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Horangi <> Konsyg Weekly Catch up - February 8, 2022

Hi Horangi Team,

Thank you for attending our weekly meeting.

● Presented four (4) handover leads for Services: Asia Insurance, South China Group, ValueMax
and PT KSK Insurance Indonesia
● Presented three (3) handover leads for Warden: Solv, Switchnode, PT Infimedia Solusi Pratama
● Lead Feedback from Horangi Warden:

➢ CashPay - The Horangi team mentioned that the lead is not on the cloud and not using
AWS and provided different information during their scheduled meeting. The Konsyg
team reassured that all discovery questions were asked during the initial call to the
● Lead Feedback from Horangi Services:

➢ Ang Mo Kio - The Horangi team mentioned that there was a genuine need from this lead.

● The Konsyg team reassured the Horangi team that we follow the BANTC qualification steps,
especially when trying to handover leads. This is being done to avoid cases similar to CashPay
and are nurturing leads that are were contacted but were not the right POI to complete HO

● The Konsyg team mentioned that there efforts re-engaging leads this week. Pushing for more
requalifications and rescheduling and then inform the Horangi team of the outcome.
● The Horangi team asked on what sending a company deck means. The Konsyg team explained
that if there are any interested leads, the Konsyg team directs these leads over to the website and
also explained that we provide prospects with links, blogs and materials to check when it comes
to Horangi especially when nurturing clients. The Horangi team mentioned that they have new
materials and services being offered. The Konsyg team asked if we can receive new material to
help improve our email outreach to prospective clients

● The Horangi team asked what showing the prospective clients a demo of the service. Both
parties agree to change the wording used in the summary to either booked meeting for proper

● The Konsyg team reassured the Horangi team that were would be less focus on healthcare leads
and would look into doing more Fintech types of leads and get more traction in the Hong Kong,
Singapore and Australian markets.

● The Horangi team asked about the nurturing accounts they provided from the previous year and
asked if there were any contacts with the ASEAN leads since these leads are already looking
CSPM and thought these leads would lead into higher conversation especially for Horangi
Warden and asked the Konsyg team to focus on these leads too. The Konsyg team mentioned
that re-engagement will be done for these leads (calling, email, and LinkedIn outreach) and get
more direct numbers to create traction.

Looking forward to our next catch-up.

Horangi <> Konsyg Weekly Catch up - February 3, 2022

Hi Horangi Team,

Thank you for attending the weekly catch-up and taking time out of your busy schedule. Please see the
information below for the meeting recap

● Presented two (2) handover leads for Services: 2GoTrade, Ang Mo Kio
● Presented four (4) handover leads for Warden: BridgeIcon, Bareksa, GettGo, Involve Asia
● Lead Feedback from Horangi Warden:

➢ Involve Asia - The Horangi team mentioned that the lead was very good and that the
Konsyg team has hit the prospect’s pain points.
➢ Verse Innovation - The Horangi team mentioned that this specific lead does not have
priorities set for cloud security in the next six months and informed the Konsyg team that
we should keep nurturing leads like these until they are ready or at least get a firm
timeline from the prospect which would give us traction with these types of leads.

● Lead Feedback from Horangi Services:

❖ Apar Innosys - The Horangi team mentioned that Apar is looking for partnerships similar
to larger partners with Horangi. Says that there would be an update for this lead around
April or May since Apar wants to bring in another partner into the mix.
❖ IPS Securex - The Horangi team mentioned that there is no feedback yet and if there is
anything noteworthy they will update the channel. The Konsyg team provided assurance
that if the Horangi team needs help in rescheduling, the Konsyg team will be able to
execute for them.

● The Konsyg team reassured the Horangi team that we follow the BANTC qualification steps,
especially when asking about the timeline from prospects. If the prospects are not providing a
solid date or timeline, the Konsyg team will hit them on the pain points. Reaffirm that the Konsyg
team still sticks to the 3 - 6 month timeline

● The Horangi team expressed more interest in leads that are in the FinTech or startup space when
nurturing new prospects. The Horangi team would like to get a better hit rate in those areas
compared to larger enterprises.
● The Horangi team mentioned getting engagement with prospects that are utilizing Huawei Cloud
and could be made a focus for the Konsyg team.

● The Horangi team asked about getting more diverse leads from different regions specifically
Vietnam, Thailand, and Hong Kong. The Konsyg team mentioned that there have been efforts
made for Hong Kong and Singapore leads via email and LinkedIn due to the Chinese New Year.

Looking forward to our next catch-up.

Horangi <> Konsyg Weekly Catch up - January 25, 2022

Hi Horangi Team,
Thanks for joining the meeting earlier and for the great feedback on the Services leads.
The Konsyg team will give more emphasis on the following as discussed earlier:

● Horangi is looking to close Livi Bank: Follow up and deliver meeting
● Ensure Handshakes make meeting happens

Drop leads:
● Spectrum audio
● Konigle

Pursue leads:
● Livi bank
● Handshakes
● IP Securex

Nurture leads:
● Wysetek Systems Technologists Pvt. Ltd. (partnership)

● Avoid Azure unless — cloud utilization on GCP OR AWS is 60% or more

Generally, ensure leads that have a critical need for utilization of Horangi Warden/Services.

Horangi <> Konsyg Weekly Catch up - January 18, 2022

Dear Horangi Team,

Thank you for joining the meeting earlier today and for the great feedback. Here’s the meeting recap:

● Ascend Money: In market for a tool that is both a CM & CSPM — a cloud monitor integrated with
● Indifi: Nurture the lead some more, prepare for future meetings.
● V-Logic: Small company, not robust; not ready for what Horangi has to offer.
● Zeek: To follow up in near future; possible client for pen-test.

● CTI Logistics: No immediate needs to be met by Horangi. Possible future lead after cloud
● Shini Software Solution: No specific, immediate requirement; most Thai tech companies are
majorly e-commerce. A pen test is not a hot requirement.

When it comes to BANT-C qualified leads, let the HO timeline be 3-6 months of meeting a need from
Horangi Warden or Services - it is better for Horangi to propose, prepare, bargain, convert/close such

The Konsyg team will keep up delivering more HOs with appropriate personas. Reports are sent. Looking
forward to the next catch-up.
Horangi <> Konsyg Weekly Catch up - January 11, 2022

Dear Horangi Team,

Thank you for joining the meeting earlier today and for the great feedback. Here’s the meeting recap:

● The main focus in Thailand leads should be tech-based companies who may appreciate security.
Let those companies be mature and have +60% cloud utilization. Less of logistics companies;
only focus on ones that strictly meet qualification parameters.
● The meeting went well for WAYLAR Tech. They have cloud security, other vendors. Horangi will
follow up next discussion before trial.
● Horangi is eager to meet Asia Plus Securities — it's best we book a meeting soon within the
month. However, Wirachat Wongphattaratiti preferred next month.
● Horangi noted that there was an initial meeting with Ascend Money. On Konsyg’s end, we are
looking at a reschedule on the 13th suggested by the prospect

● Shaligram Infotech is not the right market for SG, more on partnership. Horangi will follow up with

For lead contacts and booking meetings, the team will focus more on getting tech-savvy/tech-pro, top tier,
executive level, decision-makers. This makes for a better meeting experience and positive outcomes.

Sending the weekly report shortly with 4 meetings booked for Warden and 3 for Services, aiming to
increase as most decision-makers are back to work this week.

All the best,

Horangi <> Konsyg Weekly Catch up - January 4, 2022

Dear Horangi Team,

Thank you for participating in the meeting earlier today. Here’s the meeting recap:


● The Konsyg team is open to additional questions that can be used relating to the Warden CSPM
tool to improve qualification and establish more talking points.


● INFOLOG was attended and a good fit.

● Banclogix (Subsidiary) get to C-Suite executives:
○ Cloud Architect
● Vertical Payment Solutions ( has 11-50 employees
● Selling Point will be on their Payment Solutions requiring to stay compliant with
regulatory frameworks Service Profile

● Check and organize schedules to avoid back to back meetings on the same day

Sending the weekly report shortly. Looking forward to the next catch-up.


Horangi <> Konsyg Weekly Catch up - December 14, 2021

Dear Horangi Team,

Thank you for participating in the meeting earlier today. Here’s the meeting recap:

● Financial Software & Systems - 20 percent on the cloud and focusing on-prem for nurturing by
end of Q1. (This lead is a rescheduled lead which is part of the re-engagement program.)
● Aurionpro - using Azure and for nurturing
● Turtlemint - is on AWS and for trial
● Impelsys - POC to start in Q1 for trial

● KenFil - for nurturing
● Emperor Group check the revenue

● The Konsyg team will increase the email and LinkedIn outreach for this month to increase the
traction aside from the calling outreach
● The team will have a strong push this week to generate what is expected (minimum 4 for Warden
and 4 for Services) and even go beyond the minimum number of BANTC qualified leads.

Sending the weekly report shortly. Looking forward to our next catch-up.


Horangi <> Konsyg Weekly Catch up - November 30, 2021

Dear Horangi Team,

Thank you for attending the regular catch-up and helpful feedback yesterday. Below is the recap of the

● Horangi Services requested that for all booked meetings without confirmation, Konsyg should
remove the calendar invite and message right away the status of the booked meeting using the
same invitation email thread.
● The same is true with booked meetings confirmed via phone call.
● The Konsyg team will continue to pitch CSA for Services outreach.

● Regina mentioned, she prefers quality over quantity for Warden booked meeting leads.
● The Konsyg team will highlight the prospects' answers to the qualification questions on the
HubSpot form under Remarks.
● Can continue the EU outreach but must make sure leads have use cases for Warden.

● Konsyg will be sending the Horangi Re-Engagement Program as it focuses on finalizing the
outcome for the leads who attended the initial meetings. This will cover the Objectives and
Processes, Prospect Segmentation based on the Appointment Outcome and the Post- Demo
Outcome, and Action Points.

Horangi <> Konsyg Weekly Catch up - November 23, 2021

Dear Horangi Team,

Thanks for your participation and great feedback during the catch-up earlier today. Here’s the recap of the

- Sky gave feedback on last week’s meeting fulfillment and he said that YYC Advisors was not a fit
at the moment and the DM mentioned he will get in touch in the future.
- He added that Spark Systems was a good call and has been moved on to another conversation.
- For Pacific Health, Sky stated that the DM who is the CTO had a challenge with pricing but was
however open to the dialogue.
- However, for OGP Consult he mentioned that the DM is not someone they would want to deal
with since she was an accountant trying to manage the company’s cybersecurity and has
therefore been disqualified.
- Overall, he stated that two of the prospects have been moved to the next stage which is pretty
- Speaking on way forward, Sky admitted that there may be instances where Juniors would want to
attend the demo so he stated that it should be stated in the call summary regarding their stance.
- He further said that since we are getting to the end of the year, the Konsyg team should start with
CSA pitching.
- He asked for further details about the new prospect which was EY. Sky mentioned that there we
have an existing client that bears the same name and if that is the case, there won't be any need
for the demo.


- Regina, on giving feedback on last week’s meeting said that Dima Solution was a good call and
currently scheduling the next steps to move to trial.
- Regina also said some meetings on the calendar were overlapping and requested the Konsyg
team to check the calendar when booking the meetings.
- Jey mentioned that there is a new introduction of Thai GDPA for Thailand in December and it will
be relevant to pitch for Thailand prospects.

Other Matters

- Arathi mentioned that she has set up a meeting with the Konsyg team on Friday to address the
reason why some meetings fall off after the demo.
- Jey also stated that we should consider the pain points during the call for their team to better
understand the prospect’s issues/needs and so we can address them accordingly.

Upon checking, EY will be removed from the report as the company is already listed in the existing clients.
Please share the materials for Azure so we can apply this in our targeted email outreach. The team is also
aiming to get the final outcome for all the leads for re-engagement by the end of December.

Looking forward to our next catch-up with more BANTC qualified leads.

Horangi <> Konsyg Weekly Catch up - November 16, 2021

Dear Horangi Team,

Thanks for your feedback and time today during the catch-up. Here’s the recap of the meeting:


- For the Indonesian leads, Sky mentioned that we should not push further if it was a no-show
unless they asked for a reschedule.
- Sky mentioned that the meeting last week for AcePLP could not yield positive results.
- Sky suggested we tighten the profile of the prospect and make sure that we will be able to speak
with the decision-maker during the meeting.
- Arathi mentioned that we encourage the prospect during the call to push for acceptance on the
calendar to keep them notified and for firm confirmation.
- We also need to make sure that the meeting is confirmed, if it is not confirmed by then, we should


- Jey, on giving feedback, mentioned that they will have a second call to catch up with Exotel next
- For Titan Synergy, he mentioned that they are still trying them on trial but might not be
- For Seaco Global he said the prospect is looking at cloud security but no specific requirements
for Warden yet.
- It was also discussed that we should make sure that we have all the complete details for each
meeting with the prospect.
- Arathi stated the reason why the attended meeting was not converted using the HO tracker. She
mentioned that she will send details in Excel.

We also discussed the rescheduled and attended meetings for both Warden and Services.

Looking forward to our catch-up.


Horangi <> Konsyg Weekly Catch up - November 9, 2021

Dear Team Horangi,

Thank you for joining the meeting earlier today. Here’s the recap of the session:


- Jey mentioned that SMC Insurance is an Indian lead but he would like to pitch Warden and also
scale to services during the call.
- Seaco Global is doing a budget and they are trying to also push for the demo.

- Okadoc had to comply with regulations from the Middle East. They couldn't move on but they will
scale the conversation towards Warden according to Sky.
- Sky also mentioned that he is yet to get feedback from

During the meeting, Joe wanted to know any feedback from the sales process map that was presented
last week. Arathi will get it done with the team this week.

Moreover, it was confirmed that all leads in the weekly report should be uploaded into the ShareForm
within the week the leads are reported.

Looking forward to our next catch-up with more BANTC qualified leads to present.

All the best,

MEETING RECAP - November 2, 2021

Dear Team Horangi,

Thank you for your participation in the weekly catch-up earlier. Below is the meeting recap:


- Jey mentioned that Vertical Payments is a good fit. Johor Port Berhad is still on-premise and may
not have an immediate need, while for Emperor Group, documents have been sent for further
analysis and there were no pain points.
- Jey added that more prospects are responding to emails to identify problems before meetings
which is a good sign.
- The Telecommunication industry is a big growth and compliance could be a requirement for
- Concerning use cases, Jey mentioned that it is difficult to identify what the key priorities are since
prospects normally do not have the time even though they may have the need.
- To accelerate the sales process, Joe suggested that prospects go through the Demo, Free Trial,
and Free Report as a systematic process to identify prospects’ needs.
- He also mentioned that we should probably push or make it an urgency in order for them to show
up in the appointments, probably a promo.
- On addressing the Middle-of-the-Funnel leads, Arathi mentioned that the Konsyg team should
focus more on APAC leads when G2 leads are not responding.


- Sky mentioned that Jagoan Hostling may not have the immediate requirements while Run
systems couldn't progress, unlike Miota.
- He added that Indonesia leads normally do not turn up and there will be a need for them to look at
that region again.
- He also mentioned that Leads from India should be dropped.
- For the Medical Devices Industry, Sky mentioned that having previously worked with companies
in such industry, they normally require services for due diligence purposes but not as regulatory
Moreover, the Konsyg sales team is interested in further discussions on how we can better improve the
qualifications for Warden.

Would you be open to a meeting this week to go over your most recent findings? Please feel free to set a
separate meeting with the team as you please. Thank you!


MEETING RECAP - October 19, 2021

Dear Team Horangi,

Thank you for your participation in the weekly catch-up earlier. Below is the meeting recap:


- Sky mentioned that D&V Medika does not have an immediate requirement and would focus on
2022, hence for nurturing.
- He will also provide the Konsyg team with feedback on Run System in the next meeting.
- He added that HealthTech companies go well from their experience with Horangi.
- Sky will give more specific qualifying questions to help the ADs during the demo.
- Arathi presented the Shareform to Sky and agreed to cooperate together to add more specific


- Regina mentioned that Poplatek was a very good lead and will have another meeting with them
next week.
- Spartan Group was using Google Drive rather than Google Cloud, hence a need to reconfirm the
actual platform they are using during the initial call. The Konsyg team will take an extra step to
verify that it is in fact GCP and not just Google Drive that the prospects are using.
- Regina also suggested that the Konsyg team should also focus on companies that are becoming
bigger since the smaller companies do not have an immediate need of using CSPM. Series B
- She also suggested that the calling team also needs to establish firmly the prospect’s need for
the CSPM.
- Arathi answered confirming that the nurturing emails are to provide more details for the prospect
and CSPM needs are in the mails.

Moreover, the Konsyg sales team is interested in further discussions on how we can better improve the
qualifications for Warden, as discussed in the last several calls:
- Updated Case studies /Use Cases
- Purchasing behaviour and history
- State of digital transformation
- Technical Qualification

Would you be open to a meeting this week to go over your most recent findings? Please feel free to set a
separate meeting with the team as you please. Thank you!


MEETING RECAP - October 15, 2021

Dear Team Horangi,

Thank you for the productive meeting last Friday focusing on the Q1-Q2 Leads for Rebooking. Here is the
following recap:

- Jey mentioned that the Konsyg team should continue to focus on FIntech companies that have
an interest in compliance.
- The team was able to rebook Innovation Accelerated and Jey mentioned that it went well and will
kick off the partnership strategy.
- The following are the Horangi team’s requests on the Q1-Q2 Rebooking Leads:

1. A detailed report on reschedules and also requested to be copied in the reminder

2. To pitch Services to Q1-Q2 prospects if not interested in Warden but can be
scaled under Services;
3. The details of the 7 not interested leads showing the cloud platform they are on
to also see if the Horangi team can do something about it.
4. The details of the 25 leads for rebooking/requalification that is set to have the
final outcome at the end of October

- Currently, Horangi is requesting an average weekly minimum of 4 leads from Warden and 4 leads
from Services. Konsyg team has been working hard to attain 8-12 a week.
- During the meeting, it was also mentioned that for Warden, the Horangi team is looking for quality
over quantity of booked meetings, and despite changes in the directives, the Konsyg team has
maintained delivering an average of 8 leads per week since April this year as shown in the
following data:
- Konsyg team has been requesting for the use cases for Warden on how the deals were closed in
relation to the type of Fintech, team supply, etc.
- We would like to request meet
- The team will also give emphasis on the 52 leads sourced from the G2 platform as it started
calling, sending emails, and LinkedIn outreach for these prospects.

Looking forward to our next catch-up.

All the best,

Horangi <> Konsyg October 12 Meeting Recap

Dear Horangi Team,

We appreciate all the feedback earlier during the meeting. Just to recap the following:

- For Services, Dataspark was a good find as well as the rest of the leads that were handed over.
- The team needs to review the meeting fulfillment process to increase the percentage of meeting
- For industries, Fintech and Heathtech have remained to be the highest success under Services
- For Warden, Bitkub went well and the only challenge was the language.
- The team needs to focus more on users rather than partners.
- Emphasis should also remain on the Fintech industry and the percentage of cloud utilization for
GCP, AWS, Huawei, and Azure.
- More leads will be uploaded for Warden from G2 leads who are looking at cloud security and
most are from the US. Updates will be given next week regarding the outreach in this region.
- Konsyg team confirmed that all email handles are working perfectly with JumpCloud.

Looking forward to the meeting this Friday to review the rebooking leads from Q1-Q2.

All the best,

Horangi <> Konsyg October 5 Meeting Recap

Dear Horangi Team,

Thank you for all the feedback earlier. Here is the recap of what was discussed:

- Sky mentioned that Nimbly was a very good lead and it has been moved to trial for Services, while
GITS will have a second call.
- In order to provide a list more aligned to the buying capacity, the team asked for specific revenue
parameters or company size for Services, specially in Indonesia.
- Sky noted that some very small-size firms are able to meet payment requirements and
some large-size firms are unable.
- He also added that company size is usually not an indication of the propensity to meet
payment requirements.
- Fintech and other tech firms like Healthtech and Edutech are other industries to focus on
according to Sky.
- The team will adjust the timing for Run Systems as it clashes with other meetings.
- Also will take Sky’s suggestion to have 3 working day intervals for new meetings.
- Jey on Warden confirmed that the Konsyg team can now qualify leads on AWS, Huawei, and GCP
- The Warden Playbook will be updated adding 2 more qualifications as follows:
● Must be more than 60% to 70% cloud usage for GCP, AWS, and Huawei Cloud.
● If under GCP, are they using the free version or paid version
- Arathi mentioned that she is happy with the rebooking outcome and is looking forward to meeting
in the middle of October.
- The team will continue to convert these rescheduling leads from Q1-Q2 into qualified booked
meetings or final lead outcomes.
- The nurturing emails have created a positive impact on the meeting attendance and the team will
keep this mechanism to keep the conversation intact.

Looking forward to another productive meeting next week as we continue to deliver the KPI’s for both
Warden and Services outreach.

Horangi <> Konsyg September 28 Meeting Recap

- Jey requested that we should get more leads for GCP because there have also been new features
- Sky also suggested we add all company profiles when seeking approval from him.
- He also said that his team will need to review India to be able to conclude if India can be added to
the parameters.
- He however confirmed that we consider Indonesia for Horangi Services

Horangi <> Konsyg September 21 Meeting Recap

Dear Horangi Team,

Thank you for joining the catch-up earlier and for the feedback you shared. Just to highlight what was
discussed during the meeting:

- Jey gave a recap of the meetings last week and mentioned that DTAC went very well.
- He added that India is a big market for start-up companies for AWS and Konsyg team should
continue to focus on that region.
- Arathi mentioned that she will update and share more leads from their ‘‘Middle of the funnel’’
every week. She also added that she might start sharing for Services as well.
- She stated that we may add Huawei Cloud next week.
- Yang mentioned the upcoming webinars. The Konsyg team will help disseminate the information
through email outreach.
Moreover, the team is open to set another meeting with Sky to discuss last week’s activities and feedback
from the booked meetings.

Horangi <> Konsyg September 14 Meeting Recap

Dear Horangi Team,

Thank you for all the feedback earlier. Here is the recap of what was discussed:

- Arathi began stating the meeting she had with the Konsyg team last week regarding the
rebooking of leads.
- Regina gave her feedback on the handover leads like Fastwork Technologies, Roima Intelligence,
and an India Fintech company emphasizing to nurture these leads as they requested to be circled
back in the future.
- Konsyg will be sure to add these to our Future Interested/ Nurture list and moving
forward, any leads of the same nature will be kept for nurturing.
- Jey asked if there were points of feedback or objections that customers inquired about
concerning the cyber security market.
- The Konsyg team will take note of these and will present.
- Sky mentioned last week’s no-shows.
- Awebster initially said yes to the meeting during the reminder call done 30 mins before
the appointment.
- For some reason, the prospect was not able to show up still, so the Konsyg team decided
to remove this lead from the handover list and requalify.
- Sky added the need to qualify further on regulatory compliance.
- As observed, Konsyg will make sure that we capture the 2 confirmations: the need for
services and the need for compliance for every handover lead.

Moreover, here is the link for the nurturing email templates.

10th September, 2021

Hi Arathi,

Thank you for the feedback you have shared during the catch-up earlier today. Just to recap the

- The Konsyg team will concentrate on rebooking the 64 leads under Rescheduling and For
- The Konsyg team can book and qualify for Services from the 24 leads categorized as
On-prem/not fit and 15 leads under Future Interested.
- Team Konsyg needs to clear out the Q1 & Q2 leads by mid-October by requalifying to see if they
will fit either Warden or Services. If they are unresponsive by then, we will take them off.
- Put extra focus on Fintech companies especially in Asia.
- Indonesia outreach
- The Horangi team will be passing the Konsyg team; some leads that they consider are “middle of
the funnel leads”. Konsyg will do the calling outreach to these prospects.

Here is the link for the Horangi Leads for Rebooking for your reference.

Best regards and have a wonderful weekend :)

Wednesday, July 21st, 2021

Hi Team Horangi,

Thank you for another productive meeting yesterday. We are looking forward to maintaining the
momentum on delivering booked meetings to your team for closing. Just to recap, we had the following
action points as discussed:

1. For partner parameters, as long as they are well known, focusing on security and cloud migration
and TIER 2 (20-100, can reach out to SEA as long as they are not global)
2. Playbook will be updated accordingly
3. Additional qualification points will be provided by Jey

Feel free to leave any feedback on the Horangi Team feedback column and update any status details on
the Horangi Handover Tracker. We are working to search for new decision-makers, as some have a new
organization set up so we can rebook the meetings for all “no shows” and “reschedules”. We will keep
you updated on the status.
All the best,

Tuesday, July 13th, 2021

Hi Team Horangi,

Glad to have spent another valuable meeting with you yesterday. We have maintained and even exceeded
the handovers from the previous week to last week’s deliverables and we expect to get more traction
from the current directives.

To recap, we have discussed the following action points:

1. Konsyg will focus more on the following regions:

● Singapore - FinTech (especially with customized LinkedIn outreach)

● Australia
● India - FinTech
● Hong Kong - refocus

2. Industries:
- FinTech
- Those on cloud and digital transformation (both starting and in the middle of their cloud
digital transformation journey)
3. Cloud Partners:
a. Singapore ONLY
b. AWS/GCP/Azure
c. PARTNERS 50+ employees but not more than 1,000
4. Singapore special outreach messaging to introduce IMDA / MasDAg
a. (this is already being drafted)

Moreover, we will also be disseminating the upcoming webinar: Up Your Cloud Security Threat Detection
Game, happening on July 22nd in all of the campaign outreach.

Feel free to leave any feedback on the Horangi Team feedback column and update any status details on
the Horangi Handover Tracker. We are working to follow up on any “no shows” and “reschedules” and will
keep you updated on the status.

Looking forward to a more engaging meeting with you on our next catch up.

July 6th meeting

Hi Team Horangi,

Thank you for a productive meeting yesterday. Acknowledging the insights given by your team which we
will strategically apply and highlight in all email, call and Linkedin outreach.

To recap, the following action points were discussed:

1. Konsyg will share the Horangi Handover Tracker and will work to re-schedule (see link below)
2. Jey will update the HO’s tracker - any status updates on the meetings he has
3. Konsyg will continue the focus on the list that Horangi provided and will update on the results
4. Konsyg will also highlight the leads that have come from this sheet
5. Horangi will send the onboarding process
6. Konsyg will prep the prospect for the trial sign up before the meeting
7. Konsyg will follow up with the prospects to ensure that the prospects are using the trial
8. Malaysia only look at Financial and those who are on-cloud and have the appropriate state of
digital transformation

Here is the link for Horangi Handover Tracker. Feel free to leave any feedback on the Horangi Team
feedback column and update any status details. We are working to reschedule any “no shows”.

It’s good to be aligned and catch up like this helps us reach our common objectives. Looking forward to
another insightful meeting.

All the best,

7th September, 2021

Hi Horangi Team,

Thank you for the feedback you shared during the catch-up earlier today. Just to recap the highlights:

● Callers need to prioritize GCP and AWS

● For multi-cloud, callers need to find out to what extent prospects are using AWS and GCP.
● Azure and Ali cloud, Horangi has limited services that they can offer to support these.
● Regina will find out about the status of Huawei Cloud and will let us know if this is a go or no go.
● Spark Systems was a very good lead.
● Rescheduled and No-show leads will be revisited
A meeting to review the pipeline for no-show/ reschedule will be set on Friday. Is there a gap between
3:00 to 3:30 PM SGT on your calendar?


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