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Lesson 1 In this first lesson, Evelyn has introduced how the class has been processed into class,
and uses hooks to engage in human dimension questions. . Education counts and video clips look
out how Evelyn supports the students, and finally, when we think about the same thing, we
Listen to observation and reflection of Evelyn and Ashley. Developing the world to understand
the world, examine the human dimension that is doing its best, and think about the situation
where you can complain about the situation where you can complain about students who often
link to the curriculum through empathy. And it is the need for education, but in the case of work,
we know in this drama, here we know that we arrived at a new Duneden here Syria refugees, and
many of their schools at the beginning, the shoulders and they appeared in `Re-Worlds, so they
realize their human dimensions
So there is a gift that someone has given to someone. I'd like to stop here because when I'm
talking about gifts, I want you to remember that they will tell you why you're giving a gift or gift
again in a loud voice. This story is called a gift because the gift given in this case is very special
and was given for it. Therefore, the gift giver pondered why he was giving a gift. People know
more about the fact that they chose gifts to take their children to the drama, gifts and things that
everyone understands, gifts and things they like, and the fact that they can only receive gifts deep
inside the drama. It means motivating the questions that make you want, to have them think
about the work, inspire the first question around the drama, and have the motivation to open their
They think that they do not only grow on a pure method to refine the work of working to return
to work to know what people know their knowledge. You can find that it is not so good to know.
However, what you learned about something new about theater and learned what you were
nervous is learning that you learned what you learned, what they learn about their behavior If
you can help you, what will happen, if you can record, it's the world around them, in the room to
think that you need an opportunity to work on what you have learned about dramas They must be
considered that they understand that they are understood about the context they are working. so
that`s part of that reflection but they're too quite sometimes they're two quite separate things I
observed children that would not normally become a leader become a leader in the small group
situations so I had a few students who took that lead role who were directing other children on
how to express themselves where to be what their movements were what this what they vocab
was going to be when they would be the ones and a whole class discussion not put forth their
ideas it was kind of perfect for our writing asleep because we've been really trying to get the
hook so the start of a story and we're really trying to look at how to finish something off so to do
it tins a freeze frame at the start the ten seconds and in the freezer at the end absolutely perfect
for what we've been working on we've been doing we've been looking at paragraphing as well so
getting those snippets and understanding is really really important so to go back into that room
I'm going to be easily able to say how did you start your freeze frame how did you move through
it how are you going to finish It how are you gonna start a paragraph what are you going to
develop a net paragraph and how are you going to end that paragraph it's going to be the easiest
thing for my class to learn from so it's a really easy way to take something that they have
physically taken part in to be moving into a writing rather than for me to set up the front and talk
about it because they've lived it they've done it so they can go away and go that's how we started
it this is what we went through

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