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Name : R. Lakshmi Rama Roll no :


Each question carries one mark, and for every one wrong answer there will be
onenegative mark.

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1 Human resource management emphasis

a. Development ofpeople

b. Punishment ofpeople

c. Adoption ofpeople

d. None ofthese
ans: A

2. Planning, organizing and controlling of procurement, development, compensation,

integration of human resources to the end that objective of individual, organisation and
society are achieved givenby

a. Storey

b. Flippo

c. Vetter

d. F.W.Taylor
Ans : B

3. Operative functions of HRMincludes

a. Procurement, development, compensation &motivation

b. Maintenance

c. Integration and emergingtrends

d. All ofthese
ans: D

4. Basic managerial functions of HRMare

a. Planning, organising,staffing

b. Planning, organising andco-ordinating

c. Planning, organising, directing andcontrolling

d. None ofthese
ans: C

5. Which of the following statement is/arecorrect?

A. HRM is a strategic managementfunctions

b.Under HRM employee is treated as resource

c HRM is the management of skills, talent andabilities

d.HRM lacks the organisation to achieve itsgoals

ans : B

6. Following are the characteristics of HRMexcept

a. Pervasivefunction

b. Interdisciplinaryfunction

c. Integratingmechanism

d. Job oriented
ans: B

7. Challenges faced by Human resource managementincludes

a. Technological changes, workforce diversity, globalisation

b. Productivity, careerplanning

c. Compensationmanagement

d. Downsizing and voluntary retirementscheme

ans: A

8. The process of familiarizing the new employees to the organisation rules and regulations
is knownas

a. Placement

b. Induction

c. Recruitment

d. Selection
ans: B

9. Human resource managementmeans

a. A method which an organisation collects, maintains and reports information on people and

b. The process of integrating the employees’ needs and aspirations with organizationalneeds

c. The process of bringing people and organisation together so that the goals of each are
d. The efforts to make life worth living forworkers

Ans : C
10. Training processis

a. Shortterm

b. Mediumterm

c. Longterm

d. None ofthese
e. Ans : A

11.Management development –

a. Is a short term innature

b. Focuses on employees’ current job

c. Is an informalactivity

d. Aims at overall development of amanager

ans : D

12 Relative worth of a job is knownby

a. Job design

b. Jobanalysis

c. Job evaluation

d. Jobchange
ans: C

13. Process of studying and collecting information about a job is knownas

a. HRP

b. Job design

c. Jobanalysis

d. Job evaluation
ans : C
14. Jobs analysis resultsin

a. Job description

b. Jobspecification

c. Job evaluation

d. All of (a), (b) and(c)

Ans : D
15. Job description is a statement containing itemslike

a. Job title, location andduties

b. Machines, tools andequipment

c. Materials, working conditions andhazards.

d. All ofthese.
ans : D

16. is a factual statement of tasks & duties involved in ajob.

a. Job description

b. Jobspecification

c. JobAnalysis

d. Job evaluation
ans : A

17. Job Specification is a statementof

a. Min qualification required for ojob

b. Technical jobrequirement

c. Machines to beused

d. None ofthese
ans : A

18.Job analysis is helpfulin

a. HRP, recruitment and selection

b. Training anddevelopment

c. Job evaluation and performanceappraisal

d. All ofthese
ans : D

19---------is the systematic, periodic and impartial rating of an employee excellencein

matters pertaining to his present job and his potential for a better job.

a. Performance appraisal

b. Compensation andmotivation

c. Training andDevelopment

d. Performanceindicator
ans : A
20. Which of the following is the correct abbreviation ofHRM?

a. Human ResourceManagement
b. Human ResourcefulnessManagement
c. Human RelationManagement
d. Humanistic RelationManagement
ans :A

21. Which of the following correctly defines the Human ResourceDepartment?

a. Functionaldepartment
b. Servicedepartment
c. Linedepartment
d. Authoritydepartment
ans : B

22. Human factor can be definedas

a. The entire concept of humanbehavior

b. Interrelated Physiological, Psychological and Socio-ethical aspects of a humanbeing.
c. Micro and macro issues of socioeconomicfactor
d. None of theabove
ans : B

23. Human relation approachrefersto _

a. An approach in which workers are facilitated with humanity at theworkplace.

b. A shared teamwork between the employee and the employer for solving problematic
c. Forming a group of people on the work front so as to inspire them to work
collectively for the company's growth in terms of social, economic, and psychological
d. None of theabove
ans : C

24. Which of the following fields requires a skilled HRprofessional?

a. Peoplehandling
b. Clarifying
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of theabove
ans: C
25. How has HRM become one of the highly focusedjobs?

a. It focuses on obtaining as well as maintaining a satisfiedworkforce.

b. It results in maximum output with the increased customersatisfaction.
c. It promotes group satisfaction with individual development.
d. Optimum utilization of manpower by motivation and improvingefficiency.
ans : B

26. What are those aspects on which the HR professionals apply the risk management

a. HRCompetencies
b. HRStrategies
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of theabove
ans : B

27. What is the scope of Human ResourceManagement?

a. Performing training and development sessions for employeegrowth.

b. Maintaining good impersonal industrial relations and worker's morale for companies'
c. Accomplishing advanced research in behavioral sciences, new ideas in
man, management, and advances in the field of training anddevelopment.
d. None of theabove.
ans :C

28. Which of the following tells the correct importance ofcontrolling?

a. Power to influence people'sbehavior

b. Process of regulating theactivities
c. An important mental process on the part of themanager
d. To ensure that all of the activities are coordinated as per theplan.
ans : D

29. What is mean by decision inmanagement?

a. To formulate a proper conclusion afterconsiderations.

b. A decision that looks out for thealternatives.
c. A decision is the outcome of a group of people or anindividual.
d. All of theabove.

Ans :A
30. Which of the following is evolved instaffing?

a. Termination
b. Estimation ofworkload
c. Personnel appointments andplacements
d. All of theabove
ans : D

31. Which of the following is the correct abbreviation ofMPDQ?

a. Modern Positions DevelopedQualitatively

b. Management Process DescriptiveQuestions
c. Management Position DescriptionQuestionnaire
d. Methods for Personality DevelopmentQuestions
ans :C

32. What are the possible factors that help in understanding the nature of a humanbeing?

a. As per one's behavior at his/her workplace.

b. Based on how successfully a management team influences an individual employee or
c. With the help of human behavior'sdeterminants.
d. By studying the human behavior of each employee in alliance with theorganization.
ans : A

33. What is meant by the factual statement of the duties andresponsibilities?

a. Jobanalysis
b. Jobspecification
c. Job evaluation
d. Job description
ans : A

34. The career path model in an organization, initiating career planning can importantlyform
thebasisfor _?
A. Rotation
B. Transfer
C. Placement
D. All of theabove
E. None ofThese
ans: D
35. In HR functions of management, assisting managers isknownas .
A. linemanager
B. staffmanager
C. First linesupervisor
D. all ofabove
ans : B
36.HRMis ?
A. A linefunction
B.A Stafffunction
C. accountingfunction
D. All of theabove
Ans : B

37.HRM objectives arecategorizedas ?

A. Organisational and socialobjectives
B. Functionalobjectives
C. Personalobjectives
D. All of theabove
Ans : D

38. The actual performance with set standards is involved in Comparison ofemployees.
A. leading
B. staffing
D. organizing
Ans : C
39. Which of the following activities constitute HRM?
i] Human ResourcePlanning
ii] Recruitment and Selection
iii] Job Design
iv] Campus Design
Ans : 1,2,3

40. Career planning and employee growth is an initiative of the HRM philosophy:
Ans : True

41. A grievance management system is a common HRMfunction.T/F

Ans: True
42. Human Resource Management (HRM) functions are not confined to business
establishments; they are applicable to non-business organisations aswell.

a. True
b. False
ans : true

43. HRM differs from PMbothin and

a. Definitions andfunctions
b. Scope andorientation
c. Functions andobjectives
d. None of theabove
ans : B
44. Which of the following is not an objective of the Human Resource Management

a. Societalobjectives
b. Politicalobjectives
c. PersonalObjectives
d. OrganisationalObjectives
ans: B

45. Match the following objectives andfunctions:

I. Functional----------------A. Union - ManagementRelations

II. Organisational----------B.Compensation
III. Societal------------------C. EmployeeRelations
IV. Personal-----------------D.Assessment

a. I-D, II-C, III-a,IV-B

b. I-C, II-B, III-D,IV-A
c. I-B, II-C, III-A,IV-D
d. I-A, II-B, III-C,IV-D

46.Organisations need to evolve HR policies astheyensure and in treating


a. Constancy andsimilarity
b. Intention andsafety
c. Consistency anduniformity
d. None of theabove
ans : C

47. Sound policies do not help in resolving intrapersonal, interpersonal and intergroup

a. True
b. False
ans: False

48.In which year did the term HRMemerge?

b. 1990
d. 1999

Ans: A
49. is the process by which employers transfer routine or peripheral workto another
organisation that specialises in that work and can perform it moreefficiently.

a. Farmingout
b. ProductionManagement
c. Compensation
d. Outsourcing
ans : D

50. refers to the process of identifying and attracting job seekers so as to build a
pool of qualified jobapplicants.

a. Selection
b. Training
c. Recruitments
d. Induction.
ans: B

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