Madsen and Cokers Patent Transaction History

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Global positioning satellite [GPS] based recovery device and risk management system for portable computing devices and data

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Transaction History
Date Transaction Description 09-19-2011 Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU 10-07-2010 Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU 10-05-2010 Transfer Inquiry to GAU 07-29-2010 PG-Pub Issue Notification 04-29-2010 Application Dispatched from OIPE 04-19-2010 Sent to Classification Contractor 04-19-2010 Filing Receipt - Updated 04-01-2010 Additional Application Filing Fees 01-28-2010 Mail Pre-Exam Notice 12-10-2009 Additional Application Filing Fees 12-10-2009 Applicant has submitted a new specification to correct Corrected Papers problems

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11-16-2009 Mail Pre-Exam Notice 11-16-2009 Notice of Incomplete Reply 11-02-2009 Additional Application Filing Fees 11-02-2009 Applicant has submitted a new specification to correct Corrected Papers problems

09-01-2009 Filing Receipt 09-01-2009 Corrected Paper 08-17-2009 Cleared by OIPE CSR 08-17-2009 IFW Scan & PACR Auto Security Review 08-13-2009 Initial Exam Team nn If you need help: Call the Patent Electronic Business Center at (866) 217-9197 (toll free) or e-mail for specific questions about Patent Application Information Retrieval (PAIR). Send general questions about USPTO programs to the USPTO Contact Center (UCC) . If you experience technical difficulties or problems with this application, please report them via e-mail to Electronic Business Support or call 1 800-786-9199.

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