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College of Teacher Education

School Mariano Marcos Grade Level Grade 8

State University
– Laboratory
K-12 High school
LESSON Demonstration Adrian G. Learning Area Health
EXEMPLAR Teacher Aribato
Teaching Dates March 14, 2022 Quarter Third
2:00-3:00 pm
Session 1
I. Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum
OBJECTIVES standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed
and if needed, additional lessons, exercises, and remedial activities may be
done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are
assessed using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives
support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to
find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall
be derived from the curriculum guides.
A. Content The learners demonstrates understanding of principles in the prevention
Standards and control of communicable diseases for the attainment of individual
B. The learners consistently demonstrates personal responsibility and
Performance healthful practices in the prevention and control of communicable
Standards diseases.

C. Learning At the end of the lesson the student should;

Competencies/ A. Analyzes the nature of emerging and re-emerging diseases.
Objectives B. Demonstrates self-monitoring skills to prevent communicable
Write the LC diseases;and
code for each D.Promotes programs and policies to prevent and control communicable
H8DD-IIIb-c19,H8DD-IIId-e20, H8DD-IIIf-h21,

D. Values The lesson teaches understanding, participation, and cooperation among

infused the learners, a sense of responsibility, respect and fair go during recitations
and discussions, recognizing the ability and performance of the learners of
what the best they can do.
E. Physical Observing, Communicating, engaging, participating identifying and
Education interaction.
Developed (if
Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that
the teacher aims to teach in the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or
II. CONTENT Prevention and Control of Common Communicable Disease
III. List of materials to be used on different days. Varied sources of materials
LEARNING sustain children's interest in the lesson and learning. Ensure that there is a
RESOURCES mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper based
materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
A. References
1. Teacher’s MAPEH for today’s learner grade 8
Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines (077) 600-2014
College of Teacher Education

Guide pages
2. Learner’s MELC’s
Material pages MAPEH for Today’s Learner 8
3. Textbook PP. 473-478
4. Additional MAPEH for today’s learner grade 8
Materials from Health Curriculum Guide
Resource (LR) tagged-math-equipment.pdf
B. Other
Learning tagged-math-equipment.pdf
IV. These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities
PROCEDURE appropriately so that learners will learn well. Always be guided by
S demonstration of learning by the learners which you can infer from
formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically providing
learners with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning,
question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they
learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge.
Indicate the time allotment for each step.
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
A. Reviewing Good Afternoon class! Good afternoon sir..
previous lesson
or presenting How are you class? Yes Mael.
the new lesson We’re good,sir. How about you
(ELICIT) sir?
I’m very fine class!
That’s nice to here, sir.

May I also request the class secretary to

write down the attendance for today’s
class and give the list to me after the
class, thank you.

May you also open your camera’s, for

me to recognize your faces .

B. Establishing Is everybody ready to listen to our

a purpose for lesson for today? Yes sir.
the lesson
(ENGAGE) Guess the Disease? Yes Christian.

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College of Teacher Education

_NFL_EN_A The first disease is influenza, sir.

Very good Christian! How about the

others? Yes Janelle.

The picture show the disease

pneumonia, sir.

Very good! Janelle. How about the

next picture? Yes Maximus.

I think the pictures shows

tuberculosis, sir.


Very Good Maximus! Can I have

another idea for the next picture class?
Yes Princess.

I think the disease that is shown

in the picture is malaria,sir.


Very good Maximus! Thank you class.

C. Presenting Very good class! The pictures that is

examples/ shown in the screen is related to our
instances for topic for today. So now class the
the new lesson question is What is Communicable
(ENGAGE) disease/s? Yes Lenox.
Communicable disease spread
from one person to another or
from animal to person,sir.
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College of Teacher Education

Very good Lenox! How about the

others class? Yes Edward.
The spread happens via airborne
viruses or bacteria, but also
through blood of body fluid,sir.
Excellent Edward!
The terms infectious and contagious are
also used to to described communicable
diseases. Included to our lesson are
coordinated efforts to combat few of
the most serious communicable disease
in the global and nation level class.

Do you have an idea on what are these

communicable diseases class? Yes
I think one of the examples of
this is acute respiratory infection
Very good Maria! So what is acute and flu,sir.
respiratory infections and flu class?
Yes Mark.

Influenza or flu is a contagious

respiratory illness cause by
Nice Mark! Can I have another idea? influenza viruses,sir.
Yes Ace.

It can cause mild to severe

Excellent Ace! But how can we prevent illness, and times can lead to
this diseases class? Yes Milmarie. death,sir.

I think we can prevent this

Very good Milmarie! diseases through vaccination, sir.
Getting vaccinated is the best way to be
protected by flu. Every individual from
six month of age is advised to get this
seasonal flu vaccine class. How about
the others can you give you thoughts
on how we can prevent this diseases?
Yes Janela.

On my personal insights sir we

can prevent this diseases, if we
take precaution every time, sir.
Very nice Janela!
Observe personal hygiene habits and
follow everyday steps to practice in life
to protect oneself from flu class. Any
other ideas? Yes Hannah.
We can prevent influenza if we
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College of Teacher Education

undergo preventive antiviral

Thank you very much Hannah!
Even if you are healthy but exposed to
person with flu, you still have to be
protected by means of antiviral drugs
Do you have question class?
None so far,sir.
Okay thank you. So now lets us
proceed to the next disease. Which is
Bronchitis and Pneumonia class. Can
somebody defines what is bronchitis
and pneumonia class? Yes Dale.
Bronchitis is an inflammation of
the lining of your bronchial
tubes, which carry air to and
from your lungs,sir.

You’re right Dale! How about

Pneumonia? Yes Raine. Pneumonia is an infection that
inflames your lungs' air sacs

Very good Raine! Pneumonia and

bronchitis can be prevented by
practicing good hygiene and stopping
the spread of germs. So what are this
preventive measures class? Yes
When you cough or sneeze,
cover your mouth and nose with
tissue or hanky to catch the germ
then throw the used tissue away
in a bin or toilet,sir.

Very good Sebastian! Any other

D. Discussing preventive measure that you know?
new concepts Yes Jasmine. I think one of the preventive
and practicing measures is by washing your
new skills hands regularly to avoid
(EXPLORE) transmitting germs to others or
Very nice Jasmine! Any other objects by contact, sir.
preventive measures that you know
class? Yes Alessandra. Have yourself vaccinated to be
protected against pneumococcal

Excellent Alessandra! How about the

others? Yes Precious. Quit smoking. Smoking
damages the lungs which makes
you easily infected, sir.

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines (077) 600-2014
College of Teacher Education

Thank you Precious! The next

communicable disease class is
tuberculosis. So what is tuberculosis? Tuberculosis (TB) is a
Yes Jervel. potentially serious infectious
disease that mainly affects the
lungs. The bacteria that cause
tuberculosis are spread from
person to person through tiny
droplets released into the air via
coughs and sneezes,sir.

Yes you’re right Jerval! Tuberculosis

is a disease caused by a bacterial
microorganism the bacillus
mycobacterium tuberculosis class. So
how can we prevent tuberculosis class?
Anyone? Yes Jewelly. One of the preventive measure
for us to avoid tuberculosis is
always cover the mouth when

Very good Jewelly! Any other ideas We need to take all medications
class? Yes Christian. as required by the doctors,sir.

Get shots with tuberculosis

Very good Aila! How about you Saiza.
vaccine (BCG or bacille

Very good Saiza! Do you have

question class? None so far,sir.

So let’s move on to the next

communicable disease which is
malaria.So, what is malaria class? Malaria is preventable parasitic
Anyone? Yes Kyla. disease transmitted by anopheles

Very good Kyla! The next one is

dengue. What is dengue class? Yes Dengue fever, also known as
break bone fever, is an
infectious tropical disease
caused by the dengue virus
which is transmitted through the
bite of a female aedes aegypti

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College of Teacher Education

I think to avoid dengue, we need

Excellent Isaiah! So how can we to eliminate standing water near
prevent dengue class? Yes Khairani canal,sir.

. Change water in the flower

Very good Khairani! Any other vases regularly/weekly to
preventive measures class? Yes
discard eggs,sir.

We need to cover drums used in

collecting and holding rain
Very good Dionna! How about the water,sir.
others? Yes Francheska.

Yes that’s one Also one of the I think we need to use door and
preventive measures Francheska! Any window screens to reduce indoor
body wants to add? Yes Lenox. mosquitoes, sir.

Use mosquito repellents on skin

and clothing for protection
Wow that’s great Franceska! What against mosquito bites,sir.
else? Yes Bleian.

We need to wear long pants and

Very good Bleian! Any other answer? long sleeves fore additional
protection from mosquitoes,sir.

Nice Azley! Do you have questions

Class? Yes Pauleen None sir.

Thank you Pauleen!

E. Developing Now let’s proceed to Sexually
mastery transmitted infection (STI’s)/ sexually
(Leads to transmitted diseases (STD’s)
Assessment 3) Are you ready class? Yes Andre.
(EXPLAIN) Yes sir.

What are this sexually transmitted

diseases class? This can classify into
two the viral and bacterial class.

Can you give some examples of

bacterial STI’s? Yes Jervel.
I think one of the example of
Thank you Jervel! So what is
STI’s/STD’s is chlamydia,sir
Chamydia? Yes Aienn.
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It appears 1-2 weeks after

contact with the an infected
person, sir.
Very Good Aienn! Its symptoms
resemble those of ganorrhea and if
untreated can cause pelvic
inflammatory disease among women.
Can I have another example class? Yes
I think one of the examples is
You’re right Mark! Anyone who can
give the definition of ganorrhea?Yes
It is a common bacterial
infection among adults caused
by the bacterium neisseria

Okay Very good Reine! How about the

others? Yes Milmarie. I think another example of
bacterial STD’s is syphilis,sir.
That’s right Milmarie.! let’s move on
to the other classification which is viral
STD’s. Can you give some example of
this class? Yes Danielle.
One of the example of viral std’s
is genetal herpes or herpes
simplex type II,sir.
Very good Danielle! So what do you
mean by genital herpes class? Yes
Jamilah. Genatal herpes is a viral
infection that appears usually a
week after sexual contact with
the person who is infected with
this, sir.

Very good Jamilah! How about the

others can you give an example also? Another example that I know is
Yes Saiza. hiv/aids,sir.

Very Nice Siza! Who can give the

definition of HIV/AIDS class? Yes
Aaron. HIV (human immunodeficiency
virus) is a virus that attacks the
body's immune system. If HIV is
not treated, it can lead to AIDS
(acquired immunodeficiency
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College of Teacher Education

syndrome). Learning the basics

about HIV can keep you healthy
and prevent HIV

I think another example of viral

Very good Aaron! Any other idea? Yes STD’s and STI”s is genital warts
Mael. or veneral warts, sir.

Nice Mael! How about the others?

Genital warts are contagious,
What is genital warts? Yes Victor.
projecting fleshy growth on the
extreme genitals or anus,sir.

Very good Victor! Next is Parasitic

An example of parasitic STD’s
class. Who can give an example of
is trichomoniasis.
this? Yes Edward.

You’re right Edward! So what is

trichomoniasis? Yes Alessandra.
Trichomoniasis is caused by the
parasite trichomonas vaginalis.

Very good Alessandra! So know let us

discuss more about HIV/AIDS. What is
HIV class? Yes Sebastian.
Human immunodeficiency virus
is a retrovirus that causes HIV

I think AIDs stands for acquired

Very good Sebastian! How about AIDS
immune deficiency syndrome
class? Yes Janela.
which is caused by HIV
contracted from another person,

To prevent this diseases we need

Excellent Janela! How can we prevent
to never share needles and be
this diseases class? Yes Ryan.
sure to disinfect needles when

Do not share personal items that

Very good Ryan! How about the others
my have blood on them,sir.
? any idea? Yes Jasmine.

Yes sir.
Excellent Jasmine! Prevention is the
best is that right class?
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College of Teacher Education

so what are the other preventive We need to abstinence or abstain

measure class? Yes Khairani. from sexual intercourse,sir.

Very good Khirani! Any other idea Be faithful or monogamous in

class? Yes Princess. relationship,sir.

You’re right Princess! Any other Another preventive measure is

preventive measure class? Yes do not share needles/sterilized
Maximus. needles,sir.

Very good Maximus! How about the We need to educate and inform
others? Yes Maria. people,sir.

Yes very good Maria! Any other

preventive measures? Yes Edward. We can also avoid hiv/ aids in
the use of condoms, sir.
Very good Edward!

Thank you class for participating in our

discussion. But before we end our
lesson. Let us have some Q and A.

F. Finding
practical What is a communicable disease? Yes
applications Victor. A communicable disease is one
of concepts that is spread from one person to
and skills in another through a variety of
daily living ways that include, contact with
(ELABORAT blood and bodily
E) fluids,breathing in an airborne
virus, or by being bitten by an
Very good Victor! How about the
others? Yes Saiza.
The term infectious and
contagious are also used to
describe communicable

Very good Saiza! How can one’s

lifestyle affect the management of
communicable disease? Yes Ace.
I think if your lifestyle is not
good the definitely your more
prone to this diseases,sir.
You’re right Ace! How about the
others? Yes Hannah.
If we follow preventive measure
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College of Teacher Education

and practice good body habits

we can prevent this
communicable diseases,sir.
Yes you’re also correct Hannah! How
can we prevent influenza class? Yes
James. I think to prevent influenza we
need to get vaccinated,sir.

G. Making
generalizati Excellent James! Any other idea? Yes
ons and Reine. One of the preventive measure
abstractions for us to prevent influenza is to
about the take precautions everyday,sir.
lesson Very Good Reine! How about the other
(ELABOR one class? Yes Christian.
ATE) We need to undergo preventive
antiviral medication,sir.

Very nice Christian! How can we

prevent Bronchitis and pneumonia?
Yes Precious. For us to prevent bronchitis and
pneumonia. When you cough or
sneeze cover your mouth with
Very good Precious! Any other
preventive measure class? Yes Dale.
We need to wash our hands
regularly to avoid transmitting
germs to other object by contact,
Very good Dale! Any idea class?
Have yourself vaccinated to be
protected against pneumococcal
Excellent Edward! Any other
preventive measure class? Yes Kyla.
Quit smoking. Smoking
damages the lungs which makes
you easily infected,sir.

Very Good Kyla! Can you give some

examples of STD’s/STI’s class? Yes
Janelle. I think one of the examples of
std’s and sti’s is Chlamydia,sir.
Exellent Jenelle!! how about the
others? Yes Kyla. I think another example is
Nice Kyla! Any other ideas? Yes
Aaron. Another example of std’s and
sti’s is syphilis,sir.
Very good Aaron! Can I have more
ideas class? Yes Jamilah.
Another example of std’s and
sti’s is genital herpes,sir.
Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines (077) 600-2014
College of Teacher Education

So class how can we prevent this

diseases? Yes Jasmine. We need to be faithful and
monogamous in our
Very good Jasmine! How about the
others? Yes Jervel. Do not share needles/ or
sterilized needles,sir.

Thank you class for participating on

our discussion for today. Stay safe and
God bless everyone.

H. To see if you have learned something

Evaluating you will be applying what you have
learning learned from today's session as your
(EVALUAT assignment. You will be having a short
E) quiz.
Okay sir.
The quiz will be uploaded on the
google classroom. The quiz will be
taken into 15 minutes only.
Okay Sir, noted.
I. Additional If you have queries regarding our
activities for discussion and activities, feel free to
application or message me on my Facebook account
remediation or your teacher via your group chat.
Facebook account: Adrian Aribato
Gmail account:

Thank you for you cooperation class, I

hope you have learned something. Take
Thank you, God bless, and stay
safe also sir.

Assignment in health 8 lesson 2

Instruction : Create a poster slogan on how we can prevent the following communicable
diseases. Draw it in a clean A4 bond paper and scan it, then upload in our google
classroom. Deadline will be on March 18, 2022 @ 5pm.

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines (077) 600-2014
College of Teacher Education

Criteria Very Good Good Fair Poor Score

5 4 3 2
Required The poster All required Only few Several
Elements includes all elements are required required
required included in elements re elements are
element as the poster missing on missing on
well the poster the poster
Attractiveness The poster is The poster is The poster is The poster is
exceptionally attractive in acceptable distractingly
attractive in terms of attractive messy or
terms of design, lay though it poorly
design, lay out, and may be a bit design.
out, and neatness. messy.
Slogan The slogan The slogan The slogan The slogan
has the has the does not does not
required required follow the follow the
number of number of required required
words. It is words. It is number of number of
original and original but words. words. It is
catchy. not catchy. However it is not original
catchy but and catchy.
not original.

Quiz in Health 8

A.Match the description/information presented in column A with the diseases presented in the
box. write your answer on the line.

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines (077) 600-2014
College of Teacher Education

A. Dengue
B. Chlamydia
C. Influenza
D. Malaria
E. Syphillis
F. Tuberculosis

_____1. It is transmitted through the bite of an infected female aegypti mosquito.

_____2. It is the a parasitic disease transmitted by Anopheles mosquitoes.

_____3. It is a disease caused by airborne bacteria that commonly attacks the lungs.

_____4. It is a contagious viral respiratory illness.

_____5. It is caused by trepona padillum transmitted by sexual contact.

B. Answer the question briefly. 3 points each question.

1. How can we prevent Influenza? Explain your answer.

2. How can we Prevent Tuberculosis? Explain your answer.

3. How can we prevent dengue? Explain your answer.

4. Give the 3 examples bacterial STD’s.

5. Give the 3 examples of viral STD’s.

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines (077) 600-2014

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