shoollvah’t, The-
Moshæll’Yanchi, commonly-known as,
FACT' in this Case, but I am willing to
plead 'Guilty' for the Defendent (wont
Commonly Known as Jesus, The-Christ. All as-claimed, by,
happen) as soon as we can take care of
the Personal Recognizance BOND, and
John the-sovereign, here-in, from the-trees-
root, from the-very-begining.
if we can simply meet the following What Is Implied, Is What It Should Breathe ! .Yahl’moon’t.
1. I request that all adjutication be - Chaphter 1 - __________________________

with-held; 1 At the- First Instant of the Darkness,

2. That ALL of the Record be there appeared the Greight t’Symbol of
Expunged; Lyghte, being A- Roaring, Flaming- The Orechinich and
3. That there be No Probation; T’Sword of Fire and Gudgement. Now, The pure Tree of the
and 4. That there is a permanent; this Royal Flaming t’Sword is with,
and then, in Exchange for all of this, Yahvehe’t, Ælovehe-God, and this- Knowl'ledge.
I am willing to pay for any Fee that this Royal-Flaming t’Sword is found wythin with-in
Court Deems reasonable. the Æloveheim.
You are going to be walking out with the The natural Tree of right.
top original Order of the Court ... 2 This identical Principle is from the- and soe,
Or at this point, the Judge May very Beginning and is always found
Say: wyth-inn the Æloveheim. There is Llyightæ.
I can meet all of your terms, except for
3 All things are then made bye Her and
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- T h e N o n – S p o k e n W o r d P u b l i c a t i o n z - www.TheREALPublicRadio.Net
A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
the Expunging of the Record, I can't do without Her, there is nothing that is ever
that but you can, there will be a Fine of made, that She did not make. .æ.
$xx.xx Number of Dollars, of which The Tree of Chi-nowl’ledge
you will have up to two months to pay. 4 In Her is to be found the-Duality and and
the-Vyvification for all of Lyfe and this
You will very possibly Not have to pay
this, since this was all done for a 'Public Vyvification fore Lyfe is the-Lyghte, that The Lyfe or V-Yahll
Show', in order to satisify the Public Side. shines for all the-Blood of the Æarth.
On the Private side, you remain Untouched.
5 And this Great-Lyghte and Royal-
You END by Saying:
Flaming- t’Sword- wythin- the-return- From our Trees Root of the Healing Fruit & the
So as I understand it, this Matter is of-Fire, shines- brightly with- inn, the-
CLOSED then? outer-darkness, pointing with- inn every Truth
the Judge should respond with YES. direction; but still, those who live within Our one Realm in christian-doloome, under our

You Say... Thank You. the- outer- darkness, can- not see, Great abBA father YHVH
This is just one of the several comprehended, endure, nor receive this The One who Rules from his Throne in the Sun
pure-Great-Lyghte. Yahll’shoolvah’t, The Moshealleyanchi
ways that, This Monopoly Game is
being played. It would be best to have
this written out in front of you in court,
Yahlcanon Continued Or commonly known as
Jesus, The Christ
if you intend to use it. - Chaphter 2 -
This method has been tried and used 23 Now, the-æye, he remained within

successfully. Yah’ershalom, during the-Phāyshoch
See dezert-owl, Disclaimmer, pass-over and the-remaining-festival,
House Joint Resolution H.J.R. 192 where many started to follow him, and
to lay hope in his Royal-tital, being
Monster lit Moon Star within the-Royal-lineage of David,
See Demonic, Human Being, Man especially when they saw the-many the greightæ llyightæ
indications of his perfect-zeal.
Moon corr Moon’t in correlation found wyth-in The Trooth
24 But Jesus, did not express, nor en-
with Mountain or MT which trust any-thing of this nature, regarding the Træes Root Æye
anciently is Moon-Ten. the- T is a himself before them; since he knew what
The light that is found, with-in free-
prime symbol for Moon’t they wanted to do;
dome, that is, in all free-gudge-men, is
See Æarth, C, Crescent, Cross,
in-estimable in its force, and by-nature,
Elahe, Mean, Mo, Mother, Mt, Name, Nome, 25 And he didn’t want anyone to start
Om, Svn, T, t’Sun, Time making declarations about revolt, since it is above any-price. This, the-organic-
he knew what was in all of their beating- natural-law in the-non-alienable-right
Anagram : Nome and Name document, our most-precious-gyift from
Hearts of Fire.
above, now-come, in the-script-form, is
Yahlcanon Continued from our-greight-abba-father, through
his son, who comes, YHVH, who is
- Chaphter 3 - above all-light, and come-down too
26 So, they went back to Yahl’channon, oosh, us, in this-form of the-well-esh-
and breathed before him, the-one-of-the- tableised-truth. All by the-acte, and the-
many, ‘Rabba’t-seed-planter, the-æye ministerial-power, with-in the-right-
that came too you, at the-Yor’dan- hand of .dezert-owl., a-sovereign-spyrit:
Morals they
lit Want More and crossing, the-one before who you bare the-blood-of-the-æarth: lyving-with-in-
witness and made record, you-must-see- being, and a-natural-native-american;
They Want it ALL
and-read-it-for-yourself, this very same thus-anointed, early on in-life, even
See Greed, Special Favor
one is instituting the-Milch’a-Rite for from the-begin-ning, and granted this-
Morals and Dogma purification, and all the-world is going light, with-in this ministerial-power,
Book written by Albert Pike in the after him. with an-authority in-herent, with-in
late 1800's, it was the prime hand book these matterz, for the-truth; as re-
and presented by degree the 33 Degrees 27 Yahl’channon then replied, and
guarding the-certainty in, and for our-
of International Free Masonry breathed, Not one blood-of-the-æarth
time, in what is right, the-pure, the-
See Dogma, Morals vs Ethics can receive anything, unless it has been
organic-law-of-light; having been put
pre ordained for him, from the Lyghte of
Mortgage lit Dead Instrument under the-test, a-firey-trial, while
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- T h e N o n – S p o k e n W o r d P u b l i c a t i o n z - www.TheREALPublicRadio.Net
A Phayshe’ool’t - TargumTranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
See Gage, Mort, Public Notice the Svn. having-visionz, dreamz, and in-
spireatshon from above, during this
28 All of you heard me create the- resurgent-perriode of nazi-ism, ag-gainst
record, when I breathed, that I am not our will, all with non-law-full-arrest,
the-Messiah, but that I have been sent, in torture, attempted-brain-washing, denial
advance, as a- Royal-Messenger, too of spiritual- custom, the-usage, and my-
make-clear, the-way, that before him. private-identity, that is, my titalle, all
with calculated in-tent, for destroying-
Mortgage Issues 29 The-eye that sees the-bride, in all of
her many colors, is the-bride-gnome: but
spirituality, with their mocking, and
their extreme, fascist-style in-
For The Best Help the friend of the bride-gnome, that
stands near-by, as his witness, stands-up-
carceration, the-burning-of-the-man,
upon the- mound.
andRecomendations on in the light with the greatest joy, because
of the announcement of the bride- Yet, out of the-dark-nesh, comes the-
Any Mortgage Issue gnome’s arrival: it is for this reason, that
my enlightenment, has been completed.
light, and that which is ex-sell-ent-
steele, with-in a-gift-in-the-llyghtæ, and
Call Mortgage 30 For that-æye, there must be an
glistening-steel. So, the-manner, the-ex-
presh-shon, the-style, and the-authority,
Solutions NOW increase, while this-I will decrease. make the-law-shelter, in this gyift; the-
truth, the-inspiration, and the-need,
912-882-2142 or 304-629-7169 31 The-Æye, that comes down from the-
Above, is above every-one, being of a- make the-shelter, in this gyift; while the-
With No Obligation superior-nature: but, the-eye, that is from destruction of my own-character, the-
Remove the Interest of the Bank from the Claim! the-earth be-low, remains in the-earth, sufferingz, and the-torture enn-dured,
and can only speak about æarthly things with the-loss of my remaining-
Moses syn Mosaic : the-æye, that comes down from the- possessionz, claim the-law in this gyift.
lit Drawn from the Waters of the t’Svn, is above everyone and for this But fin-alley, this the gyift, will then be
Cosmos reason, is superior and before all. made-perfect, by the honest, and the-ex-
acting-use, with-in the-actual-
See Art, Moolshealyannchi, Mosaic, Mosheyach
possession, and com-plete-ex-pression
Mistranslation of Scripture in the-custom, and the-usage, when in
Most High the CODE orig thou lit the-handz of the-holder. .use it well, as
Our Mother Starr in the Breath
and a-presentment, for the-truth, along with
inn the Æye of the Return A Phayshe’ool’t- Targum true-h’onor, honor.
See High, High- Noon, Mo, Trans- Literation
That which is, ag-gainst the-divine-law,
Mother- Starr, Noon, St, Svn, t’Sun
and Restoration Project the-organic-common-natural-law-
Anagram : High Starr Om the First PTRP shelter, is re-pugnant with-in all-nature,
Sound O Connected with the Sun and
Moon’t Æast-West Version and is totally-void. So then, where-ever
our-divinity, is so in-sulted, by the-blast-
Mother lit the Power of Creation the Pure Symbols of Paul of-fire, all ag-gainst the-greightæ-espirit,
the-case is then, non-pardon-able from
and the Power of More
See Æ, Al, Alovehe’t, Bra, Bro, Brother,
for The Galatians above, with-out re-preive, un-less mercy
enn-dure. Matthew 18:6.
Fa, Father, Fay, God, Is, Ish, M, Ma, Mary, Mo,
Mother-and-Father-are-One, Om, Phay, Sis, SS, - Chaphtor 2 - .“it is fine, and it is better, too suffer
Sister, Ther, Thor 8 Since The- DyVinne Presence, with thoze who are suffering, than too
who’s walk is mighty, complete and live in pleasure for a-short-time, or too
Muslim Belief effective, working fully wythin alle- close my eyez, when others, are sooe
this is a True Story and the Author, performances, wyth-inn a privileged- threatened, and in-deed suffering-fraud,
Rick Mathes, is a well known Leader in operation, that is working wyth-inn or loss; since history does, during all
Prison Ministry. Keypha, for the perfect delegation of times, re-peat-it-self, there-fore, Burry
The Muslim religion is the fastest the-circumcision, so, the-same is My Heart, AT Wounded Knee!”
growing religion per ca-pita in the completely identical wyth-inn me,
towards alle of the- commoners
United States , especially in the On the Sacred Mound and Ville 1999
minority races! __________________________
Mo prime root for Mother A Prisoner of War
Last month I attended the annual
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
training session that's required for 2 anna gram for the Most Ancient
maintaining my state prison security Sound is Om See Amo, M, Ma,
clearance. During the training session Magma, Moon, Mother, Om, Oma, The- Most The Shelter Noticæ
there was a presentation by three Ancient- Sound
speakers representing the Roman The Asylum – body of christ
Anagram : Om the symb nature in
Catholic, Protestant and Muslim faiths. of Om is that the Breath of the Father is Behind
Each speaker explained his respective the Mother
religion's beliefs. with the pure Ob-litgation
I was particularly interested in what Moat / MoAT lit the Mother’s Lyfe and
the Muslim (Islam) had to say. the Mother’s Life is actually found The Free gudge-men
The Muslim gave a great
in the AT which is symbolic for the
presentation of the basics of Islam,
Alphabet, the Mother's Alphabet, that So let there be lyghte
complete with a video.
which Goes Round, the symbols of Lyfe It is Absoloote
After the presentations, time was
the law Shelter, favors the in-heritance,
provided for questions and answers. 2 the Water and the Trench that goes
with-in Man!!!
When it was my turn, I directed my around the Castel See Om, Sound, Tome Chief maxim
question to the Muslim and asked: Anagram : Atom / Atom
'Please, correct me if I'm wrong, but I Yahll’shoollvah’t alone, that is Jesus,
understand that most Imams and clerics makes the heir, not the man.
Moga Tinga Mongolian for A law maxim Isaiah 5:1
of Islam have declared a holy jihad
[Holy war] against the infidels of the
Æternal Heaven
Any pre-zenntment with this, the
world and, that by killing an infidel,
which is a command to all Muslims)
Moon Date mod Mandate declaration and the proclamation, with
they are assured of a place in heaven. If See Demand, Mandate
any agent, for the principal, is the
that's the case, could you give me the
(your) definition of an infidel?' Moon Eye mod Money lawfull constructive notice in fact. So,
There was no disagreement with my See Currency, Current- Sea
‘let my-people go’, and so, let-it-be-
statements and, without hesitation, he
replied, 'Non-believers!' Moon Star mod Monster done! exodus 4:22-23. Im-mediatelly,
I responded, 'So, let me make sure I See Demonic, Human Being, Man
and with-out any-dellay!!!
have this straight. All followers of
Allah have been commanded to kill Mosaic syn Moses Any violatorz of this, our-most-ancient-
everyone who is not of your faith so lit A Picture of the Universe right, and law, in the-pure-shelter, the-
they can have a place in heaven. Is that See Art, Moolshealyannchi, Mosheyach, Moses natural-law’eye, will be gudged, and
correct?' then remain accursed from, with-in, and
Anagram : Chi-Ash-Oom lit the-
The expression on his face changed End of Lyghte with the Mother's Sound
by their-own-gudge-men’t, from upon-
from one of authority and command to the-high-mountain, being-anathema-
that of a little boy who had just been Moshællo’t-Yannchi’t a form of the-
maranantha: my-healer-guide, and
caught with his hand in the cookie jar.' vindicator, is standing-by.
word Moses See Christ, Messiah,
He sheepishly replied, 'Yes.' Mosheyach, , Shallot the superior court
I then stated, 'Well, sir, I have a real
problem trying to imagine Pope John Moshe’yach first-part of the-word
The Notice has now been Served
Paul commanding all Catholics to kill Moses
those of your faith or Dr. Chas. Stanley See Christ, Messiah, Moshællot’yannchi’t,
ordering all Protestants to do the same Shallot
in order to guarantee themselves a place
in heaven!' Morpheus the Greek God of
The Muslim was Speech-less !
Dreams, Illusions and Nightmares.
I continued, 'I also have a problem
Greek: Μορφεύς, Morpheus, or
with being your friend when you and
Μορφέας, Morpheas, "shaper [of
your brother clerics are telling your
dreams]") in Greek mythology is the god
followers to kill me! Let me ask you a
of dreams,[1] leader of the Oneiroi.[2]
question: Would you rather have your
Morpheus has the ability to take any
Allah, who tells you to kill me in order
human form and appear in dreams. His
for you to go to heaven, or my Jesus
true semblance is that of a winged
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
who tells me to love you because I am daemon, imagery shared with many of
going to heaven and He wants you to be his siblings. 2 in the Movie The POLICE ACADEMY
there with me?' Matrix, Morpheus had the Keys and the
You could have heard a pin drop as CODES, and everyone was in want of
the Imam hung his head in shame. the to get back home
Needless to say, the organizers See Cypher, De Jure, Neo, The Matrix,
and/or promoters of the 'Diversification' Trinity, White Rabbit
training seminar were not happy with
my way of dealing with the Islamic Mother and Father are One the is
Imam, and exposing the truth about the one of the pure Expressions of the Sacred Title
Muslims' beliefs. YHVH as it is commonly known or
** In twenty years there will be enough Yahlvehe’t as it is more correct with the-
Muslim voters in the U.S. to elect the Vowels See Yahlvehe’t, YHVH
President! (scary statistic!) Who Will STOP The Tide Of
I think everyone in the U.S. should Mother Starr in the Breath and inn And ALL of The Corruption of
be required to read this, ...but with the the Æye of the Return Our
ACLU, there is no way this will be A Beast System ?
the Most High orig thoug cyber code
widely publicized, unless each of us
send it on! This is your chance to make See High, High Noon, Mo, Most Has The Police Academy Told You
a difference... High, Noon, St, Svn, t’Sun The Following Propaganda... ?
True Spiritual Freedom..., PLEASE Mother's Eye mod My - From A Former Police Officer -
within your Address Book ! "You're the "Thin Blue Line" and if it
The History of the Muslim Tradition Mother’s Lyghte the cyber code
were not for you, the citizens would
has always been to enslave, rape and May destroy themselves."
murder Christians, History speaks See Illuminati, Ma, May-Day, Root of
clearly and expressly for itself. Their the One, Y, Yam
hate tradition was created and instituted "You are no longer "citizens," because
by the Vatican c. 600 AD Mother’s Shelter See High Noon, you are now an entity of Government on
Thank You, and may God Help Us All Moses, Moshællo’t, Pre-ist, Pure Shelter, Shælter, a "Higher Level" than citizen, so that
Shelter, t’Svn you can supervise them for their own
See Alla, Dhimmitude, God
With-out A Breath, Islam, Mind- Control,
Nebraska, Vatican Creations
Mother’s Son’s of Darkness is the- Three:
true- transliteration for Masonic "The citizens do not trust you, you can
My lit the Mothers Eye See Communist-Front, Dogma, Ic, only "trust" your fellow officers to come
Ich, Ink, Morals, Pirates, Shon, Son, Ma, Masonic to your aid if you need help."
Meye See He, Him, I, Me, Meye, You
Moved Away from the Paper the-
My God, My God Why Have "The citizens do not understand your
mod-equivalent is Agreed See Ag, Ag-
stresses, and you will find it easier to
You Forsaken Me ??? Mt 27:46, Mk Reed, Agreed, Greed
socialize with your own fellow officers."
as it
Movie Words Note
In Effect, the Police are being made
Phonetically sounds) is My pure-
the Mystery of De’Ceptions into a "SPECIAL CLASS" and are
See the Pattern being "Separated" from the common
Mother of Lyghte, people and there fore, their Neighbors.
My pure- Mother of Lyghte, Example Five:
For this Burden I was Born and it is Bat Man ... Bat Criminal & Sinner IN THE FUTURE : "You will be
Bruce Wayne asked to do some things one day, that
My Chosen Destiny . . . is in Reality ...
you wouldn't want to do, and wouldn't
Bar’Uched- Vain which means ...
These were The- Very Last Words Born of the- Blessed- Line like to do, but if we did not perform
Jesus / YahlShuvah’t breathes too his See Bat, Batmen these things that we were told to do,
Mother Mary, But he Says it Twice __________________________ then our nation would be destroyed."

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
because, he also said it this his Great- Today the Brutality that is being
Mother Elahe’t, the- Mother of
Indiana Jones... the Road to India
Forced on the American People is all
Yishrael Indiana Jones is in Reality ...
being done by the "Wasps" who are the
the-Western-Church/ the Kirkeye, the India-Na Y-One-S which means ...
" ENFORCERS " who have Only One
Mother and the-Whore of Babylon had India Comes-Down(Na) – the-One-Mother-
Lyghte(Y) of the- Sun(S) Purpose..., and that is to "Serve" and
to change the meanings of the Words to "Protect" the "System" the BEAST that
Defy the Greight-Breath or True Holy- See Adoni, India, May, Y
__________________________ they Work for, Just Following Orders,
Spirit and in their Oc’cult version they that works for them and that Pays them,
literally put the Woman up on the Tree, Star Trek ... Star Tracks ... which is NOW the greatest criminal
that is why she has long hair, and it is Ahura is in Reality enterprise on the face of the entire earth.
the-Woman, the-Whore who is breathing Ahura Mazda , Divinity of the Old Iranian When will these ENFORCERS ever
Why Have You Forsaken Me ? Religion , i.e. Babylon ! wake up and take a look at their very
This Mythological Theme occurred, Bones is in Reality
own history? The Police... The "POLE-
because when YahShuvah’t put ICE" have always been the "Key-Stone"
the Doctor of common- sense wi. the Cure
himself up- on the- Curse / cross, for Destruction for ALL the nations of
teaching us to Destroy the- Flesh and James T Kirk is in Reality the world throughout all time. You name
Nail it to the- CURSE, he was showing James – the t’Seed of Light it, Rome, France, NAZI Germany, East
us that, the- Flesh is NOT real and too T – In the- Burning- Tree of KNight Germany, Russia, Poland, etc. etc. all
Conquer the- Flesh is to destroy all Kirk – In the-Mother’s church of the Round were all sold out... by these "sell-outs"
matter and matter is MOTHER. that is Table and Bridge ! and and enemies of Freedom.
why in Mt 26:13 Jesus said : This thing Scottie is in Reality For any of those honorable police
that the Woman has done, will be Scott-Æye...Beam me up & get me Out of Here!
written about as a Memorial for her. officers who are still out there, if there
the Woman and all of Matter, which Mr Spock , is in Reality are any left, Thank You for serving with
is Female, was merely a Conveyance to Spoke , or the- Spark of the-Oracle Honor and please, keep up the good
bring forth life, an instrument or a See the Above Words work.
house that is used for the End of __________________________ - Author Unknown
Perfection, to be able to Cross-on-Over
into that very Last Event-Horizon, into
Super-Man ... the ‘Supper’ Men
See Jesuits
Eternity, into A Day with-out Ænd They have their Sup with their Host every Sunday
being Born Again
See Babylon, Event- Horizon,
Cape is in Reality ...
Flash, Flesh, George Lamsa Peshitta Bible 1933,
Capias – the Power that Takes !
Kirk, Shelter, Whore the-, Woman the- Clark Kent Ara Ken, silent t in Reality is...
Cloak of Lawfulness
Mystery syn with Mastery Jimmy Olson is in Reality ...
See Perfection
the-Olde Son who acts dumb but can put the
Mysteriez within the Scriptures fix in
Lois Lane is in Reality ...
Bottomless Pit . . . the- Æarth Lo Ish Line ...
the Æarth has NO Bottom the-True-Woman’s-Line (Lucifer / Columbia)
Lake that Burns with Fire and Perry White is in Reality ...
Brimstone Made-Fat by the-Brightness of the-Light
... A Volcano Rev 20:15, 21:8 ... Great Caesars GHost !
See Magma, Mistranslation of Scriptures, See the Above Words
Genesis 2:6 __________________________

Psalm 46 starting with the-First

word in Psalm 46 of the KJV Bible,
Movies with Symbolisim
count down 46 words, then starting
Go Seeeeeee ASBEZ.Com
with the-Last word of Psalm 46 count
up 46 words, reading down you will
get Shake and then reading up you get
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Spear, in other words Shakespeare. Avatar / Constantine / Exorcist / Matrix
Francis Bacon used the-pen-name Silence of the Lambs /
OIL Scam On America
William Shakespeare and wrote a series See the Above Words THINK THERE IS AN OIL SHORTAGE ?
of plays that contained secret- messages Any Suggestions? READ THIS ! What ELSE have you Not been
wyth-inn for the-Secret-Societies, he Let Us Know Told ?
also stole the-Most Excellent of Bible
Translations bye William Tyndale, and
Munda or Mundians “If you put the federal government in charge
of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there'd be a
retranslated it for the Secret-Society lit the Enlyghtened. What they were shortage of sand”: Milton Friedman
and then gave credit for it to, Scottish- originally called in the middle-East as
Rite, King James the- III of Scotland, Christians NODAK OIL - You'd better be sitting down
when you read this!!!!!!
who then became Scottish- Rite, King See Adam, Christian, Key of
James the-First of Ængland. Knowledge, Moon’t As you may know, Cruz Construction started a
the-Sacred- Scriptures say that, if Anagram : Adam division in North Dakota just 6 months ago.
any-one does anything improper with __________________________
They sent every Kenworth truck (9 trucks) we
the-scriptures, then they will have their Musloid a Term coined by had here in Alaska to North Dakota and several
Lamp put out, this is an idiom for drivers.
‘having your seed-line cut-off.’ after Ann Barnhardt regarding Muslims
King James was ousted from the-throne who have it in to Deztroy Her and other They just bought two new Kenworth's to add to
Americans who would not dare to act that fleet; one being a Tri Drive tractor and a
his son King Charles was soon deposed new 65 ton lowboy to go with it.
and had his head cut-off. Need I say and then Think as they do ...
more? Ann Barnhard - A Very Brave Lady They also bought two new cranes (one crawler
& one rubber tired) for that division.
Note: Ann Barnhardt above standing
Mythology misconstrued as to mean
for her American Freedoms has been Dave Cruz said they have moved more rigs in
something that is false, it Actually means a the last 6 months in ND than Cruz
Threatened by Muslims and is in Need
Story about Lyfe and Creation, Ones Construction moved in Alaska in the last 6
of Lawful Support and Recognition years.
Ancient Legacy, about our Origin.
something that is false, is a Falacy www.Branhardt.Biz
Williston is like a gold rush town; they moved
See Falacy See Hate, Islam, Muslim, Nebraska, Threats one of our 40 man camps down there since
there are no rooms available.

- N- The Great Mystery from

Wakan Tanka the Greight Breath, came
the Great unifying Life Force that flows
Unemployment in ND is the lowest in the nation
at 3.4 percent last I checked.

- That which C
ame Down - in and out of All Things – the flowers of
See anything in the national news about how
the oil industry is fueling North Dakota 's
from the Beginning the plains, blowing winds, rocks, trees, economy?

Begin < – ‫ – א‬N – Z – > Ænd birds, animals – and it is this same Force Here's an astonishing read. Important and
that was breathed into the First Man. verifiable information:
---- Middle --- Therefore, all things are inter-related
the Ultimate Cyber- CODE and we are all brought together within About 6 months ago, the writer was watching a
news program on oil and one of the Forbes
See M, NN, Mimi Pictionary No 14 that Great Mystery of the same Breath Bros. was the guest.
- Chief- Luther Standing- Bear
N / n a Royal Symbol that means The host said to Forbes, "I am going to ask you

that which Came Down Through Out a direct question and I would like a direct
All Tyme. a prime-symbol of the- Oc’cult
2 it is symbolic of those who have come
- how much oil does the U.S. have in the
ground?" Forbes did not miss a beat, he said,
down from the very beginning
See Avatar, Eloheim, EN, L, Lyghte, Noon
- That which ame- Down - "more than all the Middle East put together."
from the Beginning
The U. S.. Geological Service issued a report in
N.D.N / NDN cybr cd for Indian Begin <– ‫ – א‬N – Z – > Ænd April 2008 that only scientists and oil men knew
was coming, but man was it big.
See Æast Indian Trading
Company, American Flag, British Flag, Jesuits, ---- Middle ---
It was a revised report (hadn't been updated
Slave Trading the Ultimate Cyber- CODE since 1995) on how much oil was in this area of
the western 2/3 of North Dakota,
See M, NN, Mimi Pictionary No 14
Name lit the- Lowest- Point
See Names, Royal-Tital, Tital, Titalle, N / n a Royal Symbol that means western South Dakota, and extreme eastern

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Title that which Came Down Through Out
Check THIS out:
Name of WAR one that is in all All Tyme. a prime-symbol of the- Oc’cult
2 it is symbolic of those who have come The Bakken is the largest domestic oil discovery
CAPITOL LETTERS since Alaska 's Prudhoe Bay , and has the
down from the very beginning
See Admiralty, Capitation, Nom de Guerre, potential to
War Diction œ, Eloheim, EN, L, Lyghte, Noon
eliminate all American dependence on foreign
Names lit a Corporation or Trust Nag Hammadi Library / NHL oil. The Energy Information Administration
(EIA) estimates
See Black’s 4th, Titals, Name, Royal- the Second most Important Collection of
Tital, Tital, Titalle, Title Christian Writings in the History of it at 503 billion barrels. Even if just 10% of the
oil is recoverable( 5 billion barrels), at $107 a
Man-kind next to the Philocalia 2 the barrel,
N.A.S.A. The Pope controls the NASA NHL was purposely mis-Translated
Secret Society with astrological dates and under the auspices of the United Nations we're looking at a resource base worth more
angles for rocket launches and mission. than $5.3 trillion.
Further material can be seen regarding
Translation Team of UNESCO using
the former Nazi Werner Von Braun who set CODE words in order to cover up the "When I first briefed legislators on this, you
up NASA 'Public Program' during operation Original- Thought and intention of the could practically see their jaws hit the floor.
paperclip, while he set up the secret Black single most powerful collection of
They had no idea.." says Terry Johnson, the
Budget and the Real Space Program in Area esoteric writings in the history of man-
Montana Legislature's financial analyst.
51 Nevada. kind. for another major cover up look
The Vatican have just set up and too the Dead Sea Scrolls 3 while "This sizable find is now the highest-producing
financed a new telescope at the University covering up the NHL these so-called onshore oil field found in the past 56 years,"
of Arizona called “Lucifer” to see into dark reportsThe Pittsburgh Post Gazette.
space. the University of Arizona, the
translators took the opportunity in their
Vatican and the Jesuits Name the New introductions to discredit the authors of It's a formation known as the Williston Basin ,
Telescope these works, while ad the same time but is more commonly referred to as the
demonizing the-very Word Gnostic 'Bakken.'
See Nazi, Vatican Owns Most All
Observatories which simple means Knowledge. so I It stretches from Northern Montana, through
guess these people are Haters od North Dakota and into Canada .
Nation a large aggregate of People Knowledge then? Well I guess they are
See For years, U. S. oil exploration has been
joined by common descent, History, Aquarian-Original Gospel, Gnostic,
considered a dead end.
culture, or language, inhabiting a Lost Writings, Old Testament Pseudepigrapha,
particular Country or Territory Philocalia Even the 'Big Oil' companies gave up searching
See Flow Nations, Phoenicians for major oil wells decades ago.
Namaste a Sanskrit word that means
However, a recent technological breakthrough
I Bow to the DiVine within YOU
Nation lit Recognizing the Name of A Star
has opened up the Bakken's massive reserves,

A Nation that is Capable of and we now have access of up to 500 billion

barrels. And because this is light, sweet oil,
Limit-less Sacrifice, is capable of
Rising to Limitless Heights.
Narcissism I Must Confess
those billions of barrels will cost Americans just
I was impressed by Obama from the first
The purer the Sacrifice, time I saw him. At first I was excited to
$16 PER BARREL !!!!!!

the Quicker the progress see a black candidate. He looked That's enough crude to fully fuel the American
- GANDHI youthful, spoke well, appeared to be economy for 2041 years straight.
confident -- a wholesome presidential And if THAT didn't throw you on the floor,
Natural / naturalle a non-altered- package. I was put off soon, not just then this next one should - because it's from
state, non-Touched by Man. as nature because of his shallowness, but also 2006 !!!!!!
provides and intended. Note: Man, because there was an air of haughtiness
U.. S. Oil Discovery - Largest Reserve in the
although, in every biological way, apart in his demeanor that was unsettling. His World
of nature, yet, by his very own ideas, posture and his body language were
inventions, and mechanacians, creates much louder than his empty words. Stansberry Report Online - 4/20/2006
an ultra, or super un-natural state, a Obama's speeches are unlike any
Hidden 1,000 feet beneath the surface of the
FICTIONAL STATE which is thus, a non- political speech we have heard in Rocky Mountains lies the largest untapped oil
naturalle or Lower state of Death American history. Never a politician in reserve in the world.
See Black’s 1st ed. 1891, Black’s 6th, 3e-cend
this land had such quasi "religious"
impact on so many people. It is more than 2 TRILLION barrels. On
August 8, 2005 President Bush mandated its
The fact that Obama is a total incognito extraction.

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
with Zero accomplishment, makes this
Natural Right We Brought inexplicable infatuation alarming. In three and a half years of high oil prices none
has been extracted.
NOT the common law from Ængland, Obama is not an ordinary man. He is not
but the natural rights for Man a genius. In fact he is quite ignorant on With this motherload of oil why are we still
- Thomas Jefferson most important subjects fighting over off-shore drilling?
- Dr Sam Vaknin, Psychologist
Natural Right / natural vright is They reported this stunning news:
that which has the same force among all See Barach Husain Obama
We have more oil inside our borders, than all
men 1 now these are the- Precepts Narcissism the other proven reserves on earth.
with-in the- law : too, live Honorably, Dr Sam Vaknin on Obama Continued Here are the official estimates:
hurt Nobody, and render before Dr. Sam Vaknin, the Author of The
everyone their do 2 Reason is the- Malignant Self Love believes "Barack 8 times as much oil as Saudi Arabia
Mind with-in the-law, but once the- just- Obama, the current United States
reason in any action ceases, the- law for 18 times as much oil as Iraq
President, appears to be A Narcissist."
the-right ceases as well 3 natural- Vaknin is a world authority on narcissism. 21 times as much oil as Kuwait
right is that which stems-out from He understands narcissism and describes the
the-organic-naturæ in-man; and yet, it inner mind of a narcissist like no other 22 times as much oil as Iran
depends up-on character, as doctor. When he talks about narcissism
everyone listens. Vaknin says that Obama's 500 times as much oil as Yemen
distinguished from such, that are
created, bye man’s own statutes, diction, posture and demeanor, and the
and it's all right here in the Western United
testimonies about his closest, dearest friends
because they depend upon a-civilized- States !!!!!!
suggest that the man is either a narcissist or
society; or it is, that which is plainly- he may have Narcissistic Personality HOW can this BE? HOW can we NOT BE
assured by natural-law Borden v. State, 11 Disorder - NPD. extracting this? Because the environmentalists
ark. 519, 44 Am. Dec. 217 or that which by Narcissists project a grandiose but false and others have blocked all efforts to help
fair- deduction frome the- present image of themselves. Jim Jones, the America become independent of foreign oil!
physical, ethical, social, and religious- charismatic leader of People's Temple, the Again, we are letting a small group of people
dictate our lives and our economy. WHY?
characteristics in man, he must be man who led over 900 of his followers to
invested with, and which, he ought too cheerfully commit mass suicide and even James Bartis, lead researcher with the study
have realized for him- self through a- murder their own children was also a says we've got more oil in this very compact
private jural-society, in order for narcissist. David Koresh, Charles Manson, area than the entire Middle East , more than 2
Joseph Koni, Shoko Asahara, Stalin, TRILLION barrels untapped.That's more than
obtaining the fulfillment with-in the-
Saddam, Mao, Kim Jong Ill and Adolph all the proven oil reserves of crude oil in the
end, by which his nature has called- Hitler are a few examples of narcissists of world today, reports The Denver Post.
him. 1 Woolsey Polit Science p.26. for such our time. All these men had a tremendous
is the right for life, freedom free- Don't think 'OPEC' will drop its price even
influence over their fanciers. They created a
with this find? Think again! It's all about the
judgement, privacy, and an excellent personality cult around themselves and with competitive marketplace, it has to.
reputation their blazing speeches elevated their
See Absolute Right, Black’s Const admirers, filled their hearts with enthusiasm Think OPEC just might be funding the
Law 3rd ed 523, Black’s 4th, natural and instilled in their minds a new zest for environmentalists?
life. They gave them hope! They promised
natural Right vs Civil or them the moon, but alas, invariably they Got your attention yet? Now, while you're
brought them to their doom. thinking about it, do this:
Constitutional Right / Civil or When you are a victim of a cult of Pass this along. If you don't take a little time to
Constitutional Rights are altogether a personality, you don't know it until it is too do this, then you should stifle yourself the next
Man Fabricated Concept through late. One determining factor in the time
Rome. development of NPD is childhood abuse
if a man can give any right, then he "Obama's early life was decidedly chaotic you complain about gas prices, by doing
and replete with traumatic and mentally NOTHING, you forfeit your right to complain.
certainly has the Power for taking it
bruising dislocations," says Vaknin. Mixed-
back. natural-Right / naturalle-right Now I just wonder what would happen in this
race marriages were even less common then.
is inherent and that which has the His parents went through a divorce when he
country if every one of you sent this to every
same force among all-men. max, these one in your address book
was an infant two years old. Obama saw his
are the-precepts in the-law-shelter; it is father only once again, before he died in a
See Roil for Royal, Soil, Spoil, Termoil
in living-honorably, we must hurt no- car accident. Then his mother re-married and
body, and render be-fore every-one Obama had to relocate to Indonesia, a foreign
their due. reason is the-mind in the-
law-shelter, but when the-just-reason in
land with a radically foreign culture, to be
raised by a step-father. At the age of ten, he
any action (action) ceases, the law and was whisked off to live with his maternal PUTTING BELIEFS ///////////////////////
(white) grandparents. He saw his mother
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
pure Shelter ceases as well only intermittently in the following few years
See Constitutio and then she vanished from his life in 1979.
"She died of cancer in 1995." By Harmony Grant
Nature Once we can begin to One must never underestimate the
The New TV show Life on Mars features
Comprehend the True Nature of Things, manipulative genius of pathological
narcissists. They project such an imposing a cop thrown back in time to 1973. On a
then we can begin to comprehend..., recent episode, the cop from 2008 calls
personality that it overwhelms those around
that there is Nothing really more too them. Charmed by the charisma of the an assault a “hate crime.” His buddy, a
Complain About - dezert-owl narcissist, people become like clay in his cop from 1973, retorts, “As opposed to
hands. They cheerfully do his bidding and an “I really, really like you crime?
delight to be at his service. The narcissist
Nazi is syn w Nati as in
shapes the world around himself and reduces His witty comeback points out the
Illuminatti others in his own inverted image. He creates commonsense response to the idea of a
a cult of personality. His admirers become “hate crime:” all violence comes from
his co-dependents. Narcissists have no evil emotions. We should not classify
interest in things that do not help them to
reach their personal objective. They are
some rapes as more hateful or some
focused on one thing alone and that is power. assaults as more biased. This belittles
All other issues are meaningless to them and individual survivors; it categorizes them
they do not want to waste their precious time based on their group identity, not their
on trivialities. Anything that does not help personal rights as a human being.
them is beneath them and does not deserve
See Black Pope, Fascist their attention. In New York State, seven teens have
Dictators, Fil Fat', Hindu Connection. Hitler, If an issue raised in the Senate does not been accused of a “hate crime” after a
N.A.S.A, Paedophile Knights, Sacrificial Queens, help Obama in one way or another, he has no 38-year-old immigrant from Ecuador,
Rising Sun, SS interest in it. The "present" vote is a safe Marcello Lucero, was attacked and
vote. No one can criticize him if things go stabbed to death. The assistant district
Nebraska reverse cyber code lit the wrong. Those issues are unworthy by their attorney claims that the teens said, “Let's
Key Support of Darkness that has very nature because they are not about him.
go find some Mexicans to -- -- up.” She
Obama's election as the first black
Come Down 2 read it Back-words president of the Harvard Law Review led to a
accuses them of a “well thought out
See Aksarben Day, Dhimmitude, contract and advance to write a book about crime targeting Hispanic males.”
Masonic Creation race relations. The University of Chicago
Anagram : Aksarben lit a Muslim Law School provided him a lot longer than Say she’s right. Say these seven teens
who murdered thousands of Christians in Spain c expected and at the end it evolved into, guess murdered Marcello Lucero because he
1000 AD and Celebrated by the- Shriners who what? His own autobiography! Instead of was the first Latin-looking man they
put on the Fez Cap of Blood in Nebraska State writing a scholarly paper focusing on race saw and their agenda was to kill a
every year relations, for which he had been paid, Obama Hispanic. That’s appalling. But would
could not resist writing about his most Marcello’s death be less horrible if the
Neo ultimate cyb cde New, One, sublime self. He entitled the book Dreams boys killed him because they wanted to
Æon, Age, Noe Noah, On Ægyptian from My Father. gang-rape his wife? Would it be less
Not surprisingly, Adolph Hitler also wrote
God See N, Neon, Noah, Noe, On, One hateful if they’d stabbed him to death so
his own autobiography when he was still a
Anagram : One / Eon nobody. So did Stalin. For a narcissist no
they could have a joy ride in his car? If
subject is as important as his own self. Why they hadn’t hated his race but had hated
Neo Nazi Movement would he waste his precious time and genius his wealth or his job or his resemblance
backed by the FED's writing about insignificant things when he to a man who had molested one of
can write about such an august being as them—would the crime have been less
See Free Masonry, Identity Movement,
Illuminatti, KKK
himself? evil?
Narcissists are often callous and even
Nevada Ultimate Cyber Code lit
ruthless. As the norm, they lack conscience. “Anti-hate” laws say yes. These laws
the Veda that has Come Down or the This is evident from Obama's lack of interest segregate society into groups and say
Mother's Veda Come Down in his own brother who lives on only one bias and hatred of some groups, like
dollar per month. A man who lives in luxury, minorities, is worse than against others.
See E, NA, Veda, A p p e n d i x № 6 & 10
who takes a private jet to vacation in Hawaii, A crime against a member of a protected
and who raised nearly half a billion dollars
group is punished more harshly than a
New Age for his campaign (something unprecedented
crime against an individual not of those
in history) has no interest in the plight of his
There is Nothing New Under the Sun own brother. Why? Because his brother groups. This is identity politics at its
- Solomon cannot be used for his ascent to power. A worst.
narcissist cares for no one but himself. As we warn time and again, these laws
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
New Rome now Washington D.C. This election was like no other in the are ultimately dangerous not just
history of America. The issues were because they further splinter society into
formerly called New Rome insignificant compared to what is at stake. separate social groups but because they
See All Roads Lead to What can be more dangerous than having a
Rome, Mary's Land, Maryland & Virginia As the criminalize bias, which is held in
man bereft of conscience, a serial liar, and beliefs, thoughts and speech. There is no
Virgin Mary, Super State, War of 1812, White
one who cannot distinguish his fantasies
Wash, Why the Libraries Were Burned
from reality as the leader of the free world?
freedom more precious than the freedom
I hate to sound alarmist, but one is a fool if to believe, think and speak as you
New York City is Defined in one is not alarmed. Many politicians are choose, even if you choose racism or
the Federal Regulations as The United narcissists. They pose no threat to others. nationalism or to worship aliens. Hate
They are simply self-serving and selfish. crime laws shatter this precious
Nations. Rudolph Guiliani stated on Obama evidences symptoms of pathological freedom, invading the most personal
C-Span that ‘New York City is the narcissism, which is different from the run- space of thought and belief to legislate
Capital of the World.’ for once, he told of-the-mill narcissism of a Richard Nixon or what are acceptable beliefs and biases
the Truth See 20 CFR - Council a Bill Clinton for example. To him reality and what are not.
on Foreign Relations Chap 111 subpart B 44.103 and fantasy are intertwined.
An Associated Press article about
b 2 2, York England an Oc’cultic Town This is a Mental Health Issue, not just a
Character Flaw.
Marcello Lucero’s stabbing reviews a
few other assaults on Hispanic
Nicodemus the One who Came to Pathological narcissists are dangerous
immigrants and quotes leaders of Long
Jesus / Yahshuah’t Secretly because they look normal and even
intelligent. It is this disguise that makes them Island Immigrant Alliance; they blame
See Nicho-bar’Moshel treacherous. Today the Democrats have the public debate on immigration for
placed all their hopes in Obama. But this fostering a culture of hate. A local
Nile symb cybr cde for Jordan River man could put an end to their party. The pastor and immigrant advocate even
great majority of blacks voted for Obama. charged that “some of the highest
Nile River Nilus Egyptian Only a fool does not know that their support leaders of our community also have
for him is racially driven. This is racism, blood on their hands.” Wow, now
No and Not have both been used pure and simple.
political commentators on illegal
The downside of this is that if Obama
interchangeably in the- KJV See T immigration are responsible for this
turns out to be the disaster I predict, he will
No 2 cyber-code for Nov or Nova cause widespread resentment among the brutal killing?
for New, and also Know whites. The blacks are unlikely to give up That kind of rhetoric is precisely what
See Knot, N, New, Notice, Nova
their support of their man. Cultic mentality is happens when prosecutors parse the
pernicious and unrelenting. They will dig “bias” behind a crime and prosecute
Anagram : On their heads deeper in the sand and blame beliefs, not just actions. Soon the realm
Obama's detractors of racism. This will cause of ideas and public debate is picked
Nom de Guerre one that is in all a backlash among the whites. The white apart. Legitimate political speech is
CAPITOL LETTERS supremacists will take advantage of the
blamed for “inciting hate.” Soon
See Admiralty, Capitation, NAME OF WAR, discontent and they will receive widespread
support. I predict that in less than four years, government regulates ideas and speech.
War Diction
racial tensions will increase to levels never Bloggers are arrested for writing about
seen since the turbulent 1960's. immigration. Social scientists face jail
Non Violence Obama will set the clock back decades. time for taboo (but possibly true)
Non Violence is the Greatest America is the bastion of freedom. depends theories about race. Pastors are put in
on The peace of the world the strength of handcuffs for quoting from the Bible
Force at the Disposal of Mankind. America and its weakness translates into the about sexual immorality. Sound like a
It is mightier than the mightiest triumph of terrorism and victory of rogue draconian dictatorship that could never
Weapon of Destruction devised nations. It is no wonder that Ahmadinejad, happen in the USA? I wish it were. This
by the Ingenuity of Man Hugo Chavez, the Castrists, the Hezbollah,
the Hamas, the lawyers of the Guantanamo
kind of crackdown has already happened
- GANDHI in Canada, Europe and Australia. It will
terrorists, and virtually all sworn enemies of
America, are so thrilled by the prospect of happen here, too, if we continue to
Noon one sense the Power of their man in the White House march to the steady beat of hate crime
arguments. It is a natural path: you
pure Gudgement that Comes- Down
2 in the metaphorical Truth We Are
America On The Verge of stiffen penalties for the thoughts behind
a crime; soon you prosecute the
Always At High- Noon Destruction thoughts if they are said aloud, whether
See Bar- Noon, Born of Noon, High- There is no greater Insanity than, in or not an actual crime has been
Noon, N, Nine, No, Nome, Nova, Noon-Bar,
Electing a Pathological Narcissist as a committed. The speech and the thoughts
Number, Pure- Shelter the-, Shelter
President. become the crime. And then we live in
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A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Anagram : Noon Dr. Sam Vaknin is a Psychologist. He Orwell’s world.
Root : NN presents an interesting view on this In Burma, a 28-year-old poet and
Corporate President blogger has been sentenced to 20 years
Noshitar Associate Dr. Vaknin has written extensively in prison for publishing an online poem
mocking the country’s dictator. The
about Narcissism.
the Law of Association wythin lines of his poem formed an acrostic
See Hitler, Husane, Stalin
Diction calling the dictator “power crazy.” He
the Law of Association lit the Natural Law / The pure Shelter of was arrested the day after publishing the
Knowledge of Association. poem. The blogger-now-prisoner owns
Lyghtæ A Rule / Rool and state for
three internet cafes in Burma’s capitol.
in Diction, that which is Near or right Conduct, a rising from out of the
His mother was not allowed to attend his
Similar is Probably Related. in meditative natural reflections in Man, hearing, and as a detainee he was
Other Words, when Looking at a Word Esh-tablised by the Creator and existing deprived of food and water during the
in a Dictionary, it is always important be-fore any Written Precept. Webster proceedings.
to look at the other words that are the Foundatshion for this law, is placed Unfortunately, no American can view
above and below the Word that you are by the-Best Writers, in the Will of God, Burma’s actions with indifference, as
looking at and they will very often shed discovered by the-Enlightenment, Right- the fascist tactics of an outpost of
light on the Word that you are Trying Reason, and also aided bye Divine- civilization. Hardly. “Anti-hate” laws
to Know Revelations; and its very Principles, empower the most “civilized”
See Association, Laws of Diction, Shitar when applicable, apply with equal- governments of the world to imprison
Obligaton for all Men and nation- their citizens for online political and
Notice information that is Realms. 1 Kent. Comm. 2, Note; Id.4, Note social speech. Just ask David Irving or
Clearly Expressed, that which is See Jus Natural. the Rule and Ernst Zundel, who served jail time for
Noticed and is wyth-out further Dictate in Right reason, showing the- challenging establishment history of the
moral deformity or moral necessity there Holocaust. As much as we might like to
excuse 2 Notice for one, is Notice
is in any acte, according with its suit- believe an American will never face a
for All
ableness or non-suitableness, with-in a- policeman’s fist on his door for
See Black’s, Claim, Express, Express critiquing the government—or Judaism,
Notice, Public Record reasonable nature. Tayl. Civil Law, 99.
Black's 2nd 1910 See Organic Law
or homosexual practices, or religion—
on his blog—it can and will happen.
Notices Nati as in Illuminatti is syn w
And it will happen through the
Privacy Dating Site Notice Nazi See Hindu Connection, NASA seemingly righteous move of defining
Sample and prosecuting violent “hate crimes”—
PRIVACY NOTICE : Nature Nature is meant as if some crimes were based in
Warning : any One and/or institution kindness.
to be Read like a Book, as it Teaches
using this website or any of its Harmony Grant writes & edits for
associated websites, you do NOT have Us or t’Seed- Plants wyth-inn us ...
National Prayer Network, a Christian
my permission to utilize any of my the Primary Lessons of Lyfe Conservative Watch-Dog Group
profile information nor any of the Let the Anti-Defamation League of
- dezert-owl
content contained herein including but B'nai B'rith teach you how they have
not limited to my photos. You are See the Pure Consciousness of the- Father, saddled 45 states with Hate laws capable
hereby notified that you are strictly Tree of Knowledge, Tree of Lyfe of persecuting all types of Christians:
prohibited from disclosing, copying, http://www.ADL.Org/99HateCrime/Intro.asp.
distributing, disseminating, or taking Nazi the Ancient Aryan
lit impl
any other action with regard to this Priest-Hood that has been running the Learn how ADL took away free speech
profile and the contents herein. The World from the Beginning of Tyme in Canada and wants to steal it now in
foregoing prohibitions also apply to See Aryan the U.S. Congress. Watch Rev. Ted
your employee(s), agent(s), student(s) Anagram : I-Zen
lit the Highest Pike's Hate Laws: Making Criminals of
or any personnel under your direction Point of the t'Svn/ Sun and When the Mother is Christians at
or control. The contents of this profile
are private and legally privileged and
www. TruthTellers.Org
confidential information, violation of Neo lit New One See Why The Mid East
my personal privacy is punishable by See Eon, Matrix Bleeds at their Web Site Hear For The First Time,
law. It is recommended that other the True Plight of the Palistinians
Anagram : Eon or Age

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A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
members post a similar notice to this or Anagram : One
you may copy and paste this one.
- № 24 -
Nephilim the Terrible Great Ones
Privacy E-Mail Notice Sample Who Came Down from the Air or Hemp can Save the Entire Planet
Jack Herer
their Air Ships
2 Heb lit Tyrannical Giants by
This is NOT A Public
implication Those Who Came Down
with the Hidden Key-Knowledge of
This private E-mail, including any/all All Creation, the proverbial Watchers
attachment(s), and printings, is lawfully See Aryan, Gen 6:4, Book of Enoch, Naphtali,
protected by the venue of the original Observers the, Priest Hoods, Strongs 5303,
organic acts of the several States on the Vimana, Watchers,
Republic on the united States of A p p e n d i x № 6 & 10
America A.D. 1789 as amended A.D.
1791. This is for the sole use of the Netaroo Egypt for Gods
intended recipient and contains
privileged and/or confidential Nicho bar’Moshell which means the-
information. No corporation, entity, or Secret of Moses or the Secret Son of
actors may utilize these documents for Moses or the Secrets of the Cosmos
any personal, private or commercial
was most likely a ‘CODE’ Name for
gain. That the users of this mode of
communication have no known legal Nicodemus, to protect his true identity,
memory of using or making a use of and protect him from future persecution. See Canabis, Cana Blis, Hemp, Marijuana
any fictional characters or name nor Nico means Secret See Nicho-
any direct beneficial use therein bar’Moshello’t, Nicodemus
Notice of Trespass Nigger lit Near the War
NOTICE NO TRESPASS an awful Term implying that Slaves were
an Expendable Commodity - № 25 -
See Arian / Aryan Cast System the Empire's Secret Agent
Nike lit the Message of Victory Bemjamin Franklin
INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO Born 10 July 1856 - 7 January 1943
PROPERTY DAMAGE, ACTUAL DAMAGE, was a physicist, inventor, and electrical
INJURY AND COSTS, PERSONAL INJURY, engineer. An ethnic Serb born in the
Croatian Military Frontier, he was a
PERSONAL PROPERTY DAMAGE, but not subject of the Austrian Empire who later
limited to. became an American citizen.
COSTS OF DAMAGES BY TRESPASSERS He gave us Free Energy, anti gravity and
WILL INCLUDE BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO many great inventions as radio, that were
REPLACEMENT COSTS OF ANY ALL all either quashed or stolen by the secret
VEGETATION, FENCING, LANDSCAPING, government under the vatican. He
AT EQUAL OR GREATER COSTS OF eigineered the first Hydro Electric Dam
ANY/ALL COSTS FOR LABOR TO RESTORE if YOU can Keep It ! ... Ha Ha Ha !!!
See AT, Bemjamin Franklin, Constitutio,

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- T h e N o n – S p o k e n W o r d P u b l i c a t i o n z - www.TheREALPublicRadio.Net
A Phayshe’ool’t - TargumTranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
ENTRY BEYOND "NO TRESPASSING" Nilus Egypt for Nile River
See Annihilation
the Original -Thought
Sacred- Scripture
Nimrod he is the veritable False
NOT LIMITED TO, TO THIS OWNER[S] Savior-Messiah, the one worshipped by
PROPERTY. Catholics and Christians as the Son of We s t er n Version
THIS NOTICE BY OWNER[S] TO ALL the Trinity _____________________________
The Dida Che
See Babylon
DAMAGES 911 the Taking Down of the Twin
Translated from the Greek Text Published
TRESPASSERS ET AL WILL RECEIVE AN Towers was an In-Side Job in the
by Roswell D Hitchcock in 1884
INVOICE FOR ALL DAMAGES CAUSED BY Highest Echelon of Government _____________________________
THEIR ACTIONS. Google Search Dr Judy Wood, Les Jamieson,
All God given inherent rights reserved in
911 Truth Movement
See Real Story of The Titanic by Bill Hughed
for The Nations Of The World
The Twelve Legates
The Secret Terrorists Book from
No No and Not have both been
used interchangeably in the KJV
The Knowledge
et al. All Grandfather Clause and adverse See New, Noo, Noova, Nova, NT of
possession rights claimed by herein owner[s].
SIGNED Aug 14, 2008
THIS PROPERTY IS IN LITIGATION S/ THE Nobility What makes The wo ays T W
RIGHTFUL OWNER[S] You Noble, is if YOU can Comprehend
See Public Notice, War Diction The True Reality The Knowledge of The Two Ways
- Budah - the One Who Woke Up commonly called THE DIDACHE or
Nova lita New Star
The Teachings of the 12 Apostles
Anagram : Avon
See Avenue, Neo, Q NOCH for Mystery and Darkness
Night A very Olde surviving extant piece of
Literature. It is not so much a letter as a
Number orig th Bar’Noon or Also for
Hand-Book for New Christian Converts,
Noon'bar bye implication Born of The N – Nitrogen Consisting Of Instructions derived
Creative Lyghte that is Infinite O – Oxygen / Ozone Directly from the Teaching or Seed
See Bar, Bar’Noon, Diction of Numbers,
Born of Noon, Noon, Noon bar, Number Words
C – Carbon Planting of Jesus. The Book can be
H – Hydrogen divided into Three Sections. a the
Number of A Star and Creation All the Fundamental Ingredients of Life First Six Chapters consist of Christian
666 See Enoch Lessons, b the Next Four give The
See Æarth, Gematria, Man, Moon, Math, Descriptions of The Christian
Numbers, Oc’cult, Star, Sun, t’Svn Nom de Guarre a Use of All Capital Ceremonies including Baptism, Fasting
Letters lit A NAME OF WAR and Communion, c and the Last Six
NWO Study
See Capitals, Name Out Line the church Organization
the Olde World Order / Oder
See Babylon, East India, Hindustan, Noon Bar mod Number in orig form Authored by the Twelve Apostles it is also
Symbolisim, Vatican, Words bar'Noon lit Born of the- Creative preserved in the Epistle of Barnabas

Lyghte that is Infinite
- See Bar, Noon, Number, Number-Words the church is quite primitive. Also, the
description of the Eucharist (bread and
Sun Disk / Serpent / Completion Noshitar Associate wine) carefully avoids mention of the
"body and blood of Christ," obviously
- Return / Perfection / Sign - the Law of Association wythin Diction, being regarded as one of the secret
that which is near or similar is probably mysteries of eary Christianity. Most
A related. in other words, when looking at scholars agree that the work, in its
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A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
- The Great Symbol - a word in a dictionary, it is always earliest form, may have circulated as
important to look at the other words that early as the 60's C.E., though additions
O=1=A=O are above and below the word that you and modifications may have taken place
See Creation, Logo, Obelisk, S are looking at and they will very often well into the third century. The work
O/o prime symbol for Truth , shed light on the word that you are was never officially rejected by the
Completeness, Perfection, relative to trying to know Church, but was excluded from the
Number ONE, V Symbolically a See Association, Laws of Diction, Shitar canon
Ammended by dezert-owl
Serpen(t) Eating its Tail and More Noste Lat Know
See A, O, OO, Perfect, Serpen(t), Troothe
See Know, Nose, Nova - PART ONE -
Oath orig th lit the Nova a New Star
True Breath
Chaphter One
Anagram : Avon
- The Way Of Lyghte -
See Avenue, Neo, Q
Obligation We 1 Two Ways there are, the One of Lyfe

have a pure obligation too Serve the Number- Words and the One of Death, but there is a
Great difference between the Two Ways.
very One who Gave us Our Breath it is alle An Open Secret
- dezert-owl 2 The way of life is indeed this: First,

See Pure Obligation

Example you will love the God who made you;
secondly, "you will love your neighbor
Modern / Literal as yourself." Now all the things that you
Symbols: do not want to have happen to you, you
1 One/ Vone the- judgement of one O too do not do these to one another.
2 Two/ Tooll, Two-Ells, Tools OO
3 Three / Tree the- Breath of the- Tree of Lyfe Now the teaching of these sayings is
OOO this: "Praise those who curse you", and
4 Four / Floor the- four corners of the- Æarth pray for your enemies; now fast for
□ those who are persecuting you. For what
Oc’Cult lit too Hide the Lyghte favor is it if you love those who love
in nature, it is when the Moon’t moves 5 Five/ PHive ‘the Higher Life on the Eve of
you? Don't the gentiles do the same? But
in Front of Star and hides its Lyghte you love those who hate you, and you
6 Six / Sex - Man Bee-Comes Creator
2 it is also when the Moon’t moves will have no enemies.
7 Seven / Heaven - Perfection, it is Sweet
in front of the t’Svn creating an Eclipse 8 Æight / Æye Gate - the Gate of Return
as it did for the long three Hours on the "Hold yourself away from the fleshly"
9 Nine / None, No One - Destruction and kosmic "strong desires." "If
Day that Yahshuvah’t was Hung-Op/ up 10 Ten / Tin/ Judgement Laying hold on the- someone should give you a blow to your
on the Curse orig th or cross Power of pure Gudgement
right cheek, turn to him also the left
3 in Society, it is a secret culture
one," and you will be complete. "If
that is in Opposition too The Truth from Arabic symbols : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0
the Trees Roote anyone should force you to go one mile,
See EL, GH Words, L Words, LL, O,
go with him two." "If anyone takes your
4 symbolically the O is the Symbol for OO, TH, Tool, Tree, Vo
cloak, give him your tunic also." If
the-t’Svn and Truth, while the C is in

anyone takes what is yours away from
front of it on the Right, C being a
symbol of the Oc’cult Moon, putting - you, do not ask for it back. For neither
are you able. "Give to everyone who
Out the Eye of the Sun asks from you," and do not ask for it
See C, O, OO
Sun Disk / Serpent / Completion back. For the Father wants to give of his
- Return / Perfection / Sign - own free gifts to everyone.
Odor lit root for Order
these ancients had a lot of smoke,
A Blessed is the one who gives
incense, and sacrafice going on in their - The Great Symbol - according to the precept, for he is
underground secret meetings, eating O=1=A=O guiltless. Woe to the one who takes. For
virgin flesh and all, thus the Stinking See Creation, Logo, Obelisk, S
if indeed someone takes who has a need,
Odor became the ORDER of All he will be guiltless. But the one who has
O/o prime symbol for Truth , no need will give a judgment as to why
Completeness, Perfection, relative to he took, and for what reason, and he will
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SeeFree (Slave) Masons, Jesuits, Jews, Number ONE, V Symbolically a come under arrest and will be examined
Oc'Cult, ODER in the Court Serpen(t) Eating its Tail and More about what he did. And "he will not go
out from there until he pays the last
See A, O, OO, Perfect, Serpen(t), Troothe
quadrans." But it has also been said
Offences Follow
Obama lit the True Healing Balm about this: "Let your charitable gifts
Peace wyth All Men, wyth-out which, See Communisim, Islam, Narcissism,
sweat in your hands, until indeed you
know who to give to."
No ONE can see the Lyghte Vatican Cardinal Agent
- Jesus, the Christ Obligation The Prime Now The Second Precept of the
Teaching is " You will not murder. You
OIL Scam On America Obligation for Man is to Speak Truth will not commit adultery." You will not
See Article page 124 - dezert-owl sodomize young boys. You will not
See Kol Nidre, Pure Obligation, Secret Oaths have unlawful sex. " You will not steal."
See Roil for Royal, Soil, Spoil, Termoil
Do not practice magic. Do not practice
Olde Lang Zine the Old The Observers they are the Ones Who sorcery. Neither murder a child by
Language of Zion the Ancient Observe and Know All Things abortion, nor will you destroy what is
mod Watcher / Watchers born. You will not strongly desire your
Aramaic / Hebrew Phœnecian Diction
See Alter, Aryan, Brahman Priest, Eloheim, neighbor's things. You will not make
lit THE MERCHANT CODE Enlightened Ones, Nephilim, Sun, oaths. " You will not bear false
See CODE, Diction, Language, Vimana, Water testimony." You will not say bad things.
Lexicon, Scottish Rite
You will not remember bad things.
Olive metaph for All Live the True
Observation Observation is You will not be double-minded or
Certain to have its Rewards. Interest,
Life or All Live See Alovehe’t Wonder and admiration grows and this double-tongued, for the double-tongue is
a snare of death. Your message is not to
fact has to be appreciated, in that Life is
On Fr En be false or empty, but being filled with
much more, than mere mortal can see
See E, En, N, O, Om, One practice.
and it is expressed within a multitude of
unique forms and expressive fabrics. You should be neither greedy nor a
On and For The Record state This appreciation Enriches Your Lyfe swindler, nor hypocrite, nor malicious,
this verbally and openly in court room and
- Chief Luther Standing Bear nor high-minded. You will not take evil
You just Opened the Court of Record. counsel against your neighbor. You will
You can also say ‘Let the Record œ Phœnecian symbol implying that they not hate any people, but you will
Show’ See Allocution are the Æye that are hiding wyth-inn the reprove some, and you will pray for
Æarth See E, O, Phœnecian, X, þ some, and some you will love more than
OO See L, O, Oomega, U, Z, Ω your life.
Order Officers Any Officer My child, flee from every evil thing,
who won’t Properly Identify them-Self, and from everything like it. Do not
The Order must be Dishonest become angry, for anger is the way to
THE ORDER is BUILDING and - Anonymous murder. Neither should you be jealous,
nor one who creates strife, nor
Running The WORLD Ohm Om emotional. For murders are born out of
See Religious Order AAAA > OOOO > MMMM all of these.
All the Vowels are Silence Pronounced
My child, do not become strongly
Order Order
is REAL Joseph Campbell
desirous, for strong desire is the way to
See Om
Truth, so the Only Way to get back to sexual sin. Neither should you be a
True Law and True Order, is to The Olde Breath orig th for speaker of filth, nor high-eyed. For
Perfection or Whole or the Olde V adulteries are born out of all of these.
return back to The REAL Truth -
See Hole, Ion, Om, Perfect,
Ancient Sage Perfect Ion, Perfection My child, do not become someone
who looks for omens, since it is the way
Order cybr cde lit the Ore
Olde English to idolatry. Neither should you be an
See Odor, Ore the-, Ore Words, Red
enchanter, nor an astrologer, nor a

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Anagram : Red- Ore cleanser. Nor should you want to look at
Anagram : Red- Row Olde Ænglifh these things, for idolatry is born out of
all of these things.
Ore lit the True Ray Scriptures Sample My child, do not become a liar, since
See Ero, Error, Oar, Or, Orthopedic
Anagram : Ero genesis lying is the way to theft. Neither should
you be greedy, nor a lover of money,
Organ Donor volunteer Organ - Chapter One - nor worthlessly conceited. For thefts are
1 on angynne gesceop godt heofonan. born out of all of these things. My child,
Donors are more prone NOT to Come
2 Se{o] eorðe soðlice wæs idel æmit, do not become a grumbler, since it leads
Back Out of a Hospital, than others to evil speaking. Neither should you be
who Do Not have such a statement on þeostra wæron ofer ðære nywelnysse
bradnsse; godtes gast wæs geferod ofer assumers, nor evil-minded. For evil-
their Drivers License speakings are born out of all of these.
See Oc'cult Rirual, Ritual Sacrafice wæteru
3 godt cwœð ða: gewurðe leoht, leoht
Organic Act wæarð geworht
But be meek, since "the meek will
inherit the land." Become longsuffering,
The FIRST Organic Act 4 godt geseah ða ðæt hit godtwæs, he and merciful, and guiltless, and quiet,
todælde {þœt} leohtfram ðam ðystrum and good, and throughout everything
Let There Be Lyghte 5 het ðæt leoht dæg þa ðystru niht : ða tremble at the sayings that you have
See Genisis 1:3 wæs geworden æfen merigen an dæg heard.
6 godt cwæð ða ef{t} : gewurðe nu
Organic Law Ore Chi Nich
/ fætnys tomiddes ðam wæterum totwæme You will not exalt yourself, nor will
Law the Fundamental Law or ða wæteru fram ðam wæterum you give over-boldness to your soul.
Shelter or written Instrument by a 7 godt geworhte ða fæstnysse Your soul will not cling with the high
totwæmde ða wæteru, ða wæron under people, but you will conduct yourself
state, nation or realm, whether written
ðæe fæatnysse, fram ðam ðe wæron with the just and lowly ones. Accept the
or non-written, that law or system of
bufan ðære fæstnysse : hit wæs ða swa things that transpire to you as good
laws or principles which defines and
gedon workings, knowing that nothing happens
then establishes the-organization of its
8 godt het ða fæstnysse heofonan, wæs without God.
realm or government. a non-written
Constitution would be the Organic ða geworden æfen mergen oðer dæg My child, remember night and day the
Constitution. St. Louis v. Dorr 145 Mo, 466, fram the olde ænglish version ov The one who is speaking God's message to
46 S.W 976, 42 l.rA 686, 68. a. am. s. t. Rep. 575 Heptateuch, bye Ælfric c 900 A.D. you. Now you will honor him as you
See Black’s 4th, Natural Law, Ore-Chi- See LOST Writings would honor the Lord. For where the
Olde Lang ZINE cybr cd. for mod
lordship may be spoken, there is the
Lord. Now daily you will seek out the
Organism / Orgame / Organ the Old Language of Zion faces of the holy ones, so that you would
def any Lyving-(brea)Thing capable of be refreshed by their words. You will
response too stimuli, reproduction, Olde World Order / Oder not want division, but you will make
growth and development, and the- peace with those who are fighting. You
NWO Study
maintenance of homeostasis as a stable will judge justly. In giving a reproof of a
whole See Babylon, East India, Hindustan, Vatican
wandering, you will not respect anyone's
our æntire Omni-verse/ universe does presence. You will not be two souled
all of these things, being governed bye Om the Most ANCIENT Sound regarding whether or not it should be.
the-primary/ pre-Mary consciousness Aum See Ohm, Om On, Words Do not become like one who stretches

Om - Words
See Ælahe’t, Alle’t, Breathing, El, out his hands for taking but who draws
Elahe, Elahe’t, Eloheim, Elloveheim, Etymon, them in for giving. If you have, you will
Gan, Gain, Ginnen, One-Verse, Ore, Orgasm, give by your hands a ransom for your
Woman The the Mothers Most Ancient Sound sins. You will not hesitate to give, nor
Anagram : First Misery
for Miss
See the Pattern will you grumble while giving. For you
Ore Ray or lit the Feminine’s Fall from will know who it is that is the nice payer
the Greight Lyghte Example of the reward. You will not turn away
Orient cyb cde for Orientation
From / the Creative Breath of the Om the one who is needy, but you will share
all things together with your brother,
See Ore, Organic, Oriental , Original Home / the Breath of the Om or the and you will not claim them to be your
Breath of the Mother own things. For if you are partners in
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Oriental cyb code Nome / the Æye of the Om that Came what is immortal, how much more are
Anagram : Ore Eye Intel you partners in what is mortal?
or Down
An Intelligent Eye for the Ore
See Ore, Organic, Original
Omelet / the Food of the EL of Lyghte You will not take your hand away from
Omniscient / All Knowing, All Seeing, your son or your daughter, but from
youth you will teach the fear of God.
Original cyb cde for Ore-Regional Infinity
You will not give directives in your
See Ore, Organic, Oriental Rome / Royalle Eye of the Mother bitterness to your slave or handmaid,
Out OOT symbolic of
root form lit
Storm / Star Om these who are hoping in the same God.
See Em, Gen, the Above Words Otherwise they may not fear the God
the t’Svn and the Moon’t that are all __________________________ who is over both of you. For he is not
Out-Side orig thought coming to call people according to
See OO, T, U Omni the Superior Sounds and
lit appearance, but upon those whom the
Impressions that are near to See and spirit has made ready. Now you who are
Out Casts slaves should be submissive to your
Hear See Om Words
The Eye who comes unto Me, lords in sobriety and fear, as to a type of
I will in No Way cast out Omniscient a. having a universal
- Jesus, the Christ knowledge of all things, infinitely You will hate every hypocrisy and all
knowing, all seeing, as in an omniscient of what is not pleasing to the Lord. You
Out Come Based Education God See Om Words, Omni will by no means forsake the Lord's
and..., What is the 'Out Come' that they precepts, but you will guard what you
are Ta;king about HERE Any-way?
Omniscient Initiate One who have received--neither adding to them
follows the path of the Great Breath nor removing from them. You will
See Change
See Om Words, Omni acknowledge your wanderings in an
Out Siders NHL CybCd Your Keys assembly, and you will not come
are, the Body, Man-Kind and most Only Loved t’Seed a corr root and orig forward to your prayer with an evil
likely More th t for Beloved that correctly should then consciousness. This is the Way of Lyfe.
You must decide with-inn the Nag read This is My Only Loved t’Seed and
Hammadi Library, where these Words thus the need to be within the pure Body - PART TWO -
are going to be used, in the place of the of Christ
Cloud Word OUT-SIDERS Now the Way of Death is this: First of
See Beloved, Only Loved t’Seed, Gal. all, it is evil and full of curses: murders,
See Nag Hammadi Library 3:16, Mt. 3:17 adulteries, strong desires, unlawful sex
Owl the Root Spelling for OOLL Only pure Great Breath of Lyghte acts, thefts, idolatries, magic acts,
sorceries, robberies, false testimonies,
SeeL. LL, O, OO, Ool, Ooll, Through Out Alle Time , the is a
hypocrisies, two-heartedness, deceit,
Oomega, Ool Megan, Owl, the Pillars, Ω correct root and orig th for Holy arrogance, badness, assumptions, greed,
See Breath, Fire, Holy, Holy Spirit, PH, Phyre shameful speech, jealousy, an
Oz cybr code for Ounces overbearing nature, loftiness, pride;
See Gold, Streets of Gold, Wizard of Oz. OO symbolically t’Svn and Moon’t persecutors of good; hating truth, loving

See Alaphax, All, Alle, Alpha, L, Moon’t, falsehood; not knowing the reward of

O, Ool, OolL, Svn, T’Zool’Mega, U, Z, Ω what is right, not clinging to good, nor

A Royal Code for OO - Words to just judgment, watching not for good
but for evil. Far from these people are
meekness and endurance. They love
OO are Prime Symbols for
- PH - worthless things, persuing revenge, not
the t’Svn and Moonn’t showing mercy to a poor person, not
- Phay / Fay / Pay -
- Creation -
See the Pattern laboring for those who are weary, not
knowing the one who made them,
See F, PH Example murderers of children, corrupters of
P/ p the orig form PH symbol for All Book is in reality Bool-Chi molded image of God, turning away
of Physical Creation those who are in need,oppressing the
Cool is in reality Chool and is the opposite afflicted; comforters of the wealthy,
See Breath, F, H, PH, Pay, Phay of Look / Looch
lawless judges of the poor; universal
PH / ph 2 Creation root form for Fool is in reality Phool in this sense one sinners. Children, may you be rescued
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
the Woman, the Phay See Æloveheim, who Creates problems from all of these.
Fay, Phay Hoot is in reality Hoo’t and where we get
PH / ph 3 the P is the-symbol for Who as the- T in Hoot should be Silent See to it that no one lead you astray
Physical Creation and the H is the from this way of the teaching, since it
Loo for Protection / Shelter and reverse of does not teach you without God. For if
symbol for Invisible Creation or the Ool / Owl indeed you are able to bear the whole of
Breath See Adoni, Breath, F, Father,
Look is in reality Looch the Lord's yoke, you will be complete.
Fay, H, P, Phay, Spirit But if you are not able, do what you are
Love is in reality Loove able.
Papal Authority the Pope can Louver is in reality Loover
abolish any law in the United States
Ool is in reality Ooll or Owl - PART THREE -
See Elements of Ecclesiastical Law Vol 1,
53-54 Pool is in reality Phool in this sense one Now about food: bear what you are able
who plays games in the- water to bear. But watch out for the idol-
Papal Bull the Pope Claims to Soul is in reality Sool or Sowl You are sacrifices, for this is a religious service
Own the Æntire Planet through the supposed to be a bird who can see in the- Night of dead gods.
Laws of Conquest and Discovery Tool is in reality Too-EL in reference to that
See Papal Bulls of 1495 & 1493
Now about baptism, baptize this way:
being used by the- t’Eloheim after first uttering all of these things,
Papal Bull 2 the Pope has See the Above Words baptize "into the name of the Father and
Ordered the Genocide and __________________________
of the son and of the holy Spirit" in
Enslavement of over Six Billion People Ool / Ooll root spelling for Owl running water. But if you do not have
See Papal Bulls of 1455 & 1493, See L. LL, O, OO, Oomega, Owl, the Pillars, Ω running water, baptize in other water.
Georgia Guide Stones, Baal, Bull Now if you are not able to do so in cold
Papal Bull 3 the Popes Laws are The Ore mod cyber code Order more water, do it in warm water. Now if you
Obligatory on Every One correctly Hore = the Ore H is the don't have either, pour water three times
See Bened. XIV., De Syn. Dioec, lib, ix, c. on the head, "into the name of the
Breath that Breathed Æverything 2 the
vii, n. 4. Prati, 1844 Syllabus Prop 28, 29, 44 Father, and of the son, and of the holy
Mineral of the Earth 3 the ore's you use Spirit." Now before the ritual cleansing,
See Peonage to propel the ship to go get more ore..., the baptizer and the one being baptized
or(e) else should fast, and any others who are able.
Paper from Papyrus See Or, Order, Ore Words, Orphan, Red Now you will give word for the one who
Anagram : Hero is being baptized to fast for one or two
Papers The White Man Must
Think that paper has some mysterious
Ore Chi Nich Law / Organic Law days beforehand.

power to help them in the world, the the Fundamental Law or Shelter or But do not let your fasts be with the
traditional native needs no written law, written Instrument by a state, nation or hypocrites. For they fast on the second
words that are pure and true, are buried realm, whether written or non-written, day of the week and on the fifth. But
deep within the heart where they always that law or system of laws or principles you fast on the fourth day and the day of
remain so, he never forgets them. On which defines and then establishes the- preparation. Neither should you pray
the- other hand, if the white man loses organization of its realm or government. like the hypocrites, but as the Lord gave
his papers, he is Totally Helpless a non-written Constitution would be the word in his good message, pray like
- Four- Guns, Oglala Sioux Organic Constitution. St. Louis v. Dorr, this: "Our Father, the one who is in
145 Mo, 466, 46 S.W 976, 42 l.rA 686, 68. a. Heaven, your name has been made holy.
Paradigm pron para-dine am. s. t. rep. 575 Let your kingdom come. Let what you
See Black’s 4th, natural law, ore-chi-nich-llawe want also be done on earth, as in
a Paradigm is our own set of drawn
Heaven. Give us the bread we need
out conclusions, pre-cepts or concepts,
rules, practices and values, that Ore Regional mod Original today and forgive us our debts as we
See Ore, Organic also forgive our debtors. And don't carry
constitutes our own unique way of
us into trial, but rescue us from the evil
viewing reality or what is not Real one. For yours is the power and the

See Higher Power
Ore - Words
Two Dies or When Your Ship Came In ...
glory for the age." Pray this way three
times daily.
Two Cuts or Two Halves the orig
It Was Always About the ORE Now about the thanksgiving, give
thought would be the Æden of thanks this way:
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Ænlightenment or the-pure-Gudgement See the Pattern First, about the cup: "We thank you,
of Ænlightenment or the Æden wyth-in
the pure-Gudgement of Ænlightenment
Example our Father, for the holy vine of your boy
David which you made known to us
See Æden, Breath, Dice, Dies, Eden, Bore is actually First in the Ore through your boy Jesus. Glory be to you
Garden, Par, Para Galore is actually the Glowing Ore for the age.
Paris the Woman
for More is actually Mother’s Ore Now about the broken loaf: "We
See The Woman Or is actually Ore thank you, our Father, for the life and
Parish for the Woman Order is actually the Ore the knowledge that you made known to
or the Fire of the Woman us through your boy Jesus. Glory be to
Store is actually Star Ore you for the age. Just as this broken loaf
See Perish, The Woman
Storm is actually Star Ore Om was scattered on top of the hills and as it
Parrot Pharaoh was gathered together and became one,
cyber code for Tore is actually Sword of the Ore in the same way let your assembly be
note: the P always has a H and the T See Em, Gen, Sword, the Above Words gathered together from the remotest
is always silent See Laws of Diction __________________________
parts of the land into your kingdom.
"For yours is the glory and the power
Parthian symb cybr cde for Origional Jurisdiction / Origionall
through Anointed Jesus for the age."
the Woman Guris Dictshion juris-Diction in Now no one should either eat or drink
Passage orig th lit
the First instance; a Guris Diction too from your thanksgiving meal, but those
take cognizance of a Cause on its who have been baptized into the Lord's
Passed Through Out the Ages
incepton, TRY IT and then pass- name. For about this also the Lord said,
See Claim of Right, Common Way,
Custom and Usage, Right of Way
gudgement upon the law, and the FACT. "Do not give what is holy to the dogs."
as distinguised from any Appellate-
gurisdiction. Black's 4th Now after you have been filled, give
Passenger a COMMERCIAL thanks this way: "We thank you, holy
Term See Drive, Guest, Travel See Diction
Father, for your holy name, which you

Past a code for Fast the metaph is

What Moves Quickly Over the Horizon
Original- Thought made to live in our hearts, and for the
knowledge and trust and immortality
which you made known to us through
See Fasting, Gone- Over the- Horizon Aramaic orig th lit Ar’chi-maic Jesus your boy. Glory be to you for the
See the Pattern age.
Patriot Fames Temples Example "Almighty master, it was you who
boasts No Higher- Name, no King is Fir Tree original Fire Tree created all for the sake of your name.
Grander on his Throne, no Glory Shines Laundry original Lawn Dry You gave both food and drink to people
with Brighter Gleam, but the Name of for enjoyment, so that they might give
Wagon original Way Gone
Patriot Stands Alone See Anagrams, Aramaic,
thanks to you. But to us you have freely
given spiritual food and drink and
- Anonymous Ar’chi-maic, Chimæra
__________________________ eternal life through your boy. Before all
things, we are thankful to you that you
Patron lit Protector and Defender are powerful. Glory be to you for the
Ostia Lat the Name of Rome’s Port
See Client age.
the True Star 2 Camp of the Great
Paul Paul would be
corr root frm of
Mother of Fire "O Lord, remember your assembly,
Phayool or Phay’ool’t with a Silent T See Oyster, Pearl of Great Price remember to rescue it from every evil
which lit means Our Mother Who Can and to make it complete in your love,
See wyth-inn the Night Over Flowing Stream and to gather it from the four winds into
See Phay, Shaul, Mt.12:48-50 mod Extreme See Ex, Strream your kingdom which youprepared for it-
-it, which has been made holy. For yours
Pay cybr cde for the Mythological
Goddess of the Secret Societies, the
Fay See Faith, Fay, PH
- P- is the power and the glory for the age.

"Let generosity come, and let this

A Royal Code for universe pass away. Hosanna to David's
son! If someone is holy, let him come. If
- PH -
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
- Phay / Fay / Pay - someone is not, he should change his
Peace Before Any-One can mind. Marana-tha. A-mein." Now
- Creation -
become A Prince of Peace, they will permit the prophets to give thanks as
See F, PH much as they want.
need to become A Prince of Strife
P / p the orig form PH symbol for All
- Yahl’Shuvah’t, the Mosheyach
of Physical Creation - PART FOUR -
See Breath, F, H, PH, Pay, Phay
Peace Shaloom a greeting for PH / ph 2 Creation root-form for Therefore, the one who comes and
Æternal-peace or the Shæloom of the Woman, the Phay See Æloveheim, teaches you all of these things which
have been previously spoken, accept
Æternal- peace See Om, Pax, Shæloom, Fay, Matrix, PH, Phay
Sha, Shaloom him. But if he, the teacher, should turn
PH / ph 3 the P is the symbol for to teach another teaching, so as to
Physical Creation and the H is the symbol release this one, do not listen to him.
Peace and Safety for Invisible Creation or the Breath of But if he teaches to promote what is
They Offer You Peace and Safety, Creation See Adoni, Breath, F, right and knowledge of the Lord, accept
while they Give You Perpetual Father, Fay, H, P, PH, Phay, Spirit him as you would the Lord.
WAR Now about the envoys and prophets,
- dezert-owl Palestinians do just as according to the tenet of the
One of the Most Oppressed Peoples good message. Now each envoy who
Peonage lit the Peon Age We on the Face of the Earth ... comes to you, accept as you would the
are Slaves and own absolutely Find Out Why... THE Mid-EAST
Lord. But he will not remain for one
day. Now if there is need, also the next
Nothing, NOT even what we think are BLEEDS day. But if he remains for three, he is a
our very own children, are Not legally Go To: www.TruthTellers.Org
false prophet.
ours or Go to YouTUBE and Watch NOW
See Tillman vs. Roberts 108 So. 62, Van Thank You Ted & Alyn Pike Now when the envoy departs, he
Koten vs. Van Koten 154 N.E. 146, Senate See Genocide, Hate Laws, Talmud, Zionisim should take nothing except bread until
Document 438 73rd Congress 1st Session, he lodges. But if he should ask for
Wynehammer v. People 13 N.Y. REP 378, 481 Mini Pictionary No 36
money, he is a false prophet.
See Euro- Peon, European, the Peon Age
Pan a Pagan Sex God
And every prophet who speaks with
See Pan Gia, Pangea the spirit, you will not test or judge, for
Perception No Matter every sin will be forgiven. But not
How Great Our Perception, though it Pantation the Deeper Breathing everyone who speaks with the spirit is a
may be, it will Always be far More and See Breath prophet: but if he has the conduct of the
way More, and even Greater, then we Lord. Therefore, from their conduct, the
Pap lit an Infants Food false prophet and the prophet will be
may ever be able Too See
made known. And no prophet with the
- dezert-owl Papal Lat for Pope spirit who orders a meal eats from it,
unless indeed he is a false prophet. Now
Perfect lit Whole or the orig Papas lit the Father's Ass every prophet who teaches the truth, if
thought lit the Olde Breath he does not do as he teaches, is a false
See Hole, Ion, Olde- Breath the-,
Papash lit the Fathers Refuse prophet. But every prophet who has
Perfect- Ion, Perfection been proved, who is true, who does
Paphos symb cybr cde for Knowledge things for the kosmic secrets of the
Perfect Ion lit Whole or the-orig- assembly but who does not teach to do
thought lit the- Olde Breath Papillon Fr lit Fathers Butterfly as he does, will not be judged among
See Hole, Ion, Olde- Breath the-, Perfection
you. For the ancient prophets did it this
Papized lit Conformed to Popery way also. But whoever says with the
spirit, "Give me money (or something
Perfect wyth-inn the Law or Paps lit the Breast of the Father else)," you will not listen to him. But if
Perfect wyth-inn the pure Shelter he says to give on behalf of others who
is a correct root and original thought for Pappan lit One Who Drives an are in need, no one should judge him.
Righteousness Elephant See Mahout
Now everyone who comes in the Lord's
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See Olde Breath the, Perfect with inn the Pappus lit Warn Out Old Man name should be accepted. But afterward,
pure Shelter of the Dyvine Law, Perfection in you will examine him to know him. For
nature, Righteousness Papyrus root for Paper you will have understanding, right and
left. If the one who comes is a traveller,
Perfection a cyber-code it lit means Paraclete lit the pure Sound of the help him as much as you are able. But
For the Fiction, none the less, it can still Healing- Breath what is considered the he will not remain with you except for
be used in its common sense as we two or three days, if there is a necessity.
perceive it See Olde Breath the,
Holy- Spirit. the-oc’cult have mocked But if he wants to dwell with you, since
Perfect in the pure Shelter of the Dyvine Law, the Great- Spirit, by naming a bird after he is a craftsman, he should work to eat.
Perfection in nature, Righteousness it, called the-parakeet See Breath, But if he has no craft, provide according
Great-Breath, Holy-Spirit, H, Parrot, Pharaoh, to your understanding, so that no lazy
Perfection in nature at the-drop of Pure-Breath, Rooach-H’Chodesh, Rucha-
person would be lifing among you as an
d’Choodsha, Spirit
a hat, everyone will say ‘Nobody is "Anointed". But if he does not want to
Perfect’! but, the Truth is, we don’t Paris THE PRINCE OF TROY do this, he is one who profits financially
know ‘Every-Body’ and then I would from the Anointed One. Be careful
See Helen, Mt Ida
about such people.
question, any-one who would make
such a statement, if they had ever, even Passed Through-Out the Ages
read the-Sacred Scriptures mod Passage Now every true prophet who wants
Do read the following scriptures for to settle near you is worthy of his wage.
See Claim of Right, Common Way,
your own edification : Custom and Usage, Right of Way In the same way, a true teacher is also
worthy, just as the workman, of his
On The Perfection Hiding within Man wage. Therefore, every foremost part of
Relative Symbol : A-Starr,
or Past Whoever Controls the past, the products of the press and threshing
Shealtar, or Shelter, the-Original Word Controls the Future, who-ever Controls floor, both of oxen and of sheep, you
for ‘Law’ the Present, controls the past will take and give to the prophets. For
Genesis : - George Orwell they are your high priests.
1 God saw the Light that it was Good
But if you do not have a prophet, give
??? Good ??? Patara symb cybr cde for Rock, the these to the poor. If you make baked
1 Good Supplemented Tav/ Tau/ Lord, the Ore, the Moon, the Land of the bread, take the foremost part and give
Tov/ Tovb/ Tao, lit the-Ænd. while all Woman according to the precept. In the same
of these forms are essentially the-same way, when you open a jar of wine or of
and imply the-Beginning and the-Ænd of Patel Indian Cyb Cde for Fatal oil, take the foremost part and give to
all Perfection, a more correct rendering See Immigrants, India the prophets. Now of money and
should be as follows clothing and every possession, take the
it is the Complete Lyghte of alle
Pazuzu disambiguation lit foremost part as you think it right and
Phayzoozoo, Pazuzu is the King of the give according to the precept.
Perfection wyth no Aspect of Creation
that has A lack fore Any-thing ... Demons, the Oc’cult-father and the
Breath for Every-Thing, Lord of the - PART FIVE -
A Phaysheool’t- Targum Flies, Of the Air, the Bearer of Storms Now according to the Lord's Day,
_____________________________ and Drought, from the Assyrian and the gather together and Break Bread and
Re. Noah / Noe Babylonian mythology. Symbol for the- give Thanks, after acknowledging your
Gen 6:9 These are the- generations NWO and Babylon, and seen in the- Wanderings and Pilgrimage to one
of Noah: Noah was a just man [and] movie, ‘the Exorcist’. He has a giant- another, so your sacrifice would be a
Perfect in his Generations, and Noah serpent for a penis. the- Proverbial clean one. But each one who has
walked with God Serpen(t) something against his friend, do not let
Re. Abraham Pazuzu Dungeons & Dragons, a demon him come together with you until they
Gen 17:1 And when Abram was lord in the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing are reconciled, so that your sacrifice
ninety years old and nine, the LORD game would not be made common. For this is
appeared to Abram, and said unto him, "Pazuzu Black Rain", a song by what was declared by the Lord: " In
I am the Almighty God, walk before Nefilim from their album Zoon every place and time, carry to me a
me, and be thou Perfect "Pazuzu", a song by Polish death clean sacrifice. Because I am a great
Be Perfect ? metal band Behemoth from their album The king," says Yahweh, " and my name is a
Apostasy wondrous thing among the nations."
2 A-Perfect Tao-Mim, To be Perfect Pazuzu The Exorcist, the demon in the
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
or as Complete as anything or perfection Exorcist series
lit the-final Ænd and the-state of Professor Hubert Farnsworth's pet
Complete-Perfection wyth-inn the-One gargoyle in the Futurama episode "Teenage Now hand pick for yourselves overseers
Lyghte of Being a pure-Sacrifice Mutant Leela's Hurdles" and film The Beast
with a Billion Backs
and servants worthy of the Lord: men
A Phaysheool’t- Targum who are meek, not lovers of money, true
Notice : A demon lord in The Call of Cthulhu
role-playing game and proved. For they are giving religious
there are over 20 verses in the- New service to you also, as the prophets and
A demon in the Marvel Comics series
Covenant dealing wyth the-pure- state Nightcrawler teachers are giving religious service.
of Perfection wyth-inn the-pure body of Suzy Pazuzu, a parody of Witchblade's
the-Christ / the-Mosheyach, and over a Sara Pezzini from the 2001 comic version of - PART SEVEN -
Hundred of them wyth-inn the-Olde- Howard the Duck
Covenant, so be ‘perfect’ and start to A giant demon-like monster from Now reprove one another, not in anger
look them up within your own Strong’s Ultraman Gaia that can create storms with but in peace, as you have it in the good
Concordance! his horns message. And no one should speak to
_____________________________ The icon used by the English band each one who misses the mark against
Gorillaz. Portrayed having a long phallus another one, nor should he hear from
Our Greight-Archi-Genator and our that twists and turns you, until he changes his mind. But your
Heavenly-Father instituted alle of Musical project Pazuzu by Raymond vows and your charitable works and all
nature by His Perfection, but man Fell, Wells, once involved in Summoning
your practices, do these, as you have it
so it is up to man to then, pick himself in the good message of our Lord.
back and begin to walk as intended..., In Video Games Pazuzu may refer to:
for the-First time ... Be ye therefore A boss in the NES and Game Boy
video game Dragon Warrior II
Be vigilant on behalf of your life. Do
Perfect Mt 5:48 not let your lamps be extinguished, and
See Book of Galatians, Olde- Breath the- A boss in the Super Nintendo video
game Final Fantasy Mystic Quest do not relax your loins. But become
A random enemy in the PlayStation 2 prepared. For you do not know the hour
video game Shin Megami Tensei: Digital in which our Lord is coming. Now you
Pericope as in PriScope or
will gather together often, seeking the
PerryScope Devil Saga
A character in the computer game and things that are appropriate for your
to be able too see into the many souls. For all the time of your trust will
computer game novelization Hell: A
variable natures and possibilities of a Cyberpunk Thriller not profit you, if you do not become
word by simply changing of the Vowels A boss monster in the Game Boy complete in the last season.
Advance video game Castlevania: Harmony
Perish of Dissonance For in the last days, the false prophets
An enemy in the computer game and the corruptors will be multiplied,
People Perish for a Lack of Knowledge Phantasy Star Online and the sheep will be turned into
- Jesus, the Christ SeeAppendix Photo No 2, Baal, Demon, wolves, and love will be turned into
Demotic, Fa, Fay, Lucifer, Pa, Zoo hate. For when the lawlessness
Perish cybr cde lit the Destruction Appendix No 2 and Mimi Pictionary No 8 increases, they will hate one another,
by the Woman (Church) and they will persecute and deliver up,
See Ish, Parish, Woman Peace follow Peace and then the deceiver of creation will
wyth all men, wyth-out which NO One appear as God's son, and he will do
Perry To Make Fat signs and wonders. And the land will be
lit will be able to See the Rising t’Son
given up into his hands. And he will do
See Pear, Period, Perry Yud, Perry Mason - Yahl’Shuvah’t, the Mosheyach lawless things which have never been
done from the age.
Persecution Be of Good Cheer, Peace Pilgrim
I have Over- Come the World Then human creation will come into
- Jesus, the Christ She Walked The Earth for Peace the fire of examination, and many will
stumble and be destroyed. But those
who endure in their trust will be saved
Persian symb cybr cde for the Son’s Write for Her Free Book and Story from this accursed thing. And then the
of the Suns or the Son’s of Lighte also Mimi Pictionary No 16 signs of truth will appear. First, the sign
the Fire Sons or the Children of Cain Friends of Peace Pilgrim of an opening in Heaven, then the sign
also the Phoenicians’ P O Box 2207 Shelton CT 06484-1841 USA of a trumpet's sound, and thirdly, a
Tel 203-926-1581
resurrection of dead people. But not of
Person the most miss-used term in all people; on the contrary, as it was
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America. First-use : 1 Shield for the- declared, "The Lord will come, and all
Sun and 2 a Mask too Shield the The Way of Peace the holy ones with him." Then creation
Face from the Sun. then 3 an Actor This is The Way of Peace will see the Lord "coming on the clouds
behind the-Mask 4 Same letters as Over come all evil with good and False of the sky."
Serpen(t) hood with Truth and Hatred with Love
The Complete Text of the Didache was
See Actor, Chimæra, Mask, Person, - Peace Pilgrim 1908 - 1981
Serpen(t), Shield Discovered in The CODEX Hiero-
Person 5 you are not a Person, you solymitanus, Though A Number of
have a Person. orig-use a-Shield, a-
Peace Pilgrim Continued Fragments Exist, most notably in the
An American Sage who Walked Her Talk Oxyrhynchus Papyri. It was originally
Mask, an Actor. evolv-use, a- Fiction, a- "...and who, was My own Special-
Corporation, a-Company, a-Trust, and composed in Greek, probably within a
Friend, with-in My own Darkest- small community
the like. a- Creation bye man. a-
natural- PERSON and it is none other
Hour." Thank You Peace Eternally,
than a-natural-FICTION or a natural- = dezert-owl = The First thing We Must do if we hope
CORPORATION. in the-Truest-sense, we to Survive, and that is to learn and
are all Hadam that is the-Blood of the-
PeonageModern Day Legalized comprehend the True nature of law.
Æarth See Blood of the-Æarth, CONTRACT SLAVERY practiced - dezert-owl
Had, Human-Being, Man, Sovereignty in Caste- and finally Perfected in The Americas See Che, Dido, Key, LOST Writings
Cites 6 includes an Individual which is a 2 lit Peon for an Age _____________________________
Single-Unit Corporation-Trust or See Euro- Peon, European, Prison
an Organization or an Individual Populations, Voluntary Compliance
- № 26 -
Corp Why the Bankers Love the LEFT
See Blood of the- Æarth, Chimæra, Perceptions
Hadam, Serpen, Serpent, UCC Sec 1-102 Art 1,
Gen. Prov. Pt 2 We have Perceptions of Things, that
Anagram : Serpen(t) Certain Way, when they are
they are a
In Fact Another Way
- PH - - dezert-owl

- Phay / Fay / Pay -

- Creation - Perfect wyth-inn the Law or

PH / ph Creation the-root-form for Perfect wyth-inn the pure-Shelter

the Woman, the Phay is a correct root and original thought for
See Æloveheim, Fay, Phay Righteousness
PH / ph 2 the- P is the-symbol for See Olde Breath the, Perfect with in the
pure Shelter of the-DiVyne- law, Perfection in
Physical- Creation and the H is the- nature, Righteousness
symbol for Invisible- Creation or the-
Breath See Adoni, Breath, F, Perfect wyth-inn the pure-Shelter of
Father, Fay, H, P, Phay, Spirit the DiVyne Law a corr root and orig

Pharaoh / Pharaoht or Phay- thought for Righteousness

Rah(row) is a corr root and orig thought for See Perfect wyth inn the law, Published in 1926
the Taxer of the Dead and is also known
as the Hidden-Woman behind the-Man Count Cherep-Spiridovitch was a
See Ælovehe, Æloveheim, Elahe, Perfection For this reason, you Czarist general who battled the
must be a perfect Starr, even as Your Bolsheviks in the 1917 Russian
Elovehe, Fay, PH, Phay, Priest
Great Father of Lyght is A Perfect Star Revolution.
Phoenician / Phœnecian /
- Jesus, the Christ
Phœnecean In 1926 he published a book entitled
"The Secret World Government" which
the Ancient Mariner / Merchants Perfection with-inn the pure Shelter shows how the Rothschild's plan for
who Conquered The World with-inn the Divine Law a corr-root world tyranny dominates modern
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Flow-Nations, Fortune, Gain, and orig-thought for Righteousness history. (See my "The Jewish
Gan, Nation, Ocean, Pharaoh, Phlov-Netions, See Law, Perfect wyth inn the Conspiracy is British Imperialism.")
Phœnecian Blind, Phone, Phonetics Law, Righteousness, Shelter
Mimi Pictionary No 10 & 14 The fact that Secret World Government
is generally considered "right wing" and
Phoenician AlphaBet A, B, C, D, Permanent Place NHL CybCd Your
"antisemitic" is revealing:
Æ, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, Keys are, the Immortal Age and most
R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, OO, LL, Ω, likely More 1) It shows the extent society already
œ You must decide with-inn the Nag has been brainwashed and subverted by
this was the Alphabet used in Greece Hammadi Library where these Words the Rothschild conspiracy.
in 350 B.C. and earlier, and is the True are going to be used, in the place of the
SanSkrit lit Sand Script as you can 2) It reveals how the bogus issue of
Cloud Word PERMANENT PLACE antisemitism is used to divert attention
ONLY write in the sand with straight- See Nag Hammadi Library from a genuine mortal threat to
LINEZs , the S, C, and O, being the
exceptions . these Letters are actually a
take off of the very Ancient Ægyptian
3) It explains the true meaning of "right
Hieroglyphics or Higher Graphics If you are NOT being persecuted, then wing" and why the Left is an instrument
See At, Atlas, Float, Flow-Nations, You must be doing some-thing Wrong of the bankers.
Loans, Peonage, Phœnecian–Blind the-, Phone, - dezert-owl EXAMPLE : THE US CIVIL WAR
Phonetics, Mimi Pictionary No 10 & 14
Anagram : Nations- Float meaning
a Flood has over taken the- Lower- tribes’, - PH - Compare the treatment of this war in
"The Secret World Government" with
implying that, we are all of a lower species.
- Phay / Fay / Pay - "A Peoples History of the United States"
Nation is Nician See Peonage by Howard Zinn, a leftist, who cannot
- Creation -
utter the word "Rothschild."
Phoenix lit the Phay/ Fay-Nick P/p the orig form PH the symbol for
meaning the Secret Woman 2 an Physical Creation Cherep-Spiridovitch cites an interview
obvious abbreviation for Phoenician 3 See Breath, F, H, PH, The Woman with the German chancellor Otto von
Bismarck in 1876. Bismarck explained
Phoenicia PH / ph Creation root form for
that the Rothschilds who controlled
See Every 500 Years the Flight of the Woman, the PHay See Æloveheim,
the Bird, Flow-Nations, Isis, Phœnecian–Blind Europe were afraid the United States
Fay, Matrix, Phay would become independent of them if it
PH / ph 3 the P is the symbol for remained one nation.
Picture A Picture
is Physical Creation and the H is the
Worth a Thousand Words, but Words symbol for invisible-Creation, or the "They foresaw tremendous booty if they
can also reveal A Thousand Pictures, Breath could substitute two feeble democracies
See Adoni, Breath, F, Father, indebted to the Jewish financiers to the
along with a Special Glimpse into the Fay, H, P, Phay, Spirit vigorous republic confident and self
Future and Inn-Too the Past -
providing. Therefore they started their
dezert-owl Phay the Mythological Woman of
emissaries in order to exploit the
Creation and Ancient- Tradition question of slavery and thus to dig an
Pill the Creation of
cyber-code lit See Æloveheim, Elahe, Father, Fade, abyss between the two parts of the
Illness, in other words Poison or Toxin Fay, PH, Pharaoh republic." (180)
See Blind God, I, Medicine, Pel, PH, Y Phay She’ool’t The Illuminati used the Masonic
Anagram : Lip lit Life / Liph / -Targum "Knights of the Golden Circle" formed
Phay = the Mythological Woman in 1854 by George W. L. Bickley, to
spread racial tension by making slavery
Pirates Those who Steal from She = the Feminine Aspect of Her an issue. Members included Lincoln
Others Creation assassin John Wilkes Booth,
See Confederate President Jefferson Davis,
Skull & Bones
Ool = the Owl the Bird Who Sees and his adviser Judah P. Benjamin, the
Planetary Genes Monads, the in the Night'e Confederate Secretary of War, a
carriers of planetary ideation and Rothschild agent.
characteristics See Monads, Moon
T = the T the Tree of Knowledge
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Adds and the COSMOS See Moses, Targum The plan was to divide the United Sates
between England controlled by Lionel
Plantations the First Charters that Philo lit the True Philosophy
Rothschild and France, controlled by
brought the Slaves and the Indentured or the Lover of Truth and Perfection James Rothschild. France was to take
Servant Peons Over too America 2 Title or name of the Great Hebrew over the whole South while Canada
Philosopher who lived in Alexandria annexed the defeated North. In 1863
IDENTIFIED all of these 'People' as the
Egypt and was also a friend of the France and Spain invaded Mexico with
Plantations See Peonage Christ. His Work’s of Philo, over 1000 30,000 troops. The embattled
pages is the greatest Expose on the Old- Confederate States actually offered
Plot Against Christanity / The Plot Testament meanings and interpretations. Louisiana and Texas to France in
a Book and Expose' by Elizabeth Published by Hendrickson and obtained at exchange for assistance.
Dilling also Author of The Red Christian Book Distributors
See Philocalia, Philosopher Britain and France were ready to snuff
Network on the Rooseveot Red
out the young republic but were deterred
Record Philocalia a Title Meaning by Russia, the only European power not
See Islam, Morals & Dogma, Vatican, Zionisim a Love for what is Beautiful, it is the in the Rothschild's thrall. Czar
Pole lit What Everything Goes
Second most Important Collection next Alexander II sent his fleets to New York
to the Nag Hammadi Library and San Francisco and declared that an
Around See Pole Shift, Police, Policy, attack on Lincoln would be an attack on
Polite, Politics. Poulter Ghist
See Aquarian Original Gospel, Lost
Writings, Nag Hammadi Library, Old Testament
Meanwhile Lincoln created "greenback"
Police Most of us have
dollars to finance the war and escape
seen the abuse of Power and Phoebus(h) symb cybr cde for the
indebtedness to the foreign financiers.
DISHONORABLE actions of the False Seed or t’Seed of the Woman "They understood at once that the
Police occurring Daily and some of us United States would escape their grip,"
have First Hand Knowledge of these Phrygians symb cybr cde for Jerusalem Bismarck said." The death of Lincoln
Criminals posing as Law Enforcement. was resolved upon. Nothing is easier
Of course there are some good law Phyire lit Phay- Ray is the corr than to find a fanatic to strike." (180)
enforcement but unfortunately they are etymological spelling for Fire
outnumbered and as layoffs come, the See Æloveheim, Elahe, Fairy, Compare this with Howard Zinn who
honorable police will be let got with the Fay, Fire, PH, Pharaoh, Phay although a "socialist," makes no mention
criminal thugs left to keep the criminal Phyire 2 a corr root metaph and orig th of European financiers. His book is a
unlawful and illegal actions of the soap opera of the oppression of the poor
for Blood and Fire it also symbolizes the
current coup d'etat government, the den by the rich. He depicts the Civil War as
of vipers in congress, the gangster Spirit which is the Breath a clash of capitalist "elites."
bankers and the Kenya village idiot, Phyire 3 is symbolically the Father
Despot and Usurper in the White House along wyth the Spirit and Breath "The Northern elite wanted economic
in POWER See Blood, Breath, Faggots, Fay, Flag,
expansion.... The slave interests opposed
- Ralph Kermit Winterrowd PH, Spirit, Water, Wind-of-Fire all that. " (189) Again, "The American
government had set out to ... retain the
Police it is NOT the Duty of enormous national territory and market
the Police to Protect you. their job is to
Picture Symbols or . . . and resources. " (198)
Protect THE Enterprise CORPORATION Pictures Create Words . . . , In other words "capitalism" in general
and arrest all of the CODE Breakers and Wordss Create Pictures and not the Rothschild Illuminati caused
See SAPP vs. Tallahassee, 348 So. - dezert-owl this heinous war that cost 500,000
2nd. 363, REiff vs. City of Phila. 477 F. 1262, soldiers' lives and eight billion dollars.
Lynch vs. NC Dept. of Justice 376 S.E. 2nd 247 Is it any wonder these bankers, who are
Police 2 orig th cyb cde lit the Pole Ice Plantations the People who were the real establishment, love the Left? Is
See Chilling Effect, Sirens in Mythology Indentured & Brought over to America it any wonder they populate our
as Indentures or Servants / Surfs universities with pious Marxists (and
Political Question your Standing and See Peonage, Plan, Surf Ants feminists) who never question why they
or Status as well as your Sovereignty or are pulling down big salaries if they are
Citizen-ship amounts to a Political Pleroma NHL CybCd Your Keys are, really defying the establishment?
Question Not a Legal question Fullness of Deity, Fullness, the Spirit,
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the- Breath, the- Perfect Being, the- Another Pied Piper is Noam Chomsky
Positive Law Positive law is actually Perfect Deity and most likely More who attributes all evil to capitalism and
a mis-nomer, as all Man made law or You must decide, with-inn the Nag American imperialism. As far as I know,
rules are negative by their very nature, he never mentions the Rothschilds, the
Hammadi Library, where these words llluminati, the Council on Foreign
since Man, can-not give you some- are going to be used, in the place of the
thing that you already in-herently have, Relations or the New World Order. He
Cloud Word PLEROMA pretends that Oklahoma City and 9-11
by-nature. Man, can only take some-
thing away from you, even by the-very- See Nag Hammadi Library were not inside jobs.
acte, in gyving you some-thing
Po See Phonecian also Flow "We shall erase from the memories of
See men all facts of previous centuries
Post Office See Appendix No 3, Pole
General Delivery Pole Ice mod Police which are undesirable to us," say the
Protocols of the Elders of Zion. "And
Poverty See Chilling Effect, Sirens in Mythology
leave only those which depict all the
errors of the government of the goyim."
Pole Shift the Pole Shift is REAL (Protocol 16)
the Pole Shift Occurs every 5,500 Years
aproximately, when it occurs, about 95% The problem is not American capitalism
of the Earth's Population Dies. this but the control of the nation's credit by a
explains why the Governments have small private international cartel which
built Hundreds of Under Ground Bases has used this advantage to build a
all over the world. this is the very same monopoly in every key industry. This
event that occured on earth in the Days international group is behind western
of Noah imperialism and every war. Its
Power is a Term synonymous with
totalitarian occult agenda (a.k.a,
Virtue SeeFlow, Flower, Flow-War,
See the First YouTUBE on the Below Web Site
www.TheREALPublicRadio.Net/NEWS.html globalism, feminism, diversity) is now
Pharaoh, Phlow, Phlov, Row, Virtue, V. corporate policy.
Powers NHL CybCd Your Keys are, Political Spin The big government vs big business
People, the Earth, Moon, etc and Great Example of Political Spin paradigm diverts attention from the
most likely More 'Remus Reid, a Horse Thief, and then Illuminati bankers who run both. It
sent to a Montana Territorial Prison places the blame on capitalism and the
You must decide with-inn the Nag
1885, but escaped in 1887, and then US, which has been under Illuminati
Hammadi Library where these Words robbed the Montana Flyer Six Times. control for at least a century. It teaches
are going to be used, in the place of the Finally Caught by Pinkerton detectives, each new generation to be alienated
Cloud Word POWERS convicted and then hanged in 1889.' from their country, culture and
See Eloheim, Nevada Senator Harry Reid’s Spin on economic system, and to become
Nag Hammadi Library, Seven Gods this relative is as follows : dysfunctional and impotent.
'Remus Reid was a famous cowboy in
Pray lit Create Lyghte the Montana Territory . His business The bankers love socialism and Big
See Embrace, Fray, Lyghte, PH, Phray, empire grew to include acquisition of Government. They have a monopoly of
Ray, Re valuable equestrian assets and intimate money and need a monopoly of power
Anagram : Age of Creation in the dealings with the Montana railroad. (i.e. government.) Together, these
Creative Lyghte Beginning in 1885, he devoted several Rothschild banker monopolies are the
years of his life to government service, essence of Communism. Rothschild
Preach lit Reach Out too The finally taking leave to resume his pawns (liberals, socialists etc.) are
Creation See PH, Proclaim, Reach dealings with the railroad. In 1887, he elected by bribing the people with social
was a key player in a vital investigation services and jobs which create debt (and
Presumptive Letter run by the renowned Pinkerton Detective profit.)
The type of letter that one party writes Agency. In 1889, Remus passed away
during an important civic function held The bankers need to institute a global
to his adversary or opponent regarding
in his honor when the platform upon police state (New World Order) to
disputes in lawful or legal matters
which he was standing collapsed.' ensure that no nation challenges their
The letter author makes his claims, credit monopoly or defaults on their
charges, averments and statements,
NOW ... THAT is how it is DONE! "debt."
based only in truth, fact, valid law and
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
evidence, to the letter recipient. The ANTI-SEMITISM
term presumptive is used because the Politics
writer presumes that everything he There is NO Honest- Politics Antisemitism is another tactic to
states in the letter is true and correct, divert attention from the Rothschild's
- dezert-owl
unless it is rebutted in writing by the plan for world tyranny.
letter recipient, which rebuttal must be
supported with true facts, valid law Potestas Power Lat atis. fr. [a potis],
Cherep- Spiritovitch Concludes
and evidence Government, Authority, Control,
Dominion. 2 A post, a command. 3 "According to Bismarck the awful Civil
The first and last paragraphs of the Meton. One that is in power, an officer, War in America was fomented by a
letter are the presumptive paragraphs, a magistrate. 4 Also, ability, possibility. Jewish Conspiracy, and Abraham
which present a lawful notice and a 5 Leave, licence, liberty, opportunity, Lincoln the hero and national saint of
lawful warning to the letter recipient. permission. 6 The essential form of an the United States was killed by the same
A Sample Text of The First animal. 7 Force, efficacy. 8 Tabulas,
qui in patris est potestate, nullas conficit,
Hidden Hand which killed six Romanov
Czars, ten kings and scores of Ministers
Presumptive Paragraph Follows Cic. 2 = Versaricum imperio et only to easier bleed their nations." (181)
“This letter is lawful notification to potestate in repub. Id. 3 Majorem
you, pursuant to The Bill of Rights of potestatem compellari ante se passus est, He is not talking about Jews in general
the National Constitution, in particular, Suet. 4 Occœpi sequi, vix adipiscendi but only those who advance the
the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Ninth potestas fuit, Plaut. 5 Si quid dicere Rothschild Illuminati agenda. His book
Amendments, and The Bill of Rights of vellet, feci potestaem, Cic. 6 makes an appeal to righteous Jews, and
the New Mexico Constitution, in Exalienigenie membris compacta recognizes that many non-Jews have
particular, Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 17 potestas, Lucr. 7 Ter. § Potestates sold out.
and 18, and pursuant to your oath, and herbarum, Virg. 8 Plaut. ¶ Exire de
potestate, To run mad, Id. Exisse de "The Jews should bring to bay the
requires your written response to me 'Satanists' who corrupt the countries in
specific to the subject matter. Your potestate proprie iratos dicimus, id est,
de consilie, de ratione, de mente, Cic which they have found asylum," the
failure to respond, within 30 days, as Preface says: " the Gentiles should
stipulated, and rebut, with particularity, See Esse, Esseda, Potestate, Sueo potestate esse
render every Judas who accepts the
everything in this letter with which you bribes of the Jews."
disagree is your lawful, legal and Power is a term synonymous with
binding agreement with and admission Virtue See Flow, Pharaoh, Phlow, Phlov, Bankers and their agents (B'nai Brith
to the fact that everything in this letter Row, Virtue
etc.) deflect this challenge by conflating
is true, correct, legal, lawful and the Rothschilds with all Jews.
binding upon you, in any court, Power of Lyghte the- is a corr root and
anywhere in America, without your orig thought for Victory See Victory Thus they transform a political cultural
protest or objection or that of those who and economic issue into a racial one that
represent you. Your silence is your
acquiescence. See: Connally v.
Prayer O Trooe Greight Breath, can be dismissed as 'prejudice.'

General Construction Co., 269 U.S. whose Voice I can hear in the- Wynd, Why do so many Jews think they are
385, 391. Notification of legal Yoo, who gyvez, Lyfe to alle the World, responsible for the Rothschilds and the
responsibility is “the first essential of Gyve Your Æar on too me: I stand up- Illuminati? It looks suspicious.
due process of law.” Also, see: U.S. v. right, as I come before You, One of Your
Tweel, 550 F. 2d. 297. “Silence can many Off spring and t’Seed, before Yoo, The bankers' Satanic Conspiracy is the
only be equated with fraud where there I am very small and week, so I need source of antisemitism. The sooner more
is a legal or moral duty to speak or Your Strength in me, wyth alle of Your Jews oppose it; the sooner antisemitism
where an inquiry left unanswered Greatest-Wyz-dome ; will disappear.
would be intentionally misleading.” For Now on, let me always walk
Who actually was behind the
wyth-inn your beauty, and allowing mye
This type of letter is very different from assassination of Bhutto Thursday? I
eyes to beHold all of Your Dark deep-
the typical letter that most people write can't pretend to know. But throughout
water passages and then too know their
to try to resolve disputes. It is used history the central bankers routinely
Hidden- meaning, wyth-inn each and
primarily by American Citizens who have assassinated politicians who stand
every- One of Your Red and Purple
address unconstitutional, unlawful in their way or whose removal will
Sunsets ;
actions committed against them by any result in war. Lincoln, Arch Duke
Cause My Hands, wyth-inn Your Ferdinand and JFK are the most
form of government, government Breath of Continuance, to respect and
prominent but there are hundreds.
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
officers and/or corporations, which are also know intimately, all of these things See Wy "Illuminati Murdered
creatures of the government. Since the that You have made, making my ears At Least Two Other Presidents"
author is based only in truth, fact, valid constantly sharper, too see and then to
law and evidence, it is virtually know, Your every Point of View, and CONCLUSION
impossible for the recipient to truthfully always allow me to hear your pure
rebut the charges and claims made in Voice. The Rothschild Illuminati Conspiracy is
the letter supported by truth, fact, valid Do Make Me Wizer, so that iY may the essential challenge facing mankind. Talk
law and evidence. In the vast majority know the substance of everything that of US imperialism, capitalism and "hate"
of such situations, the recipient fails to You gyve and provide for Our people : (antisemitism) is a Red Herring.
respond; thus, his failure invokes the the many lessons that are hidden- deep
lawful warning, by which he admits to with-inn every leaf and rock. Modern world history is nothing but the
the letter author’s charges, fully binding Iy Seek Your Strength and Power, process by which this satanic force is
upon the recipient, in any court, without not to be superior over my brothers, but replacing Western Civilization with an
his protest, objection or that of those only too be able too fight against and occult world police state managed by
who represent him, meaning his then to defeat my greatest-Enemy, who taser and television. The whole world is
attorneys. is . . . My-self ; being colonized by this imperialist
The second presumptive Cause Me Now, and then always, to financial power, which is behind all left,
paragraph serves as a reminder of the be ready to come back to You with clean liberal, Communist and revolutionary
cautions in the first presumptive hands, and wyth straight eyes, all wyth- movements. What they call
paragraph and reads, as follows: inn a pure Lyfe, so that, when this Lyfe "progressive" is progress only in their
begins to fade, just as it is, with your red occult terms.
If you disagree with anything
and purple sunset, then my breath may
in this letter, then rebut that with which Socialist Presidential candidate Norman
be able too be received back bye You,
you disagree, in writing, with Thomas said, "The American people
wyth-out any former regret or shame.
particularity, to me, within 30 days of will never knowingly adopt Socialism.
- Anonymous Traditional- Native- American
this letter’s date, and support your But under the name of 'liberalism' they
disagreement with evidence, fact and Sign- Language Passed down generationally will adopt every fragment of the
valid law. Your failure to respond, as Socialist program, until one day
stipulated, is your agreement with and The Pre Ist the First or the America will be a Socialist nation,
admission to the fact that everything in Pre-ish’t, implying that they go alle the without knowing how it happened."
this letter is true, correct, legal, lawful,
Way Back too the Mother Oc’Cultic The world is in the advanced stages of a
and is your irrevocable agreement
attesting to this, fully binding upon you,
Tradition. this Oc’cult-nature goes all diabolical multi generational conspiracy.
in any court in America, without your the way back to the very Beginning The general method and goals have all
protest or objection or that of those who See Chonan, Conan, Pharaoh, Preist been revealed in The Protocols of the
represent you. Elders of Zion. Our educators, leaders
The author always signs with Precept or Pre Cept and media have largely been subverted.
the words All Rights Reserved above lit an Eye from the Beginnning
Thus, a "right wing crackpot" such as
the signature, as shown below. See Perception
Cherep-Spiritovich is anyone who
All Rights Reserved, favors individual freedom and self-
Premavera Italian for Scent
Your Signature reliance, family, nation, race, and God.
Your Printed Name These are the things that the Illuminati
Present Moment Stay need to destroy.
All public officers are required by law wyth-inn the present Moment, we Only
too take Oaths and abide by the- The ruling classes have been
have the Present Moment hoodwinked to believe they are building
Constitutional mandates contained
within their oaths when conducting - dezert-owl a Brave New World. In fact they are
their official duties. accomplices in the mental, spiritual and
Therefore, they are required to Primal lit Pre Male by implication
possibly physical enslavement of
uphold all aspects of rights secured to humanity.
the Engendering of the pure Father
the people in the national and state
Constitutions and due process of law; See Psychopolitics, Rosenthal Document,
thus, have the duty to respond to lawful Primal nature The Seed of Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, UnSeen Hand
notification from the people. Things, the primal germ we teach, from
where all creation around us came to Be
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Their Failure to do so is, at - Lucretius
minimum, A Perjury of Oath and an See B
- № 27 -
admission to all Charges contained
within the presumptive letter. This Prison - - - - - - - - - Ω ?
has proven very effective in resolving
issues. Aproxmately Seventy Percent of the
People who are in Prison in America
For More Information on The- Today, are INNOCENT of having
Presumptive Letter Process, which is harmed anyone, and have been Deceived
the designed to resolve disputes before into accepting the un-announced Fraud
court action becomes necessary, please of Modern Day Peonage. the so called
access the following website: Judges have been quoted as repeatedly
WWW. saying that, 'Every-One who is in prison
CitizensOfTheAmericanConstitution Today has volunteered to be there.'
.Org See Birth Certificate, House of Death,
See Constitution, Presumption Modern Day Slavery, Peonage, STOCKS &
Bonds, Under-Standing, Wall Street
Priest is a cyber-code for Pre-ist, Mini Pictionary No 23
the Firstor Pre-Ish’t implying that they
go all the-way back to the-Mother- FREE Leonard Peltier
Ishtar- Cult- Tradition. this Oc’cult-
nature goes all the way back to the- the #1 PRISONER in the Entire World
very-Beginning 2 lit the First A Wounded Knee & A Synthesis

Woman the Pine Ridge Reservation Story of the Soviet Text-book

See Chonan, Conan, Fay, First See FBI Lied, Political Agenda on PSychopolitics
Woman, Pharaoh, Pre-ist, Ishtar
Prison P-l-a-n-e-t- - - - - Preview :
FREE Eddie Ray Kahn On Oct 9, 2011, the Guest on Coast To
Coast Radio was Charles Smith. He is
An American Rights Litigator
an “Insider” who has come forth and
Guiding Light of God Ministry
spilled almost All of the beans. He said,

Prisons various U.S. as well as most foreign

agencies have had the capability for DEFINITION OF
A PRESS REVIEW years to spy on everything anybody PSYCHO- POLITICS
does. That means, telephone, land line or Although punishment for its own sake
America's Brutal Prisons cell, Skype, email, mail of any kind,
wire transfers, bank accounts, anywhere
may not be entirely without recompense,
it is, nevertheless, true that the end and
Every-one should be Con-cerned in the World. goal of all punishment is the
about "America's Brutal Prisons;" as Now here is the real “scary” part. He indoctrination of the person being
from behind "The Green Wall," comes says various governments, including of punished with an idea, whether that idea
out THE MOST POWERFUL EXPOSE course our own, developed radar arrays be one of restraint or obedience.
EVER by X-Prison Guard D J Vodicka, years ago that can wirelessly see every
key stroke on any computer they feel In that any ruler has, from time beyond
on the Worst Prison Systems in the
like targeting. memory, needed the obedience of his
World. they are NOT built nor intended
This means that there is no possibility subject in order to accomplish his ends,
to rehabilitate, but instead, behind it all,
of secrets unless “hand carried”. It is so he has thus resorted to punishment. This
lies one of the Greatest "Experiments"
prevalent throughout the world, that the is true of every tribe and state in the
on Human Psychology, Behavior, Slave
US regularly sells its secret fighter plans history of Man. Today, Russian culture
Labor, Torture, and Mind-Control.
to Russia and China! That is why both has evolved more certain and definite
countries have fighters that look methods of aligning and securing the
How can it be, that the people who are suspiciously like ours and each others.
in control today, are actually more loyalties of persons and populace, and of
He went on to reveal that the reasoning enforcing obedience upon them. This
criminal and more sinister in their
behind this is that the US is completely modern outgrowth of old practice is
behavior, than the very people that they
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are supposed to house and "protect"? based on the military industrial complex. called Psychopolitics.
May God Help, "our" helpless prisoners This requires constant re-funding to
in America today, who are now reduced stay ahead of the Potential “Threat” of The stupidity and narrowness of nations
to being captured "chattel" property and what [Our Dear Pretend] Enemies have not blessed with Russian reasoning has
legally DEAD, while approximately Developed. Therefore it follows that if caused them to rely upon practices
seventy percent of those who are in they have something as modern and up which are, today, too ancient and out-
prison today are actually INNOCENT to date as what we have, then we must moded for the rapid and heroic pace of
of having committed any real crime!!! have more funding to gain the upper our time. And in view of the tremendous
. hand and create something better than advance of Russian Culture in the field
So now that the REAL Truth is what the enemy has. of mental technologies, begun with the
"known," who will go after the REAL The entire program went from one glorious work of Pavlov and carried
criminals who are standing there shocking revelation to another and the forward so ably by later Russians, it
holding those precious Keys over Life guy never faltered when asked any would be strange that an art and science
and over Death? question. He sometimes danced around would not evolve totally devoted to the
which agency was doing what, but was aligning of loyalties and extracting the
Thank You D. J. Vodicka, Our very straight forward in naming many obedience of individuals and multitudes.
Number One Prison Guard in America names and agency’s. Seems like it’s the
Air Force secret agency we never knew Thus we see that psychopolitical
Today, for being so brave and Coming procedures are a natural outgrowth of
Out, while Breaking their C-O-D-E- of existed that is the big “momu” in much
of this. We are totally f#$%^$, and far practices as old as Man, practices which
Silence; YOU are Truly An American are current in every group of men
from home. We have No chance of ever
Hero! No American, nor anyone else fixing this, nada, zip, zero chance. throughout the world. Thus, in
for that matter, ever deserves to be psychopolitical procedures there is no
A Special Report
T.o.r.t.u.r.e.d..., EVER ethical problem, since it is obvious and
by The Info-Wizard evident that Man is always coerced
Emphisis Added against his will to the greater good of
dezert-owl, Survivor of Torture
- See Air Force Oc'cult Mind Control Program, the State, whether by economic gains or
We Are ALL Doing Time ! M-K Ultra MInd Control Program, NASA,
Operation Paper-Clip Mini Pictionary No 23
indoctrination into the wishes and
desires of the State.
Free America Radio Network
Prophecy an oc'cult cover for Basically, Man is an animal. He is an
See House of Death, We're All Doing Time Speaking Truth Not predicting the animal which has been given a civilized
Mini Pictionary No 23 future veneer. Man is a collective animal,
Pure Great Breath of the Wind and grouped together for his own protection
before the threat of the environment.
Princeton lit cde Prince Town Fire, the a corr root and orig thought for
Those who so group and control him
Holy Spirit must have in their possession
Private the Precepton and the See Breath, Fire, Holy Spirit, specialized techniques to direct the
Use, in this Term Establishes the Clear Only pure, Wind vagaries and energies of the animal Man
Fact, that you are Not-Public-Property Pure Shelter the the Shelter or toward greater efficiency in the
See Public, Private Vs. Public, Private- accomplishment of the goals of the
Property for Private Use Shælltorre / Shælltarre is the correct root, State.
and an orig form for Law. a Shelter is
private vs. PUBLIC Public implies that which protects you, symbolized as Psychopolitics, in one form or another,
a Subject-Before the-Wind. Private the Lyghte of the Svn or the-Sun at have long been used in Russia, but the
implies having no Nexus whith any High-Noon. Later on, the priest-hood subject is all but unknown outside the
Foreign-ENTITY, being a non-aleinable, corrupted the word, by removing their borders of our nation, save only where
sacred letter ‘L,’ and making it contract we have carefully transplanted our
sovereign flesh and Blood of the Earth law, called shetar. The anagram of Law information and where it is used for the
See Public Property, Private, Private is wall greater good of the nation.
Property for Private Use, Stock Goes Public
See High-Noon, Law, Pre-ist, Shelter, t’Svn
The Definition of Psychopolitics follows
Private Attorney De Jure Standing
Sui Juris John 1:9, Standing found in Purity Three Times Psychopolitics is the art and science of
Matt 10:20 Endowed and Enlightened is the one asserting and maintaining dominion
See Private, Private Attorney General, who has made purity and Love his very over the thoughts and loyalties of the

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Standing, Sovereign, Sui Juris own, because he has been ransomed individuals, officers, bureaus, and
Private Attorney General from the perils of the lower-self and has masses, and the effecting of the
de jure, Sui juris, John 1:9, Standing become himself, the Higher-self conquest of the enemy nations through
Gen 12:1-3; Rom 13:1-7, Matt 10:20 - Elihoo, Original Gospel 8:16 "mental healing."
Private 'Prosecutor' United States The subject of Psychopolitics breaks
v. Sandford, Fed. Case No.16, 221 Putting on the Serpent Spell down into several categories, each a
C.Ct.D.C. 1806, Rights Retained you have had a Spell cast on you through natural and logical proceeding from the
pursuant to the 9th Amendment;
Spelling the-Oc’cult also get you to last. Its first subject is the constitution
Sovereign immunity pursuant to the and anatomy of Man, himself, as a
11th Amendment and the original 13th Curse every-day when you use the
political organism. The next is an
Amendment; Constitutional Counsel Cursor on your computer 2 lit the
examination of Man as an economic
The legal right to initiate a lawsuit. Serpents Pill 3 lit the Serpents organism, as this might be controlled by
There are three requirements for Article Covering his desires. The next is classification of
III standing: (1) injury in fact, which See Curse, Life, LiPH, Medicine, Pel, Pill, State goals for the individual and
means an invasion of a legally protected Spell of Babylon masses. The next is an examination of
interest that is (a) concrete and Anagram : Lips which implies Lyfe loyalties. The next is the general subject
particularized, and (b) actual or of obedience. The next is the anatomy of
imminent, not conjectural or the stimulus-response mechanisms of
hypothetical; (2) a causal relationship Puzzel If You Don't Have
Man. The next is he subjects of shock
between the injury and the challenged All of the pieces of the Puzzel, then and endurance. The next is categories of
conduct, which means that the injury Nothing may seem to Fit experience. The next is the catalyzing
fairly can be traced to the challenged - Elihoo, Original Gospel 8:16 and aligning of experience. The next is
action of the defendant, and has not the use of drugs. The next is the use of
resulted from the independent action of implantation. The next is the general
some third party not before the court;
Pyramus symb cybr cde 4 the Sun
application of Psychopolitics within
and (3) a likelihood that the injury will Russia. The next is the organizations
be redressed by a favorable decision, outside Russia, their composition and
which means that the prospect of activity. The next is the creation of slave
obtaining relief from the injury as a - the Sting of Death -
philosophy in a hostile nation. The next
result of a favorable ruling is not too See C, U
is countering anti-psychopolitical
speculative. Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, Q/ q lit A Royal Star activities abroad, and the final one, the
112 S. Ct. 2130, 2136 1992 Lujan. The
party invoking federal jurisdiction bears Q/ q 2 a Mystery Power Symbol with destiny of psychopolitical rule in a
scientific age. To this might be added
the burden of establishing each of these Sting of Death, the Queen Bee
many sub categories, such as the
elements. Id Q / q 3 a primary symbol for Queen, nullification of modern weapons by
See Attorney, Barrister, Barron, Queer from Chior, having to do with psychopolitical activity.
Sovereign, Standing vs. Status
the Religious Orders and the men who
Private First Class Matter wore Dresses also Quantum, Quality,
The strength and power of
Writing this on the Out-Side of your
Psychopolitics cannot be overestimated,
postal mailing envelope, establises your particularly when used in a nation
Q / q 4 is a cyber code for p , b & V decayed by pseudo-intellectualism,
venue, as a christian man on the land See B, P, Q, Q-Tips, where exploitation of the masses
with the-post-office, and the U.S. Postal Quell, Quill, Quilt, U, V, W combines readily with psychopolitical
Service, as being private-property and
creates a-Bar, from them randomly-
opening-up your postal-matter, and
Q - Words actions, and particularly where the greed
of Capitalistic or Monarchial regimes
has already brought about an
invading your very-‘privacy’, with-out See the Pattern overwhelming incidence of neurosis
any sworn or supporting-warrant
See Contract, General Delivery, Offer
Example which can be employed as the
groundwork for psychopolitical action
and Acceptance, Private, Moved by the Favor in Aqua and psychopolitical corps.
Jesus the Christ
It is part of your mission, student, to
Private Property for Private Use ConQuer prevent psychopolitical activity to the
this statement, is being successfully Cupid the Q Pedestrian detriment of the Russian State, just as it
used, when properly-applied whith is your mission to carry forward in our
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knowledge, such as on autos. ex. a sign Equate nation and outside it, if you are so
whith this statement is being placed in assigned, the missions and goals of
the-back of the-autos-window, then after Equity Psychopolitics. No agent of Russian
an Enforcer pulls-up-close, and then Equivalent could be even remotely effective
reads the sign, they are then backing- without a thorough grounding in
off, leaving the-private-party alone.
Frequency Psychopolitics, and so you carry
certainly you would need too be private Loquat forward with you a Russian trust to use
in order too have the-force in right Q- Ball well what you are learning here.
See Public, Private, Private Vs. Public
Q- Tips
Problem No Problem Quams - № 28 -
Can Be Solved, from that same Level of
Consciousness that, Created It
- Albert Einstein
Quote actually Coat for that which You
Put On and is synonymous with Goat
Promise a pure Obligation The Q
See the Above Words
Promise Re-Breathe __________________________
and be washed wyth-inn the pure milk Quack mod Sound
of forgiveness, everyone of you, all See Q, Quake, Quick, Sound
wyth- inn the Royalle-Titalle of
YahShuvah’t the Mosheyach and you Quash Wash
wyll have your eyes opened, and you See Blacks Hiel Airlines
wyll soon receive the Gift of the
Greight-Breath of Lyghte. Now this
Promise it is good for you and for all
Queen / Queena / Queeneye Teut
Company LOGOS
your Off-spring, even as many as Our 2 in the oc’cult the One with all
Great- Lyghte wyll call-Out PTRP the Power See Chess, King, P
- Yahl’Shuvah’t, the Mosheyach
Queer slang for Chior, re. the-
Property you Own NO Property, children who were abused by the-priest-
Slaves can't own property. Read very hoods See God-Dress, Goddess, Queen
carefully the Deed to the property you
think is yours, you are listed there as a Quest cybr cde for WEST If you look at the center of this logo,
TENANT See Senate Document 43, you can see two people enjoying a
73rd Congress 1st Session Quick mod Living See Living,
Tostito chip with a bowl of salsa. This
Lyving, Q, Quack, Quick-Sand
logo conveys an idea of people
Prosecutor oc'cult cyb cde for connecting with each other
Quick Sand lit Living Sand
Pro Security or To Secure
See Living, Lyving, Q, Quack, Quick.
See Presiding, Represent, Sea Cure,

Security, Sheriff

Protest - A Royal Symbol -

Non co-Operation is a Protest A Royalle Zyim-Bull
Against an un-Witting and See I, K, P
At first, this logo might not make much
An un-Willing Participation in Evil R / r a prime symbol for Royal , sense. But if you look closely, you'll see
- GANDHI Red, Real, Rose and the small r is a the number 1 in the negative space
Flower that is not made obvious, between the F and the red stripes. I also
Rise, etc love how this logo communicates a
Pseudo Sand Scrip't for
feeling of speed
See Chiro, N, P, Royal, X

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Sand- Script or San- Skrit
See Phoenician CODE, Pseudo- Sanskrit Ray Chi mod Rake or
Rake Eyes or Ray Eyes
Psycho Politics See Chi, E, Eye, K, Rake, Ra, Ray, Re
A Synthesis of the Russian Brain Ray of The Sun mod Reason
Washing Manual on Psychopolitics See Re, Reason, RHay
This Book is based on an original 1955
tome by Charles Stickley, a "Professor" Reason
The Milwaukee Brewers is a
who ... "Russian Brainwashing Reason is the Force behind All Matter professional baseball team from
Manual on Psychopolitics" ISBN# 1- - dezert-owl Milwaukee , Wisconsin (well, duh…).
4116-1822-X Their logo is actually made up of the
See All, Re
Psycho Politics 2 letters M (on top) and B (below the m).
Red V mod Virus These two letters also form a baseball
Psychopolitics is the art and science of
asserting and maintaining dominion
See V, Vaccine, Vatican glove
over the thoughts and loyalties of the Reg Veda considered to be one of
individuals, officers, bureaus, and Oldest Books in the World
the from
masses, and the effecting of the Ancient India’s Brahmic Priests
conquest of the enemy nations through See Adoni, Aryan, Brahmin
"Mental Healing."
See Mini Pictionary No 27 Region of Matter NHL CybCd Your
Purchase the Booklet for $10. Brain- Keys are the Volcanic Magma that
Washing A Synthesis of the Russian Man (the Blood of the Earth) is Formed This simple looking logo actually carries
Textbook of Psychopolitics A must From and most likely More a lot of information. First of all you can
read for all Americans. Receive a see the letters N and W, the first two
You must decide with-inn the Nag letters of the brand name. But what most
photo-copy of the 68 Page Manual
Hammadi Library where these Words people don't see is the compass that
l are going to be used, in the place of the points to the Northwest, another
See MK Ultra, Operation Paper Clip, Project Cloud Word REGION OF MATTER reference to the brand name
Monarch See Nag Hammadi Library
PUBLIC vs. private Public implies
Religion There
a Subject-Before the-Wind. Private
is No Religion Higher than The Truth
implies having no Nexus whith any
Foreign-ENTITY, being a non-aleinable, - Dalai Lama
sovereign flesh and Blood of the Earth
See Public Property, Private, Private
Remus lit theRhyme of the Muse
Property for Private Use, Stock Goes Public 2 the Lyghte of the Cosmic Mother
This logo doesn't seem to hide much at
Public Record Repose NHL CybCd Your Keys are, first sight, but it gives you a little insight
TO RECORD A Document Resurrection, Rest and most likely More in the philosophy behind the brand. First
the Act of Making a Public Record You must decide with-inn the Nag of all, the yellow swoosh looks like a
Hammadi Library, where these Words smile: Amazon wants to have the best
2 Sometimes questions arise as to
are going to be used in the place of the customer satisfaction. The swoosh also
when the act of recording is complete,
connects the letters a and z, meaning
as in the following case. A deed of real Cloud Word REPOSE that this store has everything from a to z
estate was acknowledged before the See Nag Hammadi Library
register of deeds and handed to him to
be recorded, and at the same instant a Revelation
creditor of the grantor attached the real
estate; in this case it was held the act of The Truth is Revealed, and it is,
recording was incomplete without a because The Truth has been
certificate of the acknowledgment, and
wanting that, the attaching creditor had Hidden
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
the preference. 10 Pick. Rep. 72 - dezert-owl
3 The fact of an instrument being Toblerone is a chocolate-company from

- RH -
recorded is held to operate as a Bern , Switzerland . Bern is sometimes
constructive notice upon all subsequent called ‘The City Of Bears ’. They have
purchasers of any estate, legal or incorporated this idea in the Toblerone
equitable, in the same property. 1 John. RH root form of Rah for Row and logo, because if you look closely, you'll
Ch. R. 394 Ray as in Ray of Lyghte or Fire see the silhouette of a bear
4 But all conveyances and deeds which Coming- Down as in the ancient oc’cult
may be de facto recorded, are not to be swastika Swash-Stig-cha or Phil-pha’t
considered as giving notice; in order to
Filfah’t, the-Fan that Continues to Go
have this effect the instruments must be
such as are authorized to be recorded,
Round See Cha, Filfat, Filial, P,
Phallus, Pharaoh, R, Rah, Reason, RHay, Row,
and the registry must have been made Royal, Stig, Swash, swastika
in compliance with the law, otherwise
the registry is to be treated as a mere RHay See the Word Ray and where
nullity, and it will not affect a The old logo of Baskin Robbins had the
we get the Word for the Golden Hay number 31 with an arc above it. The
subsequent purchaser or encumbrancer
unless he has such actual notice as that is the Color of Lyghte See RH, new logo took this idea to the next level.
would amount to a fraud. 2 Sell. & Lef. 68; Yellow The pink parts of the BR still form the
1 Sch. & Lef. 157; 4 Wheat. R. 466; 1 Binn. R. number 31, a reference to the 31 flavors
40; 1 John. Ch. R. 300; 1 Story, Eq. Jur. §403, Rhodians symb cybr cde for the
404; 5 Greenl. 272. Bouviers People of the World
See Mortgage Issues
Pure Fure Rib’Ur / Rib of the Æarth orig thought
lit sense is
or Fire the orig th is Pure Ray or lit River mod See Rib of the Earth
Fire Ray See Breath, Fire, Fury,
PH, Phure, Phyre, Ray, Re, Ure, Urine Rising Sun The Great Symbol
See German & Japanese Flags, Sol, Swastika, T
Sony Vaio is a well known brand of
Pure Declaration Clarification
laptops. But did you know that the
before the Entire World for the Truth Roole mod Rule
name Vaio logo also had a hidden
See Black’s, Claim, Declaration See Ool, R, Roole, U
meaning? Well, the first two letters

Pure Obligation Immediate Roots of Character Those represent the basic analogue signal. The
last two letters look like a 1 and 0,
See who Preserve in their Integrity, remain
Black’s 6 , Obligation, Perfection, Pure representing the digital signal
unshaken bye the Storms of Daily Lyfe,

See Acronyn for Standard Oil of New York
not rustling like the leaves on a tree, nor
following after the heard where ever it
runs : inn their own mind remains the-
- the Sting of Death - ideal attitude and conduct for all Lyving.
See C, U
This is not something gyven to them
Q/ q lit A Royal Star bye others, it is wyth-inn their Root-eye,
Q/ q 2 a Mystery Power Symbol with
extended from the beginning, and it is a Do you see any arrows on FedEx’s
strength that exists hiding deep wyth-in logo? I saw it a few times at other site
the Sting of Death, the Queen Bee them - Anonymous Turtle- Island saying that there’s an arrow hidden in
Q / q 3 a prime symbol for Queen, Native- American the FedEx arrow, but I couldn’t find it. I
Queer from Chior, having to do with now know where it is, it’s your turn to
the Religious Orders and the Men who Root of the One the find. The clue is that the arrow is located
mod Yam
in between the alphabet E and X, and
wore / wear Dresses, also Quantum, See Illuminati, Ma, May, May- Day, the arrow is white, acting as a
Quality, etc Mothers Lyghte, Y, Yam background
Q / q 4 is a cyber code for p , b &
Royal House of Lyghte or the
See B, P, Q, Q-Tips, Quell, Quill, Quilt, Royal House of the Svn a corr
U, V, W root and orig th for Kingdom of God or

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Quality Kingdom of Heaven
the Q Line
See Kingdom of God, Kingdom of - № 29 -
Heaven, Realm, Son/ Sun/ Svn
Quantum corr Quant Om Symbols are Keys too
Royal- Tital Yahshuah’t / Jesus
Queen / Queena / Queeneye never had a ‘ Name ’, what he possesses the Universal Doors
Teut for Ruler is A Royal Tital See Corporate- Passing Through
2 in the oc’cult the One with All the Fiction, Highest-Point, Lowest- Point, Name, the Conscious too
Power See Chess, King, P Names, Tital, Titalle, Title
the Super or Sub-Conscious

Quick Sand
mod Lyving or Living
See Quick Sand
Living Sand
- S- bye Embodying
The Patterns of nature.
Serpen / Serpent / Serpenss
Quiet the Yes Entity Sure- Fan / Sure- Fan't

-R- - + -
Swa- Sticka
- A Royal Symbol - Hindu Fil- Fat
A Royalle Zyim-Bull SS
See I, K, P See Chimaera, Fill Fat, India,
R/ r a primary-symbol for, Royal, Serpent, Swastika
Red, Real, Rose (and the small ‘r’ is a S/ s a prime symbol for Serpent, Sun, Gratitude is The Master Key Opening Passage
flower that is not made obvious), Rise, Shine, Sold , Sol for Svn, being the-prime- for
etc See Chiro, N, P, Royal, X root, etc Opportunity, Abundance and Celebration.

S vs. Z 2 the S is the-serpent’s-

Rake orig th root lit Ray Chi
symbol, yet, when, we hear the Z the
or Rake Eyes or Ray Eyes
last symbol within the Alphabet, we are
See Chi, K, Ra, Ray, Ray Chi, Re
supposed to give it credit and
Ram’s Horn See A Far, Ah Far, ‘pronounce’ it, all according too the
Ah-Phar, Power, Ram, Rem, Rim, Rom, Rum, Original Laws of Diction
Shophar, Shoolphar, Shoolphlair
this again, is the Battle that is being
waged on earth, in the very Real,
Rapture a Term NOT Found Now witness this, as it is written in Gratitude :
mythological theme of Lyghte and
in The Bible
Darkness, just as we saw it within the- Egg = Gestation = Opportunity
REAL DaVinci CODE you can story of Moses, when he threw down his Spiral = Growth = Abundance
staff in Ægypt, and it ate up the two-
See and Read it for Your Self Circle O = Completion =
See REAL DaVinci CODE Diversions serpents, the SS of Pharaoh
in The Media See AA, LL, OO, S, Z

Sa mod So See Sa La V
Reality You can Ignore
Reality, but YOU Can-Not ignore The
Consequences of Ignoring Sacred Scriptures
Reality ... From The Day of The
- Ian Rand Declaration of Independence until To-
Day, the American people have been
Reason lit Ray of the Sun , bound by the natural laws of God and by
orig th the Laws of Scripture, which nearly
See Gnosis, Nose, Ray of the Sun, Re, RHay everyone acknowledges as being the
Anagram : Nosar / Noshar Power Rule for their Conduct = Celebration =
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
of Higher Knowledge John Quincy Adams U.S. Secretary of State Meditation
An Oration in Celebration of Independence Day
Red Cross reincarnation of the c 1821
Knights Templars, the Hosptallers an
International Spy Authority, under the Safe Eye mod Safety
auspices of the Swiss Cross a reverse
image, the Red Cross and its Sister in Salamis symb cybr cde for Wisdom
the East, the Red Crescent have and the Truth
complete autonomy during war time
activity. the Red Cross has been Sanctuary any Place of Safety
robbing American victims of their and most especially in Spiritual Traditions
donations as they came in, as in See Domain, Temple, Twelve Articles On
Oklahoma City Bombing and 911 NYC the Natural Right of Man In Catalog in the
See Red Alert, Reverse Image, Back of this Book
Swiss Cross, the Scottish Rite
Sand Script for
Register Regis for King
from Sanskrit or San- Skrit
Register 2 lit Re Making the Stars See Phoenician CODE, Pseudo- Sanskrit
now, think of the Court Jester, who Monastic Settings
holds the Court-Cepter, while wearing Sanskrit lit Sand- Script
an Actors MASK, a Sheild't by the See Phoenician CODE, Pseudo- Sanskrit
PERSON while wearing the Crown for a
Starr on his Head; so is he really a Satyagraha
King or just a FOOL who is DEAD ? In Pursuit of The Truth
See Capital Letters, Ceptor
Released lit to Lease You Out
Again See Lease Sc the pure Symbols for the
Sun S and the Moon C
Religion Pure Religion See Scottish
End Of AN Age
being non-defiled before Allovehe’t
Our Father is this, to visit the widows
and fatherless in their affliction and to
Science - № 30 -
keep himself un-spotted from the World True Science is REAL Knowing
- Jesus, the Christ - dezert-owl

Religion lit Re-Legion or Scottie lit Scott Eye or the

Legion All Over Again Woman’s Eye 2 a Roman Word for
See Angel, Legion, Spirituality Irish See Canaanites, Celtic, Ireland, Ish,
Kill, Kilt, Phœnecians, Sc, Scotland, Spotted with
Anagram : No Le Gir lit Know
Blood, Vikings, Woman the
the Weapons of War

Religious Orders don’t forget You Script True or The True Script
Have Too Follow Orders mod Scriptures See LOST Writings
See Aryan Brahmin, Jesuits, Odor
Secret History Book found in an
Represent oc'cult cyb cde for
Attic from the Late 1800's in Norway,
Re Present which revealed the Secret History of the
See Presiding, Prosecutor, Security, Sheriff
Mormon Masonic Church about the
Revolutionary War the King of BLOODY Massacres of the Starving
England Financially Backed both Imagrants that passed through their
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
sides of the American Revolutionary Territory, etc, and the Discovery of the
Fictional Story of their Book found by
War for the Vatican
See Treaty of Versailles-July 16, 1782 Joseph Smith in a Trunk that was ReSold
Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80 See Secret History - An Eyewitness

- RH -
Account of the Rise of Mormonisim, by John
Ahmanson, Translated by, Gleason L Archer

RH root form of Rah for Row

Secret Societies
and Ray as in Ray of Light or Fire
coming down as in the ancient-oc’cult You can't have Real Freedom where
swastika (Swash-Stig-cha) or Phil-pha’t You have Sectet Societies involved
(Filfah’t), the fan that continues to go with in Blood Oaths and Coven-Ants
round See Cha, Filfat, Filial, P, - dezert-owl
Phallus, Pharaoh, R, Rah, RHay, Row, Royal,
Stig, Swash, swastika. Kol Nidre, Morals and Dogma, Talmud

RHay See the word Ray and See lit the Sun's Eyes
where we get the Word for the Golden See E, Eye, Face, Sol, SVN
Hay that is the Color of Lyghte
See RH See
Right / Whrightæ Right is plural I Hear and I forget . . . ,
and all Inclusive so no S is required I See and I Remember
on Right, you have natural right to be - Confucius
free from harm which is all inclusive
See Absolute Right, Constitutional Right,
natural Right See and Read It for Your Self or

Right(s) 2 includes Remedy. You must See it and Read it for Your-
UCC Art. 1 Gen Provisions Part 2 Self is a correct root and orig thought for - № 31 -
See UCC Behold
See Behold, Targum, Trans Literation A Revealing Of Their
Right for All Creatures
The Animals have natural-rights
Seed of the t’Svn / Sun a cybr cde Hidden Colors
for Son of God See Man, Son of
– the Right of Man’s Protection, the
Lyghte, Son of God, Son of Man, Svn, t’Seed of in Government Emblems
right to live free from torment, the right Darkness, t’Seed of the Svn, t’Seed of the Moon
to multiply, the right to roam free, and a
right for man’s indebtedness – and in
Seed of the Moon't a cybr cde for
all recognition for this right, we never
enslaved an animal, and we spared all Son of Man See Man, Son of Lyghte,
of life that was not needed for food and Son of God, , Son of Man, Svn, t’Seed of
Darkness, t’Seed of the Svn, t’Seed of the Moon
- Chief Luther Standing Bear
Right Hand of Fellowship metaph He is a greater man who conquers Self,
than he who kills a thousand men in war
root for the Power of Their Æmbrace
- Budha
See Power, Right Hand
Self See Flash, Shelf, Shell, Star Dust
Righteousness ME a cyber code for
Anagram : Flesh
Perfect in the Law Shelter
See Perfect-in-the-law, Perfect-in-the-
pure-Shelter within the divine law, Perfection in Serving No One among us From what I've heard, these triangular
the pure Shelter desires any other reward for performing craft are enormous in size -- taking quite
a brave and worthy-action, other than the some time to walk from one end to the

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
River Rib’Ur or consciousness of knowing that he has other -- and are already in operation
Rib of the Æarth orig thought 2 the served his people throughout the galaxy. The shape you
- Thayendanegea see in these emblems is almost exactly
Waters of Eve, the Virgin Mother what they look like.
See Er, Eve, Rib of the Earth,
Serpent, Ur, Water Seven Gods the NHL CybCd Your Keys
There is an official website you can visit
are, the Seven Stars, Moons and
for the Naval Space Command and the
Robert F Kennedy Planets, that Mark or Rule our Days US Space Command. There is also a
I found out about something that I of the Week, All Tyme and most Wikipedia page for the US Space
never knew before : I found out that likely More Command, linked from an even more
You must decide with-inn the Nag detailed Unified Combatant Command
My World was NOT the Real
World Hammadi Library where these Words
1968 A.D are going to be used, in the place of the
Roman cybr cde Men Who See Nag Hammadi Library PROTECTING EARTH ??? NOT
... Or / Oar ... Else ! It was always all Sh the-pure Hebrew culture would
never make the- S sound by it-self, as
about Gaining the Wealth of the
that is the- sssssssound of the- serpent,
World thus they have the- H always associated
See All Roads Lead To Rome, Chi Rest,
with the- S
Latin, Ore, Rome, Strict, Tin
See S, X
Anagram : Enamor
Captured by the Love Shallo’t a Healing Root prono with
the T and a root form of the word
Rome cybr cde for Roam Shallow as in shallow water but referred
lit too Roam the Earth too today as Shallot
Rome 2 symb cybr cde for Jerusalem Shallot 2 a Life- Saving Boat
and Israel
See Christ, Law, Messiah, Moses,
See All Roads Lead To Rome, Latin, Ore, Mosheyach, Moshællot’yannchi’t, Mosheyach, The nasty looking hooded being on
Roman, Roman Law, Tin Shælter, Shallop, Shallot, Shallow, Shall, Shall't, the 23D Space Operations HQ badge,
Anagram : More / Amore Shalt, Shell, Shelter, True-Shell the-. second over from the bottom left, clearly
the Love of More Anagram : Toll- Ash the Opposite lit seems to represent the "Thoughtform
means the Toll is Ashes Entities" I have been told these
Rose See Rose of War or guardians of Earth are actively
Ruse de Guerre Shælter or Shelter is the correct root defending us against.
and orig word for Law. it was later Notice the being has at least two
Rothchilds the Bauer Family or the corrupted bye the priest hoods and it faces -- one made by the two winglike
Red Shield Jewish Banking Family became Shetar See High Noon, eyes in the middle, and another in
that are the Protectors and the Defenders Law, Moses, Moshello’t, Pre-ist, Pure Shelter, profile view on the left-hand side, where
Shelter, t’Svn a pointy nose, brow and chin are all
of the Vatican Trust
clearly visible.
See Red Shield, Rockefeller, Vatican The Shelter the pure Shelter or
The rear of the head, in profile view,
Shælltorre / Shælltarre or the suggests pointy ears. I have indeed
Row means Royal Gudgement Protection of the Air is the corr root and heard from an insider, recently, that at
See Debt, Chi-Row, Chiro, Gudgement, orig form for Law. A Shelter is that least one ET group does in fact have
Owe, Pharaoh, Power, R, RH, Roman, Rome,
Rove, Royal, Vo, Wo, Wrote
which Protects You, symbolized as the pointy ears -- and looks very similar to
Lyghte of the Svn or the Sun at High certain 'gargoyle' faces we see on many
Row vs Wade a metaphore for Noon. Later on, the priest-hoods Templar-designed buildings.
Sink or Swim ? corrupted the word, by removing their Whether you agree with what they're
doing or not, the people I speak to are
See Genocide, Georgia Guide sacred letter L and making it contract
Stones, Power, Roman State
absolutely convinced that the Earth
law, called Shetar. The anagram for would be much worse off if they were
Law is Wall See Law, Wall
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Royal Messenger / Royalle not doing their jobs.
Messengers Shelter 2 commonly thought of as the This desire to protect humanity from
See Angel, Eloheim, Malech, Malechim, Law See Christ, High Noon, Law, Messiah, outside negative forces is a strong
Man, Nephilim, Watchers Moses, Moshael, Moshe, Mosheyach, rationale for why they continue to stay
Moshællot’yannchi’t, Mosheyach, Pre-ist, Pure- involved in these jobs, even though
Rule cybr cde for root Roole Shelter, Shælter, Shallop, Shallot, Shallow, Shalt, there are many questionable ethics
See Ool, R, Roole, U Shell, t’Svn, True Shell the involved.
Rule of Law the metphr for the
It is certainly interesting to see a
Shetar / Shelter / Shælltarr / Sheall- hooded being looming over the Earth on
Law of Rules 2 this Term Coined by
tarre orig thou for Law Heb Shelter is a badge dedicated to "space operations."
the Skull and Bones Pirate, G. Bush, Sr
the True organic substance with-in the
c 1992, during the Arabian Gulf War.
From that time on, every-one started natural Law, that has been Hidden
Follow-wing in-line, repeating this Act Away from all Man. Shelter became
in De-Ception, in the general-use in this corrupted into Shetar and became the
‘Coined-Term’, as if it were the- Talmudic Contract Law, taking that
Christian common-law which was and is the most pure and
See Common Law, Code, Statute, making it the most devient and corrupt
Uniform Commercial Code because of the Talmud
See æ, Banking, Natural

- S- Law, Organic Law, Shelter, Starr, Sovereign,


Serpen / Serpent / Serpenss Shiva the Destroyer

See Yah'Shoovah, India, Jesus,
Sure- Fan / Sure- Fan't Johshua of Israel
If you read this US Space Command
page, you will find very specific
- + - Shiva Moon the Title of a People information about who was in charge,
when they were in charge, and what
Swa- Sticka See India
they allegedly were up to... and it
Hindu Fil- Fat includes the following emblem,
SS Shophar lit the Knowledge from
featuring the rings I'm talking about:
See Chimaera, Fill Fat, India, A-Far and the Ram’s Power is
Serpent, Swastika Knowledge more corr spelt Shoophar or THE STAR GATE
S / s a primary-symbol for Serpent, Shoolphar or Shoolphlair
Sun, Shine, Sold, Sol for Sun, being See A-Far, Ah-Far, Ah-Phar,
the-primary-root, etc Fire, Power, Ram, Rem, Rim, Rom, Rum, Shop,
Shophar, Shoolphar, Shoolphlair
S vs. Z 2 the S is the Serpent’s
Symbol, yet, when we hear the Z, the Shy’ria See Syria
last symbol within the Alphabet, we are
supposed to give it credit, and Sic / sic lit In This Style
‘pronounce’ it, all according too the See Blacks, Box
Original Laws of Diction.
This again, is the-battle that is being Sign if I Can’t Significant Enigma?
waged on Æarth, in the Very REAL, obvious oc’cult cyber code
Mythological Theme of Lyghte and See Give Me A Sign
Darkness, just as we saw it within the
Story of Moses, when he threw down Simple Words
his staff in Ægypt, and it ate up The Simple Words such as Person - Citizen First of all, as we see Above in its
Two Serpents, the SS of Pharaoh - People or Nation - Crime - Charge - larger form, we have a badge that may
See AA, LL, OO, S, Z Right - Statute - Preferred - Prefer - very well be showing us a pentagonal
Constitutor - Creditor - Debtor - Debit - Stargate vortex emerging from the
North-west United States:
S.S. symb Too-Whit, For- Discharge - Payment - Law and United

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Whit, For Knowledge, Take Note States doesn't mean what we think it does
See Blacks, Light, Serpents, SS because we were never taught the True DEFENDERS OF THE DOMAIN
Legal Definitions of the above words
Safety orig th lit a Safe Eye
Sin Thesis mod lit
Said lit Breathed the Lyghte Synthesis See Sin, Thesis
See Aid, Breathe, H, S, Shade
Sinai That Which I Hate 2 the
Salt / Sol’t a cyber-code pronounced Sin that Went Away 3 the Closing of
Sol meaning Breath from the t’Sun or lit the Eye that I can Not See See Ai
Star-Dust 2 Covering and Protection
See Sal, Sale, Sail, Saul, Sol, Sol- Sinderesis or Shindereshish
Vation, Soul, Mt. 5:13, 9:49-50. Lk. 14:34 the natural Force, wyth-in the Mind,
Anagram : Alt of S or lit Alter of set apart, in the Highest part there-in,
The Sun which is what the Earth is an Alter persistently moving and stirring it in the
and A Bridal Chamber of the Sun direction for good or perfection and
abhorring that which is blind, evil or One of the most compelling pieces from
Salvation lit Solvation dark and there-for, Sinderesis never, in a Schriever AFB is this next badge Above.
See Solitary non-adulterated-state sins or Closes the
Sam cybr cde for Lucifer Eye, nor Errors Here, we See a Simplified but undeniable
See Uncle Sam, Vatican It is for this reason that our lord put Diagram Of The Global Grid I have
written about for so many years.
Anagram : Mass sinderesis in man, for the intent, that the-
order fore all things should be observed, The real Grid is not made of a square
Samos symb cybr cde for Samaria / and there-by be preserved pattern like this, but is otherwise
Sumeria, the Universe or a Place of For this reason, Sinderesis is called, extremely similar -- including the
Lyghte by some men, the law of reason, for it spherical 'nodes' where the lines cross.
ministers all the-principles found with-in
Sand symb cybr cde for Seed the-law of Reason, that which be found We also see a Knight Templar in full royal
with-in every man, bye naturæ, in that, regalia :
Sanskrit lit Sand Script he is a reasonable creature. Doct. & Stud. Even the clovers carved into the knight's
39., Blacks 2nd, 1910 mask are obvious, stylized versions of
See Phoenician CODE, Pseudo- Sanskrit
Sinderesis / Shindereshish
Satan not a noun lit the Accuser orig 2 lit the Glowing Lyghte of the Virgin The Templar Cross On Mask
Hashatan. in Mid-Evil-Europe the Mother
satan or the accuser was the See Consciousness, natural law, Shelter,
Prosecutor. he is the Guy standing in the T en Commandments, the Ten Gudgements
the court room paid to lie through his
teeth falsely accusing you of anything
Skip or Schip mod Ship
that he can think of See Sc vs. Sk, Yaht
Satan 2 anyone who has ever Sky Father metph t’Sun, the Wind
accused you of anything, but especially and More
Falsely, and that includes, friends,
family, neighbors, and strangers
Sanskrit – Dyauspitr
See Accuser, Adversary, Add Verses Greek – Zeus Pater
of Arrogance, Angel, Ash, Ass, Demon, Deviants Latin – Iuppiter, Diespiter, Jupiter, Dis
of the-Village, Devil, HaShatan, Lucifer, Pater
Unnatural-conditions, Satan, Vail the-
Anagram : Natash for Little Ash Sky Year mod Year or
or Little Ass an accuser Year’alle or Year-All’t or Year-All’tæ
T. it lit implies Hear the Soundsz of
Satisfaction Everything up-On the Greight Allter/ A Mask is a PERSON
Alter the Great Alter Being the Æarth See Chimaera, Malta, Mask, Person, Serpen't
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Satisfaction lies in the Effort, See Alle, Allter, Alt, Alter
Anagram : Rakes
NOT in the Attainment
Slaves Those who are Slaves
Saturday Saturnday
/ lit Star wythin their own limited thinking, have
no business speaking about . . .
Day or Star-Turn-Day for the end of
the Week the Spirit of the Free
See Sat, Star, Star Words, Tur, Turn - dezert-owl
Scent Italian Premavera Sol Fire or Sun Fire mod

Sulfur lit Fire from the t'Svn / Sun

Science The Most See Phyire, Soul, Sure Fire

Important Science in the Entire Solyma symb cybr cde for Solomon or The Official NORAD Logo NORth
World is . . . a Blind Wisdom and the Light of the American Aerospace Defense Command
Moon’t See Blind Eye also contains the 'quarantine loops'
Com-munication around the Earth.
- dezert-owl This Time the loops appear stylized as
Soul / Sol / Sool / Sowl
wings -- and we also see the Templar
They'll take your Soul if you let them
Science lit the Chi's Answer ..., but Don't You Let Them
sword with the stylized 'Thunderbolts'
Coming Off of it:
See Chi, Cy, Eloheim, Sc, Si - Carol King
Science Soul NHL cyb cde Your Keys are

True Science is EXACT Knowing the Mind, Vision, Purpose and most
- dezert-owl likely More
You must decide with-inn the Nag
Scotland Rom lit the Land of the Hammadi Library where these Words
Irish See Canaanites, Celtic, are going to be used, in the place of the
Ireland, Ish, Kill, Kilt, Phœnecians, Sc, Scottie, Cloud Word SOUL
Spotted with Blood, Vikings, Woman the See Light, Nag Hammadi Library, Sol
Fire, White Flower
Scriptures orig th lit Script True or
Sovereighn / sovereign
pure, natural
the True Script
See LOST Writings and non-adulterated from the Beginning.
the- True Sovereignty is found wyth-inn
Sea lit See You go too the Lyghte of the t’Svn / Sun / Son
These badges from Schriever Air Force
Base follow the same theme -- quarantine
Sea/See because you are Looking, the a True Sovereign is Free from Sin or rings and peculiar aircraft operating far
Primary aspect of Navigation Free from having his Eyes Closed outside the Earth's atmosphere --
See E, Eye, S, Sea Cure, Security, See Sovereighn / Sovereign / Sovereignt including an orange object that could be a
comet, but could also be a saucer-shaped
Security lit Secure the Tie Sœlvereighnt / Shœllevereighnt craft.
in the Hand- Book on Roman Civil- 2 Truth is Sovereign Notice the difference in size between the
Law c 1933 under Security it says the See Black’s, Eye’s-Closed, Natural, small black delta-shaped craft and the
Reign, Shelter, Sin, Solvereighn, Sovereighn larger metallic delta-shaped craft in the
First-Thing that You NEED is A- first badge below.
HOSTAGE ! and all THAT Means That size difference may not be an
... YOU ! Spark corr root metaph and orig thought for indication that one is closer than the other
See Birth Certificate, Hand Book Speak
-- it may acutally be a direct indication of
See Breath, Ember, Fire, Speak, Speck, how huge the larger craft is in comparison
on Roman Civil Law, Enforcement, Presiding,
to the black one:
Prosecutor, Represent, Sheriff Spike, Spoke

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
frm orig-thought root-form should be
The Only Way
- № 32 -
T like this: t’Seed. the
spelled with a silent
silent- T is a symbol for the-Tree of that You can be U nder their Spell, is if Kingdom Of The Khazars
Life, the- Cross, and more 2 Egg You really don’t know how Too Spell Continued from Definition ...
See Egg, Egypt, Son, Sun, Svn, t’Seed - dezert-owl
An Historical PerSpective
Self If You would ask me Spelling lit the Creation of
what to Study, I would say, study your- Lyghte that You Put On To Be Continued
Selves, and when you had well studied __________________________
See Ing, Ling, Pell, Pelt
them, and then would ask me, what to
study next, I would reply, Your-Selves
He who knows well his Lower-Self, Spirit The laws of men
- № 33 -
knows the illusions of the world, change with our understanding of them, THE SMOKING GUN !
knows of the things that pass away, and Only the law and the protection of the H itler with Archbishop Cesare Orsenigo
he who knows his higher-self, knows Greight- Spiryt Remains the Same The Papal nuncio in Berlin 1935
Alovehe’t, and knows well, the things - Hyemeyohsts Storm
that cannot pass away
Thrice blessed is the man who has Spirit the / the Water / the Blood
made purity and Love his very own; he
has been ransomed from the perils of
are all metaphors See Body, Breath, Fire,
Meta, Wind, World
the lower self and is himself his Higher-
Self SPQR Lat for Spar / Spark / Sport
- Elihoo a friend of Jesus
also Spoke and Speck 2 Spore of
Aquarian / Original Gospel War See Coercion, Diversion, Sports
Self corr orig th Shelf SS the proverbial Two Serpents, the
feminine by nature Sun and Moon being the Root Symbols
See Flash, Illusions, She, Shelf, Shell, See Egyptian Serpents & Moses,
Sheool, Sheol Lightning Strike, Sun & Moon
Anagram : Flesh / Flash for Spark
of Lyghte The SS Elite German Military Unit

Sell Outs those who have Betrayed St is the prime root for
On April 20, 1939, Archbishop Orsenigo
their own fellow Man, their Nation, Star, when reversing a word or reading celebrated Hitler's birthday. The
their own Neighbours and own Families a word back-words, the- S remains in celebrations, initiated by Pacelli (Pope
and all for a filthy Paycheck front of the- T as the-original root-form Pius XII) became a tradition. Each April
See San, Sand, Sol, Son, Stair, Star, 20, Cardinal Bertram of Berlin was to
Serpen orig form for Serpent Starr, Start, Steer, Stop, Sun/ Svn, T, Yud send "warmest congratulations to the
Fuhrer in the name of the bishops and the
Serpent Mayan for Water Star- Day or Star- Turn- Day for
dioceses in Germany" and added with
"fervent prayers which the Catholics of
See River, Serpen the end of the- Week mod Saturday or Germany are sending to heaven on their
Servant orig th lit Surf Ant Saturn-Day altars."
when the Ancient mariners would land See Star Words Source : Hitler's Pope: The Secret History of Pius
XII, by John Cornwell
upon any foreign shore, they would
immediately enslave the locals on the
beach and get them to do their bidding
Star eel mod Steel / Steal - № 34 -
or the might be killed it is all in the
Star - Words
See East India Company, Serpent, Surf Ants the Foundation for All of Our Thinking

Seven syn with Heaven and Original- Thought ...

See Fil Fa't, Symbol of A Star, Swastika

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Shevron or Chevron See the Pattern
See Even, Heaven Fluoride ...
Example YOUR Æye !
Sh Hebrews would never make Rooster is really Roolster or Rule Star
the S sound by it-self, as that is the ... Shuts Down the Thyroid Gland
Saturday / Saturnday lit Star Day or
sound of the serpent, thus they have the by Pat Shannan Investigative Reporter
H always associated with the- S = Sh Star Turn Day for the end of the- Week
It has been more than a decade since the
See H, S, X St / Star frm the root abbrev cyber code St FDA admitted that fluoride was not a
See Street healthy additive to the human system,
Shallo’t a Healing Root pronounced Stair but little has changed since.
with the T and a root form of the Word Pharmaceutical propaganda continues,
Shallow Silent T , as in Shallow water,
Stall / Star All water systems remain fluoridated and
but referred too Today as Shallot Stare “fluoride-free” toothpaste is totally
Starre unavailable at supermarkets and
Shallot 2 a Life Saving Boat pharmacies.
See Christ, Law, Messiah, Moses, Starreye / Star Æye Now there is mounting evidence that
Mosheyach, Moshællot’yannchi’t, Mosheyach,
Shælter, Shallop, Shallot, Shallow, Shalt, Shell,
Start / Star Art the Beginning of Creation this is the prime cause of the great rise
in hypothyroidism in recent years.
Shelter, True-Shell the-. Startle / Start EL European scientists discovered eight
Anagram : Toll Ash the Opposite lit State / Star Ate lit an Eye for consumption decades ago that adding minute doses of
means the Toll is Ashes
Stay / Star Aye to come down fluoride to bath water was successful in
treatment of an overactive thyroid
The Shelter or the pure Shelter or Stear / Star Ear to turn by command (hyperthyroidism) because it inhibited
Shælltorre Shæll-tarre lit the
or Steel / Star EEL the thyroid gland’s function. Therefore,
Protection of the Air corr root and orig occasional treatments of minimal
Steer amounts could regulate the overactive
form for Law. a Shelter is that which
Stellar / Cellar for the Star Age Stellar thyroid to normality.
Protects You symbolized as the Lyghte Caller or the Calling
also implies the This being true, it takes but an
of the Svn or the Sun AT High Noon. elementary deduction to determine that
Later on, the priest hoods corrupted the
Steps / Stephs / Star Creations massive daily doses could only lead to
word, by removing their sacred letter Stir / Stire / Star- Ire the Star Fire the under activity known as
L and making it contract law, called Stone / StOne / Star One / One Star hypothyroidism, and currently 70% of
Shetar. the anagram of Law is Wall Americans have this thyroid-blocking
Storage / Star Ore Age chemical forced upon them every day
Shelter 2 commonly thought of as the Store / Store House / Star House without their consent.
Law See Christ, High Noon, Law, Florida author and medical researcher
Messiah, Moses, Moshael, Moshe, Mosheyach, Storm / Star Om Mary Sparrowdancer says, “We might
Moshællot’yannchi’t, Mosheyach, Pre-ist, Pure- Story / A Star Ore Ray drink bottled water, but most of us
Shelter, Shælter, Shallop, Shallot, Shallow, Shalt, cannot avoid the bathwater, and
Shell, t’Svn, True-Shell the Strangle / Star Angle
deliberately damaging the thyroid will
Stray / A Star Ray produce a plethora of symptoms
Shot Caller the One Prisoner
in each prison who calls the Shots Street / Star Reed See D vs T affecting the entire human body from
what Starr- Reed do you Lyve on ? head to toe.”
See Shot Caller Press Poetry Contest
When our hair gets thinner and we can’t
Shreiff oc'cult cyb cde for
Strove / Star Rove
lose those recently acquired holiday
He gets his 'SHARE If '... if he does Stur / Stvr Numerical-Value See Rev 13:18 pounds, it can be directly attributed to
his JOB as a Tax Collector in Disguise ‘666’ which is the number of creation and a Star an underactive thyroid, but this is only
See Presiding, Prosecutor, Security Stur- Up / Stirrup lit Starr Up the beginning.
Known as the body’s “thermostat,” a
Ship orig thou Skip or Schip
Sturgeon / one who stirs up or turns up the mud dysfunctional thyroid gland can cause
See Sc vs. Sk, Yaht Sty / Star Eye to soar towards the Sun additional symptoms including edema,
Style / Star EL the EL are the ones who set kidney disease and failure, depression,
Sic symb mean lit With-in this Style all the Trends
premature aging, unprovoked aches and
pains, skin problems, bone deformities
(sic) See Blacks
(likely including "arthritis" and
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spontaneous fractures), sexual/erectile
Sicily symb cybr cde for the False Relative Thoughtz dysfunction, memory loss, fatigue, heart
Messiah or Mosheyach Face lit the Creative- Ace for the Sun disease and even cancer; and long after
the whole body has been damaged, there
Signature you dont have one Lost lit the True Stars Through-Out still is little or no evidence that teeth
unless your a fool 2 lit Sign of Alle Tyme it is the oc’cult’s CURSE up-on cavities were in any way prevented or
Nature See Unserstanding Autograph alle of Man-kind even slowed down.
Minister / A Mini Star or A Little Mary writes in a recent piece, “For the
Signature Style this can be a Star US government, long partnered with the
propper style to seperate the Corp/Trust pharmaceutical industry, to then force
Past / Fast / lit PHay Star
this same treatment on a nation of
FICTION from the flesh and blood the- Seasons of Lyfe on Æarth is short
breathing man : people with healthy thyroids under the
See College of Abbreviators, the Above Words
lie that fluoride ‘prevents cavities in
All right reserved, children,’ is unconscionable.”
YOUR NAME ALLCAPS States of America . . . As Seen on Meanwhile, the fluoride promoters are
by, agent, Your Name Upperlower The Declaration of Independence soon not capable of engaging in an honest and
See Tital/ Title , Mark, Seal after became THE UNITED STATES logical debate about fluoride because
OF AMERICA a part of the Jesuit they have no real facts or clinical
Significant Sign if I Can’t owned and run UNITED Companies evidence showing that fluoride prevents
Enigma ? obvious oc’cult cyber code cavities. Their only argument is the
- dezert-owl
continual parroting that “It is well-
See Star- Words for State, known that fluoride prevents cavities.”
Silence United Companies, United Kingdom With that in mind, we focus on the
Silence is the Mother of Truth people of Kentucky, the state with the
- Chief- Luther Standing- Bear Strength highest percentage of fluoridated water
in the nation. It also ranks first for the
Strength does Not come from worst dental health scores in the U. S.
The Silent Brother Hood physical capacity ; it comes relating to cavities in children and
There has always been a Silent from an indomitable Will complete toothlessness in its adults, as
Brotherhood of Sages that Met every so - GANDHI well as #1 in incidents of cancer.
many years See Aquarian/ Original Gospel Since WW II, everything they ever told
Sueo Lat ere, suevi, suetum. neut. us was a lie regarding the nonexistent
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars To Accustom, to be Wont or To be in "benefits" of fluoride, and no checks for
A Hand-Book / a small Booklet fluoride or blocked thyroids have ever
Need. Nec voces cernere suemus, Lucr
found in an IBM Type-writer at a been part of a routine health exam. The
See Esse, Esseda, Potestas,
government auction. it described the only "benefits" of fluoride are being
Potestate, Sue, Sueo potestate esse
plan to manipulate our society in pocketed by the pharmaceutical industry
various ways, such as to see that both selling drugs to treat the resulting
mom and dad had to work, so that they Suffering Those who suffer, symptoms created by our previous
can begin accessing the minds of our are Leading the armies for Peace intake of fluoride www.PatShannan.Net
infants as soon as possible and by - Author Unknown See Con Words, Floor, Flow, Flu, Looking At
controlling the preschools, they referred The Floor, Riding the Floor
to our American sons and daughters as
‘Occupationally Orphaned Children’
Sun / Svn / San / or Son is a metaphor - № 35 -
See Buck Act, War and Emergency Powers for Heaven, Seed The Star of David on U.S. Minted Coins
See Annoonacki, Heart of Sky, Mary,
Sin / Shin cybr cde for Closing of Virgin Light, Zen
the Eyes or to Close the Eye
See Closing of the Eyes, San, Sand, Sin,
Sun Fire or Sol Fire mod

Son, Soon, Sun, Svn, Synagogue, T, Zen Sulfur

See Sure Fire
Sinagogue See Synagogue, Temple
Sun & Moon
Sister from Cistern or orig thought The Two Legends
My Fresh Spring of Water dezert-owl Called The Trime it is the Smallest Silver Coin

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Sister 2 OE Sistren imp My Star See AT Las, Atlas, Twin Towers, Yin & Yaang ever issued by the United States. Introduced in
1851 as a convenient way to pay the Three Cent
Entity also imp a Sexual Object Postal Rate. Note the Banking Shield on the Star
See Al, Alovehe’t, Bra, Bro, Brother, Surf Ant mod Servant See Coins, Flags, Star of David
Fa, Father, God, Is, Ish, Ma, Mo, Mother, when the Ancient mariners would land
Mother-and Father are One, Om, Sis, SS, Ther, upon any foreign shore, they would
Thor immediately enslave the locals on the
Skull & Bones Society formerly beach and get them to do their bidding or
the Brother-hood of Death founded in they might be killed it is all in the word
Germany in the early 1800's, the Men See Columbus Day, East India
who enter this Top Secret Society at Company, Serpent, Surf Ants
Yale University, end up being the KEY
Handlers of America. aproxmately 800 Susa symb cybr cde for the Advisory
are in existance at any given time
See Keepers of the Keys, Masons
Svn is the orig form of the word Son The Star of David was going to be used on
the American Flag, until they realized that it
and Sun, Sun being a corruption for Svn
would be too obvious, who really runs things
Sky corr etym root Shchy as in the prime root
See Flags, Star of David
She Chi or She Cheye Svn 2 is synonymous with Son and Sun,
See Kite but, no one ever told you this. the V __________________________

Smoke stands for the Virgin Eve of whom

See Ancient Offerings, Cosmos, Monk Mary, the mother of Jesus, then became - № 36 -
Anagram : Chemosh the- first- female The Symbol See Mary, V Rachel Corrie Stood with Palistine Victims
deity worshiped bye the- oc’cult
Swastika or Fil Fa't cybr cde lit
Snake orig thou for Sneak the Fullness of the Fay
See Serpen, Serpent 2 one of the Oldest Known Symbols,
the swastika is an ancient symbol that
Sneak orig thou for Snake has been used for thousands of years.
See Serpen, Serpent that even predates the ancient Egyptian
symbol, the Ankh! Artifacts such as
Social Security is NOT Insurance pottery and coins from ancient Troy
nor A Contract, nor is there any Trust show that the swastika was a commonly
Fund See Helvering v. Davis 301 US used symbol as far back as 1000 BCE,
619 Steward Co. vs. Davis 301 US 548, Security, even in the ancient americas it was used
Security Numbers, Shell Game, Social Security See Cross, Pyramid, SS, Star of David
Mini Pictionary No 34
Social Security Check it comes
directly from the IMF - International Swearing We send our young
Monetary Fund, which is an agency of native boys and girls off too your
the United Nations. It says U.S. government schools, and when they
Department of Treasury at the top left come back talking English, they come
corner, which again is part of the U.N. back swearing. There are no swear
as pointed out under United States words in the traditional native tongue
and I have not yet learned to Swear Genocide of Palistine by Israel
Treasury See Security, Security Numbers,
Shell Game, Social Security, Social Security - zitkala Sa
Numbers, U.N., United States Treasury

Social Security Numbers are S¥mbol$

issued by the U.N. through the IMF
International Monetary Fund. The Svn / Sun / Son  Yin / Yang Rest In Peace Brave Heart !!!
Application for a Social Security See Why The Mid East Bleeds Video on
YouTUBE by Ted Pike or Go To
Number is the SS5 Form. The he SQUARE ۞ Over-Laid
Department of The Treasury or IMF

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
issues the SS5 Forms NOT the Social The Æye on The Throne Ж
Security Administration. The new SS5 See Simple
- № 37 -
forms do not state who publishes them
t’Seed Lyghte is a corr root metaphor and Salvador Dali & Walt Disney
while the old form states they are
Department of The Treasury orig th for the True Lyfe and for Fire

See 20 CFR Council on Foreign mod Blood. Fire also symbolizes the Spirit
Relations Chap. 111 Subpart B. 422.103 b, Shell which is the Breath inn the Blood
Game, Security, Social Security, United Nations See Blood, Blue, Breath, Fire, PH, Spirit,
Mini Pictionary No 41 True Mother the, Water

Socialisim Seed of
t’ The Moon corr root and
Socialisim is a Philosophy of Failure, orig th for Son of Man
the Creed of Ignorance and the Gospel
See Man, Son of Lyghte, Son of God, ,
of Envy, it's inherent virtue is the Equal Son of Man, Svn, t’Seed of Darkness, t’Seed of
Sharing of Misery - Author Unknown the Svn, t’Seed of the Moon

Society of Jesus
The Company of Jesus
formerly known as
and are Jesuits
Child Molesters, Jesuit Oath,
- T-
- Phœnician SLAVE Alphabet -
Jesuits, Psysopath
- Prime -
Socratic Reasoning the System of
continually putting Questions Toward
Dove / Tub/ Tab/ Tav/ Tow/ Dow
- Literal -
Any Particular Subject or issue in order
to find The Truth as to whether or not Tav’Ooll See Club 33, Walt Disney
any specific Claim had any real - Turban / Towel / Tovel / Sharah - __________________________
Substance in it 2 Credited as being Prime Symbol : the SVN / t’Sun - № 38 -
one of the Primary Founders of our the Beginning and the Æend
own Western Philosophy, Socrates was A Royalle Flaming t’Sword/ t’Svord of Fire
Com Death
Condemned for seeking out The Truth, and Gudgement and Troothe and Peace/ Pax Calm Death
which went against his own political and DiVynne- Love the Ænlyghtenment
state in Greece, and their argument DVD / David / Daveed / Divide
was, that he was corrupting the youth c
469–399 BC One of his most famous Secondary Symbols :
students was Plato Prime Numbers :
Son(s) of God a cybr cde for See Pass, Pax, Towel, Turban, the Above Words
t’Seed of the Svn
See Man, t’Seed
the Moont, t’Seed of the Svn, Son of -t-
Lyghte, Son of Man, t’Seed of Darkness, t’Seed
- Miniscule Sovereign Alphabet –
of the Svn, t’Seed of the Moon
Son(s) of Man a cybr cde for

t’Seed of the Moon See Man,

Seed of the Moon, Seed of the Svn, Son of
of Lyfe -
- Tree
See Chem Trails
Lyghte, Son of God, t’Seed of Darkness, t’Seed
of the Svn, t’Seed of the Moon
- Tree of Knowledge -
SONY acronym for Standard Oil of T / t the Burning- Tree
symb for
New York, A Rockefeller Foundation T / t 2 Last symbol of Heb/Ara
Soul Mayan White Flower
See Minds Eye That Sees in the Night
T/t 3 a symbol for t’Seed, the-
Moon’t, the t’Svn and the Æarth, it is The Celtic Cross / Kill Tech Cross
Sour Dough mod Leaven always Silent. a sound was put on it bye The Number ONE Navigation Tool
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a little sour dough makes the entire the-priest-hoods, alle in order to cover-up
lump go bad its true-symbolic-nature, that being, of a - № 39 -
See Bread, Breaking Bread, Leaven weapon as, ‘A t’Sword’, ‘A Tool of the Criminal Cartel on the Western Front

Sovereign Navigation’, found within the-Celtic-

cross, as well as a symbol of ‘Time and
Solvereighn or Solvereighn't
Death, Destruction and Sacrifice
A Sovereign, pure, natural and non- See Æarth, AT, Ax, Craft, En, End,
adulterated from the Beginning. the Enjoy, Moon, San, Sand, Son, Sun, Seed, T’Seed,
True Sovereignty is found wyth-inn t’Svn, Tax, Th, Treason, X

the Lyghte of the t’Svn / Sun / Son

2 a True Sovereign is Free from Sin TV erses D - Words
or Free from Having his Eyes Closed the-Mystery-Symbols and a Secret-Code,
See Black’s, Eye’s-Closed, each symbol sounding almost the-same.
Natural, Reign, Sun, Sin, Solvereighn, D & T are found interchangeably as a
Sovereighn part-component of many words
3 since in the common usage the
term PERSON does not include the The Mystery of De’Ception
sovereign, the statutes, laws, rules, See the Pattern
CODES, etc, not using the Term the Black Pope Adolfo Nicolas
Sovereign, are Ordnarily constructed to Example Superior General of the Society of Jesus
exclude it. so, if any law, statute, or Adam is also ATom , or Atom or the The White Pope makes a Secretive Symbol of his
Penis with his right index finger. G W Bush Jr
some CODE Section says PERSON, it AT Om that you need to Add Up. and Dick Chaney were in the same picture,
is definately NOT referring to a Godt is Scandinavian for God standing directly next to each other in a very
sovereign, but rather, it is referring to a important gathering outside while making this
Seat is also Seed
Contractual- PERSON, as in a Trust. very same symbol, but with their hands down at
See the Above Words their croches and holding the finger as if they were
See U.S. vs. Fox, 94 U.S. 315 and Willis vs.
Michigan State Police, 105 1. 2nd Ed 45, 1989 taking a piss. See Hindu Aryan Control,
Jesuits, Psycopathic
Sovereignty or Sovereighnty t’Itoo pron Eye Too mod Titus lit __________________________
Sovereignty is of itself, of course, the- Æye is inn-Too See Oo, S, T,
NOT Subject to LAW or Man’s Titus, U When Two Worlds
Statute , since Sovereignty is the
t’Seed See Seed, T, t’Seed of the- Moon
Author and the Source for All Other t’Seed Lyghte is a corr root metaphor
Collide -
Law See Yick Wo vs and orig thought for the True Life and for by dezert-owl
Hopkins and Wo Lee v. Hopkins, 118 U.S., 356 What are the forces
also Shœllvereighntæye
Fire. or mod Blood. Fire also symbolizes That can bring
the Spirit, which is, the Breath in the
Sovereignty Two worlds together?
Blood See Blood, Blue, Breath, Fire, PH, What bridged these lives
Super Sovereignty Spirit, True Mother the, Water As special ships
the Oc'cult Under- World have their
t’Seed of the t’Svn / Sun is a cyber For to be?
Get Out of Jail Card, between their Beaming out pulsations,
code for Son of God See Man, Son of
Secert Blood Oaths and Grand Hailing For billions of miles,
Lyghte, Son of God, Son of Man, Svn, t’Seed of
Signs stroking their right hand across Darkness, t’Seed of the Svn, t’Seed of the Moon Finally then together;
their heart with the right hand across Across a vast deep,
the heart and chest, gets them out of t’Seed of the Moon(th) is a cybr cde And an end-less sea.
trouble quick. their need to protect and A deeper sea,
for Son of Man See Man, Son of
to lie under Oath to protect a 'Brother' is Of space and of time;
Lyghte, Son of God, , Son of Man, Svn, t’Seed
what they call a pure Obligation of Darkness, t’Seed of the Svn, t’Seed of the- A space and time,
See Grand Hailing Sign, Masonic Oath, Moon Just for you and for me.
Natural Law, Oath of Kol Nidre, 15
Pure Obligation T’Zool’Mega See Æleph, Ælpha, Although time,
Ælaphax, Alapha’t, Alaphax, Aleph, Alpha, OO,
Speak in the orig th is Spark Oomega, Tab, Tau, Tav, U, Z, Ω
It has no real meaning,
See Breath, and Fire, Spark As the void of space,
It hasn’t any thought,
Tab lit the Ænd of the Beginning and
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Special Visitation Inspection or the Beginning of the Ænd See Æleph, Nor reason to hold,
Super Intendance while maintaining Ælpha, Ælaphax, Alpha, Alaphax, Aleph, AT, D, And no separate values,
Dau, Dav, Dov, Dow, OO, Oomega, Out-side of what we already know.
your own Dominion See Black’s, T’Zool’Mega, T, Tao, Tau, Tav, Toe, Too, U, Z,
Islands apart now,
Ω We stand in pure knowledge,
Spell Spell Cast on Talmud
you have had a the- Babylonian Talmud As if redeeming,
YOU through Spelling the Oc’cult is the- Most Wicked and Deceptive Oral As ancient symbols,
also get you to Curse every day when and written tradition in History, it is all Destined to climb,
you use the Cursor on your Computer about world Domination with the- As if for,
Transcending every thought
2 lit the Serpents Pill 3 lit the destruction and the enslavement of
everyone else And midnight celestial sky.
Serpents Covering or Puttint on the 30
See Machiavellian Manipulation, Masons,
Serpent Yeshua
Where is the force,
See Curse, Life, LiPH, Medicine, Pel, That can bring two lives together?
Pill, Spell of Babylon Tao lit the Ænd of the Beginning The heart, the mind,
Anagram : Lips which implies Lyfe and the Beginning of the Ænd The body, the soul?
See Æleph, Ælpha, Ælaphax, Alpha, Oh, I have never felt before,
Alaphax, Aleph, AT, D, Dau, Dav, Dov, Dow, The pull of such a polaric desire.
Spell of Babylon If the OO, Oomega, T’Zool’Mega, T, Tab, Tau, Tav, A derivative for the give and take,
Toe, Too, U, Z, Ω
Words as Presented with-in this A derivative for then to hold.
Dictionary do not Compute, then you
Thousands of times over,
may just be under the Spell of Targum Now I have heard it
We will stand begotten,
Babylon Declared by some who say, that, Unless With a very special,
- dezert-owl I can find it Written in the Original But simple fortitude inside.
Writings, I will not recognize it to be Yet we still stand,
See Baby Lion, Babylon, Curse, written within my own scriptures. But Standing while most other lives,
Spell of Babylon, Vatican then, once it has been plainly revealed They are scattered forever,
to them, that this is the way that it has As in the sea rinsed flickering sand;
Spelling lit the Creation of been written, they then respond back As with no grapevine then,
Lyghte that You Put On with what is laying there before them, To transcend ,
See Ing, Ling, Pell, Pelt within their own corrupted texts Or, to hold.
Letter of Ignatius to the Philadelphians 49
For it is,
Spelling The Only Real
c 90 AD
On this celestial plane,
SPELL that you can ever truly be put Targum lit the Dark Meanings Of a former sun and star,
under, is that of misinformation, along You Chew On mod use Translation That we do stand;
with the Control of all Information, as See Diction, Language, Translation Both now together,
well as the Incorrect use of the Terms, Anagram : Mag Art lit implies that Both now and forever,
thus creating what are clearly non Translation is the- Center of Creation With our mystical bands and tokens,
lawful Conditions That we all must now endure.
- dezert-owl
Tartarus symb cybr cde for Fire What invisible force,
Or forces,
Spirit an oc’cult cybr cde for Tau lit the Ænd of the Beginning Can bring these two visible worlds then
and the Beginning of the Ænd together;
Give it the Spear So that they,
See Breath, Fay, Phay, Spear, Sprite, Wind
See Æleph, Ælpha, Ælaphax, Alpha,
Alaphax, Aleph, AT, D, Dau, Dav, Dov, Dow, By a natural course,
OO, Oomega, T’Zool’Mega, T, Tab, Tao, Tav, Collide and then divide,
Sports lit Diversion Toe, Too, U, Z, Ω Breaking all apart,
See Competence, Competition, SPQR, And then if once,
Web 1828
Taught lit Plowed and t’Seed- If only once,
Spys the First Planted See Aught, Naught, Seed-Plant, Becoming one,
one put in your cell when your case is Seed Planted, T, Teach To reform, to grow, to sow?
of a political nature 2 they are 68
everywhers See Client, Groups, Masons Tav lit the Ænd of the Beginning The remnants of life,
They lie scattered all around us,
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Standing and the Beginning of the Ænd Even as we see each other too.
The legal right to initiate a lawsuit. See Æleph, Ælpha, Ælaphax, Alpha, So that, we can’t help,
There are three requirements for Article Alaphax, Aleph, AT, D, Dau, Dav, Dov, Dow, But try at least,
III standing: (1) injury in fact, which OO, Oomega, T’Zool’Mega, T, Tab, Tao, Tau, To try and pick them up;
means an invasion of a legally protected Toe, Too, U, Z, Ω As it is for this purpose too then,
interest that is (a) concrete and That we,
particularized, and (b) actual or
Tear in Eye mod Tyranny Two distant and unique worlds,
imminent, not conjectural or Are now formed;
hypothetical; (2) a causal relationship
Temet Lat for Your Self Formed and brought together.
between the injury and the challenged See Ego For how many worlds,
Like this world before us, were created
conduct, which means that the injury
fairly can be traced to the challenged
Ten Commandments of Love too?
action of the defendant, and has not NOW, Rabbi Barachia of the Also, how many other lives,
resulted from the independent action of synagogue of Nazareth, was aid to Mary With life hidden deep within each one,
some third party not before the court; in the teaching of her son. Truly did exist?
and (3) a likelihood that the injury will 2 One morning after service in the How many dreams were forgotten?
be redressed by a favorable decision, synagogue the rabbi said to Jesus as he How many hopes,
which means that the prospect of sat in silent thought, Which is the Were merely just to subsist?
obtaining relief from the injury as a greatest of the Ten Commands? In truth they abound,
result of a favorable ruling is not too 3 And Jesus said, I do not see a greatest Without any number;
speculative. Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, of the Ten Commands. I see a golden Yet, is there any real satisfaction,
112 S. Ct. 2130, 2136 1992 Lujan. The cord that runs through all the Ten In simply knowing how to survive,
party invoking federal jurisdiction bears Commands that binds them fast and And merely how to exist?
the burden of establishing each of these makes them one. A day is ever to be found,
elements. Id 4 This cord is love, and it belongs to And is to be found in ones very own hand.
In deciding whether xxx has every word of all the Ten Commands. Yet, these days have been so long,
standing, a court must consider the 5 If one is full of love he can do nothing That I can barely stand.
allegations of fact contained in xxx's else than worship God; for God is love. And I can remember things,
declaration and other affidavits in 6 If one is full of love, he cannot kill; he Even before I was born.
support of his assertion of standing. See cannot falsely testify; he cannot covet; Though I was still conceived,
Warth v. Seldin, 422 U.S. 490, 501 1974 can do naught but honor God and man. Rightly conceived in a secret land;
Warth. See also Warth, 422 U.S. at 501 7 If one is full of love he does not need For then was my sky aglow,
When addressing motion to dismiss for commands of any kind. In the pink and the red.
lack of standing, both district court and 8 And Rabbi Barachia said, Your words Up front, it was all around me,
court of appeals must accept as true all are seasoned with the salt of wisdom that And within my dreams,
material allegations of the complaint is from above. Who is the teacher who While the blackness there,
and must construe the complaint in has opened up this truth to you? Was the white curtain below.
favor of the party claiming standing. 9 And Jesus said, I do not know that My thumb,
Source LectLaw .Com any teacher opened up this truth for me. It was in my mouth,
See Attorney, Barrister, Barron, It seems to me that truth was never shut; I within my mothers womb;
Sovereign, Standing vs. Status that it was always opened up, for truth is For I was then,
one and it is everywhere. Considering the all of the all,
Star / Shitar / Shelter / Shælltarre lit 10 And if we open up the windows of While thinking about,
the Power of the Lyghte and the our minds the truth will enter in and What was to come.
Darkness make herself at home; for truth can find This is when I was found . . . . . . .
her way through any crevice, any A pulsating conscience,
See San, Sand, Shælltarre, Shelter, Shitar,
Sol, Son, St, Stair, Starr, Start, Steer, Stop, Sun/ window, any open door. Formed maybe,
Even just for you,
Svn, T, Virgin the-, Yud 11 The rabbi said, What hand is strong
If only just for you.
enough to open up the windows and the 118
Star of David an idol and an doors of mind so truth can enter in? It was in those proverbial days,
unlawfully used image, that never at 12 And Jesus said, It seems to me that Of hoping and of plowing,
any time, belonged to David the Man, love, the golden cord that binds the Ten Churning out that beacon of light,
but rather, it has been interpolated by Commands in one, is strong enough to As the extension of light;
the ancient Hindu Aryans who are open any human door so that the truth With a power wealth within,
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
running the world from behind the can enter in and cause the heart to Something deemed to be the better;
sceen understand. Never knowing in what or where,
13 Now, in the evening Jesus and his A better portion may lie below,
mother sat alone, and Jesus said, Just buried,
14 The rabbi seems to think that God is And left there to lie,
partial in his treatment of the sons of Beneath this lost station of time,
men; that Yudeans are favored and are Where now only two worlds apart collide.
blest above all other men.
People work, they eat, they drink,
15 I do not see how God can have his And raise their own;
Star of David 2 a universal favorites and be just. And work, and work, and work alone,
Symbol of Lyfe and Creation 16 Are not Samaritans and Greeks and Yet life, she isn’t always favorable to us,
Go To: Romans just as much the children of the Not seeming, in equal proportions.
TheREALPublicRadio.Net/Physics.Html Holy One as are the Yudeans? For, regarding balance,
and See the YouTUBE by Nassim 17 I think the Yudeans have built a wall It has been said:
Haramein about themselves, and they see nothing That some may have great abundance,
A Foremost Expert an the Physical Nature of our on the other side of it. For much enjoyment,
Universe 18 They do not know that flowers are And yet of others . . .
See Filfat, India, Mini Pictionary No 35 blooming over there; that sowing times Nothing at all,
and reaping times belong to anybody, as No land to stand upon,
Stars As long as you still well as Yudeans. No place to call their own.
experience the Starrs as something up 19 It surely would be well if we could So, some shall find,
break these barriers down so that the A sweet red cup of wine;
above, you are still lacking the Primary
Jews might see that God has other While some shall have a fall,
View- Point of Real- Knowledge children that are just as greatly blest. Down in the deep black mud alone.
- Frederick Nietzsche 147
20 I want to go from this Yudean land
A true paradox lies hidden,
State small s state is sovereign, and meet my relations in other countries
Within this bottomless pit;
of my Father-land.
the Flesh and Blood in contrast with For one who is impoverished,
- Jesus, the Christ
the Capitol S STATE, which is a Aquarian Gospel 17:2-20
Can still yet be rich;
Political STATE and A FICTION While the one who is rather wealthy,
See Eshtate, Estate, This STATE, Sovereign
Need not the other,
Ten Gudgements orig th for To be impoverished too.
States of America the Original The Ten Commandments Do not both ends,
Coming together then,
Title or Name gyven to The United Create a balance in between?
States of America Terrorisim Terrorisim Finding balance then,
See UNITED STATES, A p p e n d i x № 13 is The Greatest Political Weapon of all As the median of life?
time, since nothing Drives The People Of everything,
Steel orig tho Starr EEL Harder, than the fear of Suden Death And of nothing at all?
See EL, St - Author Unknown As in those great expanses,
Strict That lie in-between us:
Strict Chi back words Chi Rest Tetra Gramation The up and down,
The in and out,
mod Christ an oc’cult term that means or Tetra- Gramaton Left and right,
Ruling Secret Power is Strict Rich and poor,
See Chi, Cipher, Code, Cyber Code, Jesus, Right and wrong?
Kite, Messiah, Mosheyach, Moshællot’yannchi’t, Is there not then,
St, Vatican
Anagram : Christ for the western
YaHValHe't A true purpose,
To each and every unique situation?
oc’cult Babylonian Vatican Yahl'Val-He't Can we not then,
Find out way back to that sun,
Silent T That light from which we came,
Strife Whoever Created lit the Highest Aspect of the Three And to the moon,
the Strife, is responsible for the Principle t’Ælloveheim and the Greight The ancient of days?
Do let me know,
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Strife Breath 2 Svn / Sun – Earth and For as life would have it,
I wish to go.
- common- law Maxim Moon't 179
See Breath, Eloveheim, Sacred Name, When two worlds,
t’Elloveheim, V, W, Yahvahe’t, YHVH
Subliminal Messaging They finally do collide,
the Word Subliminal lit means Below Is it not then,
TH the pure symbols and lit
Meant to happen this way?
the Threshold, in other words, you are The Breath See Breath, H, T, The Tell me about the things,
not aware of the message – as it is That are without any purpose;
below the Threshold of Your Conscious THE the pure Symbols Expressed : And I will tell you about the things,
Preception, however, YOU will still T = O for the Sun, Æarth and Moonth That are left unsaid;
TAKE the Message on Some Level as H = the Healing Breath of Our Father Even for today,
Your subConscious Mind Processes and E = the Ever Conscious Alle Seeing Even for tomorrow,
then quietly Stores this information. About the things of yesterday as well.
Æye of Our Greighte Father
Subliminal Messaging therefore refers And will anyone be watching,
to the Action of Sending A Suggestion The
God or Alovehe’t’s Breath
2 lit When these two worlds collide?
into the subConscious Mind the root form is the H in the- Sound of And if so,
See Media, Mind Control, Breathing Out of a Heh from Deep Will they have any answers left,
NASA, TV, Walt Disney Wyth-inn. it is actually connected to Any Forth to come?
I firmly follow,
Sueo potestate esse Lat that which is Word that it is in front of creating an That it is we,
fixed and remains standing from time in Expression or Any Thing Who have all of these,
memorial, and which no one can deny See Breath, H, TH Those necessary answers;
the Truth in effect, just sitting there And our very own two worlds,
waiting to be picked up and asserted as The Æye corr root & orig th for
Create their very own fixed eye.
a Fact in Lyfe and in Law He So that now,
See Esse, Esseda, Potestas, Ex See Breath, Eye, H, He, I, L, TH, V, Y The places that we do see and go to,
Officio, Potestate, Sue, Sueo
Sulfur ori thSol Fire or Thee ar- Roole z Are in our very own hearts,
Within our own minds,
Sun Fire or Fire from the t'Svn / A Thesaurus to Measure All Words Within our own redeeming qualities,
in providing references to Other Words Within our own unique postures,
Sun See Sure Fire
Within our very own hands,
and Themes
Sun / t’Svn / Son is a metaphor for Within a far, far away place,
Heaven and Throne See Air, Which is yet,
Annoonacki, Cosmos, Heart of Sky, Heaven, The Missing... Always so very near at hand;
K’in, Mary, S, San, Sen, Sin, Sky, Sky Father, Very near at hand and deep inside.
Son, Soon, Svn, t’Svn, Virgin Light, Zen Thirteenth Amendment So we can see those things,
13th Constitutional Amendment : That are cast aside,
Supreme Court the Most Powerful Titles of Nobility or Esquire Where mere shadows,
Court in America is NOT the United If any citizen of the united States shall Will now and always,
States Supreme Court, but the Supreme accept, claim, receive or retain any title Forever on and on,
Court of Pennsylvania See 42 PA. of nobility or honor, or shall without the One day reside.
C.S.A. 502, My one supreme court in consent of Congress, accept and retain Within those secret places of long ago,
the district of tens – the superior court any present, pension, office or emolument
Where now,
of any kind whatever, from any emperor,
Only we two worlds collide.
Symbol lit Simple king, prince or foreign- power, such a
It is only,
person shall cease to be a citizen of the Two people alone then,
Symbolisim Just the united States and shall be incapable of
holding any office of trust, or profit
Who will feel it happen this way,
manipulation of Symbols by itself, is When we two worlds collide.
under them, or either of them. While we can stand in amazement,
enough too Control All of Man 2nd Session, 11th Congress, ratified 1819 And within a deeper awe,
Kind The above Article was Stolen by Subversive
As we tremble in these moments,
- Fritz Springmeier Agents within the publishing, government and With all of our full emotions,
postal institutions, all under Jesuit and Vatican And with our reason;
Oath and Command. It was First Enacted in With it written in the stars at night
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Synagogue orig-tho lit to Put-Out the 1812, and The Reason for The War, it is still the beside.
Law of the Land Today Questioning all of these sensations,
Æye of the Sun or too Put-Out the
- dezert-owl For the next aeon to come;
Lyghte of the Svn
See Gog, Magog, Temple See David Dodge, Star- Words for State
Yet, acting upon them,
With each and every,
Synthesis cyb cde lit Thirteen Bloodlines New hidden movement and moment of thought.
For we are both,
Sin-Thesis of The I llu min attii-- Silent warriors,
See San, Sin, Sun, Thesis --Eye Deep within;
DuPont And it is,
Syria symb cybr cde for Judah or Because each and every new world,
Israel See Cyber Code Kennedy Has begun this way,
Anagram : Iris for the Eye Sinclare For hidden deep inside,
More to Follow / Related Families I know that there is another way to say,
Syriac New Testament in English That these are the things that happen,
Direct from the Native Tongue of Jesus Most All The Royal Families of Europe & Asia When we two worlds collide.
Translated from the Syriac Peshittoo Version They All inter Marry, to keep it All in the 246
by James Murdock, S.T.D c 1893 Family I want nothing more,
Order from GORGIAS PRESS __________________________ In my departing,
46 Orris Avenue, Piscataway New Jersey The Gospel of Thomas SAMPLE To transcend this plane alive.
Carrying nothing with me,
08854 USA

The Gospel of
But my fulfilled hopes,

- T- Thoma
My fulfilled dreams,
My fulfilled love;
And to always be walking,
- Treeof Lyfe - Just one step ahead,
- Tree of Knowledge - or Before all of those who I Love;
Proving out,
T / t symbol for the Burning Tree Thomas All of those things that are alike,
T / t of Heb/Ara And that seem so real;
2 last symb What Is Implied, Is what It Should Breathe !
Then proving what is not real.
Alphabet 260
Coptic Codex : 32:01 :
T/ t 3 a symbol for t’Seed, the Moon,
These are sayings that, were also
For if I am left unfulfilled,
the t’Svn, and the Æarth’, it is always Then, what good am I?
revealed to him in A Mystery....
Silent, a sound was put on it bye the- And, if my life,
Then He quickly disappeared from out
priest-hoods, alle in order to cover-up Has no purpose or meaning,
of their presence.
its true-symbolic-nature, that being, of Then certainly,
Then, when *he came up to his fellow
a weapon as A t’Sword, A Tool of I would be like those mere rocks,
disciples; and he related to them the-
Navigation, found within the-Celtic- And cracking slags,
things, that the- Redeemer and Savior
Cross, as well as a symbol of Time and That are strewn all around us,
Jesus, the-Christ, Spoke to him.
Forever on the ground,
Death, Destruction and Sacrifice Amen.
Just outside of our door,
See Æarth, AT, Ax, Craft, En, * John
And the people,
End, Enjoy, Moon, San, Sand, Son, Sun, Seed, Coptic Codex : 32:09 :
They all just walk right over them,
T’Seed, T’Svn, Tax, Th, Treason, X The Great-Mystery.
As if never knowing,
Anagram : D / Dat / Dot sister 000 Here, Are The Mysterious Sayings,
That they are there;
symbol D that are spoken, by, the-One, who rose-
Nor yet,
up Alive; On the duality of nature, with-
About those treasures,
Tab lit the Ænd of the Beginning in the-Light of the Son, as they are
And those secret places,
and the Beginning of the Ænd clearly written within the stars of the air.
Hidden deep inside.
See Æleph, Ælpha, Ælaphax, Alpha, 278
Falling On-Too The Word.
Alaphax, Aleph, AT, D, Dau, Dav, Dov, Dow, So, if you could split the rock apart,
En, End, Enjoy, OO, Oomega, T’Zool’Mega, T, 001 He Spoke and Said the-following:
Just as the wood,
Tao, Tau, Tav, Toe, Too, U, Z, Ω When ever any one finds The Deeper
You will see into it as I do.
Anagram : Bat another form of the Meaning for this Word, this is The-
For then you will see,
Ænd Moment then, when, he will no longer
That it exposes whole new worlds,
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
know Death. And the pure sunset horizons.
Tao lit the Ænd of the Beginning It is speaking about,
and the Beginning of the Ænd
A Fire Storm Upon The Æarth. The Everlasting Pearl of Greatness,
010 He Spoke and Said the-following : I And that great unified potential,
See Æleph, Ælpha, Ælaphax, Alpha,
Alaphax, Aleph, AT, D, Dau, Dav, Dov, Dow,
have ignited A fire-storm up-on the That lies locked and hidden,
En, End, Enjoy, OO, Oomega, T’Zool’Mega, T, institutions of this world; so you must Deep inside,
Tab, Tau, Tav, Toe, Too, U, Z, Ω see it and then, you must read it for Each and every one of us.
your-self ; as I am fanning it very So, if only we dare to open up.
Tau lit the Ænd of the Beginning quickly now, until it becomes a blinding But, not everyone has that key,
and the Beginning of the Ænd and a blazing-light, for all of the world None the less,
See Æleph, Ælpha, Ælaphax, Alpha, too see. The many symbionic keys combined.
Alaphax, Aleph, AT, D, Dau, Dav, Dov, Dow, It is the very energy and voice,
En, End, Enjoy, OO, Oomega, T’Zool’Mega, T,
Who Is Your Father? Of the universe unleashed that I behold !
Tab, Tao, Tav, Toe, Too, U, Z, Ω 015 He Spoke and Said the-following: The oneness of the Black Fire,
When Ever Any One of You, should Persuing the everlasting White Fire;
Taught lit Plowed and t’Seed- look up-on he, who is not born of The- Or is it the other way around?
Planted SeeAught, Naught, Seed-Plant,
Woman, you should then, prostrate your Thereby, exposing that commonality of ground,
Seed-Planted, T, Teach self, up-on the-ground, cover your face That we all possess.
before the-Sun and pay your homage, Those seeds of great ness and of
Tav lit the-Ænd of the-Beginning because The-One that you see, is indeed wonder,
and the-Beginning of the-Ænd
your Father and Breath. All strewn about by the east wind;
See Æleph, Ælpha, Ælaphax, Alpha, That our first Father,
What No one Has
Alaphax, Aleph, AT, D, Dau, Dav, Dov, Dow, So early bore,
En, End, Enjoy, OO, Oomega, T’Zool’Mega, T,
017 He Spoke and said the-following: 305
Tab, Tao, Tau, Toe, Too, U, Z, Ω This is what I give every one of you ; Although the planets,
‘An eye that sees Me, when no other eye The moon, and the stars,
Tax No-Ænd In Sight and
lit can see Me ; An ear that hears Me, when Are all so diverse,
no other ear, can hear Me; A hand for
2 symbolic an Ax being Laid Against And a kaleidoscope of colored hues;
touching Me, when no other hand can They all still remain,
the-Tree by the-Trees-Sons: hence the- touch Me; and what has not yet risen, Of one true origin;
Word, Treason, by those who Crafted with-in the heart and the-mind of man, And we are one with them too;
the-Skips / Ships See Ax, Celtic-Cross, has now risen, in-side of you. And with the invisible we are one,
Cross, Treason, Trees- Sons, X The Chosen But only by definition,
023 He Spoke : I now pick and choose, And if we know it too.
Taxation I Contend, every one of you az The-One from The- None the less,
that for a Nation to try to Tax itself into Thousand then as the-two and the-three, We all must sing,
Prosperity is just like a man standing frome ten-thousand; and you will then With a perfect tune then,
in a bucket and then trying to lift stand with-in the-perfection, as one Within each and every unique sound.
himself up by the Handle - Author body, even when standing alone. For the melodies,
Unknown They are all, already written;
The Divine Love
So that we must then,
025 He Spoke : Embrace your brother,
Tea Party Infiltrated at the Top Judge this time,
like your own mind ; guard and protect
And our own selves aloud.
See Intelligence Officer, Mass Movements him, like you would protect the very
While washing pure our own hands,
pupil of your own eye.
By the casting off,
Teach lit t’Seed Plant Of some very heavy stones;
See Aught, Naught, Seed Plant, Seed The Center of Creation
030 He Spoke : At The- Center of three While we gather in,
Planted, T, Taught
enlightened-ones, the enlightened One is Some lighter, smoother,
too be found; where there are two, there New and better ones too.
Temple cyb cde & orig thought for
Including that invisible star of a rock,
the Tree and the Empire of the EL
is, the One, and I Am the One.
And that Capstone of Life,
See Anti-Em, Aunti-Em, El, Emerald, Breathing the Smoke of Blasphemy Shining way out from beyond the edge,
Emp, Empire, Empire of the-EL, Oz, Sinagogue, 044 He Said: The-one, who so-ever Of our constant universe delight,
Tempo, Time Our night times granite,
blasphemes and blows-smoke at the-
Father, be-fore Him, He, the-Father, will Far, far away palacial shore.
Ten symb the Two Hands 336
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
for-give the-offence that is his; as well, Thus, experiencing a transition,
Ten Commandments correctly the-one, who so-ever blasphemes and Beyond all closed doors,
the Ten- Gudgements blows-smoke at the-Son, be-fore Him, While leading to all of those passageways
He the-Son will forgive the-offence that unknown,
Tenth Generation symb cybr cde for is his; but, the-one, who so- blasphemes And yet unexplored;
and blows-smoke at the-Great-Breath of But soon to be discovered,
the End symb metaphore
the-Air / the-Holy-Spirit, He will NOT Through one’s own mind,
for-give the-offence, NOT on the Æarth And ones own body then,
Terrorisim A Government that
nor in the Sky of the Air of Heaven. Forever more . . .
Rules by Blood-Shed, and by in- Forever more.
A Phaysheool’t- Targum Trans -Literation
Timidation. A- Government that 345
PTRP The mind . . .
Creates Catastrophic Events, in See Bible, Lost Writings, Mistranslation
order too manipulate EVERYONE in It is a cosmic light,
And an open mind,
Society See Al Qaeda
Three, Tree Trix -Words&
It is a giant window,
Leading back to the past,
TetraGramation or Tetra’Gramaton See the Pattern And up on to the ethereal heights,
litthe Highest Aspect of the Three Way far above the black and the white,
Principle t’Ælloveheim and the Example And deep within too.
Greight- Breath Matrix - the- Mother’s- Trick With the many colored spirit birds,
Of red, blue, green, and black;
See Breath, Eloveheim, Sacred Treat - the- Trees- Pleasure Leaving trails in the outer spectrums,
Name, t’Ellcveheim, Yahvahe’t, YHVH
Tree - the- Three About the outer hue;
Thebes symb cybr cde for Judah and Tribe - the- Trees- Rib From the in-between,
Jerusalem While spinning East bound,
Trick - the- Three- Darkness To greet the sun,
See the Above Words For, forever on now,
Thesaurus n. Fr Gk for Treasure __________________________ Beaming in all directions,
or Treasure House lit the House There is a flaming t’sword.
of the Sky. origin unexplained 2 a Tibet lit the Eye Bet or the First Eye For this is the time then,
Treasury or a Collection of Words See Aquarian Gospel, India For what is left undone,
See House of the Book, Targum, Reads the same both Backwards & Forward As when, we two worlds collide.
TheeZar-Roole, Trans-Literate, Anagram : Tibet Living just as if a world just passed us
Treasure House by,
And flew away,
This STATE 'This State' is a figure Time . . . – The- River Of Lyfe – When we two worlds, two worlds did
of speach used by the de facto Corporate The- Passage of A- River, is like the fly.
Fat State known as THE UNITED River of Our Mind, it is fluid, and it Not as empty ships,
STATES and it is a Fictional STATE Quickly passes through our hands, with- Just standing by,
that does not really exist on land, but on in just One Moment of Time, the twinkle But as some sacred voice,
paper only of an eye, until finally perhaps, we can That said . . .
See Captial Letters, State, STATE vs.state, all Learn soon enough, the Proper Way Goodbye.
UNITED STATES too Hold It - dezert-owl 374
How can we,
This State 2 the 'Place' called See Present Moment the- Even think of another thing,
' this state ' Titals / Titles the-orig-thought lit
When these two worlds collide?
For it truly happens only once,
1 An abstract place. This is a phrase theHighest Point Towards the Father
found in the state codes that intends to In at least a million lives.
leave one with the impression that it
of Lyghte As if in some far off remote island,
means and refers to the state whose Example of Tital / Title Or isolated corner of the world,
Where other former shadows once
legislature produced that code. But,
that's not what it means. Expression stood;
And where some others,
The "place" called "this state" isn't Often misused wyth-inn translation for They still abide,
tangible. It's abstract. To make it less ‘Names,’ in stead of the-correct and With the others, that are soon to come.
abstract and more tangible, picture the True- Expressions ... So look behind,
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landmass consisting of 48 contiguous Georgia Geo’Gia lit the- Earth- Mother And in front of you,
states, plus DC, Alaska, Hawaii, or the- Royalle- Earth- Mother with the R in it
For what is tried,
American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, As you will also find,
the Virgin Islands, and the rest of the Hitler Wolf in the- Lair Another world beyond,
territories and protectorates. Now, James the t’Seed of Lyghte So deep inside.
above that land mass, picture a clear 391
acrylic layer hovering 25 feet above the
Jodi Jedi This is a primary meeting,
land. To see that acrylic layer is to see Lazarus Lazar or the Ray of Lyghte That is not without any purpose,
"this state." This author refers to 'this For it a fundamental meeting,
Mary / Ma-Ray the pure Mother’s Ray And a meeting that is all about life.
state' as the ' Hover Zone '
of Lyghte You know that,
2 The abstract place in which "states"
are but "counties." In "this state," what Mary Magdalene Mary of Mag’Dalla Action is not established,
most people think of as a "state" is but a the pure Mother’s Ray of Lyghte at the very Without any purpose;
"county." Picture "this state" as one Center of Idolatry Mag’Dolla means Idolatry
For this is what gives us standing and meaning.
"state" that is equivalent, Not without a fulfillment granted;
Michael the One who is like Yahll’t A final end,
geographically, with the United States.
In "this state," there are no State Obama the True Healing Balm For a new beginning !
boundaries or borders, in the traditional Sylvia On the Ædge of Æternity So it is . . . ,
sense. The capital of "this state" is DC,
with the prospect of it's becoming
Yvonne the-Mother and Father are One That with each new beginning,
in Heaven or inn the Svn There are instituted then,
NYC, given that the U.N. sits in NYC. The many new and unique forms of life;
3 A federal area or federal zone, i.e., Zoe Lyfe So that,
a place that acts like a nation, in that it See EL, LL, Yah, Yahll’t, the Above Words Never was there before,
provides a distinct choice of law. The __________________________ A new beginning,
"place" called "this state" is a federal Titanic the Titanic was built to be Quite like this one;
area, or a federal zone, of the type taken down just like the Twin Towers of Nor were there two roads,
created in/by The Buck Act. It's a Quite like these roads crossing before us.
New York were. The Truth is Stranger
marketplace in which "credit" is the Roads that come together,
medium of exchange, rather than an than FICTION
With such an interspection,
honest system of weights and See the Secret Terrorists Book by Bill Hughes
For all other lives to come.
measures. In "this state," the medium Bill Hughes 415
of exchange is "printed paper," as in Author of The Secret Terrorists Yet, so many lives,
debt instruments, except it's not really Are so very different it seems;
And The- Enemy UnMasked
debt, as such. It's "credit." Circulation There are lives that full of pain and of sorrow;
of such medium of exchange is Send $12 and Receive both Books from But the lives of the rest seem to be,
rendered legal solely as the direct result TRUTH TRIUMPHANT Merely just the same,
of the system's foundational choice of P. O. Box 1497 As if in vain.
law as the Law of the Sea. Eustis Florida 32727 USA But you will understand,
4. A choice of law. The phrase "this As this does leave me to know,
state" is not as much a geographic Too / To another-mystery, this word is That this is our only time,
reference as a "choice of law" truly an enigma, as the-Word To with Our only time,
reference. The "choice of law" of "this Right here and now,
one O should be pronounced Toe and
state" extends to all places in which Our only time to feel,
Two should be pronounced Too, which To see,
"federal reserve notes" are an accepted
clearly denoted the-Number 2, bye the- To touch,
medium of exchange. With that
symbols of the Too O’s. Once again, the To sense,
medium of exchange goes the
oc’cult priest-hoods, have manipulated And then to collide,
associated choice of law. A medium of
exchange is the best evidence of that the S Words, in order to Hide the Lyghte Head long in love together;
system's foundational choice of law, of See Æleph, Ælpha, Ælaphax, Alpha, Defining for now and for then,
which there are but two: the Law of the Alaphax, Aleph, AT, D, Dau, Dav, Dov, Dow, And for all time,
Land, evidenced by the general OO, T, Tab, Table, Tabul, Tao, Tau, Tav, Tavb, That extra-existential purpose of oneness,
Toe, Tovb, Too, Trooe, Tub, Truth, T’Zooll’Mega, And of purity.
circulation of honest weights and Z, Ω
measures, and the Law of the Sea, Revealing also,
evidenced by the general circulation of Totality NHL CybCd Your Keys are, All of those meanings,
"paper" that is not intended to evidence Man, the Completed Man, the Hidden And the pieces of the metaphysical plane,
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
any honest system of weights and Man, Spirit, the Breath, the Mind, Body That are yet hidden;
measures. of Man and most likely More Combining to establish,
5. The alternative "place" to the You must decide, with-inn the Nag The things that are now finally seen;
places, marketplaces, bodies politic, Revealing the things to come;
Hammadi Library, where these words Just as we,
associated with the Law of the Land.
are going to be used, in the place of the Two worlds collide.
Harmon L Taylor Cloud Word TOTALITY 445
Legal Reality Dallas, Texas See Nag Hammadi Library I have no former regrets,
Other than the fact,
Thought The Scientists Transcendintal lit Beyond Words That I have not yet lived.
of Today think deeply instead of For I am as a man,
clearly. One must be sane to think Treasure House / Treasure or lit And still,
the House of the Sky for mod A man yet to be formed;
clearly, but one can think deeply and be
Just as a being,
quite insane Thesaurus n. Fr Gk origin unexplained Who is almost completed now.
-Nicola Testla 2 a Treasury or a Collection of As before us all,
See Free Energy Words There lies that constant and proverbial
Thug Hind Tug for See House of the Book, Targum, “Heroes Journey”;
TheeZar-Roole, Thesaurus, A “Trial By Fire”,
Strangulation Trans-Literate, A “Journey in The Wilderness”,
With the greatest battle now . . .
Tigris symb cybr cde for the Lion Tree Deep within.
Time / Tyme lit the Many Æyes A Tree Is Known bye it’s Fruit Just like that “Bitter Sea” of Agamemnon,
We can not drink it;
or the Æye of the Many etym lit Every
- Jesus, the Christ And Plutarch’s Armageddon Hell;
One Pays AT the Ænd or You Pay at A place where only principled license . . .
the End Tree of Knowledge Prime Metaphore It wins the war.
See Æarth, Burning-Tree, Clock, Cock, Jesus, the Christ And the battle you know . . .
Mean, Moon, T, t’Svn, Temple, Tempo See Adam & Eve, Cosmic Sea, Earth, It is for all time;
Anagram : Emit or Remit that is Moon and Sun, Tree of Life For all time on then and more.
Too Pay or lit to Burn- Out Anagram : Tree of Lyfe Yet, this is not about winning at any
The Trees Root corr root and orig. But it is only about the “Price”,
Time thoug for Truth See Lo, Verily
That we each must pay.
We Are ALL Doing Time This is all about seeking the Truth,
- dezert-owl The Trees Sons mod Treason While having that pure desire implanted,
the- Trees-Sons are those who Crafted And then once established,
See Prison
the-Ships in the-Beginning out of Trees, and Identifying with your very own true
Too / To another-mystery this then set out too Conquer the-World. so purpose in life.
word is truly an Enigma, as the-word the-term Trees-Sons has always been in For you must feel,
‘To’ with One ‘O’ should be pronounced reference too the-Merchants and the- With The All,
Toe and Two, should be pronounced Too, Craft, hence the-word Traitors / Traders All of these,
which clearly denoted the-number 2, See Ax, Craft, Canaanites, Your most powerful hidden senses,
bye the-symbols of the-too O’s.. Once Commerce, Builders, Masons, Merchants, And then realizing as well,
again, the-Oc’cult priest-hoods, have Phœnecians, Traders, Traitors That what you have,
manipulated the- t’SWords, in order to Anagram : Nosh Art lit impl the Is of the Greatest Potential;
hide the-Trooe- Lyghte See Æleph, Knowledge of All Things as they went Every- Being much more than a “mystical” bed
Ælpha, Ælaphax, Alpha, Alaphax, Aleph, AT, D, where of comfort,
Dau, Dav, Dov, Dow, En, End, Enjoy, OO, T, Thus being able to lift you safely up,
Tab, Table, Tabul, Tao, Tau, Tav, Tavb, Toe,
Tovb, Too, Two, Trooe, Tub, Truth,
Tribulation In this World Up to every higher plateau and station in life,
Out too every farthest and distant
T’Zooll’Mega, Z, Ω you will have Tribulation, but maintain
invisible shore.
your Perfect Ænlyghtenment and Peace 485
Tool lit the Two ELL's or for I have Over-come The World There is a definite purpose too,
Two ELL also the Ool Silent T - Jesus, the Christ To love and inspiration,

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
meaning a Help that You can See In serving each other well;
See Creation of Lyghte, Eloheim, Troothe means the Breath from the In living for one another,
T, Two, Two Ells, Ool, Owl, V, W Beginning of the Trees Root Eye In thinking about one another,
See Lo, Th, Trees root, Truth, Truth In protecting one another,
Touch Stone Stone used to Test from the Trees root, Verily In inspiring one another.
for the Purity of Gold
In caressing one another,
True Breath mod Oath In reading to one another,
Trader Syn with Traitor In bleeding and dying then . . .
See Craft, Pirates, Scull & Bones, True Life the orig tho lit Love or For one another;
Treason, Trees Sons the True Æve Through- Out All Time Yes, and in living for one another,
As was formerly intended.
See Ællovehe’t, Eloveheim, Evolve, Love,
Traitor Syn with Trader PH, V
Encouraging each other on then,
To those higher rings and bounds.
See Craft, Pirates, Scull & Bones,
Treason, Trees Sons True Ray the mod Ore Knowing intuitively,
That there is no other higher cause or
True Sounds of the-Mother the- care;
Trans- Literation Amo
While speaking your name only,
As if it were the only one to sound,
We Trans- Literate NOT See Ammunition, Amo, Mo, Oma, Star, The only name that ever was,
Toma, Thomas
Words And even with your final breath,
But While deep in love.
Trust Knowing intuitively,
Pre- Cepts and Thoughts The True Test of Love is not how That you are always there,
- dezert-owl you give, but how fully you can Without any avoidance,
Even if only,
Transactional Immunity Receive From out of the distance,
You may wish to get this in writing, To be the "giver" is easy. There is no Even if only,
before ever speaking to a Grand Jury fear attached to being in control. It With an invisible power.
See Natural Right Requires No Trust 514
To be the "receiver" is difficult. In Yes, pure inspiration,
Translation an oc’cult term that implies
It is real !
Black- ‘Magic’ ... Presto- Magic’co order to fully receive you must
abandon all fears, there must be Even as our lives they are so real;
2 Translation anciently Targum With love being the transender that surpasses all,
See Diction, Language, Targum,
Total Trust Through out all time.
Trans-Literation In this World there is so much hurt Love conquers huge armies . . .
caused by deceit we have forgotten And then it calls out your name . . .
Translation Modern Day How To Trust At misty dawn;
If you cannot trust enough to accept As if we were all born anew,
Translation is NOT a Science at all, but As if we did collide then too !
love then you will never know it's
rather, it is a divisive dogmatic attempt Caught without protection,
to control all of Sacred Truth at any pleasures for they will Only Exist In
We became the radiation . . .
cost and to no other end than, it is Dreams The interspection;
because ... - Beth Manning We became that morning shower,
the Truth Can Set You Free We became those flowers,
- dezert-owl Trust the Vatican Created the First Hour after hour,
Leaving everything outside of our ring and
Trust, Claiming the Entire Earth for power . . .
Traveling a COMMERCIAL Term herself See Vatican Oh spellbound.
See Drive, Guest, Passenger, But, with at least,
Traveling Sales Man
Truth A heartfelt sense for the purist
Treason orig tho lit the Trees Sons Truth is The God Of Lyghte Of love and desire.
See Craft, Trader, Tratior, Trees Sons 535
and The God Of Lyghte is Truth When these two worlds collide,
Treason 2 lit the Trees Sons - GANDHI Within this spontaneous moment,
the Trees Sons are those who Crafted They are then,
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
the Ships at the-Beginning out of Trees, Taking in each other’s own ray of light,
and then set out too Conquer the-
Truth from the Trees Root - it is And self generated heat;
World. so the-term Trees-Sons has Through-Out All Tyme modern With all of the other stars,
Reflections of each other too !
always been in reference too the- Lo, in an emphatic Statement and is While still beaming in every direction,
Merchants and the-Craft, hence the- repeated Twice by Jesus often to imply In the sacred glow of time less ness,
word Traitors / Traders just that Very Fact With the darkness there, still all around.
See Ax, Craft, Canaanites, See Lo, Loo, Th, Verily Verily 545
Commerce, Builders, Masons, Merchants, For it has been deemed then,
Phœnecians, Traders, Traitors
For this very purpose;
Anagram : Nosh- Art lit impl Try There is No Try . . . And this purpose,
the- Knowledge of All Things as they went
Every- where
There is Only Do or Don’t Do It is so real;
- Yoda Even as our bodies,
They are so real;
Treaty A Treaty, in the minds See Jedi, Judah, Yoda, Yoodah, Yud, Yudah And our invisible lives,
of our own people, is an Æternal-Word. That are quickly passing by . . .
Events often make it seem expedient to Two ELL's or Two ELL also the If we can only see them,
depart from the pledged word, but we Ool Silent T for Owl in Having to They are so real.
are conscious of the fact, that the First See or Have Knowledge in order To 555
Departure creates a logic for the Second Then found within this,
Departure, until there is nothing left of
Use. mod meaning Tool lit a Ultra-sensitive form of passion,

the Æntire- Word Help that You can See Is a place where,
- A Traditional- Conference
See Creation of Lyghte, This extraexistensive Love,
Eloheim, T, Two, Two Ells, O, Ool, Owl, V, W Is revealed and formed;
Tree T Leaving these expanses of time,
See Æarth, Burning-Tree, t’Svn, Traveling way out beyond the outer bounds,
T, Three, Trees Sons the- Into a higher plane of time,
- the Poison Cup - Within a day without end.
Tree / Three in ref to theThree See U.N., V This is something,
Burning Trees of t’Svn, Æarth
That can not be touched with the
the U / u the ultimate cyber code, it was physical hand alone,
and Moon’t created to over-lay and supplement the Just as a constant radiant light,
See Æarth, Burning-Tree, t’Svn, Three letter V and the too OO’s Beams out into the outer expanses,
Anagram : Earth that is the-Æarth U/ u 2 a late comer and a cyber Yet giving no warmth.
is a Tree and we are Trees as well . There were Yet, they do send their light,
Two Trees in the Garden, who were they ? code created by the priest Hood, for the
To the farthest universal shore,
symbol V, the primary symbol of their Which no mere mortal will see;
Tree of Knowledge Jesus, the Luciferian- Mother, The- Whore of
Being only for those,
Christ YahlShoolvah’t, the Babylon Who choose to become the immortal ones then,
Mool'Sheyach or Moshe'Yanch U/ u 3 it was also intended to replace Within this everlasting sea.
2 symbolically the Moon’t 3 the the Original Root of the Two OO’s. In So, it is only for those immortals then,
John of Wycliffe’s 1382 Ænglish Who will cross safely this bridge,
Æarth and Alle of nature Of the in-between,
See Adam, Anointing, AT, Earth, Translation of the Sacred-Scriptures, in While transcending all other worlds,
Key-Knowledge, Moon, Nature, Targum, Tree of the Book of Revelations, it reads, ‘I am
Finally only to become.
the Alpha and the OO and this is also So, it is these worlds only then,
Tree of Lyfe / Lyphe the Holy Who are becoming,
directly related to the Greek, Oomega –
Spirit or the Great Breath And who are seeking that higher calling
2 symbolically the t’Sun / Svn 3
Ω Oolmega actually, which is a symbol While deep in love.
of the Owl, which is Correctly Spelled, 584
the-Æarth and Alle of nature
I did not choose,
See Breath, Earth, Eve, Greight Ool and there fore, as you can relate, the To come into this world;
Breath the, Lyghte, Nature, Svn, Tree of Two OO’s represent the Two Eyes of
Nor into this unique form, or time;
Knowledge the owl / ool who has eyes to see in But it did come to me.
the night. All part of the-Great-Mystery Forming way out of the darkness,
Trial by Jury There has See Alaphax, Aleph, Alpha, N, OO, From the root of life,
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
NOT been a True Trial by Jury, since Oolmega, OoMega, T’Zool’Mega, U, W, Z, Ω Way out beyond forever.
__________________________ It is a pulsation,
the Ratification of the Constitution for
THE UNITED STATES (sic) Even as that,
- Lysander Spooner
U.C.C. Process Of a lighthouse beacon;
Howard Griswald & Dave Deremer Expressing it’s own,
Very unique message and signal call.
Truth properly spelt Troothe means
__________________________ Calling out only to those,
the Troothe from the Trees Roote or Closely passing ships,
Ulysses pronounced Ool Iss-Issss
While it constantly says thus:
the Breath from the Beginning of the
Vlisse Lat for the Woman Please do take care,
Trees Roote Æye
See Is, Issa, Woman For you too must be there,
Truth 2 Truth is Sovereign Just as I am here for you,
See Affidavit, Alpha-David-Tie, Lo, UnExpected If You Do Not So you are there for me.
Sœlevereighn’t, Sovereign, the-Trees Root, the-
Truth-from-the-Trees-Root, Troothe, Verily
Expect the UnExpected, You will For there are many, many rocky crags,
NOT Find it, for it is Not to be reached Down deep in the dark below;
Former feelings hurt,
Truth Only the Solitary Seek by Search or bye Trail - Heraclitus Obstacles in between;
the Truth, and they will break with any Just as ships,
one, who does not Love it well enough
- Enneads Plotinus
UN / un - Words We are tossed about too and frow.
So silent . . . . . be there still,
Supplementing the Word Non Set your rudder free,
it is the Ultimate Cyber Code ! And let me guide you in alone to me.
Turkey / TurKey lit the Earth’s Be there now . . . . .
Key etym Tour Chi or the Power See the Pattern And steer ahead towards that light,
of the Chi See Chi, Constantinople, Example That sets us free.
Key, Tore And do not fear,
Svn became Sun For I am always here for you,
Anagram : Yach- Road the Pack
Animals came heavily through this Cross Road UN – United Nations And always with you,
Uncertain So, you must know by now,
Turmoil lit Term- Oil or the-
Term is Oil Under mine That if you can cross,
Under stand That great expanse of feelings,
Tyranny Tear in Eye And the darkness then of matter,
orig th lit
Undoing That endlessness of sea,
Tyre / Tear actual symb cybr cde for
Note: the small u and the small n And feel that former Light sensation,
when next to each other create a yin- Of that magnetic land that grabs on
Jerusalem and the Bitter Purple
yang symbol as opposites un . the U a hold,
corrupt code symbol, when used with Within the smell of a shore,
Tyrians symb cybr cde for Israel That is mixed with wonder,
the- United Nations, metaphorically it
Within this salton sea,
means ‘the-Poison-Cup of the-Nations’
2012 At certain periods, our
See N, Non, Noon, U
While being moved on farther,
universe has its present predicted Bye that changing air;
circular motion, while during other You will have truly defined,
periods, it revolves in the opposite Universe What-Ever it is that For then and for now,
direction. There is at that Time, a great you Think that the Universe Provides, Your only hope and purchased
disruption on the planet, the destruction there is So Much More to that Story possession;
of animal life in general and only a - dezert-owl
Your pearl of great price:
small part Earth’s population survives. That is your mind !
– Plato Quoting from Politicus 636

2020 In 2020 every-one will see

Universe cyber code for One Verse For who would not be great-full,
See Omni, One Theme, U, UN, Verse For landing upon this shore?
perfectly and have a Vision for what it Knowing also, that they . . . . .
is That most,
- Glen Kealey Unknown If you want to know Would not want to chance,
Just Reading Their CODE about the things that are unknown, then Another endless flight alone;
... and the-Æarth will Reel back and observe very carefully, the things, that Across those many beacons of sound at
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
forth like a Drunk are Visible - The Zohar night;
Isaiah 24:20 Having to do this all alone again, and
The UnSeen Hand again, and again,

-U- A Book by Ralph Epperson

As if there still would be,
Another stand of pure land left.
Ralph Epperson is An Historian, For only careless hands,
- The Poison Cup - Author, and Lecturer who has been Would drift on through these endless
See U.N., V researching THE CONSPIRATORIAL lands;
U/ u a late comer and a cybr cde VIEW OF HISTORY - The View that Thinking that they will not be broken,
the Major Events of The Past have been Up upon those distant rocks,
priest hood for the symbol V the
by the
Planned Years in Advance by a Central While seeking endless shores,
prime symbol of their Luciferian
Conspiracy for 50 Years. He has written As if for tokens for that which is real.
mother 652
or Produced four "Best Selling" Books
U / u 2 it was also intended to
So Love . . . . . , what rules love then?
replace the original root of the Two O’s. And what causes us to take hold,
WORLD ORDER, MASONRY: CONSpiracy On to those things, that we seem to
In John of Wycliffe’s 1382 Ænglish AGAINST CHRISTIANITY, JESSE JAMES,
translation of the sacred-scriptures, in treasure most?
UNITED STATES SENATOR, Six And to those things, that we should
the book of revelations, it reads, ‘I am
very Unique Booklets, and 15 DVDs. treasure the least?
the Alpha and the OO and this is also
He is a Graduate of The University of I will never now forget what life was all
directly related to the Greek, Omega – about,
Ω which is a symbol of the-owl, which Arizona, but freely admits that what he
When these two worlds, they did
is correctly spelled, ool, and therefore, has learned since graduation has taught
as you can relate, the two oo’s represent him that most of what he learned in
For it was one thing to be alone,
the two eyes of the owl/ool who has college in History and Political Science
As if being in a stormy sea,
eyes to see in the night. All part of the simply is not true. He proudly states that
And a totally different event to come,
his research has proven to him that there
great mystery See Alaphax, Aleph, Together with one another, as if one;
Alpha, N, OO, Oomega, T’Zool’Mega, U, W, Z, has been an active conspiracy in the
With another being, and being truly one.
Ω world planning major wars, depressions, 663
and inflations years in advance. But, if through this life, we alone must
U.F.O. Earth Based and
Many of those who have read his
Brought To YOU by Your Government material and viewed his DVDs state that Then it is this that I will always know;
That collide I did, and headlong too,
Underground Black Budget they are the best in the market on this With another passing ship of the night,
See UFO Story of the Author of Dictionary, subject. If you want to know how this Way out straight beyond the blue;
Vi- Manas, Werner Von Braun Nazi conspiracy has operated in the world That unique once distant planet island,
Rocket Scientist, A p p e n d i x № 6 & 10 from one of the theory's best teachers Of ancestrial ancient charm and vibrant
and writers, you will want to obtain form;
U.N. / UN / un the Ultimate some or all of his materials Of distant sounds, of beautiful ground,
Cyber Code Google Bill Hughes, Eric John Phelps, In a heart felt flutter . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
See N, U, UN Words, Under, Understand Fritz Springmeyer, Glen Kealey, Jordan Maxwell, Wearing all of those sensuous colors of
Ted Pike www.Ralph-Epperson.Com the sky and rainbow clouds.
U.S. Customs Merchant Flag For it is this love, that I will never


Der is THE in English

Mini Pictionary No 12
cyber code the UN Ger
- V- forget,
Nor shall I ever have it again, as at this
Time still . . . . . ,
- Lyfe - When We Two Worlds . . . . . .
See Der, Der- Words, Spider, U.N., Understand We Did Collide ! 707
- Chi- Va - (c) common natural law copyright 1994, by
UnderStand, Do You ? oc’c cyber - A Royalle Cup - dezert-owl All Right Reserved.
code Do You Stand Under It ? a Court See Eve, U, V, VOne,
See Bouviers Law Dictionary,
V/v prime root for Æve and
Stand Under, Under, Understanding Lyfe a prime symbol for the Moon't
V/v 2 the Fallen Light
Understanding those PERSONS
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
who want Understanding are idiots, V / v 3 the Symbol of Lyfe
lunatics, drunkards, and infants 2 Ger See Æve, AV, Chi-Vah, Eve, Y The Æastern
See Bouviers Law Dictionary 1856,
Client, Ed Parties, Persons, Signature, Under,
VV W erses Words Original -Thought
Understand theDouble Vission Switch Out !
the S-e-c-r-e-t- CODE each symbol REAL DaVinci CODE
United Corporations of which is sounding almost the-same.
so they literally get us to lie every-time __________________________
Under The Vatican we call this W a Double- YOU,
They made us many promises, because it is in reality A Double V
more than I can remember, yet they
The Mystery of De’Ception ..
never kept but one : they Promised to
Take Our land... and they Took It See the Pattern
- Olde- Traditional- native- Chief Example
See Shell Game, United- Companies Arrow is also Arrov > get the-Picture ?
UNITED cybe code lit OO- See Vera

Knighted or OOL-Chi-Nighted War is also Var

Wo is also Vo
implying The All Seeing Chi Nights
Word is also Vord
who Rule the World as ONE
See the Above Words
See Chi, Jesuits, Knight, OO, U, United __________________________
Companies, YOU, Yu
United Companies
V - Dict mod Vedic
Alahe't - The Great Breath and Father
See East India, Trading, Unions
See Aryan, Dict, Dictate, Eloheim, V, Watchers .
United Kingdom A–a
The Vatican just like the Mafia is a AlLove'He't
See The Kingdoms of The World
controlled front organisation for the
All True El'loveheim
Italian P2 Masonic Lodge. Vatican City
United Nations The U.N. has is also one of the three privileged and
The True t'Seed of Lyghte
Financed the Operations of the United autonomous city states which coordinate Abbie Rose McFarlane Australia
States Government for over 50 years. élite pan-global organised crime for the All of the Strangers I met along the Path
the U.S. Dept of Treasury is a part of Western banking cabal. The other two Abraham / Bra'heim / Brahm
are Washington DC and the City of The Breath Of Many
the U.N. See U.S. Treasury below and
London See City States Alfred Adask
now owns every man, woman and child
Al & Celest Mendosa - Edith Colorado
in America Out-right 2 the U.N. also
holds all of the land of America in Fee Vampire Killer 2000 Alan Wakefield
Simple. the Source for this is right here: this the Real DaVinci CODE Dictionary Allan Tanguay
http://home/ can do the job of what Vampire Killer Angie Rider
ssays.html According to this site: The
2000 was intended to do... Wake Up the Anne Whalen
Good News is, that we don't have to Mass See Lucifer, Sell Outs Annie Sargent
fulfill "our" Fictitious Obligations, you Vatican Flags Arron Russo
can discharge a Fictitious Obligation Dr Barry Brooks
with another's Fictitious Obligation.
Vatican Square, CROSS & The X Bart - Stop Preditory Lenders
These documents are not secret, they the India-Vatican Jesuit Run, Dutch Bess Milan
are a matter of Public Record 3 the Royal, East India Trading Company Betty Davission
U.N. was built atop the soil of what morphed Itself into The 'UNITED Bev Collins
was formerly known as ‘Blood Alley’ COMPANIES' at the creation of these Bill & Hoda Hughes
for the giant Slaughter House Factory United States and can be found Bill Sealbach
that was there for the butchering of everywhere in Titles such As United Blue
cattle and processing their meat Bob Plimpton
Nations, United Airlines, United Can
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
See U.N., United Companies, United States Co. Cent. America, United Artists, etc Bob the Fox & Debbie
Brad Bean
UNITED STATES The United States the Thirteen Stars are Symbolic of the Budah – The Peaceful Celtic Warrior
does NOT have any employees because Thirteen Lunar Months of their Goddess Butch & Chris Heatley - Edith Colorado
there is no longer a United States, as Columbia and are also Symbolic of the Carl Gorton
there are no more reorganizations. Thirteen Royal Bloodlines that Rule the Carmen Vetter
After over 200 years of bankruptcy it is World. the Fact That They Are In A Carol Jones
finally over See Executive Circle Implies That They Are All Cecli Feltner Sr & jr
Order 12803, States of America on
Declaration of Independence UNITED Together Charles Collins for President
UNITED STATES 2 United States Term America is derived from
Charles Weisman Weisman Publications
is a metaphore for THE UNITED STATES
Chi'Vah't / Eve
theTul-Tech God Quetzacotal which
OF THE WORLD See Shell Game, Christie Street
means the Secret Feathered Serpent
U.N, United Companies, United Kingdom, Christy the Psyco Babe - Truth Brigade
See Cross, Key Hole, Vatican
United Nations, United States Agencies, United Chuck VanHaelst
Mini Pictionary No 3 & 39
States Treasury Cindy Brewer
Claudia Montelion
UNITED STATES AGENCIES Vedas Yahshvah't / Jashua or Confucius
the FCC, CIA, FBI, NASA and all of the Jesus Denied the Divine Inspiration of Craig Stickler
other Alphabet Soup Gangs were the Vedas and the Puranas Creator First
Never a Part of the U.S. Government, - the Life of St Issa Cris Giesbrecht
even though the ‘U.S. Government’ D J Vodicka Breaking THE Green Wall
See Fallen Aryan Watchers
held stock wythin these agencies D K Wright – WV TV
See U.S. v Strang, 254 US491 Lewis v US Vedas the most Ancient
Dale Ivan Currey
680 F 2nd 1239, Shell Game, United Companies, Writings of India See Vimana Dan Meador
United Kingdom, United Nations, United States,
United States Treasury Dana Plant
Vedic Knowledge Danny True & Family
UNITED STATES CORPORATION Vedic Knowledge is always Darrell Stripling
Everything in the ‘UNITED STATES’ Present some where in the Universe at Darrin and Cheryl Scott
Corp is up for Sale: bridges, roads, All Times. It is essentially a spiritual Dave - The Patriot
water, schools, hospitals, prisons, vibration, and thus, exists before, during Dave Derimer – No Tax Man
airports, and so on. Did anybody take and after the Duration of the Material David – Spiker
time to check out who bought Klamath Creation. It is the Highest Knowledge in David Dodge - Missing 13th Amendment
Lake? See Executive Order 12803 regard to the spiritual position of the David Hill
living beings, and is the original culture Demitri – WV Radio Host
United States Treasury the
of the world - Stephen Knapp Don Halford – Mobius
United States has NOT had a Treasury E Raymond Capt
since 1921 See 41 Stat. Ch 214 pg See Aryan, Eloheim, V Dict, Watchers
Ed Prothman
654, United Companies, United Corporations,
IMF Veritas Roman Mythology meaning Eddie & Kookis Kahn
2 the U.S. Treasury is now the IMF - Truth Lat Emilie & Jerry Ford
International Monetary Fund Edmond Bordeaux Szekely
See Presidential Documents Victory of Light the a corr root and Elaine Tetrault
Volume 24-No. 4 pg 113, 22 U.S.C. 285-2887, orig thoug for Faith or Conviction or
Shell Game, United Companies, United Eric John Phelps - Vatican
Adherent-Conviction which correctly
Kingdom, United Nations, United States Floyd & Rosanne Howe
Viction with no ‘Con’ added.
should be Francesca Shannon Montelione
Universe cyber code for One Verse Viction is the Victory of Lyghte Frank Hoffman
See Omni, U, UN, Verse
See Adherent-Conviction, Conviction, Frank Wezyk – LOST Vets .Com
Faith, Lyghte, Sol, Viction Gary Davis – World Services .Org
U.S. Constitution You can NOT
Gary Grahmn – Take Texas Back
use the U.S. Constitution to defend Vife mod Wife for Lyfe corr Gary Hegland – WHRI Int'l
yourself because you are NOT a party to
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
it See Padelford Fay & Co. v The Mayor Vyph See Life, Liph, PH, V, Vy, Wife George Lamsa – The Peshitta Bible
and Alderman of the City of Savannah 14 Georgie Hansen
Georgia 438, 520, Constitutio, Constitution Vi Manas V for Flight and Glenn Kealey Canadian Inst 4 Political Integrity

Mana for from Heaven 2 dozens of Glenn the family of Winningham
- plans for Anti-Gravity Aricraft are found
Today in the ancient writings and Books
Gordon Kolpeck
Sumner Gold Med Weight Lifter
- Lyfe - of Vedas of India. the Fallen Eloheim Dr Eugene Shroeder – War Powers Act
Watchers or Nephilim, the Fallen Ones, Harmon Taylor – Legal Reality
- Chi- Va - knew all about the hidden principles of Harvy & Kitty Martin - Meta Mind Portal
- A Royalle Cup - nature, they didn't need people from Howard Griswald
See Eve, U, V, VOne, W other planets to teach them anything. Ian & Marie Murphy - Ausi Freedom Scouts
there is nothing capricious in nature.
V/ v Æve and
prime root for
these ancient Aryan's also built the Great
Irene Maus Gravenhorst
Lyfe a prime symbol for the Moon Pyramids, knowing the secrets of J C High Eagle
J C VanKirk – Take Texas Back
V / v 2 the Fallen Light of the metalurgy for making steel tools, anti-
J. R. & Sharon Williamson
Gravity, and the making of Glass for
t'Sunne See Æve, AV, Chi-Vah, Eve, Y
telescopes Jack & Jeanie Herrer Emperor Wears No Clothes
V The Movie V's Entrance See Alexander the Great was Aided by Ayran Jack & Margy Flynn
Citizens of the American Constitution .Org
UFO's, The Great Pyramid Decoded Book, UFO's,
Speech Voilà! in View, a humble War of The Worlds, Werner von Braun Jack Smith
vaudevillian Veteran, cast vicariously James Moffatt – THE BIBLE
as both victim and villain by the Vine the corr root and orig thought for
James & Kristi Shafer – Purity Gardens
vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no Divine See Divine, Dyvine, Jn 15:1
Jeanette Triplette
mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of
Jodi Vyvyian
the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. Virtue is a term synonymous with
However, this valorous visitation of a Jeremy Jass
Power lit the True Virility
Jerry Joe Hansen Family- United Sovereigns
by-gone vexation, stands vivified, and See Flower, Flow-War, Power, V
has vowed to vanquish these venal and Jim & Jack McNeil
villainous vermin vanguarding vice and Jim Nicholson
vouchsafing the violently vicious and
voracious violation of volition
Vision o-----
----- Joe Clarke
Joe Cosmos Ohio Constutional Scholar
The only verdict is vengeance; a VISION COMES John Bryant
vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, VYZION COMES Jordan Maxwell
for the value and veracity of such shall THROUGH THE TWILIGHT Judy Chimko
one day vindicate the vigilant and the THROUGH THE CANDLELIGHT Dr Judy Wood
virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of
ALL THROUGH THE POWER OF Kari Anne Cowen- FREE Leonard Peltier
verbiage veers most verbose, so let me
simply add that it's my very good honor THE IN-SIGHTE Kari Gill
to meet you and you may call me "V".... AND SO IT IS, THAT, Kenny Allison
Remember, remember, The Fifth of THIS INSIGHT COMES ... Lamar Fonteneau
November, The Gun-powder Treason THRU ROOT KNOWLEDGE Larry Egemo
and Plot. I know of no reason why gun- IT IS ALLE THAT CARRIES US Larry Hughes - Pres. Republic of Texas
powder treason, should ever be THIS PURIST OF KNOWLEDGE Leno Gomez
Leonard Peltier Friends & Family
Inscription on the Mirror that every-one Les Jamieson - 911 Truth or Consequences
needs : Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici AND ALWAYS CONSTANTLY BEING Lillian Drake
By the Power of The Truth, I, while INSPIRED BYE THIS DIVINE CALL Lindsey Williams
Living, have Conquered the Universe ! THE EVER-SEA AND CALL OF EN Lonnie Hissel GreyHawk- GenTech Resch
See Movie Words VISION COMES Lynn Surgalla – Scientific Nite Scope
Vaccination cybr cde lit Evacuate
LIFE ENGENDERS LYFE Martin Tuscon Prison Ministry Ireland
A Nation See Vaccine Truth .Org,
Virus VYZION COMES Mary Gardner – The Hidden Souls of Words
TWLIGHT MAKES US Mary Shane Barnes
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Melody Gillespie - Mel's Law Bar & Grill
Vaccine The Only - DEZERT OWL - Michael Thompson
Safe Vaccine, is the one that is Never ..........DECEMBER.......... Micky Paoletta - Citizens Reform Ctr
Used [ -1997- ] Michael Hamaker
- Author Unknown Misha
See En, Twilight Moon Graven-Stone
Vaccine cybr code for the Cup of
Burning Death VO - Words
Mr Oxygen
Neil & Mary Price Court Room Commander
See Virus, www. Vaccine Truth .Org See the Pattern Neo
P. J. Favorite
Vatican lit the Vat of Cain Example Paul Verg – InSide-View Canada
or the Cup of Cain. there are Arrov > is also Arrow get the-Picture ? Paula Mishaud – Dirty Decissions .Com
Twenty-FIVE MILES Of BOOK See Vera Peace Pilgrim – PeacePilgrim.Org
Shelving Underneath The Vatican, Vo is also Wo Peter Dorsett – The Info Wizard
no doubt this is where the Alexandrian Vor is also War Phil Greathouse
and all the Christian Libraries ended Philo
up Sssssssshhh Don't tell Anyone OK ?
Vortex is also lit the Center of the Word Qui Tam
text Rachel & Paul Revere Kingdom of Heaven
The Vatican 2 like Mafia is a
Vord Word
is also A Ralph Epperson – The Unseen Hand
Controlled Front Organisation for the
Italian P2 Masonic Lodge. Vatican Vote is also Vo- TA Ralph & Cathy Fucetola
Seethe Above Words Randy Kelton
City is also One of the Three Privileged
__________________________ Randy Yarborough
and Autonomous City States which
Renate Googins
coordinate élite Pan-Global organised LAST Roll Out of the NASA Space Shuttle Ray Writz & Family
crime for the Western Banking Cabal.
Red Jacket
The other two are Washington DC and
Rice McLeod
the City of London
Richard Merrit Iverson
See Ancient Canaanites, Aquarian
Dr Rima Laibow Natural Solutions Foundation
Gospel, Babylon, Black Pope, College of
Abbreviators, Jesuits Mini Pictionary Robbie Bone
No 3 & 39 Paranoid Patriot
Pastor Rick Taylor of Liberty Kentucky
Vatican Assassins Book about the Von Braun / Werner Von Braun Rob Sclaise
most Powerful secret military force on former Nazi and German Rocket Robert Caruso Sr & jr
earth A.K.A The Society of Jesus Scientist, who came to America after Robert Christy - InSide-View Canada
working under the Vatican and headed WWII and set up NASA the 'Public Robert Kelly Editor Americans Sov Bullerin
off by the Black Pope Program' during operation PaperClip, Robert Menard
See www.VaticanAssassins.Org while he set up the secret Black Budget
Prof Roberto Barruth
and the Real Space Program in Area 51
Nevada, among other places.
Rod Class – AIB Radio
Virtue a term synonymous with Roger Joe – IHOP
On his death bed confession to his
Power See Flower, Flow-War, Power,
private secretaty, Von Braus said that the Rolph Brock – Nelson B. C. Canada
Vatican was going to stage an Orson Ronald Hill & Family
Virus orig th lit the Red V Wells Version of a Foreign Alein Sage Mann – The Organic Fanatic
See V, Vaccine, Vatican
Invasion take over of the world, so that Investigative Reporter Serge Monast
the world would be willing to unite Shanti Rae & John Hamel of Nutiva
under a one world government system Shelly Ann Clark
Vision Where there is no It is none other than the Grand Illusion! Sherry Craun
See NASA, UFO's, Vi Manas
vision, the People Perish Sherry Swiney – Patrick Crusade .Org
- Ancient- Proverb Vota / Vo TA Simon Profit – South Africa LIVE
orig thought lit the
Gudgement of Words and the End of Squamish Nation Chief - Kiapalano
Vision a term synonymous with
Worlds See A, AT, V, Vo, Vote, W,
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A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Power See Metaphore, Power, V Wo, Words, Worlds Stan Malek
Anagram : TA Voo lit the Ænd of Steven Ames Jr
Visitation Inspection or Super- Everything Steven Jacobson
Intendance, while maintaining your own Vymaanika Shaastra lit V- Monica Strider Yocum
domain and Dominion See Black’s, Shastra or the Science of Aeronautics Sue Gallant
Special Visitation Susan Fox - the Psychology of the Mind
See V-manna
Vo / Wo pure Gudgement the Cyber Code Sylvia Lea Hill

See Bravo, G, V, Vone, W, Wo, Woman Tanny Minor
Tayra & Charlie Antolick
Voluntary Compliance as with The Honorable Ted Alverez
Double - V
the Military so with the IRS, once you Ted & Alyn Pike – Truth Tellers .Org
Volunteered you MUST then Comply - VV - TimberWolf
See Com, Euro Peon, European, W Replaced the V Tom Murphy
Peonage, Vo See G, Gar, V, VOne, Tuscany El
Vortex lit the Center of Words and
W / w an oc’cult lie and a cybr code Virgil Remus
Gudgement See Vo, Wo
because in reality, it is a Double V and
Vern Horn - Voters In God We Trust .Ws
Wanbli Wanbli
Vote / Vo-TÆ orig thought lit the
it is also a CODE for the Two L’s and
Wendy Callahan – Vaccine Truth .Org
Gudgement of Words and the End of the Two O’s See LL, OO, U, V William Cooper - The Hour of the Time
Worlds Wolvereen – A Turtle Island Defender
See A, AT, V, Vo, Vote, W, Wo, Walking The the Many unNamed & Forgotten Friends
Words, Worlds Man who walks with God always gets to Yahl'Shoolvah't H'Moshaelyanchi
Anagram : TAV / TA-Voo lit the Ænd his destination. If you have a pulse...,
of Everything You have a Purpose
And For Some ...
- Author Unknown
VOne the First Counted Number, With-Out whose, non-ending Support,
the Gudgement of the N or that Walt lit Possessed ME pt. s. S2 This Restoration Project would NOT
What/ Vhat Came-Down from the- the T is Silent in Ancient Law and Have Ever Been Possible
Beginning there-for the Word Walt is also Wall and
See Bravo, Gem’atria, V, Vo, W, Wo, Woman reversed it is Law, obviously for
CONTROL. so Wall Street where they
Vowels the Oc’cult Have All Taken A
BOND your Birth Certificate lit means
Vow to the L lit the Gudgement of the Street of the Possessed
the EL the Phoenician God-Dress
See AT, Law, Skeat Dict 1888, Wall,
2 Vowels are the Seeds of Lyghte Walt Disney, Walter, Welden
See Changing Vowels, EL, Vo, Wo
the Cyber Code Walter means Control and the
Words - Water and Alter are both

-W- derived from the same root word, thus,

they are Synonymous Terms
Double - V you can also see ‘ater,’ within water,
- VV -
which implies that a river is a snake, but
in the metaphor we are also serpents. the
W Replaced the V Word, Lucifer actually means the True - dezert- owl
See G, Gar, V, VOne, Cipher
W / w an oc’cult lie and a cybr code a cipher is a Code, that takes control
because in reality, it is a Double V and of our words with-in our minds, and by
it is also a Code for the Two L’s and the
controlling all of our diction, it is I Saw a Squadron Of UFO's
actually, in reality, what she did. do you
Two O’s See LL, OO, U, V get the picture yet?
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A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
you are supposed to be the-master
Walk by changing the-Vowels, over the words, not, the Words being the
which is the-Law of the-Diction, you master over you See Alter, Ater,
get the- other hidden-meanings in a Lucifer, Lu Cipher, Salt, Shalt, Valt, Water, Wilter
word See Work
Wal☻Mart Wal☼Mart Happy WAR
Face is nothing more than the Face and Naturally, the common people don't
want War, but after all, it is the Leader
an Oc’cultic symbol for the Illuminati(eye), of a country who determines the Policy,
the World Rulers from the-Beginning and it is always a simple matter, to drag
of Tyme. It is the-Symbol for the-Sun. the people along, whether it is a
Wal-Mart has been used to Destroy
middle-class America
Democracy or a Fascist Dictatorship or a My Impression Was,
Parliament or a Communist Party
See China Mart, Faded Glory, Law, Dictatorship. Voice or No Voice, the that what I was Witnessing
Mart, Tram, Wall, Walt, Walt Disney, Walter People can always be brought to the Was The Final NWO Takeover...
Bidding of The Leaders. This is Easy.
Wall ref Wall Street a metaphor All you have to do, is to tell them, that There-fore, I could only assume
for Law Street, where they Trade the they are now being Attacked and then that this event was something
Souls and Bodies of Men in Stocks denounce all of the Pacifists for lack of so vast and so BIG ...
and in Bonds Patriotism and Exposing the Country to because I was looking at a mass of
See AT Law, Law, Mart, Tram, Wall, undue Danger. It works the same way craft of an UnIdentified nature and
for Every System.
Walt, Walt Disney, Walter I Estimate the Total Number
- Hermann Goering, Hitler's Reich-Marshall
Anagram : Law a wall to keep you in to be about THIRTY
or out ?
Water is a metphr and an orig th for The Only Conclusion,
Wall Street See Wall, Law
Flesh. Water is Female and is that I draw from all of this
Walt Disney cybr cde lit the
symbolically our Mother, along with our was that, what I was Witnessing
Control of Destiny. Wal’t ( wall ), is B ody See Blood, Breath, Fire, PH, Spirit, must have been Happening
Valter, and Mt. 12:48-50, Mk. 3:33 at the very same Time
Control and Disney is Destiny
in Every other City in America
Walt Disney 2 he was a 33 Degree We're LL Doing Time
Free Mason and his Use of
A South of Memphis Easter Eveming 1997
- dezert-owl, former ...
by Bo Lozoff
Subliminal Programming in His Radio Host and ADF Reporter at Large
Presentations and Films is way be-yond A 300 + Pg FREE Book and
Your Wildest Imagination for America's Driving Force
Disneyland the Largest Entertainment Primer and A Survival Tool for and United Truckers Defending
Conglomerate in The World ANYONE in Jail and or Going to The Constitution - U.T.D.C.
Directly Below Male and Female in P-R-I-S-O-N- Under Threat, Duress and Coercion
Oblisk + 6 P.O. Box 61619
Durham North Carolina 27715
Thank You Bo & Sita Lozoff
... for being there !
3 6 ................. 6 ................... 6 Weather Others are engaging
Six – Six – Six even in an Eco-type of terrorism
whereby they can alter the climate, set
off earthquakes and volcanoes remotely
through the sole use of electromagnetic
waves. So there are plenty of ingenious
See A p p e n d i x № 10
S Above is the Coiled Snake minds out there that are at work finding - № 40 -
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- T h e N o n – S p o k e n W o r d P u b l i c a t i o n z - www.TheREALPublicRadio.Net
A Phayshe’ool’t - TargumTranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
See Jupiter Stamp ways in which they can wreak terror You Are NOT in the Upper Pyramid
See AT, Law, Alt, Alter, Cathy upon other nations. It’s real, and that’s The Lower Builders are NOT in The Æye
O'Brien's Book - Trance-Formation of America, the reason why we have to intensify our
Club 33, M K Ultra, NASA, Operation Paper efforts, and that’s why this is so
Clip, Skeat 1888, Subliminal Messaging, Wall, important
Walt, Walter, Welden Weld U.S. Secretary of Defense William Cohen 1997
Mini Pictionary No 37
Walter means Control and the White Flower Mayan for Soul
words Water and Alter are both See Minds Eye That Sees in the Night
derived from the same root word, thus
they are Synonymous Terms Who Am I ? ? ?
you can also See Ater, within Water, See the Pattern
which implies that a river is a snake, Replica of an Egyptian Pyramid in Rome
but in the metaphor we are also serpents. Example
the Word, Lucifer actually means The
True Cipher
The Positive - № 41 -
a Cipher is a Code, that takes control
Face lit the-Creative-Ace for the- Sun Socialist In-Security Card
of our words with-in our minds, and by Father orig th Feather for Spirit
controlling all of our diction, it is He orig thought the Æye
actually, in reality, what she did. Do
you get the- picture yet? Him orig thou the Breath of the Many
you are supposed to be the-master His See Below
over the words, not, the Words being I orig thought the Æye
the master over you See Alter, Ater,
Lucifer, Lu Cipher, Salt, Shalt, Water, Wilter Me orig thought the- Mother’s- Eye
Minister orig thought A- Mini- Star
WAR Lyfe is a Rude Sojourner / Sol’gourner orig thought A-
Awakening, a covert War was waged t’Starr- Traveler
up-on Mankind a long, long Time ago Son / Shon / Shone orig thought Sun /
- dezert-owl Svn or A Star
See Buck Act, India Us See Below
WAR You / Yoov orig thought My- Æyes / One Slavery Mark of the Beast
See M & W Codes, Mar, Rem My- Hands / My- Feet __________________________
Anagram : Raw / Ram Yours See Below THEY WANT US DEAD !
WAR and Emergency Powers Act We See Below
United States Legislation that Red Level Alert America
See the Pattern Federal Jack September 30, 2011
Declared the people of America the
ENEMY in 1933 because the Federal The Negative While we are all focusing on the coming financial
Reserve and the Bankers stole all of our Baby cyber code Babylonian Citizen collapse, as bad as that is something much more
sinister is in the works. It’s very subtle if you are
Gold backed currency. the force of law Child cyber code Killed and Chilled not paying attention. But, to the aware, it’s blatant,
was no longer in effect, putting insidious, and just as horrific as Hitler’s Germany.
everyone under military-Admiralty Chior-Boys cyber code Queer- Boys
Jurisdiction, while operating from this Dad cyber code Dead There is a small group of the world’s banking elite
who have worked for a few hundred years with
point on under strict ‘Public Policy’
and licensing while operating in
Daughter orig thought A Doter One who ingenious precision and unlimited money, to
corral, coerce, and conquer every country of value
commerce is of A- Feeble- Mind and Dotes off to Marry on earth. For people who are normal and not
See Buck Act, H.J.R. 192, Jekll Island Friend cyber code Fiend rabidly greedy, it’s hard to fathom the idea of
anyone trying to get control of the whole world,
WAR DICTION God cyber code Gut and taking a chunk of every measure of value
traded between its people. What’s even harder to
the Breath of the Serpen(t) grasp is that they will stop at nothing to do it. And
LETTERS AS YOU SEE IT HERE. I mean nothing! Look around you! Look at the
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- T h e N o n – S p o k e n W o r d P u b l i c a t i o n z - www.TheREALPublicRadio.Net
A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
SO WHEN THEY SPELL YOUR the Breath of the Woman as in Hisssss millions of people slaughtered in just the last 10
years. Their leaders may have resisted the Cabal,
'NAME' (which means a corporate dead entity)
Human-Being cybr cde Bastard Mixed but many if not all of those dead people were
innocents. We have actually become numb to the
THE EVIDENCE THAT THEY HAVE Breed / A Mongoloid / A- Being from Dirt idea of genocide, even when it’s right under our
WAGED A WAR AGAINST YOU and Idiot cybr cde ME One who Does Not nose!!! And we are sadly mistaken if we think we
are somehow immune to the wrath of the most evil
YOUR FAMILY work for the Government people on earth. They want us dead!
See Banking Holiday, C.P.S.,War and
Man cybr cde OE Criminal and Sinner
EMERGENCY Powers Act, 1933 They would love nothing better than to use our
Warner Brothers Minor cybr cde Being Small, Children were own military against us by goading us into
Enslaved and then Made to Dig , Crawl and revolting. They have really upped the ante lately
Movie Producers cybr cde for lit Tunnel in-to the Very Dangerous Mine- Shafts too. Swat teaming everyday Americans on a
regular basis and making sure it’s in the news, and
Risking their very own Lives from Ancient
The WAR is Near Brothers in our face. If we finally snap, then they will have
Time and all just too Get The- Ore ! their pretext to kill us off en mass. They love the
See Exorcist, Holy Order, Priest, Priest
Hood, Why They Change Their Names in Person cybr cde A Shield from the t’Sun
cover of war for murdering millions. Don’t you
think that our trick CIA could have found and
Hollywood then, A Mask, then An Actors Mask, then An destroyed Hussain or Gaddafi without dropping a
Wash See Quash Actor, then A Trust, then A Corporation, but single bomb? Smedley Butler was right, war is a
racket. But I get the distinct feeling that it’s just
symbolically from ancient Time ... A Serpen(t) not quite as much fun for this group of
Washington D.C. formerly called Police cybr cde the Pole Ice who Create psychopaths if there’s not total Mad Max
New Rome 2 Washington DC is a the Chilling Effect
privately owned non-Constitutional
corporation which is the seat of an
Prosecutor cybr cde Pro Security, the If after pondering and researching these facts and
events, you come to any other conclusion; you are
illegal governing entity called the Security is the Birth Certificate and the in need of a serious wake up call. The Powers That
Prosecutor is there to put it on Wall-Street for the Be (TPTB) have even carved in stone their desire
"United States" U.S. is not the same as to eliminate 80% plus of the population of the
United States Of America USA. The MONEY $$$ world. They need a much smaller herd if they are
Washington D.C. Legal Control Senator cybr cde Centaur / Sin Tour lit going to be able to steer and control everyone for a
System operates under the British One World Government, under their control. A
the Power of Sinning theme emerges when you look at the big picture.
Maritime Admiralty / Military Law of
Flags, not under the American Us cybr cde Ooze as in Puss They find the things that we all need to survive or
use, then put their agenda in motion.
Constitutional Law. Notice the Gold We as in Wee or Pee W is for Water
Fringe Flag they fly the Wee People If you still want to believe your government loves
you, let me count for you the ways they don’t.
See All Roads Lead to Rome, Yours cybr cde Ours
Heraldry, Mary's Land, Maryland & Virginia As 1 ASPARTAME (renamed AMINO SWEET or
the Virgin Mary, War of 1812, White Wash,
See Attorney, the Above Words NEOTAME to thwart growing awareness)- Named
Why the Libraries Were Burned commercially Equal/Sweet ‘n Low, aspartame has
now found its way into 5000-6000 food products.
Watcher / Watchers Why lit Y This artificial sweetener was denied approval three
times. That is, until Mr. Donald Rumsfeld was
the Observers they are the Ones Who
Observe and Know All Things y hired as the new president of the Searl Co. The
company has since been sold to Monsanto. This
chemical literally turns into wood alcohol in your
Good Question !
Alter, Aryan, Brahman Priest, Eloheim, body, by-passing the blood brain barrier. Tests
Enlightened Ones, Nephilim, Sun, show it causes brain tumors and cancer, reduces
Vimana, Water fertility, can be addictive, and cause many other
serious health problems. The incidence of brain
Water a metaph and orig th for See Y Takes the Place of the I tumors and cancer has risen dramatically since it
Lyghte, Lyghte t'Seed was introduced. The test monkeys were trying to
Flesh, Water is Female and is
tell us something. A quick read on how they make
symbolically our Mother, along with our
Wind The, The Water and The Blood it and you’ll realize why it’s so toxic. Instead of a
Body See Alter, AT, Ater, Blood, Breath,
are all metaphors See Body, Breath,
“WARNING” on food labels, most products just
Fire, PH, River, Serpen, Spirit, Valter, Watcher, say ‘sugar free’.
Fire, Meta, Mind, Wind, World
and Mt. 12:48-50, Mk. 3:33
2 GMO CROPS - Since these crops are patented;
The Wind of Fire / Phyre no one really knows exactly what types of genes
WEST cybr cde for Quest are spliced into their DNA. They call them
See Breath, Fire, Spark, Wind terminator seeds, meaning they do not produce
seeds for future planting and must be purchased by
West Point Controlling the
The Wisdom of The Native Americans farmers every year. The original theory was to
Prime Military Minds from the
the LOST Breathings of the Wize Ones
blend Monsanto’s herbicide Round-Up into the
gene of the plant so the crops could be sprayed
Vatican Book Compiled and Edited by Kent
a with Monsanto’s Round-up without killing the

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- T h e N o n – S p o k e n W o r d P u b l i c a t i o n z - www.TheREALPublicRadio.Net
A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum
Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
See Banking, Image Out-Side The Vatican, Nerburn, Published bye New World plant. Way back in the 1980′s president G.H.W.
Bush declared that if Genetically Modified crops
Jesuit, Rothschild, West Publishing Co, Mini Library, Novato Calif looked like regular foods, then they were foods,
Pictionary No 2 See Brook Medicine Eagle Music, and the government would not spend federal
Burry My Heart At Wounded Knee money on testing or researching their safety or
White a Prime Color efficacy.
See Baptism, Lyghte, Milcha Rite
Words There is a Primary Sense It has since been a battle royal for independent
scientists to show that these foods are indeed
Wife Vife for Lyfe or or Zen-Sea for every Word, from which questionable as to their safety for human or animal
all others have proceeded, and when- consumption. Obvious evidence from around the
corr Vyph
ever this can be discovered, then, this world shows that farm animals, as well as mice
See Life, Liph, PH, V, Vife, Vy
Highest sense, or Zen-sea, should then and hamsters in laboratory tests, have a high
Anagram : PHive / Five lit a Hand incidence of death and deformity in second and
stand First, wythin the Order third generation offspring, spontaneous abortion
or a Help Mate
- Noah Webster 1828 and sterility. These plants have infiltrated growing
fields around the world and their derivatives are in
William Tyndale Great Biblical Work corr root and orig th for
nearly all our foods. Problems are arising in spite
Scholar on Greek and Translator of
the of the hyped ‘improved crop yield’. Complete
Walk. your Walk is your work fields are collapsing, new ‘super weeds’ are
the English Bible, the KJV being 90% growing, and the over spraying of pesticides and
See A-Woke, Walk, Woch, Wok, Woke Round-up are destroying the biology of growing
Tyndale. His Translations were soil. GMO crops were never tested over the long
being Published circa 1534. He was
betrayed and then Captured by the
World This World
haul, and now the very worm the farmers wanted
to avoid are developing a resistance to the GM

English Papal-State, Strangled and Is Only A Shadow of the REAL World

corn. Monsanto’s answer? Plant up to 20% of the
fields with NON-GMO to lure the worms over
then Burned at the Stake - Crazy Horse there! And, now they’ll try splicing two kinds of
pesticides into the corn seed. Last summer

Written Laws of God

Monsanto had to pay GMO farmers to use their
Wind as in Winding or Turning YHVH competitor’s herbicide, since Round-up was not
Around See Breath, Fay, Phay, Sky working anymore.
Father, Spirit, Sprite, Wind of Fire Bound By or Set Free from ?
Organically grown crops are being contaminated
Wind the , the Water and the Blood
‘Some have gone astray, having turned
by wind and cross pollination, and farmers are
being sued for ‘stealing’ Monsanto’s property. If
2 are all metaphors See
Body, Breath,
out of the Way, speaking foolishly and they can’t afford to fight the monster company,
Fire, Meta, Sky Father, Wind, World they are losing their farms and lifetime
they are desiring to be Teachers of the-
investments. Monsanto hires private thugs to
Written-Law, not comprehending, what secretly inspect organic farms in order to
Wisdom the Only it is that they are speaking about, nor accomplish these take downs. The predatory Big
True Wisdom, is in KNOWING YOU even the-issues at hand ... Ag companies have declared war on smaller
farmers and us. Scientists believe that once the
Knowing this, that the-Written Law is
KNOW NOTHING - distorted DNA of these plants go into our bodies,
not made for those who have been made that our own DNA is invaded and that our
Socrates Perfect in the law intestines can literally become pesticide factories.
1st Tim 1:6-9 PTRP Monsanto has put up vicious attacks on scientists
With Out Prejudice when you See Perfect in the Law
who try to warn about GMO dangers. Recently the
USDA ignored an urgent letter from a Purdue
say this term, it means that you Strictly scientist about a newly discovered pathogen in
Reserve All of Your Rights 6 I am totally-amazed, that you have GMOs, pleading with them not to approve
so quickly, moved away from the-pure- Monsanto’s new GM alfalfa. The USDA has even
See Natural Right, Non Acceptance of Offer defied an appeals court order not to approve it
One who called-you-out, and bye the- until an environmental impact study was
Wo / Vo lit Gudgement short for Favor-for-All that is found with-in the- conducted, but they approved it anyway. What
Messiah, while now, you are turning- ever happened to the truth that “you can’t fool
Wood that is a Tree, regarding the Tree around towards another so-called, mother nature”? If GMO’s are not stopped now,
of Knowledge of Lyghte and of message- of- the- stars, that- you- now- indigenous seeds, organic foods, age old farming
Darkness, that is, our Universe, an methods, clean and normal healthy foods will be
put-on: destroyed forever. Since Monsanto lobbied against
Ænd Gal 1:6 PTRP their ‘Franken Foods’ being labeled, and won, we
See Bravo, G, J, V, Vo, W, Wo, Woman the have become the de facto ‘environmental impact
3 And they didn’t even pressure t’Itoo, study’. There are already red warning lights
flashing, but hell, who cares? Full steam ahead!
Woman the lit the Gudgement fore who is with me, who being a Greek, was
Alle Mankind meaning we are all in not even obligated too undergo the- 3 COREXIT- During the Gulf Oil Disaster, BP
the Fall purification of, B’rish’t-Millcha: defied the EPA’s ‘order’ not to apply this highly
toxic deadly poison into the sea water. A ‘no fly
See Ælahe’t, Alle, Alle’t, Breathing, 4 But, it is only because there were zone’ was, and still is in force, so the public will

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A Phayshe’ool’t - Targum
Tranz- Literation Project The REAL DaVinchi C-O-D-E-
A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Columbia, Cosmos, El, Elahe, Elahe’t, Eloheim, false- brothers, who came from with-in, not see that the spraying continues to this day.
Elloveheim, Etymon, Gan, Gain, Ginnen, There has been a news black out imposed on
and un-announced, as they did it in
Hidden-Woman the-, Is, Ish, Ishtar, Issa, Liberty, scientists, researchers, doctors who are trying to
secret, to investigate out the-free- diagnose and treat the many illnesses that the Gulf
One-Verse, Ore
gudgement that we have within, the- residents are sick and dying from. Plants and
Anagram : Name- Ov through the- Messiah, Yah’shuah’t, all in order, so humans are being affected far, far inland, but no
woman comes the Genre and Name of one knows the extent of the damage. The Corexit
that they could find a way, too bring us
Everything. See Mt. 26:13 has produced new and deadly bacteria, one is
back into bondage and submission: known as Blue Plague, but that’s where the story
See the Gospel of Yahcanon Below : Gal 2:3-4 PTRP dead ends. Has anyone heard the numbers of the
premature deaths on the Gulf Coast, compared
What Is Implied, Is What It Should Breathe! 11 But when Keypha was come to with the normal death rates? No, I didn’t think so.
Somehow the news did leak out though, that the
EXAMPLE Antioch, I withstood him to the face,
‘spill’ has blown open and is gushing oil again,
because he was to be blamed,
Gospel of Yahcanon although it’s questionable that it ever stopped.
Gee, if oil drilling expert Matt Simmons was still
14 But when I saw that they walked here, maybe we could find out. He gave very good
Chaphter 1 reports on TV. He died alone in his hot tub one
not uprightly according to the truth of
1 At the-First-Instant of the-Darkness, night from what they said was a ‘heart attack’. I
the the-Royal Message-within-the-Stars-
there appeared The-Greight-Symbol- sure miss him.
that-you-put-on, I Breathed-Lyghte unto
Ov-Lyghte, being a-Roaring, Flaming-
Keypha before them all, If thou, being a 4 VACCINES - Does it seem to you that every
T’Sword of Fire and Gudgement. Now, day some new vaccine pops up that we must have?
Yudean, live after the customs of the-
this Royal- Flaming- t’Sword is with, Shingles? HPV? In my 33 years of working with
commoners, and not as the Yudeans do,
Yahvehe’t, Ælovehe-God, and this- the public on an intimate level, I’ve never known
why do you compel the Commoners anyone who died of cervical cancer. Hmmm. Each
Royal-flaming-t’Sword is found wyth-
then, to live as the-Yudeans do? year they guess which flu bug might come around,
inn the-Æloveheim. and we’re all supposed to line up. A couple years
15 We are Yudeans of Lyghte bye ago they said ‘oops, we were wrong, come in for
2 This Identical-Principle is from the- another stab’ of a different brew. Two winters ago
nature, and do not have our eyes-closed
very Beginning and is always found they said we were all going to die a quick horrible
like the commoners, death if we didn’t get the ‘human, pig, bird’ flu
within the Æloveheim.
shot. I didn’t even see anyone sick, let alone die,
16 Knowing that a Blood of the-Æarth did you? Many got sick and died from the vaccine
3 All things are then, made bye Her; though. Is it any wonder the drug companies paid
is not justified bye the works of the
and wyth-out Her, there is nothing that off congress some years ago to exempt them from
Written-Law, but bye the- Victory-of-
is made, that She did not make. any damage liability for their vaccines? We’ve all
Lyghte, bye, Yah’shuah’t, the-Messiah, heard the horror stories about what these shots can
4 Wyth-inn Her is too be found the- we even followed Yah’shuah’t, the do to people. Squalene, mercury, and lord knows
Messiah, so that we could be justified what else is in these formulas, or how they are
Duality and the-Vyvification for Alle of cultured. Since we aren’t told, I’m not allowed to
Lyfe; and this Vyvification fore Alle of bye the Victory of Lyghte, found in the repeat rumors here. I did read last year that 83% of
Lyfe is the-First-Lyghte, that now Messiah, and not bye the works of the the people in California who ‘contracted’
Shines for alle Ov the-Blood-of-the- Written Law: for bye the works of the whooping cough had been vaccinated for it
Written Law no flesh can be justified. though. Hmmm
Æarth - PTRP
See Word Unfortunately, the government has admitted that
18 For if I build-up again the things ‘some’ vaccines had cancers cells in them, that
that are destroyed by me, then I make they infected thousands of children in other
Word a corr root form for Vord
my-self a transgressor. countries with polio, and conducted illegal
See Burning- Flaming- t’Sword, Logo(s), experiments on people with syphilis bacteria in
Lyghte, Rev.1:16, 2:12,16, Royal-Flaming- 19. Now I, through the spiritual-law, Alabama and Guatemala. What a good way to hurt
t’Sword, Son, Sun, Svn, Sword, T’Sword a lot of people at once; figure out what a whole lot
the-law-Shelter of the-Breath, am dead of people think they need or want, then shoot it
to the Written-Law, so that I may live straight into their veins. But just as people are
Word Confusion Simple Words freely before Alovehe. finally wising up to the dangers of vaccines, Big
such as ‘Person’ ‘Citizen’ ‘People’ or Pharma pushes harder and harder for vaccines to
‘Nation’ ‘Crime’ ‘Charge’ ‘Right’ 21 I do not frustrate the-Favor-for-All be mandatory for when they decide to create
‘Statute’ ‘Preferred’ ‘Prefer’ ‘Guilt’ another fake pandemic or illness.
of Alovehe: for if Perfection in the-law,
‘Constitutor’ ‘Creditor’ ‘Debtor’ came bye the Written-Law, then the 5 FALSE PANDEMIC PANIC An investigation
‘Debit’ ‘Discharge’ ‘Payment’ ‘Law’ Messiah is dead in vain into the World Health Organization’s (WHO)
and ‘United States’ does NOT mean Gal 2:11-21 PTRP proclamation that the world was in a bona-fide
what you think it does, because ‘we’ pandemic (after changing the criteria for that level
Read also : Galatians , 3:2, 5, 10-13, 16, 6 classification), it was discovered that there were
were never taught the Legal 18-29, Gal 4:5, 9-11, 17, 21-26, 30, ch unscrupulous and conflict of interest ties to the
Definitions of these above words 5:-18 and ch 6:12-16 pharmaceutical companies. Wow! What a
See Diction, Jurisdiction, Words surprise! And yes, what was the payoff going to
be? Billions of flu shots sold. Sometimes I think

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
they need to float a trial balloon just to see how
Words He who does
NOT know the Heart of Words
-X- many people are still buying their scary
propaganda, inflamed and enabled by the
corporate owned mainstream media.
. . . can Not know the Heart of - Distruction - Pharmaceutical companies, with the governments’
help, have already accomplished blackmailing
Man X / x a symbol of destruction, and the- parents into shooting up their children with a
- Confucius ax. Also, a cross turned on its side plethora of vaccines if they want to send them to
See Ax, Craft, T, Tax school. The Powers That Be are hell bent on
finding some way to force their poisons into all of
Work a corr root and orig th for
X / x 2 is written in some MSS for us. Keep in mind that whatever the TV is trying to
sh. It constantly occurs in the-Coventry sell you, whatever story they go hyperbolic over, it
Walk, Your walk is Your Work means one of 2 things. It is either to promote
Mysteries, as in xal (shall), Xalt (Shalt/ TPTB’s agenda, or to divert your attention away
See A Woke, Walk, Woch, Wok, Woke
salt), &c See HD from TPTB’s agenda. And when they omit news
that’s important to your life, it’s so you don’t think
World X / x 3 a cyber cd for the Chi. the
This World Secret Sign from the most Ancient Time there’s an agenda at all.

is indeed, a Primitive Lyving Being 6 PHARMACEUTICAL DRUGS - I think the

that is endowed wyth a Soul and a X / x 4 a symbol of Death, and number of deaths caused by prescription drugs
Higher Estate of Æntelligence, a single, the-Flag for the-Pirate Merchants. ‘they’ each year is up to 200,000 if I’m not mistaken.
And that’s not even the mistakes. That’s the
visible, Lyving Æntity, that is also use it to refer to the last-generation
number for properly prescribed meds! The drug
containing all other Lyving Entities, in America today, as call them companies trump up a crisis, like cholesterol
which bye their very nature are all Generation X numbers that are too high, restless legs,
hyperactive kids, whatever, just when they are
inter-related - Plato X / x 5 a cyber code for Z, T, PX ready to release their shiny new pill for exactly
See Ashram, Body, Ego, Eloheim, See Ax, Chi. Craft, HD, Skull, Skull that problem. They lie and fudge in their testing,
Eloveheim, Igo, Water hide the flaws in the results, push for fast track
and Bones Society, T, Tax, Z
approval, and wala! Billions more pour into their
coffers, while people start keeling over in droves.
The World lit the Ore that XP See Chi Row, Windows XP By the time the FDA decides to even ‘study’ the
issue, thousands have died. Don’t you just love
Whirl’s and is a metaph and orig th for
being the real test subjects for them? And you
the Self
See Ashram, Bharata, Earth, Veda
- didn’t even get paid to be in a clinical trial! Even if
the hungry lawyers get the class action suits going,
the award damages are far, far smaller than what
World Federation the Front - the t'Svn / Sun - the company has already raked in. Oh well, there’s
always ‘collateral damage’ with these things, you
Office for the World Federation Today - the Lyghte - know? Haven’t I heard those words somewhere
the Eye before, like when the government is making
is the Jesuit run, Dutch Royal, East excuses for killing ‘innocent civilians’ during war?
India British Trading Corporation in a See I, V
Box, the UNITED STATES Note: the Y/ y the I Eye and
takes the place of
little trick they stole from the Hitler playbook. It’s
Term United States is merely a these Symbols are very Important within just so expensive to dispose of the waste from
metaphore for the United States of The this Cosmo Logical Theme. A Primary aluminum manufacturing, hmmm, what could we
drum up as a good use for it? Never mind that it
World Symbol for the Sun, thus the Word, actually causes brain damage, or makes your teeth
2 the World Federation is UNDER- Yellow which means the Voice of mottled and discolored, or corrodes your bones,
we’ll just put that skull and crossbones on the 55
GROUND ... but ... IN YOUR Gudgement gallon drums to warn people. But they’ll still think
FACE it’s good for them because we said so, right? Then
Y / y 2 a symbol of Lyghte
NWO, Old World Order, World Language we’ll pay the dentists to agree. Gee, another thing
See Yoy a whole lot of people need, water! Now, one of
President Obama’s czars suggests adding in
World Language n. A- Diction Ya’roo’Shalotom / yer’rool’Shalotom lithium to keep people calm, along with the other
pharmaceuticals that have been found in our water
engineered for Use through-out the- See Jerusalem, Om, Roole, Shælot, Vir, supplies. No matter what we learn after the fact
World 2 An-Artificial- Diction in- Yahllt, Ye’ru’Shalom about what’s been done wrong, it just continues on
tended for Universal non-Intelligent anyway, doesn’t it? Why is that?
Use. Can you say Ænglish ? Yah’shuvah’t always silent T is a corr-root
8 AEROSOL SPRAYING - Have you noticed
See Diction, Garbage, Gradge, Langrage, trans-literation for Jesus but the-complete-root all those pretty streams planes make in the sky
Language, Mortarboard, World-Power, Wyld would be Yahll’t-Shoolvah’t over your head? I have. They can turn a clear
Arizona deep blue sky cloudy, in just about an
1938 See School, Tree-of-Knowledge, hour. Sometimes they make puff clouds that have
Yahl’shoolvah’t, Yahll’t-Shoolvah’t streamers draping off of
World Power n. A Political them. Cool! But maybe in a short time, you find

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
STATE whose Policy affects the Yahchob Ara form of James lit the you can’t breath so well, or you find these cobweb
like things on your plants, or it can look like it’s
Entire World t’Seed of Lyghte See James, Yahchov, snowing when it’s 100 degrees! More cool! But
See World Language, Wyld 1938 Yahchove, Yahllt’Chove it’s a different story when you read about the
testing of what’s been collected in air samples, or
in people’s blood and saliva. Micro particles of
Worlds NHL Your Keys are, Yahl’Channon Ara form of John lit the
CybCd aluminum, barium, strontium, arsenic, zinc, and
the Body, the Adversary and most Father Comes Quickly too many to list other heavy metals, along with
See strange bacteria and fibers.
likely More James, Yahchov, Yahchove, Yahllt’Chove
You must decide with-inn the Nag Have you ever heard of Morgellon’s disease? It’s
Hammadi Library where these Words Yahlove or Yahl-Love where people develop moving fibers under their
Anagram : Volley skin. It’s one of the most horrible, unimaginable,
are going to be used, in the place of the creepy and disgusting skin ailments I’ve ever seen.
Cloud Word WORLDS See DiVyne Love, Yahll Look it up. Dr. Clifford Carnicom has been
researching aerosol spraying, otherwise known as
See Nag Hammadi Library
Yahlvehe’t is what some translate as, chemtrails, for over 12 years and has discovered
the Morgellons fibers in the fallen debris and in
Worship oc' cybr cde for War Ship YHVH, and with the vowels, is the- the saliva of 99% of the people he’s tested. What
more correct-root, and an original- do you know? One more thing we all like,
See Omage, Oomage , Prayer, War Ship
thought, for our great- Ændrogynous- breathing the air! By the way, it’s not legal for the
Father, ‘God’ and means; the-Mother government to experiment on us without our
Worthy of Your Breath we were permission, “UNLESS it’s for medical,
and Father are One.’ Pronounced: yah- therapeutic, pharmaceutical, agricultural, industrial
allæ given the Breath for Lyfe / LyPHe,
va-heh, the- H at the end is the-Breath. purposes, or for research in general, or for
but like Neo, you still may not be protection against, or for law enforcement
Yahvehe’t is a correct-root and orig-
breathing. the breath of the Air we purposes, including riot control”. (Section 1520a
breathe is symbolic of that pure Breath thought for YHVH, the- T is silent Chapter 32 of U.S. Code Title 50). No wonder our
that we are supposed too Breathe come See Mother-and-Father-are-One, YHVH ‘representatives’ scurry like rats when approached
about this subject! They must have their own
down from our Greight Father of special air to breathe.
Lyghte. Are you Worthy of that Breath ? Yam lit the- Root of the- One
See Breath, Vor See Illuminati, Ma, May, May-Day, 9 FDA - How many words are the limit for
Mothers Lyghte, Root of the- One regular articles? Some doctors have been known to
Anagram : May lit the Mothers call this the Federal Death Agency. There are
Worthy of Your Æyes we were countless detrimental to life additives, fillers,
allæ given eyes for seeing, but the Lyghte or The Virgin Mother as the Root of Lyfe chemicals, artificial extenders, dyes, poison in
question is Are you Worthy of them ? plastic food containers, and even radiation that are
See Eye, Vor
Year’alle / Year-All’t / Year-All’tæ just fine with the FDA for us to eat. If you report
T. mod Year it lit implies Hear the-
silent adverse effects from one of their approved
elements, you may not hear back from them for
Worthy of Your Salt olde expression Soundsz of Æverything up-On the- years. You won’t even be noticed if you’re already
for those who were on campaigns of Greight-Allter/ Alter the Great Alter Being a statistic! It just depends on what made you sick.
the Æarth If it was something a huge corporation makes,
war or seafaring, where everyone forget it. If you got sick from a peach you bought
received a certain allotment of salt for See Alle, Allter, Alt, Alter, Year at a local roadside stand, or some lemonade from
use within their own food. if someone Anagram : Ray for the- Lyghte of the- your neighbors little girls stand down the street,
was a poor fighter or a poor sailor who t’Svn and Moon’t well its curtains for them. They’ll get 10+ years in
the slammer.
didn’t work hard, someone could be
heard saying that - he is NOT worthy of Yer’rool’Shalom bye it’s implication Just beware while you’re shopping at your favorite
his salt See Shalt, Vor the House of Ruling Peace or the organic fresh food grocer. Those black Suburban
cars, swat team ninja cops, and big AK-47 rifles
Age of Ruling Peace and with all of can be quite startling. Oh, I forgot about all the
Wycliffe John or John of it’s many other very primitive root forms toxic chemicals that are allowed to go into our skin
Wycliffe Yahllt’Vir’Shælo'tom mod Jerusalem and hair products
too. Boys and girls, don’t forget to use your
Author of the First English Bible See Jerusalem, Om, Owl, Roole, Shælot, (cancer causing) sunscreen now. Remember to be
Translation in c 1382, his work was Two Powers the-, Vir, Yaher’Shalom, Yahllt, careful in that bad sun! P.S. Watch out for
Ye’ru’Shalom domestic home grown terrorists like John McCain
banned by the Vatican in 1407 and Dick Durbin, they’ve been trying to outlaw
John Purvey became the co-author Yeshua / Y’shua a false tital or name for your vitamin and mineral diet supplements, and
and co-worker on the Second Draft they just won’t quit.
Yahshuvah’t or ‘Jesus’ it comes from 10
See Bible, Translations, Translators the Babylonian Talmud the most wicked VITAMIN SUPPLEMENT DEMONIZATION
The Pharmaceutical companies have a jealousy
book in history and lit means May His problem. They don’t like all the money you’ve
Wycliffe Stated Boldly that Name Be Blotted Out Forever and been spending on vitamins to stay healthy. It’s just
Roman LAW was and is ‘The Heathen this is the Name that the Messianic driving them crazy. So they got our government to

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Mans Law’, and that there was no more 'JEWS' are using Today sign onto some UN treaty called Codex
Alimentarius. This multi country UN gig wants to
reason and justice in the Civil Law of See Jesus, Talmud, Yahshuvah’t judge just how little nutrition you actually need in
Rome, than in the Civil Law of your vitamin pills, something like what wouldn’t
England YHVH the prime implication of be enough for your pet fly. Then they want to give
the rights to BigPharma to make the pills, with
- John of Wycliffe YHVH is the Mother and Father who only slightly more milligrams at one thousand
are One. the Y is the symbol for the times the cost. What the heck took them so long?

-X- Svn, the V is the symbol for the Moon

and the H is the symbol for the Æarth. it
And to make it even better, you’ll have to go to
your doctor (IF you can find one after ObamaCare
kicks in) for a prescription for your vitamin A, B,
- Distruction - is all about the relationship of the Sun, C, D, Etc. So now, we won’t have to worry at all
about maintaining good health, because our loving
X/ x a symbol of Destruction and Æarth and Moon, all interacting with government will do it all for us, right? So, when
the ax. Also, a cross turned on its side Each Other and The Æarth is The all the diseases that are caused by nutritional
deficiencies return, all the pharmaceutical
See Ax, Craft, T, Tax metaphorical Bridal Chamber companies will be lined up waiting to fix us.
X / x 2 is written in some MSS for See Bridal Chamber, Mother and
Are you getting the picture yet? Foods that are
sh. It constantly occurs in the-Coventry Father are One, Yahlvehe’t
loaded up with chemicals, pesticides and
Mysteries, as in xal (shall), Xalt (Shalt/ herbicides, hormones and anti-biotics to counteract
salt), &c See HD
Yin a principle in Chinese philosophy e.coli and staff bacteria; severely depleted in
associated with negative, dark, and nutrients and minerals, and shipped in from all
X / x 3 a cybr cd for the Chi the feminine attributes See Far, Near, Yang over the world with scant oversight. Yet they want
to deny us the only means we have to counteract
Secret sign from the most Ancient Time the industrialization and over processing of our
X / x 4 symbol of Death and of Yish’ra’el mod Israel See El, I, foods. The deal is to keep us very sick, slowly
Ish, Israel, Ra, The-Woman, Y dying, and drain our purses dry, before we die.
the Flag for the Pirate Merchants. they Speaking of dying, how many people are killed by
also use it to refer to the last-generation vitamins each year? None, or
in America today, as call them, Yoo-Re mod Your one? From the way the FDA is reacting, and Sen.

Generation- X See Oo, Re, Y ; Yoov, Yoore, You Durbin’s new bill, you might think there was a
holocaust in progress. Well, there is..... But it’s not
X / x 5 a cybr cde for Z, T, PX Yood Chi or Yud Chi mod Judge caused by vitamins

See Ax, Chi. Craft, Fax, Fox, HD, Skull, See E, Eye, G, Chi, Y vs J 11 EPA - Natural gas fracking (flaming tap
Skull-and-Bones-Society, T, Tax, Z water). 5 year Naval war exercises on all US
coasts with every horrible kind of toxin, bomb, or
Yoov mod You chemical warfare germ you can think of. They
X- Marks the Spot figure of Speach See Oo, Y, Yoore, You, Your, V even admit this endeavor will “take” (read ‘kill’)
See Celtics, Chi Row, Phonicians up to 11 million sea
Yor’dan implies the Age of pure mammals. Nuclear leakage and fallout. Every
imaginable chemical, pesticide, and herbicide.
X O FACTOR taken from the Book Gudgement w yth-inn the River of Chemtrails. Oil spills and gushers. Aerosol
spraying of deadly toxins on oceans. Ocean trash
the XO Factor by Kurt A Oster MD, Lyfe See Dan, Gudgement, Jordan, Yore dumping by corporations. Neglected toxic
Donald J. Ross PH.D as presented by Superfund sites. Overflowing spent nuclear fuel
Yoy is the Root of Joy and means pools all over the country. Electro Magnetic
Dr Adriana Poehlmann for publication
Ænlightenment and pure-Gudgement Frequencies (EMF). Let’s see. What am I
The XO Factor : See Ænlightenment, Joy, Pure-Gudgement
forgetting? It doesn’t matter. Anything is OK by
the EPA apparently.
Homogenized Milk
May Cause Your Heart Attack Yu Sanskrit pron YOU for 12 USDA - Let me give you a clue. All these
alphabet soup agencies are head fakes. They were
It is the GLUE for Your Colesterol Uniter, U nion or United put in place by TPTB to make us think the
[ Hard-Cover ] See Jesuit Run Dutch Royal British East government was protecting us and our country.
India Trading Companies Corporations, the United And maybe for awhile, to get us believing in them,
See for Book
Companies with the Labor of YOU Slave they were. But folks, the worm has turned. Look
X- Ray lit the Destruction of the
out. They are all there to enable the move to
consolidate the elites’ plan for total control over
Life / Lyghte Force Yudah a Son of Jacob / Yah’chov our lives!
2 syn with Yoda and Jedi

Here’s a line from a recent article: ‘The USDA
See Jedi, Judaea, Judah, Yoda
- lied to farmers and ranchers about federal drought

insurance. The government has refused to pay up
during the worst drought in US history’. More
- the t'Svn / Sun - - farmers down the drain. The USDA is an enemy of
the country. The FDA is an enemy of people. The
- the Lyghte - SEC is an enemy of investors. The EPA is an

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
the Eye enemy of the earth. I could go on if you like.
- ZEN - Nothing is logical. Nothing makes sense. What’s
See I
- Z‫א‬N -
love got to do with it? Nothing. TPTB are brutal,
Y/ y the I (eye)
takes the place of
evil, and diabolical. They delight in death and
destruction, and enjoy watching us suffer.
and these symbols are very important
within this Cosmological Theme. A
- ZIN - 13 FUKUSHIMA - What is Fukushima? I think
primary symbol for the Sun, thus the
word, Yellow which means the Voice of
- zen- Æye - I’ve heard of that somewhere before. Was that the
name of a country somewhere near Japan or
something? Oh that’s right, there was a tsunami,
Gudgement - Beginning of the Lightning Stroke - and I think I heard something about a nuclear
- the End of That which Came Down - power plant. Boy, that CNN just jumps from one
story to the next. Things are moving so fast these
Yam lit the Root of the One See Aleph, Eye, N, ‫א‬, Z days it’s hard to keep up. But I think somebody
See Illuminati, Ma, May, May-Day,
Mothers Lyghte, Root of the One
Z / z cybr cde for the symbol ‫א‬- from England said something about not going out
in the rain, or eating green leafy vegetables. But
Anagram : May lit the Mothers Æleph in Hebrew and N in Chiro- everything must be OK now, because I haven’t
heard any more about it.
Lyghte Phœnecian See Æleph, Aleph, Fall, N, S
Z / z 2 is the complete form of the Nothing is more despicable than to have our
Year orig th Sky Year or
Mystery t’Zool’Mega, Tav or Tau, etc
government order a news black-out about what is
very possibly a life extinction event of mass
Year’alle or Year-All’t or Year- See Æleph, Ælpha, Ælaphax, Aleph, proportion.
All’tæ silent T. it lit implies Hear the Alpha, Alapha’t, Alaphat, Alaphax, AT, N, OO, S,
Soundsz of Everything up-On the T’Zool’Mega, Tab, Tau, Tav, U
Greight Allter/ Alter the Great Alter as ‘The End of Small Farms and Don’t Bother
Being the Æarth
Zan Sand lit t’Starr Dust Looking For Roadside Fruit and Vegetable Stands
See Alle, Allter, Alt, Alter See San, Sand, Sen, Tau/ Tav, Zone Act’. Those small time farmers are going to be too
busy complying with new draconian paperwork
Anagram : Ray for the- Lyghte of the-
Zar lit the Power of Lightning and regulations to worry about the safety of their
t’Svn and Moon’t organic crops. While they are busy paying the
See Caesar, Chizar, Kzar, piper, the crops will die of neglect anyway. But
Yen Japanese Currency TheeZar Roole, U.S. Government, Zoro don’t get all huffy and think you’ll just grow some
See Yin food of your own. The Garden Police will show up
with their AK-47s, and God knows what will
YHVH the Tetra Gramatron or Zen the Highest Point happen if you don’t have your permit! And don’t
Tetra Gramation misnomered as Lord or See San, Sand, Sen, Tau/ Tav, Zone even think about sharing your extra tomatoes with
the neighbor. That is against the law now. They’ll
Adoni is more correctly Yahvahe’t lit the Zoo Every Thing work best thrown onto the compost pile for next
year’s planting.
Mother and Father Are One in the See Oomega, Ω
Lyghte of the Svn’/ t'Sun. it is also Our loyal representatives twisted themselves into
claimed too be the Foundational DNA
Zroll lit Scroll See Zero pretzels to get this bill passed. The lame duck
congress even worked till the wee hours of the
YHVH 2 the primary implication of
YHVH is the Mother and Father who
- Ω -
morning so no one would see what they were
doing on the last day they were in office. Many
who may have voted ‘no’ had gone home to bed.
They got about 6 million letters, calls, and e-mails
- OOlmega - from the suckers who voted for them, begging
are One. the Y is the symbol for the Svn,
the Ool / Owl / Ooll them not to pass this dangerous bill! But they just
the V is the symbol for the Moon and the couldn’t resist giving us a parting gift, because
See LL, OO, W, Ω they couldn’t resist the parting gifts they got for
H is a symbol for the Æarth. it is all
about the relationship of the Sun, Æarth
OO / oo OOmega the symbol U was passing this disgusting bill. In case you haven’t
picked up on it, every new bill in this Orwellian
also intended to replace the orig root of world we live in, has a name the exact opposite of
and Moon, all interacting with each
the Two OO’s. in John of Wycliffe’s what its underlying purpose is.
other and the Æarth is the metaphorical
1382 Ænglish translation of the sacred-
Bridal Chamber 15 SMART GRID and SMART METERS - As
scriptures, in the-book of revelations, it if electro magnetic frequencies (EMF) from cell
See Bridal Chamber, Mother and
reads, ‘I am the Alpha and the OO; and phones, cell towers, microwave ovens, HD TVs,
Father are One, Yahll’t, Yahlvehe’t
this is also directly related to the Greek, wi-fi signals, medical CT scans, X-rays, and
Omega – Ω, which is a symbol of the owl, airport scanners, aren’t enough to fry us, we now
Yin syn with Near get to have the new and improved electrical grid
which is correctly spelled Ool and therefore,
See Far, Yan, Yan Chi, Yang, Yankee along with the deadly ‘smart meters’ that go with
as you can relate, the two oo’s represent them. Here’s another gift from TPTB money
grabbers who have nothing but their own agenda
Yoda syn with Yudah the two eyes of the owl / Ool who has in mind. Even all the corporations who are going
See Jedi, Yudah eyes to See in the Night. All a part of to be bidding for a piece of the action dare not

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
the Great Mystery bring up the issue of safety. Not a word! This may
York Constantine was Proclaimed finally be the wake-up call for all the people who
See Æleph, Ælpha, Ælaphax, Aleph, refused to believe their government has anything
Emperor at York Turkey Alpha, Alapha’t, Alaphat, Alaphax, AT, Oomega, but their best interests at heart. Once again, our
See New York, York England Tab, Tau, Tav, U, Ω dependence on electricity will be used to hold us
hostage, and to make us comply with something
that may very well kill us! Not to mention that
You orig th Yoov OOMEGA / OOL’MEGAN ‘smart meters’ are a complete invasion of your
See Oo, Y, Yoov, Yoore, Your, V the Owl or the Ool who Sees the privacy and a way for Big Brother to keep track of
your every move and even control your appliances
Ænd of Æverything See Æleph, remotely if they want. Please read up on this
Your orig th Yoo Re Ælpha, Ælaphax, Alpha, Alaphax, Aleph, AT, D, subject before they come to your town and alert
See Oo, Re, Y ; Yoov, Yoore, You Dau, Dov, Dow, Gain, Gan, OO, T, T’Zool’Mega, your neighbors! The meters will be spewing strong
Tab, Tau, Tav, Toe, U, Z, Ω pulses of microwave energy all through the
environment, your home and everybody in it, then
Youth more corr Term for Child returning the signal to a receiver up to 2 miles
See Child, Little Ones
Archaic Cyber Code away. Even if you didn’t have one, don’t worry,
Last Letter of the Middle English Alphabet you’ll be treated to all your neighbors signals as
Your Self Temet well, right through your walls.

See Ego
- Your utility’s talking point will be that ‘they are
no more dangerous than a cellphone’, or that it

- Z- - the Cosmic Three -

only pulses twice a day. Outright lies! Apparently,
they haven’t been keeping up on their propaganda
scheme. Even the WHO is finally admitting that
cell phones do cause cancer tumors! Another case
- ZEN - - Three Eyes - of hiding the health risks for the benefit of big
corporations. And, according to Dr. Bill Deagle,
- Z‫א‬N -
See A, E, I, O who has been testing the smart meter, it’s been
3 from ME used to Supplement putting out 100 times the EMF of a cell phone! I

- ZIN -
wonder how long it will take to kill people who
Various Letters. Symbolic of the are unfortunate enough to live in multi-family
Three in One of t’Svn, Æarth, and dwellings, or live with a meter bank containing
- zen- Æye - Moon’t
hundreds of meters a short distance from their
home? Don’t think our government knows exactly
Beginning of the Lightning Stroke 2 relative to E what they’re doing to us? The military has studied
this technology extensively! The meters have not
- the End of That which Came Down - See 3, Æ, E, Egg, Egh, Eight, Eye, I
even been approved by UL, and you need a
See Aleph, Eye, N, ‫א‬, Z subpoena to get safety rating records from the
It has been used to replace: G, GA, utility co. How would you like to die? Cooked by
Z/z cyber code for the symbol - ‫א‬ GAY, GH, Y microwaves, or fried in a fire? The meters have
been catching on fire and may have been the cause
Æleph in Hebrew and N in Chiro- See the Pattern of the gas line explosion in San Diego that took 8
Phœnecian See Æleph, Aleph, Fall, N, S lives and 47 homes a few months ago. Federal
Example 3 = ? “investigators” said they were not going to
Z / z 2 is the complete form of the Thou3 / Though / GH investigate if the meter was the cause “because the
mystery, T’Zool’Mega, Tav, or Tau, etc. meter did not cause the explosion”. They don’t
See Æleph, Ælpha, Ælaphax, Aleph, Wrou3te / Worked / GH look for things they don’t want to find.
Alpha, Alapha’t, Alaphat, Alaphax, AT, N, OO,
S, T’Zool’Mega, Tab, Tau, Tav, U
3e / Ye / Y The utility commissions and the utility companies
are playing extreme hardball with people who do
3ouun / Given / G not want to be microwaved in their homes. If you
Zebra lit the Supporting Z 3yue / Gave / GA-Y See E
try to ‘opt out’, you will pay dearly to protect your
health, while they are happy to place your life on
See Aleph, Bra, N the black jack table for that first winning hand.
Archaic Cyber Codes Judging by Dr. Deagle’s own testing of his smart
Zen the Highest Point See meter, it’s obvious that any test results provided by

the industry claiming the meters are completely
Sand, Sen, Tau/ Tav

Zero equal with One See Zroll

- safe are fraudulent! Further, they do admit that
there has been no long term testing, but you’ll
need a subpoena to see their safety data. So just
Th / G / ð / I / þ / PH / X all like cell phones, how can they dare to make any
safety claims? “The meters are within the FCC’s
Zero Point there is a Point Symbols for the Æye, the Breath and the guidelines” they say. (Another alphabet agency) I
where ALL Things Originate Center of Creation guess cell phones are too, although the radio
frequency levels they put out have just been listed
See Cross, Key Hole, Mini Pictionary No 3, these are the Olde Ænglish and the as carcinogens. Once again, the people who will
Vatican Square Zero Point get rich off this boondoggle will be sailing away
Latin ‘Mystery- Symbols’ that continue on their yachts, while you lie in a hospital bed

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Zeus represented as a Serpent and too change through-out history, as the- dying of cancer. You can bet they won’t have
smart meters on their homes!
Sky Father priest hoods are inclined and Ordered
See Cybele, Earth Healing Zeus, Jesus, today we see this Symbol in the PX The government has offered bribe money to the
combined on the Front of the Podium of states, utilities and the utility commissions (which
Mother, Serpent, the Hidden Woman
came from us in the form of ‘stimulus money’) to
the Catholic Priest and it is known as the- institute this program. Then we’ll pay for it again
Zionisim the intent for Chiro / Chiroh / Chi- Row ‘to reimburse the utility along with a ‘fair’ profit’,
World Domination by paying much higher rates. It is NOT mandated
See 3, Æ, E, J, K by law, but if you refuse them permission to install
See Aryanisim, Hindustan, Oath of _____________________________ the meter, they will come back and install it
Kol Nidre, The Talmud anyway and say you have no choice. Or they’ll
Mini Pictionary No 35 The Chi-Na, they Row, threaten to turn your power off! They thought they
and they Rove where they go, could pass this one off by saying it will save us
Zone See Zoon they Create their own bi-Roads in toe, money, conserve energy, and save the earth! But
people are catching on to this one, and the lawsuits
ann wythe thoze Shac-Red-Groves of Olde ; are already under way. (Good luck with that. How
Zoo Everything but alle of those inn-Roads many judges do you trust these days?) Act now
they lead us yoo know, and get your city to ban them, please! And don’t
Zoonomy n. [Gr. ζωον, an Animal, right back to The-Nome of Olde-Rome, forget to educate your doctor. He’ll need the info
and νομος, law.] Webster 1828 The- Mother en The Dome, to treat your addled brain and confused bodily
wythe-oot anneye home, systems, if the Cabal gets their way. Every cell in
2 Zoo = Every-thing, nom = Name our body has an electrical biology, and unless you
The Harlot yoo know,
and Y = Eye lit every-thing Defined aren’t human, you will be damaged. It’s the
Right At Ægypt’s Great Throne ! modern day version of a gas chamber. The
See Eye, Law, Name - dezert-owl chamber this time happens to be your own home,
2011 If this isn’t our line in the sand, nothing is.
Zoro lit Zero See Zar, Zero Friend or Foe ... 16 UNENDING WARS - Mothers, don’t let your
As long as Egypt Lives, Phœnecia will Not Die babies grow up to be soldiers. If they make it back
t’Zool-Mega symb. (Ex)Pression, or _____________________________ home, they’ll never be the same. Look up Gulf
the Ænd of the Mystical Alphabet. War Syndrome. They are guinea pigs for every
the Ænd of the AlphaBet through-out As you should be able to see bye the imaginable vaccine, and unwitting victims of
America’s own weapon of mass destruction called
Alle Tyme above, these are Ancient Symbols and
depleted uranium. You could also become the
Various endings of Our Alphabets : everything too do with the Ancient proud grandparents of a grandchild with 2 heads
Mariners / MERCHANTS / World- and 4 legs. It has become very obvious that our
government, our military, and our country have
Heb – Eng – ME – Grk – Ω Conquers and Dominators, who are been the subjects of a coup ‘d tat. The next time
T – Z – OO – Mega known as the Phœnecians or the Cain- someone says our sons and daughters are
Annites or the Canaanites and now the defending our freedom, remind them of the black
During the different Periods of Time, SUVs and swat team raids on the beautiful Amish
‘They’ the Rulers of Darkness, only Babylonian Religious State of the farmers, or the 630 citizen deaths by cop tasers, or
revealed the different parts of the Vatican for the Vat or the Cup of Cain the no warrant, no knock raids on homes of
innocent people, or the sexual assault by the
Alpha-Bet. the L / EL, the Phœnecian See B, Cain, Canaanites, D, Far-Row, G, P, airport TSA because people just want to visit their
PH, Pharaoh, Phœnecians, Similar-Sounds, T, X
Goddess, is the symbol of their Mother, family in another state.
the one ‘Key’ that they leave out the
many of the Words now, and the one ð - Words / Wareds I know our young people sign up out of financial
desperation and perceived patriotism. Once they
sign they are compelled to follow orders, but it is
that they made a ‘Vow’ too
See Æla Phax, Ala Phax, El, Tau, Tav,
Sið Tyme , Gourney / Journey
for now apparent to the entire world that they are not
fighting for our country, but for the agenda of the
Zool - Mega, Symbols of Time and Light, Vow- Turn Icel Sinn Goth Sinths OHG cabal of elites who want to own it all, including
El, Vowel, Wove Sind related too Sound you. The military standing down is our only hope
for saving the country. We need them to defend us,
Sið 2 Lit Sith, Syth, Site, Sit, Sixth, right here at home, from the enemies within, and

#'s Six, Sex and Sax for Saxon. the outside enemies who are fomented by our
government’s lies. I hate to say it, but right at this
alle dealing ‘Specifically’ with moment, our military is aiding and abetting the
Creation and the Merchants, who all enemy to destroy our dreams, our freedoms, and
1040 IRS Forms A 1040 Form Pride them selves as being ‘Creators’, our country. Is there not a single commander who
has the guts to loudly and publicly just say NO
is for the Tribute paid to Britain - IRS but these same t’sWords also contain the MORE ? !
Publication 6209
meanings of Grief and Sickness
SeeBanks, Federal Reserve, 17 OBAMA MAMA CARE - Written by the
IMF, Rothchilds, Vatican Sōð ‘sooth’ for ‘sooth-sayer’
as in Mentally Insane insurance companies, it will be
_____________________________ the perfect covert plan to eliminate all the ‘useless
and actually means n. Truth and as an eaters’ and save the government from paying all of

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
adj. fore, ‘True’, ‘Genuine’, ‘Just’, us pesky Baby Boomers our social security. It
Dictionary Number One ‘Perfect in the Law’, Righteous won’t be hard, since while they are adding 30
million people into the system, 60% of the doctors
DIRECTLY ABOVE we have now will be long gone. They want
nothing to do with it. Everyone knows that the
Can You See the Pattern ? medical system is in melt down as we speak
anyway. One of my favorite parts of this travesty
- Western Diction - þ - Words / Woreds
is the rule that if you are ‘not up to date on your
vaccines’, you won’t get care. It’s such a fabulous
law that the scum who voted for it made
_____________________________ Staþe / Stæð n. fore Bank, or themselves and their staff exempt from it! Make
your doctor appointments now! It may be a few
Shore, related too Star and Shitar years wait. Ask him if he makes house calls to
jails, since that’s where you’ll be if you can’t
þearf Need
Paradox in Paradise afford ObamaCare. By the way.... when your
þēaw Custom, Usage, Manner Pay, doctor (if he hasn’t left the country) asks, by law,
See the Illusion of the Seperation Pave, Way (Possibly, ‘Grave) if you have any firearms in your home, tell him
‘absolutely not’! Then ask him why he wants to
and the Illusion of the Duality
þegn Servant, Retainer, Thane know.
- dezert-owl (Pegan, Pe-Gan, Be-gin) See Gan, Pe, Peonage 18 WEATHER MODIFICATION - Scientists
þegnian Serve, Minister for say the technology certainly exists. I’m sure the
ruling Cabal has unlimited funds to invest in it,
þeod People, Nation and the Navy says they’ll own the weather by
2025. We keep having rare, deadly, ‘once every
(Geode) 100 years’ droughts, floods, earthquakes,
þeodcyning King, from a-Tribe, temperatures, and snowfalls, so I’m really
suspicious about this. I think they own the weather
(Geode-Sinning) a Nation now! It seems to add up to broke farmers, food
þeoden Chief , Lord, Gudge shortages and sky high prices. Our government
signed on to a UN treaty that prohibits all
(Geodan) countries from using weather weapons. So, our
leaders promptly privatized the U.S. weather
þeodenhold adj Faithful- or (Geode- bureau, and created numerous front companies that
in-Bonds) Loyal to a Lord carry out their plans for them anyway. It’s similar
to hiring that company Blackwater in Iraq. They
þeodenstōl Lord’s Throne, High- did such a good job for the U.S. in Iraq, and
(Geode-on-Stool) Throne they’re so proud that they changed their name to
The U.S. Vatican Deception (Stool = Starr-owl) XE, as if that makes them seem any less dark.

þeodscipe Fellowship, Association 19 FINANCIAL COLLAPSE/DEPRESSION -

I forget. How many people died during the 1930s
(Geode-Ship, Æarth-Ship) depression? One of the most telling discoveries
þeof Thief were the thousands of coffins piled up that Jessi
Ventura showed on one of his TruTV shows. That
show was never aired again, and was removed
Archaic Cyber Code altogether from the TruTV website and the
internet. Are the coffins for the masses of people

Ж who will starve during the new great depression?

Why did the government order them? If they are
there in case of a big natural disaster, wouldn’t the
- the Æye on the Throne - government just say so? Instead they removed the
_____________________________ evidence from view. In detective terms, they call
that consciousness of guilt.

Dictionary Number Two Will someone please wake me up after I’m dead,
and let me know if any of the psychopathic,

DIRECTLY ABOVE demonic, control freak maniacs, who have gutted

our country and our lives, are ever held
accountable and banished from this world? I’d
appreciate it. Thank You!
Æ a s t-W e s t D i c t s h i o n Federal Jack
www. ASBEZ.Com _____________________________

- № 42 -
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Paradox in A Pair of Dies
We are all standing upon a Giant
Whale, while we are all Fishing for
Minnows - Ancient Sage

The Great Symbol of the Cross is in His Hand

See Constantine

- Abbreviations -
Abrev – Abbreviation
Adj – Adjective

Aka – Also Known As
- FOR Ara – Aramaic
Black’s – Black’s Law Dictionary
_____________________________ Coming ... To a Neighbor-Hood Near You Brit – British
_____________________________ c – Circa / Approximate
Cf – See Also
What they didn't want you too CFR – Code of Federal Regulations
know, but we tell right Here! CFR – Council on Foreign Relations
Chap – Chapter
- dezert-owl
Commer – Commercial
Const – Constitution
Cor – Corinthians

- FOR YOUR NOTES - Corrup – Corruption

Cyb-Cde – Cyber Code
_____________________________ Cyber-Cd. – Cyber Code
Dan – Daniel
Blood Oaths Def(s) – Definition
The First Blood Oaths Deut – Deuteronomy
Dict – Dictionary
Doct – Doctrine
Ecc – Ecclesiastes
Ed – Edition
Eng – English
Esp – Especially
Etymol / Etym – Etymology / logical
Evol – Evolved
Exerpt from
Fed – Federal
The First Book of Enoch Fn – Foot Notes
- CHAPTER 6 - Fr / F – French
the Celtic/ Chell-Tech Red Race Frm – From
It was at this time, when the Seed of G.Phil – Gospel of Philip
the Moon were increasing on the Æarth, Gal – Galatians
that very beautiful and sensually enticing gen – General
daughters were being born among them Gen – Genesis
the White Aryan Race Gen-Sense – General-Sense
2 Now when the Royalle Messengers Ger – German

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
of Lyghte, who are the pure Seed of the Gk / Grk – Greek
Sun, saw them, they were all captivated Goth – Gothic
by them, and so quickly coveted them Heb – Hebrew(s)
through their own earthly passions, and Hind – Hindu
so, this then is when they all breathed, HmPrl – Hymn of the-Pearl
before each other, 'Let us now unite and Icel – Icelandic
gather our-selves together as one body, Impl /Imp – Implies / Implied / Implication
and let us, every one of us, choose from Interp – Interpreted
among this lower race, his own wife who Isa – Isaiah
will then breed for us our own Seed.' Jb – Job
3 Then Shem'Yahll't-Az / Samyaza Jer – Jeremiah
who was their elder-power, breathed Jn – Gospel of John
before them, 'I am very concerned that Jol – Joel
all of you, are not yet committed enough Josh – Joshua
for this very unique action and that I KJV – King James Version
alone will bear responsiblity for this Lat – Latin
great enterprise and closing of the Æye Lit – Literally / Literal / Literation
in sin.' Lk – Gospel of Luke
4 But they all responded to him by LXX – Septuagint
breathing, 'Let us all make a pure-Breath ME – Middle Ænglish
Vow and Covenant together, binding Metaph / metphr – Metaphore
every one of us to each other, by the Mk – Gospel of Mark
Curse of a Mutual Penality, not to MSS – Manuscripts
abandon this course, but to perform this Mt – Gospel of Matthew
deed as planed.' So they all breathed by n – Noun
a true-breath oath and wove together NHL. – Nag Hammadi Library, the
wyth-inn their bond. No – Number
Two-Hundred Fell from the Pure Race O Fr – Old French
5 This all occured in the days of Oc' / Oc’c – Oc’Cult
Yahll'Red/ Jared, and there was a total of OdSol – Odes Of Solomon
two-hundred men who were involved OE – Olde English
that came down from the mountainous OHG – Olde High German
region of Hermon. They called one OriGsp – Original Gospel / Aquarian
particular mounton H'Ar-Moon or Mt. Orig th /tho/u – Original Thought
Herman as a memorial for the Vow, OT – Old Testament
where-inn they bound one another by a OMT – Other Modern Translations
curse under the pains of death. PTRP Pet – Peter
See Cast System, Jared, Seed of, Vow, Wove
Pg – Page
Prob – Probably
Hermon means, the Mountain of the
Pron / Prn – Pronounced
Power by the Red Curse through the
Ps – Psalms
Power of the Moon that goes round
Prvb – Proverbs
See Red Square Below
PTRP - PhaysheOol Targum Res Project
Re – Regarding
Reg – Regular
Rep – Representing
Si – Silent
Sic – In this Exact Style
Sp – Spelled
Stat – Statute
Strongs – Strong's Concordance
Suff – Suffix
Symb – Symbolic of
Mount Hermon is also known as : Ba’al Hermon, Syn – Synonymous
Mt. Lebanon, Jabel A-talg, 'Arqub, Hermon Teut – Teutonic

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Massif, Hermon Slopes, Jebel esh-Sheikh, Senir, Translation , the
Shenir, Sion, Sirion
Tim – Timothy
Mt. Hermon is the southern tip of the anti-
Lebanon mountain range. Its highest peak is
Th – Thought
9230 feet and the highest point inside Israel's Tom – Thomas
borders today is Mizpe Shelagim at 7295 Ult – Ultimate
feet. Vs / V – Verses
w/p – Words & Phrases
Web – Webster 1828
W / Wi – With
Wis – Wisdom of Solomon
Wkl – John of Wycliffe
1 Sam – First Samuel
&c – And So On

It Is All ... An OPEN- Secret
- Ancient Sage’atic Truth

The Diction of Numbers


the One Becomes the Too, the Too Becomes

the- Three / Tree, and the Tree, Becomes the
Ten- Thousand, which is the True- Gudgement
for the- Highest- Zen
- Philo, Ancient- Proverb

0 Equivalent with Number One

3 Æverything Happens with Three
33 The Highest known Degree in
Scottish Rite Free Masonry.
Jesus's age when he was crucified in

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
33 A.D., according to many Christian
traditions. 33 is not only a Numerical
Representation of the Star of David,
but also the numerical equivalent of
AMEN: 1+13+5+14=3
See Club 33




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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
the Beginning ... ore the Ænd ?
Turn-back now, the-pages of our-tyme, because the-words of these zages, are all too-be
found Hidden, wyth-inn the Higher and Deeper sub-Line.
Now, you must know where too go, be-fore you can get there though. Yet, it is not
with a-compass, that you get there, no, not with a-square, not even on a-map.
or then is it
Perhaps upoon ,
the- oopen-sea air ?
Do You even, not care ?
And who would dare, dig for that gold, if you did not, know where?
So how do we get there from here?
O, you would dig for that gold, if you knew, that it were here.
Alle wyth-in your patience, you can posess the-alle of the-Omni-verse,
all with-inn that-One-Æternal-t’Song-chi ,
all with-inn , that one-Theme – eye ,
all with-in that end-less-voyage,
iye, inn that never-ending-
theme, on the-oopen

. .
. dezert-owl .

A Theezar- ЯRoole’ o t Original- Thought

n he

A Dictionary of Lyghte’ t’Seed

the Original -Thought wyth-inn The- Ancient Archi- Mayich
the Aramaic MODERN- Diction
with-inn the
the Troothe, is Stranger than FICTION !
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

That which is first, will be as, that which is last,

and that which is last, will be as, that which is first !
- Æsoteric Maxim .

‘For this Reason, you must be a Perfect-Starr, even as your Great-Father of Lyghte is a Perfect-Starr.’
Yahll't-Shoolvah’t , the Moshællæt’Yannchi’t, MT 5:48 PTRP

‘ If, it does not Say what is Meant, then it does not Mean, what is Says.’
- dezert-owl

“... and I give too All of You, The Keys for the Royal- House, wythinn the pure gudgement of the t’Son”
Yah'Shuvah’t , the Mosheyach, MT 16:19 PTRP

‘ Once we can understand the-true-nature of things, then we can begin to comprehend,

that there is nothing really more to complain about’
- dezert-owl

The Truth Wyll Set YOU Free !

- Yahl'Shuvah’t, the Messiah -

Dict – Dictionary
- Abbreviations - Doct – Doctrine
Abrev – Abbreviation Ecc – Ecclesiastes
Adj – Adjective Ed – Edition
Adv – Adverb Eng – English
Aka – Also Known As Esp – Especially
Ara – Aramaic Etymol / Etym – Etymology / logical
Black’s – Black’s Law Dictionary Evol – Evolved
Brit – British Fed – Federal
c – Circa / Approximate Fn – Foot Notes
Cf – See Also Fr / F – French
CFR – Code of Federal Regulations Frm – From
CFR – Council on Foreign Relations G.Phil – Gospel of Philip
Chap – Chapter Gal – Galatians
Commer – Commercial gen – General
Const – Constitution Gen – Genesis
Cor – Corinthians Gen-Sense – General-Sense
Corr – Correctly Ger – German
Corrup – Corruption Gk / Grk – Greek
Cyb-Cde – Cyber Code Goth – Gothic
Cyber-Cd. – Cyber Code Heb – Hebrew(s)
Dan – Daniel Hind – Hindu
Def(s) – Definition HmPrl – Hymn of the-Pearl
Deut – Deuteronomy Icel – Icelandic
Impl /Imp – Implies / Implied / Implication
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Interp – Interpreted PTRP - PhaysheOol Targum Res Project
Isa – Isaiah Re – Regarding
Jb – Job Reg – Regular
Jer – Jeremiah Rep – Representing
Jn – Gospel of John Si – Silent
Jol – Joel Sic – In this Exact Style
Josh – Joshua Sp – Spelled
KJV – King James Version Stat – Statute
Lat – Latin Strongs – Strong's Concordance
Lit – Literally / Literal / Literation Suff – Suffix
Lk – Gospel of Luke Symb – Symbolic of
LXX – Septuagint Syn – Synonymous
ME – Middle Ænglish Teut – Teutonic
Metaph / metphr – Metaphore Translation , the
Mk – Gospel of Mark Tim – Timothy
MSS – Manuscripts Th – Thought
Mt – Gospel of Matthew Tom – Thomas
n – Noun Ult – Ultimate
NHL. – Nag Hammadi Library, the Vs / V – Verses
No – Number w/p – Words & Phrases
OFr – Old French Web – Webster 1828
Oc' / Oc’c – Oc’Cult W / Wi – With
OdSol – Odes Of Solomon Wis – Wisdom of Solomon
OE – Olde English Wkl – John of Wycliffe
OHG – Olde High German 1 Sam – First Samuel
OriGsp – Original Gospel / Aquarian &c – And So On
Orig th /tho/u – Original Thought
OT – Old Testament
OMT – Other Modern Translations
Pet – Peter
Pg – Page
Prob – Probably
Pron / Prn – Pronounced
Ps – Psalms
Prvb – Proverbs

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Appendix – A. commissioned by heaven ; and every old

woman, both male and female, that could read,
became an adept, if not in the knowledge of the
ERRATA Bible, at least in the prejudices and errors of its
OF THE translators.
It is not for man to dispute the wisdom of
PROTESTANT BIBLE Providence, and arraign at the bar of his private
OR THE judgement the means which God may choose for
TRUTH OF THE ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS the diffusion of religious knowledge. Otherwise,
EXAMINED IN A TREATISE, I must confess, there appears to me something
SHOWING SOME OF THE ERRORS THAT ARE TO BE FOUND IN very unaccountable in the scriptural blunders of
THE ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS the apostles of the reformation. The object, they
OF THE SACRED SCRIPTURES, USED BY PROTESTANTS, said, of their mission was the dissemination of
AGAINST SUCH POINTS OF RELIGIOUS DOCTRINE evangelic truth. If the Holy Spirit selected them
AS ARE THE SUBJECT OF CONTROVERSY BETWEEN THEM for this important office, he must also have
AND THE MEMBERS OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH ... gifted them with the true knowledge of the
scriptures, and, if he gifted them with the true
knowledge of the scriptures, it seems to follow
25, ANGLESNA STREET, DUBLIN, that he ought also to have granted them the
1st July, 1841 power to make a true translation of the
scriptures. The apostles of Jesus received the
- PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION - knowledge of tongues, that they might instruct
The publication of “Ward’s Errata to the the different nations of the earth : the apostles of
Protestant Bible” has disclosed a most curious the church of England and Ireland ought to have
and important fact, that the scriptural church of received the knowledge of, at least, the Hebrew
England and Ireland was originally founded on a and Greek tongues, that they might form an
false translation of the scriptures. It was the boast accurate version of the scriptures. Such a
of the first reformers that, they had emancipated version was as necessary to that church, as the
their disciples from the shackles of Catholic instructions of the first apostles could be to the
despotism, and had restored to them the freedom primitive churches of Christanity. If they were
of the children of God : it now appears, that this apostolical, she was scriptural. However,
‘freedom’ consisted in reading an erroneous without speculating on the cause, the fact is
version of the inspired sacred writings, and certain, not only from the arguments of Ward,
venerating as the dictates of eternal Wisdom the but even from the concessions of his adversaries,
blunders of ignorant, or interested [people with that the fathers of this scriptural church gave it a
something to gain] translators. “The scriptures,”
version of the scriptures abounding with errors.
they exclaimed, “... are the sole rule of faith. And here it may reasonably be asked, whence
Here they are, no longer concealed under the arose these errors? Were they the offspring of
obscurity of a learned language, but exhibited to ignorance, or design? Dr. Ryan warmly
you in your native tongue. Here you will easily contends for the former, and endeavors to fortify
detect the errors of Popery, and learn the true his opinion by the authority of Father Simon : (a)
doctrine of the Gospel.” The credulity of but then, even admitting his assertions, devoid as
multitudes accepted with joy the proffered boon ; they are of proof, and liable to objection, what
the new teachers were hailed as apostles are we to think of the temerity of these men,
who, incompetent to the task, and conscious of
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their incompetency, still presumed to violate the the treachery of Judas : why should Protestant
purity of the sacred volumes, and to obtrude on divines wish to conceal the blunders, or the
their unsuspecting disciples an erroneous version frauds of the fathers of their church?
as the immaculate Word of God, and as the sole To me, it appears, that none among the
and infallible guide to religious truth? Ward, on adversaries of Ward have had the courage, or the
the contrary, attempts to show that the more honesty to do justice to that writer. His object in
important of their errors were committed by compiling the “Errata,” was twofold : Firstly, to
design ; and a curious circumstance it is, highly prove that the versions of the scriptures on
corroborative of his opinion, that most of their which the established creed was originally
blunders are favorable to their own peculiar founded were extremely corrupt : and,
doctrines, and unfavorable to those of their Secondly, to show that though many errors have
opponents. But, if this be true, what judgement been since corrected, there still remain many
can any unprejudiced man form of these saints of others to correct. All this however they
the reformation? For my part, I know of no prudently overlook ; and by an artful confusion
crime more foul in its own nature, more of times and persons, by referring to modern
prejudicial in its consequences, more nearly Bibles, the charges which he makes against those
allied to diabolic malignity, than that of of a former age, and by affecting to consider his
designedly corrupting the holy scriptures, and, accusation of the clergy of Queen Elizabeth as
by such corruption, leading the sincere inquirer directed against the clergy of the present reign,
into error, and converting the food of life into they pretend to convict him of misrepresentation
the poison of death. and calumny. In this, perhaps, they may act
But, from whatever source, these false wisely ; they certainly act unfairly. Could they
renderings proceeded, whether their authors were have shown that Ward had attributed to the
guided by policy, or misled by ignorance, this ancient English Bible errors which it did not
must be conceded, that if Ward has fairly contain, or that he had attributed to the present
established the fact, he is entitled to the gratitude Bibles errors which have been corrected in them,
of the impartial reader. The impartial reader, let they might have substantiated their charges
him be Protestant, or Catholic, will, if his object against him. But this they have not attempted.
be truth, thankfully receive the truth from They content themselves with exclaiming that
whatever hand may present it to him. Hence, it many of the former corruptions have been
was with no small surprise that I heard the corrected, and therefor should not have been
clamour which was raised against the last edition mentioned. But why should they not? The very
of the “Errata.” In parliament and out of fact of their having been corrected is an
parliament, in news-papers and pamphlets, it was unanswerable proof of Ward’s assertion. It
stigmatized as an attempt to vilify the shows beyond the possibility of a doubt, that, the
reformation, and to heap disgrace on the church of England, however scriptural, it may
Established Church. “it was the work,” observed pretend to have been in its origin, was in
an eminent senator, eminent for the only talent reality founded on a false version of the
he possesses, that of religious calumny, “it was scriptures ; a version which was the very Babel
the work of one hundred and twenty Popish of confusion, which spoke sometimes the
priests leagued to put down Protestantism.” language of God and often the language of men,
Such nonsense hardly deserves notice. If facts which had attempted to improve the lessons of
are to be hidden from the eye of the public, eternal truth by the addition of the whims, the
because they reflect on the character of our ignorance, the prejudices, and the falsehoods of
predecessors, let history at once be condemned Tyndale, Coverdale, Cranmer, Bishops, Geneva,
to the flames. The evangelists did not conceal &c., &c. *
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Among the opponents of Ward, the particular, but of the P rotestant translators in general. This
Dr. Ryan has thought fit to conceal from his readers.
fiercest and the only one who has attempted a
full refutation of the “Errata,” is Dr. Ryan. His * This is why, when you compare all of the early versions
attempt is a consequence of the grant of Ireland of the ‘bibles,’ they all appear to be virtually the same,
which Adrian IV. made to Henry II. Nay, start with very little difference, or identical. This is the very
not, gentle reader ; the most important events proof a designed ‘control.’
Go and compare at least three versions of Homer, and you
may often be traced to remote and almost will see that, each translators own version, does not even
imperceptible causes. The attempt of Dr. Ryan appear the same, as another translators version of Homer;
is a consequence of the grant of Ireland by and sometimes it is very difficult to even follow both
Adrian IV. to Henry II. By that grant the Ryans translations side, by side; which simply proves out, that
lost an extensive property ; (a) and the present these ancient words are fluid and impregnated with many,
many implications and meanings, that are not at all being
Dr. is the champion reserved by heaven to rendered within our own sacred scriptures.
revenge on Popery the injuries which she - dezert-owl
inflicted on his ancestors six centuries ago. An Emphasis’ added are bold and, or in [brackets].
awful lesson this is, to the ambition of princes!
(a) Ryan’s Analysis, p.5. Simon, however, in the To Be Continued.
passage referred to, does not speak of the English
translator in particular, but of the Protestant translators in

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

The Primary Bibliography of The Trans Literatœr dezert-owl

Important Reference Books :
A Book of Life – the-perfect-Book, bye, Ællovehe’t - Yahvehe't, from the-ABeginning
A Classical Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue, by, Captain Francis Grose, 1992
A Concise Dictionary of First Names, by, Patricia Hanks and Flavia Hodges, 1992
A Concise Dictionary of Middle English, by, Mayhew and Skeat, 1888
A Dictionary of Symbols, by, J.E. Cirlot, 1962
A Review of Morals and Dogma, by, Ralph Epperson, 1996
America’s Secret Destiny, by, A. Ralph Epperson, 1995
American Dictionary of The English Language, by, Noah Webster, 1828
Amo, Amas, Amat and More, Eugene Ehrlich, 1985
An Abridgement of Ainsworth’s Dictionary, English and Latin, by, Thomas Morell, 1820
An Anthology of Old English Poetry, translated by, Charles W. Kennedy, 1960
An Etymological Dictionary of Modern English, by, Ernest Weekley, 1967
An Expose’ of The Roman Catholic Church, by, Charles Weisman, 1994
An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Traditional Symbols, by, J.C. Cooper, 1978
Anagrams Dictionary, by, Samuel C. Hunter, 1982
Atlantis, The Antidiluvian World, by, Ignatius Donnelly, 1882
Babylonia & Assyria, by, H.W.F. Saggs, 1965
Bacon’s Abridgement of The Law, by, Matthew Bacon circa mid 1700’s, Up-dated by, John Bouvier, 1848
Bhagavadgita, by, Edwin Arnold, 1885
Bible Manners and Customs, by, George M. Mackie, circa 1900
Bible Versions, by, Eldred Thomas, circa 1985
Black’s Law Dictionary, by, Henry Campbell Black, 1 st Ed, 1891, plus 4th and 6th Editions
Breaking The Phoenician Cyber-CODE, A Catalog of Words and Codes, by, dezert-owl, 2001
Bunyan Before the Courts, by, John Bunyan, circa 1676
Reprinted from The Complete Works Of John Bunyan, 1876
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, by, Dee Brown, 1971
Caught In The Web of Words, by, K.M. Elisabeth Murray, 1979
Celtic Mythology, by, David Bellingham, 1990
Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, by, Vincent F. Hopper, 1948
Christian Liberty under God, by, Randy Lee and the Staff at The Christian Jural Society Press, circa 1995
Christanity & The Age of The Earth, by, Davis A. Young, 1988
Christians and The Law Courts, by, Leo Tolstoy, 1884
Civil Disobedience, by, Henry David Thoreau, circa 1845
Classical Mythology, by, Pierre Grimal, 1951
Clausen’s Commentaries on Morals and Dogma, by, Henry C. Clausen, 1974
Codex Magica, Secret Signs, Mysterious Symbols, & Hidden Codes of the Illuminati, by, Texe Marrs, 2005
Commentary on The New Testament From The Talmud and Hebraica, by, John Lightfoot, 1859
Common Sense, by, Thomas Paine, 1776
Concise Dictionary of Art & Literature, by, Edwin Moore & Fiona Mackenzie Moore, 1993
Concordance to the Septuagint, by, Hatch and Redpath, 1897
Confucius - The Analects of The Great Learning & The Doctrine of the Mean, by, James Legge, 1893
Constitution of the Iroquois 5 Nations: The Great Binding Law, Dekanawidah, circa 1390
Controlling the Human Mind - The Technologies of Political Control, by, Nick Begich, 2006
Creation & Confederation – The Living History of the Iroquois, by, Darren Bonaparte, 2006
Cruden’s Complete Concordance, by, Alexander Cruden, 1949
Dante’s Tragedy, translated by, Charles Eliot Norton, circa 1300
Deceptions and Myths of The Bible, by, Lloyd M. Graham, 1975
Dictionary of Abbreviations, by, John Paxton, 1974
Dictionary Of All Scriptures & Myths, by, G.A. Gaskell, 1960
Dictionary of Archaic Words, by, James Orchard Halliwell, 1850
Dictionary of Foreign Words and Phrases, by, Maxim Newmark, 1950
Dictionary of Word Origins, by, Joseph T. Shipley, 1975
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Dictionary of Word Roots and Combining Forms, by, Donald J. Borror, 1960
Domesday Essays, Edited by, Christopher Holdsworth, 1986
Early Manuscripts & Modern Translations of the New Testament, by, Philip W. Comfort, 1990
Eerdmans’ Atlas of the Bible, Wm. B. Eerdman, 1978
Egypt: Land of The Pharaohs - Lost Civilizations, by, Robert H. Smith, 1992
Egyptian Language, by, Sir, E.A. Wallis Budge, 1983
English-Hebrew Hebrew-English Dictionary, by, Ehud Ben-Yehuda, 1947
Errata of the Protestant Bible, or The Truth of The English Translations Examined, by, Thomas Ward, 1841
Everyday Life of The Etruscans, by, Ellen Macnamara, 1973
Following The LOST Phoenecian Trail - Audio Series, by, dezert-owl, 2003
Fossilized Customs, by, Lew White, 2000
Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, by, Robert Foxe, circa 1570
From One To Zero - A Universal History Of Numbers, by, George Ifrah, 1985
Gates of Light, Avi Weinstein, 1994
German-English English-German, by, Stephen Jones, 1983
Gesenius’ Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament, by, Samuel Bagster, 1847
Gospel Parallels, by, Burton H. Throckmorton, Jr., 1952
Greek Rhetorical Origins of Christian Faith, by, James L. Kinneavy, 1987
Herodotus - The Great Historian, translated by, George Rawlinson, circa 484-425 B.C.
Hibbert Lectures - The Approach To The New Testament, by, James Moffatt, 1921
Hildebrand: The Builder, by, Ernest Ashton, 1908
History of Ancient Civilization, by, Charles Seignobos, 1906
I Am Yahweh, by, Walther Zimmerli and Walter Brueggemann, 1982
I Ching, translated by, Rudolf Ritsema and Stephen Karcher, 1994
Idioms In The Bible Explained & A Key To The Original Gospels, by, George Lamsa, 1931
Iliad and The Odyssey, by, Homer, circa 850 B.C.
In Search of the Holy Grail, video by, DigiView Entertainment, 2006
Influence On Lexicography, by, DeWitt T. Starnes, 1963
Inside the Vatican, by, Bart McDowell, 1991
Introduction To The Old Testament in Greek, H.B. Swete, 1914
Italian Dictionary, by, Catherine E. Love, 1982
Jewish Identity, by, Charles A. Weisman, 1996
Joseph Smith Begins His Work, The ‘Fictional’ Book of Morman 1830 1st Edition, Found in a Trunk, 1830
Josephus - The Complete Works, Translated by, William Whiston, A.M., circa 1730
Kabbalah, by, Gershom Scholem, 1974
Langenscheidt’s Pocket Dictionary of the English and German Languages, by, Prof. Edmund Klatt, 1956
Lao Tzu - Tao Te Ching, by, D.C. Lau, 1963
Latin English Dictionary, D.P. Simpson, 1963
Light In Extension, by, David Godwin, 1992
Longer Scottish Poems, by, Priscilla Bawcutt and Felicity Riddy, 1375-1650
Magical Alphabets, by, Nigel Pennick, 1993
Magna Charta - the English charter, originally issued by, King John at Runnymede, on June 15, 1215
Maxims of Law, by, Charles A. Weisman, 1990
Medieval English Verse and Prose, by, Roger Sherman Loomis, 1948
Mene, Mene, Tekel, Lexicon of Words and Phrases in The Bible, by, Eugene Ehrlich & David Scott, 1990
Mercury: UFO Messenger of the Gods, by, W.D. Clendenon, Owl Press, 1990
Middle English Lyrics, by, Maxwell S. Luria, 1974
Morals and Dogma, by, Albert Pike, 1871
More Light, by, Alfreda Fiebiger, 1987
Mystery of The Menorah & the Hebrew Alphabet, by, J.R. Church & G. Stearman, 1993
Mysteries of the Ancient World, by, National Geographic Society, 1979
Mythology, by, Edith Hamilton, 1942
Natural Law, by, Lysander Spooner, circa 1870
New Testament Origin, by, George M. Lamsa, circa 1956
Number In Scriptures, by, E.W. Bullinger, circa 1893
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Number Words & Number Symbols, Cultural History of Numbers, by, Karl Menninger, 1898

Of Gods and Men, Majestic Saga of Ireland’s Legendary First People, by, Donald O’Neill, 1987
Old English Language and Literature, by, A.H. Marckwardt & James L. Rosier, 1972
On Sheriff’s and Constables, by, John Bouvier, 1823
Osiris & The Egyptian Resurrection, by, E.A. Wallis Budge, 1973
Palindromes and Anagrams, by, Howard W. Bergerson, 1975
Passover Haggadah, by, Hatikva Ministries, circa 1990
Phrase and Word Origins, by, Alfred H. Holt, 1936
Pilgrims Progress, by, John Bunyan, 1678
Plutarch - The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans, The Dryden Translation, 46-120 A.D.
Portuguese-English Dictionary, by, N.J. Lamb, 1964
Proof of Vedic Culture’s Global Existence - Stephen Knapp, 2000
Quest For The PHØENICIANS, video by, National Geographic, 2006
Roget’s Thesaurus of The English Language, by, C.O. Sylvester Mawson, 1936
Russian Dictionary, by, Hugo, 1969
Saturn, A New Look At An Old Devil, by, Liz Greene, 1976
Secret History, An Eyewitness Account on The Tragic Rise of Mormonism, by, John Ahmanson, 1876
Secrets of Romanism, by, Joseph Zacchello, 1948
Setting A Trap For God, by, Rocco A. Errico, 1975
Source & Force of Common Law, by, Dan Meador, 1994
Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of The Bible, by, James Strong, 1890
Synopsis of the Four Gospels, by, Division of Christian Education, 1972
Tacitus - The Annals and The Histories, by, P. Cornelius Tacitus, 55-117 A.D.
The Aeneid - Virgil, translated by, Frank O. Copley, 70-19 B.C.
The Algebra of The Bible, by, Hedley Palmer, 1986
The Alphabet Abecedarium, by, Richard A. Firmage, 1993
The Analytical Greek Lexicon, by, Samuel Bagster and Sons, circa 1850
The Analytical Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon, by, B. Davidson, 1963
The Ancient Near East, II volumes, by, James P. Pritchard, 1958
The Archko Volume, The Archeological Writings of the Sanhedrim, W.D. Mahan, 1856
The Art of War, T’sun Tzu and Book II, by, Thomas Clearly, circa 1992
The Authority of Law, by, Charles A. Weisman, 1996
The Bible As History, by, Werner Keller, Joachim Rehork and B. H. Rasmussen, 1981
The Blackwell Dictionary of Judaica, by, Dan Cohn-Sherbok, 1992
The Book of Beasts, by, T.H. White, 1984
The Book of Jewish Customs, by, Harvey Lutske, 1986
The Book of Life, by, Ælovehe, From the Beginning of Tyme
The Book of The Hundreds, by, Randy Lee and Christ’s Lawful Assembly, circa 1995
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, by, David Crystal, 1987
The Celts, by, Gerharo Herm, 1975
The Columbia Encyclopedia, by, Clarke F. Ansley, Editor in Chief, 1935
The Day WithOut Ænd- The Criminal Ritual of Kidnapping, in Upshur County, Texas, by, dezert-owl, 2004
The Development of The Late Phoenician Scripts, by, J. Brian Peckham, 1968
The Dictionary of Religions, by, John R. Hinnells, 1984
The Discovery of New Brittaine, by, Edward Bland, 1651
The Dying God - The Hidden History of Western Civilization, by, David Livingstone, 2002
The Earth Mother, by, Pupul Jayakar, 1980
The Enemy Unmasked, by, Bill Hughes, 2006
The Enlightened Mind, by, Stephen Mitchell, 1991
The Exodus Decoded - Movie, by, Uzi Avner, 2006
The Forbidden History Catalog, by, dezert-owl, 1998
The Founders of The Western World, A History of Greece and Rome, by, 1991
The Gifts of the Spirit, video by, Harvey Martin, circa 2005
The Great Pyramid Decoded, by, E. Raymond Capt, 1971
The Greek Anthology, by, Allen Lane, 1973
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The Hidden Power Behind Free-Masonry, by, Lt. Col. Gordon ‘Jack’ Mohr, AUS Ret., 1990

The Hidden Souls of Words, by, Mary Cox Garner, 2004

The Historical Study of The Mother Tongue, by, Henry Cecil Wyld, 1906
The History of The Church, by, Eusebius, circa 320 A.D.
The Horizon Project - Bracing For Tomorrow, episode 01, video by, Brent Miller, 2006
The I Ching - The Book of Changes, by, James Legge, 1899
The Interlinear Bible, Hebrew Greek English, by, Jay P. Green, Sr., 1976
The Jury’s Business Is Justice - A Re-Investigation of the Jury, by, Harvey Wysong, 2004
The Khaboris Manuscript, Aramaic Dictionary Supplement; Foundation for Human Understanding,1993
The Kingdom of Armenia, by, M. Chahin, 1987
The Lamp of God, by, Freema Gottlieb, 1989
The Language of Judaism, by, Simon Glustrom, 1988
The Language of Numbers, by, Destiny Publishers, circa 1970
The Law, by, Frederica Bastiat, 1850
The Mediterranean Saga of A Sea, by, Emil Ludwig, 1942
The Megalith Builders, video by, Covenant Media Productions, 2000
The Message in The Stars - Audio Series, by, dezert-owl, 2008
The Mother Tongue, English & How It Got That Way, by, Bill Bryson, 1990
The Mystery of Numbers, by, Annemaarie Schimmel, 1993
The Origin of Satan, by, Elaine Pagels, 1995
The Original Bible Restored, by, Ernest L. Martin, Ph. D., 1991
The Outline of History, by, H.G. Wells, 1920
The Oxford English Dictionary, 1988
The Phoenecian Alphabet Audio Presentation, by, dezert-owl, 2009
The Pilgrim’s Progress, by, John Bunyan, 1628
The Pillar of Fire, by, J.H. Ingraham, 1859
The Plot Against Christanity, by, Elizabeth Dilling, circa 1940
The Poems of Virgil, Translated into English Verse, by, James Rhoades, 70-19 B.C.
The Prince, or The-Machiavellian Manipulation, on political corruption, by, Niccolo Machiavelli, 1513 A.D.
The Prosecution of John Wyclyf, by, Joseph H. Dahmas, 1952
The Real DaVinci CODE - The Religious Code of Babylon, Expose of Oc’Cult Words, by, dezert-owl, 2010
The Roots of English, by, Robert Claiborne, 1989
The Search For The Real Mt. Sinai - Explorer Series, by,, 2009
The Secret Archives of The Vatican, by, Maria L. Ambrosini, 1996
The Secret of The Hittites, by, C.W. Ceram, 1955
The Secret Terrorists, by, Bill Hughes, 2002
The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad, by, Paul Twitchell, 1970
The Spirit of The Laws, by, Charles de Montesquieu, 1748
The Story of Civilization, by, Will Durant, 1939
The Story of Phaedrus - How We Got The Greatest Book In The World, by, Newell Dwight Hillis, 1941
The Sumerians, by, C. Leonard Woolley, 1965
The Teaching of The Essenes From Enoch To The Dead Sea Scrolls, by, Edmond Bordeaux Szekely, 1978
The Templar Revelation, Lynn Picknett & Clive Prince, 1997
The Temple and The Lodge, by, Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, 1989
The Thezar’rool - A Thesaurus and Dictionary for Supporting Translation, by, dezert-owl, 2001
The Thirteenth Tribe, by, Arthur Koestler, 1976
The Time-Frame 3000-1500 BC, by, Thomas H. Flaherty, 1987
The Touchstone - Discourse and Dictionary for Decoding The Nag Hammadi Library, by, dezert-owl, 2000
The Traditions of Glastonbury, by, E. Raymond Capt, 1983
The Trial of Socrates, by, Plato, 469-399 B.C.
The Twelve-Articles on The Organic and natural-Right of Man, by, dezert-owl, 1999
The Twelve Caesars, by, Michael Grant, 1975
The Two Babylons, or The Papal Worship as The Worship of Nimrod, by, Alexander Hislop, 1916
The Universal Dictionary of The English Dictionary, Edited by, Henry Cecil Wyld, 1939
The Unseen Hand, by, A. Ralph Epperson, circa 1985
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The White-Law Shealltarr, or Shelter - A Dictionary for Supporting Translation, by, dezert-owl, 2002

The Wisdom in The Hebrew Alphabet, by, Rabbi, Michael L. Munk, 1983
The Wisdom of The Native Americans, by, Kent Nerburn, 1999
The Witness of The Stars, by, E.W. Bullinger, 1893
The Works of Philo, The Friend and Contemporary of Jesus, circa 33 AD
Theogony - Hesiod, translated by, Norman O. Brown, 1953
Tradition and Interpretation in Matthew, by, Gunther Bornkamm, Gerhard Barth and Hinez J. Held, 1963
Trance-Formation of America - True Life Story of a CIA Slave, by, Cathy O’Brien & Mark Phillips, 1995
Two Suns Rising. by, Jonathan Star, 1996
Vatican Assassins, by, Eric John Phelps, circa 1995
Vices Are Not Crimes, by, Lysander Spooner, circa 1870
Viking Mythology, by, John Grant, 1990
Vimana – Aircraft of Ancient India & Atlantis, by, David Hatcher Childress, 2004
We’re All Doing Time, by, Bo Lozoff, Human Kindness Foundation, 1989
Webster’s Dictionary and Roget’s Thesaurus, by, Paradise Press, 2001
Webster’s Third New International Dictionary Unabridged - 3 Volumes & Seven Language Dictionary,1909
Where Is Saint George, Pagan Imagery in English Folksong, by, Bob Stewart, 1977
Which Version Now? by, Bob Sheehan, circa 1990
Who Is Lord God? Who Is Baal? by, The House of Yahweh, 1988
Words of Power, Sacred Sounds of East & West, by, Brian & Esther Crowley, 1991
Word Origins, by, Cecil Hunt, 1949
Y’Shua - The Yudean Way To Say Jesus, by, Moishe Rosen, 1982
Ye Gods! A Dictionary of The Gods, by, Anne S. Baumgartner, 1984
Young’s Analytical Concordance to the Bible, by, Robert Young, 1855
Related Scripture Translations and LOST, Altered or Removed Scriptures :
Apocrypha - Authorized King James Version, Cambridge University Press, 1611
Biblia Sacra Vulgata, A Latin Translation of The Bible, 1969
Christianity: The Apocrypha and The New Testament, Sacred Writings, by, Jaroslav Pelikan, 1989
Discovery of The Lost Words of John The-Baptist, Discovered and Decoded by, dezert-owl, 2001
Douay-Rhems Version of the Vulgate, revised by, Richard Challoner, 1749-1752
Early Christian Writings, The Apostolic Fathers, Translated by, Maxwell Staniforth, 1968
Emphatic Diaglott New Testament from the Greek, by, Benjamin Wilson, 1942
Four Prophets - A Translation Into Modern English, by, J.B. Phillips, 1963
Gnosis on the Silk Road, by, Hans Joachim Klimkeit, 1993
God’s New Covenant, by, Hinez w. Cassirer, 1989
Godt nytt, Det nye testamente, Norwegian New Testament, 1966
Hebrew Gospel of Matthew, by, George Howard, 1995
In The Beginning, A New English Rendition of The Book of Genesis, by, Everett Fox, 1983
Irish Biblical Apocrypha, by, Maire Herbert & Martin McNamara, 1989
Jesus of Nazareth, movie by, Artisan Home Entertainment, 1977
Jewish New Testament, Translated by, David H. Stern, 1989
La Sainte Bible - The French Bible, by, Alliance Biblique Universelle, 1993
Lost Scriptures, by, Bart D. Ehrman, 2003
New Testament Apocrypha, II volumes, Edited by, Wilhelm Schneemelcher, 1959
Numeric English New Testament, by, Ivan Panin, 1914
Old Hebrew Gospel of Matthew, du Tillet version, by, Hugh J. Schonfield, 1927
Perfection According To The Savior, by, Tatian, circa 50 A.D
Prayers of The Cosmos, Aramaic Meditations, by, Neil Douglas-Koltz, 1990
Spurrell’s Old Testament, Translated from the Original Hebrew, by, Helen Spurrell, 1885
Tanakh, According to the Traditional Hebrew Text, 1985
The Apocalypse of Baruch, Translated by, R.H. Charles, 1896
The Apostolic Fathers, by, J.B. Lightfoot and J.R. Harmer, 1891
The Aramaic Peshitta Bible Translation, by, George Lamsa, 1933
The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus, The Christ, by, Levi H. Dowling, 1919 Reprint
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The Bible, Containing The Old and New Testaments, A New Translation, by, James Moffatt, 1926
The Book of Lyfe – The Perfect Book All Around You, bye, Ællovehe’t - Yahvehe't, from The ABeginning

The Book of Enoch, by, George H. Schodde, 1882

The Book of Enoch from The Æthiopic, by, Richard Laurence, 1882
The Book of J, by, Harold Bloom, 1990
The Book of Jasher, referenced, Joshua 10:13 & II Samuel 1:18, First English Trans. 1840
The Dead Sea Scriptures, by, Theodor H. Gaster, 1956
The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible, by, Martin Abegg, 2004
The Diatessaron of Tatian, Harmony of The Four Gospels, by, Samuel Hemphill, 1876
The Didache, A Teaching of The Twelve Apostles, Translated by, Charles Weisman, 1993
The Doctrine of Addai The Apostle, by, George Phillips, D.D., circa 50 A.D.
The Essene Gospel of Peace- Lost Scrolls the Essene Brotherhood Bks 3,4, trans by, Edmond Szekely, 1986
The First The New Testament, by, John of Wycliffe and John Purvey, 1382 & 1388
The Four Gospels and The Revelation, by, Richard Lattimore, 1962
The Gnostic Gospels of Jesus, by, Marvin Meyer, 2005
The Gnostic Scriptures, by, Bentley Layton, 1987
The Gospel of Mark, by, Daryl D. Schmidt, 1990
The Gospel of Peace of Jesus Christ, by, Edmond Bordeaux Szekely, 1937
The Gospel of The Essenes, by, Edmond Bordeaux Szekely, 1979
The HarperCollins Study Bible, New Revised Standard Version, by, Gen. Editor, Wayne A. Meeks, 1989
The Heptateuch, Ælfric’s Old English Treaties on The First Eight Books of The Old Testament cir. 900 AD
The Knowledge of The Two Ways, commonly known as, The DidaChe, bye, dezert-owl, 2011
The Life of Saint Issa, lost writing from, A Monastery in Tibet cir. 33 A.D.
The Lost Books of The Bible & Forgotten Books of The Bible, by, Archbishop Wake, 1863
The Lost Chapter of Acts of The Apostles, by, E. Raymond Capt, 1983
The Missing Text of The Sermon on The Mount - A Forbidden History Text & Audio, by, dezert-owl, 2009
The Nag Hammadi Library, Edited by, James M. Robinson, 1978
The Nag Hammadi Scriptures, by, Marvin Meyer, 2007
The New Jerusalem Bible, by, Henry Wansbrough, 1984
The Original New Testament, by, Hugh J. Schonfield, 1985
The Other Bible, Edited by, Willis Barnstone, 1990
The Old and New Testaments, by, Ronald Knox, 1948
The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, II Volumes, Edited by, James H. Charlesworth, 1983
The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha and Apocrypha, II Volumes, by, R.H. Charles, 1913
The Septuagint with Apocrypha, published by, Samuel Bagster, 1851
The Soncino Chumash, Five Books of Moses with Haphtaroth, by, Dr A. Cohen, 1947
The Syriac Peshitto New Testament Translation, by, James Murdock, 1893
The Unknown Life Of Jesus Christ, by, Nicholas Notovitch, 1887, published by, Feather Trail Press, 2010
The Unvarnished New Testament, by, Andy Gaus, 1991
The Webster Bible, by, Noah Webster, 1833
Tyndale’s Old and New Testament’s, Translated by, William Tyndale, 1534
Wycliffe New Testament, The Hand Written Museum Facsimile Edition, 1388
Young’s Literal Translation of the Bible, by, Robert Young, 1898

The Transliterator, along with having over two thousand books, at one point he had over sixty
different translations of the 'Bible' and compared them all.

Please Note: Regarding all of the books that are all listed above;, although they have been used in
various degrees for research, they are not all endorsed by this Transliterator.

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Prime Time Broadcasting

LIVE ON-AIR Today...
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The- TRUTH R-e-v-e-a-l-e-d-


The Forbidden History S e r i e s

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Lies the greatest of all mysteries...
Its The Forbidden-History.
Un-Earth for your-self the secret truths,
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What is it that the powers that be,
Do NOT want you or I to know ???
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Az we explore and dare to know !!!
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-Seven Days–
7 PM Eastern Time
With The- Other LOST Writings

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‘Phayshe’ool’t -Targum ’ Means :


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And ...

Free America
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Your Support Is Earnestly Needed :
On The Day before New Years Day, I embarked on the Greatest Mission of My entire
life, with 40 Years of Preparation, all in order to do this.
I, Am, ‘Literally’ ‘Making History,’ by, being the only one ever, with-in our Modern
Time, to ‘connect’ the Modern ‘Western’ Thought, with-in the ‘Original’ Eastern
Thought, which is all, based upon ‘Symbolisim’ and the ‘Imagery’ that is all found
around us, with-in nature.
Please Review, A ‘Sample’ Of The ‘Original’ Gospel’ on ‘the attached’ of This E-Mail,
The ‘Gospel of Thomas,’ in The Appendix, Above, and Then Review, The REAL
DaVinci CODE Dictionary and Thezar-Roole, that ‘Reveals’ The True Nature, For Many
of The Most Important Words, that we are dealing with, with-in our Modern &
Ancient Time; Including a whole array of Revealed, Oc’Cultic, Legal Terms.

Continued Below ...

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For The LATEST DRAFT of The ‘Original’ Gospel of Jesus, The-Christ, along with,
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This Work Is Intended To NEVER STOP, Nor, Be Completed. I Will Be Working on
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& Supporting ... At The very Same Time
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Shaloom- Alicheim
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Listen to . . . .
The- Original- Gospel of Jesus, The- Christ
& The- Original Thought In Diction
Every Evening At 7 PM ET - 7 Days A Week

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Mind Control
The Dictionary defines the word Mind as the place where thinking occurs. the word Control means to
regulate, direct or exercise authority over. the term ‘Mind Control’ then refers to a broad- spectrum of
psychological- techniques, both internal and external, ranging from simple control of information to
trauma-based mind control, designed to regulate, direct or exercise authority over the mind and thus over
thinking, feeling and willing.
There are Two Kinds of Mind Control:
Negative and Positive Mind-Control
Negative Mind Control subverts an individual's, a group's or a population's ability to regulate, direct or
exercise autonomous authority over their own thinking, behavior, feelings and emotions with-out their
conscious awareness and therefore without their consent. the Objective of Mind Control is to build a
conditioned response in the subconscious of the targeted individual, group or population. one can also
unknowingly program one's own mind with negative programming by repeated negative thoughts,
feelings and emotions that build a conditioned response whereby one responds to the newness of the
present moment experience with thinking, feelings and emotions rooted in the past as memories that
interfere with, obstruct and prevent the full and genuine experience of the present moment,
So-called positive thinking and the application of the principles of mental programming and
conditioning for positive change also fall into the category of negative mind control because even though
directed towards apparent positive change, they are not in alignment with the highest and true meaning of
positive mind control meant for the highest good of all.
Positive Mind- Control is the action of intentional, conscious control of all thoughts, feelings and
emotions to maintain a pure, thought-free state of mind that is experienced as Pure Being. Realizing and
abiding in this pure state is the goal of all bonafide spiritual practice. this is the holy, natural and original
state of Pure Awareness underlying Pure Consciousness, the- substance of all things. this state is without
the- blemish, obstruction and limitation of repetitive patterns of thoughts, feelings and emotions that
comprise one's mental programming and conditioning and subsequently create one's experiences and
circumstances. to be free, one must erase and clean ALL conditioning and programming, ALL patterns of
repetitive thoughts, feelings and emotions to zero. how to do this is the sum and substance of the spiritual
practice that is the foundation of all religions.
Steven Jacobson
Producer and the Author of
the- ‘Mind Control In America’ Audio- Series
www. MindControlinAmerica.Com
... and ‘Wake Up America’
Exposing the Deception of Modern Money

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Jack and Margy Flynn from Maine

Presumptive Letter – Definition …
The Type of Letter that One Party Writes to his Adversary or Opponent,
Regarding Disputes in law-ful or Legal Matters.
The letter author makes his or her claims, charges, averments and statements, based
only in the truth, fact, valid law and evidence, to the letter recipient. The term presumptive
is used because the writer presumes that everything he states in the letter is true and
correct, unless it is rebutted in writing by the letter recipient, which rebuttal must be
supported with true facts, valid law and evidence.
The first and last paragraphs of the letter are the presumptive paragraphs, which
present a lawful notice and a lawful warning to the letter recipient. A Sample Text of the
FIRST Presumptive Paragraph Follows :
“ This letter is lawful notification for you, pursuant with The Bill of Rights, by
the National Constitution, in particular, the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Ninth
Amendments, and The Bill of Rights of the New Mexico Constitution, in particular,
Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 17 and 18, and pursuant to your oath, and requires your written
response to me specific to the subject matter. Your failure to respond, within 30 days, as
stipulated, and rebut, with particularity, everything in this letter with which you disagree is
your lawful, legal and binding agreement with and admission to the fact that everything in
this letter is true, correct, complete, not misleading, legal, lawful and binding upon you, in
any court, anywhere in America, without your protest or objection or that of those who
represent you. Your silence is your acquiescence. See: Connally v. General Construction Co.,
269 U.S. 385, 391. Notification of legal responsibility is ‘the First Essential of due process of
law.’ Also, See: U.S. v. Tweel, 550 F. 2d. 297. ‘Silence can only be equated with fraud
where there is a legal or moral duty to speak or where an inquiry left unanswered
would be intentionally misleading.’
This type of letter is very different from the typical letter that most people write to
try to resolve disputes. It is used primarily by American Citizens who address
unconstitutional, unlawful actions committed against them by any form of government,
government officers and/or corporations, which are creatures of the government. Since the
author is based only in truth, fact, valid law and evidence, it is virtually impossible for the
recipient to truthfully rebut the charges and claims made in the letter supported by truth,
fact, valid law and evidence. In the vast majority of such situations, the recipient fails to
respond; thus, his failure invokes the lawful warning, by which he admits to the Letter
Author’s Charges, Fully BINDING upon the recipient, in any Court, without his protest,
objection or that of those who represent him, meaning his Attorneys.
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The SECOND Presumptive Paragraph serves as a reminder of the Cautions in

The First Presumptive Paragraph and Reads as Follows :
If you disagree with anything in this letter, then rebut that with which you disagree,
in writing, with particularity, to me, within 30 days of this letter’s date, and support your
disagreement with evidence, fact and valid law. Your failure to respond, as stipulated, is
your agreement with and admission to the fact that everything in this letter is true, correct,
legal, lawful, and is your irrevocable agreement attesting to this, fully binding upon you,
in any court in America, without your protest or objection or that of those who represent
The author always signs with the words All Rights Reserved above the signature, as
shown below.

All Rights Reserved,

Your Signature / Mark / or Seal
Your Typed / Printed Name or Title / Tital
All public officers are required by law to take oaths and abide by the
Constitutional mandates contained within their oaths when conducting their
official duties. Therefore, they are required to uphold all aspects of rights
secured to the people in the national and state Constitutions and due process of
law; thus, have the duty to respond to lawful notification from the people.
Their failure to do so is, at minimum, perjury of oath and admission to all
charges contained within the presumptive letter. This has proven very effective
in resolving issues.
For MORE Information on The Presumptive Letter Process, which is designed to
Resolve Disputes before court action becomes necessary…,
Please Access The Following Web-Site :


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My Sponsor NOW For Over Sixteen Years
Thank You For Being There !
I want to Thank You Robert Kelly and the ASBNews-Paper Staff…, THANK YOU!
Thank You for being the only, yes the ONLY REAL grass-roots Media that was there, out Seeking
The REAL Story, who stood with me as a Friend, and gave me a care with-in My STATE Persecution.
While the ‘others’ in the ‘Grass-roots Media’ only talked about the Story, ‘The CRAFT: Their
Deadly Game’, having occurred in the very small panhandle of West Virginia, My Story, a story which
they really, very obviously, knew nothing about; you Robert, instead of this, wrote to me directly, just like
an old co-patriot friend, just seeking the FACTS. Then, running the Story for four consecutive months,
you allowed Me, for the very First-Time, to Speak for My-self. So you were the only one to get the story,
let alone to Get it Right!
While the ‘Others’ out there, talked about me, with-in something they actually knew nothing, or
very little about, you judged it not. While others Talked about me like the latest ‘Tabloid’ sensation, you
gave me what the true law is all about, and gave me the benefit of any doubt, you not being there, I having
to defend the life of a friend and elderly woman.
No doubt, the term ‘accused of murder’ creates a Real Draw…, but the questions still go un-
answered by all of those ‘Other’ Grass-roots media… WHO is really responsible for all of this anyway?
Hmmm? If nobody wants the answer, ‘The Anatomy of A Conspiracy’, cleverly designed to destroy the
lives of others, so perfectly timed and planned, then…, we are ALL doomed for more of the same.
I can hear the Talk Show Radio Hosts pounding their open-mikes into heads, trying to convince
the people that, they should all embark on that political mission, Step up to the Line and fight for the
cause of Freedom, but how could they ever justify it, to go and convert their own soul, while this Front-
LINE patriot was abandoned to rot in a grave, on a slab of concrete, while sentenced to ‘Life-without-
Mercy’, indeed until cold and till DEAD? So I now under-stand, that it is IMPOSSIBLE to comprehend
what the meaning of the word ‘FRAMED’ means, unless it has happened to YOU. And don’t you know,
that it was all accomplished, by those very same men, who say that they are here to ‘Serve and Protect’…
the red, the white and blue, the law that isn’t true, being brought to you by those ENFORCERS OF COLOR.
I literally made a thousand friends, when I created United Truckers Defending The Constitution,
defending our Nation, but I could count on one hand, the ones who were there to help me in my desperate
Time of Need.
To Me, YOU are The REAL American, Robert Kelly, because your motto is the same one that is
found within my book too, in Fact, it is the Founding American principle, and that is, A man is always
innocent of any crime, and to remain free from accusation, it be proven a Fact, the benefit of any doubt …
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

MUST Always Prevail. There is also a Maxim of law that says, ‘The one who created the strife, is the
one who is to be blamed for any strife’, NOT to be ‘Tried’ by blind patriot pride. Can any of you really
tell me what you would have done if you were there? Especially NOT knowing the FACTS?
I can tell you, someone who gave their life, livelihood and being for ‘The Cause’ of freedom, is
worth saving.
It was government agents, and secret-handshake agents, who infiltrated and then destroyed United
Truckers Defending The Constitution, along with, the seven day a week America’s Driving Force Radio
Program, of which I spent an average of three-hundred-dollars per week for over a year to produce it, and
even while doing six-hundred miles a day as a slave ‘Driver’. But, the government agents were not
through, because they then went after ME, along with two older women on a mountain top goat farm, in a
conspiracy to destroy one and all, it mattered not how, and it was the ultimate in the Machiavellian
Manipulation, of the Scottish Rite (wrongs), in the highest echelons of the Masonic (dis)Order.
Now, just to give you a clear picture of their own mind-set, on what important day did they
perform their FATAL deed, when their SPYS moved in the round house next door? Why it was June
twenty-fourth, the Sacred High-Day in the Scottish Rite of the Vatican Agents. For, within this ‘CRAFT’
that is the day that is known as St. John the Baptists Day, in celebration of the oc’cult’s longest day of the
year, June twenty-first, and June twenty-fourth, when the Masonic umbrella organization called, the
Grand Lodge of England was formed in 1717. Seventeen-seventeen, when they attempted to put the head
of John, the Baptist back on! ALL of this, in a FAILED ATTEMPT to turn back the clock two-thousand
years, attempting to destroy, the very work of Our Christ or The True Mosheyach’t or Messiah.

So tell me are they not superstitious; or do I need to tell you about April 19th? Don’t forget any of
this, for only Freemasons think that, only Freemasons should be free in their piracy, while everyone else
should be under their thumb of manipulation and control, through blood oaths. Don’t forget this, as you
CAN’T have Freedom, where there are secret Societies and A World Vatican Federation, Babylon 5.
Then, when the Next REAL American is pounded and driven down, deep into that ground, while
all of those ‘others’ simply stand around in unprincipled silence, it will be because, the majority of the
people who are calling themselves ‘Christian’ or ‘Patriot’ do even know what those words are supposed
to mean; they all still seem to apply, the one, what seems to be the only, and they make it their own, those
olde Communist lines of, that same socialist thinking; and perhaps this is because some of them are in
FACT, working for THAT other side; but the rest of the ‘others’ who only ‘think’ this way, are all
indirectly, whether they know it or not, are, in the end, playing right into their hands, and then fulfill the
END of THAT other side. Then the others, still remain silent, because they actually think that, they will
‘some-how’ escape the darkness that has now come and it is already here…, while others like Robert
Kelly and I can work day and night, just for this kind, while risking every-thing that we are and own.
I worked for America, and Texas, for over ten years of my life (for two decades now), through-out the
decade of the nineties. Held a first militia meeting of REAL Americans, grand parents most, formed the
first ex-officio court of common pleas, all to be destroyed by infiltrators/ agitators. I had spent
everything that I had in My pocket, put My career, business and life’s work all on hold, thinking that, in
the end, I was doing this all for My family, My brothers and sisters, and neighbors.
But, what was the COST ? It cost me a marriage, custody of my daughter by a foreign STATE, my
business, my job, two homes, my library of 2000+ books, my car, my cloths, and in the end, thanks to …

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

so called ‘Christian Patriots’, double-agents, My Organizations; thanks to these, my reputation, and then
ultimately, My Freedom. ‘Life With-out Mercy’ that was my retirement reward, just like so many others.
At the First Trial, there was not one co-patriot there in the court room behind me, other than the
woman who I defended. It was quite an awakening, I can tell you. While, each and every local News-
paper Article, contained over twenty misstatements of Fact, or Out-right lies.
But, I do have One Thing Today, after twenty-six months of torture, with ten plus years of wasted
energy, and that is EXPERIENCE, knowledge, and some wisdom, and perhaps, a few conversions along
the way. This is something, that no one can take away from you… your experience. I can tell a
Destroyer, a phony, a great pretender, just by the things they say and do, if they aren’t just plain ignorant.
Maybe it comes from Age and Experience, but following your Intuition. And you know, they never
really are willing to do all of those things, that Freedom and peace require.
WE must ALL Face the FACTS, every fabric of our society has been infected, and infiltrated by
the slime of the earth destroyers, and they don’t mind injuring, nor murdering others, or speaking about
others in destructive ways, thus destroying the very costly work of others, by those Assassins.
I’ve lost count of their threats, and I know these neo-socialist now, so very well, like the A.D.L.;
British-BAR Hindu-LAW Attorneys; the Secret boys criminal club, hear the bag-pipes?; and many of the
corrupted police who are Now some, the Klan, which is also the Masons.
And I can hear all of the other, wanna-be socialist goose-steppers, who are walking in the L-i-n-e-
with that old-lang-Zion, goose-stepping to that ‘Secret’ music, while they cower, hope and pray, that no
one will ever come after them. They simply don’t understand how that ever-flipping coin really works.
I know all of those secret organizations so very well now, they are the HATERS of
EVERYTHING good, or better than they are; they are the sworn Haters of Freedom, on the tits of
Lucifer, their Mother; and they are the Haters of those who are willing to speak only the Truth. They
love PRIVLIDGE. They will speak their Evil AGAINST you because you are good, and because they
have made you their ENEMY, they being under A Deeper Spell of their GOD.
They will be waging their stinking little wars, and final attacks again tomorrow, and on someone
else, just like you and I; then again tomorrow, and the Next Day, and the next, and they are there, because
there is always another sell-out, who sold out against true God and Mankind, someone who can be easily
bought, since life is cheep to them, all principles are out the window, thanks to that Secret Red Dawn.
Then tomorrow, there will be some-one else who will have to pay, while the MAJORITY all stand
around idly by, under some other Spell that they can’t figure out. So which one of ‘THEM’ is YOU?

You will Know the Truth, and the Truth will make you a Fugitive in Your Own Land
It is an absolute law of nature, that when you give your life for helping others, in that greatest time
of NEED, that law of nature, it turns right around and it comes back to your aid and your comfort.
I was saved in the end, by My Great Heavenly-Father of Lyghte, who brought to my door, a small
hand of friends, who fasted and prayed for me, called up the local media, and inspired a good detective to
come forward and totally destroy the many lies and the MK Ultra game of a totally and absolutely corrupt
group of officials…. ah hem Freemasons. No, not corrupt, they are Murders and worse than the Mafia.
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

So, my Friends, they inspired me, they gave me additional strength. I didn’t help out, nor sit with
the attorneys, I refused all of their mail, their visits, and I refused everything for Fraud and for Cause. I
refused to take any prescribed oath to speak on the stand. Yes, I was their captive, but I had them
standing captive with-in My innocence with-in My Great-Father’s court of diVynne- justice.
So it is True, that if we can only dig, and I mean, really dig, way down deep, deep in-side, while
through our own innocence, and see every-thing through that inner-eye, through the pure-vizzion, this will
be the time, and this will be when, you can throw off all of those dark black-velvet chains of Blindness,
that are found all around you, and ultimately BIND that entire World of the Peon-Age.

So what did The- Crown of Thorns on the Head of The- Christ Symbolize ?
It means, that, no matter how great the pain that you feel, and the mental-anguish that you are
going through, we must all hang on, because your long awaited sunrise is just over that horizon, and so,
very soon, what was once a crown of thorns, will soon produce the sweetest red fruit that you ever saw,
and it is what ultimately leads inn-too a Lyfe, with-inn A Day-with-out-End.
And a very Special Thank You, must go Out to the Only ‘REAL’ Americans who I knew at the
time, and who stood with me, through my living in the ‘Hole’ for six-months, the attempts to mentally
break you, in a quazi-military STATE-of -the-Art-of -Torture, that still remains ingrained deep in the mind.
I Am Speaking About :
Jim Nicholson of California
The Masat Musical Family and Friends in Texas
Charles Weisman Books / Weisman Publications of Minnesota
D. K. Wright and Dimitri, The Only Local- Media who cared for The TRUE- Story
About A- Government- Sting Operation
Richard- Merritt: Iverson, of Montana My spirit-Brother, where-ever you are Today…
Contact Your Olde- Friend ASAP
I Thank ALL of YOU for being THERE, in the spirit, in the Breath, in the deed, in fasting, in
prayer, and gifts. I will never, ever, be able to repay, before all of You, My Eternal Debt of Thanks, for
your unqualified love and spiritual Friendships.


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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

Mind and Spirit The Battle for the Mind and Spirit of we the people rages on,
just like A Blazing Pyre : The Weapons that we face, and are up against, are dis-information, Media propaganda, the Control
of our own direction and our Diction, censorship, secret alliances all within dark covenant societies. For this reason, the World
as we all know it, will soon come to an End, and all wyth-in a Total Ignorance and in an obscure thick Cloud of Darkness.
So, Never Stop Asking those Very Important Questions, but then, keep on questioning every answer. Do your own
research, become One wyth-in your-self, but then, draw upon your own conclusions, since tomorrow, it never comes, we only
have Today... be in the NOW. It is True, we must all learn the proper way to live, and then make peace wyth-inn Our-selves,
wyth-inn The Here and NOW - dezert-owl


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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction


- Addendum -

the following pages are for your perusal

for your Custom and Usage
No form of any Legal Advice here-in, is being Rendered

The Non–Spoken Word Publicationz

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

- Notice -
For All Financial Institutions and Account Holders
Regarding the Possession and Use of
Private Social Security Numbers
There is no law requiring a person to obtain, have or use a Social Security Number to open,
use or maintain a bank account or to perform bank transactions in the United States.
31 CFR 103.28 requires identification as follows:
“Before concluding any transaction with respect to which a report is required under Sec. 103.22, a financial
institution shall verify and record the name and address of the individual presenting a transaction, as well as
record the identity, account number, and the social security or taxpayer identification number, if any, of
any person or entity on whose behalf such transaction is to be effected.” (Emphasis added)

Financial institutions may be required to ask you for proper identification and a social security
number. The financial institution is required to make a record of the identity records that you provide to
them. However, there is no law requiring an account holder or customer to provide a social security
number. Additionally, there is no law prohibiting a financial institution from opening an account or
completing a transaction because a customer lacks a social security number.
31 CFR 103.33 requires financial institutions to include a “notation in the record” that a customer lacks a
social security number or certain other identification.
31 CFR 103.34 provides:
“In the event that a bank has been unable to secure . . . the required identification, it shall nevertheless not
be deemed to be in violation of this section if (i) it has made a reasonable effort to secure such
identification, and(ii) it maintains a list containing the names, addresses, and account numbers of those
persons from whom it
has been unable to secure such identification, and makes the names, addresses, and account numbers of
those persons available to the Secretary as directed by him.”
18 USC Sec. 242 and 42 USC Sec. 1983 provides that:
“Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person
in any State, Territory, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or
protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, ... shall be fined under this title or imprisoned
not more than one year, or both;” 42 USC Sec. 1983 further provides that a violator “shall be liable to the
party injured in an action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress.”

42 USC Sec. 408 provides that:

“Whoever ... (8) discloses, uses, or compels the disclosure of the social security number of any person in
violation of the laws of the United States; shall be guilty of a felony and upon conviction thereof shall be fined
under title 18 or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both.”

This Notice must be posted in a conspicuous place where it can be read by all employees and customers.

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Please Make this Poster Available for Distribution and Encourage its Posting in All Public Places.
- Notice -
For All Workers and 'Employees' Regarding the Possession and Use of Social Security Numbers
There is NO Law requiring anyone to have, to obtain or to use a Social Security Number to live
or work in the United States. Social Security is a voluntary system and there is no legal requirement that
an individual obtain or use a Social Security Number.
The Social Security Act requires the Social Security Administration to establish and maintain
records of wages and self-employment income for each individual whose work is covered under the
program; a Social Security Number is needed for that purpose. No social security benefits will be paid to
you unless you obtain and use a Social Security Number .
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) imposes no penalty on an employer if the failure to show a
Social Security Number (SSN) or Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) for an employee was due to
reasonable cause and not to wilful neglect. See 26 USC §6109(a)(3), §6721(a)(2)(B), §6721(c)(1)(B), and
§6724(a). The IRS requires an employer request (IRC §6109(a)(3)) the employee to provide the employer
with either an SSN or TIN. However, the employee may refuse to provide an SSN or TIN. An employer is
prohibited by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act from dismissing any employee for refusing to provide an
SSN or TIN because of their religious belief or creed.
Section 7 of Public Law 93-579 provides that:
• (a)(1) It shall be unlawful for any Federal, State or local government agency to deny to any
individual any right, benefit, or privilege provided by law because of such individual's refusal to
disclose his social security account number.
If you do not wish your employer to use your Social Security Number, you should tell them in writing,
that you elect to withdraw the use of your Social Security Number and request your employer to enter the
phrase "Employee Refused to Provide" in the space provided for a Social Security Number when your
employer reports your wages and taxes.
18 USC Sec. 242 and 42 USC Sec. 1983 provides that:

• "Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any
person in any State, Territory, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities
secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, ... shall be fined under this
title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both;" 42 USC Sec. 1983 further provides that a
violator "shall be liable to the party injured in an action at law, suit in equity, or other proper
proceeding for redress."
42 USC Sec. 408 provides that:
• "Whoever ... (8) discloses, uses, or compels the disclosure of the social security number of any
person in violation of the laws of the United States; shall be guilty of a felony and upon conviction
thereof shall be fined under title 18 or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both."

This notice must be posted in a Conspicuous Place where it can be read by all Employees and Workers.
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction


P i c t i o n A i r E y e / Pictionary
-A p p e n d i x-

A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words

The Non–Spoken Word Publicationz
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

- Appendix №1 -
Etruscan Bronze Sculpture
Revelations 13: 2-4
NOT The Feet Of A Bear, But The Feet Of A Dog

Chimera is also synonymous with Camera meaning a Picture of the Center of Life
The Chi- Mirror

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
Also Known As Lucifer

- Appendix №2 -
As Seen In The Movie "The Exorcist"

Pazuzu / PhayZooZoo
The LORD Of The Flys

Pazuzu is king of the demons of the wind, the bearer of storms and drought, in Assyrian and Babylonian mythology.


Just a Wonderful Babylonian / Vatican / Hindu God

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See Pazuzu

- Appendix №3 -
Jupiter Coming Out of The Clouds


The Female genitalia in his Left Hand & a Males the Right Hand
See Post Office, Rockefeller Center NYC

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

- Appendix №4 -
According to the U.S. Department of Justice, the United States of America is:
The Worlds Worst Prison State :
"In 2006, over 7.2 million people were on probation, in jail or prison, or on parole at year end 2006 --
3.2% of all U.S. adult residents or 1 in every 31 adults." - U.S. Department of (in)Justice

Source: http://www.OJP.USDOJ.Gov/bjs/Correct.htm

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- Appendix №5 -

Kingdome of The Khazars

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See Arthur Koestler's Book, the Thirteenth Tribe, Caesar, Cæser, KAizar, Khizar, Kizer, Sea Zar
"It is Highly Provable that the bulk of the Jew's ancestors 'Never' lived in Palestine at all, which witnesses The
Power of Historical 'Assertion' over FACT."
Under the heading of "A Brief History of The Terms For Jew" in The 1980 Jewish Almanac we read : "Strictly
speaking it is incorrect to call an Ancient Israelite a 'Jew' or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew."

The World Book omits any reference to the Jews, but under the word Semite it states: "Semite . . . Semites are those who
speak Semitic languages. In this sense the ancient Hebrews, Assyrians, Phoenicians, and Cartaginians were Semites. The Arabs
and some Ethiopians are modern Semitic-speaking people. Modern Jews are often called Semites, but this name properly
applies only to those who use the Hebrew Language. The Jews were once a sub-type of the Mediterranean race, but they have
mixed with other peoples until the name 'Jew' has lost all racial meaning."

There are hundreds of books, mainly Jewish Encyclopedias and histories available for study, which prove that over 90% of the
Jews of the world are not a Semitic people, but few people other than historians ever bother to read them. Following are just a
few :
The Jews are Not a Race! by Dr. Alfred Lilienthal - Jewish historian, journalist, lecturer, and graduate of Cornell University
and Columbia Law School. During the Second World War, he served with the US Army in the Middle East. He later served
with the Department of State, and as a consultant to the American delegation at the organising meeting of the United Nations in
San Francisco.

On December 18, 1993 Dr. Lilienthal celebrated both his 80th birthday and the 40th anniversary of his first book, What Price
Israel? Dr. Lilienthal, who is a courageous anti-Zionist Jew, was joined by more than 200 guests who travelled from all over
the United States to attend.

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
The History of The Jewish Khazars, by D. M. Dunlop, pp. 4-15: ". . . Our first question here is, When did the Khazars and
the Khazar name appear? There has been considerable discussion as to the relation of the Khazars to the Huns on the one hand
and to the West Turks on the other. The prevalent opinion has for some time been that the Khazars emerged from the West
Turkish empire. Early references to the Khazars appear about the time when the West Turks cease to be mentioned. Thus they
are reported to have joined forces with the Greek Emperor Heraclius against the Persians in A.D. 627 and to have materially
assisted him in the siege of Tiflis. It is a question whether the Khazars were at this time under West Turk supremacy. The
chronicler Theophanes (died circa A.D. 818) who tells the story introduces them as "the Turks from the east whom they call
Khazars.". . .
Khazar Traders brought not only silks and carpets of Persia and the Near East but also their Judaic faith to the banks of the
Vistula and the Volga. But the Kingdom of Khazaria was invaded by the Russians, and Itil, its great capital, fell to Sweatoslav
of Kiev in 969.
The Byzantines had become afraid and envious of the Khazars and, in a joint expedition with the Russians, conquered the
Crimean portion of Khazaria in 1016. (Crimea was known as "Chazaria" until the 13th century). The Khazarian Jews were
scattered throughout what is now Russia and Eastern Europe. Some were taken North where they joined the established Jewish
community of Kiev.
Benjamin Freeman, Facts are Facts : "CHAZARS: A people of Turkish origin whose life and history are interwoven with the
very beginnings of the history of the Jews of Russia . . . driven on by the nomadic tribes of the steppes and by their own desire
for plunder and revenge. . . In the second half of the sixth century the Chazars moved westward. . . The kingdom of the Chazars
was firmly established in most of south Russia long before the foundation of the Russian monarchy by the Varangians. . . At
this time the kingdom of the Chazars stood at the height of its power and was constantly at war. . . At the end of the eighth
century . . . the chagan (king) of the Chazars and his grandees, together with a large number of his heathen people, embraced
the Jewish religion"

Encyclopedia Americana (1985): "Khazar, an ancient Turkic-speaking people who ruled a large and powerful state in the
steppes North of the Caucasus Mountains from the 7th century to their demise in the mid-11th century A.D. . . In the 8th
Century it's political and religious head . . . as well as the greater part of the Khazar nobility, abandoned paganism and
converted to Judaism. . ."

Encyclopedia Britannica (15th edition): "Khazars, confederation of Turkic and Iranian tribes that established a major
commercial empire in the second half of the 6th century, covering the southeastern section of modern European Russia . . . In
the middle of the 8th century the ruling classes adopted Judaism as their religion."

Academic American Encyclopedia (1985): "Ashkenazim, the Ashkenazim are one of the two major divisions of the Jews, the
other being the Shephardim."

Encyclopedia Americana (1985): "Ashkenazim, the Ashkenazim are the Jews whose ancestors lived in German lands . . . it
was among Ashkenazi Jews that the idea of political Zionism emerged, leading ultimately to the establishment of the state of
Israel . . . In the late 1960s, Ashkenazi Jews numbered some 11 million, about 84 percent of the world Jewish population."

The Jewish Encyclopedia: "Khazars, a non-Semitic, Asiatic, Mongolian tribal nation who emigrated into Eastern Europe
about the first century, who were converted as an entire nation to Judaism in the seventh century by the expanding Russian
nation which absorbed the entire Khazar population, and who account for the presence in Eastern Europe of the great numbers
of Yiddish speaking Jews in Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Galatia, Besserabia and Rumania."

The Encyclopedia Judaica (1972): "Khazars, a national group of general Turkic type, independent and sovereign in Eastern
Europe between the seventh and tenth centuries C.E. during part of this time the leading Khazars professed Judaism . . . In spite
of the negligible information of an archaeological nature, the presence of Jewish groups and the impact of Jewish ideas in
Eastern Europe are considerable during the Middle Ages. Groups have been mentioned as migrating to Central Europe from
the East often have been referred to as Khazars, thus making it impossible to overlook the possibility that they originated from
within the former Khazar Empire."

The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia: "Khazars, a medieval people, probably related to the Volga Bulgars, whose ruling class
adopted Judaism during the 8th cent. The Khazars seem to have emerged during the 6th cent., from the vast nomadic Hun
(Turki) empire which stretched from the steppes of Eastern Europe and the Volga basin to the Chinese frontier. Although it is
often claimed that allusions to the Khazars are found as early as 200 C.E., actually they are not mentioned until 627 . . . most
Jewish historians date the conversion of the Khazar King to Judaism during the first half of this century [A.D.]. . ."

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The primary meaning of Ashkenaz and Ashkenazim in Hebrew is Germany and Germans. This may be due to the fact
that the home of the ancient ancestors of the Germans is Media, which is the Biblical Ashkenaz . . . Krauss is of the opinion
that in the early medieval ages the Khazars were sometimes referred to as Ashkenazim . . . About 92 percent of all Jews or
approximately 14,500,000 are Ashkenazim.

The Bible relates that the Khazars (Ashkenaz) Jews were/are the sons of Japheth not Shem: "Now these are the
generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth: and unto them were sons born after the flood. The sons of Japheth; .
. . the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz . . ." So the Bible verifies that the Ashkenaz Jews [Khazars] are not the descendants of Shem
and cannot be Semitic.
The American People's Encyclopedia for 1954 at 15-292 records the following in reference to the Khazars: "In the year
740 A.D. the Khazars were officially converted to Judaism. A century later they were crushed by the incoming Slavic-speaking
people and were scattered over central Europe where they were known as Jews. It is from this grouping that most German,
Polish and Hungarian Jews are descended, and they likewise make up a considerable part of that population now found in
America. The term Aschenazim is applied to this round-headed, dark-complexioned division."

Academic American Encyclopedia Deluxe Library Edition, Volume 12, page 66 states: "The Khazars, a turkic people,
created a commercial and political empire that dominated substantial parts of South Russia during much of the 7th through
10th centuries. During the 8th century the Khazar Aristocracy and the Kagan (King) were converted to Judaism."

The New Encyclopedia Britannica, Volume 6, page 836 relates: "Khazar, member of a confederation of Turkic-speaking
tribes that in the late 6th century A.D. established a major commercial empire covering the southeastern section of modern
European Russia . . . but the most striking characteristic of the Khazars was the apparent adoption of Judaism by the Khagan
and the greater part of the ruling class in about 740 . . . The fact itself, however, is undisputed and unparalleled in the history of
Central Eurasia. A few scholars have asserted that the Judaized Khazars were the remote ancestors of many of the Jews of
Eastern Europe and Russia."
Collier's Encyclopedia, Volume 14, page 65 states: "Khazars [kaza'rz], a semi-nomadic tribe of Turkish or Tatar origin who
first appeared north of the Caucasus in the early part of the third century . . . In the eighth century Khaghan Bulan decided in
favor of the Jews and accepted Judaism for himself and for his people..."

New Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII, page 173 relates: "The Khazars were an ethnic group, belonging to the Turkish
peoples, who, toward the end of the 2d century of the Christian Era, had settled in the region between the Caucasus and the
lower Volga and Don Rivers . . . At the beginning of the 8th century, dynastic ties bound the Khazars more closely to
Constantinople, which led to a limited spread of Christianity among them. They also became acquainted with Judaism from the
numerous Jews who lived in the Crimea and along the Bosphorus. When the Byzantine Emperor, Leo the Isaurian, persecuted
the Jews in A.D. 723, many Jews found refuge in the Khazar kingdom, and their influence was so great that, around the middle
of the 8th century, the King of the Khazars and many of the Khazar nobility accepted the Jewish faith."

The Cadillac Modern Encyclopedia, page 822, states: "Khazars (khah'-zahrz), a S Russian people of Turkic origin, who at
the height of their power (during the 8th-10th cent., A.D.) controlled an empire which included Crimea, and extended along the
lower Volga, as far E as the Caspian Sea. The Khazar Royal Family and Aristocracy converted to Judaism during the reign of
King Bulan (768-809 A.D.) and Judaism was thereafter regarded as the state religion . . .

- Appendix №6 -
Vi'Manicha – Sha'Stra

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The V-Mana / Vimana

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A.K.A. – U.F.O.

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

These UFO's were in existance at the very same time that the Ægyptian Pyramids were being built
These BluePrints are The Clear Evidence that all UFO's are Æarth Based and Man Made

UFO's Have NOW been Identified being produced by ancient Aryan Brahmn who Rule the World
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It Is ALL AN OPEN Secret !
The ancient Art of War is Cover Up, Disguise and Deception

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UFO's NOW Identified as being created by the Ancient Aryan Brahmn Culture Hiding Out in India
They were Flying these Air-ships aroud the world at the same time they were building the Pyramids
The first Aryans lived to be a thousand years old and knew the inner workings of the Entire Universe
See Aryan Brotherhood, First Enoch, It was Death for a commoner to see a Brahmn or the Hear the Vedas Read

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

A Liquid Mercury Vortex Engine


Since Time Immemorial Man has had a wish -- To Fly. He HAS MADE Machines, which do so... through
Air-Ships. Most of us believe that the airplane is a modern invention, but A Book Written Thousands of
Years Ago ... Suggests other-Wise. Maharshi Bharadawaj's Vymanika Shastra consisting of 500 sutras or
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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
cryptic pronouncements in 8 chapters covering 100 topics relates to the science of Aeronautics.One of
these topics talks about the pilot.
Maharshi Bharadwaja studied the Shastras - sciences propounded by previous men of science. In the
Vymaanika Shastra he deals with the science of aeronautics, which heclaims is the essence of the Vedas.
He says that the Vymaanika shastra will bring joy and benefit to humanity and will facilitate travel in the
sky from world to world and "mayeven enable men to reach God and enjoy the benefits of his divine
abode".Bharadwaja defines aeroplanes as:which meansOwing to the similarity of speed with birds, it is
called Vimana.
The Pilot
A pilot should acquaint himself thoroughly with the secrets of flying before he can bedeemed competent
to handle the airplane. He must know the structure of the airplane,know the means of ascent to the sky,
know how to fly it and how to stop it whennecessary, and how to maneuver it and make it perform
spectacular feats in the skywithout crashing.Bharadwaja defines the pilot asmeaningThe pilot is one who
knows the secrets.
The Secrets Of Flying
In 'Rahasya Lahiri' Lallacharya says that the pilot should learn 32 secrets from competentteachers, and
only such persons are to be entrusted with an airplane.Sidhanaatha explains these as:
1. MAANTRIKA : Mantras to various Gods (energies) along with potent herbs andefficacious oils can be used to make
airplanes which do not break, which cannot be cut, burnt or destroyed.

2. TAANTRIKA : Tantrik powers can be endowed on the airplane using various tantras.

3. KRITAKA : Studying ancient architects like Vishwakarma, Chayapurusha, Manu,Maya, and others to construct aeroplanes
of various patterns.

4. ANTARAALA : To get warned about the destructive current fronts so that the Vimanacan can be routed away from these
danger spots.

5. GOODHA : By harnessing the powers of the dark content of the solar ray, the Vimanacan be hid from the enemy.

6. DRISHYA : Using electric and wind power, and reflection through different mirrors anillusion, which camouflages the
Vimana, is created.

7. ADRISHYA : By means of Vyanarathya Vikarana, and other powers in the heart of thesolar mass, the force of the ethereal
flow can be captured which mingled with other energies creates a white cover, which can hide the airplane.

8. PAROKSHA : Using energy from the clouds through various mirrors and applying it tothe halo of the Vimana, the enemy
Vimana can be paralyzed.

9. APAROKSHA : By projecting the Rohini beam of light, things in front of the Vimanacan be made visible.

10. SANKOCHA : When the Vimana is flying full speed and there is danger ahead,turning the 7th switch makes the parts in
the Vimana contract.

11. VISTRITA : The Vimana can be suitably expanded according to Vaalmeeki Ganita.

12. VIROOPA KARANA : By producing the 32nd type of smoke through the mechanism,and charging it with he light of the
heat waves in the sky, and projecting it through thePadmaka chakra tube to the Bhyravi oil smeared Vyroopa darpana at the top
of theVimana, and whirling at the 132nd type of speed, a very fierce and terrifying shape of theVimana will emerge, causing
utter fright to the onlookers.

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13. ROOPANTARA : Using various types of oils, the 19th kind of smoke and Kuntineeshakti to the Vimana, shapes like lion,
tiger, rhinoceros, serpents, mountain, river willappear and amaze and confuse the onlookers.

14. SUROOPA : By attracting 13 kinds of Karaka forces, and using snow surcharged air and projecting it through the air
conveying tube onto certain mirrors and focussing onsuragha beams, a heavenly damsel with flowers and jewels will appear to
the onlookersof the Vimana.

15. JYOTIRBHAVA : Using some fractions of solar glow and the 7th layer of the solar mass and projecting these through 5
tubes in the Vimana on the Guha Garbha mirror of the Vimana a rich glow like the morning glow of the sun will be produced.

16. TAMOMAYA : By capturing the dark force of sunlight, and passing it through theTamo Yantra in the North West side of
the Vimana and by turning a switch will produceat noon time, darkness of a new moon night.

17. PRALAYA : As described in the magic book of destruction. by attracting 5 kinds of smoke and merging it with the cloud
smoke and pushing it by electric force through the 5limbed aerial tube, everything as in cataclysm is destroyed.

18. VIMUKHA : By projecting the force of Kubera, Vimukha and Vysgawaanara poison powder through the roudree mirror
and turning the switch of the air mechanism, producewholesale insensibility and coma.

19. TAARA : By mixing the ethereal, air forces and air glow in the ratio 10:7:16 and projecting it by means of the star-faced
mirror through the frontal tube of the Vimana, the appearance of a star spangled sky is created.

20. MAHASHABDA VIMOHANA : By concentrating the air force in the seven tubes of the Vimana and turning the switch, a
crescendo of thunderous din which stuns people andmakes them quake with feat and they become insensible.

21. LANGHANA : It is stated in Vayu tattva prakarana when crossing from one streaminto another, the Vimana faces the
baadaba glow or the sun and catches fire. In order to prevent that, the electric and air forces in the Vimana should be conjoined
and centered inthe life-centre of the Vimana, and by turning the switch, the Vimana will leap into safety.

22. SAARPA GAMANA : By attracting the dandavaktra and other seven forces of air,and joining with solar rays, passing it
through the zig-zagging centre of the Vimana, andturning the switch, the Vimana will have zig-zag motion like a serpent.

23. CHAAPALA : On sighting an enemy plane, by turning the switch in the force centrein the middle section of the Vimana, a
4087 revolution an hour atmospheric wave speedwill be generated and shake up the enemy plane.

24. SARVATOMUKHA : When a formation of enemy planes comes to attack one’sVimana, by turning the switch at the
crown of the Vimana, make it revolve with agilityand face all sides.

25. PARASHABDA GRAHAKA : As explained in Sowdaminee Kalaa or science of electronics, by means of sound capturing
yantra in the Vimana, one can hear the talks andsounds in enemy planes flying in the sky.

26. ROOPAKARSHANA : By means of the photographic yantra in the Vimana to obtaina television view of things of things
inside the enemy plane.

27. KRIYAAGRAHANA : By turning the key at the bottom of the Vimana, a white clothis made to appear. By electrifying
the three acids in the northeast part of the Vimana, andsubjecting them to the seven kinds of solar rays, and passing the
resultant force into thetube of the Thrisheersha mirror and making the cloth screen face the mirror, andswitching on the upper
key, all the activities going down below on the ground, will be projected on the screen.

28. DIKPRADARSHANA : Turning the key at the front of the Vimana the dishaampatiyantra will show the direction from
which the enemy plane is approaching.

29. AAKAASHAAKAARA : According to Aakaasha-tantra, by mixing black micasolution with neem and bhoonaaga
decoctions and smearing the solution on the outer body of the Vimana made of mica plates, and exposing to solar rays, the
plane will look like the sky and become indistinguishable.

30. JALADA ROOPA : Mixing pomegranate juice, bilva or bael oil, copper-salt, kitchensmoke, granthika or gugul liquid,
mustard powder, and fish scale decoctions, and addingsea-shell and rock-salt powder, and collecting smoke of the same
solution and spreadingit with solar heat enveloping the cover, the Vimana will have the appearance of a cloud.
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31. STABDHAKA : By projecting apasmaara poison-fume smoke through the tube on thenorth side on the Vimana, and
discharging it with stambhana-yantra, people in enemy planes will be made unconscious.

32. KARSHANA : When enemy planes come in strength to destroy one’s Vimana, bysetting aflame the Jwaalinee shakti in the
Vyshwaanara-naala or pipe located at the navelof the plane, and switching the keys of the two wheels to 87 degrees of heat, the
burningshakti will envelope the enemy plane and destroy it.These are the 32 rahasyaas or secrets, which should be known by
pilots according toSiddhanaatha.
Aerial Routes
As the secrets of aeronautics are indicated in the second sutra, the five atmospheric-regions are referred to in the third sutra,
which says that the pilot should know the five-regions.

According to Shownaka, the regions of the sky are five, named, Rekhaapathha, Mandala, Kakshya, Shakti, and Kendra. In
these 5 atmospheric regions, there are 5,19,800 air ways-traversed by Vimanas of the Seven Lokas or Worlds, known as
Bhooloka, Bhuvarloka,Suvarloka, Maholoka, Janoloka, Tapoloka and Satyaloka, Dhundinaatha and Vaalmeeki Ganita state
that Rekha has 7,03,00,800 air routes, Mandalahas 20,08,00200 air routes, Kakshya her 2,09,00,300 air routes, Shakti has
10,01,300 air routes, and Kendra has 30,08,200 air routes.According to Vaalmeeki Ganita in the Rekhaapaatha region, sections
1 to 4 are suitablefor the passage of the Vimanas of this Bhooloka. In the Mandala region sections 3 to 5are suitable for
Vimanas of Bhuvarloka, Suvarloka, and Maholoka dwellers. For theJanoloka Vimanas sections 2 to 5 in the Kakshya region
are suitable. Sections 1 to 6 inthe Shakti region are suitable for the Vimanas of Tapoloka. For the dwellers of Bramhaloka
sections 3 to 11 in the Kendra region are suitable, according to shastras likeVaalmeeki Ganita and others.
Aerial whirlpools or Aavartaas are innumerable in the above regions, Of them thewhirlpools in the routes of Vimanas are Five.
In the Rekhapathha there occurs Shaktyaavarta or whirlpool of energy. In Mandalapathha there occurs the whirlpool of winds.
In Kakshyaapathha there occurs Kiranaavarta or whirlpool from solar rays. In Shaktipathha there occurs shytyaavarta or
whirlpool of cold-currents. And inKendrapathha there occurs gharshanaavartha or whirlpool by collision. Such whirlpoolsare
destructive of Vimanas, and have to be guarded against.The pilot should know these five sources of danger and learn to steer
clear of them to safety.
Thirty-One Parts of The Vimana
The Vimana has thirty-one parts. Just as the human body, if it is complete in all its limbs,is best able to accomplish things, the
Vimana, if it is complete in all its parts, will becapable of functioning efficiently. From the location of the
Vishwakriyaadarpana 31locations of Vimana components are mentioned.According to "Chaayaapurusha Shastra" they are :
1. Vishwakriyaadarpana or mirror of outside views

2. Shaktyaakarshana or energy attracting mirror

3. Parivesha mechanism above the hood of the Vimana

4. Angopasamhaara yantra or folding up yantra at the 7th bindukeelaka

5. Vistritakriyaa or opening out yantra location in the middle of the 11 th section

6. Vyroopya darpana and

7. Padmachakramukha at the shirobhaaga or the crest of the Vimana

8. The Kuntinee-shakti mechanism is to be in the neck of the Vimana

9. Pushpinee and Pinjulas mirrors are to be in the right side of the centre

10. At the front of the left side is to be located the Naalapanchaka or 5 pipes

11. Guhaagarbha mirror yantra is to be in the front part of the stomach of the plane

12. Thamoyantra at the north western side

13. Pancha-vaataskandha-naala on the western centre

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14. Rowdree mirror

15. Vaataskandha keelaka at the bottom centre

16. Shaktisthaana at the front and right sides

17. Shabda-kendramukha at the left side

18. Vidyuddwaadashaka at the north-east side

19. Praanakundala at the moola of the Vimana

20. Shaktyudgama at the navel of the Vimana

21. Vakraprasaarana at the side of Vimanaadhaara

22. Shaktipanjara in the central portion

23. Shirahkeelaka at the head of the Vimana

24. Shabdaakarshaka yantra at the shoulder

25. Pata-prasaarana at the bottom centre

26. Dishampati yantra at the left front

27. Pattikaabhraka at the centre of the hood of the Vimana

28. Solar power attractor at the top of the Vimana

29. Apasmaara or poison gas at the sandhi-naala mukha or junction tube front

30. Sthambhana yantra at the bottom

31. Vyshwaanara-naala at the navel centreThis is the placing of the 31 components of the Vimana.
The Clothing of The Pilot
On clothing Maharshi Bharadwaj says:The clothing should be different for different seasons. The sootra defines the
clothing, which is to be provided to the pilot in accordance withdifferent seasonal conditions. The impact of the sun's myriad
rays on the revolving earthcauses seasonal climatic changes. Their effects on human life are either wholesome or
unwholesome, as the case may be. The latter cause cramps, drain blood, and denude the body of fat, flesh and other ingredients.
The evil forces of the seasons are reckoned as 25, and affect the skin, bone, flesh, fat, muscles, nerves, joints and other parts of
the pilots body. The clothing provided to them should be such as to safeguard against sucheffects and maintain their efficiency.
According to "Pata-samskaara Ratnaakara", silk, cotton, moss, hair, mice, leather, are to be purified by 25 processes,
washed with mica-saturated water, and spun into yarn as prescribed by Gaalava. Then fibres from the ketaki flower palm, arka
or swallow wort or madar, sun flower tree, coconut and jute, should each be purified 8 times as prescribedand by 19 processes,
spun into yarn, and woven into cloth. Then the cloth should besoaked in the oils of linseed, tulasi or basil, goose-berry, shamee
or acacia suma, bael,and mustard, and dried in the sun 5 times daily for 7 days. Then yellow ochre, lac,tamarind, honey and
gingelly manure and mica in equal parts and yena-kshaara salt, putin a crucible vessel, placed in koorma furnace, and boiled
with the aid of 3 faced bellows. 8 seers of linseed juice should be added to it. Bees wax, mica, shinjeera, vajra, borax, and
ashoka fruit should be boiled, and their oil mixed with the other composition, and boiled in garbhataapana yantra. Then the
cloth should be soaked in that decoction and dried 5 days. With this material, fashioning the apparel and clothes of the pilots
handsomely, according to the types of the cloth and requirements the crew, as prescribed by Agnimitra, and handing it to them
to wear, they should be conferred benediction, given a protective amulet and then sent out with cheers. It will ward off evils,
promote fitness of body and health of mind, and improve their strength, energy, and competence.
The Food for The Pilot
About food Maharshi Bharadwaja Says :
A. Food According To Seasons
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As stated in Kalpa Sootra, the food of the pilots is of three kinds, according to theseasons. "Ashand-Kalpa" or "Principles
of Diet", says "During the spring and summer months, the pilot's food should consist of buffalo-milk among liquids, among
grainsaadhaka or tuvar-dhal, and among flesh, the flesh of sheep.In the 4 months of rains and autumn, cow's milk among
liquids, wheat and black-gramamong grains, and flesh of cocks and hens.In the 4 months of winter and snow, goat's-milk, Cava
and black-gram among grains, andflesh of sparrows.For pilots belonging to the three DWG castes of Brahmin, Kshatriya and
Vyshya, thefood will not include flesh.
B. The Three Varieties Ward Off Seasonal Evil Effects
The 25 kinds of poisonous effects of the seasons are warded off by alteration in the foodso as to suit the seasonal
conditions.Vishanirnaya-adhikara states - The seasons are each differently conditioned by the changes in the watery forces in
thesky. The 101 forces in the aerial atmosphere, colliding with the 1/16th force in the watery-sky in the seventh region, at the
sineevaalee and kuhoo yogas or full moon and new-moon conjunctions, produce maleficent and beneficent effects. The
beneficent forces are7,58,00,700 in number, and the maleficent forces also are of the same number, according to "Vaalmeeki
Ganita" The beneficent effects are during the full moon period, and themaleficent effects during the new-moon period. 25
maleficent poisonous forces known asRhedinee, tend to paralyse the pilots’ physical efficiency. That is avoided by alteringtheir
food according to seasons. So says Sage Shaataatapa. By such adjustment the pilots’ physical fitness will be maintained.
C. That At Set Times or Schedules
Having defined the seasonal types of food, the meal times are now defined. According toShownaka, the times for taking
meals are prescribed as follows: Family men should takefood twice a day, or once a day. Ascetics should take food once a day.
Others can takefood foul: times a day. Air pilots should take food 5 times a day. And yogis may take asmany times as they
like.According to "Lalla-kaarika" or "Diet Rules" by Lalla,
Food should be taken at the end of the 2nd yaama (yaama=3 hours) in the daytime, and atthe end of the 1st
yaama in the night. That is for family men. If they take only one meal aday, it should be during the 3rd and 4th yaamas.
Sanyaasis or ascetics who eat only oncea day should dine as above. For the labouring classes the times are thrice during
daytime,and once in the night. For pilots of Vimanas the meals are thrice during daytime, andtwice at night.
D. If Unavailable, Then Vitamin Pills or Food-Balls
If the prescribed food-stuffs are not available for use during their flights, then essenceextracts made by proper cooking
with admixture of spices and condiments into potableand eatable form, or food balls-made out of them should be supplied to
the pilots for consumption on flights.Says "Ashana kalpa" or "Food manual",There are 5 kinds of food, which are nutritious
and wholesome; cooked rice or grain,gruel, cooked flout, baked flat bread, and preparations made out of essence-extracts
fromfood materials. The last named are superior to all the othersPaakasarvasva" or "Art of cooking" observes,Removing the
husk and other non-food parts from it by machines, the grain should bemade into flour and cooked in a suitable vessel and
when it has reached the 8th degree of reduction, add essences, sweets, condiments, and ghee, and prepare food-balls,
havingnice flavour and delicious taste, and being nourishing to the body.
E. Or The Essence of Fruits, Roots and Bulbs
In this sootra Maharshi Bharadwaj states that preparations made from edible roots, potatoacid other bulbous vegetables,
and from fruits are also suitable as food."Ashana-Kalpa" says,If food made of grains is not available, that from roots, bulbs,
and fruits may by used asfood, in the form of flour, sugarcandy, manjoosha or jaggery, honey, milk, ghee, oily- products, and
roots and berries which contain sweet, salt, pungent, acrid, and alkalinetastes. Such roots are said to be 56 in number. They
should be purified, powdered, andduly cooked, and made into balls, and given out for use as food.Similarly the bulbous
vegetables, which are of 16 kinds, and fruit which are of 32 kinds,and food prepared out of them are excellent food. Food from
roots develops brain,nourishes the body, strengthens the bones, and gives virility. Food from bulbs promotes brilliance, and
bodily vigour, and strengthens the life current. Food from fruits nourishesmind, intelligence, blood, flesh, and vital liquids.
Therefore these alternatives arerecommended for pilots of Vimanas.
F. Even Grasses, Herbs and Shrubs
Maharshi Bharadwaj says that even grass, herbage, and creepers, could be made to yieldfood.Says Ashana-Kalpa,Like
roots, bulbs and fruits, grasses, shrubs and herbs, provide good food for men. Sixkinds of doorva grass, 6 kinds of munja hemp,
6 kinds of darbha or long grass, 6 kinds of shoundeera, and 6 kinds of Ashwakarna or sal, or mimordica charantia, Shatamoolee
of 3kinds, Kaaruvellee, Chandravellee, Madhuvellee, Varchulee, Makutee vellee, sugandhaa,and sooryavellee may be made to
yield good food, nutritious and bracing.Selected by men who know them well, these vegetation, including their flowers,
shoots,and leaves, by proper cleaning and cooking, may be made to yield solid or liquid food,which will serve as satisfactory
substitute food for pilots of Vimanas. And Somavallee or moon-plant, Chakrikaa, Rasavallikaa, Kooshmandavallee,
Ikshuvallee, Pishtavallaree,Sooryakaanta, Chandrakaanta, Meghanaada, Punarnava, Avantee, Vaastu, Matsyaakshee,and
Rukma and others, provide good bases for lasting food, duly mixed with sweets andcondiments.
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Here we see that the ancient Rishis not only knew how to make Aero-Planes* but also had studied the
requirements for a pilot to actually fly a plane. Most of what we know now seems to be trivial when seen
in the light of this. This work of Maharshi Bharadwaj cannot be taken as a figment of imagination as in
some places we can see the minute technical details described. This representation can well be the starting
point for studying thetechnical means of achieving whatever has been mentioned. We need to do
extensive research to realize these basic concepts of flying.
Reference : Vymaanika-Shastra by Maharshi Bharadwaj Propounded
by Subbaraya Shastri, Coronation Press, Mysore, 1973
* What we think of, because of their odd appearances, as UFO's !

"They use Diversions like UFO Hoaxes to distract attention away from the REAL Covert Operations and
TOP SECRET PROJECTS ; one of these projects being the well known Phoenix Lights incident of 1997, it
was at the very same time that the Hail-Bop Comet was passing by. The Phoenix Lights were actually a
Covert Secret Military Project."
- Confession of a High Clearance worker from Area-51

I don't want to 'Beleive' Any-Thing, as they say it on the X-Files ...,

I just Want to Know,
and it is Possible to Know it ALL !

There is NOTHING NEW under The Sun !

Remember... The Greatest Art Of War Is Deception !

See NA, Nevada literally means the Eye of the Mother's Veda Come Down

"True Royal Skilled Engineer, construct your Sea-Boats, propelled on water by our Experts,
and your Air-Ships, floating and flying up-ward chasing the clouds that live in the Middle-region,
that float as the boats that move upon the sea, that can fly high over and below the water filled clouds ;
May you be prosperous by this, in this World, Created by the All Omnipresent God,
who Flies also in both the Air and Lightning."
from the Vedic Volume, Yajur-Veda, 10.19

"The Mention of Air-Ships, is found Many-Times through-Out the Vedic Literature."

- Steven Knapp
Proof of Vedic Culture's GLOBAL Existence

A Big Turning Point in The Enslavement of The Americans was The Broadcast of the War of the Worlds
in 1938. What they learned from that, is that if people will believe in a space alien invasion based on a
radio play, they can be made to believe in practically anything. The age of television became the age of
mass-brain-washing. A few would-be liberators, like John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, were
assassinated in order to prevent the Americans from regaining their freedom. - Benjamin Fulford
Be Set Free ...
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- Appendix №7 -
The Great Flood of Noah
Mediterranean Sea Means :
"The Sea In The Middle of The Land"

Strait of Gibraltar Above You can see how the Atlantic Ocean rushed in when Africa & Europe Split apart
The Pole Shift -- It Is REAL !
Is This What Happened in The Days Of Noah ?
Search YOUTube for
The Horizon Project 2012 Pole Shift & LOST Knowledge
by Brent Miller Sr
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- Appendix №8 -
This Is Where My Entire View Of The Universe Opened Up

A Vision from The Top

When I was 17 Years Old, I had A Vision to Walk Across all America, and I did. When I was 22 years
old, I was Seeking the Lyghte of The Truth, and the Voice of My Heavenly Father, The Great-spirit; so I
went on a three day pilgrimage and I climbed to the top of the tallest peak in the contiguous U.S. (the
above) 14,500' Mt Whitney; This is where it Alle "Opened-Up" for Me, and it was Alllllll pointing
towards TODAY !
- dezert-owl

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- Appendix №9 -
Benjamin Fulford News Correspondent from Japan :
How the Celtic Peoples were EnSlaved
by Babylonian Tyrants

The way Asians view Western history is astounding beyond imagination. We learn that everything we
have been taught is a lie. We learn that we are being manipulated and herded like sheep by a secret elite.
We learn that we live in a matrix of lies designed to keep us in slavery.
The implications are so vast that it is hard to know where to begin. Ultimately, to really understand, we
must go back to the beginnings of Western civilization.
At the very dawn of history humans began farming along the banks of Euphrates river. People soon
started digging canals. The resulting cornucopia created a population boom. Fights between alpha males
escalated into a never-ending frenzy. From these constant battles for supremacy arose a tyrant who
created a system for manipulating and controlling large masses of people. It was a system of laws
combined with a system of mind control. His name was Hamurabi. His system of mind control was to
create a book combining folk wisdom with propaganda. Because he could not be everywhere at once, he
created the idea of an omnicient, omnipresent being that could see all and know all. In the book where this
idea was introduced, Hamurabi had himself referred to as Abraham. Later a symbol of that god was
created: it was an all seeing eye on the top of a pyramid.
So, while the Mesopotamian people built on the idea of an almighty God, there also actually existed,
behind the scenes, a bearded man on a throne with god-like powers over his people. To control and awe
his people, great displays of miracles and wonders were engineered.
A special sect of slave drivers was created to control the people on behalf of the god-king. This was the
origin of the Freemasons. It took place 5771 years ago.
Later the tribe of the god-king invaded Egypt and the Masons added Egyptian slave driving technology to
their arsenal.
Thus started, over the millenia, a sort of parallel cultural evolution between a ruling elite and the
unwashed masses. We saw the rise of a group of elite families that keep their rule over the ignorant
through a combination of control over grain supplies (or money supplies), knowledge, information and
finally, control over life and death. People who learned about this elite were either inducted into it, killed
or neutralized by assorted other means such as bankruptcy or ridicule.
There were many rebellions against these rulers. One notable one was by a person called Jesus Christ. He
talked about things like men being born free and equal, about basic human dignity about the duty to
protect the weakest members in society. Although he was executed for treason, his radical ideas spread
like wild-fire among the poor and down-trodden.
When the Romans invaded Judea and scattered the Jews, the Masons began offering their services to other
kings and despots.

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One faction of them eventually convinced a Roman emperor by the name of Constantine to compile a
book that would both encompass the folk beliefs of his people and provide a way to herd them like sheep
(The lord is my Shepherd). This was the birth of the Roman Catholic church. Over the years it expanded,
absorbing ideas from other religions and folk beliefs along the way. Ideas that were not considered
palatable were persecuted relentlessly in an effort to preserve and maintain a universal mental mono-
Religious Christianity and Judaism, by reflecting the folk-wisdom of the ages, really do represent the real
God in a scientifically provable manner. They reflect the cumulative ancient human understanding of the
reality of the universe that God created. The ideas that people found they liked in the Bible were selected
by a process of natural cultural selection. In other words, people responded to the parts of the Bible that
reflected what was in their hearts and what their own experience of the real world told them. Thus the
Celtic peoples were naturally and gradually assimilated into this culture (with a few hold-outs like
The reformation of Martin Luther was a rebellion against the Catholic mono-culture and the system of
thought control originating in Rome.
Later, people with persecuted ideas found freedom in the New World and, as a result, America flourished
as no civilization before.
But, in parallel to this genuine religious feeling of the people, the secret manipulators also evolved
increasingly sophisticated ways to control the masses.
One group of people used an offshoot of the original Hamurabi school of Masonic mind control
technology to create a large kingdom in central Asia. They were known as the Khazars. They were
defeated by the Rus and Mongol empires and their elite class fled, with their treasure and their
knowledge, into Europe and China.
The ones who fled to China were forced to flee again to Japan after the Mongol Kublai Khan conquered
The ones who fled to Europe curried favor with kings and princes and offered them their secret Masonic
people-herding technology. Eventually a very elite group of them intermarried successfully with the
royalty and became the ruling family of Europe. They were known as the Rothschilds and their secret rule
of Europe continues to this day. Although they try to stay hidden and their past is filled with great evil,
they also deserve much credit for helping make Europe and European culture so dominant in the world.

One of their secrets was to drive the people into conflict and war, both to strengthen them through
competition and to profit from the sale of arms. Creating war also made the Celts easier to control
because, in times of turmoil, people turn to their kings for protection.
The Rothschilds used money looted from India to finance the American revolution. Their aim was to
strengthen their hand against the King of England. That is why Freemasonry is so central to American
history. There was true idealism in their American adventure at first.
However, American Democracy proved to be unruly and hard to control. To keep the Americans under
stricter discipline, they waged a 137-year battle to gain control of their currency. Control a people’s

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money and you control their rations. It is the modern equivalent of keeping control over the keys to the
When their agents got control of the U.S. Federal Reserve Board in 1913, they immediately began
preparations for war. Armed with American wealth, they triggered World War I. They conned the peace-
loving Americans into the war by sinking the Lusitania. They were also able to subdue their long-term
nemesis, Imperial Russia, by creating the Soviet Union. When Germany was defeated they demanded, and
got, punitive tribute payments.
World War II was staged for several reasons: to reduce the world’s population, to gain profits and to scare
the Jews out of Europe and into Palestine. The Baron Rothschild (Adolf Hitler) got a little bit too
ambitious and got off the long-term script of ruling the world from Mesopotamia and tried for an instant
global empire with headquarters in Germany. At the end of World War II, the Masonic cabal tried to
cement their control of the world by creating the United Nations. At the time, they controlled all 5
permanent Security Council members. They have since lost China and Russia.
In America, the Rockefellers and their fellow robber barons began a long-term program to complete
their enslavement of the American people. They quietly and systematically gained control of the media,
the text-book publishing companies and by spreading their wealth liberally and strategically, were able
to distort education.
Their biggest con-job was to promote the so-called science of economics. Their so-called economics is
Babylonian slave driving technology. It is essentially a mechanism for looting the people of their money.
For example, Americans have had a certain mantra drummed into their heads nearly constantly for
decades: government is bad, business is good. Think about it: government represents the people, business
represents the rich. Maximizing shareholder value means increasing payments of tribute to the slave-
driving class. Middle-class incomes have been driven down and both parents in a family are being forced
to work in order to maximize tribute payments from the masses. It also forces parents to send their
children to communal brainwashing institutes at an earlier, more receptive age.
A big turning point in the enslavement of the Americans was the broadcast of the War of the
Worlds in 1938. What they learned from that is that if people will believe in a space alien invasion
based on a radio play, they can be made to believe in practically anything. The age of television
became the age of mass-brainwashing. A few would-be liberators, like John F. Kennedy and Martin
Luther King, were assassinated in order to prevent the Americans from regaining their freedom.
Today the empire of the Babylonian slave-drivers is now under threat like never before. First of all, large
masses of humanity freed themselves from a form of Masonic slavery known as Colonialism. These
people then began to gain both economic and intellectual power. The biggest threat now is the rise of
China and India.
The 10,000 illuminati are now outnumbered by the humans they want to enslave by a ratio of close to
700,000 to one. With non-controlled humanity gaining in economic, military and intellectual power, the
illuminati feel extremely scared and vulnerable. Cultures not under direct illuminati control now account
for 83% of the World’s population and over 60% of its wealth.
To deal with this situation, David Rockefeller and the descendants of J.P. Morgan and Averil Harriman
(including the Bush family) cooked up an incredibly horrendous scheme to slaughter billions of the
world’s free people and then take advantage of the trauma of slaughter to enslave the rest.
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The Plan calls for an Artificial Armagedon to be launched that would start with a Never Ending 'War
on Terror,' followed by plagues, famine and possibly even a Fake, but very lethal, Alien Invasion Fleet.
The plan was so evil that it provoked a split in the illuminati ranks. A rebel group, centered around Jay
Rockefeller and most of the Rothschilds, tried to take power from David Rockefeller and his clique with a
so-called war on Global Warming. The plan was to neutralize one of the David Rockefeller clique’s main
sources of power: their control over oil. The Rothschilds also refused to finance the war in Iraq. Since
their headquarters are in Europe (the BIS) they decided instead to try to turn the EU into a Babylonian
style world monarchy.
To finance David’s insane campaign, the Japanese people have been forced to work harder for lower pay.
To maximize tribute payments from the Japanese, David Rockefeller also forced the Japanese government
to hand him control of their entire banking system. The Japanese government tried to refuse and were
threatened into submission with a new array of high-tech weaponry, including, if you can believe this, a
weapon that caused an earthquake in Niigata Japan.
However, despite Japanese money, the plan is coming apart at the seams and threatening to end the entire
Illuminati Long-Term Campaign to Enslave Humanity. The war in Iraq turned into a disaster. People
caught on that 911 was an inside job. Vladimir Putin kicked them out of Russia.
The David Rockefeller Faction now only really control North America and England.
And now that the Chinese secret societies have found out about race-specific diseases being aimed at
them, they will start assassinating the entire David Rockefeller faction unless this criminally insane plan
is called off.
What the whole world really hopes for is that the American people will free themselves before this
madness can proceed any further. All they would have to do is arrest about a dozen of the most senior
members of the David Rockefeller faction, starting with the old man himself.
My sources for this account include a broad array of extremely senior Japanese, Chinese and Russian
government officials.

Pssst .. ....
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- A p p e n d i x № 10 - It Is ALL An Open Secret -

I Saw A Squadron Of UFO's

My Impression Was, that what I was Witnessing Was The Final NWO Takeover... There-fore, I could only
assume that this was something so vast and so BIG ... because I was looking at a mass of an UnIdentified nature and I
Estimate the Total Number to be about THIRTY. The Only Conclusion, that I draw from all of this was that, what I was
Witnessing must have been Happening at the very same Time in Every other City in America, if Not The World !
South of Memphis Tenn Easter Eveming 1997 dezert-owl former Radio Host and ADF Reporter at Large
for America's Driving Force and United Truckers Defending
The Constitution - U.T.D.C. Under Threat, Duress and Coercion
March 30, 1997 - Easter Evening, Just South of Memphis, the City of The Pyramid by dezert-owl
The Events that Follow, describe a sighting of aproxmately 30 or more aerial vehicles of, at that
point, Unknown Origin, of which I Observed in the sky with My Own Eyes, in the setting, darkening sky
South of Memphis Tennessee, south of the I-55 Loop, headed south towards Jackson Mississippi.
Just after Producing My own weekly Satellite and International Short-Wave Program - America's Driving
Force from the 76 Truck Stop, in Jackson Tennessee, on I-40, I started heading west. By the time I
reached Memphis, the Sun had already set. I proceeded to the I-240 Loop, headed south toward the I-55
Inter-change to go south to Mississippi.
Once I got off the loop and was going south on I-55, the darkness had engulfed the land, and I could see
before Me, streaching from Horizon to Horizon, a series of lights. Aparently these lights were headed
north, right towards me as I was heading south towards them. It was notvery long before they were quite
close to me. What I was actually witnessing, was something that made me question, wether I could even
tell anyone about what I was seeing, because it was so unreal, that one would have to experience it for
themself, to understand it.
Once I was in close proximity of the lights, I felt that I was witnessing the Final Take-Over of America,
by the World Secret Federation. Although I beleive that the potentials for life on other planets are real, I
do not think that they would arrive here with the intention of perpetrating An INVASION !
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I preceive that, all of the UFO Phenomena that we are experiencing Today, is being generated by the
Black Oc'cult Governments, following the Ancient Oc'cult Agenda of DEATH and Distruction, Deception
and Distraction..., the Art Of War, wether American,German or French or any other sub-Corporation. I
think that the UFO Enigma is ALL Æarth Based, and Directed by the Hindu-Vatican-Aryan Black Budget
and the Technologies that we have advanced to, most Americans are totally unaware of.
So I wanted to clarify, that I was well prepared for what I was about to see. In any event, when I finally
came upon these fantastic lights, I was witnessing what I thought was a UFO INVASION ! To tell you the
truth, it looked like an Invasion out of 'Orson Well's, War Of The Worlds Style Take Over.'
The Main reason is because, these craft that I was seeing, were something that I had never seen before in
my entire life. They were totally illuminated on their bottoms, as they were coming out from a south-west
heading, moving, floating on the air north-east ward, so that at one point they were crossing I-55. They
were in a scattered flight pattern about one eighth to one quater mile from each other and yet, there was a
whole series of them, while this traversing was going on, that were maintaining a position, every eighth of
a mile or so on the east side of 55, creating a Chain of Sentries Watching while the others cross in mass.
So these Sentries were just Hovering there, and so at this point, as I was directly across the Freeway from
one of them, within 250 feet of my 18-Wheeler.
I rolled down my driver side window and turned to my left to see the Craft. The feeling was awesome
and hypnotic. First of all, I didn't really experience any fear, because the sensation was so great, that it
was more of awe inspiring. I knew right away, that this was NOT soome UFO that had come hundreds of
thousands oy light years froom some other Galaxy. I knew clearly, that this was something that the Nazi
World Federation Under-Ground Black Budget Operations Ancient Aryan Elite was doing. So, being the
political activist that I was, in the know, on how this game is being played, my first thought was, to try
and to identify them, to identify what it was that I was looking at. My next thought, was to look at my
fuel guage, to see if I had enough fuel to get my truck home to Texas. I tried to communicate with
other drivers out there and found that my C.B. Radio was being Jammed ...
My impression was, that what I was witnessing was the Final Take-Over as fore-told by the German
Nazi, Rocket Scientist, Werner VonBraun, on his death bed confession to his private secretary, in that,
this is one of the Final Ace-Cards that the NWO will Play-out, and because of this, I could only assume,
that this must be it, being so vast and so big, that it must be happening at this moment, in every other
major city of the world. It was a mass of aircraft, that I estimate to be a total of about thirty or more. So,
the only conclusion that I could draw, was that what I was seeing was going on in every city in America
too. I couldn't imagine, that these type of craft, clearly visible, could be doing this over a suburban area
and an Interstate, in northern Mississippi. So I though, that this was THE actual Take-Over. I kept
looking out the window at the Hovering Craft right across the street while I was moving in and out of
traffic rather hap-hazardously, but I knew that if I was going to observe the craft safely, I would have to
pull over to the side of the Highway.
I found a safe place to pull over, as I Parked to the extreme shoulder of an entrance ramp far enough away
from the ever flowing traffic, I rolled down my window all the way and leaned out. Directly across from
me about 200 feet away, there Hovering was one of the Craft. So I tries to focus of the shape of it's
silhouette. I could clearly see a craft, something akin to the X-15, with a long nose and tapered edges,
somewhat round and ob-long. The fact that I could see the silhouette, as it appeared that the nose silvery
or white, because of the light it appeared to be white. I was supprised to find, that I could see the crafts
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configuration. Now beneath thecraft, and mind you it was night, and I was being hypnotized by these
craft, because it was like waking up in a dream, to be sorrounded by all of this Futureistic Activity in The
Finally, I realized the significance of the craft just silently sitting there and Hovering... NO NOISE. This
is one of the things that I didn't clarify..., that is, along the Freeway on I-55, on the Eastern side, these
hovering craft were in a type of a chain link of about an eighth to a quater of a mile down in front of me
along the Freeway. I had previously tried to contact other truckers on the road to see if anyone else could
comment on what I was witnessing.
Mind you, I could identify a Blackhawk at night simply by the sound of the rotor blades, or can identify
them by a silhouette, but these were nothing akin to helicopters and that was the thing that was so strange
about the experience, because I knew that I was seeing something that I had never seen before and with no

Their Bright White Exaust was Lighting up the Wooded Forest below, just like in the Movie, Close
Incounters Of The Third Kind. My thoughts were also that they might be spraying some chemicals down
to the ground, or at least had that potential. That's why I didn't get out of my truck. So while I was
making my identifications of the craft, on the left side of the road, one of the other craft that was moving,
started heading directly toward my truck, I was the only one on the Interstate that was pulled over and it
seemed to be heading directly toward me. I then realized that I needed to get back on to the freeway, and
just pretend to be a scared truck driver who had simply stopped for a quick minute in suprise, but then got
back in gear, while I continued to try and observe these craft.
The two way radio continued to be jammed, the entire length of traveling distance, where I was able to
observe the craft while going down the freeway was about seven to ten miles. I was so engrossed by
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them, as I had never had an experience like this before, so that I failed to make an immediate count right
there as it was going on. I felt a bit threatened by them, I felt that the one that was soon to be over my
truck, could possible spray some chemical, or use some invisible ray, and that if I was out of my truck, I
would be more vulnerable to any sort of invisible weapon by some government stealth air-craft. So I
didn't have the fore-thought of counting them right there, so it could have been as many as forty of them.
Then afterwards, I thought about it and estimated that there was at least thirty, if not more.
I arrived at my delivery destination in Jackson Mississippi the next morning, and thought about
everything I had seen and even considered if I would even tell anyone about this, as you know most of us
have wondered what we would do if we were under a UFO, if we would ever even see one, and there I
was under a Squadron of them. Of course, because I knew people in government who came out telling
the truth, I was not naive enough, to think that these craft came from light years away, but that these craft
were developed by the Under-Ground Secret Black Budget. Again, it was so hypnotic, kinda like being
taken in to a Trance to see something, and what really amazed me was that I was the only one to pull over
to observe this event, while it was Easter Evening and dense traffic on the highway, and it was very
appropriate that it happened on the night of the Eastern Star, an Oc'cult Occasion for them. And the other
thing that struck me was, that it was happening just south of the city with the Great Pyramid in it. Their
sports stadium is made in the shape of a pyramid, and I find the Symbolisim very notable. The sighting
was in the city named after the Egyptian city of Memphis and it happened on the night of the Eastern Star.
I called a few associates, a retired intelligence officer who had worked for NASA, Voice at Mission
Control, , DIA, was a Navy Photo Journalist early on, there-fore expert in this area of research, and he
told me that what I had witnessed was Powered by the Air it-self, it was hovering, and it was not a
helicopter, it had no propellers, and the craft made no noise, all I could hear was the sound of the traffic.
You know how air-craft are, you can hear them far in the distance, even before you can see them, and this
was a mass of them seven to ten miles down the highway, all moving across the sky, but there was no
So, this thing that struck me so profoundly, was that I was witnessing a craft that I had never before, and
some of it was moving slowly, about forty miles per hour across the sky and others were hovered, with-
out any visible means of support, other than the bright white light blasting out the bottom of them, these
three beams of lights.
So I told my associate what I had seen, and he was convinced that what I saw, was in effect the same Free
Energy Technology that was being proposed by Nikola Tesla, but then was suppressed by the Powers that
Be. He said the the lights porting below the craft were indeed exhaust units, the result of splitting the air.
This is the Black Budget Space Program, brought over from Germany, based upon the ancient Vedic
Models. The Appolo Five Astronauts were friends of my associate, and he said that they, Grissom,
Chaffey and White, were burned alive, being put under a pure oxygen blanket, that a spark ignited, and
that they were killed because they wanted to go public ablut the Black Budget Program and Expose the
Pretend NASA Space Program. Area 51 Nevada is where they filmed the Apollo Masonic Moon Landing.
My other associate said that these craft can also go at hypersonic speeds. Since they came from the south,
I was told to ask around and see if they may be from that area. A couple of guys were taking a break out
side, so I asked them if they had ever observed anything funny flying around in the sky and one of them
said, yeah, he had. So I asked him what he saw, and he described what I saw, so I asked if he knew where
they were from, and he said they are from underground at the air-port there in Jackson, and the men that

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction
fly them wear all black. I asked him if he could draw a picturre of one of the craft, and he could draw a
better picture than I could. So I had no doubt that he was telling me the truth. Wow... what a Discovery.
Ace Reporter dezert-owl Sluth on the Trail of UFO's and finding where they are being hid out under-
ground, the very Next Day! Thanks to some encouragement of some retired staff as well. The young
local who I was interviewing also said that the craft can hold up to eight or ten people.
More can be said about what I saw, re. the triangular grid under-neith, or the red, green, and blue hypnotic
light that kepted blinking on top of each craft, etc., but I think now you do get the picture.
Thanks For Listening
A couple of months later I saw another UFO that was V-shaped with lights under it making a V, on the
border of Kentucky and Ohio. So the World Veda Federation is Under-ground and ... it is HERE !

Their Plan calls for an Artificial Armagedon to be launched that would start with a Never Ending War
on Terror, followed by Plagues, Famine and possibly even a Fake, but very lethal, Alien Invasion Fleet
- Benjamin Fulford
They Want You To Think, that They Are from Out There ...
and / or Any-Where Else, but NOT ... from Down Here !
No..., Man dosen't know how to Make Inventions... RIGHT.
They Don't Want You To Know Who They Are !

Note The Swastika Above on Shiva's Vedic Book – An Ancient Symbol of the Sun

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A Theezar-Roole Dictionary & Thesaurus of Lyghte- t’Seed On the Original-Thought in Diction

The PrimarySymbol Stamped on the Three Volumes of the Vedas

A Symbol of the Sun and the Falling Lyghte in the Swastika or Filfa't

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Floating Mystery Ball is New Nazi Air Weapon

" True Royal Skilled Engineer, constructing sea-boats propelled on water by our Masters, and Air-Ships moving
across the Sky and Flying Up-Wards, after the Clouds that Live in the MId-Region, they Fly as the boats that move
upon the sea, that Fly High Over and below these watery Clouds. May you there by, be Prosperous in this World
Created by the Omnipresent God, Our Spitit-Breath in both in the Air and in the Fire of Lightning."
- Yajur-Veda 10.19 India
The Matrix is every-where ... It is ALL A-R-O-U-N-D- Us.
Even now, in this very room.
You can see it when you look out Your window
or when you turn on Your Television.
You can feel it when You go to Work ...
When you go to Church ...
When you pay your Taxes.
It is the World that has been pulled over your eyEs
To blind YOU from The Truth
Morpheus - God of Dreams, Night-mares and Illusions
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- A p p e n d i x № 11 -
A Red Star Album COVER with Secret Messages and 'Advisory' Label lower Left
This Album was Posted On the Internet just Weeks before the Twin Towers were HIT

911 Boom Party Music Coo Boom

Over NOW Read These Words Over

... I $ A W A T R A D E
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- A p p e n d i x № 12 -


On December 7, 1941, the Japanese navy and air force attacked the United States army, navy and air force units at PEARL
HARBOR, HAWAII in what was called "A SURPRISE ATTACK."

The next day, President Franklin Roosevelt called the attack "A DAY OF INFAMY," and asked Congress for a Declaration of
War. It was granted, and America was in WORLD WAR TWO.

Many at the time questioned how "A SURPRISE ATTACK" could have happened, and whether President Roosevelt should
have known about it in advance and warned our forces in Hawaii.

NINE CONGRESSIONAL investigations were conducted, during and after the war, and each examined the question: DID


A few years ago, I saw a photo copy of the HILO, HAWAII TRIBUNE HERALD newspaper of November 30, 1941, the
Sunday before the attack. I called the library in HILO, HAWAII and they photocopied the top half of their front page and sent
it to me.

Meaning the Following Week-end, Saturday, December 6th and Sunday, December 7th, 1941, The Day of Infamy

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One could reasonably conclude that PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S INTELLIGENCE SOURCES were better than the

......... even a Hawaii Newspaper Knew !!!

If you want documented evidence that Roosevelt DID KNOW ABOUT THE ATTACK BEFORE IT HAPPENED, please read
the pertinent chapter in the book I wrote entitled THE UNSEEN HAND, AN INTRODUCTION TO THE
CONSPIRATORIAL VIEW OF HISTORY. It is discussed in the catalog that follows this report. Ralph Epperson

Milan Italy. A Statue of Leonardo DaVinci

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- A p p e n d i x № 13 -
America Spelled below as a CODE Hmerica
The FIRST Nation Was Called States of America

See Hermeneutics, States of America, Traders, United Companies, United Kingdom, UNITED STATES
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- A p p e n d i x № 14 -
Excerpt from The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus The Christ CHAPTER 24
The Brahmic doctrine of castes. Jesus repudiates it and teaches human equality. The priests are offended and
drive him from the temple. He abides with the sudras and teaches them.
FOUR years the Jewish boy abode in temple Jagannath.
2. One day he sat among the priests and said to them, Pray, tell me all about your views of castes; why do you say
that all men are not equal in the sight of God?
3. A master of their laws stood forth and said, The Holy One whom we call Brahm, made men to suit himself, and
men should not complain.
4. In the beginning days of human life Brahm spoke, and four men stood before his face.
5. Now, from the mouth of Parabrahm the first man came; and he was white, was like the Brahm himself; a
brahman he was called.
6. And he was high and lifted up; above all want he stood; he had no need of toil.
7. And he was called the priest of Brahm, the holy one to act for Brahm in all affairs of earth.
8. The second man was red, and from the hand of Parabrahm he came; and he was called shatriya.
9. And he was made to be the king, the ruler and the warrior, whose highest ordained duty was protection of the
10. And from the inner parts of Parabrahm the third man came; and he was called a visya.
11. He was a Yellow man, and his it was to till the soil, and keep the flocks and herds.
12. And from the feet of Parabrahm the fourth man came; and he was Black; and he was called the Sudras, one of
low estate.
13. The Sudras is the servant of the race of men; he has no rights that others need respect; he may not hear the
Vedas read, and it means death to him to look into the face of priest, or king, and naught but death can free him
from his state of servitude.
14. And Jesus said, Then Parabrahm is not a God of justice and of right; for with his own strong hand he has
exalted one and brought another low.
15. And Jesus said no more to them, but looking up to heaven he said,
16. My Father-God, who was, and is, and evermore shall be; who holds within thy hands the scales of justice and
of right;
17. Who in the boundlessness of love has made all men to equal be. The white, the black, the yellow, and the red
can look up in thy face and say, Our Father-God.
18. Thou Father of the human race, I praise thy name.
19. And all the priests were angered by the words which Jesus spoke; they rushed upon him, seized him, and
would have done him harm.
20. But then Lamaas raised his hand and said, You priests of Brahm, beware! you know not what you do; wait till
you know the God this youth adores.
21. I have beheld this boy at prayer when light above the light of the sun surrounded him. Beware! his God may
be more powerful than Brahm.
22. If Jesus speaks the truth, if he is right, you cannot force him to desist; if he is wrong and you are right, his
words come to naught, for right is might, and in the end it will prevail.
23. And then the priests refrained from doing Jesus harm; but one spoke out and said,
24. Within this holy place has not this reckless youth done violence to Parabrahm? The law is plain; it says, He
who reviles the name of Brahm shall die.
25. Lamaas pled for Jesus' life; and then the priests just seized a scourge of cords and drove him from the place.
26. And Jesus went his way and found shelter with the black and yellow men, the servants and the tillers of the
27. To them he first made known the gospel of equality; he told them of the Brotherhood of Man, the Fatherhood
of God 28 The common people heard him with delight, and learned to pray, to our Father-God who lives in heaven.
See Aryan, Bramahn
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And You Will Know The Truth

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