BSIT2A Module2 Samonteza MaryJoy

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Samonteza, Mary Joy C.

Assessment Task 2
A. TRUE or FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is true and write FALSE if the statement is
False. (Lesson 3)
1. TRUE Un Recuerdo a Mi Pueblo was written by Rizal in 1876.
2. FALSE The first memory of Rizal, in his infancy, was his happy days in the azotea of their
house where they tell stories.
3. TRUE The Cavite Mutiny was led by Sergeant Lamadrid.
4. TRUE Fathers Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos and Jacinto Zamora were executed on
February 17, 1872.
5. FALSE Governor General Azcaraga ordered the execution of GOMBURZA.
6. FALSE Rizal dedicated his first novel, NOLI ME TANGERE to GomBurZa.
7. TRUE Rizal took his entrance examination first at San Juan de Letran.
8. FALSE Ateneo de Manila is a Dominican owned college.
9. TRUE Ateneo Municipal was formerly known as Escuela Pia.
10. TRUE Rizal entered Ateneo de Manila on the year 1872.
B. Identification. 10 Points (Lesson 1)
Note: Answer in a single word and start with a capital letter except when the answer is numeric.
If name of person, give only the surname. Carefully follow instructions. Computer software will
1. Dominican Order The religious order where the town of Calamba belong.
2. Big native jar the symbol of the town of Calamba in English
3. Conception Rizal’s sister who died at the age of three.
4. 5 years old Rizal’s age when he can haltingly read the Spanish bible.
5. 1876 The year when Rizal wrote the poem “In Memory of my Town.
6. Ateneo de Manila The school where Rizal was studying at 15 years old.
7. Angelus The daily nightfall prayer that Rizal use to participate.
8. Tagalog The kind of language that Rizal used in writing “To My Fellow Children”.
9. Malayan Rizal’s predominant racial heritage as a blending feature of east and west.
10.The story of the Moth the kind of insect that left a profound impression on Rizal as to die a
martyr to one’s illusions.
C. Chronologically arranges of events.
Chronologically arrange the following events by writing the corresponding letters opposite
the Numbers. 10 Points (Lesson 2)
1. J A. Jose went to Binan with Paciano.
2. A B. Jose met Maestro Justiniano Cruz.
3. I C. Jose had a school brawl.
4. B D. Jose received painting lesson from Old Juancho.
5. C E. Jose bored the Steamer Talim.
6. H F. Jose received a telegram from Saturnina.
7. G G. Jose had an arm wrestling with Andres.
8. E H. Jose met Pedro the teacher’s son.
9. D I. Jose went sightseeing with Leandro
10. F J. Jose learned alphabet and prayers from his mother

D. Essay. Write a short essay of Rizal as a student at Ateneo de Manila. Be able to focus
On his accomplishment that made him exceptional student. Limit your answer to a
Single page.10 Points
Rizal as a student at Ateneo de Manila, during his first year he heard mass at the college

chapel and prayed for guidance and success. He went to class where he saw a great number of

Spaniards, mestizos and Filipino boys. Rizal’s first professor in Ateneo was Fr. Jose Bech. He

was an externo, hence was assigned under the Carthaginians occupying the end of the line. As

if to prove to his Spanish and mestizos’ classmates the intellectual capacity of an “Indio”. In a

month time, however he was at the head the class emperor. To improve his Spanish, he took

private lessons in Santa Isabel College during the noon recess and paid three pesos for that. In

second half of the year in Ateneo, he placed second at the end of the year although all his grades

were still marked excellent. He worked harder in his second year to restore his lost class

leadership. Some of his classmates were new when he became emperor once more. Three boys

who had been his classmates in Maestro Justiniano's school were among them. Rizal returned to
Calamba in March 1874 for summer vacation after receiving exceptional grades and a gold medal

with scholastic distinction at the end of the school year.

When Rizal returned to Ateneo for his junior year, her mother visited and joyfully informed

him that she had been released. Rizal's academic performance was not as good as it had been

the previous year. Despite his great grades in all disciplines, he only received one gold in Latin.

Because his Spanish was not fluently spoken, he was unable to earn the medal in Spanish, and

he returned to Calamba for summer vacation at the end of the school year. His academic work

did not impress him. He said I returned to my home town unsatisfied. After summer vacation,

Rizal went back in Manila June 1876 for his last year in Ateneo, his studies continued to fare well,

he excelled in all subject. The most brilliant Atenean of his time, he truly the pride of the Jesuit.

Rizal finished his last year in Ateneo in blaze of glory obtaining the highest grade in all subjects.

Rizal graduated at the head of his class, on commencement day March 23, 1877 Rizal

who has 16 years old received for his alma mater in Ateneo Municipal the degree of Bachelor of

Arts with the highest honor. The night before graduation, his last night at the college dormitory he

could not sleep. Early the following morning, the day of graduation he prayed fervently at the

college chapel and commended my life as he said to the virgin so that she might protect me when

I set foot in that world which inspired me with such dread. Rizal did graduate with a grade of

excellent in all subject at the Ateneo, but we must never assume that he graduated valedictorian

or top of his class. The record shows that of the 12 graduating students Rizal batch nine had a


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