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MATRIC NO- 168433017







Background to the Study

The important role of technical vocational education and training (TVET)

with regard to individual occupational preparation in addition to national
development is well recognized worldwide today. TVET is considered essential
because a country cannot achieve economic and social development without a
skilled, productive labor force that can meet the changing requirements of its
environment. In Nigerian educational system, technical colleges offer technical
and vocational education programmes for the purpose of producing middle level
skilled manpower required for the nation’s economic and technological
development (Federal Republic of Nigeria [FRN], 2014). National Technical
Certificate (NTC) is awarded by the National Business and Technical Examinations
Board (NABTEB) to students who have completed their post-primary education at
technical colleges (NABTEB, 2014). Brick/Blocklaying and Concreting (B/BC) is one
of the trades at the National Technical Certificate (NTC) level and its curriculum
primarily is aimed at equipping an individual with skill on the application of the
right or appropriate blocks, tools and concrete as applicable in the construction

In the field of technical and vocational education, practical skill activities

form major part of instruction (Okwelle & Okeke, 2016). This suggests that the
teaching of practical skills requires the use of precise instructional resources and
methods to enable the learners to follow the process and thereafter repeat the
skill in the teaching – learning process (Donkor, 2015). B/BC therefore, like any
other TVET subject is activity oriented and facility – dependent. Unfortunately,
education on technical and vocational training for skills acquisition suffers the
most neglect in Nigeria (Okoye & Okwelle, 2018). These authors argue that the
sector is underfunded, lacks the basic infrastructure needed to facilitate teaching
and training, and scarcely available machine shop (workshop) rooms with poorly
equipped or obsolete machine, equipment and facilities. These challenges
portend a great danger to the effective and quality delivery of TVET subjects
(B/BC inclusive) especially at the technical college level.

Furthermore, it must be recognized that TVET is expensive, involving

expensive training equipments and costly training materials. In the face of the
worsening economic conditions in the country, it may be very difficult to
adequately find solutions to problems of TVET highlighted so far. In recent times,
alternatives have been sought especially in area of improvisation of instructional
materials in TVET instruction.
Block laying and concreting is offered at both intermediate and advanced
levels in technical colleges. The curriculum of intermediate block laying and
concreting in addition to what may be termed general education subjects such as
Mathematics, English Language, Physics, Chemistry, Social studies, etc has the
core trade subjects to include: Introduction to Building Construction, Concreting,
Block laying, Bricklaying, Land surveying, Quantity Surveying, Technical Drawing,
Building Drawing and Construction Management. Block Laying and concreting
trade is one of the courses offered in technical colleges to equip students with
salable skills. The real value of creating an enterprise is not in having the finished
product in hand; rather, the value lies in the process of researching and thinking
about your business in a systematic way. The act of management principles helps
to think things through thoroughly, study and research if you are not sure of the
facts, and look at your ideas critically. It takes time now, but avoids costly,
perhaps disastrous, mistakes later. National Policy on Education stated that
vocational education shall emphasize teaching and learning of trades in Nigeria
schools that will enable students to be entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship according
to Beugelsdijk (2017) is the acquisition of skills, ideas and managerial abilities
necessary for personal self-reliance. Nwafor (2015) also defined entrepreneurship
as the willingness to seek out investment opportunities in an environment and be
able to establish and run an enterprise successfully based on the identified
opportunities. Aminu (2018) explained that entrepreneurship is the process of
creating something new with value, by devoting the necessary time and effort to
bear the company risks, and receiving the resulting rewards of monetary and
personal satisfaction and independence. He argued that, a typical entrepreneur is
a risk taker, a man/woman who braves uncertainty, strikes out on his own, and
through nature with devotion to duty and singleness of purpose, somehow create
a business and industry activity where none existed before. Aminu (2018 also
viewed an entrepreneur as an individual or group of individuals who either
undertakes the responsibility of making innovations in the economy or carries out
a new organization of industry. In other words, an block laying and concreting
entrepreneur is any one or group of individuals who create a business in block
laying, establishes it and nurture it to growth and profitability or takes over an
existing business with sole purpose of introducing new goods and services or
developing new sources of materials and continues to build and innovate on it. An
block laying and concreting craftsman who possesses adequate management
skills and competent in reading and interpreting of building architectural drawing,
mixing of mortar, laying of stretcher bond up to lintel level, cavity wall
construction, rendering of walls, construction of semi-circular arch. Block laying
and concreting trade is one of the trades that are included in the National Board
for Technical Examination (NBTE 2017) curriculum for technical colleges in Nigeria
to enable the young minds to be self-reliance.

In these specialized areas, students of block laying and concreting trade

can be a successful entrepreneur if the right principles of entrepreneurship
management are inculcated into the teaching and learning in the nation’s
technical colleges.

Bricklaying, blocklaying and concreting is among the trade components of

vocational and technical education offered in technical college aimed at giving
students adequate knowledge and skills for securing employment in building
construction related fields in any society. The aims of bricklaying, blocklaying and
concreting according to National Business and Technical Examination Board
(NABTEB) in John (2014) Bricklaying, Blocklaying and Concreting trade is designed
to Introduce the trainee to the:

i. Basic construction principles, materials and methods so that they may be

able to appreciate the roles of the various trades in the building industry.

ii. Essential knowledge and skill that will enable him perform completely all
aspects of brickwork in the construction industry.

iii. Essential knowledge and skill that will enable him perform
proficiently all aspects of block layers working the construction industry.

iv. Basic knowledge of the properties and applications of concrete

as well as the skills in the production of sound concrete structures.

v. Basic knowledge of finishing materials related to the buildings

work and to enable him apply such finishes proficiently.

vi. Basic knowledge and skills of plumbing for water services in


Entrepreneurship is referred to as an individual ability to turn ideas into action

Expert Group (2019). Solomon (2016) explained that true entrepreneurship is
characterized by three attributes: opportunity recognition, marshalling of
resources and the creation of business. In Igbo (2015), entrepreneurship involves
risking financial, material and human resources in a new way in the course of
creating a new business concept or opportunity within an existing firm. Elechi
(2019) defined entrepreneurship as the willingness and ability of an individual to
seek for investment opportunities in an environment and be able to establish and
run an enterprise successfully based on the identified opportunity. For any
teacher of block laying and concreting trade to effectively impart
entrepreneurship into the teaching and learning, they are expected to possess
entrepreneurial management skills which will enable students to be able to
establish and run their enterprise successfully.

Entrepreneurial management provides people with a powerful set of tools

that improves their ability to plan, implement, and manage activities to
accomplish specific organizational objectives (Larson & Gray, 2017).
Entrepreneurial management in block laying and concreting is more than just a
set of tools; it is a results-oriented management style that places a premium on
building collaborative relationships among a diverse cast of characters. Exciting
opportunities await people skilled in entrepreneurial management in block laying.
Management as viewed by (Patil, 2016) is planning, organizing, directing and
controlling activities. Entrepreneurship management in the context of this paper
is the ability of an individual marshalling business opportunity available in the
environment and using available resources (man, material and money) to achieve
the enterprise goal through effective planning, organizing, coordinating and
evaluation of block laying and concreting trade.

Statement of problem
Has been observesd that Building Construction technical college certificate
holders lack entrepreneurship management skills and this has led to not being
able to establish their own enterprise. It was also gathered that those who
established their own enterprise could not sustain it due to lack of management
principles, which led to the enterprise closure. This problem was traced to the
students of building construction inability to acquire adequate training in the area
of entrepreneur management. Inability of students of building construction in
entrepreneur management skills is evidences identified in material, time wastage
and incompetence of technical college leavers establishing Building construction

These circumstances provided an excellent opportunity for the researcher

to identify the needed entrepreneurial management skills of Building construction
students in technical colleges.

National Business for Technical Examination Board NABTEB (2012)

observed that Poor or inappropriate teaching methods employed by teachers to
teach technical colleges students is one of the probable cause of high failure of
students. Adebayo (2010) state that poor performance of many technical
colleges’ students may be attributed to neglect, poor funding, and inadequate
resources and inappropriate teaching methods. Similarly, Oranu in Shirly and
Benjamin (2015) Posited that teachers used lecture and demonstration methods
in technical. Therefore, Poor performance of the technical college products is a
problem to the national economy and technological development in Nigeria. The
problem this study wants to examine is that: Do the graduates of blocklaying and
concreting in the technical colleges have sufficient work skill and managerial
abilities to go into entrepreneurship?.

Purpose of the study

The major purpose of this study is to determine the managerial skills

needed for block laying and concreting trade in technical Colleges in Ekiti State.

Specifically; the study seeks to:

• Identify the managerial skills in planning trade in technical colleges.

• Determine managerial skills in organising blocklaying/bricklaying and

concreting trade in technical colleges

• Determine the managerial skills in coordinating blocklaying/bricklaying and

concreting trade in technical colleges

Research Questions

In view of this study, the following research questions have been formulated to
guide the study:

a. Are the managerial skills in planning blocklaying/bricklaying and concreting

trade in technical colleges?
b. Are the managerial skills in organising blocklaying/bricklaying trade in
technical colleges?
c. Are the managerial skills in coordinating blocklaying/bricklaying and
concreting trade in technical colleges?
Significance of the Study

The findings of this work will be beneficial to government, teachers and

student in the department of building construction. The findings of this study
would be of immense benefits to the students of Technical College, Ikole Ekiti,
Ekiti State.

It will also be of greater value to educational policy maker as it would

provide them with relevant information to make polices that would promote
teaching and learning. This will likewise boost the morale of future undergraduate
in Technical College, Ikole Ekiti who will fully participate in Blocklaying/bricklaying
and Concreting.

It will also contribute in keeping teachers, school administrators, and society

abreast of the role expected of them in enhancing the learning capacity of their
students during industrial work experience. As patrons and catalysts to the
learning system, it will enable them to direct the quest of the learners
appropriately. Thus, they could use the information generated from his study to

Delimitation of the study

The study is delimited to Technical College, Ikole Ekiti in Ikole Local Government
Area at Ekiti State. As a result of logistic challenges and financial constraints, the
research is limited to Technical College, Ikole Ekiti in Ikole Local Government Area
at Ekiti State. Building Technology department was selected based on their
experienced. Also the research work is limited to information collected from the
questionnaires with the belief that such information is accurate. It is my view that
the result of data finding of this research would be used as a basis for further
research work in the country as a whole.

List of what to be done

1. The background of what I said then that more explanation on each variables
of the topic taking it one by one to explain little of it that all. Some words
were corrected in the Background u shall see some difference in this nd the
other u sent then
2. The statement of the problem is ok
3. Purpose of the study is corrected also
4. Same with the research question
5. Significance is ok
6. Delimination of the study is ok also
7. He said I should avoid uncredited ideas in my write up

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