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Cummins college of Engineering for wom€ro pune

(An Autonomous Institute Afliliated to Snvitribai Phule Pune University)

Final Year BTech. ESE

l7.l 2 ,l 1
Subject: OE 4101 Software Testing and euality Assurance

Instu'uctions to the candidates:

[Max. Marks: Sl
1. Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary.
2. Assume suitable data, if neces$ary.
__ !,Figures to the rieht indicate fult marks.
I a gomryre Testers Rotgvs DeJet 5
b C]assi& br{gs based on SDLC. 5

Q2 a Elaborate following Black box testing techniq.* with appropri ate example 5
1 . Equivalence Partitioning.

2. Boundary Value Analysis.

3. Decision Table.
4. State Transition.
5. Error Guessing.
b Elaborate infrastruclrre SQA gomponents _ 5

QI a cMM apprrcach for software quality is different as comp@ 5

your answer
b Recommr:nd Levels of

- _l_
Q4 10

QS a How to decide the tool that one should use for A 5

b Currerntly I do not have any automation in pt 5
lnplrrmg4l4utomation, list down the steps?

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