Love It Was: That Made Us

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Year 35 No.

62 5th Sunday of Easter (C) — White May 15, 2022

Love It Was
that Made Us
by Fr. Ruben C. Areño, SSP

A Christian song, written by

Irene O’Connor FMM, an
Australian Franciscan Missionary
of Mary, became popular in the
1960s. Like a short catechesis,
the lyrics of the song somehow
capture the leitmotif of love in
condemn the world, but that the priests and religious, are called
this Sunday’s readings:
world might be saved through to be “schools of love and fel-
Love it was that made for us, him” (Jn 3:16). And Jesus’ prayer lowship,” even as they pursue
And it was love that saved us, for his disciples reflects his very perfection in charity as signs
Love was God’s plan when He desire “that they may all be one, in the journey toward God’s
made man, God’s divine nature as you, Father, are in me and I in kingdom (Cf. Perfectae Caritatis,
is love... you, that they also may be in us, no. 1).
Born of God’s love we must that the world may believe that Mission of Love. At the heart of
love Him, That’s why He made you sent me” (Jn 17:21). evangelization is the “joy of the
us to love Him, But only when Participation in Love. Jesus gospel [that] fills the hearts and
we love all men, Can we partake wanted his Church, all Christian lives of all who encounter Jesus”
of God’s love... believers, to be icons of love. (Evangelii Gaudium, no.1). Jesus’
We can outline Jesus’ way of Even the apologist Tertullian way of love should permeate
love following the three themes (AD c. 160–c. 225) wrote that the entire world so that God’s
of synodality: in the early Church, the Roman people truly becomes the Lu-
Communion of Love. From pagans were struck by the wit- men Gentium, the Light of the
the very beginning of creation, ness of Christian love, as they Nations, in many facets of life:
God imprinted in our being the remarked: “See how they [the in social and political commit-
Trinitarian love. God created Christians] love one another!” ment, in scientific research and
the human person in his image As the people of God journeys teaching, in the promotion of
and likeness to work with him down the centuries, the call to social justice, in the protection
by moving forward in the sign participate in love must find of human rights, in caring for
of communion, by caring for new and authentic expressions. the Common Home, etc. When
the universe and directing it The Christian family remains to every Christian stops on the road
towards its goal (Gn 1:26-28). be the cradle of faith and love, to help a Samaritan in need,
God’s plan of sharing the divine where the child of God finds then the world will know that
communion finds its fulfillment welcome, trust and care, mercy “where there’s true love, there
in Jesus Christ: “For God did not and forgiveness. More so, com- is God; and where there’s God,
send his Son into the world to munities of consecrated persons, there is love.”
THE INTRODUCTORY RITES Gloria news to that city and made
a considerable number of
Entrance Antiphon All—Glory to God in the disciples, they returned to Lystra
(Cf. Ps 98[97]:1–2) highest, and on earth peace and to Iconium and to Antioch.
(Recited when there is no opening song) to people of good will. We They strengthened the spirits
O sing a new song to the Lord, praise you, we bless you, of the disciples and exhorted
for he has worked wonders; we adore you, we glorify them to persevere in the faith,
in the sight of the nations he you, we give you thanks saying, “It is necessary for us
has shown his deliverance, for your great glory, Lord to undergo many hardships
alleluia. God, heavenly King, O God, to enter the kingdom of God.”
almighty Father. Lord Jesus They appointed elders for
Greeting Christ, Only Begotten Son,
(The sign of the cross is made here) them in each church and, with
Lord God, Lamb of God, prayer and fasting, commended
P—The grace of our Lord Jesus Son of the Father, you take them to the Lord in whom
Christ, and the love of God, away the sins of the world, they had put their faith. Then
and the communion of the have mercy on us; you take they traveled through Pisidia
Holy Spirit be with you all. away the sins of the world, and reached Pamphylia. After
All—And with your spirit. receive our prayer; you are proclaiming the word at Perga
seated at the right hand of they went down to Attalia.
Introduction the Father, have mercy on us.
(The priest may address the assembly From there they sailed to
using these or similar words) For you alone are the Holy Antioch, where they had been
One, you alone are the Lord, commended to the grace of
P—At the Last Supper, before you alone are the Most High, God for the work they had now
his departure, Jesus leaves a Jesus Christ, with the Holy accomplished. And when they
sign by which the disciples Spirit, in the glory of God the arrived, they called the church
will be known as his very own: Father. Amen. together and reported what
their love for one another. And
Collect God had done with them and
the measure of this love is the
how he had opened the door of
love of Jesus for them which P—Let us pray. (Pause)
faith to the Gentiles.
makes Jesus stoop down to Almighty ever-living God,
wash their feet and to die on constantly accomplish the —The word of the Lord.
the cross. Paschal Mystery within us, All—Thanks be to God.
The seal of our belonging that those you were pleased
to Christ remains the same: to make new in Holy Baptism Responsorial Psalm (Ps 145)
our love for the Lord and for may, under your protective R—I will praise your Allanname
A. Puno
one another. May we remain care, bear much fruit and forever, my king and my God.
  B♭
B♭ Cm Allan A.FPuno
faithful to this commandment. come to the joys of life eternal. 
       A.FPuno
  B♭
Cm Allan
Through our Lord Jesus  
   I  will   name
   praise
Cm F

Penitential Act Christ, your Son, who lives   I  will  
praise 
your 
P—Brethren (brothers and and reigns with you in the

I B♭
will praise E♭name
    B♭ 

sisters), let us acknowledge unity of the Holy Spirit, God,

 E♭ 
   ver,
 my

our sins, and so prepare for ever and ever.    for eB♭ 
 king

   for  e ver,
 my

ourselves to celebrate the  king
sacred mysteries. (Pause)

F for e ver,B♭ my king
P—Have mercy on us, O Lord. LITURGY OF THE WORD 5

  F   B♭  
 F
   and   

All—For we have sinned  my God.

 and   

against you.
First Reading
   
1. The LordmyisGod.
gracious and
(Acts 14:21–27)(Sit)
P—Show us, O Lord, your mercy. merciful,/
and slow to anger and
my God.

A l l — A n d g ra n t u s yo u r St. Luke describes the end of the of great kindness./ The Lord is
salvation. first missionary journey of Paul and
good to all/ and compassionate
Barnabas. The apostles appoint
P—May almighty God have leaders for the young Christian toward all his works. (R)
mercy on us, forgive us our sins, communities and exhort the converts 2. Let all your works give you
and bring us to everlasting life. to persevere in faith. The seed of the thanks, O Lord,/ and let your
All—Amen. Word that they planted now starts to
faithful ones bless you./ Let
P—Lord, have mercy. grow to maturity.
them discourse of the glory
All—Lord, have mercy. A reading from the Acts of of your kingdom/ and speak
P—Christ, have mercy. the Apostles of your might. (R)
All—Christ, have mercy.
P—Lord, have mercy. AFTER Paul and Barnabas 3. Let them make known your
All—Lord, have mercy. had proclaimed the good might to the children of Adam,/
and the glorious splendor of glorify him in himself, and counsel, may they put an end
your kingdom./ Your kingdom God will glorify him at once. to hatred, indifference, and
is a kingdom for all ages,/ My children, I will be with you war. We pray: (R)
and your dominion endures only a little while longer. I give C—May Christ’s love be the sure
through all generations. (R) you a new commandment: foundation and sustenance of
love one another. As I have couples who are preparing for
Second Reading (Rv 21:1–5a) loved you, so you also should marriage as they look forward
At the end of the age, the people who love one another. This is how to sharing their life as husband
remain faithful will be delivered from all will know that you are my and wife, as father and mother
all trials and suffering. They become disciples, if you have love for of their household. We pray: (R)
a new people, radiant as they are one another.”
presented before the Lord Jesus. C—Provide our land with
—The Gospel of the Lord. more witnesses of Christ’s love:
A reading from the Book of All—Praise to you, Lord Jesus
Christ. Christian spouses and families,
Revelation those called to the ordained
Homily (Sit) ministry and religious life, single
THEN I, JOHN, saw a new
Profession of Faith (Stand) persons, and widowed. May
heaven and a new earth. The
the risen Lord be their source
former heaven and the former All—I believe in God, the
Father almighty, Creator of of spiritual and emotional
earth had passed away, and the
heaven and earth, and in Jesus strength. We pray: (R)
sea was no more. I also saw
the holy city, a new Jerusalem, Christ, his only Son, our Lord, C—Welcome our beloved
(At the words that follow, up to and dead, who carried the hope
coming down out of heaven
including the Virgin Mary, all of resurrection in their hearts,
from God, prepared as a bride bow.) who was conceived by
adorned for her husband. I into eternal life. We pray: (R)
the Holy Spirit, born of the
heard a loud voice from the Virgin Mary, suffered under C—Let us pray for the urgent
throne saying, “Behold, God’s Pontius Pilate, was crucified, concerns of our community
dwelling is with the human died, and was buried; he and our personal intentions
race. He will dwell with them descended into hell; on the (pause). We pray: (R)
and they will be his people third day he rose again from
the dead; he ascended into P—God our Father, we, your
and God himself will always heaven, and is seated at the children, come before you.
be with them as their God. right hand of God the Father Renew our hearts so that we
He will wipe every tear from almighty; from there he will may abide in your love and be
their eyes, and there shall be come to judge the living and genuine witnesses of your love
no more death or mourning, the dead. towards a life of discipleship.
wailing or pain, for the old I believe in the Holy Spirit, Grant this through Christ,
order has passed away.” the holy catholic Church, our resurrection and life.
the communion of saints, All—Amen.
The One who sat on the the forgiveness of sins, the
throne said, “Behold, I make resurrection of the body, and LITURGY OF
all things new.” life everlasting. Amen. THE EUCHARIST
— The word of the Lord. Prayer of the Faithful Presentation of the Gifts
All—Thanks be to God. P—Father, keep us close to (Stand)

Alleluia (Jn 13:34) (Stand) your loving heart so that we P—Pray, brethren…
may be faithful to the new All—May the Lord accept the
All—Alleluia, Alleluia. I give commandment you’ve given sacrifice at your hands for the
you a new commandment, to us, through which we shall praise and glory of his name,
says the Lord: love one be known as followers of your for our good and the good of
another as I have loved you. Son, Jesus. With confidence, all his holy Church.
Alleluia, Alleluia. let us pray:
Prayer over the Offerings
R—Lord, keep us safe in
Gospel (Jn 13:31–33a, 34–35) your love. P — O G o d , wh o by t h e
P—A reading from the holy C—Empower Church leaders wonderful exchange effected
Gospel according to John to promote the dignity of every in this sacrifice have made us
All—Glory to you, O Lord. person. May they continue partakers of the one supreme
witnessing to genuine love be- Godhead, grant, we pray, that,
WHEN JUDAS had left them, fore our brethren. We pray: (R) as we have come to know
Jesus said, “Now is the Son C—Guide the leaders of your truth, we may make it
of Man glorified, and God nations to foster compassion ours by a worthy way of life.
is glorified in him. If God is so as to promote peace and Through Christ our Lord.
glorified in him, God will also love. Through the Spirit’s All—Amen.
Preface II of Easter

P—The Lord be with you.

All—And with your spirit.
P—Lift up your hearts.
All—We lift them up to the
P—Let us give thanks to the
Lord our God.
All—It is right and just.
P—It is truly right and just, our
duty and our salvation, at all
times to acclaim you, O Lord,
but in this time above all to
laud you yet more gloriously,
when Christ our Passover has
been sacrificed.
Through him the children
of light rise to eternal life
and the halls of the heavenly
Kingdom are thrown open to
the faithful; for his Death is
our ransom from death, and
in his rising the life of all has the sins of the world. Blessed May God, who by the
risen. are those called to the supper Resurrection of his Only
Therefore, overcome with of the Lamb. Begotten Son was pleased
paschal joy, every land, every All—Lord, I am not worthy to confer on you the gift of
people exults in your praise that you should enter under redemption and of adoption,
and even the heavenly Powers, my roof, but only say the give you gladness by his
with the angelic hosts, sing word and my soul shall be blessing.
together the unending hymn healed. All—Amen.
of your glory, as they acclaim:
All—Holy, Holy, Holy Lord Communion Antiphon P—May he, by whose re-
God of hosts. Heaven and (Cf. Jn 15:1, 5) deeming work you have
earth are full of your glory. received the gift of everlasting
I am the true vine and you are freedom, make you heirs to
Hosanna in the highest. the branches, says the Lord.
Blessed is he who comes an eternal inheritance.
Whoever remains in me, and All—Amen.
in the name of the Lord. I in him, bears fruit in plenty,
Hosanna in the highest. (Kneel) alleluia. P—And may you, who have
already risen with Christ in
Acclamation (Stand) Prayer after Communion Baptism through faith, by
All—When we eat this living in a right manner on
Bread and drink this Cup, P—Let us pray. (Pause) this earth, be united with him
we proclaim your Death, O Graciously be present in the homeland of heaven.
Lord, until you come again. All—Amen.
to your people, we pray, O
THE COMMUNION RITE Lord, and lead those you P—And may the blessing of
have imbued with heavenly almighty God, the Father,
The Lord’s Prayer mysteries to pass from former and the Son, (†) and the Holy
All—Our Father… ways to newness of life. Spirit, come down on you and
P—Deliver us, Lord… Through Christ our Lord. remain with you for ever.
All—For the kingdom, the All—Amen. All—Amen.
power, and the glory are Dismissal
yours now and for ever. THE CONCLUDING RITES
Invitation to Peace P—The Lord be with you. P—The Mass has been offered.
All—And with your spirit. Go in peace, glorifying the
Invitation to Communion Lord by your life.
(Kneel) Prayer over the People All—Thanks be to God.
P — Behold the Lamb of God, P—Bow down for the blessing. All for the Gospel
behold him who takes away (Pause)

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