D@W01i Letters & Mem Insert

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EXAMPLES • Letters & Memos

A memo before . . . underlined capitals are

difficult to read

Memo To all Transcom managers

the heading does not Date November 1994
which is about safety
To define the provisions of occupational health facilities for the speedier recovery of employees from illness or
injury and in support of programs preventing sickness and injury owing to, for example, physical inactivity.

1) Provision of facilities:
For safety reasons, facilities must be directed and supervised by a Physiotherapist. The responsibility for the
implementation of these detailed procedures will be vested in the Physiotherapist in charge of each facility.
important message
The presence of a Physiotherapist is essential and Transcom staff must not attempt to use the facility without such
not emphasized supervision.

2) Availability:
These facilities are regarded by Transcom as medical and membership in fitness programs is available on that
Entry by Doctor’s prescription or on the recommendation of Occupational Health personnel will be accepted, and
will take priority, should a waiting list have to be established.
The facilities will be available from 09:00 to 18:00 during normal working days except Mondays when it will be
opening hours are available after midday and from 09:00 to 13:00 on Saturday mornings if prior arrangement with the Physiotherapist
difficult to figure out has been made.

3) The fitness program:

passive tense Medical clearance must be obtained prior to any employee embarking upon a fitness program in Transcom.
This should be obtained either through the personnel of the Transcom Occupational Health service.
All participants will undergo an induction examination conducted by the Physiotherapist to ascertain their fitness
incomplete sentence level so that correct and safe programming can be implemented.
It is essential that all members of a fitness program make regular (three times a week) attendances, to achieve
optimal health benefits. All participants need to inform their supervisors of their intention to undertake a fitness
program and the times they anticipate attending.
a lot of text without Membership of any fitness program gives entitlement to the use of other Transcom physical fitness facilities once
signposts prior notification has been given to the appropriate Physiotherapist.
Members of a fitness program will be subject to the supervision and advice of the Physiotherapist at all times and
must not seek to dictate their own programs.
unclear meaning All treatments will have been referred to carry the backing of a doctor or a senior member of the Occupational
Health staff.
All records, treatments and results of tests or research carried out will be subject to the same rules of confiden-
tiality afforded to all patients undergoing treatment by qualified medical practitioners.
Any abnormality of physical functions discovered during induction or subsequent attendances will be noted and
the Physiotherapist may suspend a participant from the program until his or her medical advice or treatment has
been agreed by a doctor or a senior member of the Occupational Health staff.
The Physiotherapist will, when considered necessary, conduct physical assessment tests and dietary proposals
for those employees who, although not participating in a program, wish to embark on an independent fitness

no “what do I do next”
Xerox • Documents at Work

clear subject heading

subject Description and availability of Transcom physical fitness facilities

memo To all Transcom staff
date November 1994

Eligibility We provide occupational health facilities to help staff recover from illness or injury and improve their
why we are general health and fitness. The fitness programs are regarded by Transcom as medical, and
communicating membership in them is available to all employees on this basis.
You must obtain medical clearance before embarking on a fitness program. Get this through our
active tense Occupational Health service or your own medical practitioner.
Entry by doctor’s prescription or on the recommendation of Occupational Health personnel will take
priority should there be a waiting list.
The physiotherapist may conduct physical assessment tests and recommend dietary proposals for
staff who wish to embark on an independent fitness program.

simple table gives Availability Mondays 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Tuesdays – Fridays 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
explanation of days Saturdays 9:00 am – 1:00 pm with prior arrangement with physiotherapist
and times
The facilities are closed on Sundays and all company and public holidays.

relevant headings Safety For safety reasons, the facilities and programs must be supervised by the physiotherapist in charge of
each facility.
key messages The presence of a physiotherapist is essential and staff must not attempt to use the facility without
are highlighted such supervision.

The program All participants will undergo an induction examination by the physiotherapist to determine their
fitness level so that a correct and safe program can be established.
To achieve optimal health benefits it is essential that all members of a fitness program attend three
times a week.
All treatments are referred to, and carry the backing of a doctor or a senior member of the
Occupational Health staff. Therefore, members of a fitness program will be supervised by the physio-
separate navigable therapist and must not try to dictate their own programs.
sections Any abnormality of physical functions discovered during induction or subsequent program will be
noted, and the physiotherapist may suspend a member until medical advice or treatment has been
agreed by a doctor or a senior member of the Occupational Health staff.

Confidentiality All records, treatments and results of tests carried out will be subject to the same rules of
confidentiality afforded to patients undergoing treatment by qualified medical practitioners.

General Membership in a fitness program entitles you to other company physical fitness facilities once you
have notified the appropriate physiotherapist.
important “what to do”
section with telephone What to do Contact Occupational Health staff on extension 1234.
number Please inform your supervisor if you intend to undertake a fitness program and the times you
anticipate attending.

note involvement of

This “after”sample memo does not mandate
specific Xerox corporate identity guidelines. . . . and after

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