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Media and Information Literacy

Module 4
1. According to the article, how did Solis redeem himself? What job did he
Mark Joseph Solis redeemed himself by managing a football program for
street children at a makeshift field inside the Baclaran church compound in
Pasay City. Solis is working with the children for two years.
2. What project did he help?
Calidad Humana project, Solis would be placed in a year-long program
overseen by the University of Asia and the Pacific (UA&P) to assist with the
Calidad Humana project, he said. The program includes events that highlight
Philippine culture, from music and art to literature and sports, in order to
create awareness of the Filipino spirit's uniqueness.
3. What is there to learn about the life of Solis?
I learned that Plagiarism or duplicating someone else's work without their
permission is not healthy for us. Every mistake has repercussions, but the
most important lesson is to learn from your mistakes so that they do not
occur again.

1. If you were Solis what will you do in real life situation about his
What would I do if I were Solis in a real-life circumstance with his case?
You must carefully consider your actions to see if they will have a
positive impact on yourself and those around you, as it is critical that we
do not harm anyone in the pursuit of our goals.
Multiple Choice. Write your correct answer in the space provided. Choose the
correct letter only.
1. B
2. C
3. C
4. B
5. C
6. B
7. D
8. C
9. A
10. D
 According to a new study by the Pew Research Center, technology and
social media are more integral to teenagers' social lives than ever. The
extensive study found pervasive differences between the ways teenage
girls and boys use technology to socialize.
 1. Choose Outdoor Activities Over Technology
2. Talk to your family or friends
 Carabuena was caught on camera slapping MMDA traffic enforcer
Saturnino Fabros after he was pulled over for a traffic violation. ...
The netizens' actions are not justifiable. Although Carabuena did
something cruel, people should not wish death upon others.
 The incident had such an impact on Carabuena's life that he was rushed
to the hospital after experiencing discomfort as a result of the rude
comments made by various people at the Fiscal's Office. It has also had a
significant impact on his life and reputation.
 Yes, Just like how technology makes life easier, it can also make bullying
easier. Bullies can spread images or videos to the Internet faster and they
can also do it while staying anonymous.
1. I had a classmate who was addicted to video games. He
eventually took a cutting class only for the purpose of
playing computer games. Yes, he overcame his addiction, but
he was now addicted to mobile games.
2. Harassment by phony profiles. Their acts are unjustifiable
because netizens engaged in a prolonged, continuous, and
purposeful form of cyberbullying against Carabuena,
consisting of abusive or threatening communications
conveyed to her.
3. To avoid cyberbullying, demonstrate your ability to defend
yourself. If you don't want to be a cyberbully, think twice
before you do something you'll regret.
4. Carabuena was a victim of cyberbullying because carabuena received a
painful comments or feedbacks from netizens through social media or
digital technology. That video that caught on camera spreaded by the
netizens that embarrassed him ending for an hurtful messages or threats.

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