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Nomor UN27.02.7.3.PM.08.RKM.02
Tanggal Terbit 01 Agustus 2012
Halaman 1/2

Ujian Kompetensi Dasar I

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Fisika Waktu Ujian : 90 menit
Kode MK : KB1711218 Dosen : Lita Rahmasari, S.Si., M.Sc
SKS : 2 NIP :
Semester/ TA : Gasal/ 2013-2014 Program Studi : Pendidikan Fisika

For the questions no 1 – 3, complete the text by filling in the blanks with the proper words
( when, today, morning, and)

Early .....(1) the police caught to “mole-gang” attempting to rob the bank through the system of
underground passages. The gang made a route under the city ..... (2) almost reached the
bank ....(3) the police followed them. They started from a drain in the North District, passed
through tunnels and under certain buildings into the main sewer near the strong room of the
bank. When the men were preparing to blast the room, the police caught up with them.

For the questions no 4 – 6, complete the text by filling in the blanks with the proper words
(however, because, because of, afterwards)

The gang started from a drain in the North District, passed through tunnels and underground
passages. .....(4) they went under certain building, until they arrived into the main sewer near
the strong room of the bank. .... (5) when the men were preparing to blast the room, the police
caught up with them. ......(6) that most of them were caught red-handed.

For the questions no 7 – 9, complete the text by filling in the blanks with the proper words (his,
their, they, her)

Hashida’s wife,Yukiko, reported about ..... (7) late husband who became a victim of a bomb
blast in the Iraqi war and his intention to help Mohamed. The story had a large media coverage
and donations began to pour in around the country. Afterwards preparations for Mohamed and
his father to go to Tokyo were arranged, and .....(8) arrived in Japan in June 2004. Mohamed
had to go through several medical check-ups, and he underwent surgery. A month later when
father and son returned to ..... (9) home country. Mohamed’s vision was fully restored.

Complete the following text with proper conjuctions such as also, as well, firstly, lastly,

There is no one best way to deal with pests in agriculture. Pesticides are commonly used, but
this may cause many problems. Combining different management operations is the most
effective way to control pests.
........(10) the chemical in pesticides may build up as residues in the environment. This reduces
the quality of farm produce. .....(11) pests can gradually become resistant to pesticides. This
means that newer and sometimes stronger ones have to be developed. Some pesticides affect

ISO 9001:2008 Certificate No : QEC30219


Nomor UN27.02.7.3.PM.08.RKM.02
Tanggal Terbit 01 Agustus 2012
Halaman 2/2

non target animals such as fish and bees. This affects the natural balance. .....(12) aiming to
completely wipe out agricultural pests may be very expensive. Sometimes pest damage cost
less than the method of control. ...... (13) understanding the ecology of the area helps a lot in
pest control. Natural enemies can be used to control a pest. Pesticides which don’t affect the
natural enemies should be chosen.
....... (14) integrated pest management is a safe and more effective option in agriculture.
Connect the following pairs of sentences by using one of the external or internal conjuctions
(also, moreover, consequently, nevertheless, furthermore, as a result, however, therefore)

15. The project will probably be succesful. I don’t know when it will be.
16. Several people are scheduled to review the data within a week. Those people will review
the revised data in three days.
17. Jim studied in the library for his chemistry quiz. It was hard to concentrate because of the
18. The project manager will review the data in the morning. You should submit the data

ISO 9001:2008 Certificate No : QEC30219

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