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y ” Hall. Barriers in Com Mead barvers to effective communica ication process. These problems a ern canine commis, Tse a a ie ie ne efforts must be made to Wife can occur in verbal and wi moved to achieve effective communication. These ficommunication is a1 MMimicted and an obstructed i : is tw be communicated. does not get when a message is sent, the person Waning, The meaning exist sender and the receiver ing, tut the message itself does not contain det and inthe mind ofthe revever. To understand one a anings for words, pestores tone of voi, and ote ompunication barriers tend to occur in bunch Gree. Bares do not shut communica ors tae tn neg tee "fuars Wat Bock or dn. a efeacious flow of MALL. General Characteristics of Barriers Baer tii ih ly ommend oe jor advantage Jentified, helps suggest its own remedy. rice w different types of communication, those weil to understand three characteristics of barriers Fess using steps such as those suggested for rel participate in organisational comn sigh rea follows: J) Multiplicity of Barriers: It means they tend to occur fiers A worker's boredom may result Solely from ther problems are also presen ‘When you Findon, donot stop; look for omniation anderoad, tat the odds are good that For example, the worker might sto ncat and staff personnel, Also, he or she might Peng to mn informal group whose members disapprove anyone wh Helps management, Improving this Moped” worker's productivity and morale could entail dealing with al 2) Interdependency: This sv ippose tht geographic distance and mutual mistrust franagers. The distance reduces the likeli se theie mistrst, and, at the same time, ee errant teops them (rom bridging the distance wo contact each other, Because of nerdependecy, we ey cata remove one tare, but the frecof ec gly imirwoven Bains may countess rel Inependency soggests hat action aimed at aering several bares simultaneously will offen be more (effete than trying to break down barriers one at time 4) Nature of Barriers as Restr ing forces, a concept aris these baits ss that barriers tend 10 sustain and ri f “quality of communication between two ing Forces: Finally, ti belpfil to understand the nature of bares 8 om the “force field” idea developed by Kurt Lewin. G12. Types of Barriers in Com Aipenries re sfllo5: Tigeee perier: The obstruction tat come inte proces of ending r decoding the message are Ne ar bres, Some Of them areas OWS Tee sep car tt ES oe fed makina F empanies. Even Sit iit translators fail to convey the Feaning of different words of differen’ Fema As company’s operation expands and exe fen cout, ts Rawese barrie) ‘nee, widens more i smuniation fr Management) GET wie, me Sara Msi n CoP ARhircva rt semener( “carat Tesh! ‘arc ‘imu Popehtghnt errs Bares i a a = ce = fe ne Soy si orien 4 ; ae ca é Techies a Pialteat is titi riots th mist hn ets copes a OT ac Stn wor cn have detect adiag Utne heen eae mat Shinty eticergt hon mT ge mcs a SC ee me ae oe cia pipe tale cierto are cee! = iv) Actions: Actions include gestures, movements, and body language. Body language can be li ‘movement, eye movement, breathing movement, smiles, frowns, expressions, Proper actions mak communication effective, ¥ Poor Vocabulary: It hinders the communicator to convey written or verbal message in right sense. Th communicator should use the clear and preise meaning of the used words and their appropri replacement, itneeded Emotional or Psychological Barriers: These arise from motives, attitudes, judgment, sentiment emotions, and social values of participants. These reste psychological distance that hinders, th communication, or partly fiers it out, or causes misinterpretation, thereby making the communicato inadequate. Following are some emotional barriers {Loss in Transmissions and Retentions: Communication when passed through various levels an organisation, its accuracy gets decreased. A part of information is lost in transmit, It Ye at about 30% of the information is lost at each level of transmission, Poor retention sf th information is again a problem. Workers retin only 40% of information and supervisors rota) 60% of it, Roh ac we rT 3) Dist of Commune: Mani’ ove boris sane Ss vin be mks aon, oss oon sia dessonrendihen is hsoxn desea sath be a a Faure t Communic Sonne mange’ dow nm he eos ; “ mutica tensed mesg te ‘sd e las or yal eum tat ea ee they may hide information deliberately to embarrass the subordinate, oe at es distrust the communicatioy Position, Frequently, he make te nC a) ashe on OS “ ade Renee on the Writn Wor Ora) nh cas empty ne in cating te He tic verbal communication ofthe snes bee the ol oder of epee ar, consistent » 11s @ common phenomenon that poople simply fail 0 react fo bulletins, notices, minutes, and reports 4) Physical Barriers: Some physical barriers areas follows: Be iotic ent thysleal or psychological, writen or visual. Noise distacts the penont imereping sleep, futher tates the eccherstmesage sok get iil) Distance: Long distances between the senders and receivers ean also obstruct effective communication If sender and receiver are separated by geographical distances, telecommunication is most oe Fesorted to ~ disturbance in telephone connection ean result iff miscommunication or incompett fommunication 4 14) Organisational Barriers: The barriers, which ate related to the Functicning of the organisation, are know Asthe organisational barriers. Major organisational barriers ere as follows: Bipragmesicnel tic: it provides ovr guidelines wii in ogo documents; 0 is to be inferred from organisational practice, parularly at the top level. If the policy create hindrance in the free flow of communication 1» different directions, communication would not b smooth and effective. fi) Rules and Regulations: Organisational rules an. regulations prescribing the different sub-matter ator the formal communication may restrict the flow cf messages and act as hindrange in the communieatic process. Sometimes it happens that important messages are omitted or manipulated, Observance of rig Poles and regulations relsted to corimunication, causes delay of message and. discouragement » employee in conveying their creative und innovative ideas. {ip Status Relationship in the Organisation: Superior subostinate relationship also blosks the flow ccanmunieation, pariclarly in upward direction, The grater the difference in hirareheal positions ferns of ther status, greater sche dificult in communication, [Jy Structure of the Organisation: In greater numberof manage eves, communication gets delay seri Gnoves slong the hierarchical line. Also, the chances of te communication geting distored | {greater asthe numberof filtering point is higher. 4) Lack of Organisational Facilities: Facilities like meeting, conferences, complaint or suaest vee incr duor system sic. are provided for smooth adequate, clear and timely flow’ se ation, If these «facilities are not properly emphasised, people generally fail omunicate effectively “W) Wrong Choice of Channel: There are many media and channels of communications like face-o-f Perea fen telephone, e-mail and audiovisual, Exch chamel i not ideal and perféot in every siuat 7 irpersuasion ist be made by sales manager, fce-o-face communication is required incase of for febties hut. in communicating, with ilierate, this channel falls, Miterate people are to “communicated orally wna Barriers: As communication is basically an interpersonal process, many personal factors inhe tthe sender and reoeiver influence the flo of communication. They are {) Barriers in Superiors: Superors play an importa role in communication. Because of”) Fesarchical postion, superiors act as barriers ina number of ways as follows: "Attitude of Superior: Ifthe atitude is unfavourable, there is greater possibility of fileria Colouring’ of the information, Managers at intermediate levels may colour the informa Sometimes intentionally, witha view to twist he situation in their favour. vtimes withld the upward. or dowmovard 1 tors any ney auc, expecially wen superior aks soutien crtly poreive that heir subordinates are es: The superiors generally perceive that Tre ark t ©) Underestimation of Subor oe able of advising their superiors. This SOP Jess competent and are not their subondin rs and do not pass the information, just ast 4) Ignoring the Juniors: Superiors ignore their jo any by passing in communication proper channel se, advercty affect the Patina, lok of time ee, avert Cr ae Teo more fat, ocking, upward Superiors do not Tike ©) Insistence on Following Proper Ch They think it to be adverse for their authority and ence insist om i) Barics Regording Si aearemaliaeee es e not willing to communicate > Npmard sey information whichis thely to aet them adversely. they feel that supply of such “Hrcts itu snes fr col upon they woul! modify in sich 8 Way 5 5 no P cnive communi aso prevents the subordinat b) Lack of Proper Incentive: Lack facie eo int fn CGmmunicatng upesad’ They we ped dap when they perform poor. Dut may not tonandcd whe they work marelously well and ofr a ove sugges. 'b) Emotions; Positive emotions such as love and affection smoothens the flow of communication ‘whereas negative emotions such as hatred, anger, anxiety obstructs the communication process, Effective communication requires a clear heart anda silent ming. ©). Selective Perceptions Our sensory receptors have their own limitations. As a result we perceive not the whole spectrum, but few selective symbols based upon our needs, motives, experience, background, ete. We do not see the reality as itis, but interpret what we see and call it reality. We cannot communicate the whole, due to selective perception. Because of different perceptions, neutea words conveying certain postive message convey the opposite meanings as they reach tothe receiver. Irresults into misunderstandings and misinterpetations and make connnication ineffective. Socio-Psychological Barriers: Some soco-psychologcal barriers are as follows: i) Attitude and Opinions: Personal atiudes and opinions often act as barriers 10 effective ‘communication. If information agrees with our opinions and attitudes, we tend to receive it favourably. It fits comfortably in the fier of our ming. Bot if information disagrees with our views and tends to ran contrary to our accepted belief, we do not react favourably ii) Closed Mind: A person with a closed mind is very difficult to communicate with. The person is with

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