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1. Imagine a world where you could pick your child's traits like hair
and eye color, height, build, intelligence, chance of disease,
memory, and number of times. Would this be a world you want to
live in? Why or why?

For me, yes. As parents, we all want the best for our kids, and we
want them to be better people when they get older. As long as they
are going to be better, I will be happy to live in that world. even if I
don’t like to live in that world. As a parent, I will do everything for

2. Do you support genetic engineering on human? No

People are not objects that you just go and experiment on. It takes
a lot of research and doings to be able to do that genetic
engineering and some people could die if it isn’t successful. We
have different genes and some of us are not compatible. We cannot
always control what happens in our lives; instead, we must be
grateful for what God provides.

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