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Autopilot Money Plus Extra Profit with Shopify


This is one of my most profitable methods that doesn’t have many

requirements and if you stop doing it, you will still profit on autopilot. If you
are a teen, this might be the best method for you. Don’t worry, this isn’t
dropshipping and you will not own an e-commerce store yourself.

We will be profiting using something called Shopify partners. On Shopify

partners, you get paid 20% of the amount you refer clients pay every month
because it’s a subscription. I personally have over 130 clients and get paid
around $6 per client per month on average, you can do the math yourself.

But how do I invite clients to use Shopify? I build cheap e-commerce stores
using one simple theme, I usually charge around $40-$70 per store I design,
which isn’t as much as other people charge, but along with that $40-$70 I get
lifetime commissions every single month. You can build stores for an even
lower price if you want to.

I will first explain I build these Shopify stores fast and make the design look
good, then I will show you two ways to get clients and sell stores.

Before you start, you should register with Shopify partners. It’s free, if you
aren’t sure what to write, just contact me on Discord or Telegram. You can
write that you are a freelancer and you are migrating from WordPress to
Shopify in the application form.

Autopilot Money Plus Extra Profit with Shopify

Building & designing stores

Making Shopify e-commerce stores (websites) could seem hard, but it’s a
very useful skill that is easy to learn. I use only one theme, Debutify. I use that
theme for one reason – there are many applications included within the
theme, so I don’t need to install many additional themes. It’s probably the
most well-known theme from third parties for Shopify.

To learn how to use Debutify I recommend you to open Shopify partners,

click on “Stores”, and “Add store”. Then choose any name and fill in other
required details. You can choose a random product from Aliexpress and try to
build a store for it.

There are many YouTube tutorials about this theme, you can check some:


The only additional apps I install are Areviews and Oberlo to import the

It will take you some time, around a week, to fully practice it. Always ask your
clients for the colors they prefer and if they prefer any font. I use most of the
times Montserrat font.

Autopilot Money Plus Extra Profit with Shopify

The first way to get clients

The first way to get clients is from Fiverr. You can technically get started with
zero investment, but I’d recommend you invest around $50-$70 to start
getting sales faster. I will show you step-by-step how to succeed on Fiverr.

1. Register a profile, keep in mind that it isn’t possible to change your

username. I recommend you to make it as personal as possible because
people tend to buy more from profiles with a portrait and usernames
like harryproduction or harrysmithdesigns than from profiles like
cheapshopifydesigns with the Shopify logo as their profile picture.
2. Add as much information to your profile as possible. Add an attractive
description. Link your accounts to Fiverr. All of these things will help
you to get more customers. Very important is the profile description, if
you aren’t sure what to write, check other Fiverr profiles.
3. You can take a look at the gigs of other sellers in the same niche. I
recommend you to create a good-looking gig thumbnail (in Canva) and
most importantly, a gig video. If you want to save time, you can pay
someone on Fiverr to make you a gig video for just $5-$10. Multiple
people on forums also claim that if you bought from a seller account
from other sellers, it helps you with ranking your gigs.
4. Try to include as many details and keywords in your description and
meta tags as possible. Also, I recommend you start with a question and
highlight important parts of the text.

Autopilot Money Plus Extra Profit with Shopify

Lastly, I recommend you to buy 5-15 four-star and five-star reviews. Of

course, not all in one day, you should get them throughout the week. There
are many services online, for example, this one. The reviews shouldn’t sound
salesy, instead, they should sound more realistic. You can check other sellers’
reviews. The more reviews you buy, the better. Also, share your gig on social
media for extra views.

Tip: You can complete Fiverr skill tests which also help and add “Shopify
partner” plus the current year to certifications.

Also make sure to check buyer requests, this way you can get your first order
faster. If you buy the reviews, you should get your first within two weeks.
After that, you will start getting orders much faster.

Don’t forget to post at least 2-3 gigs for your Shopify service with different
descriptions and different titles to reach more potential customers.

From your clients you will need information about their products, preferred
colors, store logo, etc., so make sure to add these fields to your form.

The second way to get clients

Another way to get clients is from forums… It’s quite simple. You will need a
design for your thread, you can either pay someone to make you one or make
one in Canva. Also, I recommend you to have a portfolio of at least 3-4+
stores. You can add there the ones you built while testing the Debutify and
learning how to use Shopify. I myself don’t offer these services on any forums,
but I know people that do. On the next page, I will show you some forums
where you can offer your Shopify services.

Autopilot Money Plus Extra Profit with Shopify

Here is a list of forums where you can register and sell a Shopify store design

● Hackforums
● Nulled
● Cracked

If you post your sales thread on all of these forums, I guarantee you that you
will get at least 3-5+ sales a week. You can offer some members free store
designs to get some reviews, stores in your portfolio, and also the autopilot
commission from Shopify partners.

The third way to get clients (bonus)

You can also get clients from a website called Upwork. I don’t use it myself,
but you can surely give it a try.

From what I know, there are mainly businesses and you can get paid an
hourly wage there. On Fiverr are buying services mainly individuals from my

I wish you the best of luck with this method, it’s a really great way to make
money, because many people are looking to start an e-commerce store as a
side hustle, but don’t know how. After you start making a decent income, you
can pay someone for outsourcing the work and run it on 100% autopilot.


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