Introductory Assessment

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Rafaeles, Juvy L.


1.) Define what is yoga and relate what particular aspect of development in physical education in
which the activity is given importance.

Yoga is a form of exercise that consists mostly of postures that are linked
together in flowing sequences, occasionally with breathing exercises, and typically
concludes with relaxation lying down or meditation.
 As a weight-bearing activity, yoga stimulates bone growth and development, and
can lead to greater muscle strength, endurance and flexibility.
These asanas are intended to promote relaxation and stress reduction. As a result,
Yoga is in the physical and mental growth realm, where everybody can profit from it.
Lower back discomfort, arthritis, headaches, and carpal tunnel syndrome can all benefit
from the relaxing techniques utilized in yoga. Yoga can also assist with blood pressure
and sleeplessness. Apart from the physical benefits, incorporating meditation and
breathing yoga practices into your daily routine can help you improve your mental well-
being. Regularly practicing yoga can help you gain mental clarity and calmness, increase
awareness, relieve chronic stress, relax your mind, and improve your concentration
dramatically. These advantages highlight the significance of yoga. However, these are
only a few of the benefits of yoga. Yoga must be practiced religiously and regularly to
reap its full advantages.

2.) Specify and explain what particular area in physical education where yoga is considered one of
the physical activities.

Yoga is classified as a recreational activity in the field of physical education.

Yoga is largely a recreational practice that aims to improve one's physical, mental, and
spiritual health.
Yoga is also about internalization and concentration to center the mind and body.
As a result, yoga is primarily about the self and is more of a contemplative practice. Yoga
is also not for enjoyment or amusement because it is about the self.
As we learned in class, recreation is defined as indoor and outdoor activities that
are done for personal benefit during leisure or free time, and yoga is one of these
recreational activities in terms of area in physical education because we can do it
whenever we have free time.

3.) Explain why do you need to include yoga as one of your physical activities?

Yoga is one of the most effective methods for staying fit and healthy. It can help
with health, flexibility, strength, posture, and a much more. Yoga has always been a
popular form of exercise, and for good reason: it's a low-impact holistic workout that can
be done by just about everyone, and it soothes the mind and relieves stress. The positions
are highly customizable, so you may do them regardless of your age, fitness level, or
physical restrictions. Depending on the type of classes you're taking and their intensity,
yoga can be your only form of exercise.
4.) Why do you need to have physical activities?

Physical activity is a crucial step toward better health and a better quality of life.
Many health problems can be avoided or delayed with regular physical activity. Being
active today and in the future may help you look and feel better. Our muscle strength and
endurance can be improved by regular physical activity.
Exercise helps our cardiovascular system perform more efficiently by delivering
oxygen and nutrients to our tissues. We have greater energy to undertake daily duties
when our heart and lung health improves. Also, it has the potential to improve our current
quality of life. We may enjoy a higher mood, fewer stress, and a stronger body if we
become more active.
5.) Specify and explain the most popular or most common area of physical education in your own
point of view.

Sport is the most popular or common area of physical education in my opinion

because it is seen as a way to stay healthy and in shape while also teaching life lessons
such as discipline, responsibility, self-confidence, accountability, and teamwork. Sports
are a powerful tool that brings people together and creates a sense of community. They
form bonds that bring people from all areas of life together.
Sports are also good for your mental and physical health. This may help us not
only develop our bones and muscles, but also improve our academic performance and
teach us the value of teamwork. Furthermore, sports assist us in preparing for life's
obstacles. They help us attain our life goals by improving our physical and mental
capacities. Overall, sport is popular because it addresses not only one component of
physical education but all aspects of development.

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