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Project Timetable

The proponents have constructed a projected time table showing the projected
flow of pre-operation procedures to be done for the proposed training of the JBL
Maritime Vanguard. The project timetable shows a two-year span of tasks to be done
for the training that the Vanguard will undergo.

Project Time Table (The pre-operating year 2022-2024)

Table 1.1 shows the flow of pre-operation procedures for the proposed training
of JBL Maritime Vanguard. Pre-requisites will be done during the second month of the
first quarter year 2022 until the second month of the second quarter year 2023.
Evaluation and finalization will be done on the fourth month of the second quarter of
the year 2023 and the implementation of trainings will be done from the second month
of the last quarter of the year 2023 until the last month of the first quarter of the year
2024. The start of training will be done from the first month of the second quarter of
the year 2024.

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