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11. - 13. The book value per share of ordinary share is?

Total SHE 3,600,000

less: Liquidation of Preference (1,400*500) 700,000
divide: number of ordinary share 5,000
Book value per share 580

14. -16. How much is the basic earnings per share?

17. - 19. How much is the Diluted earnings per share?

20.-22. The diesel fuel to be charged as an expense in the P/L of the year to 31 October 2015 is?

less 17,000
add 13,000
add 125,000
less 98,000

23.-25. What would transfer report as total shareholder's equity?

Net income 600,000

Retained earnings, beg 800,000
less: Dividends 70,000
Retained earnings, end 1,330,000

Preference share capital 200,000

Ordinary share capital 400,000
Retained earnings 1,330,000
AOCI, beg 50,000
less: Unrealized holding loss, net of tax 10,000
TOTAL SHE 1,970,000
26. - 30. What is the corrected net income for the year ended Dec 31, 2014?

-50,000 50,000
-50,000 180,000
net income 3,130,000

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