Time Series Forecasting Chapter-7 Introduction

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Introduction to Time Series and Time Series Forecasting

The chapter ‘Time Series Forecasting’ starts with the definition of Time Series as a
collection of observations of well-defined data items obtained through repeated
measurements over time, and the definition of Time series forecasting - the use of a
model to predict future values based on previously observed values.

Introduction to Time-Series Analysis

The next section talks about the introduction to time-series analysis which is one of the
techniques frequently preferred for analyzing financial data is statistical Time Series
An overview of Statistical Time Series Analysis
Moving on further, the next section gives an overview of the statistical time series
analysis. A time series contains sequential data points mapped at a certain successive
time duration, Forecasting data using time-series analysis comprises the use of some
significant models to forecast future conclusions based on known past outcomes.

Uses of Time Series

The next section deals with the uses of the Time Series in predicting the future behavior
of the variable based on experience, in business planning as it helps in comparing the
actual current performance with the expected one and is also used in comparing the
changes in the values of different variables at different times or places, etc.

Components for Time Series Analysis

In the later section of the chapter, the components for time series analysis are listed,
namely: trend-that shows the general tendency of the data to increase or decrease during
a long period; Periodic Fluctuations-that are some components in a time series that tend to
repeat themselves over a certain period; Seasonal Variations that are the rhythmic forces
that operate regularly and periodically over a span of less than a year; Cyclic Variations-
the variations in a time series that operate themselves over more than one year are cyclic.

The next section discusses the Mathematical Model, Additive Model, and Multiplicative
Model, Mixed Model along with examples for Time Series Analysis.

Implementing Time Series Analysis in Machine Learning 

Among various defined applications discussed here, Time series forecasting is an
important area of machine learning.

Time Series Data Models and Analysis
Time Series Data and Time Series Analysis are additional viewpoints and can answer
different analysis questions and open new application possibilities.

Why Time Series Analysis matters for Big Data Applications

This section justifies that Time Series Analysis offers plenty of strategic value for
digitization and developing a digital core within enterprises. Often, Time Series Data
occurs in Big Data volume, and therefore, Time Series Databases support processing,
analyzing, and preparing Time Series Data.

Business implications of Time Series Viewpoints

Time Series Data is an additional viewpoint and can answer different questions and open
new application possibilities.

Time-series methods of forecasting

Forecasting is a method or a technique for estimating future aspects of a business or
operation. It is a tool, which helps management in its attempts to cope with the
uncertainty of the future. Forecasts are important for short-term and long-term
decisions. Businesses may use forecast in several areas: technological forecast,
economic forecast, and demand forecast.

Understanding the components of time series data helps a modeler choose the
appropriate methods of accounting for the error variance produced by them.

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