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1.I_____ curly hair.

a. am
b. have
c. have got
2. Michael and Timothy _____ very good friends.
a. have
b. are
c. is
3. They _____ from South Africa.
a. like
b. sing
c. are
4. I _____ football every day.
a. play
b. plays
c. playing
5. He _____ guitar very well.
a. singing
b. plays
c. sings
6. Donna _____ an apple-pie.
a. made
b. does
c. makes
7. John _____ in Paris, near Eiffel Tower.
a. live
b. lives
c. read
8. _____ you from England?
a. am
b. are
c. is
9. _____ they sing at the Opera?
a. does
b. do
c. have
10. My favourite sport _____ footbal.
a. has
b. like
c. is
11. I _____ John Smith.
a. am
b. have
c. sing
12. _____ they play in the schoolyard?
a. have
b. does
c. do
13. What type of dress _____ she _____?
a. is got
b. has got
c. have got
14. There _____ five of us in our family.
a. have
b. are
c. has
15. He _____ to the university every Monday and Wednesday.
a. lives
b. is
c. goes
16. My friends _____ French at all.
a. haven't like
b. don't like
c. doesn't like
17. She _____ at the University of Economic Studies in Bucharest.
a. study
b. studyes
c. studies
18. He _____ every day, in the morning.
a. cryes
b. cry
c. cries
19. The house _____ three bedrooms.
a. have got
b. is got
c. has got
20. He _____ to the university 6 months per year.
a. goes
b. go
c. likes


1. We _____ our homework now.

a. am writing
b. write
c. are writing
2. John _____ candies for his children at this moment.
a. is buying
b. buys
c. is buing
3. I _____ a white dress now.
a. am wearing
b. am going
c. wear
4. Look at Paul! He _____ football today.
a. plays
b. playing
c. is playing
5. Can you help me? I _____ for a brown jacket.
a. look
b. am looking
c. looking
6. What _____ this Sunday?
a. are you doing
b. do you do
c. do you
7. We _____ to Brasov this weekend.
a. are going
b. go
c. going
8. What _____ at this moment?
a. does mother do
b. mother is doing
c. is mother doing
9. Dad _____ work at six today.
a. finishees
b. finish
c. is finishing
10. Carla and her mother _____ the Christmas tree.
a. decorates
b. are decorating
c. decorating
11. It _____ heavily today.
a. is snowing
b. snows
c. snow
12. Where are mother and father? They _____ flowers in the garden.
a. water
b. watering
c. are watering
13. I _____ to the shops. Do you need anything?
a. go
b. am going
c. going
14. _____ to Europe this summer?
a. are you travelling
b. do you travel
c. travel you
15. They _____ in the gym class now.
a. dance
b. are dancing
c. dancing
16. I _____ a telephone call from Dany this afternoon.
a. expect
b. am expecting
c. expecting
17. What _____ you _____ about this movie?
a. do you think
b. are you thinking
c. have you think

18. The Browns _____ lunch in town next Sunday.

a. are having
b. have
c. have got
19. We _____ a test tomorrow.
a. have
b. are having
c. have got
20. Listen! Somebody _____ !
a. is crying
b. cries
c. crying


1. Robert _____ his lawyer tomorrow.

a. sees
b. is seeing
c. see
d. have seen
e. saw
2. They _____ tennis every weekend.
a. are playing
b. play
c. plays
d. have played
e. played
3. Who _____ you _____ opposite the street? Is it Tom?
a. do you see
b. are you seeing
c. have you seen
d. did you see
e. had you seen
4. He _____ a phone call right now.
a. makes
b. is making
c. is makeing
d. make
e. have made
5. My parents _____ all the class reunions.
a. are attending
b. attended
c. attends
d. have attended
e. attend
6. Two candles _____ in the room at this moment.
a. burn
b. burnt
c. have burnt
d. are burning
e. is burning
7. I _____ letters every morning.
a. am writing
b. am writeing
c. writes
d. write
e. have written

8. The plane _____ at 6:00 p.m. today.

a. leaves
b. is leaving
c. leaving
d. left
e. leave
9. The park _____ beautiful in spring.
a. is looking
b. looked
c. looking
d. have looked
e. looks
10. The train _____ at the East Station at 6:30 a.m. today.
a. is arriving
b. is arriveing
c. arrives
d. arrived
e. arriving
11. I _____ with my mother daily.
a. spoked
b. am speaking
c. have spoken
d. speak
e. speaks
12. I must go, mother _____ for me.
a. wait
b. was waiting
c. is waiting
d. waited
e. waiting
13. We _____ to the opera this afternoon.
a. go
b. was going
c. going
d. went
e. are going
14. He _____ from Paris to London tomorrow.
a. flies
b. is flying
c. is fling
d. flew
e. will fly
15. During the weekend we often _____ later.
a. got up
b. are getting up
c. get up
d. getting up
e. have got up
16. I rarely _____ my grandparents in Spain.
a. visiting
b. am visiting
c. visited
d. visit
e. have visited
17. What part of France _____ you _____ from?
a. are you coming
b. do you come
c. were you coming
d. have you come
e. did you come
18. Why _____ you _____ so silly today?
a. are you beeing
b. are you being
c. are you be
d. were you been
e. have you been
19. Flowers _____ nice.
a. are smelling
b. smellt
c. smell
d. smelling
e. have smelt
20. I _____ he is right.
a. am thinking
b. think
c. thought
d. have thought
e. thinking

1. My mother _____ an apple-pie yesterday.

a. cooked
b. wrote
c. cooks
2. Your family _____ abroad for the first time in 1994.
a. made
b. travelled
c. is travelling
3. I _____ my mother last week.
a. learnt
b. called
c. cleaned
4. A few days ago, Tom _____ a new car.
a. buyed
b. played
c. bought
5. She _____ to me everything yesterday.
a. explained
b. slept
c. told
6. Father _____ his car at 6:00, yesterday.
a. washes
b. is washing
c. washed
7. We _____ five hours in the Mall last Saturday.
a. spend
b. spended
c. spent
8. After dinner, I _____ to Mary.
a. go
b. went
c. am going
9. When _____ you _____ with Paul?
a. do you marry
b. did you marry
c. did you married
10. We _____ into a new house last month.
a. go
b. are moving
c. moved
11. I _____ television last evening.
a. watched
b. watch
c. wotch
12. I _____ Jane in the kitchen.
a. don't help
b. didn't helped
c. didn't help
13. My sister _____ her leg at the mountain.
a. broked
b. broke
c. broken
14. She _____ the whole bread.
a. eated
b. eat
c. ate
15. I _____ a good novel in the train.
a. readed
b. rode
c. read
16. You _____ to the show.
a. don't appear
b. didn't appear
c. didn't appeared
17. Our class football team _____ most of the games.
a. wint
b. woned
c. won
18. I _____ to set my clock yesterday.
a. forgetted
b. forgot
c. forgotten
19. We _____ many tourists in Budapest last summer.
a. seen
b. saw
c. see
20. I _____ very tired all day yesterday.
a. feel
b. felt
c. fall


1. Mother _____ to the theatre at this time last Saturday.

a. is going
b. was going
c. going
2. The teacher _____ a lesson at this time yesterday.
a. was giving
b. is giving
c. gave
3. They _____ in the garden for an hour last Sunday.
a. are playing
b. were playing
c. played
4. She _____ questions all the time.
a. was asking
b. asked
c. asking
5. What _____ you _____ at this time yesterday?
a. were you doing
b. have you done
c. did you do
6. We _____ of going to the opera at this time last Tuesday.
a. thought
b. are thinking
c. were thinking
7. I _____ when she called me.
a. am sleeping
b. was sleeping
c. slept
8. We _____ a movie when somebody rang at the door.
a. were watching
b. watched
c. have watched
9. I _____ home when the accident happened.
a. am walking
b. was walking
c. walked
10. They _____ the suitcases for their holiday at this time yesterday.
a. packed
b. were packing
c. are packing
11. Mother _____ the rooms when the phone rang.
a. is cleaning
b. were cleaning
c. was cleaning
12. I _____ some food at this time yesterday.
a. was cooking
b. cooked
c. am cooking
13. He _____ his bicycle when someone called him.
a. is riding
b. was riding
c. has ride
14. We _____ clothes when mother came home.
a. were ironing
b. was ironing
c. ironed
15. They _____ the furniture when the earthquake started.
a. dusting
b. dusted
c. were dusting
16. David _____ ready to leave, when his father stopped him.
a. was getting
b. got
c. is getting
17. I _____ some letters when you entered into the house.
a. was writing
b. was writeing
c. wrote
18. The boys _____ tennis when it started to rain.
a. are playing
b. were playing
c. played
19. When I saw the accident, I _____ a coffee to the bistro.
a. was drinking
b. drank
c. drinking
20. You _____ the newspaper, when your friends knocked at the door.
a. are reading
b. read
c. were reading


1. When you _____ me, I _____ a newspaper.

a. call, was reading
b. called, read
c. called, was reading
d. was calling, read
e. was calling, was reading
2. I _____ with him yesterday morning.
a. spoked
b. spoke
c. was speaking
d. speaked
e. speak
3. You _____ to my music at this time yesterday.
a. were listening
b. was listening
c. listen
d. listened
e. listening
4. The chef _____ the restaurant at 9:00 in the morning.
a. was opening
b. open
c. is opening
d. opened
e. has opened
5. You _____ the glass while I _____ the dishes.
a. break, washed
b. broke, washed
c. broken was washing
d. broke, was washing
e. break, was washing
6. Where _____ you _____ when it _____ to rain?
a. were you going, start
b. were you going, started
c. were you going, was starting
d. are you going, starts
e. were you going, starts
7. She _____ tea for her grandfather at this time yesterday.
a. is making
b. was makeing
c. was making
d. made
e. makes
8. The train _____ the tunnel when it _____ to snow.
a. was passing, started
b. passed, started
c. passes, starts
d. was passing, was starting
e. passed, was starting
9. I _____ him a letter two days ago.
a. was writing
b. wrote
c. am writing
d. write
e. written
10. The baby _____ for half an hour yesterday.
a. was crying
b. cried
c. cries
d. were crying
e. has cried
11. They _____ home late in the afternoon.
a. were coming
b. came
c. are coming
d. come
e. coming
12. The phone _____ for two minutes when you _____ up.
a. was ringing, picked
b. was ringing, were picking
c. rang, picked
d. rang, were picking
e. was ringing, pick
13. I _____ Tom just as he _____ into the classroom.
a. was seeing, was getting
b. saw, got
c. see, was getting
d. saw, was getting
e. saw, gets
14. It _____ to rain at 6:00 in the morning.
a. was beginning
b. began
c. begun
d. begin
e. is beginning
15. The plane _____ when he _____ at the airport.
a. took off, arrived
b. took off, was arriving
c. was taking off, arrived
d. was taking off, was arriving
e. takes off, arrives
16. The sun _____ when I _____ of the house.
a. was shining, was getting out
b. was shining, got out
c. shined, got out
d. shined, was getting out
e. shines, get out
17. The Johnsons _____ in Paris in 2002.
a. were living
b. live
c. lived
d. living
e. are living
18. Last week, you _____ to the cinema.
a. go
b. went
c. are
d. were going
e. are going
19. Yesterday, it _____ all day long.
a. rain
b. is raining
c. was raining
d. rained
e. raining
20. Dan _____ his friends few day ago.
a. was visiting
b. visits
c. visit
d. is visiting
e. visited
Definitie: - reprezinta un determinant substantival care contribuie la realizarea
intelesului unui substantiv intr-o propozitie.

Tipuri de articole:
Articolul Hotarat - THE
Articolul Nehotarat - A / AN
Articolul zero (forma implicita sau neexprimata)

Articolul hotarat THE:

Cand folosim articolul hotarat?

- Inaintea unui substantiv care a mai fost mentionat in textul respectiv:

Exemplu: A man knocked at the door and a girl opened it. The man was her
- Inaintea substantivelor care sunt unice:
Exemplu: the moon, the earth, the star, the sun, the air
- Inaintea numeralelor ordinale:
Exemplu: the first, the second, the third, the twenty-first, the seventeenth
- In realizarea superlativului:
Exemplu: the best year, the youngest girl, the most important, the fastest, the
- Inaintea substantivelor care reprezinta nume de colectivitati si institutii:
Exemplu: the army, the crowd, the government, the police, the parliament
- Inaintea unor nume proprii (nume de familie, muzee, teatre, ziare,
hoteluri, etc):
Exemplu: the Browns, the Johns, the National Theatre, the Marriott Grand
Hotel, the New York Times, the Beatles
- Inaintea substantivelor care indica nume de locuri geografice, munti, fluvii,
oceane, mari etc:
Exemplu: the Alps, the Atlantic, the Thames, the Danube, the Red Sea, the

Articolul nehotarat A / AN
Utilizam articolul nehotarat A:
Inaintea substantivelor care incep cu o consoana:
Exemple: a girl, a boy, a teacher, a family, a classroom

Utilizam articolul nehotarat AN:

Inaintea substantivelor care incep cu o vocala (a, e, i, o, u):
Exemple: an elephant, an apple, an interview, an onion, an action

Articolul nehotarat - exceptii:

- Folosim articolul nehotarat AN inaintea unui substantiv care incepe cu
litera "h", doar atunci cand este vorba despre un "h mut".
Exemple: an hour, an honour

- Folosim articolul nehotarat A inaintea unui substantiv care incepe cu litera

"u" sau grupul de litere "eu", doar atunci cand acestea se pronunta ca "you"
Exemple: a European, a university, a unit

Cand folosim articolul nehotarat A/AN?

- Inaintea unui substantiv concret nedeterminat si numarabil:
Exemple: A boy entered into the classroom.
The reporter took an interview.
- Inaintea unui substantiv concret cu functia de nume predicativ:
Exemplu: She is a teacher.
Ronnie is an elephant.

Articolul zero
Nu folosim articol in urmatoarele situatii:
- Inaintea substantivelor care indica nume proprii la singular:
Exemplu: Paul is going to the school.
- Inaintea substantivelor care indica nume de tari, orase si limba acestora:
Exemple: France is a European country.
You speak English fluently.
Bucharest is the capital of Romania.
- In unele expresii invariabile:
Exemplu: by car, at school, in church, by train
- Inaintea substantivelor abstracte, care indica nume de culori, stiinte, arte, materii etc:
Exemplu: beauty, health, dinner, lunch, breakfast, truth, green, gold, silver, mathematics, physics

1. Completati cu a / an / the acolo unde este cazul:

___ woman
___ unit
___ United States of America
___ Johnsons
___ elephant
___ beauty
___ hour
___ Thames

2. Completati propozitiile din textul de mai jos cu a/an:

a) ___ old woman laughed at him.

b) ___ cat and ___ dog were in the kitchen.
c) I saw ___ elephant at the zoo.
d) It was ___ excellent movie.
e) She watched ___ TV show

3. Completati cu a / an / the acolo unde este cazul:

Daniel is ___ teacher. He likes ___ Physics very much. He teaches at ___ Theoretical Highschool
from ___ Bucharest. ___pupils like him very much. One day, he decided to take ___ children to see
___ laboratory from another highschool. There, they made ___ experiment. All ___ children
considered ___ experiment ___ most interesting they have ever made.
Numeralul cardinal NUMERALUL
1 - one
2 - two
3 – three
4 - four
5 - five
6 - six
7 – seven
8 – eight
9 - nine
10 – ten
11 - eleven
12 - twelve
13 - thirteen
14 - fourteen
15 - fifteen
16 - sixteen
17 - seventeen
18 - eighteen
19 - nineteen
20 – twenty
21 – twenty-one
22 – twenty-two
23 - twenty-three
24 - twenty-four
30 – thirty
31 - thirty-one
32 – thirty-two
33 - thirty-three
40 - forty
50 - fifty
60 - sixty
70 - seventy
80 - eighty
90 - ninety
100 – one hundred
200 – two hundred
1000 – one thousand
10000 – ten thousand

153  -   one hundred and fifty-three

198   -  one hundred and ninety-eight
203   -  two hundred and three
405   -  four hundred and fifty
1,000,000   -  one million
12,000,000  -   twelve million
13,632,521     thirteen million six hundred thirty-two thousand five hundred and twenty-one

- se foloseste cratima intre numeralul zecilor si cel al unitatilor

Exemple: 21 twenty-one; 99 ninety-nine

- se pune virgula dupa fiecare grup care indica miile

Exemplu: 1,222,351

- mentionarea conjunctiei and este obligatorie inaintea

grupului zecilor si unitatea finala
Exemplu: 2,532 - two thousand five hundred and thirty-two

- cifrele zecimale se citesc astfel:

2.4832 - two point four eight three two


Mod de formare:

- prin adaugarea terminatiei "th" la numeralul cardinal


one --- first (1st)
two --- second (2nd)
three --- third (3rd)
five si nine, la care se suprima -e final, fifth (5th) si ninth (9th)
zecile la care -y final se transforma in -ie
forty --- fortieth (40th)

Alte numerale
Data: in Marea Britanie se foloseste intotdeauna forma unui numeral ordinal pentru a
indica data.

21st July (the twenty-first of July)
June 4th (the fourth of June)
23 April, 1989 (the twenty-third of April nineteen eighty-nine)
December 29 (the twenty-ninth of December)

1/2 se citeste one half
3/4 se citeste three quarters
7/8 se citeste seven eights

ten to one (unu fara zece)
half past six (sase si jumatate)
twelve and a quarter (douasprezece si un sfert)
a quarter to two (doua fara un sfert)


1. Scrieti in litere urmatoarele cifre:

123 -
1,450 -
58 -
33 -
1,024 -
985 -
24 -
48 -

2. Traduceti in limba engleza:

a) Ziua mea de nastere este pe data de 22 mai.
b) Am ajuns in Bucuresti pe data de 14 iunie.
c) John este al patrulea elev din clasa.
d) 4 Iulie este ziua nationala a Americii.
e) Primul autobuz din parcare este al nostru.
f) Sunt 14 elevi in aceasta clasa.

3. Scrieti in litere urmatoarele ore:

10:45 -
11:25 -
12:40 -
13:30 -
14:05 -
PRONUMELE 1. Pronumele personal

a) cu functie de subiect
b) cu functie de complement

a) Forma pronumelui personal cu functie de subiect:

I --- eu
You --- tu, dumneata, dumneavoastra
He --- el
She --- ea
It --- el, ea (neutru), pentru nume de obiecte, lucruri, animale  
We --- noi
You --- voi, dumneavoastra
They --- ei, ele, dumnealor

Exemple: I am a big girl.

He lives near the school.
We like chocolate very much.
Do you like football?

b) Forma pronumelui personal cu functie de complement:

- mie, imi, mi (complement indirect)
- pe mine, ma, m (complement direct)

- tie, iti, ti, dumitale, dumneavoastra (complement indirect)
- pe tine, te, pe dumneata, pe dumneavoastra (complement direct)
- lui, ii, i (complement indirect)
- pe el, il (complement direct)
- ei, ii, i (complement indirect)
- pe ea, o (complement direct)
- lui, ei, ii, i (complement indirect)
- pe el, il, pe ea, o (complement direct)
- noua, ne, ni (complement indirect)
- pe noi, ne (complement direct)
- voua, va, vi, dumneavoastra (complement indirect)
- pe voi, va, pe dumneavoastra (complement direct)

- lor, le, li (complement indirect)
- pe ei, ii, i (complement direct)
I watch my brother playing tennis.
You gave me a nice gift.
Give them a kiss from me!

2. Pronumele reflexive si de intarire

myself --- ma, insumi, insami
yourself --- te, insuti, insati
himself --- se, insusi
herself --- se, insesi
itself --- se, insusi, insasi (neutru)
ourselves --- ne, insine, insene
yourselves --- va, insiva, inseva
themselves --- se, insisi, insesi
I found myself very smart.
We did ourselves all the exercises.

3. Pronumele demonstrativ
this --- acesta, aceasta, asta, asta
that --- acela, aceea, ala, aia
these --- acestea, acestia, astia, astea
those --- acelea, aceia, aia, alea
This is my brother.
Those are his parents.

4. Pronumele posesive
mine --- al meu, a mea, ai mei, ale mele
yours --- al tau, a ta, ai tai, ale tale
his --- al sau (a lui), a sa (a lui), ai sai (ai lui), ale sale (ale lui)
hers --- al sau (a ei), a sa (a ei), ai sai (ai ei), ale sale (ale ei)
its own --- al sau, a sa, ai sai, ale sale (neutru)
ours --- al nostru, a noastra, ai nostri, ale noastre
yours --- al vostru, a voastra, ai vostri, ale voastre
their --- al lor, a lor, ai lor, ale lor
My brother is tall, but yours is taller.
His car is old, but hers is older.
I lost my pencil, can you lend me yours?

5. Pronumele nehotarat
some + body, one, thing
any + body, one, thing
no + body, one, thing
I want something from you.
She didn't find anything in the fridge.
There was no one in the room.
6. Pronumele relativ
who --- care
whom/who --- pe care
whose --- al (a, ai, ale) carui, careia, carora
what --- ce, ceea ce
which --- care, pe care (pt. lucruri, obiecte ...)
that --- care
My brother, who is a doctor, lives in Bucharest.
Tom, whose car was stolen, bought another one last week.
I found a cat that was lost.
I didn't like what I saw.

7. Pronumele interogativ
who? --- cine?
whom? who? --- pe cine?
whose? --- al (a, ai, ale) cui?
what? --- care?, pe care,ce?
which? --- (pe) care dintre?
Whom did you see last Sunday?
Whose shoes are those?
What are you doing?
Which do you like more?
1. Completati propozitiile urmatoare cu forma corecta a pronumelui reflexiv:
1) I enjoyed _______ at the party
2) My father didn't buy the book for _______
3) The dog cut _______ while running in the street.
4) Help _______ with some fruit, John and Mary.
5) We saw _______ in the snow.

2. Completati propozitiile de mai jos cu forma corecta a pronumelui posesiv:

1) This is my cat. It is _______
2) That is his lamp. It is _______
3) These are our maps. They are _______
4) Those are their shoes. They are _______
5) This is her shirt. It is _______

3. Completati corect spatiile goale cu unul dintre pronumele din paranteze:

1) I saw Mr. Thompson _______ is John's father. (that, who, which)
2) _______ did you meet last week, John or Steve? (which, who, whose)
3) Puffy, _______ is a big cat, is very lazy. (which, who, whose)
4) _______ are you doing? (whom, what, that)
5) _______ is going with you at the theatre? (who, that, whom)
A. Tipuri de substantive
1. Substantive comune
2. Substantive proprii

1. Substantivele comune desemneaza fiinte (oameni si animale) si obiecte /


- fiinte: man, woman, grandmother, teacher, brother, pupil, doctor, nurse
- obiecte (lucruri): pencil, school, car, hotel, medicine, shop, power, health

2. Substantivele proprii desemneaza nume de familie si prenume, nume de  

munti, orase, tari, ape etc.

- nume de familie si prenume: Ewing, Brown, Sawyer, John, Mary, Helen
- nume de munti: Alps, Himalaya, Everest
- nume de orase: Bucharest, Paris, Venice
- nume de tari: France, Italy, Croatia
- nume de ape: Mississippi, Danube, Thames

B. Genul substantivelor
1. Genul masculin (care se inlocuiesc cu pronumele personal he)

Exemple: man, doctor, driver, father, boy

2. Genul feminin (care se inlocuiesc cu pronumele personal she)

Exemple: woman, mother, girl, actress, sister.

3. Genul neutru (nume de lucruri, obiecte si animale; se inlocuiesc cu

pronumele personal it)

Exemple: cat, dog, pencil, butterfly, car, notebook.

C. Numarul substantivelor
Substantivele pot fi la singular sau la plural.

Formarea pluralului:
a) pluralul cu "-s"

a dog ---> two dogs ; a school ---> two schools ; a car ---> two cars ; a
book ---> two books
b) pluralul cu "-es" (pentru substantivele care au terminatia in -s, -x, -z, -ch, -

a bus ---> two buses ; a fax ---> two faxes ; a church ---> two churches

a tomato ---> two tomatoes
a potato ---> two potatoes
radio ---> radios
photo ---> photos

c) pluralul cu "-ies" (pentru substantivele care au terminatia in -y)

lady ---> ladies ; baby ---> babies ; fly ---> flies
day ---> days
boy ---> boys

- pentru substantivele care se termina in y precedat de o consoana, pluralul se
va face in -ies
- pentru substantivele care se termina in y precedat de o vocala, pluralul se va
face in -s

d) pluralul cu "-ves" (pentru substantivele care au terminatia in -f sau -fe)

leaf ---> leaves ; calf ---> calves ; shelf ---> shelves ; wife ---> wives ;
wolf ---> wolves

chief ---> chiefs
proof ---> proofs
belief ---> beliefs

e) pluralele neregulate

child ---> children ; man ---> men ; woman ---> women ; foot ---> feet ;
goose ---> geese ; mouse ---> mice ; tooth ---> teeth

f) substantive invariabile care nu primesc "-s"

deer (cerb) duck (rata) sheep (oaie)
trout (pastrav)
fish (peste) fruit (fructe)

g) substantivele cu sens colectiv care nu au forma de plural

advice (sfat) baggage (bagaj) luggage (bagaje)
information (informatii)
furniture (mobila) people (oameni) crowd (multime)
police (politie)

h) pluralul substantivelor proprii

the Browns ; the Johnsons ; the Thompsons

D. Substantive compuse
classroom schoolboy schoolgirl blackboard dining-
room breakfast

1. Alcatuiti pluralul urmatoarelor substantive:

table --->
clock --->
leaf --->
gentleman --->
baby --->
tooth --->
friend --->
city --->
life --->
chief --->

2. Inlocuiti substantivele urmatoare cu pronumele personal potrivit:

the girl ---

the dog ---
the actor ---
the schoolboy ---
the pencil ---
the grandmother ---

3. Alcatuiti cat mai multe substantive compuse cu ajutorul urmatoarelor


dining, bird, school, class, kinder, mate, room, boy, father, black, book, girl,
board, living, garden, note, exercise, parents, grand.

Adjectivele in limba engleza au urmatoarele caracteristici:

a) nu variaza dupa gen si numar
b) se aseaza inaintea substantivelor

a good cake ---> good cakes
A. Tipuri de adjective
• opinion adjectives (adjective de opinie): descriu ceea ce credem despre cineva sau

Exemple: beautiful, great, nice, expensive, cheap, ugly etc.  

• fact adjectives (adjective de fapt): descriu ceea ce fiintele sau obiectele

determinate sunt cu adevarat

Exemple: short, large, long, green, round etc.

! Adjectivele de opinie stau inaintea adjectivelor de fapt

B. Adjectivul demonstrativ
Desemneaza fiinte sau lucruri pe care le aratam precizand in acelasi timp
apropierea sau departarea in timp sau spatiu.

• singular:
- this (acest, aceasta)
- that (acel, acea)

• plural:
- these (acesti, aceste)
- those (acei, acele)

This man is a doctor.
That girl is a pupil.
These children are small.
Those boys are playing in the schoolyard.

C. Adjectivul posesiv
Desemneaza raportul de posesie dintre un posesor si ceea ce acesta poseda:
• singular:
- my (meu, mea, mei, mele)
- your (tau, ta, tai, tale)
- his (lui, sau, sa, sai, sale)
- her (ei, sau, sa, sai, sale)
- its (lui, ei, sau, sa, sai, sale)

• plural:
- our (nostru, noastra, nostri, noastre)
- your (vostru, voastra, vostri, voastre)
- their (lor)

This is my house.
It is his car.
That is our shop.
Those are your books.
D. Comparativul adjectivelor
a) Comparativul de egalitate / inferioritate:
"as ... as" (tot atat de / la fel de)
"not as ... as" (nu atat de / nu la fel de)
"not so ... as" (nu atat de / nu la fel de)

She is as pretty as her mother.
He is not as tall as his brother.

b) Comparativ de superioritate:
- pentru adjective scurte (monosilabice) se adauga terminatia "-er" la finalul
adjectivului respectiv
- pentru adjective lungi, acestea sunt precedate de adverbul "more"

tall ---> taller
(inalt ---> mai inalt)
slim ---> slimmer
(slab ---> mai slab)
fast ---> faster
(rapid ---> mai rapid)
big ---> bigger
(man ---> mai mare)

beautiful ---> more beautiful

(frumos ---> mai frumos)
interesting ---> more interesting
interesant ---> mai interesant
difficult ---> more difficult
dificil ---> mai dificil
E. Superlativul adjectivelor
- pentru adjective scurte (monosilabice) se adauga terminatia "-est" la adjectivul
precedat de "the"

- pentru adjective lungi, acestea vor fi precedate de "the most"

the tallest (cel mai inalt)
the slimmest (cel mai slab)
the fastest (cel mai rapid)
the biggest (cel mai mare)

the most beautiful (cel mai frumos)

the most interesting (cel mai interesant)
the most difficult (cel mai dificil)

F. Comparative si superlative neregulate

bad wor the worst rau
the best bun
the indepartat
farthest mult
(the batran
the most

1. Traduceti in limba engleza urmatoarele propozitii:
a) Aceasta masina este rosie.
b) Acele fete sunt in clasa intai.
c) Acei barbati sunt doctori.
d) Aceasta este clasa mea.
e) Acela este cainele ei.
f) Acestea sunt caietele noastre.

2. Completati spatiile libere de mai jos, cu forma corecta a adjectivelor, la

gradul de comparatie indicat:
bad fast good cheap beautiful
thin fat
worse faster better ..................... ….....................
thinner ..................
.................. ...................... ............... the cheapest the most
beautiful .................... the fattest

3. Potriviti adjectivele la substantivele respective:

Cold blouse

nice hair

beautiful weather

long girl

delicious dance

traditional food

A. Adverbe de mod

- arata modul in care se petrece o actiune

Mod de formare:
- de obicei, aceste adverbe se formeaza prin adaugarea terminatiei -ly la
finalul unui adjective.

beautiful ---> beautifully
sad ---> sadly
capable ---> capably  
slow ---> slowly
easy ---> easily
B. Adverbe de loc

- arata locul in care se petrece o actiune

Exemple: here, there, upstairs, downstairs, anywhere, everywhere, outside,

C. Adverbe de timp

- arata timpul in care se petrece o actiune

Exemple: today, yesterday, tomorrow, Saturday, Monday, now, finally,

later, soon, just, still
D. Adverbe de durata

- arata perioada de timp a unei actiuni

Exemple: forever, shortly, long, permanently

E. Adverbe de comparatie
- arata gradul de intensitate al unei actiuni

Exemple: extremely, greatly, hugely, partially, perfectly, strongly, totally, almost, very, entirely
F. Adverbe de frecventa
- arata gradul de repetabilitate al unei actiuni

Exemple: always, constantly, often, rarely, regularly, seldom, sometimes,

occasionally, rarely, never
G. Adverbe de probabilitate
- arata gradul de probabilitate a unei actiuni
Exemple: certainly, perhaps, maybe, possibly, definitely

1. Cunoscand urmatoarele procente corespunzatoare adverbelor de frecventa, realizati propozitiile de
mai jos, conform modelului.
never ---> 0%
rarely ---> 10%
sometimes ---> 25%
often ---> 50%
usually ---> 75%
always ---> 100%
Sam / have / shower / evening (75%)
Sam usually has shower in the evening.

a) I / eat / cake / afternoon. (25%)

b) Tim / sleep / living - room (50%)
c) I / go / school / Sunday (0%)
d) Dennis / play / tennis / weekends (100%)
e) She / run / park / morning (10%)

2. Transformati urmatoarele adjective in adverbe:

horrible --->
careful --->
nervous --->
desperate --->
slow --->
sudden --->
bright --->
proud --->

3. Subliniati termenul corect din urmatoarele propozitii:

a) Denisa was wearing a pretty / prettily dress at the wedding.
b) I had a terrible / terribly dream last night.
c) Final / Finally, she passed the exam.
d) She was walking rapid / rapidly.
e) Sam is fluent / fluently in French.
f) Was your grammar test easy / easily?
g) They were talking loud / loudly so everybody could hear them.

4) Alegeti varianta corecta:

1. Please don't talk so .................... . I'm trying to sleep.
a) louder; b) loudest; c) loudly
2. We .................... go on picnics on weekends. We love fresh air.
a) never; b) usually; c) seldom
3. The bouquet was .................... . She loved it.
a) beautiful; b) beautifully; c) ugly.
4. James .................... put the broken glass into the rubbish bin.
a) careful; b) more carefully; c) carefully

A. Prepozitii de miscare -arata miscarea

Exemple: to, through, across

to - utilizam "to" pentru a arata deplasarea catre o destinatie anume.

I went to Chicago two years ago.

through - utilizam "through" pentru a sugera deplasarea dintr-o parte in alta

a unui spatiu inchis.
The cars went through the tunnel.

across - utilizam "across" pentru a sugera miscarea dintr-o parte in alta a

unei suprafete.
Exemplu: She flew across the sea.

Alte prepozitii de miscare: along, down, over, off, round, into

B. Prepozitii de loc
- arata locul in care se situeaza obiectele definite

Exemple: at, on, in

at - folosim "at" pentru a arata un anumit loc sau o anumita pozitie.

Someone is at the door.

on - folosim "on" pentru a arata pozitia pe o suprafata verticala sau

The dog is on the roof.

in - folosim "in" pentru a arata ca un anumit obiect este imprejmuit sau

The parrot is in the cage.

Alte prepozitii de loc: after, among, behind, between, in front of, next to,
beside, by, over, above, under, below.

C. Prepozitii de timp
- pentru a specifica timpul unei actiuni

Exemple: at, on, in

at - pentru a arata timpul exact.

She left at 7.00 a.m.

on - pentru anumite date sau zile

She arrived on Monday.
Her birthday is on 23rd of October.

in - pentru o perioada de timp nespecificata, necunoscuta din timpul unui an,

zi, luna, anotimp.
It is very cold in Winter.
I left Romania in 1989.

Alte prepozitii de timp:

after, by, since, during, for, throughout

1. Completati cu prepozitia corecta: of, on, at, to, with, in, for, along

1) His t-shirt has a picture ______ it.

2) The queen ______ England wanted to wear golden dress at her wedding.
3) I went ______ Brussels last week.
4) She spent the afternoon ______ her friends.
5) We walked ______ the banks of River Seine.
6) She's been waiting ______ me for about four hours.
7) What's the weather like ______ Paris?
8) She was ______ the cinema last evening.

2. Traduceti in limba engleza:

1) Mihaela a plecat la munte la ora 8 dimineata.
2) Statuia este in fata stadionului.
3) In spatele operei se afla un hotel.
4) Trenul a trecut prin tunel foarte rapid.
5) Lui Philip ii place sa zboare deasupra oceanului.

3. Completati spatiile libere cu prepozitia corecta:

in, on, at, to

1) They live ____ Dubai.

2) We are staying ____ a nice hotel.
3) Philip always plays tennis ____ the afternoon.
4) They where very close ____ their cat.
5) We got ____ the first train to Sibiu.
6) Romania is ____ Europe.
7) You are going ____ a city tour tomorrow.

Mod de formare
Subiect + Verbul la infinitiv
(la persoana a III-a singular se adauga terminatia „-s" sau „-es")

1. I go to school every day.
2. He reads a book every month.
3. She lives in Bucharest.

Do / Does (pers.III, sg.) + Subiect + Verbul la infinitiv

1. Do you go to school every day?
2. Does he read a book every month?
3. Does she live in Bucharest?

Subiect + do / does (pers.III, sg.) + not + Verbul la infinitiv
Se folosesc adesea contractiile don't (do + not) si doesn't (does + not)

1. I don't go to school every day.
2. He doesn't read a book every month.
3. She doesn't live in Bucharest.

B. Reguli pentru adaugarea terminatiei „-s" sau „-es" la afirmativ pentru persoana a
III-a singular
! La majoritatea verbelor se adauga terminatia „-s" la persoana a III-a singular la

I talk – He talks
I work – He works
I sleep – He sleeps

! Verbelelor care se termina in –ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o li se adauga terminatia „-


I kiss – He kisses
I wish – He wishes
I catch – He catches
I mix – He mixes
I go – He goes

! La verbele care se termina in litera y precedata de o consoana, se

inlocuieste litera y cu litera i, iar apoi se adauga terminatia „-es"

I fly – He flies
I study – He studies
I cry – He cries

! La verbele care se termina in litera y precedata de o vocala, se adauga

terminatia „-s"

I pay – He pays
I stay – He stays
I play – He plays
C. Folosim Prezentul Simplu pentru:
• activitati zilnice, saptamanale, lunare, anuale
I go to the mountains every month.
We have breakfast at 7.30 every morning.

• obiceiuri, hobby-uri
She plays tennis in her free time.
In the summer, they go to the seaside.

• situatii permanente
He lives in Paris. I work as a manager.

• a exprima actiuni care respecta un anumit program

The bus for Bucharest lives at 12.15 on Monday.
I have Maths Friday at 11.30.

• situatii emotionale
I love my girlfriend very much.
He hates cats.

• adevaruri generale
The earth moves around the sun.
Water boils at 100°C.
D. Expresii cu care se foloseste adesea Prezentul Simplu:
every day/ week/ month/ year etc., every morning/ evening/ afternoon/ night,
usually, always, sometimes, often, never, in the morning/evening/night etc.

1. He goes to the gim every day.
2. I play football every week.
3. We go to the dentist every year.
4. She watches TV every evening.
5. She usually studies hard for her exams.
6. I always do my homework.
7. He sometimes goes shopping.
8. I often play pool with my friends.
9. She never go to school by bus.
10. In the evening we play Monopoly.
1. Puneti propozitiile urmatoare la persoana a III-a singular. Consultati mai intai
They live in Craiova. (He)
He lives in Craiova, too.

1. I fly from Bucharest to Rome every week. (Mary)

2. We usually play in the park. (John)
3. They like their jobs very much. (He)
4. I want a new car. (She)
5. You wake up at 7 o'oclock. (Paul)
6. You always wash the dishes. (Angela)
7. We watch TV every afternoon. (Tom)
8. I go to school by bus. (My brother)
9. You cook every Saturday. (My mother)
10. We study hard for our exams. (Mark)

2. Scrieti forma interogativa a urmatoarelor propozitii:

You like swimming.
Do you like swimming?

1. He lives in Bucharest.
2. You wear an uniform at school.
3. My father drives very well.
4. Mr. Smith teaches English.
5. You like pizza and hamburgers.
6. My neighbour works as an engineer.
7. Your father repairs the car every month.
8. We drink coffee every morning.
9. Mary pays her bills every month.
10. He goes to bed very early every evening.

3. Folositi forma negativa pentru propozitiile urmatoare, folosind cuvintele

din paranteze, la fel ca in exemplul de mai jos:
I like Maths. (Physics)
I like Maths, but I don't like Physics

1. Mary writes postcards. (letters)

2. I go to the cinema. (theatre)
3. They read newspapers. (books)
4. You study French. (English)
5. Mr. Brown works in an office. (at home)
6. I like football. (rugby)
7. He drives a car. (a lorry)
8. Dan and John travel by train. (plane)
9. We drink tea. (coffee)
10. She plays chess every day. (tennis)

4. Formulati propozitii folosind conjunctia but:

I watch TV every evening. (John)
I watch TV every evening, but John doesn't.
He doesn't speak French. (they)
He doesn't speak French, but they do.

1. Julia washes the dishes. (I)

2. He doesn't want to go to the seaside. (his girlfriend)
3. I go to the cinema every week. (they)
4. She doesn't swim. (her sister)
5. We have breakfast early in the morning. (Paul)
6. I don't play football. (my best friend)
7. Me and my brother play on the computer. (Michael)
8. John doesn't read the newspaper every day. (we)
9. My mother likes to go shopping. (I)
10. You don't travel by plane. (she)

5. Adauga propozitiilor de mai jos adverbele din paranteze:

I have lunch at 12 o'clock. (always)
I always have lunch at 12 o'clock.

1. My sister gets up at 10 o'clock. (usually)

2. We play football on Sundays. (sometimes)
3. I go out with a stranger. (never)
4. She listens to music in the evening. (always)
5. He goes to school by bus. (often)
6. I eat a hamburger in the morning. (never)
7. I read the newspaper in the evening. (usually)
8. In the morning I play on the computer. (sometimes)
9. Mother washes the dishes in the evening. (always)
10. They go skiing in the winter. (often)


Mod de formare
Subiect + to be (conjugat in functie de persoana) + Verbul la infinitiv +
terminatia "-ing"

1. I'm writing an article now.
2. They are playing football.
3. She is having lunch at this moment.

To be (conjugat in functie de persoana) + Subiect + Verbul la infinitiv +
terminatia "-ing"

1. Am I writing an article now?
2. Are they playing football?
3. Is she having lunch at this moment?

Subiect + to be (conjugat in functie de persoana) + not + Verbul la infinitiv
+ terminatia "-ing"
Se folosesc adesea contractiile isn't (is + not) si aren't (are + not)

1. I'm not writing an article now.
2. They aren't playing football.
3. She isn't having lunch at this moment

B. Reguli pentru adaugarea terminatiei „-s" sau „-es" la afirmativ pentru persoana a
III-a singular
! La majoritatea verbelor se adauga terminatia „-ing" fara nici o modificare:

play – playing
try – trying
drink – drinking
sing - singing
go - going
draw - drawing
cook - cooking
learn - learning
send - sending
wash - washing

! La verbele care se termina in litera e precedata de o consoana, se renunta la

litera e si se adauga terminatia "-ing"

make – making
come – coming
leave – leaving

! La verbele formate dintr-o singura silaba (monosilabice) care se termina

intr-o consoana precedata de o vocala, se dubleaza consoana si apoi se
adauga terminatia "-ing"

get – getting
sit – sitting
hit – hitting
C. Folosim Prezentul Continuu pentru:
• activitati care se petrec in momentul vorbirii
She is watching TV now.
Mother is washing the dishes at this moment.

• actiuni care se desfasoara pe o perioada mai mare de timp, incluzand si

momentul vorbirii
John is studying Maths for his exam.
My brother is writing a book.

• a vorbi despre o intalnire sau despre un aranjament din viitorul apropiat

He is flying to New York next week.
I'm meeting Susan next Sunday.
D. Expresii cu care se foloseste adesea Prezentul Continuu:
now, at this moment, these days, this week, today, tonight etc.
1. Paul is repairing his car now.
2. I'm having lunch at this moment.
3. He is working hard for a project these days.
4. They are going to the basketball game this week.
5. I'm writing a letter today.
6. I'm watching TV tonight.
1. Puneti verbele din paranteze la timpul Prezentul Continuu:
Diana (play) with Tim now.
Diana is playing with Tim now.

1. Everybody (wear) blue T-shirts today.

2. I (listen) to classic music at this moment.
3. What (do) mother in the kitchen?
4. We (organize) a study trip this week.
5. Our colleagues (plan) a surprise party for John's birthday these days.
6. I (meet) with my best friend at the cinema tonight.
7. My father (work) in the garage now.
8. This week, you (go) to the theatre with your geography teacher.
9. At this moment, in Bucharest, it (rain).
10. My friends (travel) to Egypt this week.

2. Corectati afirmatiile false ca in exemplul urmator:

Jim is playing basketball. (watch TV)
No, Jim is not playing basketball. Jim is watching TV.

1. Mother is cooking at this moment. (iron)

2. My brother is learning English now. (study French)
3. All my colleagues are working hard for their final exams these days. (plan
their holiday)
4. The cat is climbing the tree now. (eat a mouse)
5. I am taking some photos for my album. (read a book)
6. You are drinking Coke Cola now. (drink a coffee)
7. Joana is swimming in the pool. (play voleyball on the beach)
8. I am making an apple-pie now. (do my homeworks)
9. It is raining today. (snow)
10. We are riding by bycicle to school. (go by bus)

3. Scrieti forma interogativa a urmatoarelor propozitii:

I am having lunch at this moment.
Am I having lunch at this moment?

1. We are playing cards.

2. Mother is washing dishes.
3. My brother is reading a newspaper.
4. We are serving breakfast.
5. They are decorating the Christmas tree.
6. My family is planning a trip to Maldive Islands these days.
7. Father is sleeping in the bedroom.
8. You are watching a horror movie.
9. Your sister is doing her homeworks.
10. I am sending a postcard in France now.

4. Alegeti varianta corecta la Prezentul Continuu:

1. We ............... basketball in the schoolyard.

a) play; b) prepare; c) ski
2. They ............... a movie in the dining-room.
a) watch; b) play; c) eat
3. My friends and I ............... some flowers in the garden.
a) read; b) water; c) travel
4. I ............... my homeworks at Maths.
a) do; b) make; c) give
5. You ............... a novel to your little brother.
a) read; b) create; c) put
6. The poet ............... a poem about love at this moment.
a) create; b) give; c) look
7. I ............... after my lost cat.
a) look; b) search; c) spend
8. ........ we ............... to the cinema tonight?
a) go; b) watch; c) eat
9. The sun ............... brightly.
a) show; b) shine; c) rain
10. My friends ............... on a picnic without me.
a) go; b) play; c) read

5. Corectati forma gresita a verbului:

1. I am makeing an apple-pie.
2. Mary is comeing from Italy today.
3. We are siting in the living-room.
4. He is geting off the bus at the first station.
5. My brother isn't writeing poems.
6. You aren't plaing with kids.
7. They are leaveing Bucharest tomorrow evening.
8. He is comeing tonight to see me.
9. She is haveing lunch at this moment.
10. Are you flyng to New York next week?

Mod de formare
Subiect + Vb.II (terminatia "-ed" pentru verbele regulate)

1. I wrote a book last year.
2. He went to a football game last week.
3. We played in the park yesterday.

Did + Subiect + Vb.I?

1. Did you write a book last year?  
2. Did he go to a football game last week?
3. Did you play in the park yesterday?

Subiect + didn't + Vb.I

1. I didn't write a book last year.
2. He didn't go to a football game last week.
3. We didn't play in the park yesterday.

B. Folosim Trecutul Simplu pentru:

• activitati terminate care s-au petrecut in trecut

She was in France 2 years ago.
We bought a new washing machine 2 weeks ago.

• actiuni incheiate care s-au petrecut la un moment determinat in trecut

They were in England in 1981.
I left Bucharest in april 1994.
C. Expresii cu care se foloseste adesea Trecutul Simplu:
yesterday, at this time yesterday, 2 days ago, 2 months ago, last year, last week, the
day before yesterday

1. Diana went in Belgium 3 years ago.
2. I was having lunch at this time yesterday.
3. They played football 2 hours ago.
4. Paul taught English and French 3 months ago.
5. She left town the day before yesterday.
1. Scrieti forma corecta a verbului din paranteza la Trecutul Simplu:

1. I (watch) a horror movie yesterday evening.

2. Mary (play) in the garden with her dog yesterday morning.
3. Two days ago, John (go) with his mother at the doctor.
4. Mary (talk) a lot during the French lesson.
5. My mother (wash) many clothes yesterday evening.
6. I (do not enjoy) the movie from last night.
7. I (solve) the Math problem very quickly.
8. I (prepare) my luggage yesterday.
9. I (be) at school when you called me.
10. When you were young, you (live) in the countryside.

2. Folositi cuvintele din paranteze pentru a realiza propozitii negative precum

in exemplu:
Mary liked the apple pie. (the soup)
Mary liked the apple pie, but she didn't like the soup.

1. I played in the schoolyard. (in the garden)

2. My friend went to the mountain. (to the seaside)
3. I travelled abroad 2 days ago. (1 month ago)
4. Yesterday I visited Mr. Peterson. (Mrs Smith)
5. During lunch, I listened a football game on the radio. (music)
6. You called me at 10 o'clock a.m. (12 o'clock)
7. I arrived at home early in the morning. (in the afternoon)
8. You received a computer on your birthday. (a car)
9. It rained 2 days ago. (last week)
10. Mike repaired his car. (bicycle)

3. Treceti la Trecutul Simplu verbele neregulate de mai jos, precum in

I leave school at 2 o'clock yesterday.
I left school at 2 o'clock yesterday.

1. I eat a delicious soup at the restaurant 2 days ago.

2. My family buy a new car 3 months ago.
3. I read a very interesting novel yesterday evening.
4. Mary speak with her English teacher last week, about her exams.
5. Last Monday, John write to his mother a letter.
6. Last winter, I make a beautiful snowman in front of the house.
7. You give your sister a necklace for her birthday.
8. Last year, Tim become a doctor.
9. Mrs. Thompson teach Spanish and English every Monday and Wednesday.
10. Father come from the office late at noon.

4. Treceti urmatoarele verbe la Trecutul Simplu:

I see
I saw

I watch
I watched

1. I sleep
2. He plays
3. He run
4. You speak
5. They don't read
6. He doesn't feel
7. I meet
8.He catches
9. You wake up
10. They leave

5. Raspundeti la urmatoarele intrebari conform precizarilor din paranteze

(vezi exemplu)
When did she leave Bucharest? (2 years ago)
She left Bucharest 2 years ago.

1. Where did you sleep last night? (at Cathy's)

2. When did you read this book? (3 weeks ago)
3. When did you find out about Susan's problems? (last Monday)
4. Where did you meet your friends? (in the park)
5. When did she study French (2 years ago)
6. Where did he work last year (in a bank)
7. When did they divorce? (4 years ago)
8. How did she die? (in a train accident)
9. Who was Mihai Eminescu? (a Romanian poet)
10. When was he born? (in 1973)


Mod de formare
Subiect + was (pers.I/III sg) / were (restul pers.) + Verbul la infinitiv + terminatia "-ing"

1. I was learning a poem at this time yesterday.
2. You were watering the flowers at this time yesterday.
3.They were mending the radio at this time yesterday.

Was (pers.I/III sg) / Were (restul pers.) + Subiect + Verbul la infinitiv + terminatia "-ing"

1. Was I learning a poem at this time yesterday?
2. Were you watering the flowers at this time yesterday?
3. Were they mending the radio at this time yesterday?

Subiect + was (pers.I/III sg) / were (restul pers.) + not + Verbul la infinitiv + terminatia "-
Se folosesc adesea contractiile wasn't (was + not) si weren't (were + not)

1. I wasn't learning a poem at this time yesterday.
2. You weren't watering the flowers at this time yesterday.
3.They weren't mending the radio at this time yesterday.
B. Folosim Trecutul Continuu pentru:
• a exprima o actiune in desfasurare ce a avut loc in trecut
She was playing in her room at this time yesterday.
They were listening music at this time last Saturday.
• a exprima o actiune repetata de-a lungul unei perioade de timp
Did she ask any questions?
Oh, she was asking questions all the time.
Did he buy any sweets?.
Oh, he was buying sweets all the time.

C. Expresii cu care se foloseste adesea Trecutul Continuu:

at this time yesterday, from ... to ..., all day, for ...
1. Tom was typing some letters at this time yesterday .
2. She was playing quitar from 6 to 8 o'clock.
3. They were laughing all day.
4. She was living in an old building for 6 years.
Exercitii: 1. Spune ce facea fiecare pe vremea aceasta, martea trecuta:
Father was in the living-room. (watch)
Father was watching TV.

1. My mother was in the kitchen. (cook)

2. Daniel was in the garden. (water flowers)
3. Grandma was in the bedroom. (sleep)
4. Their friends were at the disco. (dance)
5. Aunt Mary and uncle John were in the garage. (repair car)

2. Ieri dimineata, toti elevii din clasa a sasea erau in clasa si se pregateau pentru testul de la matematica.
Spune ce facea fiecare cand a intrat profesorul.
Ana and Mary / clean the blackboard.
Ana and Mary were cleaning the blackboard.

1. Christian / talk to his deskmate.

2. Victor / repeat some geometry formulas.
3. Diana and Helen / look at some exercises.
4. George / read the math lesson.
5. Andreea / write her homework.

3. Treceti verbele la Trecutul Continuu:

We are reading Shakespeare now.
We were reading Shakespeare at this time yesterday, too.

1. Father is fixing the car in the garage.

2. Timothy is painting the wall now.
3. Granpa and Grandma are watching a movie now.
4. Students are learning new Spanish words now.
5. The boys are trying to fix a bicycle now.

4. Treceti verbele din paranteze la Trecutul Continuu:

She (sing) for 2 hours yesterday.
She was singing for 2 hours yesterday.

1. Tom (practice) in the language lab from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. yesterday.

2. Mother (cook) all day yesterday.
3. My friends (watch) TV for 6 hours yesterday.
4. Pupils (study) Spanish from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m..
5. From 3 to 5 I (play) tennis yesterday afternoon.

5. Treceti verbele din paranteze la Trecutul Continuu. Aceste verbe exprima o actiune trecuta care a avut
loc o perioada mai lunga de timp.
I (work) in a restaurant in the centre of the city.
I was working in a restaurant in the centre of the city.

1. I (live) in an old building.

2. Mother (visit) me twice a week.
3. I (share) my room with 2 girls.
4. I (work) on Saturdays twice a month.
5. I had a very good friend, Tom, and he (work) in the same restaurant with me.

Mod de formare

Subiect + have / has (pers. a III-a sg.) + vb. la forma a III-a

1. I have washed her blouse.
2. He has written his homework.
3. We have learnt our English lesson.

Have / has (pers. a III-a sg.) + Subiect + vb. la forma a III-a  
1. Have I washed her blouse?
2. Has he written his homework?
3. Have we learnt our English lesson?

Subiect + have/has (pers. a III-a sg.) + not + vb. la forma a III-a
Se folosesc adesea contractiile haven't (have + not) si hasn't (has + not)

1. I haven't washed her blouse.
2. He hasn't written his homework.
3. We haven't learnt our English lesson.
B. Folosim Prezentul Perfect Simplu pentru:
• a exprima o actiune incheiata de curand, dar nu se cunoaste cu exactitate momentul
incheierii acesteia
I have cooked a delicious steak.
They have finished their homeworks.

• a exprima o actiune inceputa in trecut care se continua si in prezent;

efectele actiunii se resimt si in prezent
I have lived here since 1994.
We have started classes for 3 hours.
C. Expresii cu care se foloseste adesea Prezentul Perfect Simplu:
already, just, yet
1. He has already finished his classes.
2. Tom has just spoken on the phone with Mary.
3. They haven't written the exercise yet.

never, ever, often

1. I have never heard such a thing.
2. Have you ever read this news?
3. I have often travelled by car to the countryside.
ever and before
Have you ever heard this song before?

for and since

1. I've had my own car for four years.
2. She has been ill since yesterday.

until now, so far, up to now

1. I haven't had any Math problems up to now.
2. So far, he hasn't complained about his wage.
3. Until now, I haven't heard about this English singer.
1. Pune verbele din paranteza la Prezentul Perfect Simplu, ca in exemplul de mai jos:
Tom .......... (write) .......... his homework.
Tom has just written his homework.

1. I .......... (fix) .......... my car.

2. Father .......... (leave) .......... home.
3. They .......... (arrive) .......... to the theatre.
4. We .......... (see) .......... our Math teacher.
5. He .......... (begin) .......... to cry.

2. Construieste propozitii la timpul Prezent Perfect Simplu, cu ajutorul

expresiilor din paranteza, ca in exemplele de mai jos:
I .......... arrive .......... home. (just)
I have just arrived home.
He .......... paint .......... this picture. (never)
He has never painted this picture.
They .......... do .......... their homeworks. (yet)
They haven't done their homeworks yet.

1. Mary .......... cook .......... the soup. (already)

2. John and Tom .......... watch .......... TV. (just)
3. We .......... close .......... this window. (never)
4. Pupils .......... miss .......... the English class. (never)
5. You .......... lie .......... to your mother. (often)

3. Raspunde la urmatoarele intrebari folosind timpul Prezent Perfect Simplu,

ca in exemplele de mai jos:
Have you ever heard this song before? (never)
We have never heard this song before.
Have you ever eaten this food before? (often)
We have often eaten this food.

1. Has he ever spoken to his cousin before? (never)

2. Have they ever played football? (often)
3. Have you ever lied to your mother? (never)
4. Has she ever skated before? (often)
5. Have you ever drunk whisky? (never)

4. Construieste intrebari si raspunsuri ca in exemplul de mai jos:

drive the car
Have you driven the car yet?
I'm afraid I haven't driven it yet.

1. have breakfast
2. buy the buster
3. send the letter
4. clean the bathroom
5. wash the dishes

5. Completeaza urmatoarele propozitii ca in exemplul de mai jos, folosind

timpul Prezent Perfect Simplu:
This is the most beautiful girl I .......... (see)
This is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.

1. That is the most interesting movie he .......... (see)

2. This is the best book she .......... (read)
3. This is the biggest mall they .......... (visit)
4. These are the most attractive souvenirs they .......... (buy)
5. Those are the most wonderful monuments they .......... (see)


Mod de formare
Subiect + have / has (pers. a III-a sg.) + vb. la infinitiv + terminatia "-ing"

1. I have been waiting for your reply since yesterday.
2. He has been sending me letters for 3 months.
3. We have been crying for 3 hours.

Have / has (pers. a III-a sg.) + Subiect + been + vb. la infinitiv + terminatia

1. Have I been waiting for your reply since yesterday?  
2. Has he been sending me letters for 3 months?
3. Have we been crying for 3 hours?

Subiect + have / has (pers. a III-a sg.) + not + vb. la infinitiv + terminatia "-
Se folosesc adesea contractiile haven't (have + not) si hasn't (has + not)

1. I haven't been waiting for your reply since yesterday.
2. He hasn't been sending me letters for 3 months.
3. We haven't been crying for 3 hours.

B. Folosim Prezentul Perfect Continuu pentru:

• a exprima o actiune inceputa in trecut si care nu s-a incheiat inca

She has been eating for ten minutes.
They have been working for several hours.

• a descrie stari sau sentimente care au inceput in trecut si au continuat de-a

lungul unei perioade de timp si sunt inca prezente in momentul vorbirii
I have lived here since 1994.
We have started classes for 3 hours.

C. Expresii cu care se foloseste adesea Prezentul Perfect Continuu:

You have been living in Paris since 1996.
They have been watching TV for 3 hours.

so far
So far, there have been arriving 10 passengers from London.

Have you ever been listening to the radio?

I have never been travelling to France until now.
1. Pune verbele din paranteza la timpul Prezentul Perfect Continuu, ca in exemplul
de mai jos:
I (travel) abroad for 2 weeks.
I have been travelling abroad for 2 weeks.

1. He (write) poems since 1997.

2. The children (draw) this map for half an hour.
3. The pupil (recite) the poem for ten minutes.
4. I (study) English for 4 years.
5. Sarah (do) her homework for 2 hours.

2. Reformuleaza urmatoarele propozitii folosind FOR + the last + Prezentul

Perfect Continuu, ca in exemplul de mai jos:
He began watching TV 2 hours ago.
He has been watching TV for the last 2 hours.

1. We began watering the flowers 2 days ago.

2. Paul and Jim began writing their homework half an hour ago.
3. Mother began going to the doctor 3 months ago.
4. Father began cooking for his family 10 minutes ago.
5. The poet began composing that poem 1 month ago.

3. Pune la forma interogativa a timpului Prezent Perfect Continuu,

propozitiile de mai jos:
He has been listening to the radio for 1 hour.
Has he been listening to the radio for 1 hour?

1. Children have been staying in the bus for 10 hours.

2. Pupils have been playing in the schoolgarden since noon.
3. The detective has been investigating this case since 2000.
4. The theatre show has been starting for 3 hours.
5. I have been watching "Young & Restless" since 2001.

4. Completeaza spatiile goale cu "FOR" si "SINCE". Pune verbele din

paranteza la Prezentul Perfect Continuu:
Helen (study) English .......... last summer.
Heleng has been studying English since last summer.

1. We (talk) about that horrible accident .......... half an hour.

2. She (cook) a chicken soup .......... 1 hour.
3. They (phone) the manager .......... the last five minutes.
4. Mary (live) in Manhattan .......... June 1998.
5. It (rain) .......... morning.

5. Reformuleaza urmatoarele propozitii folosind "SINCE" si Prezentul

Perfect Simplu, ca in exemplul urmator:
It is raining. It started on Wednesday.
It has been raining since Wednesday.

1. He is crying. He began at noon.

2. Father is sleeping. He went to bed at 9 o'clock in the evening.
3. We are travelling by train. We left Bucharest yesterday evening.
4. The artist is drawing. He started his work in January.
5. We are watching the football game. It began at 8 o'clock.

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