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Detailed Lesson Plan

Grade 10

Quarter 3

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
A. how evolution through natural selection can result in biodiversity

B. Write an essay on the importance of adaptation as a mechanism for the

survival of a species

C. Explain how fossil records, comparative anatomy, and genetic

information provide evidence for evolution;

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Biodiversity and Evolution
B. Reference:
C. Instructional Material: PowerPoint Presentation, Flash Cards and

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preparatory Activities
“Good Morning class…I am Teacher “Good Morning Sir!”
Cherry and I’m your teacher for
“Okay ,Before we formally start our One student will lead the prayer
lesson we may bow our heads and
feel the presence of the
lord ,Noeme can you please lead
the prayer ”
Attendance Officer, Is anyone None sir!
absent for today?
Very good!
Okay who among you can still recall Yes sir!
our last topic?
Now who can give me the different
part of the microscope?
Another one?

I guess you are ready for our class

for this evening
B. Developmental Activities
Before we are going to proceed to (The student will count and form a
our lesson, Let’s have a short game! groups)
Are you ready?
The title of this game is guess and
define me
The mechanics of this game is that I
have to show you a picture and only
you have to do is to guess the
picture and define its function. Are
you ready? Okay!

Let’s start from the first picture

What is this? Okay very good it is a
door. What is the function of this?
Okay Very good

Next Picture? What is this? Yes it is

a Wall, what is the function of this
wall? Very good that’s correct?

Next Picture? What is this? Very

good. What is the function of this
fridge? Next Picture? we have the
take out bags very good and what is
the function of this?

Next we have the picture of this ?

what is this? Okay very good, the
floor the chairs and the table .so
what are the function of this? Very
Good that is correct . Next we have
the picture of chef , Very good .
What is the function of this chef?

Okay next picture ?we have the

janitor very good next what is the
function of janitor of this janitor
okay very good? Next we have the
picture of waiter and waitress , what
is the function of this? Very good
okay where can we find them? Very
good in the restaurant

These picture the door, wall, fridge ,

take out box,
floors ,tables ,chairs ,chef , janitor,
waiter and waitress is what
comprises the restaurant. This is
their basic structural and functional

The same with the Eukaryotes we Yes sir! (The student will start the
also have our basic structural and game)
functional unit. Can someone tell
me what is it? Yes Noeme? CELL
Yes that’s right

Let’s try this exercises:

Write it to any scratch paper

Who wants to answer letter A?

How about letter B:
How about letter C:
How about letter D:
How about letter E:
How about letter F:
How about letter G:
How about letter H:
How about letter I:

Okay now ,Do you have any idea

what is our lesson for today?
Presentation of the lesson
And now we are going tackle about Yes sir! (The student will watch and
Plant Cell and Animal Cells. listen)

So Cell are the basic unit of living

organism and where all life
processes are carried out
What is Plant Cell and Animal cell?

Melanie you may read what is plant

Plant Cell is eukaryotic cells that
vary in several fundamental factors
from eukaryotic organisms.
Thank you Melanie that’s right that
is plant cell they consist of
eukaryotic organisms

Next we have the Animal Cell may

someone read it? Yes Paul?
Animal Cell is the basic unit of life in
organism of the kingdom animalia.
They are eukaryotic cells, meaning
that they have a true nucleus and
specialized structures called
organelles that carry out different

Now I will give you a short video clip (Answer varied) each group must
about the Plant and animal Cell have a one representative to give
their insight about the video being
ACTIVITY TIME! presented.
Okay now we are going to have an
activity , The title of this activity is Task1: Identify what part of the cell is
comparing plant cell and animal cell being pointed by the arrow.
Compare plant and animal cell
below. Draw a Venn diagram to
show the similarities and difference
of those two cells. Write your answer
on a long band paper and submit it
to our respective GC. Are the
instructions clear? Is there any
question? Okay this activity is good
for 5 minutes , okay you may start
TIMES UP , you may now send it to
our respective GC

Student reflect and give their insight

one a ¼ sheet of paper.

After doing the activity, what do you The student from the different
think our lesson for today? groups will answer; Sir it something
to do about biodiversity.

Very Good!
Now let’s continue our discussion (answer varied)
Just like a restaurant a cell also has
many component or parts in order
for them to work efficiently

Let’s take a look at this illustration

What have you observed in this
illustration? Its animal Cell ,yes very
How about this illustration? Its Plant
Cell ,yes very good

Both cell have almost the same

Let’s take a look at these two cells

There are 3 components of these

cells Cytoplasm, the nucleus , and
the cell membrane lets go first for
the nucleus

Nucleus is found in the center of the

cell. Can someone find out where is
the nucleus? that’s right
Now what is the function of that
nucleus? it is the control center of
the cell . Almost the activities of the
cell is directed by nucleus

Now let’s go to the cell membrane

Cell Membrane it is the outer layer
of the animal cell ,it encloses other
Can someone point out where is the
cell membrane? Very good?
What would happen if the cell
membrane does not function
properly? Anyone?
Without cell membrane, any
substances can go in and out of the
cell. The cell may be affected by the
exit of the needed substances or the
entrance of unneeded substances or
the poisonous substances that can
lead to death of the cell.

Let’s now move on Cell wall it is

found just outside of the cell
Can someone point out where is the
Cell wall? Very good. Can we find
this in Both Cells? Yes MAAM
What is the purpose of Cell wall in
plants? It give them shape and
protection to plant cell because they
are thought rigid.

Let’s now move on to Cytoplasm it is

where the other organelles are
suspended. Can someone point out
where is cytoplasm? What is the
function of this cytoplasm ?

Now Mitochondria is one of the

organelles that is found in the
cytoplasm ,it is an oval shape
organelle and is surrounded by a
double membrane. Where is
mitochondria in the cell? What is the
function of mitochondria? It is the
powerhouse of the cell ,yes it is
produces energy that is needed by
the body
How about endoplasmic reticulum ?”
it is a large network of tubes and I
like a maze or folds”. Very good and
what is the function of endoplasmic
reticulum? “ It carries proteins to
different parts of the cells

There are two types of ER or

endoplasmic reticulum. What are
they? “ the smooth and rough
endoplasmic reticulum”. What
makes it rough them? “ The
ribosomes make it rough”.

Then what is Ribosomes ?

Ribosome are circular is shape and
are either free or attached to the ER.
Can someone find out where is

Okay this one here is lysosome and

they break down the waste product
and detoxify the cell.

The Golgi apparatus are life

flattened stacks of sacs Where is
the golden apparatus in this
illustration? What is the function of
golgi apparatus ?” it packaging unit
of cell, they sort and modify proteins

On the other hand the vacuoles are

organelles for storage .It is easily
seen in plant cell because they have
vacuoles. Can someone point out
where is the vacuole in this
illustration? How would vacuoles in
plants serve as defense against
animals that eat them? “ Vacuoles in
some plants may contain poison or
toxic substances and these
substances may harm animals once
eaten , this serves as their

Now Chloroplast is an elongated or

disc- shaped organelles. Can
someone find out where is the
chloroplast? Where we can find
them? In plant Cell. What is the
function of chloroplast? “Chloroplast
can be found only in plant cell. They
are the photosynthesis in plants

Chloroplast contains chlorophyll , a

green pigment in plants which
absorb light energy from the sun and
it’s the site of photosynthesis in
plants .Why are there several
chloroplast contains chlorophyll in
the cell ? “ It is the site of
photosynthesis and the chloroplast
in them make them more efficient for
making food”.

This one here is the centrosome it

organizes the cell parts during the
cell division
Let’s go back to the picture lets
connect their function to function of
the organelles
Are you all ready?

In the restaurant you see its wall

what do these walls represent in the
cell? That’s is because both the cell
wall and the wall of the restaurant
give the object structure and creates
a barrier from what inside to what’s

How about the door of the

restaurant? What does it do? “ The
door lets the people enters in and
out the place ,that is right and it
same with the cell membrane it also
has a door for substances

Furthermore, the chef is similar to

the nucleus. Why do you think so?
Anyone? Yes Larah? “ The chef is
similar to the nucleus because the
chef’s he is the one who can control
on what food to make and how to
make it.”
The nucleus is the control center of
the cell just like the chef who control
in the restaurant on what food to

What do you think relates to the

cytoplasm in the restaurant? “ The
cytoplasm relates to the setting area
and the area of the of the kitchen, a
setting area contains all tables and
the kitchen contains all the foods
Since we’re talking about the fridge,
what does the fridge be? And it is
the same to what in the restaurant,
how about the janitors what do they
In the restaurant the waiters and the
waitresses give the job a structure
and the internal organization ,the
waitress and waiters must be

Again the difference between the

animal cell and plant cell is the
shape of the plants cell is fixed and
rectangular while in animal it is
round and irregular. And also plants
have chloroplast they can produced
their own foods ,also plants have
cell and large vacuoles while animal

Are there any clarification or

questions? If none I would like to
share to you that eukaryotic cells
which the plant cell and animal cell,
that carry out complex metabolic
reactions that prokaryotes cannot.
Did you understand the class?


I know you’ve learned a lot from this Answer: Cell are the basic unit of
day’s discussion. living organism and where all life
processes are carried out
(The teacher will give generalization
and ask students about the topic
being discussed)

Can anyone recall definition of cell?

How about plant and animal cell? Answer: Plant Cell is eukaryotic cells
that vary in several fundamental
factors from eukaryotic organisms.
Thank you Melanie that’s right that is
plant cell they consist of eukaryotic
Animal Cell is the basic unit of life in
organism of the kingdom animalia.
They are eukaryotic cells, meaning
that they have a true nucleus and
specialized structures called
organelles that carry out different

Answer: Chloroplast is the
Which organelle would you not find
organelle that we find in plant cells
an animal cell and why do they need
but not in the animal cell. It works as
a food making machine because it
has chlorophyll (a substance that
makes plants green) which converts
sunlight energy into sugar or
chemical energy which is used by
the plant.
Very Good!

Answer: Mitochondria and

Name the organelles, which help
chloroplast, they help in reproducing
provide cells with energy and
energy in the cell and the second
release energy?
one allows the energy to be used in
creating glucose.


(answer varied)
What is Cell Wall?
Very Nice!

It seems that you already know and Answer: It is a flexible layer around
very familiar with the topic I discuss. the plant cell like a covered shell. It
Who else have a question and is toughand rigid.

Answer: These organelles are full

Explain the work of lysosomes.
of hydrolytic enzymes which help in
breakdown of material in the
digestion process with
biomolecules, that is why these are
called digestion of the cell also.
Answer: There are:
What are two types of endoplasmic
1. RER : Rough Endoplasmic
2. SER : Smooth Endoplasmic

Okay you look like you really listen

with our discussion
Is there any clarification or any
question about the lesson?


(the teacher will give an activity)

Since you have no more questions, Yes sir. (The student will do the
we will have a group activity.
Group yourself into 5 or choose your
group mates
Every Group member must work
cooperatively to complete all task
Make a Venn diagram describing
what organelles belong only to plant
cells, which organelles belong only to
animal cells, and which organelles
belong to both.
This group activity is good for 5
minutes only and send it to our
respective GC


Make an essay, about what make Students will answer and follow.
plant and animal cell important in
life and why is it important for
students to learn about cell?
You word must be minimum of 100
and maximum of 150 words
Write it on a ½ sheet of paper) and
past it to our respective GC

IV. Assignment

So now I will give you your

Your assignment is to draw a plant
and animal cell and clearly labels
the part of the cell and briefly and
briefly mention their function on a
short bandpaper. This assignment
will be submitted on our next
Thank you for listening and

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