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1. I _____am____________ (be) in a café now. be - am, is, are (present simple)

2. __Does she play_________ (she / play) tennis every week?

3. They _____go___________ (go) to the cinema every Wednesday.

4. ______Is she___________ (she / be) a singer?

5. You _______find__________ (find) the weather here cold.

6. _____Are they____________ (they / be) on the bus?

7. Lucy ________rides_________ (ride) her bicycle to work.

8. Why ______is he___________ (he / be) in France?

9. I _____don’t play____________ (not / play) the piano often.

10. It ________isn’t/ is not_________ (not / be) cold today.


11. We _________________ (be) from Portugal.

12. _________________ (we / make) too much noise at night?

13. Where _________________ (Harry / study)?

14. _________________ (it / be) foggy today?

15. We _________________ (not / be) late.

16. They _________________ (not / like) animals.

17. Where _________________ (you / be)?

18. He _________________ (not / be) an accountant.

19. _________________ (the dog / eat) chicken?

20. She _________________ (be) my sister.

on Monday, on Tuesday – u ponedeljak, u utorak

on Mondays – ponedeljkom
I find this book amazing. – Ja nalazim (smatram) da je ovo knjiga neverovatna.

find – tražiti/ naći

1. How does he carry such a heavy bag?

2. How he carries such a heavy bag?

*play – plays

tidy – tidi + es – tides

carry – carri+es – carries

study – studi + es - studies

What’s the time? – Koliko ima sati?

Pages 30, 31.

quarter – četvrtina (15 minuta)

Let’s practice:

It’s quarter past eleven. It’s half past eight.

It’s quarter to nine. It’s quarter past one.

Dahjily routines: dnevne rutine It’s quarter to four.
Half past ten

Kada obično ideš na posao? – When do you usually go to work? I usally to work at about nine o’clock.

Kada ustaješ ujutru? – When do you get up in the morning? I get up at about half past seven,

Kada ona obično ide na posao? – When does she usually go to work? She usually goes to work at about
half past eight,

Gde Maja uvek ruča? – Where does Maja always have lunch? Maja always has lunch at home.

city- veliki grad

town- gradić

Homework page 33(1,2,4,5)

Easter in England

Easter is a time for the giving and receiving of presents which traditionally take the form of an Easter

egg and hot cross buns. The Easter egg is by far the most popular emblem of Easter, but fluffy little

chicks, baby rabbits and spring time flowers like daffodils, dangling catkins and the arum lily are also

used to signify the Nature’s awakening.

Nowadays Easter eggs are usually made of chocolate or marzipan or sugar. True Easter eggs are hard-

boiled, dyed in bright colours, and sometimes elaborately decorated. Colouring and decorating the

festival eggs seems to have been customary since time immemorial .They can be dipped into a prepared

dye or, more usually, boiled in it, or they may be boiled inside a covering of onion peel. Natural dyes are

often used for coloring today. They are obtained from flowers, leaves, mosses, bark, and wood-chips.

Word list:


give – dati

receive- dobiti

take – uzeti

buns- zemičke

by far – najviše

fluffy –čupavo

like – kao

daffodils- narcisi

signify- naglasiti

awakening – buđenje

Nature- pririoda

nowadays- u današnje vreme

hard-boiled- tvrdo- kuvano

bright- svetle/ jarke

festive- praznično

seem- čini

custom- običaj

since – od

dye- fraba, boja

onion- luk

onion peel – lukovina

peel- ljuštiti

obtain- pribaviti

leaf- list

moss- mahovina

bark- kora drveta

wood – drvo

wood chips- komadi drveta (iverica)

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