IND Paints Somalog Ganiyat Rectified

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Questionnaire for Primary Interviews in Nigeria

D&B will share a list of products and corresponding HS codes that are manufactured in Qatar for different product
categories. D&B will also explain in detail the application areas of the products, the key source of raw materials,
typical procurement process in such industries, etc.

D&B has a local office in Nigeria that will oversee a few interviews. In addition, to the extent possible, D&B would
like to be present remotely on few calls when the market research firm conducts interviews

The objective is to assess the following

1. Demand for Qatari manufactured products in Nigeria

2. If the interviewee is interested in connecting with Qatari enterprises and attending the match-making
a. It is possible that the interviewee might not have interest in importing from Qatar. However, the
objective is to find out from the interviewee’s experience as to would there be demand for
Qatari products in Nigeria and not specifically if the interviewee is himself interested. So, if the
interviewee says no, the interviewer should probe for the reasons. Maybe there is potential for
Qatari products in Nigeria but the interviewee is not interested as he has an exclusive
partnership with some other manufacturer, or maybe he has a wrong perception about Qatar
b. Make sure the discussion is limited to the exact products manufactured in Qatar. for instance,
the interviewee may be dealing in a variety of aluminium products. However, the aluminium
products manufactured in Qatar would be limited to say only applications such as hand rail and


Specifically, the following parameters are to be covered in the interview

1. Interviewee Name, Designation and Contact Info

About Company
Answer: Mr Damilola Olorunsogo
Contact Information: 0816 866 6498
2. Type of Company (Contracting/ trading/ Manufacturing/Public Sector such as
Road Works, Rail works, Utility etc.)
Actually we produce paints,all kinds of paints like Emulsions, Satins,
scribbling materials which is called POP
3. When was the company established?
Feb 3, 2018
4. What are focus sectors/ industries/products?
We focus generally on Paints
5. Ownership (public/private)
6. Company Size (employee count)
We have over 10staffs
7. Reputation and Expertise (Ask for any credentials, partnerships etc.)
We have (3) expertise and there are some that we are bringing up as expertise
8. Website

9. Key Management (Name and Designation of 1 or 2 CXO level contacts)

We are to go out and advertise our products to meet up with our Target
retailers and have a standard in the market.

10. What are the different products purchased/imported by the interviewee?

We have so many products that we import, we import Titans,Aeronal, Calcium
and lot more.
11. Assess if there is import demand for the exact products shared by D&B? (D&B
will share total imports value in Nigeria for each product, the interviewer has
to validate this from the discussions with the interviewee)
Product Accessed
Information 12. Determine if there are other similar products which have high potential to be
exported from Qatar but not mentioned in D&B’s list
13. Who are the major buyers of these products in Nigeria? E.g. Retail/public
sector/contractors etc. (See if it matches information shared by D&B)
We have many major buyers and we have marketers as well that goes out on
our behalf to market our materials, we are looking forward for more buyers as
well and also the retailers too.

14. What are the key drivers of demand for the product? What is the approximate
Market Dynamics
market growth rate for that product and the rationale for it? (Eg. Average
annual growth rate for the past 3 year or for the most recent year)
It depends on what they order for, we base on high quality, and as well as
gives them the best quality at an affordable prices too.
15. What are the challenges in the market?

Freight and customs charges

16. For overall demand of the specific product categories

Yes there is definitely an overall demands.

17. For imports of the specific product categories

The specific products is the calcium and emulsions

18. Who are the local manufacturers? How many local manufacturers of

products are there in Nigeria?

The local manufacturers are within Lagos and some other parts of the

19. What is local market share? Is this share expected to increase further in

the immediate future? If so, why? (Ensure this is checked for every products
category that Qatar manufactures .
There is no share, but we are working on that 100%.

20. Who are the major importing countries? Validate their import market share
(D&B will share this data; this is to be validated)
Major importing countries are Turkey,China and India

21. What are the competitive advantages of the major importing countries?

The issue on that is that there are so many importing into the country, we are
trying to be the 1st option.

22 .What are the major brands that are imported? (if applicable)


23. Who are the large players which trade in this product category? (who
trade and have import license) (if applicable)


24. What competitive advantages do local market players have over global
A view of country by country market positions as interdependent and not as
independent elements of a worldwide portfolio to be increased or decrease
depending on the profitability.
25. What is their perception about products manufactured in the Middle East
(D&B will share information on market share of GCC countries and from which
GCC country imports are coming from)
We have not extended to Middle East.

26. Avg. Current import volume and value (USD) globally/ year

I can't say

27. Approximate prices of Middle Eastern products in comparison with local

companies and top 3 import countries

One thing about the price, we can't dictate for the market, we don't have a specific

28. Quality of Middle Eastern products (is it much better than that of China,
India; is it comparable to European companies)
Yes, it more comparable to European Countries
29.Would you be open to import products from Middle Eastern countries?
Yes if we can get good product from them to convinced us from what we are
buying from other countries.
30. As an importer, what are your expected Delivery & Payment Terms from
exporting companies?
Though, our payment is based on half payment before the goods arrives, once
we get our goods we pay the balance.
31. Average delivery timeline
A week or two weeks
32. Payment terms
50/50 payment
33. Credit period etc.
Credit period can be anytime.
34. What are the Certifications/ Approvals required for companies selling the
specific products in Nigeria?

Prepare standard relating to products, measurements, materials and

processes among others,and their promotion at the national, regional and
international levels.

35. What support/ investment would you require/desire from exporters

(marketing support, training, financing etc.)
The support we need from them is if they can be giving us discount in every of
our demands from them, it will be more better.
36. Are there any other key factors to be considered for Qatari exporters in
Nigeria? (for e.g. Shifts in product preferences; changes in population
demographics etc.)
I will go for changing in population and demographics.
37. What are the tariff rates for each product (D&B will share the information
and this has to be validated)?
The tariff rate if each products is 10%
38. What are non-tariff barriers for imports related to these products?
(preference for local products, any particular regulatory requirements etc).

39. (D&B will elaborate the typical procurement model for each product. This
has to be only validated)
40.As an importer, do you directly buy Road Marking/ Construction Paint? Or
are there middlemen involved? What is the distribution chain in the
procurement process?
We buy it directly from the company
41. Are imports in the market usually via direct sales or via distributors/
Direct sales
42. Do buyers/ resellers typically expect exclusive partnerships?
Sure, they do
Procurement 43. As an importer do you expect exclusive partnerships?
Model Yes sure, we expects an exclusive partnerships.
44. What is the procurement model for the products?
Payment modes, that is the deadline for the suppliers to meet up with our
stated agreement.
45. For government contracts, is there any pre-qualification or approved
vendor lists or specific tender process to be followed?
Yes, there are so many procedures to be followed.
46.What are the approximate distributor margins added to the product?
As a manufacturer selling to the supplier, of which the supplier sells the
products to the end users, you will have to work with the distributors and
retailers, both in your home country and abroad. The margin for a distributor
may range from 3% to 30% of the sale price.

47. Specific Product requirement (what are the specific product requirements
from Qatar. For e.g., Out of all types of furniture, Nigeria may require only
specialized luxury type metal furniture from Qatar)
Yes,like wooden spray and roofing spray.
48. Level of Interest in sourcing products from Qatar
For now I can't say.
49. In the past, have you been in touch/ worked with any Qatari company? If
yes, kindly elaborate
No not at all
50. Average Price (or price range) willing to pay for goods imported from
Can't say
51.Willingness to attend the Match-making event
Yes sure if am invited I will.


Note: Please take the interviewee through the PDF files of the products of the two companies that we have
shared. For road marking paint, take them through the company “Salama Road Marking Paint”. For construction
paint, take them through the company “Doha Paints”.

Product Information

 What is the local versus imported market share in Nigeria for:

 The Nigerian Paint market has witnessed the emergence of new scale brands battling for market share with
the big elephants in the industry,some of which are listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange
o Construction Paints
o Road Marking Paints
 Which are the major local manufacturers for the above two categories of paints?
Dulux and Berger Paints
 Where are these products usually imported from in Nigeria?
Turkey and China
 What are the major brands that are imported?
Emulsions,road marking paints
What competitive advantages do local market players have over global players?
We offer a wide range of stock lot products, including all those available in our catalog. As a result, customers
end up saving a large portion of their money. A variety of these elements can come together to make your
product or service more desirable to your target market.
 What is the import market share of various importing countries?
It varies like I said
 What are the different types of customers that you sell to?
Individuals,Contractors and more
 As a distributor, what percentage of your paints are imported?
Over 80%
 Any specific types of paints and chemicals that you import more?
Pigment, Thinner,Binder, and Film Foaming Substance
 Where do you import from and why?
Turkey,China and India. China has the best product so far so good as at now
 Do you get your imports at FOB or CIF? Are there ways/ methods followed by importers to waive the
payment of the customs duties?

 50-60000
 There is a company in Qatar which makes thermoplastic road marking paints.
o What is local manufacturing share in Nigeria for such products?
o I don't know
o Which are the major local companies?
Dulux and Berger
o From which countries are road marking paints imported from?
o Turkey and China
o What is the import share of various importing countries?
I don't know
 Apart from the products mentioned above are there any other products related to paints or specific types of
paints which have import potential in Nigeria?
No there is none for now
 What is the typical distribution chain? Is it large importers selling to retail shops and industries? Or is there an
intermediary between importers and retail shops as well?
Of course there would be an intermediary between importers and retailers
 What is the percentage split of construction and road marking paints in Nigeria?
I don't know
 What is the approximate growth rate in demand for these products?
Road making is not something that is done all the time so the growth rate is minimal to that of constructive
 What is the HS code for Road Marking/ Construction Paint that you import? (6- or 8-digit HS code)
 Is there any specific import prohibition you are aware of when importing Road Marking/ Construction Paint?
(This could include a complete blacklist, or stringent rules/ regulations that have to be followed when Road
Marking/ Construction Paint).
Yes there would always be rules that govern every businesses.
 Are you interested in sourcing Road Marking/ Construction Paint from Qatar? (PLEASE SHOW BROCHURE
SHARED OF PRODUCTS FROM THE COMPANIES “Doha Paints” and/ or “Salama Road Marking Paint”)
No for now
 What is the process to export these products to Nigeria?
I can't say
 Are any specific certifications or standards required to be met?
Yes sure
 What is your purchase requirement on a monthly/ annual basis?
 Are you willing to attend the match-making event at the end of the year (Dec/Jan)?
Yes if I would be available

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