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Assignment 1 Software Engineering




A Quality Focus

Q1) In the above figure we see the three software engineering layers (Tools, methods,
process) on top of a layer entitled a quality focus.
Do a bit of research and develop an outline of the key tenet of a Total Quality
Management Program (10 marks)

Software Engineering is a layered technology.referring to figure,any engineering approach must rest on

an organizational commitment to quality.the bedrock that supports software engg. is a quality focus.

The foundation for software engg. is the Process engg. process is the glue that holds the
technology layers together and enables rational and timely developent of computer software.Proces
defines a framework for a set of Key Process Areas(KPA's) ,that must be established for effective
deleivery of software engg technology.the key process areas form the basisi for management cantrol of
software projects and establish the contacts in which technical mehtods are
products(models,documents,data,reports,forms etc.)are produced ,milestones r established,qualities
assured and changes properly managed.

Software Engg. methods provide the technical how - to's for building software.methods encompass a
broad array of tasks that include requirements analysis,design,program construction,testing and engg. methods rely on a set of basic principles that govern each area of technology and
include modeling activites and other descriptive techniques .

Software engg tools provide automated or semi automated support for the process and the methods .
when tools r integrated so that informtion created by one tool can be used by another,a system for the
support of software development called computer aided software engg,is established.CASE combines
software,hardware and a software engg database(a repository containing important information abt
analysis ,design,program construction and testing)to create a software engg environment analogous to
CAD/CAE(computer aided design/engg)for hardware.

Q2) Take any one of the KPA in the CMM model and prepare the write-up for the same.
(8 marks)

Each KPA specifies goals that the processes of the organization must meet to satisfy that KPA.Below
are the goals for the KPAs at level 2,showing clearly that the level 2 focus is exclusively on project
management.Under these goals,you create and document a project plan,evaluate the ongoing project
performance against the plan and take actions when the actual performance significantly deviates from
the plan.Requirements are properly documented,and changes to requirements are properly managed.All
work products are cantrolled and changes to products are properly managed thru a planned configuration
management plan.

Goals for KPAs at level 2

1. Requirements Management(RM):
(a)Software requirements are cantrolled to establish a baseline for software engg. and management
(b)Software plans,products and activities are kept consistent with requirements.

2.Software Project Planning(SPP):

(a)Estimates are documented for use in planning and tracking the project.
(b)Project activities and commitments are planned and documented.
(c)Affected groups and individuals agree to their commitments related to the project.

3.Software Project Tracking and Oversight(SPTO):

(a)Actual results and performances are tracked against the software plans.
(b)Corrective actions are taken and manged to closure when actual results and performance daviate
significantly from the software plans.
(c)Changes to commitments are agreed to by the affected groups nad individuals.

4.Software Subcontract Management(SSM):

(a)The prime contractor and subcontractor agree to their commitments
(b)The prime contractor tracks the subcontractor's actual resutls against its commitments.
(c)The prime contractor nad subcontractor maintain ongoing communication.
(d)The prime contractor tracks the subcontractor's actual performance against its commitments.

5.Software Quality Assurance(SQA):

(a)Software quality assurance activities are planned .
(b)Adherence of software products and activities to the applicable standards,procedures and
requirements is verified objectively.
(c)Affected groups and individuals are informed of software quality assurance activities and results.
(d)Noncompliance issues that cannot be resolved within the project are addressed by senior

6.Software Configuration Management(SCM):

(a)Software configuration management activities are planned.
(b)Selected software work products are identified ,cantrolled and available.
(c)Changes to identified software work products are cntrolled.
(d)Affected groups and individuals are informed of the status and content of softwre baselines.

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