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1. AHZATUL KAMILIA BINTI ABDUL 020919-12-0592 U2002376
2. AIREEN NAJWA BINTI ROSIDI 021031-13-1330 U2002338

3. ARNOR SHARIFAH RADHIYAH BINTI 020416-12-0486 U2002379

4. KHOIRATUN HISAN BINTI ZAINUN 020417-12-1130 U2002332
1. Acknowledgement 2
2. Introduction 3

3. Definition of Healthy Lifestyle 4

4. The Body : 1) Prevent Diseases and Health Issues 5-8

I. The Importance
II. Measures
III. Impact
5. The Body : 2) Mental and Physical Health 9-11
I. The Importance
II. Measures
III. Impact
6. The Body : 3) Save Money and Healthy Diet
I. The Importance
II. Measures
III. Impact
7. Conclusion

8. References


In performing our assignment, alhamdulillah and gratitude to Allah for giving us
health and time to complete this task. We had to take the help and guideline of some
respected persons, who deserves our greatest appreciation kindness, and understanding during
completing this assigment. The completion of this assignment which is about the benfits of
healthy lifestyle give us much pleasure.

We are highly indebted to Madam Saiful Nazirah binti Bongsu for her good guidance
and supervision for our assignment throughout numerous consultations. We would like to
thank to those who directly or indirectly provided the necessary information and resources
for this assigment.

We also would like to express our gratitude towards those who helping us especially
our classmate and team members for their cooperation and encouragement which help us a lot
in completing this task. Thank you to all the people who have willingly helped us out with
their abilities. May Allah bless you all with his endless blessing. Thank you.



A: Opener: Today, my friends and I will talk about the benefits of healthy lifestyle, the
importance, the measurement and the impact of the healthy lifestyle.

What is ‘Lifestyle’ and ‘Healthy Lifestyle’ means?

  Lifestyle is the way in which a person lives. It is a way of human’s living. Lifesyle
includes the interests, opinions, behaviours, and behavioural orientations of an individual,
group, or culture.In the other words, lifesyle is the work that we do, how we behave, how we
spend our leisure, and other social patterns express our lifestyle. It can be vary from person to
person, as well. For instance, a person living in an urban area has a completely different
lifestyle from a person living in a rural village. Lifestyle is also a way of forging a sense of
self. The broader sense of lifestyle as a “way or style of living” has been documented since
1961. Lifestyle is a combination of determining intangible or tangible factors. Tangible
factors relate specifically to demographic variables, i.e. an individual's demographic profile,
whereas intangible factors concern the psychological aspects of an individual such as
personal values, preferences, and outlooks.

Meanwhile, a healthy lifestyle is a way of living that lowers the risk of being seriously
ill or dying early. Not all diseases are preventable, but a large proportion of deaths,
particularly those from coronary heart disease and lung cancer, can be avoided. Scientific
studies have identified certain types of behaviour that contribute to the development of
noncommunicable diseases and early death. Health is not only just about avoiding disease. It
is also about physical, mental and social wellbeing.

In addition, a lifestyle typically also reflects an individual’s attitudes, values or

worldview. A healthy lifestyle is generally characterized as a “balanced life” in which one
makes “wise choices”. Basically, when a healthy lifestyle is adopted, a more positive role
model is provided to other people in the family, particularly children. Thus final definition of
healthy lifestyle is : The aggregation of decisions by individuals which affect their health, and
over which they have control.

Three main benefits of healthy lifestyle that we will talk about are; It can prevent
diseases and health issues, improve mental and physical health and last but not least, it can
help us to save money and health diet.

B: Preview
Speaker 1: First of all, I will introduce to you the definition of prevention of diseases
and health issues, the improvement mental and physical health and saving money and health
First and foremost, prevention of diseases and health issues is a procedure through
which individuals, particularly those with risk factors for a disease, are treated in order to
prevent a disease from occurring. Treatment normally begins either before signs and
symptoms of the disease occur, or shortly thereafter. Treatment can include patient education,
lifestyle modification, and drugs. Thus, by living in a healthy lifestyle it can prevent diseases
and health issues such as diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis and certain cancer.

Futhermore, the improvement mental and physical health. Mental health is an integral
and essential component of health. The WHO constitution states: “Health is a state of
complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or
infirmity”. An important implication of this definition is that mental health is more than just
the absence of mental disorders or disabilities. Mental health is a state of well-being in which
an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can
work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community. It is
fundamental to our collective and individual ability as humans to think, emote, interact with
each other, earn a living and enjoy life. On this basis, the promotion, protection and
restoration of mental health can be regarded as a vital concern of individuals, communities
and societies throughout the world.

Meanwhile, physical health can be defined as normal functioning of the body at all
levels; a normal course of biological processes that ensures individual survival and
reproduction; a dynamic balance between the body’s functions and the environment;
participation in social activities and socially useful work; performance of basic social
functions; the absence of diseases, painful conditions, and changes; and the body's ability to
adjust to the constantly changing conditions of the external environment, whereas mental
health can be defined as “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own
abilities and is able to cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively and fruitfully,
and make a contribution to his or her community”. It is important for us to have a healthy life,
indeed it can improve our mental and physical health.

Moreover, saving money and health diet. There are a lot of different factors that go
into saving money. Beyond the obviously like good financial planning, there are other factors
that influence our financial health for the better. Many of the self-improvement goals that
people set for themselves boil down to two things: improving their health or improving their
household finances.
When we take steps to improve our health, it often influences our personal finances,
too. If changes in habits towards a healthier lifestyle, are implemented carefully, they result
in great financial benefits in the long term, and even in a more immediate term. It's worth
noting that most consumption-related vices like smoking, drinking, substance abuse, and
drinking soft drinks don't just harm our health; they're also costly.


1. Prevent Diseases and Health Issues

The subtopics : i) The importance

ii) Measures
iii) Impact

Subtopic (i) – The importance of preventing diseases and health issues

Moderator :

Speaker 1: Thank you very much to speaker 1 for inviting me to deliver my opinion.
Assalammualaikum and a very good afternoon I bid to madam and fellow friends! I
would like to share my point of view about the significance of maintaining a healthy
lifestyle to prevent diseases and health issues.

1. Save your energy, time, and money.

Having health issues and diseases cost a lot of money because you need to pay
bills for your medication and health treatment. It might also waste your time because
you need to commute to the hospital every month or even once a week to ensure your
condition is good.
It also same goes to save your energy because if you are having diseases, you
will become weak and easily getting tired especially when you are doing house chores
and that is also might be one of the reasons why you are easily loss your appetite.
Thus, these are the importance of why you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle, so that
you can save your money, energy, your precious time and prevent health issues.

2. Enjoy every moment with your loved ones happily.

When you are in a great condition and not having any health issues, you can
spend a lot of time with your loved ones instead of spending more time at hospital.
For instance, you can eat together with them, spend time shopping and watching
television together with your loved ones. Not to mention that you will also have more

me-time and you can do anything easily and comfortably without worrying about your
diseases. Therefore, this is the reason why you need to concern about healthy lifestyle
to prevent any health problems.

Subtopic (ii) – Measures to prevent chronic diseases and health problems.

Speaker 1 : Next, I will move to the next subtopic which is the ways to prevent chronic
diseases and health problems.

1. Eat more healthy food

As we know, eating healthy food is very important in our life to reduce the
risk of suffering chronic diseases. This is because, by eating more healthy food, you
can stay healthy. Being healthy is about more than getting fit and feeling better.
Eating healthy foods and balanced meals can also manage your stress and you can
sleep well

Getting enough sleep can lift your energy and mood. You will not easily get
tired when you had an enough rest and at the same time, reducing insomnia to
someone. Thus, eating healthy food helps preventing diseases and health issues.

2. Do exercise regularly
Doing exercise or working out regularly can help reduce the risk of heart
diseases and health issues. Exercising can strengthen your heart and improves your
circulation. The increased blood flow raises the oxygen levels in your body. This
helps lower your risk of heart diseases such as high cholesterol and heart attack.
Regular exercise can also lower your blood pressure and help your body manage
blood sugar.
Besides, working out regularly such as once or twice a week can help you
control your weight. Along with diet, exercise plays an important role in controlling
your weight and preventing obesity. Therefore, doing exercise regularly can help the
prevention of diseases and health problems.

3. Go for a medical check-up every month
Apart from that, going for a medical check-up regularly helps you avoid a
wide number of diseases and catch other diseases earlier. It also serves to keep you
better advised about your health, keep your physician or other doctors apprised on
your health, and basically result in a healthier life.
Going for a medical check-up regularly can reduce your risk of getting sick.
Regular medical check-up includes several physical and mental checks, making sure
that your body and mind are fit and fine. These check-ups are known as full body
check-up for this reason because they examine you from head to toe, almost literally.
The reason this is done is to catch any disease earlier, and so that you can be
prescribed the right treatment for it. This shows that doing medical check-up every
month helps prevent diseases and health issues.

Subtopic (iii) – The impact of preventing diseases and health issues.

Speaker 2: Lastly, I will deliver to all of you about the impact of preventing diseases and
health issues.

1. Living a healthy lifestyle

Preventing diseases and reduce the risk of health issues helps you acquire a
healthy lifestyle and great life. The reasons are you can do anything you want without
worrying about the health problems and it can save your money, energy, and your
time. By living a healthy lifestyle, can also boost your mood enjoying your life and
doing your daily routine.
Not only that, you can also improve and focus on your mental health. Before
this you may not have had time to focus on your mental health due to busy work and
improper time management but when you are living a healthy lifestyle you will feel
good about developing healthier habits and able to manage your time properly.

2. Hang out with your loved ones freely

Preventing diseases and health issues allows you to hang out with your loved
ones freely. You can spend time with your precious family, friends, and others
happily rather than spending more time at hospital to get a medication or health

treatment. You do not need to waste your time only to commute to the clinic or
hospital every week. It is better for you having fun going picnic with family, shopping
and travelling joyfully.

3. Save money
When you are having health issues, you must need a lot of money to cover the
treatment. The treatment is not just once but it is definitely will done in many times,
so obviously it will cost a lot of money. This shows that if you try to prevent diseases
earlier, you may save your money. Eating healthy foods in order to reduce risk of
getting health problems is more saving your money rather than wasting your money
on junk food which is the price usually expensive and not good for your health.


2. Mental and Physical Health

The subtopics : i) Importance

ii) Measures
iii) Impact
Subtopic I- The importance of mental and physical health in a healthy lifestyle
Moderator :
Speaker 2: Thankyou moderator. Assalamualaikum and good afternoon , so I will proceed
with the importance of mental and physical health.

1. Weight management

If you want to avoid being overweight, do regular exercise, and Eat a Healthy

Diet, that will help you to avoid excess weight and fat.  Physical activity is crucial for
anybody to approach his weight loss target, increase your immunity, and alleviate
your energy level.

You should cut many things from your diet and change your routine like
increasing activities (exercise), it will all collectively burn excess fat of your body.
We all know that obesity is the reason for many chronic diseases, so after adopting a
healthy lifestyle, you stay fit, your mind stays sound.

2. Improve longevity
If someone adopts a healthy lifestyle, it affects the habits and daily routine
activities of this person permanently; if the person has bad habits, that would be
changed with the good habits in the result as he is leading toward a healthy lifestyle.
When your body begins to get nutrition and do proper exercise, it corrects all the bad
habits and your daily routine. In this way, your body becomes more fit and healthy.
All things collectively lead to the result in the longevity of a person’s life.

3. Manage stress

A small amount of stress or stress in short bursts is perfect for you. Long-term
stress can wreak havoc. It contributes to ulcers, depression, anxiety, headaches, high
blood pressure, and diabetes. So learning to manage stress is essential to keep a
healthy lifestyle.

Subtopic II- Measures to mental and physical health in a healthy lifestyle
Moderator : It’s a great information. How about measures to maintain mental and physical
health ? Can you explain it to us?
Speaker 2: Sure. I will explain the measures to maintain mental and physical health in healthy

1. Balance diet
Eat a balanced diet. Eating healthier foods has been shown to help boost moods,
improve memory, and prevent or manage the symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Make sure you’re getting plenty of proteins from lean meats, fruits, and vegetables.
Limit the amount of added sugar, saturated fats, and processed foods in your diet.

2. Exercise
Make time to exercise every day. Exercise is great for your brain, not just your
body. For people suffering from depression and anxiety, regular aerobic exercise
(such as walking or running) helps reduce symptoms by helping to fight off
depression-inducing chemicals. Aerobic fitness is also linked to lower levels of
anxiety and improved cognitive functioning.

3. Sleep well
Get at least seven hours of sleep every day. According to the National Sleep
Foundation, insomnia is linked to a number of mental health issues, including
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), depression, and anxiety. People with more
than six hours of sleep per night have fewer feelings of depression and anxiety
compared to those who slept for less than six hours.

Subtopic III - The impacts of mental and physical health in a healthy lifestyle
Moderator : Next, we will proceed to the effects of mental and physical health.

Speaker 2: There are some impact of mental and physical health.

1. Prevent health issues

The most important thing is that a good healthy lifestyle provides immunity

against several severe diseases, many dangerous viruses and bacteria. A healthy body
and mind are very important for a good life, and that is possible only if you choose
an active lifestyle, but if you choose an inactive lifestyle, you may have some chronic
diseases like cancer, hypertension, and several others; those might be very harmful to

When we are trying to adopt a healthy lifestyle, we have to change certain habits,
transform our daily routine, and start eating that food which provides nourishment to
your body and stay it fit.

2. Get more energy

A healthy lifestyle plays a vital role in boosting the energy in a person’s body
and providing a better performance in every activity of life. A good lifestyle
minimizes the chances of insufficient sleep, and a person’s body will get all the
essential nutrients that are required to function precisely. A healthy lifestyle includes
slight changes in life like daily habits and routine, and the most important food you
eat because the food you eat impacts directly on your body and behavior. If you have
a balanced diet and enough exercise on a daily basis, it will give you a good sleep and
allow you to stay fresh and energetic the whole day.

3. Boost mood

Most people know that eating better is good for your body, but it can be just as
helpful for your mind. A healthy diet including plenty of healthy fats like omega-3s
which can reduce depression and decrease mood disorders. Foods high in omega-3s
include fish, especially fatty fish such as salmon, flax seeds, chia seeds, and walnuts.

Physical exercise has also been found to improve your mood by increasing the
production of the “feel-good hormone”,  serotonin. Serotonin can keep you
emotionally stable and reduce feelings of depression, making physical activity a great
way to boost your mood and live a happier life! 


3. Save money and healthy diet

Subtopic : i) Importance
ii) Measures
iii) Impact
Subtopic 1: The importance of save money and healthy diet

Speaker 3: Thanks speaker 1. Assalamualaikum and very good afternoon to all of you! I will
explain about the essential of save money and healthy diet.

1.Reduce monthly food bills

Processed food for homemade meals can have a huge impact on our monthly food
spending. Not to mention the savings we’d gain from giving up or cutting down on expensive
takeout. A takeout meal can cost anywhere from two to five times the amount meal made at
home would, and packs on at least double the amount of calories.
Homemade meals can also significantly improve our body’s processing of the food. It
has been scientifically demonstrated that our body prepares for the intake of foods during the
cooking phase and can thus digest them a lot better. We will find ourselves feeling fitter and
more satisfied after meals once again. Considerably improving our general quality of life.

2. Prevents diseases and infections

When we eat the full range of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients we improve our
immune system and our healthy diet may even help prevent diseases like cancer, heart
diseases, diabetes and stroke. In fact, multiple show that engaging in healthy lifestyle
activities can give people a longer free of chronic diseases. So although many diseases and
health issues are out of our control, we still have the ability to empower ourselves and live a
longer, healthier life through the choices we make.

3.Cut down on expensive activities

Instead of spending money to the cinema, we can go to the park and invest in sport.
Outdoor activity will boost our mood, improve our health, and best of all, it’s free. Besides,
living a healthy lifestyle does more than reduce our waistline and we will discover countless
other ways that our finances can improve by taking stock and cutting back on unhealthy

Best of all, changing our general well-being will also change our entire perspective on
life. Moreover, it’s more worth to do that kind of activity like sport compared to expensive
activity which is need for us to spend more money in a high quantity.

Subtopic II: Measures to save money and having healthy diet

Speaker 3: Next, I will introduce about the measures to sav money and having healthy diet.

1. Track food expenses for one week

Maybe we already know what and where our biggest food expenses are. It’s possible,
though, we’re racking up unnecessary charges out of habit. Once we’ve tracked where our
food budget is going, we’ re more likely to see areas where we can scale back. Other than
that, we’ll have a handle on our daily meal patterns and be able to incorporate changes that
work for our diet. To make it easier, most cellphones have a calculator function for quick
addition. This function will also come in handy when we are at the grocery.

2. Eat more plant foods

Plant foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, seeds provide vitamins,
minerals and other plants compounds that have cancer-protective effects. They also provide
fiber, which protects against colorectal cancer. Most plant foods in their natural form are
lower in calories than many other foods. Eating mostly plant foods to meet our nutrient needs
can satisfy our hunger while making it easier to stay at a healthy weight. Make plant foods
the focus of our meals and snacks.

3. Go camping
A way to have fun without spending money is to find and outdoor adventure. While some
campgrounds charge fees, it’s also possible to find no-cost sites. We can camp on most
national forest land for no-cost, for example. It’s called dispersed camping, but we may have
to follow specific rules, such as being a certain distance from water sources and developed
campgrounds. In a meantime, camping is a fun thing to do without spending money only for
people living way out in the sticks, it’s possible to find dispersed camping areas as well as
other campsites with minimal fees- near many large cities.

Subtopic III: The impact of saving money and having healthy diet
Speaker 3: Last but not least, I will explain about the impact that we can have from saving
money and having healthy diet.

1. Minimises waste

Exclusively buying groceries that we’re prepared to cook means that we won’t be buying
food we don’t need and letting it go to waste. Plus when we make a grocery list, we can limit
our budget to buy the things that we need only. Furthermore, instead of homemade cooking
can save more our budget than order delivery food or eat at restaurant which has double cost
compared cooking at home.

2. Mood & Energy

A well-balanced diet not only affects our body and its functions, but our mind as well.
Vitamins play a role in the operation of neurotransmitters and deficiencies that can lead to
depression and mood disorders. Good nutrition can also boost our energy level, which than in
turn can help us carry out our daily routine with ease, ultimately resulting in better mood.
Thus, we should eat good food to always have a good mood and great energy.

3. Improved behaviour
Other than save our money from expenses activities, outdoor activities also can improve
our behaviour. When spending time outdoors, we’re likely to explore it with group. Hiking
up a mountain, camping or doing a sport-related activity will require us to work in team. As
we come in contact with other people, specific behaviour can be developed. It’s important to
learn how to act in front of large crowd or work together with a team. These are some of the
things that can be developed when we engage in activities that require us to work with others.
Problem-solving techniques, cooperation, teamwork and the values of sharing are some of the
things that are learned. Hence, this shows that having an outdoor activities can help us to
improve our behaviour and be a better person from time to time.








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