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Students perception on the effectiveness of distance learning modality

(The Problem and Its Background)

Distance learning uses various means and methods to transmit course material and education to students,
who could be distributed throughout various parts of the world. In an introduction to distance learning, we
would be correct if we said that distance learning seeks to deliver the same traditional classroom experience
to students sitting in their living rooms through non-classroom means. Today, distance learning uses
various means like regular mail, high-tech tools like the internet and audio-video conferencing to help
teachers correspond with students, and vice versa. Today, a host of synchronous and asynchronous
tools are available for individuals who are involved in distance learning.

Most of people have a negative perception about distance learning education, the perceived it is
poor in performance. New tools and techniques, e- learning, new courses, instructors are playing an important
role in distance education and increasing the satisfaction level of students. In developed countries it is
encouraging that distance education is using the new technologies and improving the services.
And lack if institutional support such as classrooms, face to face learning, instructive material and fulfill
with distance education. Virtual learning concept and libraries where students are reaching and studying
across town and country. Discovering ways to provide virtual research consultations, creating learning objects
that can be utilized for distance instruction and administering online assessments are all tasks that fill
contemporary public service librarians' to do lists.

Students’ perceptions that is main concern to set the roles of the students through knowing interaction of them
with teachers. Distance Education requires interaction between teacher and student through their
technical, academically, personal roles to implement technology based communication and distance education
offers an opportunity for educator to extend their academic offerings to new students and address the issue of
equal educational standards. Everyone has also opportunity to consult the uses of this kind of education.
Students become more self-realized,responsible on their training and learning. Distance Education is activity
that embraces whole of the student activity, responsibility and willingness for getting, asking for the
related questions, answers. Distance Learning or Education is both system and a process that connects learners
with distributed resources. Educators’ role become only just as facilitator while the student involve active learning
in the form of constructivism. Distance Education provides opportunity for the student to interact with teacher
as soon as he/she encounters need for this interaction. As a learning environment; there is positive correlation
between students’ perceptions between students’ perceptions of instructor immediacy of response with
students with affective learning. Going distance education for the active learners takes planning and
the understanding of available interactive distance learning possibilities (Notar, et al., 2002).

The objective of this study is to determine the perceptions of the students towards to the effectiveness of distance
learning modalities.
•To determine the perceptions of the students regarding to the effectiveness of distance learning modalities.
•To find out how effective does distance learning modalities to the students academic performance.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of the study was to determine the students perceptions on the effectiveness of distance learning
Specifically, the study was undertaken to answer the following questions:

1. What are the perceptions of the students toward the effectiveness of distance learning modalities?
2. Is distance learning modalities effective in enhancing the student’s academic performance?

Scope and and Delimitation

This study aims to provide information and to determine the students perceptions on the effectiveness of distance
learning modalities. The study was conducted during the school year 2021-2022. The participants were randomly
selected twenty (20) students from different schools at Santa Cruz Marinduque. The study will be done through data
collection and survey. The researchers could gather reliable data by the questionnaires and could evaluate the center of
the study by those data collected. The results of the study is applicable only to the respondents of this study and should
not be used as a measure of the students perceptions on the effectiveness of distance learning modalities who do not
belong to the population of this study.

Significance of the study

This study focuses on investigating the effectiveness of distance learning modality. The result of the study will be of
of the following :

Students- findings of this study might serve as additional knowledge that may use to effective engage themselves in the
distance learning and also can help them to improve their skills and abilities when using the modern technology

Teachers- the teachers maybe aware of information given by the study. Through this they may know the preferred way
to learn of their students in learning styles and it may serve as guide for teachers in order to them to help to encourage
students to reflect on their preferred ways of learning giving their more ownership and control over their own learning.
enable them to know that their teaching techniques is greatly effective to their students and give them extra
consideration and help them to adjust and cope up to their studies in distance learning

Parents - the result of the study can be guide to every parent that would have to play an active role in the learning
process in the distance learning approach always show support mentally and emotionally they would be the one to
facilitate and guide through their modular.

Researchers- the researchers are the most important beneficiaries of the study not just it served as an instrument to
pass for the research in social studies . For it is one of the requirements that helps the researcher to enhance reading
skills gathering data skills thinking skills, values including patience and perseverance.

Future researchers- those who are engaged in conducting similar or related researchers can make use of the accurate
and useful initial information which is in the research this study would serves as good reference for this studies.
Readers: The readers will know the outcome results of determining what are the students perceptions towards the
effectiveness of distance learning modalities.

Readers- The readers will know the outcome results of determining what are the students perceptions towards the
effectiveness of distance learning modalities.

Definition of Terms
To provide deeper insight and understanding of the study, the following terms are operationally defined.
Distance Learning- A method of studying in which lectures are broadcast or classes are conducted by correspondence or
over the internet, without the student’s needing to attend a school or college.
Learning modalities -The sensory channels or pathways through which individuals give, receive, and store information.
Perceptions -the state of being or process of becoming aware of something through the senses.
Asynchronous learning- A type of training in which students access learning content, take assessments, and
communicate at their own pace.
Synchronous learning- Refers to all types of learning in which learner(s) and instructor(s) are in the same place, at the
same time, in order for learning to take place.
Effectiveness -the capability of producing a desired result or the ability to produce desired output.

Theoretical Framework
This study was based primarily on Moore's Transactional Distance theory. Moore (1983) developed this theory of
distance learning programs to investigate two variables: students’ autonomy and the distance between students and
teachers (Hanson et al., 1997). Transitional Distance theory mainly describes the learner and the educator/teacher
relationship. The transactional distance is essential, according to Moore’s understanding, because the perception is
grounded in distance learning within a social structure, not in its traditional form. The second element of Moore’s
theory involves the autonomy of the student, as the distance between him and his teacher means that the student must
adopt responsibility for his own learning.
Moore (1997) summarized distance learning interaction by describing three forms of interaction:
i. Learner-content interaction: Students can get information from the course contents using this method.The contents
may be in the form of text, video or audio, online communication, computer-aided programs or CD-ROM.

ii. Learner-learner interaction: This kind of interaction is used for the exchange of ideas and information about the
course that arises among students in the absence or presence of the teacher. This kind of interaction may appear
in the form of group discussion, group projects, etc. It can promote learning via sharing of knowledge and student

iii. Learner-instructor interaction: This is related to the instructor and the learner communication. It may appear in
the form of an instructor conveying information, inspiring the learner, or giving feedback. Additionally, it may
incorporate the learner’s interaction with the teacher by communicating or asking questions related to course

Moore’s interaction theory has been adapted and extended. For example, Hillman, Willis and Gunawardena (1994)
included learner-interface interaction “it is another form of interaction and an operating tools procedure to achieve a
task”. Sutton (2001), on the other hand, included indirect interaction: “Indirect interaction occurs when a certain learner
supervises actively a certain interaction between other learners and the instructor or between another two learners”.
The adoption and extension of interaction theory emphasizes the influence and impact of Moore’s work upon
technology research in education with the growth of online learning.

This study is anchored on Moore's Transactional Distance theory, which he posits that in distance learning scenarios,
separation between the teacher and students can “lead to communication gaps, a psychological space of potential
misunderstandings between the behaviors of instructors and those of the learners” (Moore & Kearsley, 1996, p. 200).
Giossos, Koutsouba, and Lionarakis (2009) further refine this notion in their review of the contemporary relevance of
Moore’s theory. They stated that: "The particularities of space and time pertaining to teacher and learner which
characterise distance learning, create particular behavioural models for the teacher and the learner, psychological and
communication distance between them, and insufficient understanding of each other". (Gios- sos, et al., 2009, p. 2)
According to Moore (1997), the nature of the transaction developed be- tween teachers and students in distance
learning needs to take into account three factors: dialogue, structure, and learner autonomy. Dialogue refers to more
than simply two-way communication, but takes into account all forms of interaction, “within the context of clearly
defined educational targets, cooperation and understanding on the part of the teacher, and, ultimately, it culminates in
solving the learners’ problems” (Giossos et al., 2009, p. 2). Moore (1997) indicates the important consideration in this
respect relates not to the frequency of dialogue, but to its quality and the extent to which it is effective in enabling the
resolution of learning problems the distance learner may be experiencing.

In relation to this theory, the present study aimed to determine the students perceptions regarding the effectiveness
of distance learning modalities. It also intended to identify and analyze how effective does distance learning modalities
to the academic performance of the students.

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