Keyword Research: Prof. Rachida Amjoun

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Keyword Research

Prof. Rachida Amjoun

• In previous chapter we discussed how to show up in
search results and some factors that effect in search

• Keyword Research is another important factor that effect

in search rank.
✔ What are keywords ?
✔ Why keyword research is important or required
✔ what are the strategic keywords to target in your
website’s content and how to craft that content to satisfy
both users and search engines.

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• They are the words and phrases that people type into
search engines in order to find what they're looking for.


• They are ideas and topics that define what your content is
about. If you boil everything on your page — all the images,
video, copy, etc. — down to simple words and phrases,
those are your primary keywords.

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Why are keywords important?
• They are the cornerstone between what people are
searching for and the content you are providing to fill
that need.
• Your goal in ranking on search engines is to drive
organic traffic to your site from the search engine
result pages (SERPs), and the keywords you
choose to target (meaning, among other things, the
ones you choose to include in your content) will
determine what kind of traffic you get.
• Example: If you own a golf shop, for example, you
might want to rank for "new clubs" — but if you're
not careful, you might end up attracting traffic that's
interested in finding a new place to dance after dark.

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Keywords Everywhere

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Keywords are 2 types:

1. Broad keywords
2. Longtail keywords

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1.Broad Keywords
They are the ones which are 1-2 words and have a
huge search volume.
“wordpress template”, “chocolate cake” and “job”.

▪ They are very broad, and many topics can be inside

▪ They have a huge bounce rate and low conversion
which is not good for marketing.
▪ It is extremely hard to rank in these type of
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2. Longtail Keywords
They are more specific and include 3-8 words.
• WordPress template for online T-shirt store
• How to make chocolate cake at home
• I’m looking for a job in New York

▪ All these keywords include several words, and

they are specific for a situation.
▪ Longtail keywords have a low bounce rate and a
higher conversion. The main reason is that
people find exactly what they were looking for.

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Different types of broad and longtail keywords

1. Broad keywords has one type called “general“

Example: “sales”, “best laptop”, “London hotels” and so on.

2. Longtail keywords have 3 types:

✔ Informational: How to sell T-shirt online
✔ Transactional: Buy a laptop in London
✔ General: eCommerce wordpress website

It is much better to select longtail keywords with

low competition.

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Create a keyword list
Before working on your web pages, it is very
important to search and create a list of potential
keywords in your niche.

There are many different tools and places you can

search for a keyword :

• Wikipedia:
• Ubersuggest:

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Create a keyword list
Wikipedia: pay attention to the words highlighted. This
way you can find more good ideas connected to your
Example: search for “digital marketing“ and you will find
the highlighted words below:
• display advertising
• search engine optimization
Write these highlighted
• search engine marketing
words in txt file and
• content marketing later you can sort them
• influencer marketing
• content automation
• campaign marketing
• data-driven marketing
• e-commerce marketing
• social media optimization

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Create a keyword list
Ubersuggest :
Write the topic of your niche as an example here we will
search for “digital Marketing“. Ubersuggest is going to
show us more information about the keywords which are
very useful.
Below you can see the result of our search:

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