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Instruction: Write T if the statement is TRUE and F if FALSE.

TRUE 1. One way to approach curriculum is to understand its varied definition.

FALSE 2. There is one best way to approach and classify school curricula.

TRUE 3. The content of the curriculum is what is recommended, prescribed and suggested by
educational experts.

FALSE 4. Only the teacher knows how to implement the curriculum.

FALSE 5. The traditional classroom claims effective venue to transmit curriculum.

TRUE 6. Knowledge acquired by learners is the only evidence of product as an approach to curriculum.

TRUE 7. Process as approached to curriculum is what takes place in actual teaching.

TRUE 8. Content delivery of the lesson takes priority over to undermine learners’ interest.

Getting to Know the Curriculum

Activity 1:

Instructions: Without internet use and based from how curriculum is differently defined by educational
scholars or experts, answer the following questions briefly.

1. Any idea of what content the curriculum has to contain or include?

Answer: All curricula have content regardless of their design and models. Content is more than simply
information to be learned in school. Content or subject matter is another term for knowledge. It is
compendium of fact concepts generalization, principle of accumulated discoveries and inventions of
man down the centuries, due to man’s exploration of his world.
2. In what ways can content in the curriculum be presented by the teacher? Enumerate and
describe each.

Answer: There are four ways to present the curriculum by the teacher it is either topical approach,
concept approach, thematic approach, and modular approach.



1. In your own words, what then is content in the curriculum?

Answer: Curriculum content simply means the totality of what is to be taught in a school system. The
content component of teaching learning situation refers to the important facts, principles and concepts
to be taught. These contents must be in line with the learning experiences and there must be clear cut
objective to be achieved by the end of each respective lesson. It can be in form of knowledge, skills,
attitude and values that learners are exposed to.

2. How important are the principles in content of the curriculum when observed or applied in
the field?

Answer: It is important because the content is it is the totality is what is to be taught in the school which
is the learning is the result of the content. Curriculum principles are the values a school believes will
give both their pupils and community the best chance of succeeding, and what they know to be right,
given its context. You can think of curriculum principles as being like those by which you live your life
and base important decisions on.


More Depth into the Curriculum

Activity 3: Inspecting my Curriculum

Instructions: Choose a book being used in elementary, high school or college. Identify the following:

Content, Process, Product.

Inventory of the Curriculum Content, Process and Product

Title of the Book: Experiencing the teacher -learning process

Grade/ Year Level: Fourth Year College

Subject Area: Field Study

Content Process Product
Effective questioning and Reporting Select types of questioning and
reacting techniques reacting techniques that
promote or discourage


Measuring My Knowledge of Curriculum

Activity 4: Knowledge Acquisition/ Post – Assessment


Instruction: Match the concept in column 2 with the choices in column 3. Write the letter of your answer
in column 1.

1. Answer 2. Concept 3. Choices

B. Process 1. Curriculum as a way of a. Content
D. Validity 2. Authenticity or realness of b. Process
A. Content 3. Curriculum as a subject c. Product
E. Balance 4. Fair distribution of content d. Validity
across all subject areas
J. Learning Outcome 5. Curriculum as result and e. Balance
outcome of learning
F. Articulation 6. Seamless flow of content is f. Articulation
connected or related in all
C. Product 7. Evidence of successful g. Sequence
I. Continuity 8. Content is timeless, h. Integration
enduring, from past to
H. Integration 9. Allows transfer of content i. Continuity
to other fields
G. Sequence 10. Arrangement of content j. Learning Outcome
from simple to complex,
easy to difficult, etc.

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