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Role of the Teacher as a Manager in Teaching Educational Technology

In the present study researcher tried to explain the role of teacher as a manager in Educational Technology. Teachers role as a manager is concerned with the three phases of teaching namely, pre-teaching, teaching and post-teaching. In educational technology these three phases are important methods of teaching. Here teacher has considered as a Manager in educational technology will be studied.

Educational technology has affected the conventional roles and it has opened up the new areas of teacher functions such as management of resources and management of learning. For their fist role, teachers have a range of media to assist and supplement the instructional work. For their role of management of learning, teachers specify the learning intentions, select the topic, identify the stimulus situation, determine media, manage teaching and finally conduct evaluation and modify the instructions in light of the evaluation results. Educational technology has provided a scientific base to the educational theory and practice. It has provided an impetus to classroom research because in its functional utility, the empirical findings on educational practice are utilized o improve the same. The introduction of educational technology has caused modernization in the teachinglearning climate of the institutions. It has also given an opportunity to the learners to be exposed to professionally designed programmers on computers. Educational technology supplements teachers in their instructional programmes through the structured lessons for remedial, enrichment or drill purposes. The learners get the training of self instruction and teachers are relieved of the burden of routine repetition for exercise and revision purposes. Through a systematic organization of content and instruction and integrating the teacher directed instruction with structured material, teachers may save sometime of their routine teaching. That time may be utilized for creative work and quality improvement. The teaching operations ultimately create the appropriate conditions of learning for achieving the desired goals. It can be organized effectively at different levels by complying appropriate teaching activities. Teaching profession is based upon a systematic body of knowledge that has been derived from social, psychological, historical, political and economical spheres of life. It is also influenced by the religious and spiritual beliefs of a society.

A manager is basically at the helm of any organization. Teacher has to take decisions, control the situation, be spontaneous and resourceful to change decisions for better functioning of the organization if situation so demands, etc. We all are familiar with managers of a company, of a school or a college, etc. Let us apply our knowledge of managerial competencies in the case of instruction, and see how a teacher performs the role of a manager. Teachers, like executives in other settings, are expected to provide leadership to students and to coordinate a variety of activities as they and students work interdependently to accomplish academic and social goals to schooling.

1. To study the role of the teacher in the Pre-teaching Phase. 2. To study the role of the teacher in the Teaching Phase. 3. To study the role of the teacher in the Post-teaching Phase. Teaching is the social and professional activity. It is a process of development. Teaching is system of actions which induce learning through interpersonal relationship. Teaching technology is the application of philosophical, sociological and scientific knowledge to teaching for achieving some specific learning objectives. Teaching is purposeful activity. The ultimate goal of teaching is to bring around development of a child. The knowledge and practice which help in realizing the goal is the content matter of teaching technology. Teaching is an art as well as science because teaching can be studied objectively and scientifically. Teaching has the scientific foundation. This has evolved the concept of teaching technology. The main responsibility of a teacher in the classroom is to ensure that goals of education are attained. These can be specified as learning in terms of

predetermined knowledge, skills, and attitudes in specific subjects. It is through these subjects that a teacher strives to achieve school goals as well an all-round development of students, which is the broader goal of education. In order to achiever this, a teacher creates an artificial environment in the classroom for facilitating learning of students.

Role of the Teacher in the Pre-teaching phase

Pre-teaching phase essentially comprises the activity of planning teaching-learning process. Planning is actually a simplification of a complex process. The following are the specific activities involved in the pre-teaching phase: i) ii) iii) Analyzing the content. Deciding on the portion of the content to be selected for instruction. Deciding on instructional objectives for the chosen content on the basis of the knowledge about: a) Level of students b) Their socio-cultural context c) Time available. iv) v) vi) Studying different learning experiences that are suitable for achieving the set objectives. Deciding on the best alternative from a repertoire of learning experiences and deciding the best sequencing of these, to bring about pre-specified learning. Deciding the method of evaluating learning and the specific item of evaluation.

In these above activities, the teacher is not participating in the instructional process. She/he is an outsider and a decision maker, and a designer of the way. The process of instruction has to be organized. In al these situations, the teachers role are strictly speaking that of manager and not of an input although management is an important input in effective implementation of different activities.

Role of the Teacher in the Teaching Phase

The teacher becomes a part of the teaching-learning process, and is identified as an instructional input. In the following paragraph you will see how a teacher plays the role of a manager during the instructional teaching- learning process. Examine the following situations: i) ii) iii) iv) v) Sensing that students are becoming bored, a teacher decides to stop teaching. Realizing that a student has not understood a point fully, a teacher decides to simplify the explanation with more examples. In order to make a lesson more interesting, a teacher decides to narrate a related study. As students start making too much noise and could not be managed by a teacher, she decides to let them go out and play. As the prepared plan does not prove effective to make students understand the point, a teacher decides to deviate from the plan and tries out another sequencing of learning experiences. In order to bring about meaningful learning, a teacher, with his/her resourceful ness and spontaneity is deciding to change the mode of operation, to suit to the needs of learners. In these situations, a teacher is functioning as a designer/manager/decision maker. In fact he/she is at a transitional stage or shifting from the role of a participant as instructional input to a different mode as a decision maker. You all must be familiar with such comments that people make: she can manage the class very well or students are well disciplined in his class. In such situations it is obvious that a teacher is effectively managing students with alternative solutions to problems as and when they emerge in the class. These alternative solutions to problems as and when they emerge in the class. These alternative solutions depends on many factors like, age group of students, physical fitness of the group, general climate of the school ( if annual day is approaching, or fun fair is due, and students are in a fun-making mode) etc. An effective teacher would succeed in maintaining discipline and managing students well without losing his/her cool and at the same time the confidence of students.

Teacher for being an effective manager in such situations requires a lot of knowledge of the psychology of child/adolescent. A teacher has to be empathetic, tactful, patient and tolerant.

Role of the Teacher in the Post-teaching Phase

Post-teaching phase, as described in the introduction of the section, is the one that involves teachers activities such as analyzing evaluation results to determine students learning, especially their problems in understanding specific areas, to reflect on the teaching by self, and to decide on the necessary changes to be brought in the system in the next instructional period. Examine the following activities of a teacher: i) Teacher analyses the written performance of students (of class HI) and realizes that 80% have not been able to do single digit multiplication correctly. ii) iii) Teacher goes through the plan of the lesson on multiplication and realizes that students knowledge of addition was presumed, but not revised. Realizing that multiplication is based on thorough mastery of addition the teacher decides to start all over again with addition. In these three situations, the teacher is a designer in the post-teaching phase-designer of the next instructional system. We can summarize by saying that in the post-teaching phase, a teacher analyses results, reflects on self and modifies that teaching learning process, all with purpose of being an effective as a teacher.

A teacher will be able to efficiently perform different roles with and other educational experiences that he/she ha gained. This educational experience adds to a teachers thinking, observation, ability and skills of management. A teacher who performs these roles in an integrated manner is able to perceive the need for the all-round development of students personality and provide appropriate learning opportunities t achieve the prespecified goals of education. As a teacher require a certain amount of teaching competencies such as the capacity to plan instructional sessions, to prepare appropriate instructional material, to conduct group and individualized instruction, and to assess student progress. Similarly, he should have sufficient ability in diagnostic and evaluation skills such ad ability to gather and analyze data related to student behavior, to design, develop and administer appropriate instruments to measure student development and the ability to interpret objectively and findings obtained through the use of such tools. He should also have the required communications skills, etc.

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